Jonathan Keung

Keongsiew | Joined since 2012-03-28

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2016-09-28 16:08 | Report Abuse

cari makan- penny stock above 10 sen good for everybody


2016-09-28 15:35 | Report Abuse

Big Block of Sellers Vs Buyers means nothing. believed volume play is under the same Mr Shark and Mr Buaya ( operating under buy and sell ) . China is going to have the golden week holidays. Overseas market distracted by US elections. Local news were be influenced by coming 2017 Budget


2016-09-28 14:04 | Report Abuse

interesting play! push Sanichi lower ??? Major shareholders holding firm. RI at 10csen. Mr Buaya or Mr Shark will lose money if price not going higher. keep our fingers cross and see what is Mr Shark plans


2016-09-28 10:54 | Report Abuse

Mr Shark or Mr Buaya is not going to sit back and play high volumes at 8 cents . They aim big and after RI ( money and game plan ) is to make big money. selling at 8 sen is not going to bring in any monies. this is my personal view


2016-09-28 09:50 | Report Abuse

Sanichi ??? something is cooking. Big volumes play( price holding firm at 8 )


2016-09-27 09:59 | Report Abuse

Icap result is nothing to shout about. and to wait for a major correction before investing is akin to doing nothing. we have seen major price before and after Subprime, Greece default, Lehman Bros and Brexit vote. Oh Missed out GE 08 and GE 13. what else are we waiting ???


2016-09-26 10:57 | Report Abuse

last friday contra players sold out. this week shud be positive. chart wise FGv positice after breaking out. happy trading


2016-09-26 09:34 | Report Abuse

if insider move is accurate. suitors finally coming in with proposals for a giant islamic bank { innline with BNM ). if today can close positive > 95 ( then something is cooking)


2016-09-26 09:27 | Report Abuse

bursa is more or less dominated by local funds and Glic after the exodus of FF late last year. us elections have a bearing on world's politics. business is business whethervTrump or Clinton is still in early days { same thing happen before Brexit vote}

PM will tabled 17 budget in october. expect some firm of pre budget rally ( rather focus on nov us election ). lest but not the last. Malaysia is tryingbyo attract China investment. look at Bandar Malaysia, sale of 1mdb assets, Penang bridge and coming HSR


2016-09-25 09:51 | Report Abuse

analysts ( mielke, fry and dorab) have thier own views. what they thinks is not necessary true. market keep on changing. they are just making an assumption.
dorab last year predicted CPO snowballed to $4,000 using crude oil (biodiesel as game changer). all of us know last year was a miserable year for plantations. dorab is a trader. he owns Gorej trading. previously he sold off his his Indonesian interest. lest but not the least he have a hidden interest in his calls.

FGv has drop from $5.5 (high) to below $1.35 { year low} FGv has turnaround. we have not rule out Fgv assets revaluation{biological plants }. another catalyst is an interim dividend
this is my view.


2016-09-22 16:17 | Report Abuse

very puzzling on KYY sudden u -turn. instead of buy calls ( now its the other way round ). OTB work for him but now he disagreed with his call selections. something just doesnt jell. maybe others can enlighten me ???


2016-09-22 16:09 | Report Abuse

to me 6 sen is ok ( maybe i am not greedy ) Cheers & have a great day


2016-09-22 16:07 | Report Abuse

blueocean - you got a point. if not interested (MBSB) why stay ? at this forum. this column is for sharing any updates or news related to MBSB.

News & Blogs

2016-09-22 15:25 | Report Abuse

the problem lies with people who attend AGm. Most shareholders ( majority) are not prepared to ask Q. Only a minority are there to ask. hopefully we can see better participation this year

News & Blogs

2016-09-22 14:37 | Report Abuse

to table a motion under other matters. you need to submit the Q in writing
before the AGM

News & Blogs

2016-09-22 14:29 | Report Abuse

the last Agm (Icap ) everybody voted for TTB. Just wait and see this round any firefight

News & Blogs

2016-09-22 12:14 | Report Abuse

BNM needs to lower the BLR or OPR to stimulate the real economy. talk is cheap ( banks are still rejecting loan applicants )

News & Blogs

2016-09-22 10:38 | Report Abuse

TTB is an experienced guy ( but to wait for a crisis ) before putting the cash to work is something i disagreed. As a fund manager. your job is to grow the funds size and price.

BY holding on to cash and waiting for the right time to invest is counter productive, WE have seen the subprime, PIGGS debt, Greece default and the Brexit. Not forgeting the Lehman bros etc this is my personal view on Icap

News & Blogs

2016-09-22 10:32 | Report Abuse

GOP ( Trump) is a businessmen. whether Hiliary or Trump ??? NOnetheless. US have their check and balances. Even the President have to seek the 2 houses ( congress and senators ) blessing.

Unlike here everything is just push thru. Appoinments of key secretaries need to be endorsed and grill by the respective houses ( before the candidate is appointed ) This is to ensured only suitable candidate is appointed.

Even the birth-right of a elected President (Obama) Is questioned. The House of Commons is controlled by Democrats and the Senate is under the majority GOP. The US Senate is elected not appointed.

Even their Defense chief of staff is aslo under the same sort of scrutiny. any forms of irregularities. out you go


2016-09-22 10:17 | Report Abuse

you missed some and you hit some. market is too big for any individual except say GLic ( PNB, KWSP or KWAp ). who are we to say we are 100% accurate in our forecast.

Bursa market is more localised than what we think. Majority of the blue chips are controlled by funds and GLic. perphas with the exception of Ace counters.

If Government wants to peg the market at certain level they can just flick their fingers. KWSP is one of the largest retirement funds in this region ( notfor getting Tabung Haji and KWAP ) Need we forget we also have value cap and PNB.

Their principal activities are investment. Happy trading


2016-09-22 09:12 | Report Abuse

Pre-budget meeting with Ministry of Plantations & Commodities. Might have some good news for the sector

News & Blogs

2016-09-22 09:05 | Report Abuse

jwchuey- morning press released by Fomc (janet ) rates on hold. sounds good for equities. Bursa is underperforming compared to our neighbours. Hopefully, market can pick up the momentum. Pre-budget rally ? just keep our fingers cross

News & Blogs

2016-09-22 06:05 | Report Abuse

FOmC voted 7-3 to hold rates. market positive for equities. pre budget rally possible { feel good factors}


2016-09-22 06:02 | Report Abuse

rates unchanged. DJ close positive. good for equities


2016-09-22 05:59 | Report Abuse

cw is not a game for newbie. understand the risk { before looking at the rewards} you need to understand different types of cw issued.


2016-09-22 05:54 | Report Abuse

rates on uptrend momentum continue


2016-09-21 15:09 | Report Abuse

TF is looking at the idea (separate listing) AAC . Bursa Malaysia is not on the list . Due to valuations and tax issues. Perkins is an experienced chap who knows inside out the investment banking fratenity. Maybe too early . that's way TF says AAC will be discussed and bought to Board level . Japanese are very keen on AAC . but that's another topic for another day


2016-09-21 14:49 | Report Abuse

credit must be given to TF for the AA brand. Fuel cost is the biggest operating item( 38% ) for Airlines. prices of jet fuel has slumped app 40-50% ( Y-o-Y ). currently USD 50-55 . Jet fuel is more expensive than Brent Crude

AA group has hedged 80% of the jet fuel costs ( meaning any unexpected price up ) is under controlled. Fuel efficiency is important for long haul flights. you look at MAS . ageing planes , low load factors & high operating expenditure ( fuel & mainteance ) and lack of connectively ( fly hubs) that is what killing MAS

Believed it or not AA ( TF) has more or less sorted out the major issues facing AA except for it's associates airlines. TF is betting big on India and CHina . At the WEF. everybody agreed that China and India is the growth engine of the world ( not US )

Whether AA price stays up or move higher. we need to look at other factors that may impact the LCC business models. Maybe TF knows something we dont know. AAX international HQ is at Jakatra ( not at KL ) why ? i dont have the answer


2016-09-21 12:00 | Report Abuse

Resistance at 2.39 ( previous high ) need to be patient. FGV not for pump and dump


2016-09-21 11:57 | Report Abuse

yup. whatever say and done. the bottom line . can we make money $$$


2016-09-21 09:52 | Report Abuse

morning good start. mother and sons ( cw) all moving in unison. good


2016-09-21 09:45 | Report Abuse

open forums ( suppose to share news or any updates ) not the intention to laugh at people misfortune.


2016-09-21 09:43 | Report Abuse

i am onboard (AA and AAX ) just keep our fingers cross


2016-09-21 09:34 | Report Abuse

open forums. you get some good news, some bad or whatever ( used your own discretion )


2016-09-21 09:31 | Report Abuse

high time for FGV to move up ( positive momentum ) further upside if US rates maintain exchange till end year

News & Blogs

2016-09-20 17:43 | Report Abuse

Indonesian crusher enjoys a price (PKO ) advantage or margin compared to our Malaysian counterparts. this translate into USD 20-30 per tonne ( due to tax structure) We are now playing second fiddle


2016-09-20 16:46 | Report Abuse

tmorr is another day. the fed meeting (20-21 Sept) will finally give a respite if no rate hike forthcoming.


2016-09-20 14:59 | Report Abuse

you are lucky. myself looks likea a home grown giraffe from ulu kelang


2016-09-20 08:51 | Report Abuse

Datuk Mah Siew Keong ( Commodity & Plantation )will addressing the leading corporate leaders at coming POTA seminar 12 Oct. FGV, GLIc, MITI,plantation giants, other plantation cos, overseas speakers will be in attendence. Normally this talks will sort of feel good factor ( price forecast for CPO )
translated into upward momentum for counters


2016-09-19 15:35 | Report Abuse

physical price higher today. BMD oct cpo up + $90


2016-09-15 17:56 | Report Abuse

steven - if Fed holds back the rate ( 20-21Sept ) meeting. Markets round the world would be positive. next meeting is only schedule 1-2 Nov. Crude oil prices is dropping. AAC sales is on. coming quater may be in for a strong set of numbers. just keep our fingers cross. Oh! selling underwear is profitable. Look at Victoria Secrets. Looking at them aleardy feel good. Have a good day


2016-09-15 17:18 | Report Abuse

BMD Oct futures up + 70 . ringgit weaken 4.15 to a dollar. good for CPO counters .everything looks positive ( and if Fed holds back rate at 20-21 Sept meeting ) market should be positive


2016-09-15 17:15 | Report Abuse

if fed hold back the rates ( 20-21 Sept) meeting. next meeting is scheduled only in November. in between markets should perform positively. this is my personal view. Cheers


2016-09-15 09:03 | Report Abuse

EPF owns RHB and MBSB. any price meltdown will affect their bottom lines. End year is approaching. expect some decent window dressing with CMY . Happy mid autumn festival ( Moon cake celebrations )

Most GLic funds manager will be back after long break in between Hari Qurban and coming Malaysia Day. Hopefully, all their bullets reserved for the coming week (after Fed Reserve SEp meet ) decide not to raise rates.

Most WSJ analyst expect only 20% chances Fed raising rates in September ( whereas 40% expect Fed to raise rates in Dec ) Keep our fingers cross. Trump already says if elected he will replace Janet Yellen. As this point of time . Everything is uncertain. Janet Yellen favour term " uncertainities "


2016-09-14 14:28 | Report Abuse

yup. i also want to learn


2016-09-14 14:26 | Report Abuse

Developer interest rates too high for ordinary housebuyer. Cabinet most likely modify the proposal (based on REDHA/HDA/ABN )


2016-09-14 12:09 | Report Abuse

BuywConviction - only reasons bestknown by this group screaming and telling people market collaspe. if market collapse bad for evrybody. businessmen, workers , banks, developer. there is a chain effect or dominino effect ( even housewife and hawkers are not spared


2016-09-14 10:45 | Report Abuse

francishuat- i like the word attention (wHore). but the ladies of the night need not seek attention. the bees will flock to flowers ( not need to seek attention )


2016-09-14 10:21 | Report Abuse

market is bad because of external factors. US rates , wall street and of course ( our own peculiar factors ) Malaysian politics etc etc. remember 9/11, Lehman bros, US subrime, PIGGS debt crisis, Greece default and of course Brexit. the market will always present a buying opportunity. Let the doomsayers sell their house, cars and moved to the Artic island ( frolic with penquinns). happy trading


2016-09-13 16:14 | Report Abuse

August exports jump 31%, closing stock down -17% at 1.46 Million tonnes. ( less than 1 month hold holding stock ). B10 bio-diesel kicking in. Ringgit drop 4.12 to a dollar. everything looks positive except FGV price ( maybe still in a holiday mood )