Choivo Capital

Rotijon | Joined since 2013-03-05

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2018-06-11 21:43 | Report Abuse

You must be an idiot, div out d price wont drop ah?

You think money fall from sky like magic?

Posted by Kris Wong > Jun 11, 2018 09:28 PM | Report Abuse

As per previous records, the final dividend of 1.5 sen, if approved, will be likely be paid by this October ie. in less than 5 months' time. On an annualised basis based on its current price of 19 sen, it means an effective dividend yield of around 19% !


2018-06-11 20:48 | Report Abuse

Osk is interesting not so much in its NTA, but that its earnings are really good as well.

NTA wise, Daiman, Plenitude and Insas far outstrip it. Along with BJCORP, MUIIND, EKSONS etc, but the last 3 is rubbish companies honestly.

BJCORP you have a fonder with the malaise of empire building, just doing whatever business disregarding capital allocation and profitability.


2018-06-11 20:46 | Report Abuse

Very interesting NTA plays.

Orient, Daiman, Plenitude, Insas, OSK.

KSL, TROP, Mahsing is also quite interesting,

Gadang, Tambun, L&G is not bad.

TA is worth thinking about, but most of the profit this year is from investment, hotel earnings are rubbish as usual.

I think i'll be building up my property development portfolio for the rest of this year, till they hit like 30% in total. Way too many undervalued ones that are price at like P/B.

The big jump is when people go from valuing companies at P/B to P/E.


2018-06-11 20:20 | Report Abuse

Tropicana is also decent.


2018-06-11 20:18 | Report Abuse

Id suggest you take a look at plenitude, daiman and KSL as well.

Posted by Fabien Extraordinaire > Jun 10, 2018 08:34 PM | Report Abuse



2018-06-11 20:17 | Report Abuse

Nope. Lazy to wait, just pay 1.01. I hate checking to see if my buy orders went through.

its only a very small 2% position. But its cheap enough to warrant that, and it gives me time to study further and get more comfortable. I am definitely seeing it as a possible 5% position, along with Orient.


2018-06-11 12:46 | Report Abuse

SC needs to arrest your ass.

Posted by SAStockAlliance > Jun 11, 2018 12:44 PM | Report Abuse

Stay tune TEXCYCL after lunch. TP 0.85 by StockAlliance


2018-06-11 12:45 | Report Abuse

He can just pay cash.

The dividends over the years got few hundred million easily.

What he said is not false in the AGM.but it will also increase his share holding in Osk as well. Can easily borrow from RHB IF not enough.Don't underestimate his financial standing.Chicken rice seller does not employ tax consultant,he has plenty of consultants working for him.


2018-06-11 12:38 | Report Abuse

Just queued for some at 99sen.

I can wait. Im fine with how he does business.

He has a reputation of being a very hard and unfair negotiator with other people. But it will be stupid for him to anything to his flagship company.


2018-06-10 19:41 | Report Abuse

Because people not stupid, that is a one off gain. Operating still loss.

Posted by ivan9511 > Jun 10, 2018 07:36 PM | Report Abuse

And @ Calvin can you explain why wtk get net profit this qr but share prices drop instead of limit uppp.
I remember when wtk qr came up you shout very good results .


2018-06-10 19:38 | Report Abuse

Other than Orient and OSk, what do you have? For net asset plays?


2018-06-10 17:57 | Report Abuse

Very interesting.

RHB shares are not overvalued as well.


2018-06-10 17:02 | Report Abuse

I decided there is not need for me to go into net cash companies that have shit business.

When they are decent businesses that are more undervalued even on a NTA basis. Such as orient, plenitude etc.

However, im always very tempted to just buy like 1-2% just because its so cheap and it just feels like picking up free money.

Posted by Fabien Extraordinaire > Jun 8, 2018 02:36 PM | Report Abuse

i don't know much about eksons. but i have similar experience before. got my money stucked in FACBInd, trading significantly below net cash. but business is unexciting.

lost my patience after 4 years and liquidated at decent profit

News & Blogs

2018-06-10 14:28 | Report Abuse

Yeah its cheap, Bought some a month ago at 1.05

News & Blogs

2018-06-09 13:47 | Report Abuse

I don't think it's a growth Vs value argument.

All sound investments are by nature value investment. Because you want a good price for whatever it is you're buying, and that includes growth.

My timecom pick is a growth story for sure. And my property development picks are growth stocks selling for almost liquidation price!

News & Blogs

2018-06-09 13:01 | Report Abuse

Whey whey,

Why am I a long term fundamental only investor?

One, because it makes perfect sense to me.

And two, because I failed miserably as a short term, ta speculator in the 2 months I was one.

If you work better as the second. Do that. I have no idea how to make money consistently and over a long period of time like that.

News & Blogs

2018-06-08 20:37 | Report Abuse

I don't think the Dividend for SAM is massive, considering the yield.

Kobay is interesting. Valuation wise, its a touch high, whether for a prop dev or standard manufacturing arm (precision or not)

The resilience of the earnings of this company is quite doubtful. Future looks bright-ish, with O&G and Aerospace markets expected to expand. But when valuation is taking into account, not nearly cheap enough. For me at least.


2018-06-08 02:19 | Report Abuse

We're far more interested in cyclical companies that are well capitalized, that don't lose money at the bottom of the cycle, and whose peak and troughs are both higher over time.

We'd be less apt to buy setting like a capital intensive pulp and paper manufacturer, which bleeds money at the trough and when they do generate some cash flow, need to spend much of it on new or upgraded plant and equipment, or repaying borrowings.

Charles de Lardemelle

News & Blogs

2018-06-07 20:17 | Report Abuse

Haha whey whey, you damn cute lah. I hope you dont lose too much money in the market.

Its clear you got nothing of worth to say when you just go around and backbite people whilst having zero substance.

Argue your points on TA properly. Im personally curious.

Whey Whey Ohhhhhh now only I realize this guy wrote articles too. Now i feel glad after reading most people's comments here about his theory. Newbies, syiok sendiri, sound work in theory but not in practical etc...! No wonder i feel funny when he keep attacking me in rcecap forum when i talk about price support TA analysis all. Want to show off but only syiok sendiri. Well said guys. Hahahahaha.
07/06/2018 05:32


2018-06-07 20:12 | Report Abuse

RNAV is closer to 20.

I just found eksons. Looks ok, selling at less than net cash. But shit business though.


2018-06-07 19:09 | Report Abuse

Haha, i concede i may have been too aggressive and crude. One of the faults of youth i suppose, given time, i think life should knock that arrogance out of me.

I apologize for being crude.

However, the thing about a public forum is, if you air your thoughts out loud, people can now comment on it, and in my case, call you a fool.

I would however say i admire you courage is saying out what you think. The cost of not saying the truth is far too high.

Whey Whey Lazy to argue with some idiot and since I promise readers i will ignore him so i will not respond to his comments anymore. The readers can read urself and see how he keep provoking. If the rcecap price drop u know who to find for since he like to see rcecap red so much. For the rest of u goodnight and I wished u all make money in rcecap. I will be less here because someone think he own the forum so I'm just wasting my time here. Bye everyone ~
07/06/2018 00:04


2018-06-06 21:19 | Report Abuse

You really is lucky dao, i started buying in October 2017. At 1.55, then bought more at 1.6X, then buy at 1.4X, 1.3X, 1.2X and 1.3X again.

Really is don't have luck when it comes to buying near the bottom. Oh well, got buy better than no buy, as long as the discount on price to intrinsic value is large enough.

gladiator RCE has drop to 52 week low for the last six months, I bought enough already not going to add more. So I hope RCE will continue to go up.


2018-06-06 21:04 | Report Abuse

"Too good to be true unless there is hidden risk that I don’t understand."

They dont have access to CCRIS, and they do not disclose their criteria for customers publicly (understandable, as this is their edge, you dont want people compete in your same niche).

So their asset base may very well be rubbish.

I actually seriously considered joining the company as a strategy analyst, just so i can see that criteria, and properly take care of my investment and baby, make sure the company keeps making more and more money safely!

Also, if i were to work there, and can really see everything. If i still really like the company. I can forget about diversifying, instead of putting 30% of fund into it, can just throw like 70% in.

From what i derived in my analysis, i really wanted to collect the shares of the company for a few years. But i'm not sure this is going to be possible.

Haha good good gladiator, that gives me the opportunity to buy more at a lower price haha.

Going to call investor relations, ask them can stop buying back shares anot. Keep raising my cost.

News & Blogs

2018-06-06 20:54 | Report Abuse

You are right in many respects and imprecise in some.

Try and ask Teh Hong Piow, what is his exit point for public bank? Probably, at his death. Very few major shareholders actually get to exit their investment, because their holdings is so large, the amount of people who can buy from them is so small.

What good is Teh Hong Piow's profit on Public Bank if he cannot materialize?

What good is One Utama to its private owners if they are not materializing it?

What good is Warren Buffet shares in Berkshire, if he cannot materialize? Even worse, in his case, he don't even get dividend, and salary only USD100k!

As i do not have control, i require a much large discount than something i would have control over!

And why do i want control? If i think the management is good and have very high skin in game (large shareholdings), why i nothing to do, want to go and work morning to night to manage a business i have no expertise in, when i have good management around?

Just sit back and collect dividend lah! No dividend? Its ok! Is the monies being reinvested back into the business? Yes? If yes, is the return on equity of the business superior to what i can obtain? If Yes? No issue, continue.

Public bank can get 14.88% return on each dollar invested like clockwork and it got more than 20% over more than 50 years. You think you can or not? I'm not sure i can.

Let the brilliant Teh Hong Piow and gang work for me, i got other things to do.

Unfortunately, i dont have Public Bank. T_T

John_Lee Jon, don't quite share your view eh.

"One is able to make instant profit the moment one buys a stock!"

That is true if you are able to acquire the controlling stake of the company as you will then have control. You are also then able to leverage on the intrinsic value of the said company to earn future profits from your other ventures.

But it is fool's gold if you are a minority shareholder. Your only exit point is via the open market and the open market will not pay you your capital + 'instant profit'. From a cash flows point of view, you make no profit and neither are you in a position to make any.

What good is a profit that you cannot materialise?

In my opinion, theoretically you are correct, practically it is syiok sendiri.

My 2 sen.
04/06/2018 18:10


2018-06-06 19:00 | Report Abuse

Congratulate him, he does not the know the value, so when price go up he very happy.

I always want to buy more, so every time price go up, i feel very sad. Just like my dog die. My cost keep going up and up.

gladiator RCE closing RM1.55 not bad. Congratulations to both Whey Whey & Jon Choivo for holding on to RCE. The real enemy of this topic is Calvin try to fool you guys into buying his Holland stock TA.
06/06/2018 18:08


2018-06-06 18:59 | Report Abuse

Haha this is funny. Stock go up, but whole place angry. Haha

Whey Whey, you do you lah. I also lazy do zero value add activity and argue with you. Not like you can contribute in any way to our understanding of this company.

Good also lah got trader. If everyone like me, habis, nothing to buy d, economy also bankrupt since everyone will be buying stocks only!

Let me comment for you on your behalf.

Scenario 1: Stock price go up.
Whey Whey: Wah, stock price go up! (Then to make sure he sound smart, "Potential breakout, and above SMA100!")

Scenario 2: Stock price go down
Whey Whey: Wah stock price go down! (Potential consolidation, why good stock price go down? Operator selling his precious stock to push price down so he buy cheaper?)

Scenario 3: Stock price drop some more.
Whey Whey: Stock price go down again! (Dangerous, might be bad sentiment. Falling knife, must be careful. Break SMA100, very dangerous.)


2018-06-06 12:34 | Report Abuse

Every time i see these stupid post about support level lah, why no coverage lah, when breakout, when falling star.

Imagine you see a house in USJ, normal price RM800k, selling for RM400k, rental yield can cover installment safely and give you extra pocket money summore. But for some reason, people keep asking you, how support level, when breakout, SMA100 pass d anot. I really want to vomit blood.

Don't want read also cannot, as this is my biggest position and i'm constantly adding, I have to keep track of my investment very closely and i got no choice but to come and read here every day in case got any interesting news.

Makes me wish i never posted anything in this forum, and lower the probability of having idiots from HY or whatever other forum come here and ask stupid question and also increase my cost.


2018-06-06 12:27 | Report Abuse

1,384,100 volume

Half is selling. Selling volume that day is about 49%.

Why price not falling today?

Might as well ask me why today no rain?

Short term wise, price movement you can take go wipe backside.

News & Blogs

2018-06-06 02:25 | Report Abuse



2018-06-06 02:19 | Report Abuse

Actually don't bother, the more people believe in TA, the better. Ensures I always got opportunity to eat.

These are the people who will sell to me rm1 for 50 sen because "overbought".

And when price of rm1 drop to 30 sen, scream falling knife and sell more.

The when cross sma 50,100,200,300, strong positive momentum, cup and handle(like what kyy and otb said for gadang at rm1.5) and shooting star, will buy rm1 from me for rm2.

Good, overbought now, you should sell. pls sell until falling knife for me. Better, sell until falling nuclear bomb from jung un.


2018-06-06 02:04 | Report Abuse

Defend your thesis and investment process if you think it's right.

Show me your incisive acumen and give me examples.

Don't need to make personal attacks. No room for ego in investing.

News & Blogs

2018-06-05 20:32 | Report Abuse

Yeah. Just saying.

If you are super investor, with a small capital base (less than 500m), its possible. Probably a lot of volatility.


2018-06-05 19:03 | Report Abuse

Its not a support when management buy back 210k shares from 1.44 to 1.49, which is your "support" level. Which is roughly 1/3 of the buy volume.

Thank god.

If my name is KYY, long ago will be breakout, shooting star, above SMA/EMA of 5,10,20,50,100,200,300 or whatever it is people say.

To be honest, I have no idea why people spend their time on the prediction of support levels etc, if breakout happening or whatever TA people like to say these days.

Determine a range intrinsic value and buy if the discount is large enough. At most, study potential catalyst as well. Done, end of story. No need every day waste time look at the chart.


2018-06-05 15:16 | Report Abuse

Haha you know my FV.

Btw are you based in KL? Add me on Fb, i like how you think. Lets meet up for a cup of coffee. :)


2018-06-05 14:43 | Report Abuse

I don't understand why the people here happy when price and cost go up.

With luck, europe and canada might fall into recession before the div confirmed. Can buy more then.


2018-06-05 12:28 | Report Abuse


Take a deep breath. If you think Ekovest is a good investment, no need to look so much. Go do something else.

Stop opening i3. Go out with family.

News & Blogs

2018-06-05 00:04 | Report Abuse


What your portfolio concentration like by %.

News & Blogs

2018-06-04 21:23 | Report Abuse

How to save money?

A thousand riggit, when compounded over 50 years,

At 5%, is RM11,467
At 10%, is RM117,391
At 15%, is RM1,083,657
At 20%, is RM9,100,438

The question i ask myself is, do i want to own a Honda City now, or do i want to own 5% of Honda at the ripe old age of 76.

But remember, you cannot live forever, and money cannot bring to the grave. As Karl Marx (not a fan of his philosophy) said,

“The less you eat, drink, and buy books, the less you go to the theatre, the dance hall, the public house; the less you think, love, theorise, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save – the greater becomes your treasure which neither moth nor rust will devour – your capital. The less you are, the less you express your own life, the more you have, i.e., the greater is your alienated life, the greater is the store of your estranged being.”

– Karl Marx

So you need to spend and enjoy also, but do so while keeping the above in mind. That's how you make sure when you spend, its really worth it. Its usually worth it to spend on friends, family and life.

Also know this, every dollar matters. This will hit your hard when you need a certain sum in the future, and you find out you are a few hundred, thousands, tens of thousands or hundred of thousand, or even a few million short.

At that moment, you better not regret how you spent your money before this. You must be able to at that moment, look back in life and go, "you know what, i would still live and spend the way i did"

News & Blogs

2018-06-04 21:15 | Report Abuse

I would add this to the new investors who just started working.

"Avoid debts, except for “good” debts like a housing loan, or initial payment for a car you need for work. In fact, as soon as you can afford, put a down payment for a house. It is a form of forced saving too."

I would take things a touch more extreme. Debt is slavery.

If you need a car, 10k can get you an old 2008 saga. 15k can get myvi. If no money, get an old saga or wira, 5k can d. Pay cash, especially if you don't know how to invest.

I think houses are in general a bad investment. The only reason its good, is because you can leverage 10x, and the economy is booming, along with the low liquidity which allowed prices to inch upwards. In recent years however, people flip and speculate on houses a lot more, which means what was a safe investment, is now very very unsafe especially given your 10x leverage.

In addition the loan on your neck means you will not be able to take advantage of good working opportunities outstation or overseas.

If you're buying for investment, for you to cover your rental, you need to hit about 6% yield to be safe. That is impossible to get unless you AirBnb. And why make life hard, if you must have this kind of regular income, buy TWRREIT, prime location, high yield, low debt

The only time you should get in debt or a house, is in throes of a recession. When yields hit 10% or more. At those moments, just whack only.

Learn to forced savings without needing a loan around your neck. Read the books listed above by KCC, then decide if you want to invest on your own (in which case, go read the FS of all 9XX companies in the bursa) or, invest in a fund (i would recommend yeoman, aggregate or target asset management, if you got a lot of money, or if not alot, index, after identifying where in the cycle you are at now.)

I started working about 4 years ago. My salary started at RM2k net (its a lot better now). I used to save money like a fiend. My investments now are in the low six figures and i live a little better and much less like a pauper.

And ill tell you, that was pretty much mostly savings. My stock market earnings is not much. Other than one big gain back in 2016.

You can do it too.

Remember, debt is slavery.

Money is cheap, freedom is expensive.

Unless your money is working is for you, whenever you buy something, you are not paying with money.

You are paying the amount of time you need to earn that money. You're paying for it with the hours/days/months/years of your life and your freedom.


2018-06-04 17:39 | Report Abuse

I feel like buying 1-2% haha


2018-06-04 17:33 | Report Abuse

The fact LKC is buying is a good thing, the guy puts additional money where his mouth is.

News & Blogs

2018-06-04 17:31 | Report Abuse

Dear Halite,

Yes, they will be.

but the i doubt Eko tolls will be affected, the main one is PLUS

My only question is, the vast majority of their earnings come from construction. Given that the boom is over, how is it going to affect their earnings?

In addition, lets say the infrastructure boom continues. How good is Ekovest without any crony connections? Can they still win contracts? This is also a really hard question.

Good luck to you, these questions are too hard for me. I've thought about it over the last few days.

News & Blogs

2018-06-04 16:34 | Report Abuse

My friend is part of a QS firm who services EKO in relation to their highways.

SOP wise, yes it might be undervalued. assuming their assets is worth that much.

But right now, most of the loans is due to the highway. And right now, net profit for highway barely enough to cover the loan interest. Might be because one of the highway not fully launch yet.

But the vast majority of their earnings come from construction, which was in line with Najib infra boom, if you study a few years back.

If those earnings go away. what is ekovest really worth?

Its not easy for me to determine. So i skip for now, but im looking as well.

But for propdev with construction, id rather buy more gadang (Disclosure, i have a small 1.5% position in the warrants).


Posted by Halite > Jun 4, 2018 04:24 PM | Report Abuse

Buy ekovest ,

there are a lot of stories or catalyst coming on the way to move the price up high high

News & Blogs

2018-06-04 16:31 | Report Abuse


I wrote a little on how to understand financial institutions on a certain level. I doubt you can really understand it in detail. As most analyst don't too.

Let me know what you think and if i missed out on anything.


2018-06-04 16:29 | Report Abuse

But question now is. as an NTA play.

Why not just buy more plenitude, daiman etc. More undervalued, and got div. Arguably, their assets not as liquid.

But i can definitely see a small position in my portfolio. Just need to study more.


2018-06-04 16:25 | Report Abuse

Well, it turned green today for me. Avg cost is 1.468.

Lets hope it goes back to red, as much as possible.

News & Blogs

2018-06-04 13:12 | Report Abuse

Flintstone and CharlesT,

I must concede that my ego does not feel good when others call me a newbie. However, i do my best to take it into account, when evaluating my own ability.

I would say this. I am a newbie when it comes to putting my money on the line, however, prior to this, since i was in Form 1, i have always advised my parents as i've always been fascinated by investing since a very young age (you have "The Intelligent Investor" to blame for that, the logic just made perfect sense for my 11 year old mind). And i loved reading annual reports.

My very first investment was Airasia at RM3, back in 2013, when i was just very charmed by the man. And i averaged down like mad in 2016, once i've become alot wiser from 1.2 to 0.9.

I sold them all at 3.

I would say that from my light observation of roughly more than 10 years. Value always emerges. It just takes time. Its normal for value or NTA picks to lag behind the market, except when the value emerges, it emerges suddenly and with no warning. And next thing you know, that investment went from losing against the market for 6 years to beating it.

Even in KLSE. Everyone say KLSE market is different. Well, for me, KLSE market is young, money is not that deep. Which gives rise to much more inefficiencies compared to the US market. And inefficiencies means more bargains, and opportunities.

I bet a young WB would rather start in this market now, than the US market.

In any event, my timeframe is forever. I've never taken a single cent out from my portfolio, all dividends are reinvested in.

Some people collect cars, i collect stocks!


2018-06-04 12:55 | Report Abuse

Very low P/B

And most of it is quoted shares in msia.

One can argue that the shares held by them is overvalued to begin with. But the sheer discount already provide a very nice margin of safety.

Im seriously considering buying a small position and slowly build up as it falls. Subject to review of fundamentals and valuation then.


2018-06-03 16:22 | Report Abuse

This is interesting.