Jonathan Keung

Keongsiew | Joined since 2012-03-28

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2017-07-26 16:56 | Report Abuse

quite well said. Ekovest projects are different from Bandar Malaysia ( IWH ) Both are tied to the same principals but operate separately. One is a pure property township developer whereas Ekovest is quite diversified into road construction and toll concession. Termination of IWH ( Bandar Malaysia ) has already factor inEkovest drop. Now with the River of Life project. Ekovest should move past that stage. Just my personal thoughts


2017-07-26 11:53 | Report Abuse

To be fair. everycountry has their fair share of problems. Not every one is blessed to have a Steve Jobs, Jack Ma or Bill Gates. Some GLIC like EPF is better run compared to others GLC.


2017-07-22 10:15 | Report Abuse

the pricing is the key. right niw trading band between 6 - 7 Sen anything higher who wants to subscribe. restricted offer to placement to third parties may be another option


2017-07-20 14:17 | Report Abuse

old story
old story ( dont cried over spilled milk )
old tales ( dont cried over spilled milk )


2017-07-20 12:06 | Report Abuse

got burnt by dataprep


2017-07-19 14:01 | Report Abuse

whatever the case maybe we are still part of our country socio set up. whatever the equalities you may said or disagreed there are laws and provisions provided in the Federal constitution. Politics is a number game. look at Indonesia , Thailand or Vietnam ( minorties are not treated at par or equal ) We are different from HK,Taiwan or Singapore. Even in Australia ( where i did my basic degree ) the whites mentality still rules. If we disagreed then go to the right forum or platform to voice our disagreement. The EC has always being biased between rural voters and iurban voters. To change or not to change lies with the silent majority. Let me quote " there are 2 things you cannot hide. The sun and the truth " This is just my personal viewpoint.


2017-07-17 10:24 | Report Abuse

Felda settlers voters are fixed deposit for BN. Felda encompased app 55 Parliaments seats are around 90 state seats. BN wont let FGV , Felda , Felcra, Risda failed. Share price is not link directly to the small holders and settlers. Subsidies, scholarships, loans, housing is the key link ( not FGV share price )


2017-07-17 09:21 | Report Abuse

the open house has to nothing (link) with FGV share price. Free food and free transport (plus ang pow) can attract alot of people at putrajaya. FGV price should stablised with GLIC support. Government ( BN ) will continue support FGV at this level until better result is forthcoming


2017-07-05 16:56 | Report Abuse

there is a distinction between trade policies and domestic policies. trade is the life blood for Malaysia. we depends on trade to sustain our export oriented country. FGV and the settlers come under the preview of PM Dept.


2017-07-04 15:49 | Report Abuse

FGV relation too complicated tie up with Felda. Corporate bodies cannot have this land lease yearly payment ( no rationale ). 250 MIllion yearly x 15 years . Plus 15% of your profit.


2017-07-04 12:11 | Report Abuse

you are lucky. still holding this counter


2017-07-03 11:23 | Report Abuse

6.5 wont kill u ( if u hold )but why buy ? if other penny stocks offers better option. sanichi is a sleeping beauty (high NTA) but you dont know where is prince charming ? coming or not


2017-06-28 17:57 | Report Abuse

sulaiwesi is forest reserve land( no oil palm plantings allowed )

News & Blogs

2017-06-28 11:35 | Report Abuse

keyboard warriors are not on board. they can said anything they like

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2017-06-21 17:11 | Report Abuse

any announcement ?


2017-06-20 15:56 | Report Abuse

holiday break coming. profit taking


2017-06-20 11:33 | Report Abuse

LKY is a legacy . LSH squabbles with his siblings is stricitly a family fued.


2017-06-19 15:48 | Report Abuse

isa resign as chairman of FGV but re appointed as acting chairman of SPAD . Part of bargain from shorty. i go he goes. that's why Sulaiman appointed acting chairman of FGV ( but Zakaria still under suspension and investigation ) Never ever under estimate Isa ( the wolf of UMNoo )


2017-06-16 16:36 | Report Abuse

FGV is a clear case of mismanagement. without any insinuation to any one. Government can revamp the whole FGV Board and running of the Managment by appointing a team of seasoned planters ( without fear or favour ) . FGV should bounce back from their current sad state of affairs. All it need is political courage & foresight to run FGV and FElda as a commercial entity and not as a basin for political patronage


2017-06-15 11:36 | Report Abuse

Ah jib gor only focus on winning GE14. who cares about settlers issues. Malaysian have short memory. winning GE14 is paramount. after that can talk another 5 years


2017-06-15 11:33 | Report Abuse

at least their Board responded to public shareholders query. Major shareholders also hurt by the drastic drop inTS price


2017-06-15 11:29 | Report Abuse

Sime is spliting their plantation, motor , property arm off ( too create value ) after the giant merger of Golden Hope, Guthrie, Sime Estate know as Sydnery Drive ( before merging into mSime group ) . Anything is possible. Malaysia boleh " twist and urn "


2017-06-14 17:28 | Report Abuse

push it down and sell the company ( or RTO ) makes money from both end


2017-06-14 11:35 | Report Abuse

USD is over valued but at this point of time there is no other currency ( denominated apart from USD ) able to replace it. Every country is moving part of their reserve into SDR ( World bank ) and also into Yuan, Sterling pounds, Yen, Swiss , Euro and Gold .

News & Blogs

2017-06-13 16:01 | Report Abuse

do your homework and see what risk you can accept. buying trading stocks are different from holding dividend counters. penny stocks have their own players. play big win (loss) big. rich assets counters tend to be slow moving. you hold 2 -3 years not necessary equal profit. your holding hosts ??? sometimes we are trapped in asset rich counters. there are plenty property counters who fall into this category


2017-06-09 17:03 | Report Abuse

understand their frustrations ( anak Felda ) but whatever happen the Goverment if the day make the decision on FGV, Felda, Risda and other bodies. for better or worse { changes need to make } make this bodies more dynamic rather than appointing dead wood


2017-06-07 10:44 | Report Abuse

PBB needs to split its share and give bonus to the shareholders ( if not only big funds can invest )


2017-06-06 15:19 | Report Abuse

RM 1.50 ??? support is there. FGV cannot go bankrupt. Zakaria is just a pawn in a their plan.


2017-06-06 12:12 | Report Abuse

Zakaria asked to take forced leave ( not sack yet ) pending investigation on DOP


2017-06-06 12:07 | Report Abuse

Boustead (Lodin ) is another good example. He managed Boustead, AFFIN and LTAT. but he failed at 1MDB. the hidden hand that drives the Coampany not the other way round


2017-06-06 12:05 | Report Abuse

it does not matter whether Bumi or non bumi. what's important whether the Board or the CEo have a free hand to turn around the company. Syed Mokthar is a good example.


2017-06-06 12:00 | Report Abuse

not many individuals wants to helm FELDA or FGV, Both are goverment agencies. there are certain unwritten rules which are best not to put inwriting, This institutions are set up to do national service


2017-06-06 11:56 | Report Abuse

ISA controls the Board ( not the other way round ) same goes for 1MDB


2017-06-06 10:43 | Report Abuse

Zakaria is juat an ordinary employee. He wont go to court. Isa has his own way of making you resign ( compensate you in a way you wont say NO )

News & Blogs

2017-06-05 15:13 | Report Abuse

between 1992 till now ( ie. 2017 )25 years is -is a long long time. if you has invested in Apple and Microsoft ( during the last 10 years ) you too hit the jack point . May bank fell to a historic low of < RM 3.00 ( dring the financial crisis ). Now is trading at around RM 9.60 per share ( after numerous split and dividends ) Shares have own their up's and down's. Not necessary only PBB


2017-06-05 11:29 | Report Abuse

people are pushing (buying) up Maybank and CIMB. PBB is too expensive, PBB Board needs to do a share split


2017-06-05 11:21 | Report Abuse

Zakaria is dead meat

News & Blogs

2017-05-31 09:55 | Report Abuse

Yuan appreciate or depreciate ( entirely in their own hands ) what we can forsee may not be true. We need to look in their books whether benefial to appreciate or otherwise. The one belt one road is a classic example how China reposition itself against the US trade pacts


2017-05-31 09:51 | Report Abuse

C24 looks bad


2017-05-31 09:50 | Report Abuse

run your profit and cut your losses. ( how many people can really follow ) easier said then to be done


2017-05-30 15:30 | Report Abuse

after all the retailers cashout ( or trim their losses ) most counters will stage a mini techincal rebounce ( just before Raya ). just my personal view


2017-05-30 14:30 | Report Abuse

TS is the biggest disappointment after the so called solar frency. price drop after the ill timed line closing at bukit minyak, penang. from the start it's was PR disaster. price drop 1.20 till now . never recover


2017-05-25 15:49 | Report Abuse

60 sen is a new low ( drop from 1,24 last year )


2017-05-25 15:44 | Report Abuse

how to make money. FGV land lease agreement with Felda. Every year a fixed sum of 250 Million paid to Felda plus 15% of FGV net profit. only FGV can agreed to this arrangement. 10 years already RM 2.5 Billion excluding subsidies or profit sharing with the settlers


2017-05-25 15:39 | Report Abuse

most players holding tek seng already in the red. where got time !


2017-05-25 12:20 | Report Abuse

anyboby can be planter but how efficent is the estate's run is another matter. nothing do with Malay, Chinese,Indian or Orang Puteh


2017-05-25 11:40 | Report Abuse

always buy at your own risk. nobody here owes u anything. if right call you make money ( u dont share your profit )


2017-05-25 10:08 | Report Abuse

who knows syed mokthar may be selling out DRB and buying FGV . everything is possible ? depends who you are and who you know in Malaysia.


2017-05-24 16:16 | Report Abuse

this something new to me. what i know . the standard planting point is between 135 - 140 trees per ha. whereas in some estates they only have 115 - 125 trees per ha. the more trees you have the higher is the yield the lower number = lower yield )