
AngTayKor | Joined since 2020-11-24

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2023-06-13 19:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse
Stuck boring range
FF runaway no comeback..ready bursa 1200 yr-end

Roti prata cheerleading shd have been:
"Shallow pullback after strong rally yesterday. Hope the rally can resume tmr."


2023-06-12 20:58 | Report Abuse

Where is our roti prata cheerleader MM? I would expect her to say "nice closing price near day high. Hopefully can go higher tmr."


2023-06-12 16:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown Got say oldtimers ‘HERE’ meh aiyoyo
Think urself need checkup dementia/braindead kikiki

You are definitely one of the oldest here. Aiya nobody here as old as retiree like you la posting rubbish here daily and the posts will self-disappear like kena dementia.


2023-06-12 15:25 | Report Abuse

We need MM to continue the cheerleading leh... nice KLCI rally with GenB rallying swiftly together.


2023-06-12 13:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
i3lurker Impossible u dont remember - even call me MM (nobody else calls me that here)
Caught lying again kikiki - u addicted to lying or what
Posted by MoneyMakers > 32 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown Those longtime know me call me MM
i3lurker clearly knows me/I also know him - proven i3lurker liar lo aiyoyo

You know what you are talking abt? Suddenly now says that old timers here will call you MM.


2023-06-12 13:00 | Report Abuse

I would very much prefer to think that MM is merely suffering from mild cognitive impairment.


2023-06-12 12:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 49 seconds ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown Let me clear up everything so u stop behave like monkey
i3lurker nvr saw anyone call me MM (JBond long gone - choysun rarely chat me)
i3lurker call u ‘AngTayKor’ (equally long full name) but call me MM - obvious fella lying dont know me lo

Dont try to twist your way out of historical records and facts la. There are others also calling you MM. Who is the real liar that starts the false accusation? Period.


2023-06-12 12:56 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK How many times u want repeat i3lurker nonsense
I ignore whole week but makes u copypaste/curse even more kikiki

MM dont anyhow false accusations on i3lurker ya.... Later he come out and "trauma" you again. Ha!

“In trauma thereof you claim people caught lying”



2023-06-12 12:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by WinSSP > 2022-06-19 08:29 | Report Abuse
As to what @MM mentioned
Posted by James_Bond > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
MM, are you nuts or dumb? Time to wake up, MM!
Posted by choysun > 6 hours ago | Report Abuse
@MM I think you misunderstood him ler.

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse

i3lurker Impossible u dont remember - even call me MM (nobody else calls me that here)
Caught lying again kikiki - u addicted to lying or what

Is MM a liar or a demented MadMonkey? Her posts also will kena dementia, conveniently deleted away. Ha!



2023-06-12 12:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 5 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Why suddenly call me MM??
Support 4 that proven liar i3lurker issit kikiki

Dont anyhow falsely accuse others as liars. In fact, already proven here that you are are the real liar backed by historical records. Let me re-post again.... wait....


2023-06-12 12:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 4 seconds ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Why suddenly call me MM??
Support 4 that proven liar i3lurker issit kikiki

There are plenty of other people (LoserSSP, Choysun, Justborn, etc) also calling you MM. For me, MM = Short form for MadMonkey. Your name quite a waste of time to type out unless Im in toilet pooing/ etc really nothing to do.


2023-06-12 12:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 4 days ago | Report Abuse
Bursa now back to 2011 low (usually stable 1500 range) + RM weakest since Asia Fin Crisis!!
Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 day ago | Report Abuse
Bursa/rm never this weak under PN
FF nonstop sell not coming back - they dont like PH madani
Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 day ago | Report Abuse
Dont surprise bursa near 1200 / RM 5.0 by yr-end
Posted by MoneyMakers > 19 hours ago | Report Abuse
Stuck boring rebound after heavy drop
Obvious FF run no comeback
Posted by MoneyMakers > 29 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Another slow/flat day - not going anywhere as long as FF keep runaway from PH madani
"KL: FF continued to net sell MY equities for 8th consecutive week”

MM cutloss liow?


2023-06-12 12:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Ding3 new low unlocked - delicious discount
Hopefully nxt week can get strong rebound back to 4.5

Went to 4.0+ instead. Your stock charting skill need some polishing.


2023-06-10 01:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by choysun > 6 hours ago | Report Abuse
@MM I think you misunderstood him ler. Don't believe he consider Warren as amateur. Difference between an investor and trader. Think what he is saying is Warren is an investor, not a trader. Traders take a shorter term view and use TA for their insights. Don't fight ya :p

Choysun also calls her MM? Choysun you nailed it right. ATK trade stocks and usually hold positions for weeks or months. WB usually hold stocks for decades or "forever". I have explained until my mouth dry liow but demented retiree aunty MadMonkey (with her own deluded thinking) eat full no sh*t to fart like to start false accusations and put words into my mouth. Of course the legendary WB is much much more successful, savvy and richer than anyone including small fry ATK. I duno why MadMonkey can think the other way round she stoopid or what?


2023-06-09 15:13 | Report Abuse

@ElGato, tonight AdComm meeting. 3 already resigned, 1 barred, now left 6. Meeting requires at least 9. So FDA will fill in with 3 amyloid kakis to skew the votes to lecanemab win. Anyway, FDA posted brief statement yesterday in support of lecanemab’s approval just before AdComm meeting. Its already a preordained approval FDA. The American public will have to bear consequences of pay high treatment cost for almost zero medical benefit + plenty of brain bleeding including deaths.


2023-06-08 22:22 | Report Abuse

Demented MM (claimed only i3lurker calls her MM here) should go for Lecanemab treatment ASAP. It will be a life changing moment for her.


2023-06-06 19:28 | Report Abuse

Meanwhile, the Scottish Government has published its new dementia strategy, 'Everyone's Story', which recognises dementia as a condition of the brain that affects the whole person, while upscaling efforts to address its mental health and wellbeing impacts. “I think it's really, really, really positive. It's exceptional,” said Dr Miller. “I like the way they term it ‘everybody's story’ because it is - this disease is incredibly complex, and it affects anyone and everyone, it's not in isolation. “Some people say ‘oh, I will never get this, I will never be affected by this’ but this disease does not discriminate. “So when they say everyone's story, that for me is such a good strapline or headline.” It comes after the Scottish Government launched its strategy to “outline a vision for dementia policy over the next decade”. This includes support pre and post-diagnosis, actions to enable more people to live well in their communities, involving those affected in the design and delivery of their own support and access to care from a skilled and “trauma-informed”
workforce when appropriate. The strategy also commits to tackling stigma, something Dr Miller is passionate about.
“There are guidances and there is accessibility of services and support services but for dementia, this is still in its infancy and a lot of that has to do with the fact of the stigma associated with dementia,” Dr Miller said. “The term itself is terrifying for people and it's a scary diagnosis and it doesn't need to be that's part of the re-education and the support that people need.” The strategy, launched during Dementia Awareness Week, is a joint publication by the Scottish
Government and the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (Cosla). The government’s mental wellbeing minister, Maree Todd, said the strategy “sets out what we want to achieve and the difference we want to make to people’s lives”.
“Diagnosis can bring significant mental health and wellbeing challenges that need to be acknowledged and addressed to ensure a person’s rights are upheld,” said Ms Todd. “That’s why the strategy was developed in collaboration with the National Dementia Lived Experience Panel. We want everyone affected to be involved in its delivery.” Cosla’s health and social care spokesperson, councillor Paul Kelly, said: “We welcome this strategy as it rightly challenges us to do more and go even further, to continue to improve the care and support for people living with dementia and their care partners. “Delivering it will require us all to continue to work collaboratively in a positive and proactive manner, while respecting each other’s different experiences of dementia.”


2023-06-06 19:27 | Report Abuse

Breakthrough drug developed in Scotland to halt progress of Alzheimer's disease on verge of approval It would be the first drug of its kind to be approved.

Dr Sonya Miller - TauRx
Published 6th Jun 2023, 04:55 BST

Researchers are hopeful of approval for a game-changing new drug being produced in Scotland which slows the progression of Alzhemier’s disease. TauRx, an Aberdeenshire-based life sciences company, is on the verge of producing a medicine that can halt the deterioration of brain function in Alzheimer's patients - giving hope to the millions of dementia sufferers worldwide and potentially creating the first preventative treatment for a deteriorating brain disease.
Dementia is one of the UK’s leading causes of death and Alzheimer’s disease is responsible for 50 per cent of these cases - it is also set to affect more than a million UK residents by the middle of this century as the population ages further.

Improved treatment and care pathways for those with the condition is a priority for every UK government, including Scotland, but the causes of the disease are still poorly understood. TauRx has now shared results from its late-stage clinical trial, LUCIDITY, providing evidence that its investigational drug leads to sustained cognitive improvement at an early, clinically detectable stage of Alzheimer’s – offering the prospect of improved brain function for patients. The company is now pursuing regulatory submissions in the UK, US and Canada to prepare for market availability.

Dr Sonya Miller, the head of medical affairs at TauRx, said the new medicine aims to extend patients’ lives and crucially, their quality of life. “It's been a 20 year process since the last medications were actually approved and they were
symptomatic - they didn't attack the disease pathology itself, they just gave slight symptomatic relief,” said Dr Miller, referring to the class of drugs still used to treat Alzhemier’s symptoms today. “There is a coming raft of oral medicine, including ours, which are disease-modifying, and the minute you produce a tablet, you increase the reach of the drug.
“They’re easy to store, easy to administer and everyone understands the treatment. People feel comfortable with it.”
Disease modifying “means that you can actually tackle the underlying pathology”, added Dr Miller. “So the tau protein is one of the key pathologies of Alzheimer's disease. We stop the accumulation, the re-accumulation of this protein that causes problems. That’s the simple explanation. “So if you can disease modify, you can stop a disease progressing, so you retain someone at the level they're at and you stop that potential progression, or further loss of function.”

Professor Claude Wischik, co-founder and executive chairman of TauRx, together with colleagues at the University of Aberdeen, has devoted nearly 30 years to investigating the structure and role of ‘tau tangles’ in the development of Alzheimer’s, frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and other neurodegenerative diseases. These ‘tangles’ are abnormal proteins, called tau, which impair the brain function of Alzheimer’s sufferers, and Professor Wischik and the University of Aberdeen are the original discoverers of the composition of the tau protein pathology in Alzheimer’s. The experimental compound involved in clinical trials belongs to a class of drugs known as Tau Aggregation Inhibitors.
According to TauRx, “by undoing the tangles that cause dementia, we aim to slow and potentially stop memory loss”.
The ultimate aim, according to Dr Miller, is to one day be able to prevent Alzheimer’s from causing impairment.
“Our long term aim, once we have proven [our treatment] and got it out into the population, is to say, look, this works across everybody, that we can stop the progression, then you can look at introducing it at an earlier stage,” said Dr Miller. “So it becomes prophylactic. You can say to patients you won't ever reach this point [of disease
progression]. You won't lose that function. “You do screening with diagnostic tests and blood biomarkers. That's the ultimate aim - that you stop people ever getting to the point of having impairment.”


2023-06-06 16:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 4 hours ago | Report Abuse
Flat / boring consolidation range

You scared ah? Downtrend may continue ah... Scared then cut loss lor. Next time on firm uptrend then buy ok? When the trend is your friend, you buy already immediately will huat.


2023-06-05 23:44 | Report Abuse

Jialat.... this MM either lying or kena dementia liow... Hahaha.... Dont ask me to help you enroll into Taurx compassionate program. Wasting shareholders' money only


2023-06-05 23:41 | Report Abuse

Posted by James_Bond > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

MM, are you nuts or dumb? Time to wake up, MM! Sell in May and go away! Dont you understand? You didn’t see how heavy is the sell queue and how many Genting Berhad I bought for the past few months? Crazy huge…
Posted by James_Bond > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

How I wish Genting share up more than 5+, has been holding Genting shares for months… other than the small piece of dividend and small capital gain, nothing else… Guess should stop dreaming, and it’s time to wake up MM! Covid striking back! State elections coming! Global recession with many uncertainty ahead… hard, hard, hard… Investing in other momentum shares hv better yield than Genting Berhad…


Posted by MoneyMakers > 11 minutes ago | Report Abuse

i3lurker Impossible u dont remember - even call me MM (nobody else calls me that here)
Caught lying again kikiki - u addicted to lying or what


2023-06-05 22:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by i3lurker > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
AngTaykor if mm stopped, please stop it yourself to be fair to him
otherwise this thingy will never ever end

OK. Trader i3lurker says this, ATK will listen. Anyway laugh until my stomach and lungs cannot take it also. Better stop also.


2023-06-05 22:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Ready foreign fund huge selloff next week if QR loss
FF alrdy dump GenS (8% drop) after lousy QR - which AngTK say ‘excellent’ kikiki

Ding3 back to old 4.5 range - hopefully drop much2 lower
Here no local support (sin biz) - foreign dump GenT die
Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Gamblers in Casino de Bursa dont survive long - invest responsibly in good fundamental biz
Have no doubt GenT shares recover by nxt QR/div


So funny watching MadMonkey panic over her trading losses then start promoting this stock non-stop now. Really very amateur trading tactics. kekeke...... this is so freaking funny....... I cannot take it... kekeke....


2023-06-05 22:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
AngTKlown WarrenB been in stock market 100yrs - ofcos he knows how to trade
Fact that u think ur better than ‘THE LEGEND’ in anything - as said ur easily most delusional cuckoo in i3 kikiki

FYI WB is 92 y.o. Want to quote the legend but still can get simple facts wrong. Hahaha really an amateur.


2023-06-05 22:20 | Report Abuse

Posted by i3lurker > 5 days ago | Report Abuse
dun be greedy
always buy uptrend stock
many lose money trying to catch bottom and then hold for years.
buy uptrend and dump fast fast quick turnaround still the best.
only greedy people try to buy cheap
Posted by i3lurker > 49 minutes ago | Report Abuse
for First Republic Bank I did easily 50 round trip buy sell per day, thats trading
so AngTayKor is correct, => buy immediately profits, thats trading
dun be confused

Finally a trader has spoken. Trade only when the trend is your friend. Buy liow immediately will show you profit. Its really very difficult to teach amateurs how to trade stocks. Talk until my mouth dry liow the amateur still cannot understand then start ridiculous false accusations. Geeez.


2023-06-05 20:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 17 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Kikiki another spin answer

AngTKlown ur easily most delusional cuckoo in i3 - the only person dare claim more pro trader than Warren Buffet

Why you like to put words into my mouth + always so dumb? Pls Google if warren buffett is a professional stock trader. Geeez


2023-06-05 20:06 | Report Abuse

"Buy liow immediately show trading profit" this skill you wont know want la. You bought liow losing money now hence promoting non-stop right? Hahaha...

Next time if got chance i show you again la. I showed you the records twice here already, still need to show you another time?


2023-06-05 18:18 | Report Abuse

Those 2 are billionaires in their own right im sure they have their own powerful money making skills. But professional stock traders in general dont regard these 2 as their stock trading sifus.


2023-06-05 17:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 24 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Only AngTK dare claim more pro trader than Buffet/Icahn (billionaires with combined 100yrs stock market exp)

Dont put words into my mouth again.


2023-06-05 16:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Which FAMOUS investor do u consider ‘pro trader’ (buy then immediately profit)??
U said Warren Buffet not pro trader - how about Carl Icahn??

If you think they are professional stock traders that you can learn some trading skills from then its ok lor


2023-06-05 16:25 | Report Abuse

We are talking abt stock trading here. Why choose WB and CI? Im definitely not the best la there are many much better stock traders around. However, I do get "lucky" numerous times, making trading profits very quickly after I bought.


2023-06-05 15:46 | Report Abuse

Wa.... GenS drop big today despite dow up big. Maybe MadMonkey shd cut loss if there is any rebound tmr? Hahaha...


2023-06-05 13:43 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 14 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK if “buy then immediately profit” is common knowledge, then come specify which pro trader/book teach u this fantasy idea Should be easy to name since soo ‘common’ kikiki
AngTK Ur definition of pro trader (buy then immediately profit) is as terrible as ur definition of overbought (up 50% past few months) kikiki

The good traders dont like their trading P&L to show losses, hence all aspire to make our initial trade commitment show trading profit right from the start. The entire trade will show a profit right from the beginning and all the way to the end of trade, never in a loss position. And some good traders can really do this consistently with high probability. I have already shown you some of my such trades.

Amateurs like you will think its only a fantasy. If your trading strategy of ""Promoting a stock nonstop after you bought. Fear mongering the same stock nonstop after you sold (hoping to buy back cheaper)"" works for you, then you just continue to use this type of chao kuan cheap tactics la. You are too amateur la. How to educate you on stock trading? Hahaha...


2023-06-05 12:33 | Report Abuse

With such poor attitude, how is MadMonkey going to improve? I already told you how I learn from other professionals who are even better than me. Im always happy to meet such people, be humble and learn from them.

Posted by AngTayKor > 2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

.......................... I find online trolls very stooopid and lack the ability to further improve themselves. When ATK meet successful investors and stock traders, ATK pluck up courage be "thick-skin" and go chat up with them, be their friend. You will be surprised how friendly and helpful they usually are. Most of them are willing to share if they like you and find you trustworthy. I ask them questions and learn. What is their view? How did they do it? Whats in their mind when they are putting in big investments or when they are trading a large position? Just look around you Im sure you can find some trustworthy mentors you have met before and can learn from them. ATK is also a human. I have my own internal demons (greed and fear) when I trade stocks or invest in Taurx.


Posted by AngTayKor > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

ATK just had a long lunch discussion with a successful stock investor that invested in USA, HK and local markets. Eye opener on how he think and invest. He pointed out my mistakes and gave his views. He is correct. He reads plenty of expensive investment periodical subscriptions that fund managers/ hedge funds/etc are reading. Thereafter more self-research, then he form his own investment opinions and backed his views with his own real money. I asked him for links on which low price and good subscription periodicals to read to broaden my knowledge. Wow! I paid for the "Buddha Jump Over The Wall" lunch but the knowledge I gained today is priceless. Got to start gearing up as I expect to take back all my Taurx investment capital after China deal.

Learning to be successful means learning from the successful people how they think and how they translate thoughts into actions.



2023-06-05 12:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2022-10-12 11:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 2022-09-29 17:12 | Report Abuse
Walao AngTK everyday say alot seller/foreign seller/fed crash market blablabla
Suddenly today say enter 4.3 (after price up)..u think anyone believe meh
Really ridiculous story aiyoyo



MY26/09/22 28/09/22 391892/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 926,600 MYR 4.33576 4,017,515.22 4,025,963.33
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
6,026.27 0.00 2,000.00 0.31370

MY29/09/22 03/10/22 458918/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 353,400 MYR 4.40396 1,556,359.46 1,560,324.33
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
2,334.54 0.00 1,466.91 0.31330

MY04/10/22 06/10/22 580652/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 150,000 MYR 4.46667 670,000.50 672,276.86
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
1,005.00 0.00 1,201.01 0.31000


MY26/09/22 28/09/22 392887/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 340,000 MYR 4.32765 1,471,401.00 1,475,204.03
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
2,207.10 0.00 1,441.43 0.31370

MY27/09/22 29/09/22 428345/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 230,000 MYR 4.33348 996,700.40 999,599.12
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
1,495.05 0.00 1,299.02 0.31350




2023-06-05 12:17 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2022-05-08 11:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > | Report Abuse
Aiyoyo AngTK nobody cares/believes whether u make money or not..investors should only care about own portfolio
Here share useful info enough..If want brag about picking bottoms then show TA b4 price hits suddenly want brag about buying bottom 4.51 kikiki save those fairytale stories 4 grandchildren
ATK: You missed the 4.51 boat. I have already shown you I bought at least 600.000 shares at 4.51 zone. @Dream makers still trying hard to do fear mongering here hope to buy cheap.... sore loser eating sour grapes. Hahaha....

Posted by AngTayKor >2022-05-08 13:45 | Report Abuse
Posted by Income > | Report Abuse
Mr. ATK, you have shown your proofs. He (MoneyM) is diverting topic to other things. Haha.
Mr. ATK Sifu, you have shot MoneyM to pieces. Good. I believe in Sifu ATK. The first time Sifu ATK have shown his transactions.
ATK: I prefer to trade like a lone wolf hunting. I trade to win money. I dont like to expose my trades publicly especially when my positions are not closed hence I will delete the earlier post on my trading room GenB position.


2023-06-05 12:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
AngTK Cannot even give 1 name meh - just keep spin round&round kikiki
Ur replies always amusing - like child lying who eat all the cookies (dog/postman/Santa eat)
Little fella think his ‘story’ makes sense - but parents know its BS kikiki

This is a common knowledge among professional traders. Good traders make money from their trade commitments showing profit right from the start. I wont waste my breath explaining to an amateur like MadMonkey who doesnt even bother to Google what is "Price Action", let alone be humble even to learn from the professionals by asking them how they manage to do this consistently.

MadMonkey has made such accusations abt ATK making up horse-back cannon fantasy stories to BS people. I have posted some of my real trades here which is "showing profits right from the start" and proved you wrong.


2023-06-05 10:11 | Report Abuse

All professional traders will tell you this same thing.

You are too amateur to believe this, let alone how professionals do it. Hahaha...


2023-06-05 09:46 | Report Abuse

WB not a stock trader. Experienced professional traders will tell you that good trades usually will show profit right from the start. Many people keep incl MadMonkey yourself have on many occasions accused ATK horse-back cannon. I have posted my real trades here before showing that after i bought, it will show a profit quickly. Its not fantasy nonsense. I have shown you proof before. But as usual even with proof, amateurs still wont believe.


2023-06-04 16:12 | Report Abuse

This type jump in n out max get small trading gain only. MadMonkey putting in so much effort to fear mongering here non-stop, then reverse n start promoting here non-stop after she bought. Doing all these rubbish just hoping to make some meagre profit. Amateur la. If suay suay can end up like now below water. Hahaha...

Professional traders will just keep quiet, buy already immediately will make profit. No need to fear monger, no need to promote also. Profit n money will still come in. That is the difference between professional and amateur traders.


2023-06-02 23:15 | Report Abuse

Wah... Dow up 500 pts tonight but wasted leh Bursa on holiday next Monday.


2023-06-02 19:01 | Report Abuse

GenB can go Thailand also. Become South East Asia's 金三角 casino king :)


2023-06-02 18:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by choysun > 56 seconds ago | Report Abuse
So reversal confirmed yet? Still a bit shooting star leh. But Futures up. Perhaps profit taking due to Monday holiday?

@Choysun, you can only trust your own judgement and not be mentally swayed by amateurs always doing roti-prata fear mongering / promoting a stock to suit their own trading needs. Once you formed your own judgement, backed it with real money and put in your trade. If your trade shows a profit, that means you are correct.


2023-06-02 17:56 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
AngTK remember last week say “GenS OVERBOUGHT selloff b’coz up 50% past few months”
If ‘overbought’ = 50% up, then automatically ‘oversold’ = 50% down lo
Both opposite ma - give u simple TA lesson today
Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse
Aiyaa AngTK no need argue long2
Easy solution - come give ur ‘oversold’ definition

I wont try to teach an amateur with a black heart that always has bad intentions. Up to you to find out the difference in impact if a blue chip stock goes up 50% VS the stock price goes down 50%. I have already used mathematics to prove your theory is flawed.

Your own theory is your own theory and belongs to you. Dont put your own theory into my mouth and say ATK said that. I didnt say that.


2023-06-02 17:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 14 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Aiyaa AngTK no need argue long2
Easy solution - come give ur ‘oversold’ definition

Have you found out what is "Price Action"? Hahaha amateur.....


2023-06-02 17:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse
AngTK remember last week say “GenS OVERBOUGHT selloff b’coz up 50% past few months”
If ‘overbought’ = 50% up, then automatically ‘oversold’ = 50% down lo
Posted by MoneyMakers > 24 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Aiyoyo AngTK ‘overbought/oversold’ by definition = opposite leh
Got nothing to do with ur ‘math example’ - bcoz ur ‘overbought/oversold’ definition totally wrong kikiki

Hello you are omitting the 50% mark now. There is a difference in price going up 50% VS down 50%. .

I already have used mathematics facts to prove that your "mirror theory" is wrong. You are using your own mirror theory "up 50% overbought condition has same impact of down 50% oversold condition". Not everything just use mirror to see means your theory is correct liow. And dont put your false theory into my mouth. Geeez.


2023-06-02 17:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 11 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK laugh at buyers during Mar bank panic - then strong rebound

Pls la i have said here many times that i was warning justborn not to play the machoman n catch falling knives when he was buying nonstop at 5.0+ all the way down to 4.70+, 4,60+. Price eventually bottomed at 4.40+. My advice then was sound n correct.


2023-06-02 16:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by stkoay > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
I think only amateur believes that posting in forum will be able to move price in the market.

Some are trying to mislead the ikan bilis....but whatever it won't move the price much.

Well said TaoKay. We all know who that amateur is. Ha!


2023-06-02 16:47 | Report Abuse

Need ATK to buy n help you push up the share price or not? Hahaha...


2023-06-02 16:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
Gamblers in Casino de Bursa dont survive long - invest responsibly in good fundamental biz
Have no doubt GenT shares recover by nxt QR/div

OMG this is totally opposite of what you have been fear mongering last week abt lousy QR n performance.

Roti prata flip now after kena stuck buying at higher price?