
AngTayKor | Joined since 2020-11-24

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2023-04-24 20:16 | Report Abuse

Buy the dip has been very rewarding for many investors especially in USA.


2023-04-24 20:11 | Report Abuse

The most bullish guy that bought nonstop above 5.00 (7 turbo charged engine, genting creme de la creme best investment for 2023, Warren Buffett investment style, mark my words etc) suddenly scared of state elections which pahang not involved :p


2023-04-24 17:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by prudentinvestor > 27 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Will only consider buying Gentibg again after the results of the six state elections are known. Plenty of uncertainties right now.

Please elaborate why state election is risky for GenB. Is Pahang state involved and Highlands will be affected? Im not a local and seldom read local news.


2023-04-24 17:25 | Report Abuse

Many also claimed abt their auto lowering average prices, their 90m fund size etc which we all know these are fakes. If they want to publicly disgrace themselves then let them be. Up to people to decide who is talking kok and who is not. I know I bought 1m shares at 2.97 and further scaled up position on that Nov 2020 rally. I trade this stock in millions of shares. The fake ones always like to falsely accuse me a fake trader. I posted my real trading records a few times here as proof Im not talking kok here.

Im sure there are some here bought at rm8.00. Sad but thats the reality of the inherently risky stock market. Defence is more important than offense. Not much choice now but to hold long term, let the Taurx success play out fully. Im confident price can go above rm10 eventually.


2023-04-22 19:50 | Report Abuse

Those that bought above 5.00 will feel this is a lousy stock. Those that bough at 2.97 will feel this stock is quite good. Personal experiences will differ.


2023-04-22 19:48 | Report Abuse

The question is: Why use beginning of 2020 as comparison? Is it a fair comparison? No one here is using your comparison method. How abt use the late march 2020 low when global stock indexes synchronised bottomed n rebounded into a new bull market? Or use the early nov 2020 as date of comparison when i bought at 2.97 near bottom?


2023-04-22 19:40 | Report Abuse

If you want to use early 2020 to compare stock performance because you bought both mbb n GenB together at the same time, thats your problem. A lot of people here bought this stock below or near 3.00. Your experience will be vastly different from other investors' experience.


2023-04-20 20:59 | Report Abuse

Sometimes need more patience when investing la.


2023-04-20 20:46 | Report Abuse

4 mths gain 6% (excluding dividend). If extrapolate it, 1 yr return 18%. Seems better than 3 yrs return 25% (including dividend) :p


2023-04-20 01:35 | Report Abuse

April 19, 2023 01:17 PM EDT

Four senior FDA leaders forged close ties with Biogen well ahead of Aduhelm's approval. Now they've left FDA

Two years after the FDA’s controversial approval of Biogen’s Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm, four of the top agency officials who came under scrutiny for their close relationship with the drugmaker during the approval process have left the agency.

Three of those four senior officials, who managed and worked closely with the clinical and biostats reviewers assigned to the Aduhelm application, have now ended up working at drugmakers. The landing spot for the fourth, Billy Dunn, former director of the Division of Neurology Products, has yet to be made public.

Aduhelm, or aducanumab, ended up a commercial flop, but opened the door for Eisai and Biogen’s follow-on Alzheimer’s drug Leqembi, which will likely be a blockbuster. But the approval of the drug, struggles to get it reimbursed at CMS and nationwide, and the investigations that followed, continue to have an impact on not just Biogen but the entire industry.

According to the House Committee on Oversight and Reform and Committee on Energy and Commerce’s investigation into the Biogen and FDA relationship, the company and agency officials met in July 2019, a full year before Biogen would even complete its submission for aducanumab, and as part of a workstream outside of a typical application’s review.

Almost four months prior to this first meeting, Biogen in March 2019 announced publicly it was shuttering two Phase III trials, effectively ending development on aducanumab, as a futility analysis conducted by an independent data monitoring committee indicated that they were unlikely to meet their primary endpoint.

Dunn, who led the efforts around aducanumab and started at the FDA’s division of neurological products in 2005 before rising to the top of the office in 2020, in late February decided to leave the agency, effective immediately and with little explanation.

It’s still unclear where he will end up, and the Alzheimer’s Association of America and his former deputy Eric Bastings, who moved over to Ionis as a VP, told Endpoints News they don’t know where Dunn is headed. Endpoints was unable to reach Dunn directly for comment.

Bastings previously told Endpoints of his own departure, “The opportunity with Ionis is why I chose to retire from the FDA,” but he said he could not comment on his role in the Aduhelm-related investigations.

Meanwhile, FDA’s Kun Jin, after more than 27 years at the agency, in March was named VP and head of biostatistics at Anavex Life Sciences. And earlier this week, Biohaven, a clinical-stage biopharma company, named Nick Kozauer, former acting deputy director of the FDA’s division of neurology products and 8-year FDA vet, as SVP for clinical development and regulatory strategy.

Neither responded to requests for comment.

Ranjit Mani, clinical team leader for Dunn’s neurology division, confirmed that he is still working at the FDA but declined to comment on the Aduhelm investigations. None of the others from FDA on the list from the congressional investigation responded to a request for comment. The only Biogen employee on the list, Samantha Budd Haeberlein, saw her employment as SVP end in mid-March but it’s unknown where she’s headed.

On why all four senior FDA leaders departed so quickly following the release of the December 2022 congressional investigation, an FDA spokesperson confirmed that all the others on the list still work at the agency, and added, “While we are unable to say specifically why the individuals left, CDER Staff leave the FDA for a variety of reasons.”


2023-04-19 22:45 | Report Abuse

Posted by James_Bond > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Will support Genting Berhad with all my funds!
Hv faith in Genting Berhad and you will be rewarded greatly! Mark my words!
Turbocharged Engine 7. Genting is your Best of the best investment in 2023. Creme de la creme. 

Be patience and you will be rewarded greatly with Genting!

I follow the philosophy of Warren Buffet, investing in GREAT BUSINESSES at right price!
Posted by James_Bond > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse
… Guess should stop dreaming, and it’s time to wake up MM! Covid striking back! State elections coming! Global recession with many uncertainty ahead… hard, hard, hard… Investing in other momentum shares hv better yield than Genting Berhad…

Please la still want to preach abt Warren Buffett style of investing. Duno how many waves of covid spikes already but now all casinos are fully opened and days of lockdowns are over. I remember during strict covid lockdown 2 years ago, this stock ever hit 5.50. State elections got anything to do with highlands operating as a going-concern? Will Warren Buffett sell because of non-events like increase in covid cases and state elections?

Must be bought the shares liow promote nonstop. Sold the shares liow do fear mongering. Dont disgrace the good name of Warren Buffett here la. Tsk Tsk Tsk....


2023-04-19 16:28 | Report Abuse

After Ramadan, a team of Taurx personnel will be flying over to a country (a prelude to their C.A) to show their doctors how to accurately diagnose AD using modern brain PET scan technology. Tau pathology PET scan can accurately diagnose and predict AD progression, something that amyloid pathology PET scan is unable to do. This is because Tau is the cause and driver of AD. When there is no tau accumulation inside the brain, there is no AD, even when the brain is full of amyloid deposits. When the Tau accumulates and start to spread across the brain and spread to which region in the brain, we know the stage and severity of the patient's AD now, and we are able to accurately predict the AD severity 1 year to 5 years later using computer simulation. We knew this fact over 30 years ago (when PET scan technology was not available then). We did this by slicing hundreds of donated brains from brain bank collection, then comparing normal brain of the deceased VS confirmed AD brain of the deceased, then comparing their Tau pathology progress. Very accurate diagnosis. Now the advancement of PET scan technology allows us to do this on living patients. To determine their stage of Tau pathology and progress of AD. Very powerful. Global AD pandemic can be halted with HMTM.


2023-04-14 17:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by James_Bond > 14 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Serve the sourgrapes (Bob, AngTayKor etc) right! Haha…

Please la sour grapes over your 90m rupiah? Still angry with ATK for exposing your shameless lies here? Hahaha....

Please la, ATK bought 1m GenB shares at 2.97 at early Nov 2020, made over 60% in less than 2 months. ATK had abt 10 rounds of profits trading this stock over the past couple of years with 2 rounds of minor losses. At above 5.00 Justborn still buying non-stop. Ha!

Let me post your shameless lies here again in case you forget:

Posted by James_Bond > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
3 million ringgit ready to scoop this Genting Berhad mammoth!
Posted by James_Bond > 2 months ago | Report Abuse
USD 3 million fresh fund ready to scoop Genting Berhad! Cheers!
Posted by James_Bond > 4 weeks ago | Report Abuse
I hv near RM 90million cash to buy Genting Berhad!
Posted by James_Bond > 4 weeks ago | Report Abuse
90+ million cash in hand, I m not afraid at all!


2023-04-12 11:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2022-12-10 13:17 | Report Abuse
Lecanemab causes brain to shrink even faster!
Lecanemab and other drugs that remove amyloid have another side effect that is more mysterious: They seem to cause the brain to shrink.

That concerns scientists including Thambisetty.

"Brain shrinkage represents disease progression," he says. "What is a little worrying to me is that these drugs might be worsening the degenerative process."

Alzheimer's itself causes the brain to shrink, a sign that neurons are dying. So Thambisetty expected Alzheimer's drugs to limit shrinkage, rather than accelerate it.

So did Dr. David Knopman of the Mayo Clinic. "It's moving in the wrong direction," he said during a panel at the Alzheimer's meeting.

Thambisetty wants Eisai to publish detailed information about the changes in brain volume that occurred during its study of lecanemab.
Thambisetty is a current FDA Adcom panel member while David Knopman resigned as FDA Adcom panel member in protest due to FDA's Aduhelm accelerated approval fiasco.
@DestinyL, rate of brain atrophy is one of the endpoint measurement in lucidity trial. This is the purest form of biomarker in a clinical trial compared to reduction of amyloid deposits. Patients taking HMTM can see slower rate of brain atrophy.

Conclusions: These findings reveal the potential for anti-Aβ therapies to compromise long-term brain health by accelerating brain atrophy, and provide new insight into the adverse impact of ARIA.


2023-04-04 20:11 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Ding3 back to old 4.5 range - hopefully drop much2 lower
Here no local support (sin biz) - foreign dump GenT die
Posted by dompeilee > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse
Without foreign buying this stock is hopeless.

How come so many people always like to fear monger / blame bad things on foreigners?


2023-04-03 15:20 | Report Abuse

Small world indeed @ElGato.

Biosensors Chairman Lu YuChie also has some Taurx shares. A nice guy with very polished English. Wasted he didn't sell Biosensors in late 2007 when JNJ offered a reasonably good price. I was very pissed abt that. Founders always think too highly of their company and not realistic abt the market. No doubt Biosensors had the best drug-eluting stent technology then but entering USA market is not so simple. Lu exited Biosensors at a much lower price to a China Fund some yrs later.

HerbalScience Robert Gow committed suicide in USA after he was charged with federal fraud charges. I knew Robert was a scam as he likes to talk big always craving for media attention.


2023-03-31 12:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by James_Bond > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse
Clearly see AngTayKor is not gentleman! Haha…

Aiya obviously Justborn not happy with ATK hence keep cursing and falsely accusing ATK for all sorts of bad things. ATK was the first here to point out his 90m rupiah Casino Royale Fund is a fraud to fool the naive. From 5.00 kept on buying and supporting but price crashed below 4.50. 2 weeks ago after Justborn declared he had enough GenB shares and will will stop buying, price started to rally. Real 90m fund or fraud? You decide for yourself la.


2023-03-31 10:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by James_Bond > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Those who cut loss from Genting, please seek compensation from AngTayKor, Bob etc… hahaha…. I m right again! Cheers!

Loser Justborn dont anyhow put words into ATK's mouth. ATK did not say nasty things abt GenB or tell people here to cutloss. Go n check back the records posted here. Justborn you have no credibility here n serious character problem. Justborn is a shameless Liar, Fraud, Loser.


2023-03-31 01:56 | Report Abuse

Yes. All the best to Taurx and GenB shareholders. We will clear all the hurdles! MCI patient group average score 20% reversal (improvement) from initial baseline on a phase 3 trial is God's gift to mankind to defeat this devastating AD.


2023-03-31 00:43 | Report Abuse

@Michael your Chinese very good this article for you from the main news agency in China XinHua. Taurx got chance to get C.A in China also.


2023-03-31 00:19 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2022-11-07 15:54 | Report Abuse
TauRx Warrants Exercise
The latest results:-
1) 99.34% subscribed
2) amount raised = USD119.281 million.
Posted by MoneyMakers > 6 hours ago | Report Abuse
No use TauRx - alrdy fail experiment/placebo
Even latest fundraising undersubscribed - nobody want
Posted by MoneyMakers > 28 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Fact: TauRx reported only 99% warrant exercised (undersubscribed)
AngTK pls tell LKT or whichever chinese billionaire - still got 1% shares havent ‘gobble up’ kikiki

Aiyo really got people so dumb? Those attached piggyback warrants are non-transferable hence cannot be gobbled up by the underwriter. Its 99.34% VS 0.66%. Got 99.34% of warrant holders want. How can you say nobody want? Those 0.66% that failed to pay up on due date, its even better for other existing shareholders because less dilution at cheap price. ATK and many others also salivating want to gobble up those 0.66% warrant shares @USD45 each but legally unable to execute it. We are now talking abt issuing new shares at USD300/share. Those 0.66% that didnt pay up on due date too bad for them missed the golden huat opportunity to profit a few folds within a few months.


2023-03-30 21:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by Mikecyc > 10 hours ago | Report Abuse
Haha Tin Kosong MonieM give lectures here ke …no more Shouting Rocket Limit Up ke as in Tsh .. don’t own deleted own posts loh …hahaha

@MM your enemy ah? Aiyo enemies chasing after you until coming into GenB forum. You must be spewing a lot of rubbish everywhere in i3. Tsk Tsk Tsk....


2023-03-30 21:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse
No use TauRx - alrdy fail experiment/placebo
Even latest fundraising undersubscribed - nobody want

Aiyo got people really so stoopid ah? You smarter than billionaire investors?

Taurx rights issue was fully subscribed. GenB (LKT) even applied for excess rights else all the excess rights will be gobbled up by Chinese billionaire underwriter.


2023-03-30 14:47 | Report Abuse

C‘mon Big Tiong Fund, come buy from papa! Papa plenty of Taurx shares to sell and need your USD cash....


2023-03-29 21:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by James_Bond > 1 day ago | Report Abuse
Unselfishly shared the big data analysed by ChatGPT and you ignored it and said scammer… goodness, guess you, DestinyL wil be the loser and always the big loser in the market!

Got people use ChatGPT for investment decision meh? Go and ask Warren Buffett la.
In case you have not realised, there is only one loser here. See for yourself la. Hahaha.........

Posted by James_Bond > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
3 million ringgit ready to scoop this Genting Berhad mammoth!
Posted by James_Bond > 3 weeks ago | Report Abuse
USD 3 million fresh fund ready to scoop Genting Berhad! Cheers!
Posted by James_Bond > 1 week ago | Report Abuse
I hv near RM 90million cash to buy Genting Berhad!
Posted by James_Bond > 1 week ago | Report Abuse
90+ million cash in hand, I m not afraid at all!



2023-03-29 21:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by James_Bond > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
Bought at 5.05! Cheers!
Averaging up and collected at 5.04… cheers!
No issue… They will need to buy back at higher price later on…
Collected another batch at 5.03! Cheers!
Collected at 5.07! Cheers!
Averaged up at 5.10! Cheers!

Posted by DestinyL > 1 day ago | Report Abuse
I gave you sound advice on Aji too, and see where is Aji standing as of today?
Aji was around 13.x when you switched to Genting at probably 4.70+
It is the naive forum posters who have to say bad about everything they sold, and only praises for everything they own, and this is probably not what i3 wants in their forum, ie biased views

Justborn sold Aji at 13+, and Aji now at 16+ correct?
Justborn bought GenB non-stop at 5+, and now price at 4.5+ correct?

Aiyo still want to talk abt his Warren Buffett investment style... Now much cheaper than 5+ but he said he bought enough liow. Warren Buffett investment style is like this meh?


2023-03-29 21:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by DestinyL > 4 hours ago | Report Abuse
These are the kind of ppl posting in forums, real sad
Only putting hope everyday since he bought in

@DestinyL, I know what you mean. I show you....

Posted by MoneyMakers > 2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
Ding3 back to old 4.5 range - hopefully drop much2 lower
Here no local support (sin biz) - foreign dump GenT die

She has been posting this non-stop for many days to do fear mongering here. After she bought, She will delete her previous fear mongering posts and start promoting. I do cut and paste hence still have her old records. One of the most useless contributor here using cheap tricks.


2023-03-29 21:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by James_Bond > 2 days ago | Report Abuse
Remember you hv Casino Royale fund supporting! Buy and Hold!

Aiyo still waving your 90m rupiah fund here? You have been saying that from rm5, support until price went below 4.50. You forgot ah? Hahaha....


2023-03-20 15:07 | Report Abuse

So quiet here after discovering price protection Casino Royale Fund is actually 90m rupiah cash.......


2023-03-20 00:42 | Report Abuse

Will such a low offer price for CS cause banks' stock price to collapse more on Monday?


2023-03-19 22:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by Michael_chan2022 > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

Hold tight... 我们要發達嘛!

@Michael thanks and nice sharing of good videos. I notice this video was probably recorded 2.5 years ago when GenB was 2.97 zone. This old guy was definitely correct at that time, if bought at 2.97 sure can huat big. Tourism recovery story has been playing since Nov 2020 from the day Pfizer covid vaccine clinical trial good news. Story is getting stale and mouldy by now but strangely this 2.5 years old story still can suck in many JustBorns or Johnny-Come-Late punters buying above rm5.


2023-03-18 13:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 34 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Quite tickled see AngTK/Bob ‘furiously’ attack JamesBond just b’coz himself millionaire

Please la we are just laughing at his stooopidity to fake boast abt his Casino Royale Fund until RM90m cash. He has been the attacker la. Go n check who has been the one cursing non-stop at others here


2023-03-17 19:21 | Report Abuse

You think ATK so free to audit all your posts ah? All I know is our i3 QE king James Powell talking a lot of kok, boasting big big big and lying in this Genting Berhad forum. HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



2023-03-17 18:54 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2022-10-12 11:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 2022-09-29 17:12 | Report Abuse
Walao AngTK everyday say alot seller/foreign seller/fed crash market blablabla
Suddenly today say enter 4.3 (after price up)..u think anyone believe meh
Really ridiculous story aiyoyo



MY26/09/22 28/09/22 391892/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 926,600 MYR 4.33576 4,017,515.22 4,025,963.33
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
6,026.27 0.00 2,000.00 0.31370

MY29/09/22 03/10/22 458918/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 353,400 MYR 4.40396 1,556,359.46 1,560,324.33
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
2,334.54 0.00 1,466.91 0.31330

MY04/10/22 06/10/22 580652/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 150,000 MYR 4.46667 670,000.50 672,276.86
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
1,005.00 0.00 1,201.01 0.31000


MY26/09/22 28/09/22 392887/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 340,000 MYR 4.32765 1,471,401.00 1,475,204.03
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
2,207.10 0.00 1,441.43 0.31370

MY27/09/22 29/09/22 428345/400/01 BUY GENTING, 3182 230,000 MYR 4.33348 996,700.40 999,599.12
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
1,495.05 0.00 1,299.02 0.31350




2023-03-17 18:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 56 minutes ago | Report Abuse
AngTK no real friends/life - need gloat here to ‘supposed’ online friends lo

Sometimes things posted online are real. Sometimes things posted online are not real. You need to see who are real ones and who are not the real ones



2023-03-17 18:29 | Report Abuse

Posted by James_Bond > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
3 million ringgit ready to scoop this Genting Berhad mammoth!
Posted by James_Bond > 2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
USD 3 million fresh fund ready to scoop Genting Berhad! Cheers!
Posted by James_Bond > 1 day ago | Report Abuse
I hv near RM 90million cash to buy Genting Berhad!
22 hours ago | Report Abuse
90+ million cash in hand, I m not afraid at all!
Posted by James_Bond > 41 minutes ago | Report Abuse
ATK, get a life! Typo error also make it like something huge! 9 million cash! Cheers!

Wa, our i3 QE king James Powell now conveniently blame it on his typo errors. You already said 90M cash not once but twice. Check your own records la. Kena caught boasting, talking kok and lying until so ridiculous, then now suddenly U-turn scale down by 10 times. RM become USD, 9M become 90M. If ATK didnt highlight your rubbish here, you would have boasted RM900M by next week. HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



2023-03-17 17:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by MoneyMakers > 13 minutes ago | Report Abuse
Understandable GenM hotter @ higher div yield
Congrats all manage collect cheap - clear sky coming weeks (bank panic over)

After all the fear mongering, bought some shares liow, then start promoting it. Same modus operandi. Tsk Tsk Tsk...


2023-03-17 16:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by Stocksafeplayer > Mar 19, 2021 4:25 PM | Report Abuse

My average is 4.50....Super grateful aldy!!
Posted by Stocksafeplayer > Apr 21, 2021 5:45 PM | Report Abuse
My average is 4.20....4.68 too expensive la
Posted by Stocksafeplayer > Sep 1, 2021 4:31 PM | Report Abuse
Average 4.00…. at 5.05… already more than 250k profit on paper… heng ahh!
Posted by shareinvestor888 > Jan 27, 2022 6:39 PM | Report Abuse
I bought GenB at 3.50…. Very happy….

Posted by James_Bond > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
3 million ringgit ready to scoop this Genting Berhad mammoth!
Posted by James_Bond > 2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
USD 3 million fresh fund ready to scoop Genting Berhad! Cheers!
Posted by James_Bond > 1 day ago | Report Abuse
I hv near RM 90million cash to buy Genting Berhad!

Can see the similarity? Aiyo..... kekekekeke.........



2023-03-17 16:47 | Report Abuse

After cha cha aunty LoserSSP's auto lowering average price episode, Im sceptical when people talk abt their average price.

After James Powell's rm3m. usd3m, rm90m cash pile, etc... Im also sceptical when people talk abt their personal investment capital amt


2023-03-17 16:04 | Report Abuse

Did he post in bank forums abt his Casino Fund 90M cash rupiah rubbish, come to papa plenty of money to scoop up??? kekeke.........

This guy is gambling in the stock market. Hope everything will turn out well for him.


2023-03-17 11:37 | Report Abuse

Its ok to promote genting here. But no need to fake boast his Casino Royale Fund rm3m, usd3m, rm90m to support genting share price, come to papa plenty of money to buy, etc. Aiyo rm90m this type of figure also dare to boast ah?

When ATK pointed out his trading mistakes and offered sound trading advice, he started cursing me bad karma. Obviously his attitude and trading is flawed hence lost money, then got very angry with ATK and started accusing ATK no money fake trader bad karma loser, fear mongering here. In case you have not realised, ATK did not say nasty things abt genting. Im even sparring with fear mongers like @DreamMakers. Im just pointing out his trading mistakes and offering sound trading advice. Justborn lose on this stock until go nuts liow.


2023-03-17 09:46 | Report Abuse

90M ruppiah Justborn is nuts. Choysun is the nicest person here, a well respected senior, much more senior than ATK. Aiyo scold Choysun how to huat???


2023-03-16 23:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by BobAxelrod33 > 8 hours ago | Report Abuse

And James, the next time the phone rings, please answer it yourself. Your Banks have been calling all morning to inform that have cancelled your Credit cards, recalled your OD and is asking where to repossess your Myvi.

Also, your Remisier also called many times but since you didn't answer they have suspended your Shares/Stock trading account.
Posted by James_Bond > 23 minutes ago | Report Abuse

I hv collected enough Genting Berhad shares. Will stop commenting for now.

I think James Powell just received those phone calls.....



2023-03-16 22:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by James_Bond > 11 hours ago | Report Abuse

Will support Genting Berhad with all my funds!
More upside to go!
Don’t you hope for cheap tickets from Genting Berhad!
90+ million cash in hand, I m not afraid at all!
Posted by James_Bond > 4 seconds ago | Report Abuse
I hv collected enough Genting Berhad shares. Will stop commenting for now. Pointless to deal with this nonsense bullsh*ting ATK, Bob, RWG, Choysun. May you all be losers always!

Aiyo you see the currency symbol wrongly liow is it? Rub rub your eyeballs walau OMG the 90M is in ruppiah. Hahaha........



2023-03-16 22:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by James_Bond > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

90+ million cash in hand, I m not afraid at all!

In ruppiah this time? Change your name to James Powell la since you like to print so much monopoly money. Hahaha!!!


2023-03-16 20:33 | Report Abuse

Loose cannon siow kia doing paper trading with monopoly money? Hahaha so funny. WAHAHAHAHA.....AAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2023-03-16 14:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 2022-10-12 11:35 | Report Abuse

Posted by AngTayKor > 5 days ago | Report Abuse
Sibei soong.... today up big again....... $$$$$ (each $=rm100,000/= profits)
For professional cha cha dancers, safety always come first. Haha :)
Posted by WinSSP > ---- | Report Abuse
Haha, don’t listen to fake, unlicensed TR KS ATK…. This is only public chat forum.
Ai yo yo, TR KS ATK posted made porfeet….when Red. Profits made only when Green, faham tak?



MY07/10/22 12/10/22 655025/700/01 SELL GENTING, 3182 1,430,000 MYR 4.60608 6,586,694.40 6,574,122.76
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
9,880.04 0.00 2,000.00 0.30510

MY07/10/22 12/10/22 655003/700/01 SELL GENTING, 3182 570,000 MYR 4.55684 2,597,398.80 2,591,450.75
Comm (SR) Other Fee (NS) Foreign Fee (NS) Ex. Rate
3,896.10 0.00 1,779.22 0.30510


I duno why people keep accusing ATK fake trader poor and no money. ATK shy shy posted my real trading records here before. Our i3 QE King RM90M fake trader accusing real trader with RM9M poor and no money. As usual, the fake ones will always start accusing the real ones as fake.

(BTW if you check the stock chart, after ATK "safety first" sold everything on 07/10/2022 morning, price collapsed to 4.26 a few days later). Real or fake trader you see for yourself la.


2023-03-16 14:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by James_Bond > 1 month ago | Report Abuse
3 million ringgit ready to scoop this Genting Berhad mammoth!
Posted by James_Bond > 2 weeks ago | Report Abuse
USD 3 million fresh fund ready to scoop Genting Berhad! Cheers!
Posted by James_Bond > 17 minutes ago | Report Abuse
I hv near RM 90million cash to buy Genting Berhad!

Please la boasting also got a limit. You think you can do QE print monopoly money? You more powerful than Powell do QE no need to account to anyone? RM3m! USD3M!! RM90M!!! Might as well go for RM900M???? Karh Karh boast big big big ah...... Everyone here laughing at your stooopidity liow. Talking kok here also got a limit la....... WAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really laugh everyone die WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


2023-03-16 14:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by James_Bond > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

Will support Genting Berhad with all my funds!

That was what you said some weeks ago. kekeke....