Philip ( buy what you understand)

sleepywolf | Joined since 2017-11-22

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2022-06-27 03:52 | Report Abuse

The answer to this is cost basis. As the market currently now values almost all stocks in the market at very cheap price lower than its selling cost, for yinson it then becomes cheaper to just buy back the stock which was previously raised in pp instead of using the pp cash to reduce debt. And add most of the debt is long term debt at cheap rates, it then makes better sense to invest the money and grow capital instead. In buying back stock at cheap prices, it then saves money for dividends to lesser shareholders, and also retired stock that can be used for the upcoming listing and spinoff of the FPSO project incoming.


2022-06-21 09:56 | Report Abuse

I suspect max and 618 is the same person just trying to troll as their lists are all about criticizing with no form of sharing at all. Good luck on your investing.


2022-06-17 08:20 | Report Abuse

The thing about QL is you kids only know how to look at share price. Forever looking at share price. Very sad if that is all you know. Understand the business. Look at how family mart is fully growing without using parent cash anymore. It is a standalone arm under QL that is growing arm blazing.

And for chicken and eggs business look at how every other competitor is losing money and quitting the industry. When government realizes how this is bad, and let's up on fertilizer and chicken prices to make things work, QL will still become the most efficient producer and make tons of money when everyone has left the market.

That is when you will realize why I am still holding on to an agrigiant like QL as well as the other 11 billion market cap shareholders.

The reason why the rich get richer and the poor stay poor is simply the fact that the rich can afford to wait and buy the best, while the poor keep buying and selling short term


2022-06-17 08:15 | Report Abuse

If we are all going to be completely honest, how is YOUR portfolio doing? Hahaha by avoiding klse tech stock, it seems I have outrun the crash. And by selling my palm oil stocks early, it seems those who jumped in are buying at ath stock prices eh sslee?.

Investors like maxpowar don't realize that my position in QL was started on 2009 and it is still giving me huge dividends and stable positioning 13 years later compared to your "tech" stocks.

And investmalaysia selling 80% of your genting during the "spike", how is that crystal ball working for you? Care to share your portfolio?

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2022-06-05 12:43 | Report Abuse

Very true, but mental models are very important also to understand why.
Kenapa ahli politik makan duit? Mereka pun takut juga kena tangkap sprm, kena ini Dan itu. But why do they still do it?

This is simply because politics is a business. The architecture is such that in Malaysia one must "pay" and contribute to become yb, minister, pm etc. Your ability to convince grassroots to help you, to get other politicians to support you comes down to your ability to work with business people to get results aka money back into the pool and give back to your supporters. That is the problem with politics in Malaysia. Until we find politicians who can show ability to lead first (then money), we will forever require that politician give money first ( then lead)
Posted by chinaman > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Boleh miskin $$, tapi kaya dari segi budi dari segi akhlak. Ramai ahli politik dah kaya raya tapi masih makan duit betul? halal ke?

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2022-06-05 10:15 | Report Abuse

Miskin bukan kerana sifat malas, sifat tamak: tetapi "scarcity mentality". kekurangan wang membuatkan individu buat kerja bodoh.

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2022-06-05 10:12 | Report Abuse

Mengapa Malaysia miskin?

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2022-06-05 10:11 | Report Abuse

Nasihat pertama yang pelik:

Steve Jobs tak bagi anak menggunakan Iphone dan Ipad sehingga umur 18 tahun: Kenapa?

anak muda lebih suka menggunakan facebook dari keluar dan bermain dengan kawan: Kenapa?


2022-05-28 15:44 | Report Abuse

I think the obvious answer is that historically hartalega profit margins, customer reach and market size ( and patents) are on a different scale. If you look historically hartalega growth rate and return on investment and kossan growth rate is on a totally different scale.



Market Cap:4,476 Million
NOSH:2,558 Million
Avg Volume (4 weeks):3,062,125
4 Weeks Range:1.72 - 1.89

Date Financial Result Per Share Item
Quarter Revenue PBT NP to SH EPS DPS NAPS
Financial Year: 31-Dec-2022
31-Mar-2022 690,632 119,839 90,103 3.53 0.00 1.6155
Financial Year: 31-Dec-2021
31-Dec-2021 924,555 273,704 218,674 8.57 12.00 1.58
30-Sep-2021 1,302,768 696,778 528,203 20.69 12.00 1.6146
30-Jun-2021 2,238,015 1,403,749 1,064,847 41.72 12.00 1.524
31-Mar-2021 2,192,149 1,373,540 1,041,823 40.76 12.00 1.2233

Above is Kossan last 5 quarters financial result.
Why kossan market cap only worth RM 4,476 million?

News & Blogs

2022-05-28 15:34 | Report Abuse

Very simple, in today's environment, you have to ask yourself one simple question. Why are tech companies like grab and Airbnb and digital turbine and afterpay etc are all crashing? The simple answer is misrepresented future earnings capability mixed with problems of existing ability to act as a going concern( debt and cash flow). The problem we have now is a huge number of companies with huge debt, a going concern of capital outlay and growth of earnings. On the other hand what do we have with hartalega, pchem, and other bursa stalwarts? We have companies which find it hard to get bankrupt( huge cash position), a generous dividend policy( 50% of earnings) which are very shareholder friendly, and good growth in the future ( NGC and PIC). Most of all, what we have is a good asking price which is cheaper than the market call in 2017. Has anything changed about the business? It still has a huge efficient business. It is still a large market maker. And it is still the king of nitrile gloves.

So what are you paying for? A lot risk, cash cow which is asking for a lower price than ever before. The difference is why are people not buying it? I don't know and I don't really care. I just know the business has not changed, and I am getting my money's worth.


2022-04-24 07:22 | Report Abuse

Hi sslee, good sharing on the key matters discussed. It would appear that most of the questions seem to be raised by yourself haha. And it seems management answer to your question is still the same: confidential. Not relevant. Nothing to do with you. Why we sell inari at low price Prince and buy back at high prices? Because we don't know what we are doing. Etc etc so on so forth.

I'm amazed you still trust them after all this.

When you have more cash and assets than your market capitalisation, and still NOBODY wants to invest in you after 12 years, then something is really wrong.

I guess the most damning point was when they pointed out their property project in ampang putra remain empty and unsold since 2010, and they are still buying unsold property to try and flip without success.

And more important side note, when fund managers and analysts are not welcome to do deep dive with them, you know they are embarrassed of their own results.

Value trap indeed.

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2022-04-23 06:13 | Report Abuse

This I totally agree. Too many investors buy with and eye of what happened in the previous years ( like sslee with his Insas and it's decade plus inari jackpot). However to make big money we need to buy with an eye for the future ( like my previous investment in topglove, pchem, yinson, QL etc. Of course one cannot escape especially with my bad experience in serba dinamik ( fraud case) but I learned a very important lesson too on finding trustworthy management and how actions and claims are different.

One common theme that recurs: very hard for a company to go bankrupt if they don't have any debt. That has been my guiding principle now in investing in companies. Knowing how to look at good debt and bad debt.
Posted by DannyArcher > 14 hours ago | Report Abuse

+10x or -10x?
YTLP been going down for so many years
Is the management interested in growing the company?

I see many retailers buy stocks based on previous performance.
They think all stocks will eventually go back to their previous high, like AirAsia.
If stock investing is so easy, where got people lose money.

YTLP can 10x? Then Public Bank can 100X.

News & Blogs

2022-04-23 06:06 | Report Abuse

FYI yinson is 18% of my portfolio( previously larger except now smaller in relation to pchem gains), so I know yinson business exactly. For yinson their contracts are mostly bare boat charter which is just FPSO conversion and rent out on a daily basis to users. The O&M is a different contract some of which awarded to yinson others not. The point why yinson is different is that their rates have nothing to do with the price of oil or the sales of which unlike armada and sapura due to the simple fact that they have no cost implications on the price of and demand of oil energy.

For ytl as you definitely know on supply, demand and pass through cost of energy( or lack thereof) will definitely affect their long term profitability.

For Berkshire energy ( instead of BNSF), if you look so comparative analysis and look at Greg Abel comments and thoughts on investing in utilities you will know why ytl power is definitely not something that will 10x in a few years( as per your article title). I'm sure ytl will continue to generate cash flow and dividends to users, but to claim 10x?

For seraya you are speculating on something that has yet to happen, which until it does I think is a very dangerous way to invest. One should always invest in a business where the asking price is at a margin of safety to the earnings generated.

Berkshire has a 8.5 PE valuation, why? Because the business is highly predictable, fully saturated( not like coke going to sell to aliens in Mars), and in most cases very simple to understand.

YTL is also a very predictable, easily understood business. I have had discussions with ytl investors in my telegram group since last year on the merits, and the results and their belief still have yet to surface.

In any case, how much of your portfolio holdings do you expose to YTL? If it is a 10x to you, I would expect it to be a very large percentage of your portfolio. May I know how high is your conviction level on this?

As for Insas, it is a nonsense company that I would not touch with a ten foot pole. In fact I have increased my exposure into Tesla, Netflix and BABA during this discount period, as I believe over the long term the best way to invest is in companies with huge growth TAM, huge cash flows generators and asking for cheap to fair prices.

For a PE expansion and long term TAM runway, when big sp500 companies are asking for significant discount, the best thing to do is to grow position over time. We cannot time the ups and downs, but we can time the long term performance of the company.

Do you really trust the management of YTL to grow your funds over time?

Yinson went up from RM0.30 in Mar 2013 to RM3.50 in July 2019, giving investors 11x returns in 6 years.

News & Blogs

2022-04-22 17:24 | Report Abuse

This is pure nonsense

1. ytl communications is INA super red sea market, with Digi and maxis and celcom already big spenders in a very high capital cost business.
2. Utilities are generally low margin, high stability and very very high maintenance and upgrade and expansion cost. Why did hyflux go bankrupt in the first place? Debt. How much debt is seraya taking? Insane.
3. Let's look at comparative analysis, how many utility companies have you known that have gone up 10x in 2-3 years? They are known as slow growers got a big reason.
4. High debt companies usually get very low profitability. The reason why Berkshire is a huge monster in the market is because it doesn't utilities debt to grow its utility business. But do you see it growing 10x even with cash expansion? I don't. So why would ytl be the exception to the rule everywhere? Can you share some other exceptions to the rule where debt fueled listed companies can grow to 10x value in a few years recently?


2022-04-16 08:05 | Report Abuse

Don't worry, the last thing anyone would want to follow you is to buy Insas warrants. Who are you again? No one really cares except that you have the audacity to insult other people just to make yourself feel better. Me? At least I have an online portfolio that tracks my "monopoly" results consistently with every transaction that I have ever done and the results. If you take out the number and figures, and just look at the portfolio balancing, stock picks and the percentages, you will quickly realize that despite losing money on serba(5% weightage), but being right since 2019 ( far before pandemic) on pchem, topglove, pmetal, inno,sop and harbor has given me a far far better performance during the last 3 years than all your nonsense about buying Insas warrants.

And the best thing is I don't have to go to other stock page to promote the penny stocks that I buy.

In fact, the very reason why I'm not top 30 shareholders is because I don't touch big into penny stocks like xinquan and Insas. I prefer to buy mid level and large caps that keep on growing and growing and growing over time.

So far my 3 year results have killed your 3 year results from Insas.

All you know how to do is talk nonsense about other Leno. Where is your results? Why are you still in Malaysia if you hate it so much? I love being in Sabah and Sarawak. I love being right in my investments growing from 25m in 2019 to 60m in 2022. How about you? What are your proud of? Investing results Ada? Or still stuck trying to make fun of malaysia ( while suckling it's tit and not paying taxes), and trying to get visa to migrate to Australia ( still failing I see).

In any case, malu leno biting the hand that feeds you. Maybe if your investment results were better you would be able to migrate anywhere and go holiday.

Too bad putting all your money into Insas warrants. Now your lost it all and still thinking you are smart.

Half my assets are all in pchem. Guess which one is happier and looking forward to enjoying rm1 dividends every year soon.

Report Abuse

When invest, always invest in yourself.

Do not follow me.


2022-04-14 23:24 | Report Abuse

This I have to agree totally.


looks like leno makes a better immigration consultant than stock

5 hours ago


2022-04-13 10:01 | Report Abuse

Now I know why Leno always talk so much nonsense. When he is winning money he is calm cool and collected. When he is losing money, become frustrated, angry and lashes out at everyone just like a little kid



Leno already trapped inside Insas-WC.

1 hour ago


2022-04-11 22:24 | Report Abuse

As I am retired, it is only a way for me to get cash for expenses.


2022-04-10 12:30 | Report Abuse

But if you trade too much, you will miss my buying at 4.09@ march 2020 and holding on forever collecting 50 cents dividend every year. That is why trading is only for small amounts. After a certain size you really need to find good stocks that you can park money into for a long period of time making huge long term gains and dividends. That is how one really makes money, picking good stocks for the long term and holding on.

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2022-04-10 10:02 | Report Abuse

In a way I totally agree, one should always buy when prices are fair and leave when prices are at peak. Those who keep trying to buy when prices are at peak are bound for pain. For me, I am running a small 100 acre palm oil farm myself with a few other groups of friends in sabah (total around 1.2k acreage in total in LD and tawau). The prices that are coming around now is very unsustainable, we have huge shortage of workersas every hand is being sought after. Some drivers and general workers from KK city area used to earn around 2k a month are coming down here as we are offering them 2.5k per month salary and included food, housing and commission based on collection. Crazy times.

As for investment:
1. I bought SOP @ 3.65 in OCt 6 2021, take dividend 4 cents and sell 16 FEB 2022 @ 4.68 -
Type Shares Unit Price Net Amt. Balance Shares Realized Gain Average Cost Per Share Balance Cost Per Share
06-Oct-2021 View note Buy +100,000 3.65 +366,276.75 100,000 - 366,276.75 3.662 366,276.75 3.662
07-Oct-2021 Buy +100,000 3.74 +375,303.30 200,000 - 741,580.05 3.707 741,580.05 3.707
15-Dec-2021 Dividend 200,000 0.04 -8,000.00 200,000 - 741,580.05 3.707 733,580.05 3.667
16-Feb-2022 Sell -200,000 4.68 -932,379.20 0 +190,799.15 0.00 0.000 -198,799.15

2. I also bought INNO @1.275 average, collect dividend of 0.06 and sold on 3rd Feb 2022 at 1.39
22-Oct-2021 Buy +100,000 1.29 +129,509.55 100,000 - 129,509.55 1.295 129,509.55 1.295
29-Nov-2021 Buy +100,000 1.25 +125,493.75 200,000 - 255,003.30 1.275 255,003.30 1.275
14-Dec-2021 Dividend 200,000 0.06 -12,000.00 200,000 - 255,003.30 1.275 243,003.30 1.215
03-Feb-2022 Sell -200,000 1.39 -276,804.60 0 +21,801.30 0.00 0.000 -33,801.30

The obvious remark as SSLEE would say is why dont hold on for a few more months and sell for even higher prices? My counter to that as usual... you are in the palm oil industry. Why didn't you sell everything in INSAS and buy palm oil right as the CPO prices go vertical? If me as a small time planter can drive down miri and see the collection centers along main road increasing FFB collection prices on a daily basis, why can't we use scuttlebutt to define when the prices are going up as a signal of when we should be buying?

And as such, everyone in the industry knows that there is no way for prices to hold at 8k, 9k or even 10k per tonne? so how much speculation is being built in to the pricing of palm oil counters today? Just as I left topglove early after making double profit, I think palm oil industry is going to receive a sharp downturn again sooner or later. I am receiving very good money from my FFB sales these past few months, but i doubt it can hold.

As an investor, we invest for the future, and not based on past results.

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2022-04-10 09:46 | Report Abuse - 4680 versus others and solid state batteries. - sandy munro on toyota solid state battery

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2022-04-10 08:47 | Report Abuse

51% toyota, 49% panasonic partnership with 5600 staff onwards to building solid state batteries.

News & Blogs

2022-04-10 08:45 | Report Abuse

Yes I have a position in CATL. previoulsy sold TSLA at 1100+, bought at 500+ range.
But depending on toyota pushing their solid state battery technologies, panasonic/ tesla 4680 batteries may soon be inneficient and expensive in comparison. However we will see, as toyota is only pushing this battery in their hybrid cars coming out in the next few years. If the results are as reliable as a toyota car, I think buying prime planet and toyota may be the far better selection.


2022-04-09 21:53 | Report Abuse

Still talking kok like anyone even care about you showing off taking nonsense. This is an INVESTING website, not a showing off website. By the way you are talking and your actions, you are most likely still working very very hard and living with your parents. What kids what professor study Oxford nonsense? Your are a serial liar who can't even make money investing in insas, talking bad about the country that raised you, living off it's tit and but telling everyone you are being abused. Stick to investing please Leno. Unless you don't know how to invest, so you need to talking about everything else except investing.


u invest for life mar
me ?
I retired from medical profession after 15 years of working
long term ?
i plan to retire from investing in 5 years time lor
i got other new things to explore mar
like going to space and places

10 hours ago


2022-04-09 01:05 | Report Abuse

The fact is, if I am those who keep trying to time the market and find the best time to buy and sell... I might actually not have sold tg at all and instead tried to ride the wave and keep buying back as the prices drop later. If using emotions and share price as a reason to buy or sell is always a recipe for disaster. Imagine holding on as the prices rise, then feeling greedy buying more shares and as the prices crash later on


2022-04-08 19:07 | Report Abuse

Sslee why didn't you buy supermax or topglove or harta? Or best is buy es ceramics and careplus... You would have made hundreds of millions...


2022-04-08 19:03 | Report Abuse

If you have crystal ball can you tell me what will go up 6 months from now? Trying to time the market is for people like Leno. I prefer to be right instead.

Philip sold his 2+ million Topglove in March, April and May 2020 at average price of about RM9. Imagine if he has hold Topglove for anpther 3 months and sold in August 2020 what will be the price different?

41 minutes ago


2022-04-08 15:53 | Report Abuse

But you also say sop and innoprise is a bad bet. But in fact those that bought sop and inno early made the biggest gains during the speculative period. I myself have already left the scene and taken out my gains. When everybody start to buy gloves I sell. When everybody start to buy steel I sell. When everybody start to buy pain oil I sell. Now no one want to buy gloves, I buy. What next? I have no idea, but my money is still in pchem, best cash flow machine with 50% payout in dividends growing bigger and bigger.

I have started to buy tech now. Buying baba average cost 90. Buying more stoneco, more palantir and more tech. I will keep and monitor closely.


TDM is just a rubbish stock loh!
U r just plain lucky if u make money on it loh!


2022-04-08 06:05 | Report Abuse

FYI it is now 8 am in Australia, and enjoying life there while going for breakfast and can't wait to finish short holiday to come back to the country I was born in and I love dearly Malaysia. The best country in the world that has blessed me with so many friends, opportunities and good luck.

You see the difference between you and me Leno? I look at all the good things in life and enjoy every single thing as an experience. I share my portfolio not to show off, because people like Sslee also used to think I was an imaginary person, so I posted my CDS account screenshot, he didn't believe. Then I started a online trackable portfolio which many people actually follow weekly or monthly to see how I perform versus them to compare results ( you can't fake portfolio numbers on i3). Over the years then they see that my investments in topglove and pchem taking flight and the returns show. From 27m portfolio to 60m portfolio in 3.5 years in i3investor online transparent portfolio.

If you want to say Monopoly money sure, up to you.

But you suck at playing Monopoly Leno. Even with monopoly money my performance beats yours by a thousand miles.


2022-04-08 05:55 | Report Abuse

Leno can't even play monopoly properly, even EPF has a better performance than you. Hahaha last 3 years epf performance was, zero loss in share unit price ( still rm1), 2019 5.45%, 2020 5.2%, 2021 6.1%.

So what's the summary here Leno? You talk so much kok, 6000 unconstructive posts .. but your stock performance can't even beat EPF "Monopoly" results.

If you can't even beat EPF benchmark, wafak you talking so much. Should just keep quiet and learn how to invest properly

Else put more money in you EPF contribution so that you actually make money that can help towards retiring in Australia one day. Pariah dog.


2022-04-08 05:49 | Report Abuse

Over that same period, insas dropped from 0.91 to 0.82, for a -9.34% loss over the same period, while enjoying 0.065 in dividends or 7.14% dividends for your fixed deposit over 3 years. No wonder can't go to Australia, you can barely make money from stocks...


2022-04-08 05:42 | Report Abuse

And Leno, since you want to talk about Monopoly. Let's see how well you play. My largest position over the last 3.5 years,

If I have done nothing, from my initial buying cost of 8.33, I would have received 1.04 in dividends and 1.85 in capital gain( at today price of 10.18) I would have had a monopoly gain of 34.6% over the last 3.5 years, just close eyes and go holiday in Australia outback without any worries...


2022-04-08 05:29 | Report Abuse

But somehow this Monopoly man with his portfolio transactions put in daily with every purchase and sales which cannot be deleted or edited is still performing better than insas. Why don't you also try playing Monopoly? See if you can get 25% CAGR over the last 3.5 years as well. Cannot? Can only talk but cannot even play monopoly properly? For someone that seems to think he good buying insas, your results sure are lousy. No wonder talk bad about pariah country malaysia, but still living with the parents in their basement IN Malaysia. Maybe if you earn money in real life you can leave malaysia and go to Australia. As it is... Remember this lesson. Losers talk a lot, speak too much about how they could have done this and that. Winners talk little, and let their results show.

If you want to say I play with monopoly money without investigating than up to you.

But guess what? I'm a better Monopoly player than you will ever be in 3 lifetimes.


if u cannot give me the page number
maybe u can google and tell us the name of that RM 60 million dolar monopoly old man
see can or not ?
Sure cannot one mar.
Where got company list up name of Top 30 monopoly players in their annual report.
right ?

1 day ago


2022-04-08 05:22 | Report Abuse

If you want to do valuation, then do full valuation. If you have an AGM and do board approval to remove the 33% mandatory take over offer, then I will say insas is undervalued. Else, with all the poison pill clauses, insas is fairly valued, in fact insas is overvalued. Why? I do not need to buy over insas, I just need to control 51% and I can install new management with ways to unlock value of insas for profitability. As it is, the founders of insas has ensured that no institution out HNI in their right mind will ever want to buy over insas. What would be the point? As soon as you touch 33%, everyone will be asking silly prices for their shares like a game of chicken.


Sometime I just wonder are we feel so inferior ourself and needed a white man Graham Number to tell you Insas is undervalued?

Insas a profitable company with NAPS of RM 3.25 and now selling at RM 0.82 which is below its net cash value, is that not enough proof that Insas is undervalued?

16 hours ago


2022-04-06 13:50 | Report Abuse

Wafak is Graham 22 years? No wonder so living with your mother and father. Grow up kid. If you actually step out of your house and do some reading, or maybe ask your banker who is Philip in Sabah, you will know exactly who I am. Sad to say, just because you don't know who I am doesn't mean other people don't. In fact, you can show my online portfolio to your remisier, he will know immediately who I am haha. Cannot say the same about you.



If u got RM 60 million worth of portfolio
will u still hide inside sabah jungle ?
If u got RM 60 million will u act like that old man ?
It does not make any sense.

News & Blogs

2022-04-05 21:03 | Report Abuse

A simple logic Lee, if I did a hostile takeover for Insas, do you think the family will sell at 80 cents or will they ask for full value 4.5?... Would you take a cheap price to sell shares in Insas?

With such a value trap in place, why do you think no one in their right mind would want to even touch Insas?

The moment you show interest everyone will tap you... Not so easy la. First have to understand why it is called a value trap.
If you are rich enough maybe you can make a hostile take over of Insas and make yourself a few hundreds million richer.

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2022-04-01 14:14 | Report Abuse

or join you investing in tunepro. funny how the tony fernandez decided to put all his innovations into his own company instead of sharing with the partner shareholders which helped him kickstart airasia.

tunepro under own name.
santan put under girlfriend.
maintenance under another trusted liutenant.
all the other country airasia rent and take liabilities while all the profits and assets park under malaysia airasia.

anyone that even thinks of putting money into airasia better think twice. why did they sell all their aircraft and lease back again and give dividend?


Posted by Sslee > Apr 1, 2022 1:18 PM | Report Abuse

If you like negative equity with controlling shareholder full of innovation then you are welcome to invest in CapitalA

News & Blogs

2022-04-01 14:08 | Report Abuse

This is exactly why insas share price will never go up. everything need to beg and ask nicely from insas CEO, while he looks at you blankly and ask... who are you? why do I need to share my company with your grubby fingers?


Posted by Sslee > Apr 1, 2022 12:44 PM | Report Abuse

Dato' Sri Thong and PIC officially hold 32.96% of Insas as controlling shareholder. Hence Insas cannot do SBB nor Dato Sri Thong and PIC allowed to buy from open market without trigger the 33% threshold for MGO.

For the past 4 AGM I had urged the BOD to give better dividend and to formulate a dividend policy with not much success. ( dividend increase from 1 sen, 2 sen, 2 sen then 2.5 sen)

I ask CEO when Insas going to employ their cash hoard to generate more incomes and his reply; tough operating enviornment moving forward, esp with Ukraine crisis. Looking for good Businesses to invest but M'sia political enviornment also no good. And ask me is Indonesia better?

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2022-04-01 10:19 | Report Abuse

4. hong leong industrial - one look at the last page of every annual report will tell you all you need to know. yes it is very very profitable, yes it has boatloads of cash. and yes the management is wonderful. However, since it is owned 75%+++ by hong leong group who are perfectly happy to treat the random shareholders not as partner shareholders in growth, but as a necessary evil to keep listing alive for show. They are happy to be enjoying 20% dividends every year to the bank, keep money in for eventualities and they know there is nothing you can do about it to ask them to give more to you. Why would they? the very definition of a value trap stock. I am majority, you are minority, you can either keep quiet and enjoy your 5% dividend, or you can sell. matters not to me. I wonder why they even bother to keep listing. WEIDA has already delisted, as well as many of the big industrial suppliers.
5.UOADEV - a very strong developer with a REITS arm that it can unload its properties to and manage the load. One of the few that previously gives out 10% dividend (or a reinvestment plan) which I liked. However, as they are very very conservative, and tend to build very simple safe buildings, their inability to diversify and add new skillsets (like adding leasing and managing of malls), or adding a trading industrials arm, or even diversifying into distressed lending with their cash profile, shows that they take little risk, but also little profit outlook

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2022-04-01 10:08 | Report Abuse

Now we invert the question, how come these companies market cap do not increase by leaps and bounds over the last 5 years?

By inverting we find out why these companies do not have good share price increase:

1. LCTITAN - taken private, relisted, lost favour with institutional investors in malaysia who have long memories of the management of Titan (still owned by the same koreans), not enough land to grow, and production is not as competitive or as efficient or spend enough R&D as the other chemical majors.

2.Oriental - management is 3 generations. mr honda boon siew died in 95, but he brought with him meteoric rise and partnership with honda. problem was the son has no interest to take over the business, and the sister managed until her death. now the 3rd generation oriental is run by the grandson kian chong and his cousins, who are already wealthy, young and not hungry to grow the business. I know this because my wife has invested in oriental for a very very long time. They even call my wife auntie respectfully. However, the drive is not there, and they are happy with status quo. you expect a 45 year old boy to grow the market?

3. Insas - a brokerage company that lends and IPOs companies to get a share in the business which they then flip as a business model. they got very very lucky during the penang semiconductor crash, when valuations were cheap and helped inari to get listed and grow. Run by a very dynamic individual who works his ass off, kean chong didn't have money but had a lot of experience working his first job in intel penang ( a lot of successful companies come from penang). Insas owners piggy back on this amazing individual to list and become a huge force in tech malaysia, as the rest all died during the crash. Insas however does not have talented individuals, or great asset managers or investors, as can be seen by their bad investments in roset, vigsys, omesti, dome cafe, melium clothing line, sengenics. All taken from selling shares in their bottled lightning inari and all the dividends and given to buy many bad prospects, including property developments that were poorly run and managed. However the main reason why a comnpany with 4 ringgit in shares and assets but only valued at 0.82 dollars simply is because of the poison pill defence from the owners of insas, where 33% is the maximum ownership, or you must offer full takeover. As no major institution is silly enough to touch the business being managed as it is, it remains as mr Kok has told everyone who would listen, "insas is the most undervalued company in bursa malaysia." The rebuttal to that is, why?


2022-03-30 13:31 | Report Abuse

then how come you are still living in setapak with your parents? when are you actually going to migrate? talk only not much use. about time you start doing instead of talking, spend less time talking kok on i3investor, and spend more time actually chasing your dream of migrating to australia instead of living in your parents basement. It may be hard, but you should start by trying to get a girlfriend. It may be easier finding one that is blind, at least she is a good listener, and willing to forgive faults more.



lowest price of any stock will be 0 sen
do not cheat family members and friends money to gamble in stock market
do not play margin
do not use your emergency money
be humble like leno
only then u can MIGRATE to Australia
or send your kids to Australia to study
u don't want to end up inside Sabah Jungle

1 day ago


2022-03-28 14:57 | Report Abuse

This is what happens when we chase speculative stocks at all time high CPO prices thinking that it can continuously go up. I hope no one gets hurt from it


2022-03-23 16:06 | Report Abuse

why is insas selling inari which go up to buy hohup which dropped by 61%? professional investor leno please tell us? why insas buy dgsb which is part of the fintech scammer group? what does omesti even do?


2022-03-23 16:03 | Report Abuse

hohup throw so much money to try to make crown a success in kota kinabalu. no choice but to build, but selling at 1300 per square foot for a 1000 square foot condo? who wants to pay 1.3 million to live in a box? maybe that is why sales is below 30%. but no choice have to build, tower crane already in place, china contractor want to rush construction but no cash to pay.. good luck to insas indeed.


2022-03-23 16:01 | Report Abuse

still dont know why insas not "valued" properly when it has billions of assets but currently selling for 500 million? embarrasing. only look at the one side of the mirror. the other side dont even see. maybe thats why he still lives with his mother, while father migrated to australia without him.


2022-03-23 11:25 | Report Abuse

this has been "true" for the last 5 years. its not like suddenly insas has inari shares.

But the important part is this:

Do you UNDERSTAND why after 5 years still no fund manager or institution want to touch insas? Why is INSAS only worth 565 million? after 5 years still worth the same?

Lu tau boh?

so called professional investor dont know what value trap is? Or you cant even see the trap at all?

haha, and that is why you can only dream of moving out of your parents basement to australia, still waiting for INSAS value to improve? wait long long another 10 years maybe it will go up by 20%.


leno Buy what u understand
U understand Insas holding more than 500 MILLIONs Inari share plus RM 1 BILLION CASH in hand with little debt.
Lu tau boh ?
23/03/2022 10:34 AM


2022-03-21 17:10 | Report Abuse

and this is not a site for you to spam, troll and simply post whatever. it is an INVESTING website, to share knowledge, if you still don't understand then pointless to talk further. what is the point of posting just to hear your own voice speak?


2022-03-21 17:09 | Report Abuse

you recalled wrong. first, my topglove transactions is recorded in my portfolio clearly under transaction group. secondly there is something called margin financing which after financed need to pay back. if i hold on to margin after go up and dont sell, then that is just silly. I only use margin to average down, never up. when the price go back higher i sell and reduce my margin exposure. simple math.


Haha if i recalled correctly , your posted Top 4 included TG invested amt is ard RM 100 million as i posted here earlier also .. your recent post is said yr investment value is increased from ard RM 29 million on 2019 to RM 57 million on 2021 ????

1 minute ago


2022-03-21 16:21 | Report Abuse

mikecyc... i know you enjoy yourself. but after a certain point you need to realize that i3investor is not a place for trolling. its is a shared by everybody to gain knowledge and to find information. you drowning out everybody does no one any good.

i3investor doesn't belong to you only. open forum should be treated with respect.