
BC1010 | Joined since 2017-10-05

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2017-11-29 11:26 | Report Abuse

What a joke today 2.05. today can close at 2.00 I open campaign joh...


2017-11-29 10:33 | Report Abuse

#wiki123 if that is the case shareholder happys. A good fund manager portfolio return need to have at least 20% or more....


2017-11-29 09:27 | Report Abuse

This is the best time for fund / investment manager to collect the share, because retails has lost confidence.

Cleaning in progress, those who has no holding power need to force sell, those impatient will sell...so big players collecting quietly.


2017-11-28 12:01 | Report Abuse

Turnaround a company sound easy, but in reality is very difficult task. How many case studies available for a company successful turnaround when you compare to case studies on how a company failed.

After careful evaluation (Alot consultants will give advise, including banker, fund manager and so on so forth), delist is the only choice.

DO you think Big bosses so free to invest into a company and delist it later? big bosses already rich, they need "FACE" more than $$$$.

The only unethical thing he did is trying to use the information and recover some personal investment ( Please take note: He is innocent until court proven he is guilty).
It's very hard to prove unless the court has evidence that shows money flow back to him or someone connected to him.


2017-11-28 10:50 | Report Abuse

#Superwoman, delist happens alot. MAS was delisted TWICE, who is responsible for investor losses? I think more people suffer from MAS.

Insider trading, again it's very hard to prove unless a strong evidence showing that there are some gains related back, otherwise prosecutor hard to find the defendant guilty. (basically, an open secert around the world, you need to do it smart and not too over).


2017-11-28 10:22 | Report Abuse

This stock, shark is waiting the right timing for another round. 1 round not enough profit.


2017-11-28 10:09 | Report Abuse

Stock market will perform badly before elections because of uncertainties. Thanks to our BELOVED PM


2017-11-28 09:45 | Report Abuse

This share, action finished. Share price will gradually drop....shark earn profit and run away. only retailers support only.


2017-11-28 09:37 | Report Abuse

This share is non sense, oil price stay strong, everyday drop.


2017-11-28 09:30 | Report Abuse

Why so worry? Do you invest to the share because of the CEO or because of the company fundamentally strong? Glove is a growing business, no matter who handle it , the comapny will grow but at a slower pace.

Some investors, like me, also not very happy about Supermax performance (compare to the other 3 major player and a smaller player Comfort ), maybe a change of CEO will drive the company growth.


2017-11-27 12:29 | Report Abuse

with this type of market, is hard for Insas to fly now (practically any shares to fly). Buy now and keep, it will fly at the right time.

News & Blogs

2017-11-24 09:57 | Report Abuse

Before you invest ask yourself these following questions?

1) What is the core business of HWGB?
2) How this diversifies business help the group?
(How much can it generate? How large can they grow?
Can they sustain?)

The total investment of this new business is approx RM 9 mil how much it can make?


2017-11-23 11:53 | Report Abuse

PN 17 club welcome you Sumatec. You has been invited to join this club again.


2017-11-23 11:51 | Report Abuse

Adui...if it were true so what? What BN can do? force him to close business? supermax business (demands) of glove is oversea lah. If govt banyak cakap, can move factories to Thailand. (Lower cost, becuase rubber tree is mostly plant in Thailand).

Beside that, nowadays business man very clever...they don't simply shows which political party they support. To business man, they don't care who jaga country,,,,they only care they can make money in this country.


2017-11-22 16:06 | Report Abuse

"Perlahan lahan. No need to rush. Good stock always like that..."Man Man Lai" only those goreng stock 1 day up 1 day down. Supermax boss,,,not that style.


2017-11-22 15:58 | Report Abuse

VT's style to be remembered for a long time. Mark my word....


2017-11-22 15:50 | Report Abuse

Need to take a break....Will break resistance next week or the week following next. Unless buyback.


2017-11-22 10:54 | Report Abuse

Not so fast lah...Sharks need to do alot preparation and is time and energy consuming...They will not finished the game so fast.


2017-11-21 16:52 | Report Abuse

Worry apa in? The performance is affected by Marco Environment. Stanley need face more than $$$. Once got chance he will definately push the stock up. As simple as that. To push also need good timing, now market no good, need alot $$$ to push.

If the market overall is good, the got multiplier effect, no need so much cash to push.

The Chairman needs face 1, even Comfort Glove (based on the price on Jan 1st 2017) their share price has increase. Only Supermax still down.

If you are the chairman do you want face or not?


2017-11-21 11:39 | Report Abuse

The management is under very heavy pressure. They need to find some way to give back investor, at least make their book look green. All the other Big 3 price has increase greatly. Stanley needs to finds some way to keep investors happy and not lost confidence with Supermax.


2017-11-21 11:17 | Report Abuse

the consolidation and ask those who trapped to subscribe more is a very obvious sign that the company is in bad shape.


2017-11-21 11:14 | Report Abuse

Only hope for those who trapped....Shark will play 1 more round before it goes to holland and this will be a big 1. like few years ago ( jump to 70 cents plus plus) or like recently Hubline jump to 19 cents.)

Shark may or may not play on this stock. Need Big Boss give green light. If no play, then only those invested lost, if they really goreng then more people will kena trapped.


2017-11-21 09:31 | Report Abuse

不经一番寒彻骨 怎得梅花扑鼻香。。。Deliberate to push down the price and scare off retails. Will do another share buyback later.


2017-11-21 09:09 | Report Abuse

Comrades....need to cut lost. something not right. If really drop back to 11 cents then only buy again.


2017-11-20 17:57 | Report Abuse

VT will give you followers an Ang Pow lah....patient need to wait few months.


2017-11-20 17:49 | Report Abuse

To long term investors : Keep buying and hold. The stock is undervalue, this is the lowest among big 4 in rubber glove manufacturing. I think the only problem is they don't utilize ICT. Looks at their webpage, is dated backed to 2009. Invest in ICT, then your company will be more productive and efficient.


2017-11-20 17:45 | Report Abuse

This is useless stock lah. Dufry is here for business, and they need a partner. That's it. Even HWGB is not the major shareholders for the DFS in Genting. Big retail like this, they don't care about losing or earning, if losing they will think as advertisement fees only. (Look at those big brand names like LV, Prada...and etc, do you think they earn $$$$ in Malaysia?)

On the other hand, HWGB needs this to create positive cash flow. Reports are showing Chinese is buying less compare to previously. Don't give high hope on this. Invest in other stocks better.


2017-11-20 17:14 | Report Abuse

TO make it worst, after few hours the meeting finish, the company website has no update at all. Not even Bursa. SC where is information symmetry ???


2017-11-20 17:11 | Report Abuse

The cost per barrel is USD 10 for Middle East Countries lah and most importantly is Government related. If the cost is so low, why the seller wants to sell? Just common sense, the lowest oil price is around USD 29, still earn 19 USD per barrel leh. Now is approx 56, earn 46 USD per barrel. if you are the seller, will you sell? Can go JV...

On Paper it always sounds everyone 1 win, but in reality, most of the time retail investors like you and me are victims.



2017-11-20 16:54 | Report Abuse

For us who doesn't attend the EGM is having a disadvantages. No new reported on it, not evern on Bursa / SD own website. Bursa should look into this. they should pass a legislation to have live broadcast on EGM.


2017-11-20 16:27 | Report Abuse

Frankly, I am waiting the news on the AGM. Without having any confirmations on the news,,,, hold your stock.


2017-11-20 16:16 | Report Abuse

I Agree...the Theoretical price won't last long, it will gradually drop and drop and drop. Struggle in the mud. Eventually PN17 then delist. After few years ( the so call restructuring) it will be listed again but with different management and different company name.

Sound familiar? S.O.P in Malaysia


2017-11-20 15:55 | Report Abuse

Theoretically, consolidation will lead to a higher share price.

New share price = (4 x Current Share Price) - $ of right issue (if bonus / FREE).

(Theoretically fair pricing).


2017-11-20 15:36 | Report Abuse

@ Kennix...no is no like someone picking up. I believe the majority is still retailed buyers. For those big players, it just likes transfer shares from left to right only. Becareful, this stocks is notorious on trapped/


2017-11-20 14:48 | Report Abuse

This stock is hopeless, if increase also very hard to sell. Just make your P/L statement look nice for 24 hours. Don't buy this stocks for newcomers. For those who bought, sorry you are trapped.


2017-11-20 11:13 | Report Abuse

This stock is useless. Their 1st project "Marina Point" haven't start yet, and I am very concern did they even sell 30% of it. Don't expect something from this company, especially you heard the living style of the "big boss" behind.


2017-11-17 12:27 | Report Abuse

Oil price rebound can only helo little. The company is too weak and full of debt. Go and buy other O'n' G if you so confi. Not this 1,


2017-11-17 12:04 | Report Abuse

Useless counter. Alot people were trapped by this piece of sXXt. Management always talk big but finally no result.


2017-11-13 17:06 | Report Abuse

If you understand what is IoT, Cloud Computing, Big Data...then you wouldn't worry about this stocks. The reason is the manufacturer the devices to receive data. There are many manufacturers out there, but the market is too big so Key Asic will definitely have a piece of the pie.


2017-11-13 11:37 | Report Abuse

The stock price and the earning are the lowest among the "Big 4"...even now comfort glove is closing the gap...Management wakes up and do your job!!!!


2017-11-13 09:41 | Report Abuse

BIG Trap...Do you all think where all the stocks being eaten came from? From retail players like you and me? or big shark?


2017-11-13 09:31 | Report Abuse

@wondersky,,,,I lari kuat kuat at very early stage to DGSB ( before DGSB took off). I have been advising not to touch this counter. But people keep on saying Jack Ma “马马来了”.....

another big trap: Sumatec. Becaureful of this piece of s..t. Management talk big only.

Tips : DBE can consider at 0.03 - 0.35...will goreng before CNY>


2017-11-10 18:10 | Report Abuse

The recent increase in price is because of private placement. Oil price lowest is on January.during that time the share price is 0.09. Oil price started to recover ( average 30 percents ) but share price goes lower until 0.045 - 0.05(40 % drop)


2017-11-10 17:35 | Report Abuse

Invest in this stock is like going Genting to gamble. All or nothing.
It can goreng close to 80 cents after remove from PN17 and after that it drop like hell and never recover again.


2017-11-10 16:36 | Report Abuse

Big trap...alot people trapped again at 0.95 because of yesterday. This shark really 吃人不吐骨


2017-11-09 15:36 | Report Abuse

@Azta, bye what? I already earn 20% profit in SMTRACK (contra only). and I don't think is still too late for me to enter MNC now. Before laugh at people look on the stock that people recommended first lah. On 8th Sept the price in trading between 0.085 -0.090 ...Do you earn any profit if you purchase at that time? I did when I bought SMTRACK.


2017-11-08 10:54 | Report Abuse

SMTRACK buy and hold. MNC useless


2017-11-08 10:50 | Report Abuse

Would not goreng so soon. I took some profit and buy in SMTRACK (a quietly stock increasing quietly) and staying off the radar


2017-11-08 10:31 | Report Abuse

Today expected to close at 0.070 t0 0.075 to wash out contra players.


2017-11-07 17:34 | Report Abuse

@ahquan. I understand and I know. Before that, It stuck at 0.040 - 0.05 for quite some time. So I only take last month pricing only for reference. Last Thursday it closed at 0.050, then Friday closed at 0.075 then yesterday closed at 0.095. (95% increase in 2 trading days).

So it's very normal for it to drop back.