
AngTayKor | Joined since 2020-11-24

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2024-06-30 14:36 | Report Abuse

Now USA operations are running at a net loss. There is no P.E ratio. They can plan n plan, but need to secure NYC casino license first then got story theme to IPO mah ... so we need to wait


2024-06-28 14:15 | Report Abuse

Thick support zone from 4.60 to 4.66. Currently, the stock price is supported by previous catalyst which is Q1's RM588m earnings. Investors these days are quite short term they want to see corporate news that can make immediate strong contribution to bottomline. Wait for next QR liow hopefully it can continue to be the next catalyst. But from previous years' experience, there were quite a number of times GenS showed good Q results but GenB Q results did not reciprocate. UK & Egypt operation quite hopeless revenue and EBITA margin very low. USA operation is the wild card here with huge amortisation and interest charges, which has been a huge drag to overall group earnings performance.


2024-06-27 20:42 | Report Abuse

Suddenly im thinking of Stocksafeplayer LoserSSP the legendary cha cha aunty 😂


2024-06-27 19:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Normal punters entering LKT's casino de bursa stocks have little chance to outsmart the whale n make some trading profit. If you are an experienced, sharp n cunning trader, you can steal some crumbs from the whale's lunch, else you become the whale's lunch.

This Genting whale can be very cunning n tricky. Expect the unexpected.


2024-06-27 18:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Good news.. 5.00 mari marii

Couple of days ago still cheering for 5.00. Looks like heading towards my target support zone


2024-06-26 11:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

Sometimes a Guaranteed 30 sen profits very short term from GenM is way better.
Rather than a pie in sky from Genting.

Trouble free money in bag.

@Balian, my Taurx position is sitting on USD30m profit as of now. Trouble free money in bag, Immediately Buy Immediately Huat. Every investor / trader must know very very clearly what they are doing.


2024-06-26 11:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2023-07-04 12:41 | Report Abuse

........... HMTM works so beautifully.

1. HMTM already proven in phase 3 it can totally halt AD cognitive decline + 20% improvement in cognitive scores VS Lecanemab's 27% slowdown in decline but continue to decline at 73%.

2. HMTM has minimal side effects VS high brain bleeding chances including numerous death cases for Lecanemab

3. HMTM slows down brain atrophy (shrinkage) VS Lecanemab's accelerated brain shrinkage. This is definitely going in the wrong direction of how a good AD drug shd perform. ATK is expecting major efficacy and safety fiascos for Lecanemab in future.

4. HMTM at USD10k/ year VS Lecanemab's USD26k/yr treatment cost.

5, HMTM orally taken drug twice a day at home VS Lecanemab's twice a month infusion (like kidney dialysis) in hospital with multiple brain scans required for constant costly monitoring for ARIA.

Posted by AngTayKor > 2023-10-25 12:46 | Report Abuse

@TAUkay, some years ago Prof CW still thinking abt USD3K treatment cost. I shot back at him during AGM that nobody will pity us if we fail so we dont have to do subsidised treatment cost charity here. He better not say this price to any media and shoot our own foot. Low treatment cost = Low grand jackpot pricing. Me as a shareholder waiting for grand jackpot for years, so dont short change us. The USD10k figure was due to Medicare drug reimbursement issues. But whats the limit here? The sky is the limit for us. We dont need to do those numerous PET scans and MRI scans, bi-weekly 2 hr intravenous drug delivery, constant monitoring for ARIAs by neurologists, etc. All these can add up tens of thousands on top of amyloid drug cost. Its crazy to use them, just go back to the good old aricept that is much safer and works much better at 2% of these amyloid treatment cost la. Thanks to Aducanumab's USD56K initial pricing, rising tide lift all boats. USD10k treatment cost VS USD270k total economic cost per AD patient. I bet ICER will give us a drug treatment value of at least USD50K to 70K. HMTM can totally halt disease progression + reverse it.

The real cost of using lecanemab shd be somewhere close to USD50k yearly after including multiple PET and MRI scans, cost of bi-weekly intravenous deliveries followed by neuro consultations etc. For HMTM, there is no need for PET/MRI scans + more neuro consultations. Just take the blue pills go home and consume them yourself daily. If pricing HMTM at 50% discount (USD13k yearly) compared to lecanemab's USD26k yearly drug cost, is not doing justice to HMTM.


2024-06-26 10:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Together ...........maybe with ATK help ...........we can SHORT Genting down to 4.40

ATK already bet showhand (via taurx) that this stock will shoot to ATH above rm10.


2024-06-24 14:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Normal punters entering LKT's casino de bursa stocks have little chance to outsmart the whale n make some trading profit. If you are an experienced, sharp n cunning trader, you can steal some crumbs from the whale's lunch, else you become the whale's lunch.

Stock trading is inherently a risky endeavor. Most amateurs will lose money. You need to be the top 10% to make money consistently. The top 2% are the ones making most of the money.


2024-06-24 14:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2024-01-27 02:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by Kikilala3188 > | Report Abuse
Taurx when will it be announcing? Especially U.K. FDA approval

ATK: UK MHRA's final decision on CA is unlikely to be within 2024. We still have to file in more submissions which will take abt 5 to 6 months to complete it, followed by another 6 to 9 months for the regulator's final decision.

FDA delayed our Type C meeting request (supposed to be end Jan, before Taurx AGM on 6 Feb @6pm). We are not even sure if FDA will agree to consider HMTM using the Accelerated Approval pathway. If yes, I think FDA's final decision for AA will probably be at least 1.5yrs away.

Posted by AngTayKor > 2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Posted by neohts > | Report Abuse
Ask TauRX status, when can get approval?

ATK: UAE CA end of 2024. UK, USA, EU CAs 2025 liow.

Posted by Balian de Ibelin > 4 hours ago | Report Abuse
Taurx decision anytime soon.
This is a gambling buy for the Shoot Up!!
Which other counter in BURSA right now today can give you this Gambling Buy?
All in, Sell all your Birkin bags to buy Genting.

Already posted the timeline here since Jan 2024. Things will change, usually delays and not earlier. Currently, my anticipated FDA AA decision is somewhere late 2025.


2024-06-24 13:38 | Report Abuse

Please la @Diam88, my RPT articles and posts are in response to @tkkiong's posts of bringing up past RPTs. Even @Riaz constantly brought it up. The truth is often hard to swallow, history lessons often forgotten fast. I have already publicly declared here that i have no position in this stock. Being a shareholder of Taurx, my interests are aligned with GenB. Only amateurs think that posting here will move the stock price. I made several millions in profit from trading this stock from 2020 to 2023 with trade success rate between 80 to 90%. I dont have to resort to low end cheap tactics to scare people here, hoping to buy cheap. Or do nonstop yapping bullish things here hoping to sell high. Im confident of my own trading skills. I do hope that all of you huat from investing / trading this stock.


2024-06-23 22:02 | Report Abuse

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse
The proposed acquisition by YTL Power and SIPP Power raises concerns due to the substantial 36.62% discount over the last traded price of Ranhill. This significant undervaluation could indicate underlying issues with Ranhill's financial health or market perception.

"KUALA LUMPUR: YTL Power International Bhd’s 70%-owned subsidiary SIPP Power Sdn Bhd has agreed to a RM405.18mil deal for about 31.42% equity in Ranhill Utilities Bhd from Tan Sri Hamdan Mohamad and related entities Hamdan (L) Foundation and Hamdan Inc (Labuan) Pte Ltd."

@Michael, was the YTL and Tan Sri Hamdan Mohamad's deal a related party transaction? Seems like YTL's corporate action of buying assets at discounted price benefiting fellow shareholders of their own YTL listco.


2024-06-23 21:51 | Report Abuse

Yes its old news on previous RPTs, sorry for opening old wounds since ER & GHK RPT episodes still being discussed here on i3.


2024-06-23 19:46 | Report Abuse

Lim family bought cruise biz from listcos at lowest allowable price. Average cost usd0.42/share, sold to Lim family at usd0.29/share. LKT ah LKT....


2024-06-23 19:29 | Report Abuse

Seems like already facing chapter 11 before GenM's rescue. Who becomes the sucker?


2024-06-22 19:38 | Report Abuse

@Riaz, if can unwind the ER rpt, this stock immediately gap up rm1/share 😀


2024-06-22 18:27 | Report Abuse

Wah @Michael weekend so free ah talk until like this stock going to worth rm50/share 🤣


2024-06-21 18:20 | Report Abuse

Please look at Forest City 🙄


2024-06-14 17:03 | Report Abuse

Not available commercially in Singapore. I think compassionate program here stopped already since we already have real life patients' data that we want. Paid compassionate program available in HK now.

@mushi, commonwealth countries will just follow uk's decision so we dont have to do trials in Malaysia. Expensive to have so many trial centres at different countries.

UK, FDA, EMA, China CA/AA next yr. UAE will be the first country to give CA at end of this yr.


2024-06-14 14:32 | Report Abuse

Trial centres need to be in Western countries if seeking approvals there. Taurx singapore company but lucidity has no trial patients even in singapore. But singapore has many real life compassionate program patients with abt 90% patients still seeing cognition reversal after taking the drug for 3 yrs . Very powerful.

If lucidity did not suffer placebo issues, this stock already triple in price by now.


2024-06-14 13:54 | Report Abuse

HMTM orally taken drug, no side effects, can totally halt n reverse AD decline for MCI patients. Dont see Taurx no up. This is exactly the drug that can halt AD pandemic!


2024-06-14 13:37 | Report Abuse

Not listed. But still can trade if you are skillful n have the network.

Honestly if Taurx IPO most of the shareholders will be disappointed. We are all gunning for grand jackpot. This drug works much much better than lecanemab n donanemab by very wide margin.


2024-06-14 12:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by neohts > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

TauRX still no estimate time frame ?

@neohts, i mentioned here numerous times abt CA timeframe liow. Aiyo you every week n month keep asking the same thing. Just hold la. Im holding my taurx shares, not trading it. I know this one can huat super super big eventually.


2024-06-14 12:10 | Report Abuse

Taurx good leh i invested usd9m now profit tens of millions USD liow. It is real. If people want to buy GenB after taurx news then kena trapped high by cunning stock operator sure cursing now la. Thank you Taurx for making me huat big. Stock trading GenB 5 to 10% cannot make me huat big.


2024-06-11 11:45 | Report Abuse

Eli lilly's approval is expected news. Brain swelling, bleeding, accelerated shrinkage n death cases are real.


2024-06-11 02:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by keyman > 4 hours ago | Report Abuse

Is this means MSWG questions on Taurx issue?

Dont worry a lot of funds keen to put in fresh money via new share placement. No rush for us to do that now. After UAE & UK CA can get much higher valuation when doing share placement / pre-ipo round.


2024-06-08 21:58 | Report Abuse

Back in 2019, if ER was making $ / going to make money soon, LKT would have kept it as his own private vehicle liow wont RPT into GenM liow.


2024-06-08 18:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by choysun > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

Question we all want to know, when Genting going back to ATH :)

After Taurx grand jackpot confirm n guarantee share price will go ATH n further beyond.


2024-06-08 18:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by neohts > 4 hours ago | Report Abuse

Ask TauRX status, when can get approval?

UAE CA end of 2024. UK, USA, EU CAs 2025 liow.


2024-06-06 20:56 | Report Abuse

Ok la @Michael you probably held on your GenB shares for over a yr. Im usually impatient with my wrong trades. I do cut loss on the same day itself or the very next day when things go bad unexpectedly after trade entries.


2024-06-06 20:36 | Report Abuse

No need nonstop monitoring la. I only review live chart when convenient. I remember back in early nov 2020, i was in attending a meeting one fateful afternoon. Whacked 1m GenB shares at average price 2.97 using my hp to trade. When there is will, there is a way. It can be done.


2024-06-06 17:22 | Report Abuse

Good observation @Johnchew at least you also notice sister stock GenS' price action after her initial Q1 result hurrah. I mentioned this abt a week ago.


2024-06-06 16:56 | Report Abuse

@Raymond we focus on rm588m as GenB doesn't own the balance 47% of GenS n 45% of GenP etc subsidiaries hence the focus is on attributable net profit after M.I, what truly belongs to GenB which will go into the Retained Earnings Reserve.


2024-06-06 15:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 6 days ago | Report Abuse
Don't sell
Posted by Michaelchan2024 > 6 days ago | Report Abuse
Strong support @4.75/4.76 💪

At 4.90 zone Don't sell.... Drop some more Strong support 4.75/4.76......... now jialat.... Unless you have Warren Buffett's first class FA skills thats ok. Will Warren Buffett buy this stock now even though stock price is way below NTA?

Michael ah, for sharper entries and exits, need to study charting and price action la.


2024-06-06 14:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by raymondroy > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
could the non-shariah complaints be a factor? in fact its even non-compliant to other religious organisations as well.... which could play a role in the share price? Look at the way forward....
1. GenB issued close to RM1billion profit

@Raymond, Q1 NP was rm588m as reported a week ago.


2024-06-05 12:26 | Report Abuse

How the hell did the Board approve this ER RPT? All board kakis "Yes men" agree along with LKT so they can continue to milk director fees? Was there an EGM shareholders vote on this RPT (with Lim family abstained from this EGM vote)?


2024-06-03 13:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

@neohts, i believe in the potential of Taurx. But i have bought n sold GenB for so many rounds already. In fact last month i promptly reminded a few times here that the taurx news is just 24 mth result n not approval yet so dont get too carried away.
Posted by neohts > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse
AngTayKor..... forget about Genting Berhad. Can you recommend any other better stocks to buy in Malaysia market. Maybe we should sell Genting Berhad and move on.
Posted by Junichiro > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse
The answer is here all the time. GB is a speculative stock, not an investment grade stock. As a speculative stock, it didn't disappoint.

@Junichiro is not wrong for now. @neohts your own money you decide better. Im not based in Malaysia and not familiar with Bursa stocks in general. But I think KLCI is currently drifting down may have minor rebound at 1576 zone, thereafter 1560 zone a stronger support. Anticipation only, I may be wrong. Not an inducement to buy or sell.


2024-06-02 16:46 | Report Abuse

Please..... my Q1 NP rm600m was just a lucky "guesstimate". I cannot manage large corporations la. I do have some small trading skills which wont go very far in the long run, hence im trying to learn another bigger stock trading skill.


2024-06-02 16:33 | Report Abuse

Normal punters entering LKT's casino de bursa stocks have little chance to outsmart the whale n make some trading profit. If you are an experienced, sharp n cunning trader, you can steal some scrumbs from the whale's lunch, else you become the whale's lunch.


2024-06-02 16:18 | Report Abuse

His son deputy-CEO. His right hand man controls the whale. Milk ah milk, milk gao gao


2024-06-01 00:56 | Report Abuse

@Don, remember this lesson:

Everytime a trader becomes too cocky, the market has a way to punish the trader. Be confident and be humble with the stock market. If you huat big next time, make more donations n do good deeds. This is the highest honour you can give to all your stock trading sifus.


2024-06-01 00:17 | Report Abuse

Traders can form their own opinion, but when the market disagrees with their opinion, they are not stubborn. Traders are quick to to accept their mistakes n make them good. We dont like to be stubborn n go against the market's price action. We join the winning side of the market.


2024-05-31 23:54 | Report Abuse

Q1 NP rm588m, RM455m came from GenS. Just look at sister stock's performance (selldown after initial euphoria) can sometimes give a clue on how GenB will perform post Q1 result. Be alert and observant.

Good news here. My trading disciple just won his cohort's Year 2 finance course "Stock Trading Tournament" against over 100 competitors. I guided him along to whack GenS just before result, long HSI a month ago, sell and sell short on HSI last week. He will be offered internship at a stock brokerage (event organiser) after this semester during school holiday. Im also learning when Im coaching. I backed up my analysis with both FA and TA. There were some trades that went bad but we cut losses quickly and let our profits run until we think the rally is really over.


2024-05-31 16:33 | Report Abuse

If listen to analysts can huat, then everyone huat liow. If they really so good, no need to work as salary worker analysts liow can trade with own money and huat themselves. Only experienced, sharp and cunning stock traders make money.


2024-05-30 19:05 | Report Abuse

Rm588m is close to rm600m, not bad liow. I think UK n ER quite hopeless for now. RWLV seems ok.


2024-05-30 10:57 | Report Abuse

Why so many people here keep forgetting important history lesson?


2024-05-29 23:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by raymondroy > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

1 day before results announcement and yet little interest in buying momentum.... any takes from anyone?

Look at Dow, HSI and KLCI today. How to expect this stock to be strong today? Betting on GenB result can be risky especially USA operations usually dragging overall group performance down. Just hope that Empire manage to secure NYC full casino licence, then quickly IPO off the USA operations including RWLV which is 100% debt financed. We are entering a higher interest rate environment so those USA debts will eventually be rolled over at much higher rate.


2024-05-29 23:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by rohank71 > 48 minutes ago | Report Abuse

hang on to GentB. will hit 7 to 9 just on current operations in 24 months. Taurx is just a bonus.

Without Taurx, can't even smell rm6. Some day you will know the true power of Taurx. Trader can consistently extract 5 to 10% (sometimes even more) once every few months when trading this stock, but choose to bet showhand all into Taurx.