
Annetan | Joined since 2015-05-22

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2018-01-19 15:41 | Report Abuse

I strarted to buy back c26


2018-01-19 15:40 | Report Abuse

.95? I don't think so lah.The worst probably is 1.1-1.12


2018-01-19 07:52 | Report Abuse

As I see it,the bollinger band width for mother shrs and c26 is still so wide,I see higher chance of consolidation.I am still queing .36 and .365 for wb.


2018-01-19 07:42 | Report Abuse

Ricky Yeo,since you have an indepth knowledge of how business creates value,why don't you share with us?I would love to hear from you.I am a non-business woman who only knows trading of shares.Thank you.


2018-01-18 21:22 | Report Abuse

KYY holds huge position.If you were him,would you tell others you are going to sell?People know you hold huge position,wouldn't many who knows run first?Would you do that consequently you find few buyers and the price go down? Remember huge position,you either make big or loss big!Similarly if you want to buy a stock,would you tell others that you are going to buy a stock before you have accumulated enough?Hence you must read articles/news with a pinch of salt,evaluate then make conclusion yourself ,never follow blindly.Read them ,do your homewrk,access yourself then make your decision.If you lose money,you should reflect yourself where it went wrong and not point fingers at others.Only then can you improve your trading/investment.


2018-01-17 17:29 | Report Abuse

Hopefully,it doesn't break 13.4.If it does then high probability it will go much lower.


2018-01-17 10:30 | Report Abuse

As I see it,due to possibility of Dow correction,it's not impossible for mother shr to test 1.16-1.17 hence it's prudent not to be too gung ho on the call warrants now.Wb possibly might test .365-.375 level.


2018-01-17 08:09 | Report Abuse

There is one thing investors need to bear in mind is that wide crack spread cannot exists forever.You have seen how mycron,cscsteel had risen to all time high due to the high margin spread between hot and cold roll earlier on.When it normalised,look at their price now.Similarly ,I believe wide oil spread margin neither can exist forever,it will also normalise.I do not know at all the reasons the crude spread suddenly spike up ,we can only guess from the chart when it's going to.Therefore,whatever fundamental arguments can change too.Hence a need for risk management.In stockmarket,it's important to manage your risk as without doing it,you could lose all you have gain no matter how big the amount is.For those who believe the strength of feng shui,there is a master who forewarns there could be a stockmarket correction between 20th-29th Jan which also a time for you to buy then.The above comments are basically my opinion only.


2018-01-16 19:00 | Report Abuse

I bought back mother shrs at 195 and ,20cts today


2018-01-16 18:45 | Report Abuse

As I see it,many investors are still very immature blaming others for their losses.As I have said before,most likely the syndicates premeditated all those articles written for this counter.You must remember, it came up from $2 and from the homily graph,they too accumulated from that level.Already Fred Tam had said the steep climb according to Gann's theory(maybe not the right name) is unsustainable.Like earlier someone had said the movement seems so similar to bitcoin!However many were offended saying he implies HY is bitcoin.Of course we all know it's not ,perhaps the steep climb is just unsustainable.The overwhelm attacks by those HY supporters is so scary that I didn't want to write anything eventhough I spotted the negative divergence a day earlier before it crashed and when a hangman was spotted at $19.14.The one million question is where would the base it's trying to form before it rallies? I strongly believe a counter that moved so strongly will definitely have a rally.Perhaps the best approach to this is using Fibonacci retracement to accumulate.I am in the opinion perhaps it could have found the bottom today.To confirm that ,see whether it breaks today's low.Most likely I think not.I bought today avg 14.26 but sold off at 14.7. Reason is the low reached today is so much lower that what I had anticipated.Hence it's prudent for me to manage my risk.However,be careful for those call warrants that have high premiums.The minute, the investment banker decides to adjust to lower premium,you will find yourselves having lots of paper losses.The price perhaps will range for a few days without breaking today's low.Let's watch closely for the next few days.


2018-01-15 14:49 | Report Abuse

As I see it,as stated earlier it should move upwards if it wants to go up but it came down instead.Hence it's better not to be too gung ho abt buying now.I incurred a slight loss last friday as I felt uncomfortable with its' movement.


2018-01-13 11:46 | Report Abuse

sold my converted pa.all the warrants and pa traded at a discount.Why? I dont believe there is free lunch in this world,perhaps mother shr wants to go down.


2018-01-11 21:45 | Report Abuse

As I see it,it should start to move upwards in next 1-2 days if not tomorrow.


2018-01-11 19:30 | Report Abuse

Bought some henghuan ch today


2018-01-11 18:36 | Report Abuse

I believe they will push lah


2018-01-11 18:35 | Report Abuse

Ohs I am in quite a lot


2018-01-11 18:31 | Report Abuse

After consolidation,I think it will go higher in my opinion


2018-01-11 18:22 | Report Abuse

Anyone knows whatever rumours circulating pertaining this share? I haven't bought but I noticed it has been very strong for the past few mths


2018-01-11 18:01 | Report Abuse

Very likely mrcb-wb target reach.As for the mother it will likely hold ard 1.2-1.22


2018-01-09 12:56 | Report Abuse

I am in Taan as well


2018-01-09 12:50 | Report Abuse

I am in today a lot of wtk.Lumber prices recently hit 1993 high of $493.Now is $455.Had Sarawak government didn't impose a 60% export tax,how can timber counters so cheap when lumber prices so high?


2018-01-06 13:59 | Report Abuse

satan118, look at the graph


2018-01-06 11:15 | Report Abuse

Took position at abt .3958


2018-01-06 11:05 | Report Abuse

Limch,I have been asking this question before so far no one has the answer .then the crack spread is even higher than today.


2018-01-05 21:07 | Report Abuse

I am in today for a contra play


2018-01-05 21:04 | Report Abuse

Typo error not the option,I meant one option


2018-01-05 21:03 | Report Abuse

Allwin,that one I don't know have to ask homily software people how they derived to that.surpridingly today's volume ,the graph shows institution fund further increase much more than yesterday.actually pa is the option to place your position as you need to add .075 CTS i.e if you buy at the closing price at .135 your cost is .21. due to liquidity prob,short term traders might want to consider converting to mother she and it takes 8 trading days to come back.i had sent my first batch for conversion and should be back by another 8 trading days
I further bought today and .13 CTS and 200 at .14 which I intend to hold as longer term perspective,the percentage returns would be much higher then mother shrs actually moves


2018-01-05 13:39 | Report Abuse

I am indeed surprised by the homily chart showing instituition buying into this counter yesterday.However today's volume too huge hence not buying into mother shsr but bought PA instead as PA needs only .075 to convert which at .13 is only .205. However I see it if this counter corrects, the most is to closed the gap intra day at .195 hence downside is 1 cts


2018-01-05 13:33 | Report Abuse

As I see it,I still think there is a possibility of pullback to ard 1.20 to 1.22 level unless it breaks above 1.3 and runs above that.Hence to maintain my position in mrcb I only back buy mrcb-wb mostly .40 to .405 though I did buy 50 lots at .41 and .415 for if it corrects to the above stated level,the worst as I see it is .38 which I think might not hit ,most likely .39.Whereas the call warrants will pull back in percentage terms much more if mother shrs corrects to that level.


2018-01-04 19:29 | Report Abuse

bought mother shrs,warrants and call warrants ck and cm


2018-01-03 19:18 | Report Abuse

bought at 1.27 today


2018-01-03 17:58 | Report Abuse

Good chance of a few days consolidation


2018-01-03 13:36 | Report Abuse

People won't tell you when they are collecting neither let you know ahead before selling!


2018-01-03 13:24 | Report Abuse

taking a bet on c14


2018-01-02 22:03 | Report Abuse

what is so smart abt me?not paying?


2018-01-02 22:01 | Report Abuse

no stamp fees for all call/put warrants effective today


2018-01-02 22:00 | Report Abuse

no stamp fees for all sales/purchases of call/put warrants


2018-01-02 21:58 | Report Abuse

To those call/put warrants traders,there will be no stamp fees when you buy/sell the warrants effective today


2018-01-02 21:56 | Report Abuse

penguindad,i didnt license homily chart.I asked a friend to screenshot the graphs of stocks i want to see


2018-01-02 21:54 | Report Abuse

btw call/put warrants,no stamp fees effective quite a lot of money,lol!


2018-01-02 21:49 | Report Abuse

I am in around .30-31


2018-01-02 21:49 | Report Abuse

ohps,I am in a lot of insas-wb.I am expecting it to rebound,woh!


2018-01-02 20:45 | Report Abuse

According to homily graphs,sudden surge in institution buying and hot money today