Peaches L

johnykkc | Joined since 2013-11-23

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1 week ago | Report Abuse

China, Japan and Hong Kong strong market rally yesterday. Perhaps, some of it may rub onto our market today 🙏.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

And for another one forumer, it’s goin to b doomsday. If it’s really goin to b so bleak of such a foreseeable future, then all of us will perish along with it. Then, better cash out from everything now and start preparing ourselves for doomsday instead. No need to waste time here every day dunno for wat.


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Why does @kl_guy and @Janus Mun hv such differing sentiments? While one is upbeat, d other is talking abt last bastion 😆.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

US Fed rate cut by 0.5%


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Many other countries including our Sarawak/Johor states wants to build casinos to earn tourists dollars. And, these PAS fellows wants to do d opposite and think they can replace Genting’s revenue contributions to Federal and State govts so easily with smtg else. Worst is, they will make many of their people to b jobless and menganggur along d way. Talk oso didn’t go thru their pea brains.


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Genting has already prepared for tis day to come few decades ago. While it’s possible but, it’s not an easy thing for PAS to do. Genting is not your usual 4-D outlets which can be closed so easily.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

I agree totally w @mushimushi’s suggestion. Let’s hv a forum embargo for 2 weeks as of… right NOW.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

If he attacks you Peaches L,
you mean you are so gullible that you will just let him stomp on you.

@eagleye: yes, my same message to u goes out to all other constructive and peace loving ppl as well, in general. But, since I’m responding to questions u asked me in yr earlier post tht I wrote it in such a manner. Let us promote peace and harmony in tis forum page. There’s a Chinese saying tht goes like tis: ‘kar wor man si heng’. If we dun preserve harmony in a place, even d God of Prosperity w run far, far away from us. Hv a great and cheerful holiday. All d very best!!!


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@eagleye: I just wanna share a word w u - control. Fuss only abt things tht r within yr control. Control w make u to b a bigger person than others. U w then b in-charge of things tht matters most to u and censor away all other unworthy things. Tis w allow u to avoid unnecessary stress tht w hurt u eventually if left unchecked. Being unresponsive to a conflict doesn’t mean u r weak; forcing yr way thru to proof yr point dun mean u r strong and powerful over others. Be in control of yrself to protect yrself in return.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

Everyone of us has d right to express watever we want in a public forum, for as long as we’re being respectful to others. I’m sitting in d center as yr audience, seeing d left and right arguing day and night and, posting non-stop all yr history argument threads is really so unproductive and, not adding any value for anyone.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@eagleye: whomever u r reprimanding here, it’s obvious. By u doin so doesn’t put u in any better position than tht person either. Pls laaah…, dun project yrself as being such a good Samaritan who’s out looking after in the interest of the naives/newbies and trying to b holier than thou. Let’s b honest, everyone in tis forum has a vested interest in watever they’re doin here, including YOU!!! We’re all living in a very cruel and selfish world. If we continue to be naive in our environment, then we w b gullible and deserve to b a prime scam target of others. There’s no free lunch for anybody ever. We need to work hard for everything we want in life. Nobody else will look out for us except ourselves. Period.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

GENM PAT 82.237 mil and dividends 6 cents only


1 month ago | Report Abuse

GENM PAT 82.237 mil and dividends 6 cents only


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@Michaelchan2024: thnk u for yr response to my earlier post. Yeah, I agree tht we’ve been thru many tribulations since Covid-19 pandemic. We’re definitely seeing the change of tides soon. Let’s hope we’ll be rewarded for our patience in due course.


1 month ago | Report Abuse

@Michaelchan2024: as mentioned by @Riaz1954 previously, strong financial numbers do not necessarily influence the upward movement of share price. If market movers doesn’t want to move it, it will continue to remain stagnant even though all its ‘vital statistics’ are most beautiful 🤩.


2 months ago | Report Abuse

YTLPowr already passed baton to GenB now to continue d run. Let’s enjoy d show…


2024-07-02 09:43 | Report Abuse

Aiyah… d TauRx product cycle is still so early how can let imitation/fake ones come in to disturb d market. When in advance or late stage, then cannot guarantee lah. Anyway by then, there’ll be even better and more advance Alzheimer’s disease drug discovery. Then India, pls imitate all u want lahhhh…


2024-07-02 04:44 | Report Abuse

Previously, many ppl were already skeptical abt generic drugs vs original ones. And now, a fake drug??? To hell with fake drugs with sub-quality and imitation ingredients. Even if I couldn’t afford it, I rather die than consuming fake drugs.


2024-06-23 17:22 | Report Abuse

@tkkiong: A losing family owned Empire resort casino unable to be profit but to dispose to the public shareholders; it must b the higher power from above to advise him that !

Imagine u r the Genting HK small shareholders ,seeing the valuable cruisers cheaply changed hand back to the LKT; ethical for a humble boss ?

These are biz decisions where most of us do not hv privy into its basis and rationale for such actions. On the surface of things, they may seemed unfair. However, I reserve my judgment and comments on them.


2024-06-23 17:02 | Report Abuse

I’m just trying to be fair and objective in my viewpoint. Credit shud b given to those when due and, we shouldn’t simply find a scapegoat to blame if things aren’t goin our way.


2024-06-23 16:39 | Report Abuse

So, are u blaming them for selling at d expense of others who didn’t?


2024-06-23 16:36 | Report Abuse

@tkkiong: Remember the last time immediate after TauRx announced the good news? How father and son disposed millions of shares to make the quick buck ?

If they can do it, anyone else can also. There’s no stopping others from doin so.


2024-06-23 16:31 | Report Abuse

Let’s be very clear here. Stock price under-performance is not LKT’s KPI. Biz under-performance is. You can’t compare Bursa-listed companies with those from overseas like USA. There, their CEOs’ remuneration and stock options are directly correlated to the stock price. They hv every incentive to ensure stock prices remain high if they wanna get fatter monthly paychecks and 401k retirement fund. LKT’s monthly paycheck is based on industry know-how and work experiences which directly correlates to biz performance. So, if GenT isn’t performing well biz-wise, then u hv every reason to reprimand LKT but, definitely not for stock price under-performance.


2024-06-23 15:50 | Report Abuse

It’s not a ‘usual trick’ but, a Bursa requirement prior to any material announcement by any plc. Tht’s very normal and not any form of trickery.


2024-06-23 12:56 | Report Abuse

To be successful, LKT said to work hard to prove our meritocracy, be a leader not follower and keep up with current trends and developments. Excellent advise courtesy from a visionary biz leader.


2024-06-23 10:29 | Report Abuse

Indeed, we’re into some exciting times to witness and be a part of its transformation journey as a shareholder. It’s for this very reason tht will motivate me to continue to remain invested in the company for the longer term. Cheers!!!


2024-06-23 04:31 | Report Abuse

LKT was so humble to say tht, probably it’s the higher power from above who wanted GenT to b successful to bring such a medical breakthrough to help humanity. 👍👍👍


2024-06-23 04:28 | Report Abuse

Just like TauRx many years ago, most ppl were skeptical abt such a venture. And soon, it will shut those critics’ mouths for real. I believe strongly the Company is under great hands with visionary leaders who are noble individuals who hv d heart to pursue projects like these to serve, benefit and give back to humanity.


2024-06-18 10:34 | Report Abuse

GenT on fire liao…


2024-06-04 04:27 | Report Abuse

If anyone of u is unhappy with how d company is being managed, why put yr money and energy here and cursing and swearing at mgmnt team every day. Nobody is pointing a gun at yr head to do it. U r just bringing unhappiness, anger, stress and a host of other things to yr own self. Minority ikan bilis shareholders are always at d mercy of majority shareholders. One fine morng, dun b surprised tht they may take GenT private and pay u off with watever they deemed fit. Then, u w hv nothing more to complain abt anymore.


2024-05-30 20:45 | Report Abuse

Why is he crying? He’s the strongest supporter here.


2024-05-30 20:29 | Report Abuse

GenT much better than GenM.


2024-05-30 20:06 | Report Abuse

GenT has more value than GenM as its overseas portfolio is bearing fruits now, especially RWLV. Even though Genting Highlands is still its home, there’s a much bigger home abroad to cushion any adversities/threats fr PAS in Msia.


2024-05-30 18:04 | Report Abuse

I hv a feeling it’ll exceed 1,000 mil PBT


2024-05-30 17:02 | Report Abuse

So many queuing to buy at 4.85. Tmrw a very promising day.


2024-03-13 12:59 | Report Abuse

All comrades shud strive to reap GenB’s maximum value as a reward for their loyalty in LKT’s leadership.


2024-03-02 01:11 | Report Abuse

New York City casino license coming soon!!!


2024-02-24 10:29 | Report Abuse

I think when price hit around rm5.20, everyone w be selling like madmen 😆😆😆…


2024-02-24 10:26 | Report Abuse

@Bochiakak, how r u gonna vote if u hv sold all yr GenT shares? Unless u buy-in back some again b4 an AGM/EGM, then got chance to vote lah…


2024-02-24 10:21 | Report Abuse

😆😆😆 minority shareholders want to vote out majority shareholder. Wat a joke!!! HAHAHAHA 😆😆😆


2024-02-14 18:08 | Report Abuse

Where hv those “firing up all cylinders” go? Up in d smoke smelling it only b4 we cud hear anything 😆😆😆.


2024-02-10 02:22 | Report Abuse

To all Sifus and shareholders:
Kung Hei Fat Choy. I wish you and yr family A Very Happy, Healthy, Prosperous, Successful and Thunderous Year of the Wooden Dragon 🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉🐉. May all yr dreams and wishes be fulfilled for many more generations to come. Hv d most happy and enjoyable festivity ever. And lastly, May God Blessed you bountifully and every step of d way. Cheers!!!


2024-02-09 05:56 | Report Abuse

Much has been shared by @Riaz1954 tht stock price appreciation is not being influenced by biz performance alone but more importantly, by who’s controlling its movement. Excellent biz performance may not necessarily move a stock price unless its controllers including market makers say so. The rest of us cud only speculate and tht’s all we cud do. Happy speculating 😊.


2024-02-08 19:20 | Report Abuse

Thks @Riaz1954, well noted and I concur with yr concerns as well.


2024-02-08 17:51 | Report Abuse

Sorry typo. It’s from 5-9 Mar 2024.


2024-02-08 17:48 | Report Abuse

@Riaz1954, d latest press release on TauRx below:

Deadline for next update: 7-9 Mar 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal. So, today’s selling may not be related to TauRx.


2024-01-06 12:37 | Report Abuse

@Riaz1954, by d time we hear abt d catalyst only to buy-in, tht w b too late to catch it. Unless u hv a horse mouth, then tht’s different lah… 😆


2024-01-03 12:44 | Report Abuse

@newbie2019, numb liao means u r now an immortal. Tht means, u can never die one lor👍😆. Solar power to u, babe 😆😆😆!!!


2024-01-02 14:16 | Report Abuse

@newbie2019, die, dun die. Ok mah… ;-))


2023-12-19 03:12 | Report Abuse

Let me try drilling tis into u - In today’s world, life is just too short to b feeling scared and afraid of Covid-19 virus infection. Who knows wat really will kill us eventually is not d Covid-19 virus but, it’ll b smtg else.