
1profits | Joined since 2012-09-22

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2014-04-10 20:28 | Report Abuse

Can get good bargain on 8/5, so no need to take hassel on -OR.


2014-04-10 19:03 | Report Abuse

Be more realistic, CSL brand products not sold in M'sia is true and so what ? Can you find Foxconn/Honghai products in M'sia ? Anyway who make Iphone and most electronics stuff we use everyday ?

The product sold in M'sia or not is not the criteria to decide whether to buy/sell CSL shares.


2014-04-02 21:26 | Report Abuse

The company is the process of slimming down the expenses, many expatriates resigned from top posts, long term should be good.

News & Blogs

2014-04-02 18:57 | Report Abuse

Sorry, this is not sohai but something meaningful to the world. Imagine how much diesel can be saved each year for taking the shortcut routes. It is hypocritical to shout reduce CO2 in Kyoto Protocol but take no action on this project. I spoke to a lecturer of Singapore 10 years ago, Singaporean knew the impact and already taken counter measure by buying lands nearby to the planned canal sites, so they will not loose they logistic business.

News & Blogs

2014-03-31 17:09 | Report Abuse

It is stupid to spent so much money to build the bridge longer and with more expensive materials costs and yet the bridge failed to join Pulau Aman and Pulau Jelejak.


2014-03-26 16:57 | Report Abuse

guys, if no confidence then go away. dun waste your time here.


2014-03-25 11:02 | Report Abuse

If u believe the land value in Klang Valley then buy and hold, otherwise should not come here at all.


2014-03-18 10:10 | Report Abuse

After below news, dont think price will drop further ...


国油与蚬壳宣布 沙巴岸外发现石油

文告指称,这项新发现是蚬壳在评估沙巴Limbayong天然气时所发掘。它们在Limbayong 2井地深约136米发现油,并计划进行更多评估,以测定其可获取的油量。



根据文告,该Limbayong 2钻油井地的勘探是由大马蚬壳(持35%)、美国康菲(ConocoPhillips)(35%)及国家石油勘探(Petronas Carigali)私人有限公司(30%)一起进行。

News & Blogs

2014-03-07 16:44 | Report Abuse

what about pinepac ? I tot this is cheapest palm plantation stock.

News & Blogs

2014-03-01 00:18 | Report Abuse

The title of post "Operating performance deteriorates sharply BUY"
Is "Operating performance deteriorates sharply" good sign to business ?
If not, why call with big BUY at the end ?

Sound like conman, unless I misinterpret the comments.


2014-02-27 17:12 | Report Abuse

why today price goes up ? any news ?


2014-02-18 15:55 | Report Abuse

t+4 today ?


2014-01-16 09:36 | Report Abuse

come on guys, we come here to look for money (求财) and not asking for troubles (求气)。 No point keep nagging on just because do not want to loose face. 大丈夫要能卧能伸。


2014-01-16 07:15 | Report Abuse

I am not trying to teach duckling to swim but just share what I had gone through.

I learn TA from chartnexus course and enhancement from OTB posts. Basically the first thing before we entering into trade is to calculate the money (or %age) which you prepare to loose before you start to dream of making money. The trainers could even tell you, if you are NOT prepared to loose that money, you still have one choice --- "DON'T TRADE" and it is so simple. When someone make post, sure price already moved up, you better judge whether the price you enter trade give you good "gain/loss" ratio.

Always judge the potential "Gain" versus the potential "Risk/Loss" , if you practice TA, you will know no one can expect he will win in all trades. With this principle in mind, never put all your money in one single trade.


2014-01-16 00:09 | Report Abuse

Just share my own experience, I bought some Barakah after the news and its price went up to 1.69 and fell back. I was quite regret and thought of cut loss and sell after the 3rd day, luckily OTB post a comment and said the chart still look good, I took his view and now it proves that I can make some money from Barakah. Did OTB get a single sen from me ? you know the answer is "NO" , so he is giving his advice with good intention and no one should pass blame to him if some thing goes wrong.

Thanks to OTB and I mean it.


2014-01-15 23:28 | Report Abuse

Mr OTB, though I am new but I learn a lot from your post. I trust your view points because it is backed with data or analysis you use, though I sometimes may not agree to them 100% (but I know you at least do not fake them out). I would suggest you set up a blog like Raja Petra and be the administrator of it, since you do not take any commission from anyone here, feel free to delete any posts in you liking.

News & Blogs

2014-01-15 18:59 | Report Abuse

Is KDEB listed company in bursa ?

News & Blogs

2014-01-12 20:56 | Report Abuse

can listen to this guy but do not believe blindly. I would appreciate more on view given by OTB, because he at least relates his view with data and facts.


2013-12-28 17:56 | Report Abuse

if not mistaken, this or last year we had one company where an indian director run away with money, the company is making central aircond. another company is the one which make automotive electronic parts.


2013-12-28 17:48 | Report Abuse

it is considered lucky enough for the main boss detected his own bros did some hanky panky and kicked them out from board. i think this is better than many other companies cases where only after directors siphoned away money then only realized the problem, try to compare that with LFECORP, XIANLENG and many others.


2013-12-28 15:39 | Report Abuse

why talk so much. if serious lodge a police report and start CBT investigation. No point pour slat on wounds of those who hold the shares.

News & Blogs

2013-12-23 20:12 | Report Abuse

This guy uses his own private company sumur???? to buy land, then he sell those lands to i-bhd. For him sure make money from his own private company, would i-bhd make enuf money for the investors ? Like the Cantonese says "ng sai man ah kuai" (不用问阿贵) !

News & Blogs

2013-12-23 13:51 | Report Abuse

Just my idea,
1) Lets the toll increased.
2) Impose new profit tax on toll companies. (contract never said government cannot impose new tax). Can also increase the land duty since highway build on land, if house/building on land need to pay higher tax, same logic should apply to highway land.
3) Use the tax income to rebate the toll users, such as reduce road tax, etc.

News & Blogs

2013-12-20 11:19 | Report Abuse

Idiots in umno dare to ask for 60 over percent of the nation wealth but none of mca nor gerakan members dare to tell umno to be responsible to produce at least 50% of the nation income.

News & Blogs

2013-12-14 11:48 | Report Abuse

枪手果然懂得加料。 有了瓮,什么料都被吃掉!

News & Blogs

2013-12-14 11:40 | Report Abuse

Giving up 1m is better than loosing hundred millions later if the property developed not able to sell due to market trend change. I think the land purchasers make right move.

News & Blogs

2013-12-13 15:44 | Report Abuse

Bolehland 有的是办法, 找一个地区让外国想逃税的大亨免税住下来, 不必等2020, 2015年我们就可以成为高收入国。

News & Blogs

2013-12-12 08:28 | Report Abuse

The so called national education blueprint will make internal school exam carry 60% of weight, which mean the teachers in the schools will evaluate the students directly. Do you think these "teachers" with different ethnic and religious background able to "test" our children without any bias ??
The reason for having central examination system is to provide a non bias and equal system, so that students are tested and judged without considering their ethnic/religion background and all are asked on same questions.
The new internal test system will create "kampong champion but internation looser" as end product.


2013-12-11 09:44 | Report Abuse

oh, sorry for I only calculate the income they announce yesterday. BTW, do they have other incomes ? (i tot this is pn17 counter, right ?)


2013-12-11 09:33 | Report Abuse

144 millions for 3 years means 48millions a year. The share issued thus far already more than 3000 millions, meaning each share is getting 1.6sen or 5% per anum, consider good buy ?


2013-12-11 04:45 | Report Abuse

bsngpg, are you from penang as well ? Jawi tool gate is the place where you can smell pig dung at night when you scroll down window to pay toll. lol


2013-12-05 22:00 | Report Abuse

any worry on tabung haji might dump shares anytime ?


2013-12-05 15:59 | Report Abuse

I thought Mahsing, Sunway, E&O and WCT all get 30% tax exemption and other incentives for the lands near LEGOLAND, how come price not up ?


2013-12-04 21:48 | Report Abuse

the new tariff only help bn to lessen burden of subsidy, tnb unlikely to make more money, how come so many rush to buy at higher price ?


2013-11-12 22:45 | Report Abuse

it reminds me about repco. at one time its mother I??? also goreng like no tomorrow.

Be fearful when others are greedy.


2013-10-23 14:37 | Report Abuse

airasia showing double bottoms, similarly csl is now showing reverse head and shoulder, meaning uptrend is the trend.


2013-10-17 08:40 | Report Abuse

huh, listing in singapore, so do those of us holding bjtoto need to have account in singapore ? (this company unclear details will scare some apek ama to sell what they hold)

News & Blogs

2013-10-07 09:14 | Report Abuse

让一个不是百万富翁或穷光蛋当你父亲,绝对不是你的错, 因为你没得选择。

但是如果你让一个不是百万富翁或穷光蛋当你岳父, 你只能怪责自己, 这绝对是你自己找来的,不要怨天尤人。

News & Blogs

2013-10-05 21:18 | Report Abuse

Will they repeat same mistake like N2N, company in business to make money or company to make new business.


2013-10-04 22:38 | Report Abuse

See what Singapore stock exchange do to those company who tries to sell down w/o reasonable reasons. http://www.chinapress.com.my/node/463680

this stupid boleh land counterpart better change name to bull shit if they keep sleeping...


2013-10-04 16:21 | Report Abuse

now those who shout expensive regret like hell now. every stock is just a price either in up or down trend. when u say expensive, u insult the person who bot it at that price. when u say cheap, u will also insult the guy who sell them.


2013-10-03 16:58 | Report Abuse

hahaha. it is human nature and weakness, ppl who r positive will always think positive and ppl who think negative will always act negatively. if price drop, -ve ppl will hope it drop further b4 they want to buy, can blame them anyway since money is not easily earned in this boleh land after we had to pay some idiot for exclusive plane and holiday at switzeland.


2013-10-03 16:04 | Report Abuse

so long as epf, tbhj not dumping, no big deal. rhb never have good comments for puncak.


2013-10-03 12:54 | Report Abuse

is rhb talking for rozali or talking for khalid ? be realistic, how can selangor government under pr survive if their neck (puncak etc) under control of bn ?

see even kedah wants to kacau penang on water, bcos they know water problem will make ppl angry with pr.


2013-09-18 20:49 | Report Abuse

who in CSL decide when and what price to do share buy back ? dun tell me it is Chan Fung.


2013-09-18 09:54 | Report Abuse

i would rather wait until it is confirm chan fung no more dumping the share. if cf dump and csl company buy back, pointless then.

make few sen less is better than taking risk, just my opinion.


2013-09-17 16:59 | Report Abuse

entering episode 20