
AngTayKor | Joined since 2020-11-24

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2024-02-26 12:52 | Report Abuse

We should not KBKB LKT too much here. Actually he has been a very good help for Taurx. Recently, our UAE CA kena jammed for many months due to dispute on trial patient population + mini trial duration + which party is going to pay for the UAE mini trial. Taurx ask LKT to negotiate with UAE on our behalf then hosay liow. UAE govt will bear all the full cost of this further reduced mini UAE trial (10 pax for 3 months). I have to say this LKT has very good global connections at very high level govt which can be very useful if he is on your side. Hence Arab region UAE will be our very first CA. Thank you LKT!


2024-02-26 12:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by newbie2019 > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
angtaykor prepared to load soon?

MYR keep depreciating, difficult for me as foreign retail investor to buy and hold. I suffered "evaporated profits" many times liow. Meanwhile, I believe this stock is at early part of reversal down, too soon to load up (assuming no forex exposure risk). In fact, I reloaded back some Taurx shares after selling 5% of my Taurx shareholdings last year (seller's remorse). I think Taurx can huat big but need a bit of time.


2024-02-26 10:51 | Report Abuse

The stock price reaction a bit retxrded. Fri morning still can open at 4.95 after main profit generator GenS Q4 vs Q3 profit down by half.


2024-02-25 21:19 | Report Abuse

Delusional to try n vote out a 44% shareholder. Just accept that the company is being run like this, thats why share price has been on steep discount to NTA for years liow. If not happy with the way things are handled, then dont buy the shares. For once, taurx AGM provided detailed monthly timeline for document submissions, meetings, final submission, etc with UK & FDA.


2024-02-24 19:17 | Report Abuse

@neohts, i posted my UK CA & FDA AA anticipation over a month ago. After attending the Taurx AGM, my earlier anticipation compared to the official guided timeline is spot-on.


2024-02-22 16:54 | Report Abuse

Why those AD experts still dont realise Lecanemab is just a very weak symptomatic drug with max performance duration of 12 months and efficacy performance at only a fraction of 28 year old AD drug Aricept. Lecanemab increases NfL + cause accelerated brain shrinkage, meaning the brain itself is actually degenerating at a faster rate underneath this weak symptomatic effect!


2024-02-21 18:32 | Report Abuse

Unfortunately LKT n other directors usually on stealth mode will take abt a week later to make the bursa announcements.


2024-02-06 17:58 | Report Abuse

Taurx live webcast AGM starting very soon....


2024-02-06 13:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by neohts > 16 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Once Taurx approved.......TP RM8.00.
Pray hard hard to God of Heaven on the Seven day of Chinese New Year.

Aiyo 初7 is 人日 la。初9 is Teekong 玉皇大帝 birthday. 15元宵节 is 天管赐福 - 上元赐福天管一品紫微大帝 birthday. Actually 初2 very important its 财神大黑天圣诞 (南无大福德自在圆满菩萨). Popi popi 🙏🙏


2024-02-06 13:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by neohts > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse
Normally Genting Singapore will announce result a day earlier than GenB.
Once GenS result announce, share price could break RM5 if result very good.
Singapore dollars 3.54 could result more profit to GenB.

GenS QR usually abt 10 days before GenB. GenP's QR usually a day before GenM and GenB.


2024-01-27 02:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by Kikilala3188 > 4 hours ago | Report Abuse
Taurx when will it be announcing? Especially U.K. FDA approval

UK MHRA's final decision on CA is unlikely to be within 2024. We still have to file in more submissions which will take abt 5 to 6 months to complete it, followed by another 6 to 9 months for the regulator's final decision.

FDA delayed our Type C meeting request (supposed to be end Jan, before Taurx AGM on 6 Feb @6pm). We are not even sure if FDA will agree to consider HMTM using the Accelerated Approval pathway. If yes, I think FDA's final decision for AA will probably be at least 1.5yrs away.


2024-01-22 19:14 | Report Abuse

ATK still a cash poor man slowly selling my Taurx shares to take back my capital. After Fujian gang laundromat fiasco in Singapore, the Chinese whales swam away liow. Sianz.


2024-01-22 18:57 | Report Abuse

Treat this HK / Macau arrangement as a "paid compassionate program". Kudos to a lady Taurx director who has been working very very hard behind the scene to make this HK arrangement possible. Lousy Singapore Health Science Authority didnt even have this scheme of arrangement yet. Taurx cannot afford to keep burning money n continue giving free drugs to compassionate program patients in Singapore.


2024-01-22 18:46 | Report Abuse

China NMPA will not be the first to approve CA due to complicated reasons. In fact China just approved lecanemab. We are still at initial discussion stage with China NMPA haven't submitted formally yet. May need to wait again.


2024-01-01 01:00 | Report Abuse

Happy New Year! Wishing everyone a good 2024 year.

ATK's top track last year:


2023-10-26 20:45 | Report Abuse

Loser MM ah, when you are a friend of ATK, I can offer professional security guard services to watch your stock prices. Immediately sell at 5.10 zone, Immediately price collapse to 4.48.

Please la friend's messages / alerts come in private form. If you are not ATK's friend, not my problem lo.

Private Messages Of ATK


ATK: Safer to clear GB today. China tourists story already fully played out. Any higher price the whales also scared LKT start dumping like what happened in june 2022. 1:37 pm

Income: ATK Sir, thank you for your advice. I will follow you advice. 1:55 pm

ATK: Dont say in forum you sold. When the play is over go back to 4.50 its too late for those greedy ones n emptyvesseli to sell. Ha! 2:15 pm

Income: Ok. I will keep quiet in forum. 3:47 pm
Income: ATK Sir, Thanks a lot for your advice. 3:48 pm

ATK: Usually for this stock xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxx abt time to sell. 4:04 pm

Income: ATK Sir, you are really professional trader. I am happy to chat with you. 4:51 pm



2023-10-26 20:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2022-05-08 11:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Aiyoyo AngTK nobody cares/believes whether u make money or not..investors should only care about own portfolio
Here share useful info enough..If want brag about picking bottoms then show TA b4 price hits suddenly want brag about buying bottom 4.51 kikiki save those fairytale stories 4 grandchildren
ATK: You missed the 4.51 boat. I have already shown you I bought at least 600.000 shares at 4.51 zone. @Dream makers still trying hard to do fear mongering here hope to buy cheap.... sore loser eating sour grapes. Hahaha....

Posted by Income > | Report Abuse
Mr. ATK, you have shown your proofs. He (MoneyM) is diverting topic to other things. Haha.
Mr. ATK Sifu, you have shot MoneyM to pieces. Good. I believe in Sifu ATK. The first time Sifu ATK have shown his transactions.

ATK: I prefer to trade like a lone wolf hunting. I trade to win money. I dont like to expose my trades publicly especially when my positions are not closed hence I will delete the earlier post on my trading room GenB position.


2023-10-26 20:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2023-06-16 16:43 | Report Abuse
Nice closing rally. Today's shorts got toasted.
2023-06-16 16:49 | Report Abuse
Quadruple witching day closing? Massive matching volume....

Bad karma MM immediately buy immediately lose. At that time, professional has been advising for weeks if MM scared, can choose to cutloss.

Professional's timely notice on 16/06/2023 just before 4.35 closing match. Why MM didnt cut at 4.35 leh? Its closed at 4.35 with over 10m matching volume done. Advance notice given by professional abt massive matching up. Aiya loser bad karma MM lousy trader not my problem right hahaha.


2023-10-26 20:41 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 7 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown Remind ur post last time GenT close 4.02
Better look in mirror see how ‘VERY ST- - -PID’ (ur own words) u r kikiki
People buy low (sell rebound 4.3-4.5) - ‘empty tin milo’ sell low kikiki
2023-06-26 14:16
“MM ah... the more you talk, the more people here know you are indeed very stooopid. Better watch the stock price and decide whether you want to cutloss or not. This advice given by top class trading professional. Up to you to believe what he says.
Cut your losses. Cut your losses. Cut your losses. Then maybe you have a chance -Ed Seykota”

Loser MM you think your are ATK's friend? hahaha...

BTW check your own stock chart la. It didnt close at 4.02 that day. Spinning lies non-stop daily. Geeez


2023-10-26 15:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Ready foreign fund huge selloff next week if QR loss
FF alrdy dump GenS (8% drop) after lousy QR - which AngTK say ‘excellent’ kikiki

Ding3 back to old 4.5 range - hopefully drop much2 lower
Here no local support (sin biz) - foreign dump GenT die

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Gamblers in Casino de Bursa dont survive long - invest responsibly in good fundamental biz
Have no doubt GenT shares recover by nxt QR/div


Aiya loser MM fear mongering non-stop hoping to buy cheap. Bad Karma Immediatley buy, Immediately lose.

So funny watching Loser MM panic over her trading losses then total reverse start promoting this stock non-stop. Really very amateur trading tactics la. kekeke...... this is so freaking funny....... the most useless fool here is bad karma loser MM Wahahahahahaha........


2023-10-26 13:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown ‘pro’ service - 4.02 nonstop bark ‘sell’
People buy low (sell rebound 4.3-4.5) - ‘empty tin milo’ sell low kikiki

Aiya loser bad karma MM immediately buy immediately lose, early July loser MM immediately sell immediately price rallied. Jealous professional's trading skill spinning lies nonstop. Tin Kosong MM duno how to trade lose money liow keep quiet stop spinning BS lies here.


2023-10-26 10:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2023-04-26 23:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by 1invest1 > 2022-06-01 16:07 | Report Abuse
Thank you GB, Sold all GB.
Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
1invest1 stuck high dont jeles see others make money..ur time will come
Nxt time dont be kpop fangirl - blindly believe ur ‘idol’ nonsense
ATK: Dont anyhow assume la. 1invest1 sold his shares right at the top (near 5.30 zone) during early June 2022 together with LKT and ATK. Ha!

Posted by AngTayKor > 4 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Aiya @Michael, ATK and 1invest1 are friends. Friends support and encourage each other. A friend will defend his friend when kena attacked. To be honest, last year ATK advised 1invest1 to sell all of his GenB shares at 5.30 zone. He was holding a lot of GenB shares then. At that time, ATK sold also. LKT even more hiong sold over 20m shares then

Posted by AngTayKor > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
1invest1 was holding abt 300k GenB shares as long term investment last yr. ATK advised him to sell at 5.30 zone. He trust my judgment n did it promptly. He "saved" over rm300k compared to still holding his shares now. I can understand why he has been overly zealous in stepping forward n protect ATK. I would also do the same if a friend advised n assisted me to make over rm300k profit.

Aiya @MC, already explain until mouth dry liow ATK and 1invest1 are friends. Friends support, encourage and help each other. When you are a friend of ATK, I can offer professional security guard services to watch your stock prices. Immediately sell, Immediately price collapse. If you are not ATK's friend, not my problem lo.


2023-10-25 23:08 | Report Abuse

"The pharmaceutical industry would love to target cognitively normal people who have amyloid plaque because that’s a huge market–30%-to-50% of older individuals."


2023-10-25 14:22 | Report Abuse

Aiya GenB holding 20% of Taurx, Taurx already show that orally taken HMTM with no side effects can totally halt cognition decline + reverse back up 20%. It is real. Various regulatory submissions done (24 month data + hundreds of compassionate program patients' data globally, most of them reversal cases), just wait for the CA/AAs to start coming in. Compare this to the latest approved bi-weekly intravenous drug Lecanemab that give only 27% slowdown but continue to decline at 73% + brain bleeding + accelerated brain shrinkage.


2023-10-25 12:46 | Report Abuse

@TAUkay, some years ago Prof CW still thinking abt USD3K treatment cost. I shot back at him during AGM that nobody will pity us if we fail so we dont have to do subsidised treatment cost charity here. He better not say this price to any media and shoot our own foot. Low treatment cost = Low grand jackpot pricing. Me as a shareholder waiting for grand jackpot for years, so dont short change us. The USD10k figure was due to Medicare drug reimbursement issues. But whats the limit here? The sky is the limit for us. We dont need to do those numerous PET scans and MRI scans, bi-weekly 2 hr intravenous drug delivery, constant monitoring for ARIAs by neurologists, etc. All these can add up tens of thousands on top of amyloid drug cost. Its crazy to use them, just go back to the good old aricept that is much safer and works much better at 2% of these amyloid treatment cost la. Thanks to Aducanumab's USD56K initial pricing, rising tide lift all boats. USD10k treatment cost VS USD270k total economic cost per AD patient. I bet ICER will give us a drug treatment value of at least USD50K to 70K. HMTM can totally halt disease progression + reverse it.


2023-10-25 00:18 | Report Abuse


HMTM= Slowdown in brain shrinkage + Reduction in NfL
Amyloid monoclonal antibody= Accelerated brain shrinkage + Increase in NfL

<<Most current clinical trials of Alzheimer’s disease collect blood samples from participants for analyses of various proteins that may provide clues about the efficacy or side effects of these drugs. One such protein is called neurofilament light (NfL), a biomarker of neurodegeneration that also appears to correlate with the number of neurofibrillary tangles in the brain, a key pathological hallmark of Alzheimer’s. In an earlier phase-2 trial of donanemab, being developed by Eli Lilly, investigators observed a statistically significant relationship between an increase in levels of NfL in the blood and a decrease in whole brain volume. This observation is concerning because it suggests that loss of brain volume in people treated with donanemab, and possibly other anti-amyloid antibodies, may indicate that the drugs are worsening neurodegeneration.>>


2023-10-24 12:59 | Report Abuse

Wall Street Jews attacking MYR after Malaysia support Palestinians?
This morning MYR/SGD = 3.508.
Congrats to Malaysians working at Singapore $$$.
Higher earnings from GenS in MYR financial reporting currency.

Heng switched out all MYR into SGD after July/Aug GenB trade and park at brokerage money market fund first else kena evaporated over 2%.


2023-10-23 22:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by i3lurker > | Report Abuse
This feller always wants to win arguments
once you do this ... nobody tells you anything real in real life one
and you are forever just book theory ONLY
=> I just ignored him and he thought he won argument.
Always happens like this.
then he carries fake info around for years and years and thinks himself so grand encyclopedia.
while we are doing oil trading 24 hours.
Where got start 9/9:30 one? silly bugger
plus other things real life like trends ......... while he still remains book theory trends
we do REAL trends :)

Posted by i3lurker > | Report Abuse
You are unable to realise that people dun think about you at all.
Its not all about you, thats why I always ignore your fake statements
=> Your mind cannot process info that nobody remembers you
In trauma thereof you claim people caught lying
bleh !!!



ATK fully agrees with this statement. Hahaha...


2023-10-23 22:19 | Report Abuse

Check back the chart. Professional Immediately Buy, Immediately Huat. It is real. Price rallied to 4.57 in Aug. Professional said buy buy buy, Professional was giving "Tandem Trading" advice to Tin Kosong MM. MM sold off instead. Really a stoopid fella hahaha...



MY06/07/23 10/07/23 430592/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 400,000 MYR 4.08500 1,634,000.00 1,638,256.50
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 2,451.00 1,490.200.00 0.29210 TAX @8%* 315.30|SGD92.10
MYR TOTAL : 1,638,256.50

MY07/07/23 11/07/23 458789/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 700,000 MYR 4.09214 2,864,498.00 2,871,146.59
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 4,296.75 1,859.350.00 0.29180 TAX @8%*492.49|SGD143.71
MYR TOTAL : 2,871,146.59

MY12/07/23 14/07/23 532223/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 50,000 MYR 4.13140 206,570.00 207,306.93
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 309.86 372.480.00 0.28990 TAX @8%* 54.59|SGD15.83
MYR TOTAL : 207,306.93

MY13/07/23 17/07/23 561546/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 150,000 MYR 4.16333 624,499.50 626,388.53
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 936.75 812.350.00 0.29090 TAX @8%* 139.93|SGD40.71
MYR TOTAL : 626,388.53

MY06/07/23 10/07/23 429864/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 128,000 MYR 4.09000 523,520.00 525,386.60
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 785.28 943.060.00 0.29210 TAX @8%* 138.26|SGD40.39
MYR TOTAL : 525,386.60

MY12/07/23 14/07/23 533130/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 72,000 MYR 4.14897 298,725.84 299,790.95
Comm (SR) Foreign Fee (SR)Other Fee (SR) Ex. Rate 448.09 538.120.00 0.28990 TAX @8%* 78.90|SGD22.87
MYR TOTAL : 299,790.95



2023-10-23 22:19 | Report Abuse

Show you something abt MM really a Tin Kosong. Professional trader "Immediately Buy, Immediately Huat". It is real. Early July professional kept urging MM to Buy! Buy! Buy! but Tin Kosong MM dropped his tickets instead. Hahaha.... Really a Tin Kosong with bad karma.

Posted by AngTayKor > 2023-07-16 19:51 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, GenB today got power leh. Buy some more to average down your cost la :P
Posted by AngTayKor > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
MM you bought today at closing? Price drop back from 4.18 to 4.13 good buy leh...
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, did you listen to professional's advice and bought some today? Tomorrow better buy more market very strong wor. Average down your cost price next time shuuure can make you more profit.
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, did you listen to professional's advice and bought some today? Tomorrow better buy more, market very strong ah. No need to see and think so much just whack tomorrow. Have some courage to buy more and average down your cost price mah. Shuuure can make you more profit. Huat ah!
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, price rallying up liow you bought already? Later shoot up higher.
Your English fail nevermind, stock trading better dont fail also.
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
Tmr friday mah people scared scared.
MM ah, 4.18 liow quickly buy dont miss the chance to accumulate more. Later may crack 4.20
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
Yesterday morning already kept telling MM to buy. If MM have bought, shuure make profit liow correct? MM ah, its not too late to buy now later may crack 4.20.
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
4.20 liow. MM ah, you bought already? Told you dont wait already just buy correct or not?
Better focus on the price now. Hopefully another sudden drop 5 sen in afternoon then quickly buy
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah price drop 4 sen within a few minute, good chance to buy leh. Just buy la, shuuure to make money
Posted by AngTayKor > 3 days ago | Report Abuse
Professional is spot on. Afternoon drop by 5 sen from 4.20 to 4.15. MM ah, good chance to buy leh.
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, did you listen to professional's advice this week and bought some? Tomorrow better buy more, market still strong after weak CPI data. Have some courage to buy more and average down your cost price mah. Maybe tmr same pattern as past 2 days morning strong afternoon weak? Afternoon then whack some la. Just buy some to average down your cost lor. Next time eventually shuure can make you more profit. Huat ah!
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Yes @Choysun. Already told MM to buy more tmr. Huat ah!
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Good morning MM. Today better buy liow dont miss the good chance ok?
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Wah.... GenB morning strong performance liow. MM ah... BUY!!!
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Aiyo rallied too fast this morning. MM ah, better not chase liow. Later afternoon session see if drop 5 sen then quickly buy ok?
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Ding3 morning session abt to close soon. Hope afternoon session price collapse 5 sen for slow action MM to buy.
MM ah, when the opportunity come you must act fast and buy liow. The stock price wont suddenly "slow motion" specially wait for MM to buy. See liow good just whack. Professional trading style.
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
MM ah, 4.20 good support level if later price drop 5 sen to 4.21 you better buy liow. Professional going for long meeting later cannot monitor price for you. Huat ah! :p
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
4.28 - 5 sen (usual afternoon price pullback) = 4.23
MM ah 4.23 better buy ok? BUY!!!
Posted by AngTayKor > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Is the afternoon pullback coming? MM ah, you ownself monitor price la. If see price hit 4.23 just buy. Professional going for long meeting liow. C U later!


2023-10-23 22:15 | Report Abuse

MM ah, you are still the Best of the Best. Hahaha...

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Ding3 new low unlocked - delicious discount
Hopefully nxt week can get strong rebound back to 4.5
=> Price collapsed to 4.0+ a week later
Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
GenT 5yrs ago rm8 - now rm4 - nxt 5yrs prob rm2 (longterm downtrend)
=> Price rallied over 5% immediately from rm4.11 to rm4.35 in 1 hr.
Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Woww AMAZING late rally - lai lai lets get back to 4.5 pls!!
=> Price collapsed to rm4.17 by 9.30am on the next trading day.
=> Price further collapsed to 4.02 abt a week later.


2023-10-23 22:11 | Report Abuse

Posted by WinSSP > 2022-06-19 08:29 | Report Abuse
As to what @MM mentioned
Posted by James_Bond > | Report Abuse
MM, are you nuts or dumb? Time to wake up, MM!
Posted by choysun > | Report Abuse
@MM I think you misunderstood him ler.

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse

i3lurker Impossible u dont remember - even call me MM (nobody else calls me that here)
Caught lying again kikiki - u addicted to lying or what

Who is the shameless liar ah? Hahaha....


2023-10-23 22:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2023-06-14 17:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 6 days ago | Report Abuse
Aiyaa AngTKlown advise me ‘sell’ means advise everyone sell lo - can only have 1 opinion ma (buy/hold/sell)

Aiyo why you always have this bad habit like to "assume" things? Trader see MM everyday KBKB here so scared non-stop complaining weak bursa, weak ringgit, FF run road, PH lousy. Since MM so scared, its ok if you want to cutloss.

Professional's advice "if scared, ok to cutloss" has been for weeks. Loser MM Spinning lies and BS no use la. Who making the real money here? Its the professional of course. MM ah you lose money not my problem lo...


2023-10-23 22:09 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2023-06-16 16:43 | Report Abuse
Nice closing rally. Today's shorts got toasted.
2023-06-16 16:49 | Report Abuse
Quadruple witching day closing? Massive matching volume....

Why MM didnt cut on 4.35 leh? Its closed at 4.35 leh. Advance warning given professional abt massive matching up. Aiya loser bad karma MM lousy trader not my problem right hahaha.


2023-10-23 21:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 13 seconds ago | Report Abuse

AngTKlown GenT last close 4.02 on 26/6
Remind ur post that day kikiki
2023-06-26 14:16

MM ah... the more you talk, the more people here know you are indeed very stooopid. Better watch the stock price and decide whether you want to cutloss or not. This advice given by top class trading professional. Up to you to believe what he says.

"Cut your losses. Cut your losses. Cut your losses. Then maybe you have a chance." -Ed Seykota

Aiya loser MM, professional's numerous cutloss advice has been for weeks from 4.35, 4.30, 4.25 etc. Why you no cut at 4.35 leh? 4.30, 4.25, etc good chance also. MM ownself lousy trader la ya.

Professional traded in June and huat leh. Loser MM dropped tickets before big July rally not my problem lo hahaha...


2023-10-23 20:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown Expected liar/spinster answer kikiki
Dunno ‘price action’ - then accuse others ‘BS/lie’ kikiki

Professional is a student of PRICE ACTION. Professional use PRICE ACTION to make money consistently in trading. MM didnt believe of such a trading skill. BTW, PRICE ACTION was your homework months ago and you have not mastered anything abt it. Lazy loser bad karma MM destined to lose money on the stock market.


2023-10-23 20:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown What ‘price action’ make u bark ‘sell’ 4.02 last time??
See how liar/spinster answer simple question kikiki

MM ah, your own BS n lies, you ownself explain la. Professional's numerous trading records posted here. Professional traders immediately buy, Immediately huat. Verify the transaction dates n see for yourself la loser MM what happened days n weeks later after professional bought $$$ hahaha...


2023-10-23 19:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
Ding3 old low 4.02 - matter of time laosai under rm4
Always funny remember AngTKlown bark ‘sell’ 4.02 last time - almost 4months still havent close lower kikiki
‘Empty tin milo’ read chart upside down kikiki

Aiya loser MM still spinning the same BS n lies after months. Professional traders immediately buy immediately huat. MM bad karma immediately buy immediately lose, KBKB non-stop whining. If scared, you can choose to cutloss. After trading this stock for the past 3 yrs n making several millions in profit, professional want to tell amateur MM this:

It is literally true that millions come easier to a trader after he knows how to trade, than hundreds did in the days of his ignorance.

MM ah, go n learn some basic charting skills la your roti prata chao kuan pattern cannot make it n you are wasting time spinning BS n lies here instead of discovering what is "PRICE ACTION".


2023-10-23 15:28 | Report Abuse

Aiya loser MM lost money trading GenB, see professional trader always making profit (numerous trading records posted here) + sitting on tens of millions USD Taurx investment profit still eating sour grapes barking 4.02 sell lies here. MM ah, your father n mother never slap you hard enough is it keep spewing lies here non-stop. Go and ask your mother why you so useless and always jealous of other's success. KNNBCCB la loser Tin Kosong.


2023-10-23 14:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by TAUkay > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse
@ATK, the petition is news to me, great to see. Ridiculous to take risk into painful treatments with extremely limited efficacy and high chance of ARIA complications. It’s like playing Russian Roulette for no good reason.

@TAUkay, looking at the aricept chart, first 6 months there was still graph divergence on the initial effect. We all know that aricept is a symptomatic drug that will go parallel down slope once it peaked out its effectiveness after a year. Looking at lecanemab, first 6 months no divergence at all its moving in parallel downwards all the way to 18 months. There is simply no down sloping line divergence at all. This is proof that Lecanemab is a very weak symptomatic drug, not a disease modifying drug. Lecanemab is a "brain deforming" drug that will cause accelerated brain shrinkage. Long term use of Lecanemab confirm patient will be brain dead quickly.


2023-10-23 12:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Gamblers in Casino de Bursa dont survive long - invest responsibly in good fundamental biz
Have no doubt GenT shares recover by nxt QR/div

Really a roti prata seller hahaha... MM fear mongering non-stop hoping to buy cheaper, then bad karma immediately buy immediately lose. In desperation totally reverse and promoting the stock. Really a Tin Kosong hahaha so funny...


2023-10-23 12:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Back to 3month old low 4.02 - brings back alot funny memories
Remember AngTKlown nonstop bark ‘sell’ 4.02 last time - surprised dont see him bark ‘sell’ again today kikiki
Fella even quote famous trader ‘learn cutloss’ - cutloss 4.02 wor kikiki empty tin milo

All professional traders have a cutloss strategy. Professional's cutloss advice was given over a duration of weeks when price ranged from 4.35 to 4.02. Why Tin Kosong MM so stoopid dont cut at 4.35. 4.30, 4.25? Professional managed to cutwin during June leh $$$.

Aiya MM lousy trader lose money liow start blaming professional. Tandem trading with the professional, MM also can lose money. MM cannot afford to lose then dont punt the stock market with your meagre retirement money la. Professional has another trading advice for amateur MM:



2023-10-23 12:29 | Report Abuse

MM ah, there were occasions professional told his friends to sell right at the top 5.30 zone and 5.10 zone. Immediately sell, immediately price collapse. Tin Kosong MM jealous spinning shameless lies abt professional no use la. Got real skill or no skill people will know, you see for yourself la.

Posted by AngTayKor > 2023-04-26 23:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by 1invest1 > 2022-06-01 16:07 | Report Abuse
Thank you GB, Sold all GB.

Posted by MoneyMakers > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse
1invest1 stuck high dont jeles see others make money..ur time will come
Nxt time dont be kpop fangirl - blindly believe ur ‘idol’ nonsense

ATK: Dont anyhow assume la. 1invest1 sold his shares right at the top (near 5.30 zone) during early June 2022 together with LKT and ATK. Ha!


Posted by AngTayKor > 2023-03-10 18:11 | Report Abuse
Private Messages Of ATK


ATK: Safer to clear GB today. China tourists story already fully played out. Any higher price the whales also scared LKT start dumping like what happened in june 2022. 1:37 pm

Income: ATK Sir, thank you for your advice. I will follow you advice. 1:55 pm

ATK: Dont say in forum you sold. When the play is over go back to 4.50 its too late for those greedy ones n emptyvesseli to sell. Ha! 2:15 pm

Income: Ok. I will keep quiet in forum. 3:47 pm
Income: ATK Sir, Thanks a lot for your advice. 3:48 pm

ATK: Usually for this stock xxxxxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxx xxxxxx abt time to sell. 4:04 pm

Income: ATK Sir, you are really professional trader. I am happy to chat with you. 4:51 pm



2023-10-20 22:12 | Report Abuse

"Clarity" on #lecanemab for #Alzheimers.
Can we sell patients a biweekly infusion that is neither safe nor effective? And if narrative prevails over evidence, can we afford it? An excellent editorial in the @GreenJournal


2023-10-18 18:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by ????????? > | Report Abuse
Gamblers in Casino de Bursa dont survive long - invest responsibly in good fundamental biz
Have no doubt GenT shares recover by nxt QR/div

Guess who posted these ah??? Really a roti prata seller hahaha...


2023-10-18 01:08 | Report Abuse

Haha... preference shares doing very well. Wait for the next Taurx AGM then see what they say officially. The usual Regent hotel venue under upgrading hence will be held at another hotel venue. These days they even forbid photo taking of presentation slides everything presented during AGM is P&C.