Philip ( buy what you understand)

sleepywolf | Joined since 2017-11-22

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2022-10-01 05:45 | Report Abuse

So far I like the stock as a trade idea. We will see.

News & Blogs

2022-09-30 21:39 | Report Abuse

If one sees any more interesting trade ideas following the same principles that I have outlined, please forward it to me for more reading and understanding. Thanks


2022-09-29 15:03 | Report Abuse

You still have replied my messages to invest my money with your sure win trading strategy, why? Is it talk and post a lot, but when push comes to shove you don't have the results to show for it?
NB: if U ever try to do research in FA, do make sure it is purely accurate 1st, n oso complete = then only u can win BIG in stocks.,.


2022-09-29 15:01 | Report Abuse

Joined jack in his belief that CU as a business can turnaround. I like the idea, worried about the debt, but they have many things that can be easily improved to gain profitability. More stores, less wastage, more efficiency. Bought some at 0.41-0.43 @400k shares


2022-09-12 19:31 | Report Abuse

But Lee he has a point. Why is hengyuan nta dropping? Is it fake numbers?


2022-09-11 19:47 | Report Abuse

No problems.

But I'm still curious, as you seem to have very high conviction in this stock.

How much are you deploying for this company, 20% of portfolio? 50%, 100%? Or 150% with margin


2022-09-11 19:26 | Report Abuse

Firstly. Pchem has 25% profit margins. Which is far more than every other comparable major petrochemical company.

Secondly 50% of pchem revenues comes from urea or fertilizer. They have an ungodly gross margins on fertilizer. Why?

Thirdly, neither basf, the Koreans, Japanese or the Americans have a major petrochemical processing center in South East Asia. Which means with the delay and difficulty and distance of transportation and logistics, the cheese stands alone.

Neither lctitan has anywhere near the profit margins (-5%)
Or Dow Inc (11%)
Or BASF (7%)
Or Formosa petrochemical (8%)

Now you start to understand why I am investing in pchem?
They serve South East Asia, the fastest growing economy in the world right now with Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia.

They have gross margins of almost 32%, name me another petrochemical company in the world that has that.

They have huge growth potential in the market, with long term TAM ( after adding the new businesses) of 100 billion ringgit a year. And the transparency and clarity of earnings stretch 10 years with the number of FID projects they are doing.

It is 50% of my portfolio.

For your conviction in hengyuan, how big a space does it hold on yours?


HY makes margin from refining, independent on oil price

PCHEM only has the competitive advantage as long oil price is high and help by petronas, the moment price goes down - it loses its competitive advantage if i am not mistaken


2022-09-11 19:12 | Report Abuse

Hi probability,
In my opinion this is a very valid risk which is why I do not invest in hengyuan. Yes you may be right and you will make handsomely on the hedging that hy does and hopefully they pay a dividend or share buyback.

However what are the risks involved? For me there is one hundred percent certainty that in the long run ( or short) their hedging will cause them to lose money.

Yes they may make tons of money in the short term. And I'm sure you will have great success with it.

But for me if I am looking at the long term aspects of the business, I do not like how the management is running it.

In any case I wish you luck.

For me, as you will know I almost never agree with stockraider on anything. But for this, he and I see the same thing.

Take it as you will.

Good luck on your investments sir.


ALREADY EXPLAINED how the derivative loss figure in OCI comes about mah!!



2022-09-11 17:15 | Report Abuse

One of those 2 does not gamble with the price of oil.



3 hours ago


2022-09-11 17:13 | Report Abuse

How long will insas stay irrational before it reflects is true value? Is it possible that people can be blind for 7 years?


I can only say, Markets can stay irrational longer than you can stay solvent/rational.

7 hours ago


2022-09-11 17:12 | Report Abuse

How many plantation and steel stocks have family mart type of business and export internationally their products?


Why Steel stocks n Plantation stocks at low single digit PE........

7 hours ago


2022-09-11 08:19 | Report Abuse

The simplest basic form of understanding is to go to your relatives and and friends who own gas stations and talk to them.

Start from big picture.

They suffer from 2 issues: first is the low profits which is single digits rates, and coupled with high volatile volume. Which is not as consistent as you would think.

The second issue is in storage: when oil prices are low, they are not allowed to stock more. When oil prices are high, they still have to sell at the same price and absorb. Since they cannot do hedging and profits are so small, they actually have to do other things to make money like getting it from convenience store and renting to maintenance and services.

As for oil traders who make hedging and buying and trading of oil as their main source of income, can you really use PE and consistency as a way of calculating profit and loss? Doing that with noble group, hin Leong etc would have been suicide.

Why then would you want to take so much risk in your investment on unknowns?

The main principle remains: why is shell selling their refineries and getting out of Malaysian market refining and gas station business?


2022-09-10 07:25 | Report Abuse

Your last posting on tguan also scolding other investors on their comments on tguan. And yet you sell without a peep, make a " profit" and go along your merry way.

Who is the hypocrite here?

At least I am consistent. When I buy I say. When I sell I say. More importantly my core ownership in QL and pchem and yinson are still those which I have held on over the years without selling out, still making good money every year, good dividends every year, and making more and more revenue and retained earnings every year in growth.

Why sell my Rolex just for small profit? When the time comes to buy it back, no more chance to get at old price.


2022-02-25 18:37 | Report Abuse


luckily no one bought into your bull crap, I hoped. Tuneupro QR like shit, I never bat an eye to this crap company before. My conviction to Tguan for a holding period of at least 5 years remains. Looking forward for a record high profit.


2022-09-10 07:17 | Report Abuse

At least otb has a stock recommendation in his list and has a reason for selection. This is Stock forum after all and we get to actually learn things. He even has PORTFOLIO so we can see his picks and we can judge how it performs.

You on the other hand, don't have a PORTFOLIO, talk bad about other people's stock picks and post no analysis of your own, and more importantly there one you talk about the most which is tguan, you don't even hold and quietly sell "for a profit" somehow and someway without commenting.

So what stocks are you actually holding or have analysed now?

Do something useful for once in your life instead of being a troll.

Do share your new stock analysis. At least then you can start criticizing others.

You are like that fat kid sitting on the couch at home everyday talking to the TV about how football players should be doing things differently. Ironic isn't it?


2022-09-09 23:36 | Report Abuse

My recommendation is to understand the industry.

Shell sold their refining assets to hengyuan.
Shell sold their exploration assets to hibiscus.

And today shell is finally able to sell their Brunei assets to Petronas ( if the agreement pulls through).

When did shell sell if they can make so much money? That is a very interesting question to ask.

What is shell not selling? Shell chemicals. Why? Now that becomes a very interesting question indeed.

But back to stock raider clearly defined answer: you cannot use PE to measure hengyuan earnings and long term viability. Any approach to use quarterly earnings to define the value of the share price is just a dangerous laxative.

Mid term trade I have no idea. But I'm convinced long term hengyuan is not viable

I also recommend you to buy Hengyuan since you can buy so much of Pchem.


2022-09-09 23:24 | Report Abuse

But being not so smart my goal then becomes easier.

Find companies that are producing in myr. Sell internationally in USD (4.5). Are good enough to compete on global stage. ROE better than peers in the same industry. And then monitor them.

When the Price is attractive enough, buy.


2022-09-09 23:20 | Report Abuse

For me the game then becomes about collecting "Rolex" companies that appreciate in value over time instead of trying to "time" the market perfectly.

Otb I am not saying your strategy is wrong, more I am saying I'm not smart enough to understand trading to make it a big part of my investing strategy (I do try though, you will find me trying to trade hiaptek as much as the next guy)


2022-09-09 23:16 | Report Abuse

For me profit is never the most important criteria, it is risk. For you based on TA selling at 10 and buying back at 8.7 may be profit, but for me I find it impossible to know exactly what price movement and more importantly, when will it happen. If we are honest, if it is so easy to calculate, then we would be able to consistently use TA to analyze jaks and hiaptek efficiently. More importantly, if we can use TA with accuracy, we could put 50% of the portfolio into buying hengyuan, or even 100% of portfolio into buying it.

The concept is simple, as sums get bigger and bigger, it becomes harder and harder to trade efficiently.

For me it is simple, as harta price goes lower and lower, my risk in owning it becomes lower and lower.

I just have to make sure of 3 things.
1. Is harta a wonderful company?
2. Is the management of harta good and are they shareholder friendly?
3. Am I paying a discount to existing company value and future earnings?

If the answer is yes, then I buy. If I have money and the answer is still yes, then I buy more. So it becomes easier to allocate future money into buying that good stock idea,

I did buy Pchem and I sold all around 10.00.
Based on TA chart, I will buy back around 8.70 in the next few days if I can catch them.
To you the profit is small, but to me a gain is still a gain.


2022-09-09 08:14 | Report Abuse

I do seriously think about this. Which is why I am not touching hengyuan at all.


you take out dividend, this stock is trading at 4.50 now

It has delivered EPS even better than what was estimated and yet, purely because of wrong perception on the meaning of the two clauses below, market is thinking it will revert back to its earlier earnings.


2022-09-09 08:10 | Report Abuse

In terms of trading opportunity, I'm sure you are far more capable than I am. But similar to kyy, I worry about the idea of using fundamental analysis over a assumed future value of stocks to determine your trading buy call. As you know when speculative buys based on a few quarters pushed the entire company to unsustainable market cap and the subsequent crash.

For me I just choose to stay away for a simple basic business reason.

Does hengyuan/shell have a competitive advantage in Malaysia over Petronas, petronm?

Do they have a refining cost advantage that would allow them to take market share?

Are they able to export their goods internationally and compete globally in China/Korea/Japan etc?

Do they have superior management that allows them to upgrade gas stations to the newest euro compliancy at a far cheaper price than their competitors?

Is their barrel production constantly growing year after year? Are they building more refineries? Do they have the cash to build new refineries?

For me those are the basic blocks for further growth for hengyuan for long term analysis.

In the short term the crack spread etc may be useful, but in the long term the ups will always be balanced by the downs.

Which is why I prefer to avoid hengyuan and the other producers. Low margin business, high competition, no differentiation.




2022-09-09 07:53 | Report Abuse

In any case here I am enjoying my 700k of dividends, which is growing larger and larger as the day passes. And today at my holding cost, I am collecting 10% dividends from pchem, lowest price paid 4.09. guess what, pchem is now going to 9.

That is how you should be approaching long term investing.

Not trying to time the market trying to sell at highest and buy at lowest. In the end you miss out on the best deals by being to inflexible.


2022-09-09 07:50 | Report Abuse

How do I become a mid term trader if my core stocks has not changed in the last 4 years? I think you have a very bad investment mind when you think in absolutes that someone is either all in, or all out on a stock. That is silly thinking and very amateurish.

Ask yourself this, if I am a mid term trader, why is pchem, QL, yinson still 75% of my portfolio? After so long?

Unlike those who keep talking about how good tguan is and how they are in it for the long term, but they still end up selling everything after 6 months of holding without saying a single word when they sold out. Very kyy of you.

I think your idea of long term offering and mine are very very different indeed.


2022-09-08 00:30 | Report Abuse

More importantly Maxpower, time for you to realize this:

I post to show the benefit of long term sit down investing in excellent companies.

So take for example now, I did nothing with pchem and bought at 8.5, and now after ex dividend it is 9, and I get 25 cent dividend.

That is the art of doing nothing and watching and excellent business grow over time.

Posted by Philip ( buy what you understand) > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

And thanks for the pointer, I have bought 100k shares in pchem as well.. on margin at 8.5+


2022-09-08 00:24 | Report Abuse

Even if this were true. That would still mean that in 2019 I started with 260k and turned it into 560k in the period, with a CAGR North of 21% every year for the last 4 years. Growth compounded every year by 20% no matter the value of the account is still a 20% growth which in my kocky opinion better than EPF, sp500, most etf etc before fees. Tell me your CAGR results with ever growing sums of money. I wonder how everyone is doing in the last 4-5 years? I know many institutional traders who are not even doing nearly as well if you look percentage wise.

Maybe I am the minority.
The only one who posts his portfolio results and his How-To guide to DIY your own investments and timeline with a daily snapshot of what happens your portfolio goes UP as well as DOWN.

Trust me. Not many people dare to show their portfolio when it is down.

They only like to show when it is going up and getting results.

Trust me, other than me, Felicity, and the founder of the edge magazine, I can't remember finding anyone else posting their long term portfolio online, what they buy and what they sell, and what their results are.

they said Phillip conveniently added 2 ZERO to his portfolio a/c as konsultant to convince, confuse, condemn n kon =
don't u ever think so?

5 hours ago


2022-09-07 23:55 | Report Abuse

I remember I messaged you and asked you to meet up so I can put some money with you to trade and see how effective your trading is. You have me some excuses when I pushed and until today you have still not replied me when I want to give you some money to trade and invest because I want to learn this trading thing.

So how? Are you still unable to show your trading portfolio results or come to terms with an agreement to trade some of my money?

We can start with 500k or 1 million with profit sharing discussion. Of course being fair any losses should also be shared between you and me 50%.

So far you still have not replied my private message.

Any reason why?

PureBULL ...

In stock mkt since August 1987 = That forced me to be a TALENT scout.


2022-09-06 20:23 | Report Abuse

So you only comment if you have something against them?

Well, let me remark properly for those who can't read my words as posted. I do go to AGM, but only those which I have something specific that I wish to learn from. Omaha once a year, and in fact I attended the rhonema AGM and yinson AGM before as well. I think just like stocks, some AGMs are more useful than others.

Sadly you find a lot of nonsense in AGM as well.

Like kids going just to collect vouchers, or asking to increase dividends instead of asking them what they are going with the business.

You even have some asking people to do share split, like it makes any difference.


2022-09-06 10:26 | Report Abuse

More importantly I only attend AGMs where the information is not freely given or clear and I need to ask direct questions. So far hartalega management is very very transparent compared to many others in the market. Majority of necessary information is available. Tell me what do you gain by going to AGM if the business is a solid and straightforward company.


2022-09-06 10:24 | Report Abuse

I'm surprised your surprised. I've owned public Bank shares for a long time and I've never been to a single AGM.


I’m surprised that someone who claims to be holding “5.5 mil” of shares did not attend their AGM but instead relied on someone else for “notes”.

15 hours ago


2022-09-05 16:14 | Report Abuse

Harta has already said they are not doing unprofitable business and are still selling at profit making ASP levels of 26-28 USD compared to intco and bluesail loss making 22-25. Let China burn cash all they want, harta has already said their strategy is sound, and they have more customers today than before pandemic who are giving them business. Let's wait and see over time if buying at 1.6 is a good idea


Low will become lower if market is guessing on the time needed to reach glove equilibrium. We need to know the net cash, cash burning rate, competitors' expansion and market demands. Break the barrier of RM1?

2 hours ago


2022-09-05 16:11 | Report Abuse

Better, I have the full notes sharing and discussion, q&a and slides from both intco and harta. It's in my group shared by the analysts you guys were laughing at.


Did you attend their AGM?


2022-09-05 12:18 | Report Abuse

Knowing what you know, you should know that harta invented nitrile gloves, double former machines, auto striping machinery, and many of the modern innovation used in modern glove industry today. In fact, they have already decided to stop the old machines which are product 8k and 30k gloves per hour and upgrade them to new machines which are producing 50k+ gloves per hour to improve efficiency. I don't know about the rest, but hartalega so called slave labor is very very small part of their operations.

But you know better la, Kan?
Philip has not visited China factories with super duper automations , ai, robotic.....neither have I.....but I can imagine knowing what I know.....


2022-08-30 18:51 | Report Abuse

For those who are not around investing in 2009 when I first bought topglove during the craze. Here is a historical chronology.
2009 - outbreak

2010 - downgrade

Big drop in 2011

So you see. The same stories repeat over and over by the same analysts of fear and greed. Imagine if I had listened, bought in 2009, made money, lost money in 2011 sold and walked away forever. I would have lost that 10x gain over the decade.

So the answer is still the same: BUY what you understand. And start with trying to figure out how the business will work out over the next ten years and how much you are paying for it.


2022-08-30 18:41 | Report Abuse

Yes and there is reason why I don't invest in those companies, including insas etc which seem very very undervalued. Because if you look at my portfolio, you will quickly notice that almost all of those companies produce locally ( in the ever dropping myr), but sells internationally ( in USD).

That is the very basis of growth companies in bursa. The ability to compete internationally.

Yinson is 85% international business in USD.
QL exports frozen fish and surimi and palm oil overseas.
Pchem fertilizer and chemicals feed the entire south east Asia region, the fastest growing population today.
Hartalega invented nitrile gloves.

So you see the big difference between orient and hai-o is a very simple question. Are they competitive internationally? Orient sells Honda brand bikes. Hai-o is repackaging and selling overpriced Chinese goods.

So no, I never forgot about forward projection of business outlook at all. In fact, it is the first thing I look for ( TAM).

Glove industry outlook is now exactly what is reflected by the market. But how is the price today reflective of what will happen 3 years from now?


@philip You can look at it from that valuation point of view, taking into account its cash and other assets per share etc, but you forget stock


2022-08-30 18:18 | Report Abuse

Possible? Anything is possible. Probable? Highly unlikely. And why is that so? Hartalega net assets is 1.49. meaning at that price you are buying purely the business. And from that roughly 50 cents is cash. Meaning if harta drop to 50 cents, you can do a Manchester united glazer and LBO your way into using the cash in the company to pay all the shareholders and still keep the business assets. Do you think that is likely? It has happened before, but the 50% owner is not going to take that lying down.

Philip do u expert price of Harta to drop another 70% fm the current RM1.60 to Rm0.50 in near future?


2022-08-30 05:27 | Report Abuse

And this is when you realize that the more you feed the trolls, the crazier they become.

Eat sleep provide sex guy?

You are just embarrassing yourself now.

Walking away in disgust and embarrassment. And to think that I once thought i3lurker coming to an investment forum was at least logical.

Shemale stores?

Ok child. Have fun.


2022-08-29 21:59 | Report Abuse

You mean will more people have disposable income to eat at family mart?



Malaysia increased the national monthly minimum wage from May 1, 2022, by 25 percent from 1,200 ringgit to 1,500 ringgit will this eat into profit of family mart next quaryer?


2022-08-29 20:00 | Report Abuse

QL all time quarterly revenue of 1.5 billion and all time quarterly earnings. Straight line revenue growth even through pandemic. Just a visit at the 2 family mart stores in klia2 and you would know the future of QL


2022-08-29 17:35 | Report Abuse

So says the kid that asked me to give him some confidence on owning QL. Are you 6?


Maxpowar Old eunuch, just FYI, I can troll, I can pull your legs. But I sure know what I'm doing, so I don't make claims about you without a protracted period of observation in the way you interact with others.
29/08/2022 5:18 PM


2022-08-29 17:33 | Report Abuse

Wow I never knew you sold tguan for RM4.50 per share. Amazing. this is why I always say you are nonsense, tell people off for selling at 3, but suddenly can earn 50% for holding 6 months. Wow! Amazing.

now you understand why we need a portfolio maintained? I3 gave such a wonderful tool for you to check the bullshyte nonsense at the door and stick to the truth.

But truth will always elude you if you are not honest with yourself.

But sure, you can sell tguan at RM4.50 (when you said you bought at 2.97, tell me I am wrong).

Liars will be liars.

@old eunuch philip why do you keep bringing up tguan? just scroll up you'll see I earned a almost 50% for holding 6 months. Not because I'm brilliant, but I know to take profit and not bag holding like you. Hypocrite like you like to talk about watching the paint dry, but the bigger problem is you don't know when the paint has dried, so you wait until rain pours and there goes your waiting..down the you keep waiting and waiting again in the name of having long term investing horizon. What a shame.
29/08/2022 4:10 PM


2022-08-29 15:40 | Report Abuse

As you already know by now, I always buy with a 5-10 year outlook on the long term viability of the business. Kid max say 6 years, harta say 2 years. I say harta is still flush with cash, still profitable, no chance of bankruptcy on the horizon. So my expectation of investment of 3 years is more than enough to wait, as I am enjoying dividends every quarter anyway. The question to ask is 3 years from now do you you can still buy harta at 1.6?

Meanwhile tguan kid kid scolding people for selling tguan at 3.

You must be new to investing world


How long do u think this down cycle of glove will last?

JP Morgan's bullshit forecast is ard 6 years

The Kuans of Harta said it may take 2 years

What say U Philip?


2022-08-29 09:42 | Report Abuse

Exactly. The point is transparency. Do you know how many people are transparent on i3. Even kyy that you criticize so much is not as transparent


Do u realize that u are the only one to show yr so called real portfolio in I3?

Do u know why?


2022-08-29 08:13 | Report Abuse

Yes, time to get off your butt and actually get a girlfriend young man. Robert kuok did it, li ka shing did it, even tg boss did it. Don't wait too long to get a wife, not healthy.


Philip is also very lucky to marry a rich man's daughter


2022-08-29 08:10 | Report Abuse

No need to imagine. This competitive advantage is the reason why I bought pchem in the first place versus buying luxchem or lctitan. This moat has been there since day one, and will continue to be there as 50% ownership of pchem belongs to Petronas. So why fight but just enjoy the ride and benefit?

As for complaining, China is giving a 7% subsidy to China gloves makers due to the requirement of critical industries healthcare to fight COVID. This is the main reason why glove makers are so competitive versus harta and tg in pricing, selling below cost in many ways. Do we complain to WTO, it would be pointless. The fact is, despite throwing price, China gloves are still unpopular in Western countries and USA still prefers harta nitrile gloves.

Time will only tell if those glove companies can continue to operate at a loss( they have already cancelled expansion plans) moving forward when things stabilise, harta superior quality, lower defective rate( best in the industry) and superior management will show true over time. Why not? They have been the best qa/qc for the last 20 years, and I don't see this moat changing.

Pchem is lucky to have a very rich parent in Petronas.
Imagine if Pchem had to pay a market price for it raw mat (NG) what will be Pchem profit?


2022-08-29 00:01 | Report Abuse

Yes, no brainers indeed. Which is why I maintain my portfolio here so people can actually see how to put no brainers to practise. Easy to talk, harder to do right? Which is why in my portfolio selection the is date, volume, percentage of portfolio, to show what I talk about and what I do is the same.

How about you tguan boy? Telling people on tguan group to buy and if they sell they are brainless and don't know anything about investing.

If anything that is one thing I have never done on this group, telling people what to buy and when to sell and to buy my subscription package, unlike you.

So? Still waiting on your recommendation on tguan. Long time no more comment, ever since you started losing money on it.


2022-08-28 23:55 | Report Abuse

Max, do tell on your tguan position and how confident you are.


2022-08-28 23:15 | Report Abuse

Once you are done suckling balls on kcchongz let's get back to the truth.

How do you still look at tguan when your stock is down. From your price of rm3, now the stock is down to 2.6. are you still holding? Are you still buying? What percentage of your portfolio is tguan? Are you full of conviction? 10%?25%?50%? All in? Do share.

Let's put you on the hot seat for once. What stocks do you actually hold?


It’s no wonder kcchongz is able to garner more respect, investment aside, he has class and knows when to shut his mouth. Unlike you, what have you got? A big fat mouth full of lies, and a sky high ego which no one appreciates.

6 minutes ago


2022-08-28 23:10 | Report Abuse

Always learn to understand risk to reward scenarios. Not in terms of fundamentals and annual reports which is a snapshot of what happens before. But the business itself in terms of execution risk, the competitors and rivals growth etc


2022-08-28 23:08 | Report Abuse

For those that actually care to look at how I construct my portfolio and how I buy, I follow the munger prabai style.

1. Identify growth stocks with excellence that one would feel comfortable owning for the next 10 years.
2. Pay a fair price for it. Don't need to wait for absolute bottom.
3. Concentrated buying. Keep a small portfolio of stocks that you understand well and have excellent management and good long term roe.
4. Bet big. My main stocks are 45% concentrated on one main stock ( pchem) with the highest return at lowest risk ( and yes family money inside so risk has to be absolutely manageable with high upside, 3 at 15% with higher risk but higher reward opportunity, and smaller percentage on far higher risk with higher rewards ( serba, kpower,scib, skp). The trick is to always understand the business risk versus the growth of returns possible.