
Annetan | Joined since 2015-05-22

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2016-01-24 21:05 | Report Abuse

As I mentioned earlier according to Jim Paulsen ,normally oil plunge from history cause US economy to recover strongly and core inflation rises instead of coming down and they have to raise interest rates after that.25 basis pt already cause havoc to the world stock market including US and from the past yrs,you can see US just wants their stock market to go up hence perhaps they are pushing it back up again.This geng feng shui master is forecasting a flaming big bull market lead by oil and gas stocks for 2016 and they will rebound from it's trough to a big change.So far following him since 1997 he has never gone wrong on forecast like that hence it's something we have to watch out.It's an abstract we layman cannot see.How did oil go from $10 to $147 in the 1st place?It's something unthinkable ,right?When it was $147,golman sach said it's going to $200! WHo foresee it's going to hit $27.5 in a fews yrs time?When they want to push to that level,they will justify with whatever they can think of ,so is in the bear market.I believe every market(whatever tradeable) is manipulated by the big boys.When prices come down to certain level,one must not listen too much nor take seriously what is published,Remember media is used as a tool by big boys to flash out the weak holders.


2016-01-24 20:27 | Report Abuse

Ai yo,forum is for discussion only why personal attack?No one really can see the future except perhaps the feng shui master yet he can still be wrong,lol! Only TIME will tell whether you are right or wrong,so don't be so offended.If you are wrong,so what?No one can be right all the time and we are all guessing all the time even with charts or even based on your fundamental assessment as something can just change overnight unexpectedly and everything changed again! Nothing in this world is permanent!


2016-01-24 18:09 | Report Abuse

Perhaps now I can understand why there is a sudden turn around in oil prices not due to bear rallies but intend for good.Accidentally I came across an article by Jim Paulsen saying from history oil price plunge has always cause US economy to recover strongly and core inflation to be up instead of down and interest rates has to be hiked due to that reason.only .25 basis pt already cause havoc and US cannot afford that hence they are pushing it back up!


2016-01-24 16:33 | Report Abuse

Perhaps oil prices hitting this level is US doing so they thought would kill Putin first.It could be hidden political moves but ultimately if it doesn't kill Putin but instead of it's own people,they could change strategy,lol


2016-01-24 15:52 | Report Abuse

Thank you,Calvin for the lengthy explanation.How do you see Engtex?


2016-01-24 15:01 | Report Abuse

Oh btw,in sept 1998 he said sudden change,one will never expect Datuk Anwar sacked as deputy PM and put in jail!


2016-01-24 14:56 | Report Abuse

Calvin,after reading so many of your comments and articles,I must say you are really a very knowledgeable man.I begin to respect you and though some calls you made,price went down,to me is not that you made a wrong call.You are a fundamentalist as even Warren Buffet suffers paper loss of up to 50%,lol!Your view is oil prices will remain subdue due to oversupply,I am wondering what would happen to make the one geng feng shui master to say oil and gas stocks will rebound from it's trough to a big change and entering into a big flaming bull market.Sometimes it's an abstract we layman can't see.


2016-01-24 09:37 | Report Abuse

I went in armada friday at .92 and bought umwog-c1 a few days ago at .045 and switch my 600 cz at a loss of less than 5 k to 300 c3 at .075.Actually shouldn't sell cz at .035 but c3 has longer period and lower exercise price.In fact he mentioned in last yr's prediction that oil will recover at the end of the yr.So I kiasu and starting buying cz at .11 then 200 and c1 .1125 200 and c2 200 at .085.After seeing oil cannot sustain,I cut out cz at .105,c1 at .10 and c2 at .075.I am telling in detail so not completely trust what people are saying though he has many rights than wrongs,you also have to see for yourself and look at charts to help you make decisions.The fact I had been following him since 1997 and he has amazingly forecast to a high level of accuracy at the start of the yr and using my judgement,I made certain decision.Many a times,one cannot follow the crowd,one must ask who are buying when the world is so bearish?Oil indeed drops from 150 to ard $27 which is abt 82%. When technology stocks drops in 2000,didn't it hit ard there before it rebounded?We still need oil for many things.In a bull run when oil was 147 didn't goldman sach tells you oil will hit $200?Who were bearish then?So now oil is ard $30 the analyst will tell you it will go below $20? or even $10!Anyway,I telling you all so that you all watch oil and gas stocks so that you all can benefit in case he is right.


2016-01-24 08:34 | Report Abuse

He did mention technology not food but he also said glove companies will continue its bull.However I am not following the gloves.For someone to said gloves continue to bull,it's not surprising but for he to say oil and gas stocks to lead the bull market in 2016 when the charts are bearish though has + divergence and when the world is bearish on oil is something different.Charts showing divergence indicates it can go up but bull market is a ?So let's see though oil from almost $150 to $27 has really dropped a lot already.


2016-01-23 20:55 | Report Abuse

It was mentioned in the oil futures forum that bearish position increased by 15% frm last wk making the highest level in net short position in a decade tells you most people are extremely and he is forecasting a flaming bull run in oil and gas stocks.Let's see,if it happens isn't it amazing?Anyway,no harm watching!


2016-01-23 19:40 | Report Abuse

Now I remember another instance way back before tsunami in Japan happens,he forecast there will be a bull run in timber stocks.Lingui then was abt .60cts ,wtk ard 1.02,jtiasa 2.3. After the tsunami,lingui hit I think ard 1.8,jtiasa 6 something taan i think ard $10 and wtk ard 2.2! One would wonder why he said bull run in timber stocks when there is nothing to signify one! Many a times,you don;t know it's a bull run till the fact,lol!


2016-01-23 18:49 | Report Abuse

Anyway,there is nothing to lose to monitor oil stocks,you will never know where future lies


2016-01-23 18:46 | Report Abuse

Sometimes,I am also amazed by the accuracy just like ba zi,the fortune teller ,good one can tell you to a high level of accuracy abt yourself.You have not experience such hence you will never believe.


2016-01-23 18:44 | Report Abuse

Oh btw a few yrs ago,he mentioned johor will be booming,I was looking at then focal now one world only trading at .20 cts.I bought but not enought patience,what price did it go to?


2016-01-23 18:42 | Report Abuse

DOn't laugh at him,he mentioned sometime last yr to look at for plantation stocks.I was looking at fgv then at 1.23 and c6 and c7 is trading ard .035 to cts.I was too fearful to buy,if you had listened to him,he made how many times?


2016-01-23 18:34 | Report Abuse

Now many people are still very bearish.If you look at the forum on oil futures,many are still shorting and going higher to short.Right now as he sees from the chart perspective,it rallies then go below $20.However there is 1 feng shui master whom I had been following since 1997 and has many rights than wrongs, forecasted that there is a flaming bull market lead by oil and gas stocks.There are positive divergence in many oil stocks and oil futures as well.Who is right,only time will tell.


2016-01-22 23:23 | Report Abuse

According to a very geng feng shui master,he said bull market for oil and gas stocks for 2016.He is remarkable good whom i had been following since 1997.Don't underestimate his uncanny ability to read into the future.Even charts sometimes can't beat him!


2016-01-19 20:39 | Report Abuse

Ancom is the parent company


2016-01-19 19:38 | Report Abuse

Could it be the time to buy when there are so many negative news yet it didnt drop very much already.Bear in mind many oils stocks and charts for crude oil has shown positive divergence.Don't let all the negative news get you carried away with the bears.


2016-01-19 19:23 | Report Abuse

Time to buy some oil stocks?


2016-01-19 19:22 | Report Abuse

Below is the google translate for the mandarin updates


2016-01-19 14:27 | Report Abuse

I did a google translate for you in english.Me too needed it

News & Blogs

2016-01-17 11:09 | Report Abuse

When I saw resintc a few mths ago,it's only .295 cts.However I chose to opt for nylex as I feel nylex is a better well manage company.Resintc is already .435 and yet nylex is only .635!

News & Blogs

2016-01-17 10:19 | Report Abuse

Thanks Calvin

News & Blogs

2016-01-17 09:50 | Report Abuse

Calvintaneng,what you have said make sense.I have been holding nykex for quite a few mths already before the dividen.Just wondering why it didn't go up.The furniture companies have been going up like crazy so are plywood companies.Why is it timber companies like wtk,jtiasa,taan are not?It really doesn't make sense when producer of timber which are used to make plywoods and furniture didn't go up when the companies that need them went up like crazy.Can anyone care to explain the reasons why you think it happening?


2016-01-08 22:06 | Report Abuse

You want more volume then you have to buy at a higher price,lol!


2016-01-08 22:05 | Report Abuse

How did you get .88? My target is .805


2016-01-08 21:32 | Report Abuse

Inverted head and shoulder formation targeting 1.63


2016-01-08 21:25 | Report Abuse

I don't joke lah If you draw the line from oct 14 till nove 15 and further extend the line,you will see the inverted head and shoulder formation targeting 1.06.After viewing the chart,isn't tempting to enter now?


2016-01-08 19:28 | Report Abuse

Is it possible to hit 1.06?Better watch out!


2016-01-08 19:05 | Report Abuse

Nevermind placed a portion of my capital,longterm............holding hard assets with little of my money.There isn't many germs like that lo...


2016-01-08 18:23 | Report Abuse

That's Chinaman.If that's the case,muiind has very rich assets but extremely low book value!


2016-01-08 17:22 | Report Abuse

Ah ya,tian tiantianhuat,don't hui hui.Pls write on how the divorce settelement will implicate on muiind shrs lah!


2016-01-08 14:15 | Report Abuse

There is an article abt london court grant divorce ex-beauty queen.Any reaction?


2016-01-05 18:56 | Report Abuse

Actually after going thru the annual reports to look in details of their properties,I too find MUIIND is very cheap.But my cost is 0.1933. Though .18 cts is very cheap I don't have so much money to buy some more as I placed some money for trading stocks.I find the past few days they keep depressing the price.

News & Blogs

2016-01-03 16:41 | Report Abuse

In Malaysia's stock market,very good stocks can become lousy ones e.g asuprem used to be a hugh dividen and good earnings stock.See what happens now?Can never underestimate the downside of a 2nd/3rd liner stocks when things change.Have to monitor every announcement very closely.

News & Blogs

2016-01-03 11:26 | Report Abuse

Leno,your ego must as huge as the sky as you just admit that you made no mistake in the stock market hence you made gain in every trades?

News & Blogs

2016-01-03 11:16 | Report Abuse

I must say that KC has pointed out valid facts that one should look out for so that one can avoid mistakes made in losing money.However though the things said are valid but some syndicates still maintain the price or further ramp up for further distribution before finally comes down.It's very difficult to understand in the market and sometimes there is no logic to it.As long one stay cautious and not overly confident,you have a higher chance of not being burnt!Even one is still sometimes it's unavoidable as market is very dynamic and we are only human beings.


2016-01-03 09:31 | Report Abuse

Go to facebook and search for fred tam.He has a few profiles but one of them has listed a few books he wrote abt charting


2015-12-30 19:15 | Report Abuse

Can someone briefly summarise what koonbee7 has just shared ?Thks


2015-12-17 06:29 | Report Abuse

Noeyessee,you are right too but I see more importantly how the issuing house see it.


2015-12-16 21:26 | Report Abuse

Noeyesee,c20 was only .085 when mother share rallies to 1.18 to 1.19 when they announcement partnership with wct.I guess for c20 to hit .10 mother share must hit around 1.22. C20 will hit strong resistance at .10-.105 as .105 was it's previous low before it breaks down.


2015-12-16 20:30 | Report Abuse

Jtiasa is highly geared.The palm oil trees are starting to mature for wtk hence the next quarter should be even better if cpo doesn't drop.


2015-12-16 20:05 | Report Abuse

They have obtain 71.89%.Another less than 3% then delisted?


2015-12-15 19:23 | Report Abuse

Bangbangup's source could be right as the volume for supermx appears on the 1st page of top volume.I don't believe that kind of volume is buying volume more on liquidation.Question how high before it pulls back sharply.Better trade with caution.


2015-12-15 18:46 | Report Abuse

To be fair to Fred Tam,he just read according to the formation like any other chartists.It's the syndicate who intentionally con investors by using charts.Because I kena uems-c20 already hence was fearful I will kena again by aac25 hence I sold all with a meager profit before the result announcement.I did mention earlier when the result was announced that the previous time when they announce losses of that magnitude it drops from 2.7 non stop till .765 before it rebounded when they announce profit.I also mention tht it might not drop very much the 1st day when they announce such losses as doing that will give people confidence so that they don't sell but might further buy instead.I was afraid to be lured,I completely took it out from my screen!