Blog Posts
2017-08-10 14:05 | Report Abuse
just be proactive in your investment. park some in shares, some in property , some in foreign FD ( Chinese Yuan, Aussie or SGD ) Just my personal view
2017-08-09 14:12 | Report Abuse
Plantations are like any other business impacted or effected by supply and deand. CPO is a edible oil compecting in the global oil market ( against Soyoil, rape , sunflower and corn etc ) China is buying big volume of Soy Meals to crush for their animal feed. CPO is only imported as a cheaper alternative cooking oil.
EC and North America prefer their own oil seeds eg corn , rape and sunflower ). Quality wise ( CPO has always rank highly against other competing oils ) Sadly CPO is only a price follower not a marker
Palm flaw is the clouldy nature during winter ( colder temperature )times. This is the reason why palm Bio-diesel ncan only be used in the summer not in temperate countries.
Similary CPO is imported in the southern and coastal districs of China. Whereas the interior or Eastern side still prefer Soy-oil. The only price advantage of Palm is cheap. Cheaper alternative compared to Soy oil. App US 100- 120 per tonne cheaper
EC ( NGO ) has targeted CPO for many years. The Malaysia government and Indonesia has not able galavanised support to drum up against the anti Palm lobby. They are targeting palm ( taking away their sahre of market ) Western NGO and WWW have hidden agendas
2017-08-09 10:36 | Report Abuse
always buy what you can afford ( to lose ). never speculate like a gambler baccarat banker or player sailang everything at one go. never never borrow from ah long
2017-08-08 12:25 | Report Abuse
need to look at today ( this evening ) closing
2017-08-08 12:21 | Report Abuse
1MDB is stale news. everybody knows who is MOI (1). what else to talk about. Funds only looking at bottom line. they come and go they dont give a sh_t as long they can (milk) money out of you. investment house are paid to a job. good times buy. bad times they downgrade. accountants only look at numbers ( they dont know what's IOT or who is china's youngest entrepreneur ) they dont look above the 4 walls
2017-08-08 11:31 | Report Abuse
selling is on the penny stocks ( index link counters supported by funds buying)
2017-08-07 11:48 | Report Abuse
zyrexho-agreed . just give to buyers. buy at your price level ( sometimes just Q ) even done at the price no your trade
2017-08-07 10:42 | Report Abuse
road block at 35 ( need more sustain push ) if not fall back to 33-34
2017-08-07 09:46 | Report Abuse
CPO prices trending down in 2HF of 2017
2017-08-04 15:42 | Report Abuse
whether overvalue or otherwise is immaterial. what's matter is our risk appetide ! a counter may be overvalued but the price still trend up. He or she who buys still has the price advantage lock in. just monitor closely. my personal view on the above article.
2017-08-04 15:21 | Report Abuse
need to check the principals ( institutions ) holding HY shares. Funds buy and sell shares. one account for the capital gains another account for trading
2017-08-04 12:26 | Report Abuse
we buy or we sell ( it's our own risk making decision ) Heng Yuan sell whatever they refined . Shell petroleum buys it. the money or profit comes from the P/Cost . Most Refineries hedged their inventories 4-6 months . not like kedai "mama" sell until "stock habis"
2017-08-04 12:15 | Report Abuse
2040 is still 20 years away. unless we have a viable alternative cars will still running on mineral oil. electric motors may be catching on but still at this point time (just an option). 20 years alot of changes interms of government or policy. anyway my investment target ( holding period ) is between 6 months - 1 year. just my personal take
2017-08-04 11:16 | Report Abuse
i am not greedy. lock in half at 33- 34
2017-08-03 17:38 | Report Abuse
FGV drag down this quarter by lower average selling price ( Q-o-Q ). Internal ( DI ) investigation will take longer. maybe 2-3 months . Whatever is it. Felda settlers and FGV is 2 separate issue. Goodies can continue for the settlers but FGV shareholders ???
2017-08-03 09:29 | Report Abuse
Zakaria is on contract. Most likely transfer him out till his contract expires
2017-08-03 09:28 | Report Abuse
looking at the coming qtr report. TS faced high unsold inventories (that will hurt their bottom line )
2017-07-28 17:27 | Report Abuse
interesting views from all sides. what we need is balanced view(s) on the market. win or loss is part of the trade. hopefully someone can discover a real gem and money for everybody. happy trading
2017-07-28 12:18 | Report Abuse
GLIC will always support FGV. BN will not forgo FGV or Felda, Risda , Felcra and the smallholders. this is an undeniable fact. all FGV needs a change in Managment and some policy changes. Of cousre , dont ask for the initial price ( 4.50 ) maybe first target at 1.80 and with better fundamentals > 2.00 . Lowest FGV fell 1.50 level. just my personal view. No charts no reasons no research.
2017-07-28 09:13 | Report Abuse
the reality on the grounds ! loyalty of the armed forces and PDRM lies with the incumbents. What Dr M says that as long as the political power lies with the Malays . then the other races have nothing to fear.
2017-07-26 17:50 | Report Abuse
FGV is a unique case. listed but still run like a coperative. business model is good . no plantation companies lost money thru its operations ( only bad management ). Polticians should not be appointed or run companies. this is what i personally believed
2017-07-26 16:56 | Report Abuse
quite well said. Ekovest projects are different from Bandar Malaysia ( IWH ) Both are tied to the same principals but operate separately. One is a pure property township developer whereas Ekovest is quite diversified into road construction and toll concession. Termination of IWH ( Bandar Malaysia ) has already factor inEkovest drop. Now with the River of Life project. Ekovest should move past that stage. Just my personal thoughts
2017-07-26 11:53 | Report Abuse
To be fair. everycountry has their fair share of problems. Not every one is blessed to have a Steve Jobs, Jack Ma or Bill Gates. Some GLIC like EPF is better run compared to others GLC.
2017-07-22 10:15 | Report Abuse
the pricing is the key. right niw trading band between 6 - 7 Sen anything higher who wants to subscribe. restricted offer to placement to third parties may be another option
2017-07-20 14:17 | Report Abuse
old story
old story ( dont cried over spilled milk )
old tales ( dont cried over spilled milk )
2017-07-19 14:01 | Report Abuse
whatever the case maybe we are still part of our country socio set up. whatever the equalities you may said or disagreed there are laws and provisions provided in the Federal constitution. Politics is a number game. look at Indonesia , Thailand or Vietnam ( minorties are not treated at par or equal ) We are different from HK,Taiwan or Singapore. Even in Australia ( where i did my basic degree ) the whites mentality still rules. If we disagreed then go to the right forum or platform to voice our disagreement. The EC has always being biased between rural voters and iurban voters. To change or not to change lies with the silent majority. Let me quote " there are 2 things you cannot hide. The sun and the truth " This is just my personal viewpoint.
2017-07-17 10:24 | Report Abuse
Felda settlers voters are fixed deposit for BN. Felda encompased app 55 Parliaments seats are around 90 state seats. BN wont let FGV , Felda , Felcra, Risda failed. Share price is not link directly to the small holders and settlers. Subsidies, scholarships, loans, housing is the key link ( not FGV share price )
2017-07-17 09:21 | Report Abuse
the open house has to nothing (link) with FGV share price. Free food and free transport (plus ang pow) can attract alot of people at putrajaya. FGV price should stablised with GLIC support. Government ( BN ) will continue support FGV at this level until better result is forthcoming
2017-07-05 16:56 | Report Abuse
there is a distinction between trade policies and domestic policies. trade is the life blood for Malaysia. we depends on trade to sustain our export oriented country. FGV and the settlers come under the preview of PM Dept.
2017-07-04 15:49 | Report Abuse
FGV relation too complicated tie up with Felda. Corporate bodies cannot have this land lease yearly payment ( no rationale ). 250 MIllion yearly x 15 years . Plus 15% of your profit.
2017-07-04 12:11 | Report Abuse
you are lucky. still holding this counter
2017-07-03 11:23 | Report Abuse
6.5 wont kill u ( if u hold )but why buy ? if other penny stocks offers better option. sanichi is a sleeping beauty (high NTA) but you dont know where is prince charming ? coming or not
2017-06-28 17:57 | Report Abuse
sulaiwesi is forest reserve land( no oil palm plantings allowed )
2017-06-28 11:35 | Report Abuse
keyboard warriors are not on board. they can said anything they like
2017-06-22 14:18 | Report Abuse
Betting on the future . not my cup of tea
2017-06-20 15:56 | Report Abuse
holiday break coming. profit taking
2017-06-20 11:33 | Report Abuse
LKY is a legacy . LSH squabbles with his siblings is stricitly a family fued.
2017-06-19 15:48 | Report Abuse
isa resign as chairman of FGV but re appointed as acting chairman of SPAD . Part of bargain from shorty. i go he goes. that's why Sulaiman appointed acting chairman of FGV ( but Zakaria still under suspension and investigation ) Never ever under estimate Isa ( the wolf of UMNoo )
2017-08-10 14:11 | Report Abuse
understand your concern. go for mid price range below 500K . value of property cannot diminish over night. people always needa a roof over their head. always seek good locality. do your home work and try not to be over borrow. just a passive income