
BLee | Joined since 2016-07-07

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2021-07-16 14:51 | Report Abuse

@Ikongwee, I have started the ball rolling in ICPS investment as in link:

Please contribute more if you can. Happy trading

News & Blogs

2021-07-16 08:55 | Report Abuse

Bro @Sslee, a very good point; but the article is on ARBB. I support you on JAKS, please continue your 'enlightment' in JAKS forum. I have had highlighted to DK that JAKS coal power plant might needs to be converted to gas fired furnace in the near future due to environment issues; not as rosy as promoted..

@Ikongwee, a very good article. I have wondered ICPS investment is correct; you have highlighted you are buying into ARBB ICPS strengthened my ICPS investment strategy..if possible, please write more on the reason of ICPS investment. TQ. Happy Trading


2021-07-15 17:31 | Report Abuse

@RCZ2020 - FOCUS won't move for now. Just have to keep it in the refrigerator. May take months or years. Only God knows

15/07/2021 12:42 PM

BLee: Hopefully LKL and Saudee will wake up Focus D ..

@KPSOON - Dear fellows. Now the stock prices of our two subsidiaries, LKL and SAUDEE, have gone up. It's time for us to buy the company's stock to give him a rise, and buy 0.045 vigorously to push him up.

15/07/2021 3:50 PM

BLee: Good point. Both LKL (medical category) and Saudee (food business) should do well during this pandemic and after recovery...Happy Trading


2021-07-13 17:39 | Report Abuse

@Go Jon, just let them rattle (发牢骚) to let out negative energy; investment to earn and enjoy the up and down, no need to argue too much. Happy Trading


2021-07-13 15:13 | Report Abuse

@whistleblower99, please enjoy your rattle to let out your negative energy..I have tried to answer most of your 'rattling'; I am not a parrot, no intention to repeat. Happy Trading


2021-07-13 08:04 | Report Abuse

A very good morning to Focus D investors and whistleblower99. I have no intention to pick a 'fight' with anybody; just sharing opinion on share market investing. Nothing personal..

@whistlebower99 -  in 2020, Focus did a share split exercise turning the total issued shares to 6,132,798,471 units (more than 6 BILLION shares)

Why was the purpose of share split ? To issue more ICPS and more warrants to raise more funds from shareholders?

BLee: Good question. Without share split, the entitlement can be set at 1:1 ratio or more to raise more funds. I believed the split is to reduce share price then. Since it is ICPS RI, as explained earlier, all shareholders (majority and retailers inclusive) will contribute equally for the fund raising. No issue..

@whistleblower99 - If all ICPS and warrants were to be fully converted, total issued shares will be further enlarged.

Total issued shares (minimum scenario) = 8,483,704,418 units.

That is more than Topglove which has 8,206,762,034 units !!!

BLee: I have answered this question before. Let me go deeper with calculation.
Let use figure given earlier with NTA of 3.92 sen (source: klse screener)
Total issued share = 6,372,185,736 x 0.0392 = RM249.79 million
Total warrant = 3,066,399,051 x 0.8 = RM2,453.12 million
Total ICPS (PA) = 903,563,292 x 0.55/10 = RM49.7 million (min.)
Total issued  shares = 9,528.941 million (min.), equivalent to RM2,752.61million issued capital/current asset, equivalent to 29 sen NTA..roughly 10x increase. No issue.


@whistleblower99 - What would be the likely corporate exercise moving forward?

Most likely share consolidation and followed by rights issue with free warrants to raise more cash causing massive losses to, especially, minority shareholders.

BLee: Apologise. Here, I am promoting my Focus-PA; share consolidation will benefit Focus-PA as 5.5sen paid will be used in calculation for ratio/conversion price adjustment as seen in Ta Win case.


Trade with care, do not be greedy. (agreed by BLee)

12/07/2021 12:35 PM

BLee: In conclusion, please Do NOT look at old history. Let bygone be bygone; the pump and dump already at the tail end. Whistleblowing should be done at the beginning of the pump. The fundamental still intact, where is the point of whistleblowing now? All the calculation of 80sen for warrants conversion and cash conversion of 55sen for ICPS is on the high side. Luckily, ICPS conversion can be done at 10 ICPS; still feasible.

Happy Trading


2021-07-12 11:33 | Report Abuse

@KLLee_0110 - Day dreaming talk about the positive things stock will go up. If everyone talk positive all the stock limit up already
12/07/2021 10:57 AM

BroLee: Positive things to deflect negativity by others bro/sis..Stock prices depend on company performance; can day dream a bit..Happy Trading


2021-07-12 09:48 | Report Abuse

@whistlebower99 - Especially for newbies trading in loss making penny stocks

BLee: Yes, newbies should take notes that Focus NOT loss making for the last 5 quarters with good cash position.

@whistlebower99: Trade cautiously and avoid being trapped for years, in loss making penny stocks that

BLee: Yes, when bought at high level during pump and dump. Not necessary at present level.

@whistlebower99: 1. has total issued shares exceeding 1 BILLION shares; some has MULTI-BILLIONS shares and can’t have a decent EPS

BLee: How true? Focus venture in food industries; still making good profit.

@whistlebower99: 2. good only in massive fund raising by issuing shares and selling to market via ESOS and Private Placement (PP) and diluting minority shareholding

BLee:  Agreed. Disputed in conversion of ICPS which bring in free cash flow..

@whistlebower99: 3. specialised in creating MOUs that turns out to nothing in the end

BLee: No comments. Most venture take time to mature; showing some result..

@whistlebower99: 4. has losses quarter after quarter, year after year, sustain by cash from fund raising

BLee: Not in the case of Focus.

@whistlebower99: 5. has undergone share consolidation and rights issue with free warrants to raise for fund from minority shareholders

BLee: No comments. Fintec sold free warrants of Focus during ICPS RI; make enough to cover ICPS investment..

@whistlebower99: Common modus operandi of loss making penny stocks is to have frequent fund raising exercise by issuing shares and selling to market via ESOS and PP, enlarging the total issue shares to BILLIONS and diluting minority shareholding.

BLee: No comments. NA for Focus??

@whistlebower99: When the issued shares become Multi- BILLION, and it is no more viable to raise cash by issuing shares through ESOS and PP, the directors will undertake Share Consolidation followed by offering rights issue with free warrants to extract more money from shareholders causing massive losses to minority shareholders.

BLee: Possible..Please observe sign of turn around for business venture??

@whistlebower99: The company fund raised from such activities are normally used to sustain yearly losses, business projects, assets acquisition, investment in other listed companies, etc

BLee: Possible..Please observe sign of turn around for business venture??

@whistlebower99: Beware of frequent announcements of MOUs and projects utilizing company fund, which is to create excitement and attract attention of unsuspecting retailers especially newbies to trade in the stock.

BLee: Possible..Please observe sign of turn around for business venture??

@whistlebower99: Some of these companies also use company funds to invest and speculate on other loss making penny stocks. And most of the time, ended up with huge losses.

BLee: In conclusion, please review risk level for phases of pump and dump. Please do NOT buy during pump phase when prices are above certain high PE level..high risk? Buy at low PE level, low risk??

Happy Trading


2021-07-12 09:47 | Report Abuse

@Go Jon, good replied. I also prepared point to point replied to @whistleblower99 to his post..Happy Trading


2021-07-11 11:05 | Report Abuse

@KPSOON, well promotion. Keep it up..
Happy Trading


2021-07-07 13:37 | Report Abuse

@whistleblower99, please do not lump PP, LTIP and ESOS with any RI as PP, LTIP and ESOS always with a discounted price and not offer to shareholders; the dilution scenario is correct..I am against any issuance that shareholders do not take part. Happy Trading


2021-07-07 13:20 | Report Abuse

@whistlebower99: Especially for newbies

Total issued share = 6,372,185,736
Total warrant = 3,066,399,051
Total ICPS (PA) = 903,563,292

If all warrants and PA are converted to mother share on a minimum scenario,

Total issued share = 6,372,185,736 + 3,066,399,051 + (903,563,292 / 10) = 9,528,941,116

BLee: Hi, @whistleblower99, how I wish all the warrants and ICPS being converted!! Reason: Each conversion of warrants will increase cash flow/current asset by 80 sen and ICPS by 55 sen. 3.066 billion x 0.8 will bring in cash of more than RM2.4 billion..90 million x 55 sen will bring in more than RM49.5 million. Total more than RM2.45 billion..What dilution?? Happy Trading


2021-07-06 12:43 | Report Abuse

@KLLee_0110: Is not to bring down is stuck at the focus. We will see how fast the price will go up. If goes up I believe most us won’t complaint.

06/07/2021 12:20 PM

BLee: Okok, noted. Since you could be at higher level, we will try to support. When at same level, we will climb together. I only own Focus-PA; as @Go Jon suggest, I could be at more than equivalent 10 sen level..Happy Trading.


2021-07-06 11:49 | Report Abuse

@KLLee_0110: Do u all know how long the share price 0.05 or less for how many months already?

06/07/2021 10:16 AM

BLee: Bro Lee (same surname?), when we climb a mountain, we will shiver if we look down. We always aim for the mountain top..Our group has listed all the pros (more pros than cons?) for reaching our goal. I hope Saudee up movement is the catalyst for Focus gaining to higher ground. Hope you can join us, if not, please do not become the extra load for climbing the mountain. Thank you in advance and happy trading.


2021-07-05 10:32 | Report Abuse

Go Jon @BLee: Thank you for your recent report on Focus. Potential investors looking for a good buy will once again evaluate this counter. Up 10% this morning.

05/07/2021 9:25 AM

BLee: Thanks to you and the group, many investors awared Focus fundimental still intact and no sign as con stock. My support to the group also to support my Focus-PA investment. Happy Trading


2021-07-05 08:53 | Report Abuse

Ysl3289 What actually Focus do that generate positive income during lockdown??

04/07/2021 11:13 PM

BLee: This is from Focus website "As an agile and vibrant F&B player, we continuously adopt and embrace digital technologies in our businesses. Integration of digital payments, food delivery services and e-commerce are among some of the Group’s efforts to leverage the newest technologies."

Food is one of the basic needs for human life; lockdown still needs to eat. Focus venture into frozen food thro' Saudee, a very good move. With such a low price, how much can we be con??

Happy Trading


2021-07-04 18:53 | Report Abuse

I have no intention to convert any time soon; worst come to worst, will let the PA mature and auto-convert. Since it is so low value, the upside is much higher than the low. On KPS, I think we can do it together. Language shall not be a problem as long as we know our common target..Happy Trading


2021-07-04 18:42 | Report Abuse

@Go Jon, your assumption is right. Only thing if I average down, I always do multiple, i.e. if I buy 3,000 lots at 1.5 sen; I will buy 6,000 lots at 1 sen. This way, my cost very much lower than 1.5 sen. With such low value, as of now, I already in paper gain..

Happy Trading


2021-07-04 08:25 | Report Abuse

@Go Jon, good morning. For your information, Asiabio already sold off Focus-WD with a handsome profit, details as below which I wrote in Focus-PA forum:

BLee: I intended to invest more on Focus-PA, and done some reading on Fintec and Focus latest quarter reports. The following quote seems partly support my "cerita dongeng".

"Article B11 - Status of corporate proposals
a) On 2 December 2020, Asiabio Capital Sdn. Bhd. (“ABC”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fintec, has subscribed in aggregate 25.05% or 512,099,792 ICPS with 768,149,688 free detachable Warrants D of Focus Dynamics Group Berhad("the free detachable Warrants") for an aggregate sum of RM28.16 million in cash via the Rights Issue of ICPS with Warrants of Focus at an issue price of RM0.055 per ICPS. On 21 December 2020, ABC had disposed the free detachable Warrants for an aggregate sum of RM26.74 million in cash through open market."

It seems that the holding cost of 512million Focus-PA for Fintec only around RM1.4million.

Happy Trading

Disclaimer: This is NOT a Buy, Hold or Sell recommendation; just for sharing purpose.

26/04/2021 11:52 AM


2021-07-03 20:40 | Report Abuse

@Go Jon, thanks for your opinion. Due to the other method of 10 ICPS for conversion to 1 mother share and intrinsic value of 5.5 sen per ICPS; present price of such low value can still be supported..Happy Trading


2021-07-03 18:18 | Report Abuse

I have published an article, link as below, to dispel ICPS will pull down Focus mother share price. Every conversion will contribute 55 sen to Focus Authorise Capital/cash flow. I think it will have a positive effect..Opinion please.

Happy Trading


2021-07-02 22:53 | Report Abuse

@KPSOON, appreciated your efforts to lead in disputing naysayers on Focus..I hope with our efforts of highlighting the plus points; we can bring this naysayers to our fold. Happy Trading


2021-07-02 16:59 | Report Abuse

651158 lamqwe i just buy in focus pa 300lot at price 0.010, how about the pa?
02/07/2021 4:07 PM

BLee: @651158, welcome to Focus-PA (ICPS investment). 1 sen, how much you can lose? The winning side can be long and winding; enjoy the ride. Happy Trading


2021-07-02 15:23 | Report Abuse

WhatUtitsJustNow Lousy...refrain to join ... i hold since 0.50...
02/07/2021 2:26 PM

BLee: Lousy? May I ask financially what has changed beside the share price; when you decide to enter at 50 sen? I think only few foreign investors decide to pull out theirs' fund; caused the falling domino effect?? Couple with some unproven con stocks write up (might not related to Focus), share price slide down more than 80%..

I am against PP, SIS, LTIP, etc share issuance as it really dilute retail investors investment; I salute KNM retail investors campaign to defeat the PP proposal..Hope no PP for Focus.

I hope the share price will come back to your 50 sen investment. Happy Trading


2021-07-02 13:19 | Report Abuse

BILLC Unfortunately many like pariah stock very much,,,,,
02/07/2021 1:05 PM

BLee: Pariah stocks low value, can afford to lose all..High gain if proven to be NOT pariah, must know how to sieve through the rubbish for the jewel?? The rubbish collectors are much richer than some of us!!

Happy Trading


2021-07-02 12:59 | Report Abuse

investor2021trading any penny stock below 5c is a pariah stock! Focus should consolidate it shares!
02/07/2021 10:59 AM

BLee: Any penny stock below 5c is a pariah stock if current liabilities many times more than current asset! Focus now cash rich due to ICPS conversion and making profit for the last few quarters.

Consolidate or not is not a concern as I am holding Focus-PA; cash equivalent of 5.5sen cannot be diluted if more shares created or consolidated??? Conversion price or ratio will be adjusted accordingly?? Example: Fintec and TaWin new RI issuance..

Happy Trading


2021-07-01 16:42 | Report Abuse

Good123 Focus untung ~ rm12juta drp. saudee pada harga 23.5sen kerana ia beli pada harga 15sen je
01/07/2021 4:20 PM

BLee: Tak cerita Saudee-WB, RI ada kasi sekali?
Kalau ada, lagi untung??


2021-07-01 15:05 | Report Abuse

Sekarang Focus-PA dah jadi 1.5 sen, saya dah paper gain..Happy Trading


2021-07-01 14:55 | Report Abuse

01/07/2021 12:41 PM

BLee: @Good123, Sila terangkan? Kalau ICPS harga 0.5 sen kali 10, lebih kurang 5 sen saja untuk tukar jadi mak. 5 sen tu dapat 10 ICPS. Kalau ICPS naik 1 tick jadi 1 sen, 10 ICPS tu dah jadi 10 sen; untung 100%.
Harga 5.5 sen tu pra-bayar untuk 1 ICPS; beli 0.5 sen atau 1 sen dah dapat barang harga 5.5 sen?? Dah nampak banyak convert pasal 5.5 sen tu di tunai kan..(improve cash flow)
Dulu harga mak lebih 55sen lagi bagus; pasal ada 2 cara convert. Banyak dah convert 1 ICPS tambah 49.5 sen until 1 mak.
ICPS tu tak kan rugi sampai sifar macam warrant; pasal auto convert masa genap..
ICPS tu ada anti-dilute, kalau ada SIS, PP, etc baru, harga atau ratio convert akan tukar..

Sila tegur kalau ada apa salah cerita..

Happy Trading


2021-06-28 08:35 | Report Abuse

A very good write up on ICPS for info link provided below, wonder how much benefit Focus-PA contribute to cash flow? I believed contributed more than RM100 million?? The money is real and still in the coffer, I believed extra (cash conversion of 49.5 sen plus 1 Focus-PA) used in Saudee investment..

Happy Trading

News & Blogs

2021-06-28 08:20 | Report Abuse

Not really a neutral stand point, nevertheless a good write up on ICPS and the benefit in improving cash flow. I have being investing in some other counters ICPS hoping prices will follow ARBB-PA foot step..Happy Trading


2021-06-25 12:15 | Report Abuse

@KPSOON, you got my support although I don't own any mother share, only Focus-PA. Focus investing at Saudee is a good move; immediate paper profit holding Saudee-WB?? Happy Trading

News & Blogs

2021-06-25 11:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by InsiderShark > Jun 25, 2021 10:41 AM | Report Abuse 

got so many lawyer letters. I think yinson also send lawyer letter to him. simply write stuff.

BLee: I salute Uncle Calvin for eating Humble Pie for admitting his mistake. To err is Human. I hope he should write stuff which he know best..

Example: Yinson FPSO business..
All FPSOs are custom build for the intended Oil/Gas field due to landing pressure, reserve volume, etc. So any financing based on project basis. I can't comments earlier on his forensic expertise..otherwise not in sync with his comments.

On Solar RE, showing recyclable problem yet now supporting Solar RE counters??

Happy Trading

News & Blogs

2021-06-12 17:19 | Report Abuse

@calvintaneng, thanks for the follow-up. I am very much in favour of palm oil as edible oil. Bio-gas is by-product of palm oil refinery, which not recycle will harm the environment. Turning this byproduct to generate electricity is one of the alternative; not the best.

If you read the full article, one of the better alternative can be:
"We may see the revival of the production of bio oil using biomass-to-liquid technology as per Entry Point Project 7 (EPP 7) of the Palm Oil National Key Economic Area that was shelved in 2018."

IMHO, burning carbon (methane, ethane, etc) still cannot get zero carbon.

Happy Trading

News & Blogs

2021-06-12 13:33 | Report Abuse

I am 半桶水(half knowledge) on most thing, sitting on neutral fencing biased toward Electric.
My background is with M&E consultant follow-on with EPCC contractor procurement, therefore like to provide my opinion to some of question you raised.

Posted by calvintaneng > Jun 12, 2021 10:33 AM | Report Abuse

Zero carbon (electric)?

Do you know how electricity ultimate origination ?

1. From Hydro. That still need turbines which can rust and pollute
My take: Rust can be controlled with cathodic protection (impressed current, sacrificial anode, etc calculated based on design life of equipment). No issue.

2. From burning coal. Coal power and generate electricity
My take: Negative for power generation. Most coal power generation plant being converted to gas power. I have given my opinion in JAKS forum favouring MFCB Hydro plant.

3. From fossil fuel and natural gas
My take: No comments. I am biased toward Hydro and Wind Farm.

4. From wind mill
Already explained
My take: I have taken interest in your pic and surf further. Below are other half of the story.
"One start-up, Global Fiberglass Solutions, developed a method to break down blades and press them into pellets and fiber boards to be used for flooring and walls. The company started producing samples at a plant in Sweetwater, Texas, near the continent’s largest concentration of wind farms. It plans another operation in Iowa."
"Wind turbine blades at the end of their operational life are landfill-safe, unlike the waste from some other energy sources, and represent a small fraction of overall U.S. municipal solid waste,”

5. From solar
already pointed out the end of life pollution
My take: No comments as I am not in favour to solar energy due to non-availability 24/7. Although with improved battery technology in storing for night use; it is still not the best solution. Also surfed the other half story; pic based on "Solar panel debris scattered in a solar panel field in Humacao, Puerto Rico, on Oct. 2, 2017, in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria."

6. From Natural Grown grains like soybean and palm oil
My take: Anything that transfer from heat (burning or otherwise) still not good for energy conversion.

Only number 6 is 100% biodegradable and greenest with no residual pollution

So think deeper
My take: Not only me; the world is still think deeper for finding the best energy solution.

Happy Trading

News & Blogs

2021-06-11 13:02 | Report Abuse

I am humpty dumpty sit on the wall; no offence intended.

"The old ways are no longer applicable as World is changing from dirty fossil fuel and clean biofuel to zero carbon (electric)."

Any conversion from palm oil to bio carbon (bio-diesel) required energy input. This technology of conversion already started years ago when palm oil is very much cheaper and energy not too expensive. Due to some government heavy subsidy of 10% to 20% of bio-diesel and increasing content by law in some countries, is it feasible for the conversion now?? I have no answer to my own question.

Happy Trading

News & Blogs

2021-05-15 10:26 | Report Abuse

"Posted by calvintaneng > May 15, 2021 8:59 AM | Report Abuse 

Good morning

There are many many classic pump and dump in which Major shareholders have completely sold out everything and fled but not Netx"

So is Asiabio investment in Focus Dynamic. Not only holding, also increasing as listed:

  27 Apr 2021 ; 35,000,000; Acquired Direct Interest; Name of registered holder: Asiabio Capital Sdn. Bhd.

 04 May 2021; 20,000,000; Acquired Direct Interest; Name of registered holder: Asiabio Capital Sdn. Bhd.

 06 May 2021; 7,000,000; Acquired Direct Interest; Name of registered holder: Asiabio Capital Sdn. Bhd.

Is it pump and dump by Asiabio?

For information, I did not hold any Fintec and Focus mother shares; only the babies (ICPS) which I can hold until maturity, and auto-convert into mother shares.

Happy Trading

News & Blogs

2021-05-14 12:51 | Report Abuse

Good write-up. I am very much in ICPS investment. I would likes to add to your "conversion ratio of 1:1"; there are 2 methods of conversion. It is rather confusing as 1:1 conversion applied with additional cash. Unlikely, with the current ICPS pricing, the second method of conversion with more than 1 ICPS without additional cash is practical. Whoever has invested at 1sen ICPS has nothing to worry. Happy Trading


2021-05-11 09:17 | Report Abuse

Interesting move happening at AGES-PA; yesterday 60 million shares taken out at 2.5 sen (buy call at 3 sen before afternoon opening), today no more ticket at 2.5 sen!!. Will monitor next few days to see what is the next move..Happy Trading


2021-05-07 12:04 | Report Abuse

@takerisk: Current prices of Focus-PA and Focus-WD offer better choices for capital gain. Buy @1c and sell @1.5c shall translate 50% gain in profit, ideal for small capital players in volume with holding power.

07/05/2021 11:24 AM

BLee: Totally agreed. A million shares of 1sen Focus-PA worth only RM10k. Subscription cost of 5.5sen seens as support level??
Below extract from Focus-PA prospectus for sharing:

"Adjustments to Conversion Price and/or Conversion Mode:

The Conversion Price and/or Conversion Mode may be adjusted at the determination of the Board, in all or any of the following events:-
(i) a bonus issue of Shares by the Company; or
(ii)a capital distribution to the Shareholders made by the Company whether on a reduction of capital or otherwise, but excluding any cancellation of capital which is lost or unrepresented by assets; or
(iii)a rights issue of Shares or convertible securities by the Company; or
(iv)a consolidation of shares, subdivision of shares or reduction of capital; or
(v) any other circumstances deemed necessary by the Board,
provided that any adjustment to the Conversion Price will be rounded,

 Provided that any adjustment to the Conversion Price will be rounded down to the nearest 1 sen (RM0.01). The adjustments shall be adjusted, calculated or determined by the Board in consultation with and certified by an approved adviser or external auditor appointed by the Company, as the case may be."

Meaning, Focus-PA Anti-dilution of any new increase/decrease in mother shares??

 "In the event of liquidation or winding-up of the Company:-
(i) the assets of the Company shall be distributed to the holders of the ICPS in full of the amount which is equal to the issue price for each ICPS in preference over the holders of the Shares, provided that there shall be no further right for the holders of the ICPS to participate in any surplus capital or surplus profits of the Company."

Meaning, lower risk?? Happy Trading

Disclaimer: My comments are for sharing purpose; NOT a Buy, Hold or Sell recommendation


2021-05-07 10:52 | Report Abuse

@takerisk, good observation. Happy Trading


2021-05-07 10:49 | Report Abuse

Bottom reached yesterday?? Hopefully once only; so far today no 0.5sen traded..managed to get 1sen today to average to less than 1.5sen holding cost. Happy Trading


2021-05-02 17:04 | Report Abuse

@investor77 : Where is the logic of conversion at 55 cents when share price is only 12 cents ?

BLee: Asiabio (Fintec) holding cost of Focus-PA after disposed free warrants last year is around 0.27sen (0.27 multiply by 10 still less than 12sen). Below are extract from qr end 2020:
Article B11 - Status of corporate proposals
a) On 2 December 2020, Asiabio Capital Sdn. Bhd. (“ABC”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fintec, has subscribed in aggregate 25.05% or 512,099,792 ICPS with 768,149,688 free detachable Warrants D of Focus Dynamics Group Berhad("the free detachable Warrants") for an aggregate sum of RM28.16 million in cash via the Rights Issue of ICPS with Warrants of Focus at an issue price of RM0.055 per ICPS. On 21 December 2020, ABC had disposed the free detachable Warrants for an aggregate sum of RM26.74 million in cash through open market."

It seems that the holding cost of 512million Focus-PA for Fintec only around RM1.4million.

Investor77: Why did Fintec buy so much at a high price ?

BLee: I can't answer this question logically..only reason could be cost averaging at high to low range (aggregate purchase cost of around 34sen since early April?).

For all the other good questions; it is beyond my knowledge to give a good answer.

Happy Trading


2021-04-27 10:21 | Report Abuse

@lehubeng, 5.5sen per ICPS is the subscription price paid by subscriber during ICPS rights issue with free warrants as sweetener (like dividend or interest for FD). Upon conversion, just surrender equivalent value of this Focus-PA (2 methods with minimum of 1 ICPS of value 5.5sen collected during initial subscription or multiple of ICPS plus cash) to make-up 55sen. Due to this complicated conversion calculation, I think many investor not keen to look at ICPS..just sharing info. Happy Trading


2021-04-26 11:52 | Report Abuse

I intended to invest more on Focus-PA, and done some reading on Fintec and Focus latest quarter reports. The following quote seems partly support my "cerita dongeng".

"Article B11 - Status of corporate proposals
a) On 2 December 2020, Asiabio Capital Sdn. Bhd. (“ABC”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fintec, has subscribed in aggregate 25.05% or 512,099,792 ICPS with 768,149,688 free detachable Warrants D of Focus Dynamics Group Berhad("the free detachable Warrants") for an aggregate sum of RM28.16 million in cash via the Rights Issue of ICPS with Warrants of Focus at an issue price of RM0.055 per ICPS. On 21 December 2020, ABC had disposed the free detachable Warrants for an aggregate sum of RM26.74 million in cash through open market."

It seems that the holding cost of 512million Focus-PA for Fintec only around RM1.4million.

Happy Trading

Disclaimer: This is NOT a Buy, Hold or Sell recommendation; just for sharing purpose.


2021-04-25 08:36 | Report Abuse

@jlex11, yes..I have missed the boat on ARBB-PA. I bought AGES-PA (same boss with ARBB-PA) during uptrend last year, thinking awarded many projects comparing with ARBB-PA. As I have highlighted in one of my articles, most counters that issued ICPS are penny stocks, the holding period could be long and risky..Happy Trading


2021-04-25 00:29 | Report Abuse

@jlex11, noted. I have blogged on Feb. 6 on differences between PS and Warrants; link as shown (for sharing purposes, not so much for self promotion)
I believed the conversion of PS is quite complicated due to 2 methods of conversion as observed from some of the queries in i3 and also on maturity (PS) vs expiry (warrants). Happy Trading


2021-04-24 23:00 | Report Abuse

@jlex11, a very good detailed info. I am very much into ICPS of few counters, and believed the much lower risk of holding Focus-PA due to much lower entry cost comparing with initial subscription cost of 5.5sen. I believed the $ is still very much intact as in recent disclosure by Fintec as quoted "The funds arising from these exercises are at all times secured and placed with licensed and regulated financial institutions" applied for Focus-PA. Happy Trading


2021-04-14 22:19 | Report Abuse

@investor2021trading, 1 ICPS is worth 5.5sen upon conversion no matter how much you buy. To convert or not, up to individual. Happy Trading


2021-04-14 21:04 | Report Abuse

@investor2021trading, please refer link for conversion details:
"maximum of 10 ICPS for every 1 new Share" means 10 of 5.5sen equal 55sen for 1 new share, no extra payment required. Happy Trading