
1invest1 | Joined since 2020-04-16

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2021-02-07 14:29 | Report Abuse

- A good porfolio of products/services
- A smart, hard-working staff force of abt 20,000
- A 270 branch network,
- A mkt cap of $80B,
- An expanding international Asia-Pacific operation network,
- A great management team

will weather and win over all situations.


2021-02-06 23:02 | Report Abuse

Compare the top 6 banks - look at price, mkt cap, PE ratio, div, track record, etc.
Conclude, decide, take action - if unsure buy 1 lot for only $412.
Most other top banks' prices are much higher.
Dividend most likely happening & announcement soon.
Top banks are most probably the safest and most secure shares to invest in.


2021-02-06 21:20 | Report Abuse

Invest or you can chase when it moves higher, the point is you want to buy lowest and be sure it moves up quickly. If there is a guarantee, nobody will work, all play stock mkt. There is always a risk in everything. FD's guaranteed interest rate is way too low to offset cost of living/inflation rate. So, what alternative is out there to offer higher returns and option to liquidate when you want
Equity mkt is a good choice, and you can get a share that is R O C K ... S O L I D.. & .. S...A...F...E !

For those thinking banking is in considation, think again. You are looking at 1 mth's time, equity mkt is looking at 6 mths time. Vaccines are almost in by March, front liners get vaccine latest by end-March/April, nxt seniors get by May/June (based on slow schedule). Restrictions will surely be less with time. Going forward, economy will recover, sooner than you think, bcos this is a net exporter country. Already all sectors are open now. Only no public socialising/gatherings.
Msia's foreign reserves are OK. Conclusion is you cannot expect perfect signs, perfect timing & perfect price to convince you. You can only get this with savings account & FD's, but returns are too low. The old saying goes first bird catches the worm, new saying goes first mover advantage. Stock mkt says buy when people sell, sell when everyone buys. Are you a winner or loser ?
Those who bought a long ago still holding now ! Viola, whey ! How come ?

They refuse to sell - take profit, bcos making more money lah, just sit & relax & watch your money grow. Aiyo, simple lah, just ask your remisier & dealer & stock investing friends to find out abt PBB.
Remember secret, fast profit means fast losses, buy those mm..som..mm..seh stks, same result !


2021-02-06 18:27 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-06 17:47 | Report Abuse

@AllYouCanBuy PBB can be the HERMES of banks.
Brand, quality, trustworthy, strong, service, speed, efficiency, reliable, safe, +ve return to customers


2021-02-06 17:37 | Report Abuse

@AllYouCanBuy HERMES is a great brand. No doubt. After you mentioned this, I google to see who is the top brand in fashion and who is the top brand in the world. After looking at various & several sites and rankingsin 2020 & 2019, it appears LV by itself (part of LVMH) is ahead. Perhaps, you would like to google it to verify this. All the same, HERMES is still a great brand. Of late, duplicates of its men's belt with big H may be available locally.


2021-02-06 16:00 | Report Abuse

@Sharefisher, @AllYouCanBuy, @Supersinginvestor
Your comments are spot on, hit bulls eye, right on tgt.
Many want to buy today profit today, want to buy lowest sell bighest.
No waiting & no risks, just instant return !

PBB is a high-quality share that yield good returns over time.
Like LV bags & mking durians - high-end & high-quality comes with a price tag. It is not $1, etc.

Quality buyers buy big, pay higher, and keep PBB shares.
Punters and traders more often take token profits.
Better strategy needed for PBB shareholders - buy, hold, & keep (min 6 mths - 1 yr)

Hopefully, all should put into practise what
@Supersinginvestor, @AllYouCanBuy, @Sharefisher share with us in the PBB forum.
These advising cost $,000's if you attend some mickey-mouse share training courses (con-job)
and @AllYouCanBuy, @Sharefisher, & @Supersinginvestor are sharing their skills for F R E E !!!
They are Simple, Sincere, and Sharp.


2021-02-06 14:04 | Report Abuse

@supersinginvestor my math is mediocre.
Waa, 17 million divided by 19,000 million (19+ Billion) = 0.0008947368 = 0.08 %
0.08 % (if I am correct) is just too, too, too small. I cannot imagine this number out of 19.4 Billion
Almost like no movement/no buying & selling. Insignificant.
As usual, you are right Supersinginvestor.
If others were to try & buy 1 lot of PBB = approx & about RM$415 only.
A small sum to pay in return for rewards of dividends and capital/price appreciation.
A sure, higher return than FD's.
Again, you are right Supersinginvestor.


2021-02-06 13:36 | Report Abuse

@Supersinginvestor In top & elite football in Barcelona, 3 amigos - Messi, Neymar, Suarez/Mbappe
In PBB forum, 3 wisemen aka Warren Buffett M'sia - AllYouCanBuy, Sharefisher, Supersinginvestor
Need I say more. Hail and Salute to Supersinginvestor.


2021-02-06 13:08 | Report Abuse

@Goodprofit Yes, PBB already low. Those waiting lower will miss this wonderful opp. And later, will chase to buy higher, if they really want PBB.

Just compare top 5 bank shares,
Price, mkt cap, P/E , and div. (simple comparison)
Yes, all readers of PBB forum, please compare and see for yourself where PBB fits !
You will find PBB is great going forward.


2021-02-06 12:57 | Report Abuse

SHQuah Patience is a virtue many lack becos of demands of self and society.
PBB will reward going forward. Agree with SHQuah.


2021-02-06 12:03 | Report Abuse

@Sharefisher You are an inspiring, insightful, and intelligent share investor that we should respect.


2021-02-06 12:00 | Report Abuse

@AllYouCanBuy Your father is smart and savvy abt share investment, he is RIGHT abt PBB.
You, also smart and savvy abt share investments, are RIGHT abt PBB.
Both of you are RIGHT abt PBB. Buy, keep, and profit with PBB.


2021-02-06 11:56 | Report Abuse

@Sharefisher You are RIGHT abt PBB.


2021-02-06 11:55 | Report Abuse

1 A co. must have an excellent portfolio of procducts and/or services.
2 There must be a constant growing demand, past, present, and potential, for its offerings.
3 It must be an essential product/service where there is no/limited alternative/substitute choices
4 The co. must be well managed by an excellent team.
5 It should be highly regulated for the safety and security of the business and its customers.
6 There should be laws to ensure not anyone can start this business, oligopoly !!!
7 The business should have a strong a financial record, past, present, and potential.
8 An international market presence and penetration is vital to the co.'s greater growth.

These are the main critical success factors for a company to become a giant and gargantum co.
PBB meets and exceeds these requirements.

PBB will go forward and upwards.
Either you support and get rewarded or you see and not get rewarded.
Your choice.


2021-02-06 00:52 | Report Abuse

@wynwyn Great to hear your solid, strong, & steadfast standing with PBB.
Please repost again & again this post, on Mon etc. as many need to read your powerful point !
Thank you.


2021-02-05 23:48 | Report Abuse

Happy CNY & Kong Hee Fatt Choy to all PBB supporters, shareholders, & stakeholders.
Please comment & contribute more often in the PBB forum.
This is your forum.
Even a hello or hi is welcomed & appreciated here.

These are some of the super Pbankers:
Bgt 9963,
and others.

As shareholders, you are co-owners of PBB. Your comments are important to all.
As supporters and potential shareholders of PBB, you are always welcomed to comment.
Go on, say something. Thank you.


2021-02-05 21:53 | Report Abuse

@Supersinginvestor, you are rising. Some not. So, pull you & everyone out.
Star like you can only go one way. Up.


2021-02-05 19:59 | Report Abuse

Those wanting to get lowest price may miss PBB.
Impossible to get perfect timing.
Once PBB moves, it will be difficult to catch.
Train may be departing for traintobullland soon.


2021-02-05 17:12 | Report Abuse

@Sharefisher Agreed. PBB should move forward nxt wk. Neg. news alrdy factored in.


2021-02-05 13:16 | Report Abuse

PBB guys & gals,
Millions of uncles& aunties have & renew Fds even though LOW returns.
Share PBB good news - great co & share at very affordable price.


2021-02-05 12:55 | Report Abuse


Many looking for get-rich-quick programs must be aware of the high risks-rewards that come with it. You can become a millionaire or multi-millionaire in 1 wk and go bust in1 day !

Which company? Who is founder? What's their prods/svcs? What's their track-financial record?
Choose wisely. Choose PBB.


2021-02-05 11:35 | Report Abuse

Read these great comments fr PBB shareholders

1(Sharefisher******* Don't worry, pbb NPL is the lowest among the banks.

2)LossAversion******* Good Friday!
I don't have any jitters at all on PPbank at whatever prices!
Keep invested, Keep top-up whenever appropriate, and most of all Keep Well from negative energies.

3)stevee******* Looks like Epf is slowing collecting now.

4)AllYouCanBuy******* Ngam! Peace to all. Wealth to all.

5)Supersinginvestor******* Buy n hold. Winners buy losers sell public bank

Buy, keep, & profit.
Investors win, traders lose (1 loss can wipe out All winnings !)
Among the top 100 mkt cap shares, EPF chose & owns 15% of PBB shares. YOU can sleep soundly.
PBB is the way to go.
Choose PBB.


2021-02-04 23:49 | Report Abuse

Agree with jeffchan1901 abt what they put in China's canfood.
For non-food products, China is becoming very competitive.
For mobile phones, PCs, and various electrical products, China can compete very well.


2021-02-04 23:43 | Report Abuse

@blackleopard AllYouCanBuy is not anti-China.
In fact, he may be positive towards China.
Pls read his posts again. Tks.


2021-02-04 23:29 | Report Abuse

You know you can gain fr investing in PBB bcos you know PBB is a great bank & share.
Have you discussed this with your friends & family to see if they agree with your views abt PBB ?
Discussing your investment ideas and choices are good because you learn from each other.
With that, this is a good time to share what each of you think is the preferred share to buy as well as the reasons for choosing it. An example can be PBB is now a very affordable blue chip share.
After listening & learning fr one another, you & your friends and family can make better decisions.
And you & your friends can buy the share that better fulfills yours and their financial objectives.
Take the time before, during, and after CNY to share the good news.

Happy CNY to all PBB supporters, shareholders, and stakeholders.


2021-02-04 22:57 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-02-04 15:36 | Report Abuse

Friends and family of PBB
YOU are both right.
So, no need to say right or not.
Somethings good, some not.
Supersinginvestor and searchingmoney,
YOU are both smart.
Lets look at how to push up PBB.


2021-02-04 12:54 | Report Abuse

Another global pharmaceutical company - GSK - introducing vaccine targetting C19 mutation.


Recovery coming with more & new vaccines coming into market & vaccination intro in M'sia by March for 1st phase.


2021-02-04 10:48 | Report Abuse

Without you guys, no PBB forum.


2021-02-04 10:47 | Report Abuse

As long as long-term and loyal supporters, shareholders, & stakeholders like
Baby Shark,

& the rest of positive PBB forum family are together, we can rest assured PBB will go up.
You guys keep the spirit of PBB UP.


2021-02-04 10:31 | Report Abuse

Sharefisher, you are correct, Baby Shark bought awhile ago bcos even at lowest of $12+ in 2020, still cannot be 2.13 (after ÷ by 5). Baby Shark is a smart shareholder.
Agreed with AllYouCanBuy, Baby Shark is a long time and loyal PBB supporter.


2021-02-04 10:18 | Report Abuse

@neoghts PBB is much better than many out there but people are people. They prefer others. neoghts, you are right, others not. You will greatly profit by keeping PBB as it a great co. Agreed, much better to dilute shareholding.


2021-02-04 02:04 | Report Abuse

Guys, great to know you have unravelled what's happening.
Some are forever making money bcos ...... .
So, we need to be careful in our investments and take the long term approach.
Otherwise, they will take us out and we can go bust.

Am very confident
Amazonboy and
Super stevee

will be the last ones standing
bcos you are equally or even smarter.
And you are sincere.


2021-02-02 14:41 | Report Abuse

A TP RM5 from CGS-CIMB maybe more reflective of PBB
A TP RM4.35 from HLG Investment maybe conservative.


2021-02-02 14:23 | Report Abuse

HLG Investment

Retain OVERWEIGHT. We are still positive on banks given the impending Covid-19 vaccination rollout. Also, we believe the Government and BNM will remain supportive in helping troubled borrowers. In our view, it is only a matter of time when the market starts to look forward again (returning to path of normalcy). Thus, we would advocate buying on dips; valuations are undemanding and there is ample liquidity in the market. Public (TP: RM4.35)


2021-02-02 12:38 | Report Abuse

Keep PBB shares if you have PBB shares.
What goes down will come up if it is a blue chip share.
You decide whether PBB is a blue chip share.


2021-02-02 12:09 | Report Abuse

Friends and fellow PBB supporters,

Those who try to manipulate by short-selling cannot control the huge PBB market for long.
This is the stock market. They buy and sell or they sell and buy back.
They push down trend and if you sell, they buy or buy back and win.
So, the saying goes, buy to invest for awhile and don't monitor the price movements every min.


2021-02-02 11:49 | Report Abuse

Comments and contributions from strong, steadfast, smart, savvy, and strategic PBB shareholders and supporters are simply EXCELLENT.

& many other PBB supporters.

Simply put,
Keep PBB shares as an investment and not a trading or punting play.
Higher gains accrue and accumulate for you when you keep for awhile.

Wait to gain, PBB will move upwards.


2021-02-02 10:13 | Report Abuse

PBB wannabes and PBBankers

No perfect timing to buy. Timing for perfection is impossible.
Never trade in & out constantly.

You can buy lower & sell higher, but how many times can you time it right.
Easy to say but hard to do !

You can sell higher but can you buy it back at the price you bought earlier !
In short, you are averaging up !
Not averaging DOWN.

You have to pay buying and selling commission charges & other brokerage & adm fees, etc.
You have to monitor constantly if you trade regularly.
You may have skills but you cannot control the market ups and downs.
Remember, your luck will run out if you keep going in & out - buying & selling - trading
The risks get higher and higher the more times you trade. Win 1, 2, 3 times but never most times !
All it takes is just 1 time it does not go in your favor, all your winnings can be gone with the wind.
No one can fight and win the market all the time.
So limit your risks by buying & investing in the true blue chip.
You win, live longer, be happier.


2021-02-02 09:04 | Report Abuse

News: Vaccine

New comments fr great PBB supporters
maximus: u r feeling hesitate to hold pbb....means tht u r still fresh in stock market
Alf13: Hold pbb to ride thru d wave in order to reap d rewards
gohkimhock: PBB is the darling stock for all local fund managers. Because it is stable. Nothing can bring it down, not even financial crisis. It came back stronger. Unlike those speculative glove counters, asking noobies to jack up the prices.
cywk: bluechip la this stock
traintobullland: This is the only stock I bought high, regret didn't enter earlier
pharker: Yes, even though I think the recovery may be delayed and banking stock in general is on the down trend, but one banking share I will never underestimate is PBB.
PBB is one solid Blue Chip..way better then Genting. If i hv excess money, i will definetly consider it in my portfolio.
Hold on tight to your PBB, it will not let you down.
From a non PBB shareholder.

And fr Great PBB supporters


2021-02-01 22:49 | Report Abuse

Great comments from these intelligent PBB supporters:


And Great comments from


Buy, hold, and keep PBB shares.
Investment in PBB offers greater risk-reward return than trading PBB.
There will be capital/price appreciation and dividend over time.


2021-01-31 14:45 | Report Abuse

We will work as a team to build PBB to the highest.
Glory be to God.

We share, inform, and help one another.
Those who know more can train and teacher one another on fundamental & technical analysis.
Most shareholders know Zero abt fundamental and technical analysis.
How to read a financial statement ?
What are the numbers to look for to determine a co. is doing good ?
What are the main ratios to look out for ? What do they mean ? & How impt are these ratios ?
We need to share these skills & how toos so that we can understand & know what to do ?
We can then build on that to encourage more to join PBankers gp.
With that we share with one another, help and train others, and welcome more to PBB !
Forward we go to PBB.
Prosper with PBB.


2021-01-31 13:59 | Report Abuse

The heros here in PBB forum are defending the position and standing of PBB.

We agree with


and the many great PBB supporters who post excellent news & thoughts abt PBB going forward.

It is beyond any imagination that we get people who support other stocks and stock forums to come to PBB forum and
Spit, spew, and spread DOOM, FEAR, and PANIC,
Cause CHAOS,
Manipulate and distort information,
then disseminate and publicise the ill-twisted thoughts for self-serving, self-preserving, & self-gaining purpose at the expense of others.

If they insist and persist in tearing and taking down PBB further,
this will deteriorate, decline, descend into total disaster & destruction for PBB forum & supporters

So, be careful and be informed,
You are solely and totally responsible for all that you posts.
There are LEGAL and LAW issues and implications because
You are tearing and taking down a public-listed company - PBB.
You are tearing and taking down individuals who supports PBB & posts positive info in PBB forum
It is only natural and normal for PBB supporters to post in PBB forum.


2021-01-30 13:18 | Report Abuse

Please read carefully.
A lot of rubbish sh.., and trash comments out there.
For safety, soundness, and sureness -

Read, read, read comments fr


choysun, Amazonboy, etc.

They share their knowldge, skills, and wisdom for free with no ulterior agendas and motives !
Why ?
Because along the way they learn from others and others also help them to learn about share mkt
So, now they are giving back what they have received.


2021-01-30 13:03 | Report Abuse

PBB is a great company and share.
PBB is a buy and keep share for investment that offers long term capital/price appreciation and dividend collection.
Prosper with PBB over time, not for 1 mth but 3 - 6+ mths to gain traction.


2021-01-30 12:55 | Report Abuse

Great comments fr PBB supporter,

gohkimhock your money are safe with Public Bank
Adam 1314 Why those ppl nonsense kept wasted time to save ppl from PBB? PBB is not ‘Goreng’ counter la pls.... you better put more effort at another Goreng counter to save innocent newbies... cheers... uncle n long term investor always steady Bom Bi Bi....

Please reader PBB shareholders comments.
If you buy PBB, you are part of the big PBB family and community of investors.
We share, inform, and learn from one another.

Anti-PBB people come to disturb, disrupt, and destroy PBB.
You can expect them to tear PBB to pieces, shreads, zero.

PBB rose fr zero to hero.
Now, these anti-PBB people come here to bring PBB down to zero.

So, PBB supporters, shareholders, and stakeholders,
stand together, support one another, strengthen one another.

Keep PBB shares, keep PBB shares, keep PBB shares.
Don't listen to rumors and all the trash out there.

Remember, why would they come to this PBB forum, and tear and take down PBB ?
Good or bad agendas, motives, intentions, goals, objectives, purposes, and plan ?


2021-01-29 16:50 | Report Abuse

To anyone who hurt others with bad intentions.
You can get away with anything and everything in this world, on earth.
When your maker, creator, GOD judges you, you cannot run or hide.
Please do not wish bad on anyone.
Hope you do not go to another stock forum and condemn the stock and/or supporter.
You have free choice to do as you please.
But you will have to face GOD in the end & GOD will not accept your EXCUSES !


2021-01-29 14:36 | Report Abuse

The 28 million shares traded in the 1st session today is
0.0014445211 % ( 0.1 % ) of the available 19.411 Billion PBB shares in the stock market.

This is very little and very limited selling.
Short-term and some retail players are selling.

Why buy if you just want to sell. Better don't buy then. Keep yr money in Fd then.
You want to make good money, you have to wait awhile (1 - 3 mths).

Buy other share counters
Go ahead, but PBB offers a greater potential and better risk-reward opportunity in a
safe, sound, secure PLC and bank with international operations in
Sri Lanka, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and China/Hong Kong.

Now, PBB price is low, you don't take opp to invest.
When PBB goes up, you want to chase.
You will regret for not investing in PBB.


2021-01-28 21:47 | Report Abuse

These are the closing prices and mkt caps as of 27 Wed

Shares Prices Mkt Cap
HLB 17.50 37.94
MBB 7.87 89.83
RHB 5.15 20.65
PBB 4.36 84.63

You determine and decide where PBB should be.
You are the potential share investor, Boss.
You make the final decision, Boss.
Thank you.