
Agjl | Joined since 2017-12-06

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2020-11-30 12:51 | Report Abuse

Ibelieve....let hope so bro.....hahahah

But i beleive he or she will come out to clarify that with u very soon


2020-11-30 12:42 | Report Abuse

Safetyfirst....there is nothing new from u that we duno....RUN RUN RUN. From 7 run, 7.50 run, 8 run, 8.50 run....9 RUN, 10 run... its pretty standard. We all already program it for you already. In the Funds Management fratenities that i deal with we have this called PROGRAM SELLING but u are one notch higher and better....urs is called....” PROGRAM RUNNING”. Wakakakakakak. Cheers!


2020-11-30 12:36 | Report Abuse

Today is contra kakis take profit from the surge of 51 sen last thursday. Tmrw will be force selling...good time to bargain if u have the cash..or else sell and run


2020-11-30 12:21 | Report Abuse

If u are smart enough, whether u r day traders, punters, cibtra kakis, short to mid term investors or long term investors....if u r defail and smart enough and with experinece....u know thisbone is waiting to explode!!! Justvlook atbthe trend and the volune and the support level...its is poised to panjut....

Do i need to say more??? Only the Experineced one will see...u can call all kind of run limit down and doomed....time will tell...

This is not a Sell or buy recomendation. It just my personla view . Cheers!


2020-11-29 21:03 | Report Abuse

One construction site tested on 482 workers and 410 tested positive, an infection rate of 85.1%.

Dint understand why keep bashing TG covid case??


2020-11-29 20:50 | Report Abuse

感染率85.1% 冼都工地410人检测呈阳



2020-11-29 20:49 | Report Abuse

感染率85.1% 冼都工地410人检测呈阳



2020-11-29 18:19 | Report Abuse

Hahaha now no more windfall tax no kore vaccines to bash super and now using super advertising to bash pulak? Waw! Pleaee lah


2020-11-29 14:42 | Report Abuse

AssWanker will come say tnrw BIG announement!!!! Hahahah play mysterious....


2020-11-29 14:41 | Report Abuse

Ibelieve me...tmrw still people come out shouting” windfall tax, 14 vaccines coming msia, RUN RUN RUN LIMIT DOWN GLOVE DOOM” lol


2020-11-28 23:30 | Report Abuse

USA GOV pressing Malaysia for gloves ! Short of 4.5 billion gloves. Monday Huat ah!

. “We still aspire to have 4.5 billion in the stockpile,” Mango said.

A Department of State spokesperson said that embassies have been working with the Malaysian government to obtain more gloves. “The administration has taken swift and aggressive action to invest in the domestic production of nitrile gloves,” the spokesperson added.


2020-11-28 21:50 | Report Abuse

AlvinTSK....i m so panic lor wakakakakak wakakakakakakkakakaka panic to the maximunm ...Albin the chipmXXX....wakakakakakak


2020-11-28 21:49 | Report Abuse

AlvinTSK....wakakakakak...u win boy u win...wakakakaka. Small littel boy...wakakakakak....i enjoy ur reply...pls comment more after mine....hahahahah littel boy


2020-11-28 21:10 | Report Abuse

AlvinTSk....wakakakakak...your vision is brilliant can see many can feel many....and u r right my brain is come u so smart one....urs is triangle? It takea ine to know one???? Wakakakaka.

Again though u clamined u r brilliant and yet u prove that u cant read.... nobody will hype up on Monday....u r the one trying to hype up everyone here by trolling bon-stop...its a fact that cant deny...

Price up or down is partnof the game and os purely determine by the general market but u trying to act like market mover to swing the market....wakakakakaka....u r still raw, boy....ur time will come...patience.....wakakak

Even the price down next week mobody will cry like a baby like u keep whinkng .....sigh....never mind.


2020-11-28 20:30 | Report Abuse

Its good to see that in this forum all of us trying to share usedul and meaningful infor be it positive and negative....

At TG, its too toxic and its a waste of time there. Only there when ine feel bored and have a laught at what the naysayers saying...its a great emtertainment.


2020-11-28 20:28 | Report Abuse

Tell u all, later still will see people come out and talk about windfall tax and then “RUN RUN RUN” Limit down... wakakakak. Dumbo!


2020-11-28 20:26 | Report Abuse

Seeyounoup...bro..dun waste your time on point get urself hype up. Thats their intention....they will be very happy. Let them kaki kong kaki song. go relax your weekend bro. Cheers!


2020-11-28 12:07 | Report Abuse

And FDA will undoubtedly approved pfizer and moderna vaccines for emergency use even though both have not met FDA full list of requrements..US is in dire straits of the pandemic and is setbro get worse 2 weeks from now and the number of infection will certain scale higher after the thanksgiving holiday....US is deaperate right now. Even with efficacy if 50% they are willing to baccinate the frontline workers as no other ways to stop this virus...complications and adverse effect after getting the vaccination will be their least concern at the moment...


2020-11-28 12:01 | Report Abuse

And the strange thing is they will take the baccines news to bash gloves...and i cant understand why and the motives behind except for other motives


2020-11-28 12:00 | Report Abuse fren, despite all the articles written by well know and respectable medical professional, it seems that 99% of forners still of the view that the articles are out to deny the success of any vaccines whixh are currently still undergoing trial testing.. on top of that, 99% of haters in the forumners are of the view that those invest in gloves has his or her agenda and worse still do not hope the vaccines to work and being called many names..

Its sad that their mind only think the worse of others...and forgetting that everyone be in have vested interest in gloves, pharma, airlines, constructions. Banks ans etc we all have one thing in common. Tha is to welcome a SAFE and EFFECTIVE vaccines to come sooner than later..

And many haters also forgoten the facts that most of us have aging parent, young children that we are all very concern due to this pandemic.. We will wan to see this to end soon so that our younger generation can resume theie learning experince and to school...and we can bring our daddy and mommy out for dim sum or yam cha..


2020-11-28 10:47 | Report Abuse

Din din is desperate for vaccines as he is planning for snap elections...even though norhisham insist the department need to see the full data before deciding to purcahse the vaccines..hope that din din wont force the department to bend the rules which will be at the expense of our Rakyat’s safety.


2020-11-27 23:05 | Report Abuse

Britain tries to cool AstraZeneca concerns as its CEO touts a new vaccine trial


2020-11-27 22:47 | Report Abuse

Ibelieve....bro, bravo!!!!! Agreed


2020-11-27 22:33 | Report Abuse

In fact i didnt reject vaccines nor supporting TG... these people just get malu i trying to learn from them wat they said... thus the reaction... wakakaka


2020-11-27 22:31 | Report Abuse

Makeabuck.... bro... its not dificult to guess who is/are these imposter lah. We dun need to unmask them... let them have some privacy....wakakaka


2020-11-27 22:26 | Report Abuse

Makeabuck...yes i know bro. The best thing is to act duno. And reply. Its a free speech and its evidence that someone glove hater that trying to scare me off... and its obvious wat they said csrry no weight thus rhis tactic.... wakakaka... will be more coming... haha


2020-11-27 22:19 | Report Abuse

tm9999...hahahah there are two choices tonreoky is to reply as low as u...two is to make u even lower..i choose the later..

Your latest comment just show your up bringing...and please go lowe using mother ans others and ket all here see how low u can that way, nobody will listen to u and all your credibility gone...

When people start to speak vulgar thats the time u know he already lost in speech and arguement ans he has to said something bukgar and offensive to entice the others to retaliate and go lower...but in this instance....You are the UNDISPUTED CHAMPION in that department....wakakakakakak laugh die me....let all the people hear u agian lah go low low....hahahah. Cheers lah brother


2020-11-27 22:04 | Report Abuse

Hey guys and girls...have a good weekend ya.

Just had some fun at TG forum just now...ans decided its enough for now. our mind and have a drink. Cheers!


2020-11-27 22:02 | Report Abuse

tm9999...bro chills ya. Just fooling ard...your points noted. Will gather more infor and secide the next course of actions. Ans thanks for sharing amd please keep us all posted with the latest on baccines and other adverse news on gloves. We all need you. Thanks again ya.

Wish u have a great evening...cheers!!!


2020-11-27 22:00 | Report Abuse

Makeabuck...bro congrat for your hunt today. Myself made a quick one from solutions and bintai intraday. Enough for installments again. Hahah

Forgive me, i m just being mischievious on friday nite with all the reply. Its kind of stress reliever to read all interesting comments from the brilliant mind here. I shall not hold u back for your happy hour as i m having my now.... cheers!! TGIF


2020-11-27 21:56 | Report Abuse

【卫生总监汇报会5】无完整研究报告 购买疫苗或告吹



2020-11-27 21:53 | Report Abuse

wallstreetrookie...just share the news from china press. Norhisham sais they may cancel the ourchased all together if no details given


2020-11-27 21:48 | Report Abuse

tm9999...aiyoh why u said like tat. I tot u veey smart one? I tot u very good english. Deom
My comment i neverisaid i never mentioned i wish this wish tat oh. I very humble ask u many question i dun understand oh. People in this forum please read what i said..i never said i wan vaccines to fail? Did i say i wan people infected!? Aiyoyo didnt know so smart people like u can act so low put words in people mouth one hor???/. That lead me and other people in this forum to think twice of your credibility and what u have been saying so far oh.... since u put words in People mouth could it be also u always twist the facts as well to mislead people...sory sory i shld not say like tat i m too straight forward...

but please dun be angry ya if its true. Smart people like u shld have class and not angry instead reply with confirmed facts and figures and argue inteligently ya unless u prove u r not. But i know u smart lah. If u are right u canot be angry one, right?

I no study much i try to learn from u. I admire your brilliant mind and your skill of twist and turn oh...thats very hard to learn one leh..


2020-11-27 21:37 | Report Abuse

Makeabuck....bro i no study much. Last time my parent ask me study i go fly kite play gulu clomb trees...thats why. Now i met all these brilliant people here sharing so i verh thank u try to learn from them lor...especially on the roll out of vaccines. Learn the immediate effect of the baccine to end the pandemic and the meaning of EFFECTIVE laugh at me ya. I m just trying stay humble to learn from all this brilliant people mah...i think u also shld learn, dun be so proud u know. Must listen....


2020-11-27 21:28 | Report Abuse smart fren, u mean effective vaccine can straight away end pandemic kah...oh like kah. Means tmrw vaccines come out sure effective lah... and then tmrw EFFECTIVE vaccines come out, the next day PANDEMIC just ended ZERO.... and all 70% of world population will be vaccinated after tmrw lah....aiyoh, how come i never thought of that??? How come u so smart one leh? U study where? I wan to ask my grandaon go there study leh.

And by the way, which vaccines now is EEFECTIVW ah? And whatbis your definition of EEFECTIVE? Means cant get it anymore! And cant transmit? Please tell mw cos i seldom read news cos i ams not so good in english...thanks ya please guide me......


2020-11-27 21:23 | Report Abuse

tm9999...aiyoh i have no common sense lor. Why u so smart one. I admire u..


2020-11-27 21:22 | Report Abuse

Kltower...bro...this people no harm trying mah...keep saying over weekend build uo momentum for monday...hee hee


2020-11-27 20:59 | Report Abuse

Waw supersininvestor is here after had a good time at TG...good good good. The more thrash the merrier


2020-11-27 20:56 | Report Abuse

Supersininvestor.....i already bought all the banks oh...any more good idea kah?? Besides dun buy gloves....can buy airline kah? Pls guide me leh


2020-11-27 20:54 | Report Abuse

Moderna share price breaking high..
What does it mean?

It means moderna vaccines will come on stream and the glove supply better catch up with the demand as the results of more usage due to the administration of the vaccines. Sorry i suno much about stockmarket one , i just simply answer one using logic, may be i m wrong. Forgive me ya...can teach me ah???



2020-11-27 20:36 | Report Abuse

tm9999 supersininvestor...yeah sell sell sell run run run...all in solutions bintai pharma...hahahaha


2020-11-27 20:34 | Report Abuse

ATEWIND YUCKS is still not in this forum yet....hw is having a good time at TG now... he sense the vulnability of TG with negative news at the moment, keep lunging his attack non stop and continue to preach and lroclaim he is GOD and Einstein....

Lets invite him here to bash us and we will give him a good time.

Come, ATEWIND. If u have balls...wakakaka i guess not


2020-11-27 20:31 | Report Abuse

The YUCKS GOD is talking...everyone must pay attention, listen and agree with him. Must give him full attention or else he will stamp his feet and start crying asking for mummy....
Wakakakakakak. STOCK GOD!!


2020-11-27 20:28 | Report Abuse

Please dun get me wrong and i m not naysayers...everyone is hoping for 3 dec for the good news...cant imagine what if hapoen if those bought just foe that klci inclusion factor???


2020-11-27 19:47 | Report Abuse

Aiyoyoyo....ATEWIND THE YUCKS come nack already!!!! Welcome back GOD!!! U ate my offering alreading and answer mynoraywes and come out to guide?? Or u see the price ia red u devided to come back?? Anyway, welcome back YUCKS!!! Wakakakak