Jonathan Keung

Keongsiew | Joined since 2012-03-28

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2016-10-27 09:34 | Report Abuse

Najib may surprise everybody with a MOU with China on the veg oils import. Last time Chinese Premier visit ( pushing hard for a trade deal) but never materialised. Hope this round Najib can get China to ink the MOU


2016-10-27 09:31 | Report Abuse

Indonesia under Jokowi has attracted alot of FDI. Kenanga has put a buy on Maybank. they expect Maybank ( top GLic) to regain their number 1 position over PBB. Maybank has exposure in ASEAN and Asian region. PBB strong in the domestic operations. Hope Maybank can ride on the strenghenting ringgit


2016-10-27 09:27 | Report Abuse

forthcoming dividend means cashflow is strong and expect good qtr result.


2016-10-26 09:33 | Report Abuse

Yup. sometimes Edge tends to politicise issue


2016-10-26 09:31 | Report Abuse

read that piece of news. Myself not in a position to comment. Previously FGV ( under Emir ) wants to acquire 28%+ of Eagle High shares from Rajawali group. Subsequently , matter delays because of unhappiness due to FGV high acquistion share pricing . FGv reported paying 30% higher compared to market price.

Later, reported thru FIC subscribing Eagle High debt papers. FGV is a wholly owned GLIc. Even if CEO ( Zakaria is not favour ) if its a Board decision he has no say. This is how i look at it. reasons ? why FGv shares fell against the general uptrend in CPO prices.


2016-10-26 09:19 | Report Abuse

Negative news flow on FGv subscribing Eagle High (Indonesia ) debt paper thru FIC ( FGV investment Corp ). Eagle High high borrowings ratio. Total debt app USD 600 Million. This is my personal view. Not an inducment to buy or sale. FIC or FGV at this point of time has not confirm or commented on the Eadle High Plantation debt papers

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2016-10-24 14:20 | Report Abuse

need to re-read and see whether myself fits in. Ha- Ha .


2016-10-24 14:17 | Report Abuse

Crude Oil has marginally impoved from their lows (currently at USD 50 per barrel) Despite whatever OPEC cut's in production. Oil has floundred and most analyst has forecast Oil price to trade between USD 40 - USD 60 per barrel. Anything higher, the shale gas producer will kicks in. The US and China ( both oil guttons ) has moved away their 100% reliance from Oil.

Oil is a major operating costs of Airlines. However, key revenues still relied on the Airlines connectively and other cross sale of the airline services ( hotels, insurance, food, cargo etc.) this is where AA group has a leg one up on the other competing airlines

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2016-10-20 14:40 | Report Abuse

This is something myself disagreed with Yap. first timer should be allowed to withdraw more from their EPF A/C 1 (together with A/c 2) to allow them to own a house or apt ( whatever ). Indirectly a house is also a long term investment rather than park in EPF for another 20 years. Whereas the money in EPF(15- 20 years) till retirement age is not a smart thing ( unless you intend to draw the EPF like a pension fund) A roof over one head is paramount rather than talking about other alternate investment as suggested by Yap. Share it if you agreed.

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2016-10-20 12:29 | Report Abuse

despite the cut in subsidies. our Government of the day is faced with a tough balancing act between growing operating expenditure (leaving less room for other infra, research & development developments )

one of the key areas ( year in year out ) is the growing percentage of the pay out pension & wages fork out by the government. Our civil servants (against the country's population ) is the highest among the world. Plus the growing life expentancy means more salary and less room for other critical areas.


2016-10-20 11:45 | Report Abuse

Fuel cost have a bearing on airlines operation. If frequecy increases ( likewise the percentage of Jet Fuel may correspond drop ). Most hedge between 4 months - 6 months on a fixed quantum with a variation of Jet fuel supplied.

If prices trending down. Oil companies will offer 10-12 months forward pricing. If they feel pricing is going North. then like wise the quantum they offer is lower and period is shorter. This is part & parcel of everyday trades. It's applies to everybody in the airlines industries not only AA group.

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2016-10-20 09:42 | Report Abuse

with GE 14. BN may surprised us with election goodies (cookies ). tax cuts could be on the table ( both corporate and individual )


2016-10-14 09:13 | Report Abuse

most Ib very conservative on to price. they will upgrade and downgrade { after the market moves}. most reports are just good read for past result

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2016-10-13 12:34 | Report Abuse

i a still waiting for Mr Bb to unearth an hidden jem * eg inari 80 moved up > 3. 00 or AWC from 40 to 90. or recommend us to buy AA at 1 40 { now 2 80}. this are the counters everybody love to hold not CSc


2016-10-12 11:29 | Report Abuse

coming budget. incentives for solar & green technology industries. under the NKEA Malaysia has targeted this sector as a key area for economic transformation. if more tax breaks materialized good for TS solar ( jv with Taiwanese with German technology) just my view on the solar & green industries.

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2016-10-12 00:15 | Report Abuse

basically it's boils down to one thing. this forum has generated alot of interest not only with retailers but also from fund personnel. people like BB utilised this forum to influence people decision. some may even attempt to use multiple identity to create panic. just do our homework and separate the straw from the wheat.


2016-10-11 16:26 | Report Abuse

Ringgit continue to drop. today traded at 4.18 to a USD. beginning of September holding 4.08. sharp fluctuations good for TS Solar business ( sales denominated in USD )


2016-10-11 15:52 | Report Abuse

GZulu @ nice of you to organise the tour. Myself cannot make it on Thursady. Maybe you can keep us posted on TS ( after the visit ) You have a nice day


2016-10-11 12:00 | Report Abuse

Very modern factory. located at Bukit MInyak, Penang. Should visit it


2016-10-11 11:17 | Report Abuse

what ever game-plan. price up benefit more people & players but if drops everybody suffers or slow-down. be it crude oil, commodities or equities ( only the key syndicate members can ride on the downtrend.) uptrend evrybody can enjoy the good fortune. this is just my personal view.


2016-10-11 10:53 | Report Abuse

if China and Taiwan is good no reason for TS solar cannot perform. Solar is big business


2016-10-07 15:48 | Report Abuse

should read: errata you feel ( or fear ) that will affect FGV price


2016-10-07 15:47 | Report Abuse

they will scream sell - sell . on what basis ? at least tell us reasons or factors that you feel ( or feel ) that will affect FGV prices. Let people decide whether your views are reasonable.


2016-10-06 17:06 | Report Abuse

on the same boat or bus . average cost 8sen. you win some-you lose some


2016-10-06 11:48 | Report Abuse

yup. share the same idea. 7.5-8 just hold. if major holder ( Phang family ) not selling. Contra players flush out. younger Phang running the show . aggrevisely changing company profile.Young man also want face.


2016-10-06 11:41 | Report Abuse

Sanichi is a nett cash position. after RI (moved into property sector) freehold land which they have acquired previously. Management needs to provide a shot in the arm for their shareholders who subsribe for the Rights

Maybe not in a pink of health but definetly not a cold turkey either. SJ report is positive in the coming qtr. let's keep our finger cross. After all at 7.5 - 8 cents. Major Holders ( Phang family ) also keen to see prices moving up. good for them and good for us.

Reports of GLic taking a stalk in the company would add more cloud ( if approval is needed ) certain projects you need a Bumi partner percentage in shareholdings. This is my view on Sanichi at 7.5-8 ( not an inducement ) for anyone to buy or sell .Cheers

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2016-10-05 23:42 | Report Abuse

ttb { icap} has perform below par. no excuses whatsoever for the past 4-5 years. ttb still slinging the same old song. market crash or over valued. please be a professional accept your mistake


2016-10-05 19:59 | Report Abuse

SJ report is very positive on sanichi but today market discounted. Sanichi needs to perform after their rights. everybody eyes the property segment ( hopefully brings the much needed cheer ) to the shareholders


2016-10-05 15:03 | Report Abuse

between AAX (39.5) and Sanichi (7,5). I take a shot at Sanichi. I hope my intuition is correct


2016-10-05 15:01 | Report Abuse

Between AAX and Sanichi. I take a shot at Sanichi. I hope my intuition is correct

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2016-10-05 14:54 | Report Abuse

if you only have 100K in your EPF. 30K in Account 2 raised to 40K. Makes no significant difference. Government need to look into possibilities of combing A/c 1 and A/c 2 to help house buyers ( instead of segregrating )


2016-10-05 11:41 | Report Abuse

Chart wise AAX needs a clear beakout > 41 . Since August stuck in a narrow price ( 41-39 )range

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2016-10-04 10:09 | Report Abuse

expensive toilet roll (premium grade)

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2016-10-04 00:18 | Report Abuse

funny claiming to be best of the best. if holding cash is a sure win then why establish a stock exchange in a country. the last 5 years we gave seen inari price shoot up > 3.00 from 0.80. AA price move up from the low of 1.30 to >3.00. AWC climb up 90 from 40. FGV climb from 1.30 to 2.50. where were you?


2016-10-01 07:22 | Report Abuse

DSWa is a good lady but not cut out as Leader { maybe nurul izzah has the DNA} MB Azmin is a shrewd politician { never underestimate him} RR { MP@Pandan} is smart but not political savy. this is just my personal view


2016-10-01 07:11 | Report Abuse

Baharuddin morning - in politics nothing is impossible. DSAI and TM is a good example. there is no friend or permanent foe. The late" tok guru" is one of the few man {without fear or favour} who lived by his own principles. My greatest respect to Nik Aziz. you have a good day


2016-09-30 15:36 | Report Abuse

have fun and a nice weekend break. cheers


2016-09-30 12:03 | Report Abuse

Opposition ( PH )is like a bag of sands . each one looking at their own turfs. BN laughing all the way. Penang may be an issue for BN, Kelantan and Selangor is BN prime target. the rest BN all the way.

Dr Mahathir (Pri-bumi) talk but no members. How to fight BN without soldiers. this is a fact. We can shout PH wins 54% popular vote but seats wise they lose to BN ( due to seats distribution . Current arrangement weightage is 3.5 against 6.5. Tell me how to win ?

FGV controls 50 -55 Federal seats and app 80-90 state seats. THis is the reasin FGV and Felda Settlers so important to Najib. Pekan ( Najib seat ) is surronded by Felda scheme


2016-09-30 11:55 | Report Abuse

All airlines hedge their jet fuel. but AAX and AA hedge 80%-90% of the Jet fuel at USD 55 per drum till year end. Airlines want impose the fuel surcharge if jet fuel goes higher. Even Saudi Arabia ( Opec members unable ) to forecast oil prices. they have shal;e oil as their biggest competiotor. Shael oil comes into play if Crude oil touch USD 60 .

Jet fuel accounts for 35%- 40% for most airlines operating expenditure. Cheaper for long haul operators compared to short haul flights. this figs extracted from AA group and SQ


2016-09-30 11:07 | Report Abuse

Kenanga equity funds also buying in. whether translate into higher pricing
is another story. their target price is 2-3 months tagline


2016-09-30 10:30 | Report Abuse

investor (1) & iinvestor (2). sometimes get confused over the arguments. nonetheless. whether Sanichi moves up or not is beyong my control . After RI and change of business directions ( Sanichi should be chupping along ) whether this translate into higher share price is another story.

what we learn from news reported is . of late big chunk shares transacted to a third party. Either a GLIc or a nominee ( at this point of time is not known.) their maiden property investment will be a startegic direction for the company in years to come.

financing is not an issue ( freehold land) Banks holding a lien over the property will give a bridgeing loan for the development. Property loan is expected to be flat due to consumer financing issue

another RI is premature. as the last RI( fundings conditions as stipulated in the terms based on Bursa needs to be fulfilled ) Company basic fundamentals may not be in the pink of health ( same goes for a lot of other companies ) if not Sanich shares would not be at 8 sen.

Another IB has a issue a call (TP) for Sanichi at 14. Whether this is truly reflected. I am not in aposition to known. Nonetheless, at 7.5 -8 I will willing to take a risk and have a shot at this counter. This is strictily my personal view. Not an inducement for anybody to buy or sell


2016-09-30 09:45 | Report Abuse

MBSB well supported by EPF


2016-09-29 14:37 | Report Abuse

local O & G relies on Petronas. Petronas has cut and reduced their Capex. tough times going forward. Sanichi case ??? see the battle between GLic and Mr Shark


2016-09-29 11:47 | Report Abuse

with the emergence of China & deleveraging of the USD. the US has lost alot of political & financial dominance. the collaspe of Lehman Bros ( too big to fail ), the subprime crisis, the ongoing saga between US and it's allies. The fallout between World Bank, IMF and the ECB over the PIGGS debt crisis further distance the Germans and EU block from the US. US forcing the TPP and the TPPA on his allies has backfired. Trump says he will killed the TPP. Hiliary says she is against the TPP before and after the elections. The 12 countris who signed the TPP ( Including Malaysia ) is now looking at the walls.


2016-09-29 09:40 | Report Abuse

anakku - look at the expiry date before you go for the warrant


2016-09-29 09:38 | Report Abuse

stonenut is consistent in his buy call on MBSB. nobody can predict how the market moves or the timing ? patience is finally rewarded


2016-09-29 09:33 | Report Abuse

everybody wants to earn a little bit extra . Millions $$$ target ( maybe for the big players but not for myself ). do your homework and ride on the upturn.

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2016-09-29 07:19 | Report Abuse

it make sense. buy the right stock buy and hold strategy is not applicable for everyone


2016-09-28 16:49 | Report Abuse

nothing wrong to lock in profit. smart trading. money in is good money


2016-09-28 16:45 | Report Abuse

patience rewarded. cheers