
BLee | Joined since 2016-07-07

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2022-04-10 12:43 | Report Abuse

@Pohbear: Author memang bodoh

BLee: Bodoh tapi Berani. Ada sikit kebenaran.

The statement "Paying penthouse price for palm oil is foolish when there are multitude of healthier cooking oil alternatives" is quite true. There will be an 'equilibrium' price later on when the 'dust' settles.

Sometimes we need to find out the truth out of curiosity.

I have googled lens two photos by one author title: 'PLANTATIONS INTO SOLAR PANEL FARMS DUE TO ESG CONCERN IS SURE MADNESS' on palm oil plantation vs Solar Farm, the truth are as follows:

1st photo:

Les Mees Solar Farm in France, where it is replacing Palm oil Estate?

2nd photo:

Destroys Solar Farm in Puerto Rico by Hurricane Maria, and the good and bad of Solar Energy. Where did it get anything to do with Palm oil?

The author is very hardworking and informative, nevertheless shall limit to what he knows best..

Hi, @DannyArcher, good comments.

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-04-05 12:15 | Report Abuse

@MaluNegaraKu: This stock is for those Hope To go Holland .
If anyone interested one way to Holland , pls buy the ticket
1 day ago

BLee: Been to Holland and come back Happily before the Pandemic strike. Drove left hand drive to Belgium from Amsterdam and also on the BundesAutobahn to the German border area; that is before collecting my gain in Insas-OR (almost at double limit up price) and investing in Focus D-PA.
Joke aside, looking for more Tickets to make another visit to Europe when the situation permits. Focus D holding 206,050,000 (22.22%) Saudee shares. Saudee seems bottom-up and on the uptrend now. So are other Focus D invested counters. Last Quarter, Focus D operation gain was quite substantial. I am predicting this quarter will further improve with F&B fully open. No TP from me as I don't want to mislead.
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-04-04 14:11 | Report Abuse

@240902: Hi Friends, I'm new player, do I need to do any submission for Rights after consolidation. I have 150k Shares of AGES....or it's automatic. Please guide me. Thanks

3 hours ago

BLee: Hi Friend @240902, if you are referring to the subscription of the 2 for 1 RI, you can follow the guidelines posted to you by the registrar to subscribe and pay online, or by post or other methods. If you don't want to pick up your RI, you have a chance to liquidate by selling the rights (AGES-OR will only be traded for around 5 days) if the price is profitable. The consolidation and allocation of AGES-OR is automatic/allocated as per your entitlement.

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-04-03 13:52 | Report Abuse

Hi bro @whistlebower99, yes on different scenario but better as I got my AGES-PA at 0.5sen (I have written an article on my purchase) which is equivalent to 7.5sen after consolidation. It is very difficult to sell at 1sen at the moment due to long queue. What will be the queue like after consolidation if it start at 15sen? Happy Sunday to you too..


2022-04-03 13:03 | Report Abuse

@whistlebower99: Another scenario, if the price after consolidation is let says 0.21, by calculation as in page 35 of RI circular for AGES-PA adjusted price conversion: (C-D)/C x RM1.95 i.e. (0.21-0.2)/0.21 x RM1.95 = RM0.093


Too low to be true


PA to be in the money after shares consolidation and rights issue???

4 minutes ago

BLee: Hi bro @whistlebower99, agreed 'Too low to be true'. Due to ICPS AGES-PA anti-dilution, the lower RI issuance price and the differential of market vs RI price will benefit the conversion. Example: Fintec PA adjusted from 16sen to 11sen and 11PA convert to 8 mother shares.

Another Example: ARBB PA adjusted from 20sen to 14sen and 14PA convert to 1 mother share.

Some important notes from the RI circular:

1)“Minimum Subscription Level” : Subscription by the Undertaking Shareholders to raise minimum gross proceeds of RM10,000,000 (which entails the subscription of 50,000,000 Rights Shares at the indicative issue price of RM0.20 each) from the Proposed Rights Issue. Meaning guarantee Subscription by the three major shareholders.

2) The three major shareholders 'will not dispose of or transfer any of their existing Shares following the date of such undertaking up to the Entitlement Date for the Proposed Rights Issue.' (item 3.1 page 6). Meaning committed to the RI issuance.

3) The higher share price resulting from the Proposed Share Consolidation would allow more flexibility to our Company in fixing the issue price of the Rights Shares. (item 6.1 Page 14). Meaning RI issuance price not fixed yet..

On the question 'in the money', it depends how much 'C-D' and how the formula adjusted for the 2 for 1 RI. It is very clear the consolidation did not affect each AGES-PA base price as the 1sen will become 15sen…

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-04-02 22:14 | Report Abuse

Hi bro @sting79, the proposed RI at 0.2, therefore if you got 1 lot after consolidation, you can get 2 lots at 0.2. You can also apply for excess as much as you want at 0.2.

Another scenario, if the price after consolidation is let says 0.21, by calculation as in page 35 of RI circular for AGES-PA adjusted price conversion: (C-D)/C x RM1.95 i.e. (0.21-0.2)/0.21 x RM1.95 = RM0.093

So what can the price be after consolidation and after RI?

Please excuse me if I am wrong in the calculation.

Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-04-02 14:26 | Report Abuse

@whistlebower99: FOR NEWBIES

Good to look at price movement of other stocks that had gone through similar shares consolidation followed by fund raising via rights issue with free warrant.

pasukgb, sanichi, lambo, pdz, kanger, trive, etc

21 hours ago

BLee: Hi bro @whistlebower99, are we comparing apple to apple?

- AGES is NOT a loss making counter. 25 Quarters of profit. Last quarter's loss in 2015Q3.

- AGES NTA of 0.22 vs price of 0.03 is very healthy and low risk.

- AGES 'last QoQ Revenue of 80.83mil vs 50.39mil, more than 50% increase.

- AGES fundraising to par off debts from former management to enhance future profit. On page 10 of circular, stated "As at the LPD, our Group has approximately RM14.9 million in cash and bank balances. Assuming the Proposed Rights Issue is completed in June 2022 and the outstanding Amount Owing to Maybank is fully paid in December 2022 (under the Base Case Scenario and Maximum Scenario), the early redemption is expected to result in an interest saving of approximately RM5.5 million over the repayment period (based on the weighted average interest rate of 5.75% per annum)."

- AGES do not have warrants, only ICPS. On RI issuance, the two methods of conversion will be further adjusted.

This is NOT a recommendation to Buy, Sell or Hold. Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.

News & Blogs

2022-03-26 22:35 | Report Abuse

Correction: 1 Kg polybag of Palm oil subsidies priced at RM2.50, not 1 litre. Usually control per purchase of only 3 bags. During last CNY, very difficult to find even 1 plan to stop this subsidies as reported.

News & Blogs

2022-03-26 22:22 | Report Abuse

Hi Uncle @calvintaneng, just balance the view and answering @Sslee question. As Malaysian, I am happy both O&G and Palm Oil doing well..Regards

News & Blogs

2022-03-26 16:04 | Report Abuse

Uncle @calvintaneng, since you asked why, let me give my humble opinion.

1.Palm oil retails very much control in Malaysia as the price can be as low as RM2.50 for a packet of 1 litre. CSR, how to make money?

2. Land is still cheap in the outskirts of Cities, especially agricultural land.

3. Labours are still an issue for plantation, one of the reasons for shifting investment to our neighbouring countries.

4. Palm oil output cannot be increased so easily as tree maturity takes time.

5. Palm oil (margarine) is an alternative to Butter or other products due to pricing. If pricing is the same, there is no more an advantage..

I am NOT against Palm oil as there are many more advantageous which I am not discounting, you have my support.

Thankyou for your efforts..


2022-03-26 13:57 | Report Abuse are spot on. Lot of risk involved. No risk no gain. Due to the beat down price and high cash from PPs, ESOSs and RIs; all this interlink counters still can be a good up will show profit for "the loss making Penny Stock investing in another loss making Penny Stock".
Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-03-26 09:33 | Report Abuse

Hi bro @Rowie, good observation. All this related Stocks having very low borrowing after paying off liabilities and good price/net asset value. Will see how the effect of endemic on the price recovery..
Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-03-25 20:06 | Report Abuse

Another quarter of losses for KOMARK

Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent -3,362,000

Multi quarters and multi years of losses



Particulars of substantial Securities Holder


Direct (units) 122,318,200

Direct (%) 21.187

Date of notice 02 Mar 2022


Loss making penny stock invested in another loss making penny stock


BLee: Hi bro @whistlebower99, many thanks for highlighting the latest QR. IMHO, the report needs to be read in full as the loss is only the half truth.

An important question, why did the losses but NTA improved from 0.17 to 0.22?

Revenue improved to 18.102mil from 9.737mil, almost 100% increase. As "A hike in revenue was mainly contributed by the revenue generated from Mask Division which started its operation in 3rd Quarter of 2021.", what will be for a whole year?

And also the statement "The losses were mainly due to the of shrinkage of business regionally and the loss of customers in Thailand and Indonesia. Apart from that, it is also notable on the increase in manufacturing cost as a result of a new mask plant being set up in Meru and 2 weeks of operation suspensions due to the flood caused by the torrential downpours in Klang Valley." which is one off…hopefully there will also insurance claim for the flooding.

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.


2022-03-24 13:55 | Report Abuse

Hi bro @Good123, betul. Duit dari PP, ESOS, RI kah, di pakai sama2 untuk majukan masing2..Focus D duit kasi Pasukhas bina Restoran Dan Fintec kasi duit bina kilang. Nanti sama2 kaya..
Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-03-24 12:40 | Report Abuse

Hi bro @JJPTR, needs to choose and pick. I picked Focus Dynamic PA at 1 Sen and Fintec at 2 Sen during Fintec accumulation of Focus D. Focus Dynamic PA still at par after holding more than a year. As seen by today trading, ALL three are moving..
My advice IS NOT to SaiLang and play Margin with Mr. Market, just play for excitement only..
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-03-24 11:52 | Report Abuse

Hi bro @KLLee_0110, where is the share consolidation announcement? It is just bro @JJPTR nightmare scenario. Idimension recent 10:1 consolidation, from 8 Sen to almost RM1 now..
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-03-23 23:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by Investfrog > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

this whistlebower wont admit he is wrong tho, still grateful that Blee are able to clarifying to us

BLee: Hi bro @Investfrog, there is no absolutely right or wrong; Mr. Market is very unpredictable. @whistlebower is predicting the other extreme end only..


2022-03-23 11:32 | Report Abuse



If shares consolidation is approved and implemented,

1. AGES-PA will also be consolidated by 15 times

2. AGES-PA, current conversion price of 0.13 will be adjusted to 1.95

Refer details in circular



BLee: Hi bro @whistlebower99, above statement, IMHO half-truth. As consolidation will NOT change the value of AGES-PA, each subscribed value of 0.01 x 15 will be 0.15. Why are there many buyers at 0.005? (I managed to get some)

Answer: 0.005 x 15 = 0.075 for the value of 0.15 after consolidation, and sporadically getting buyer at 0.01 i.e. 100% gain.

The other reason is the potential adjusted price and ratio due to RI of 2 for 1 after the consolidation..

RI price still NOT fixed: Page 7 item 3.4 of circular.

"The issue price of Rights Shares shall be determined, fixed and announced by our Board at a later date (before the announcement of the Entitlement Date), after taking into consideration, amongst others.."

Appendix 1, page 36 of circular:

"Consequential to the Proposed Rights Issue, the conversion price of the ICPS may be adjusted in accordance with the terms of the ICPS as stated in the Constitution of our Company to ensure that the status of the ICPS holders is not prejudiced as a result of the Proposed Rights Issue."

This is for info sharing only, NOT a Buy, Sell or Hold recommendation.
Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-03-19 10:51 | Report Abuse


10:1 become 590m NOSH

3 FOR EVERY 1 @10c NOSH 1.770b

After 10:1 price 15c

Slowly drop to 2c again after ESOS, PP,RI by end of 2022

BLee: Hi bro @JJPTR, sorry of your nightmare scenario, let me give you some good news in article link below:

Hope this is everybody's dream (scenario)..

The last two years have seen a lot of Stocks have turned into Penny Stocks. Come 1st April, 2022, hopefully no more nightmare of PP, ESOS, Consolidation and downturn to become Penny Stock again.

Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-03-10 14:10 | Report Abuse


BLee: Hi bro @JJPTR, in case you have forgotten you have posted earlier, something for you to refresh..

Note: As both of us might have different understanding of the replies, let me explain from my view point.


1."Fintec Global Bhd has dispelled the notion that it is shuffling assets within the group" meaning "Not intergroup buying/selling (goreng)".

2."Fintec only owns stakes in these companies which does not entitle Fintec to exercise control over the management and affairs of these companies." meaning "No daily interference/running companies businesses".

3."Since the trading of marketable securities is part of the company's ordinary course of business" meaning "buying others Penny Stocks is the norm."

4."The funds arising from these exercises are at all times secured and placed with licensed and regulated financial institutions" meaning "funds raised are for the intended purpose only".

I am investing based on the above understanding and the price drop to 1sen is part of investment risk. This is NOT a Buy, Sell or Hold recommendation..

Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.


2022-03-10 12:52 | Report Abuse


50 minutes ago

BLee: Hi bro @JJPTR, in case you have forgotten you have posted earlier, something for you to refresh..


Dec 9, 2021 3:33 PM | Report Abuse

@JKPTR: The Edge has wriiten a 2rd article about HIDDEN HANDS BEHIND PENNY STOCKS on Apr 2021
earlier article was in 2020

09/12/2021 2:52 PM

BLee: Hi @JKPTR, hope a very good trading to you. The first article, Fintec did not (assumed as no reply seen) get query from Bursa. On the 21st Apr. 2021 article, Fintec replied to Bursa queries and picked up by TheEdge, published on the 23rd Apr. 2021.

I have posted earlier, don't mind re-post for easy reference although I seldom do repeat..

"BLee: Hi Bro @stockraider, this article dated 21 Apr. 2021 superseded by a later article dated 23 Apr. 2021.

"On TheEdge report, the replied by Fintec is repeated in TheEdge without dispute..

Please do NOT post incomplete old news, NOT giving chance on clarification by Fintec/ TheEdge. Half Truth!!
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk

08/12/2021 12:43 AM"

News & Blogs

2022-03-09 12:16 | Report Abuse

Did Uncle read this two articles?:

NEW DELHI (March 3): The blistering rally in palm oil is starting to turn away customers in India, the world’s biggest importer.

Buyers have canceled as much as 100,000 tons of planned palm oil purchases in the past seven days, according to Sandeep Bajoria, chief executive officer of Sunvin Group, a Mumbai-based trader and broker of vegetable oils.

“We can’t buy at these prices,” he said. “Demand destruction is happening.”


Another article:

"Jakarta has also been asked to reduce their biodiesel blending rules. Currently, 30 per cent of all biodiesel sold in Indonesia need to be derived from palm oil."


BLee: High prices do not necessarily get buyer/profit, and there are always solutions for any shortcoming??

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.


2022-03-03 13:09 | Report Abuse

@HuatHuatHuatLa: Bro BLee, from the last annual report, the largest shareholder is only own 1.93% of Fintec. Just invest RM5m, you could be the largest shareholder and draw 500k monthly salary le. hehe

BLee: Haha bro @HuatHuatHuatLa, I am just a small investor among those big taikor (big bro), won't even park RM1mil in the market. I am more into mortar solid properties.

@TalkC: Consolidate soon at 0.005 x 100?

BLee: Hi bro @TalkC, half day closing already 0.015, 50% gain and 100% queue buy done, I think not consolidate x100? This talk of consolidation at 0.005 already months, but the queue buy at 0.01 getting longer..So most likely not at x100.

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-03-02 15:09 | Report Abuse

@JJPTR: fintec 1c now.
To print new shares via ESOS/PP/RI at 15c, no takers
So the company will do 20:1, after ex, price will start from 20c

BLee: '15c, no takers'?, 20c can expect takers'? I repeat I am against ESOS and PP bcos of the around 10% discount to encourage the take up. I have no problem with RI as no dilution if we take up or sell the Offer Rights (OR)..

@JJPTR: Than after 20:1 for few weeks,can announce RI of 5 for every 1 existing
From 5b shares down to 250m share after 20:1
Now from 250m shares to 1.5b shares
What has changed fundamentally? company now can produce PAT?

BLee: I think you forget about NAV or NTA? All this Consolidation, ESOS, PP and/or will increase NAV/NTA and/or paid up capital?? NOT just toilet paper? NOT so easily approved?

@JJPTR: I guess the staff and management still happily getting their salary and CEO get his 450k salary.
One thing has definitely changed. You or someone has generously donated lots of millions to the company.

BLee: This 'donation' will be accounted for and NOT so easily utilized..PP and RI must be with purpose in the approval stage and money deposited in bank account for that purpose only. All these penny stocks issuing PP/RI are cash rich with very little borrowing due the above reason??

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-03-01 13:00 | Report Abuse

@KLLee_0110: Any news of quarterly report performance?

21 hours ago

BLee: Hi bro @KLLee_0110, actually I have prepared this reply anticipating remarks of  'ANOTHER HUGE LOSS' of -5,595,883 and I will replying included FAIR VALUE (LOSS)/GAIN ON MARKET SECURITIES of -24,017,589 (paper loss).

Note: Actually, Focus D PROFIT FROM OPERATIONS improved by 21,685,330 vs 6,038,236 of the same period year before.

This paper gain/loss fluctuated over few years like 'yo-yo' as shown in :- 



This is just like riding the 'yo-yo' wave, when will be the next fair value gain wave?

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-03-01 00:18 | Report Abuse


Another huge loss

Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent -16,252,000

Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31/12/2021

28/02/2022 8:58 PM

BLee: Hi bro @whistlebower99, you are right on 'ANOTHER HUGE LOSS' and this included Fair value adjustment on other investment -14,687,000 (paper loss). This paper gain/loss fluctuated over few years like 'yo-yo' as shown in :-
-SECOND QUARTER ENDED 30 SEPTEMBER 2020, Fair value adjustment on other investment of 31,745,000
-THIRD QUARTER ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2021, Fair value adjustment on other investment of -14,687,000

This is just like riding the 'yo-yo' wave, when will be the next fair value gain wave?

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-02-28 23:56 | Report Abuse



4 Profit/(loss) attributable to ordinary equity holders of the parent -42,353,000

Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 31/12/2021

28/02/2022 9:00 PM

BLee: Hi bro @whistlebower99, you are right on 'ANOTHER HUGE LOSS' and this included Fair value loss on investment securities of -38,522,000 (paper loss). This paper gain/loss fluctuated over few years like 'yo-yo' as shown in :-
-2ND QUARTER AND PERIOD ENDING 30 SEPTEMBER 2020 of fair value gain on investment securities 714,231,000
-FINAL QUARTER AND PERIOD ENDING 30 JUNE 2021 of Fair value loss on investment securities -915,815,000

This is just like riding the 'yo-yo' wave, when will be the next fair value gain wave?

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-02-20 12:56 | Report Abuse

@pineapple123: how come company can issue own shares like this ? why didnt they buy direct from market?
17/02/2022 9:50 PM

@Musang King: Funny isnt it? More than 500 millions shares queued up to buy at 1 sen everyday. Fintec still have to issue ESOS at 1 sen today. ?????
18/02/2022 3:59 PM

BLee: Hi bro @pineapple123 and @Musang King, buy from market needs 1.5sen from the seller queue and money circulating, good to increase demand. Issuing ESOS means getting interest free money, two different matters. Any PP exercise done in 2021 will not get exemption in 2022?? How many ESOS can be exercised from previous allocation? The quantities could be (As at 30 September 2021, a total of) 1,430,000,000 outstanding??
Date: 26 October 2021 RM0.0175 Offer Qty: 200,000,000
Listing Date: 17 Nov 2021 Qty: 57,142,857
Listing Date: 19 Nov 2021 Qty: 142,857,143
Date: 25 November 2021 RM0.015 Offer Qty: 499,239,000
Listing Date: 01 Dec 2021 Qty: 280,000,000
Date: 9 December 2021 RM0.0102 Offer Qty: 84,000,000
Listing Date: 17 Dec 2021 Qty: 84,000,000
Date: 23 December 2021 RM0.01 Offer Qty: 328,439,000
Listing Date: 07 Jan 2022 Qty: 68,000,000
Listing Date: 14 Jan 2022 Qty: 20,000,000
Listing Date: 18 Feb 2022 Qty: 20,000,000

I believe this grouping of ESOS is at the tail end, and needs approval if there are any more ESOS.

@HuatHuatHuatLa: Bro BLee, good morning, thank you so much for your information, l am interested in fintec because of 0.010 or 0.015, which is damned cheap la, l have bought few millions fintec shares early February and intend to buy more. hope to sell 0.150
20/02/2022 10:17 AM

BLee: Hi bro @HuatHuatHuatLa, we shall thank each other for good info sharing. I am repeating I am against PP and ESOS due to the roughly 10% discounted price, I am just taking the gamble to invest close to the discounted price and hope that is the last tranche.

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.


2022-02-20 09:03 | Report Abuse

@HuatHuatHuatLa: Bro Blacksails, thanks for your advice. l only have 3m shares in fintec and intend to buy more for investment.

20/02/2022 7:50 AM

BLee: Hi bro HuatHuatHuatLa, please take what has been written in i3 with a pinch of salt including what BLee has written as it is biased for the sake of arguments/defending on the investment. Please do your own research, especially from official announcements.

For example, the question where is all the cash raised, how much siphoned, is the cash raised to invest in others penny stocks?; can be found in QR and AR reports.

In the latest AR2021, you can find some of the answer extracted below:
Link: Annual Report & CG Report - 2021
- Page 34, The status of utilization of proceeds raised from the 30% Private Placement as at 30 June 2021 is as follows:-
Unutilized of RM10.154 mil out of RM18.3 mil
- Page 35, The status of utilization of proceeds raised from the Rights Issue with Warrants C as at 30 June 2021 is as follows:-
Unutilized of RM78.56 mil out of RM114.617 mil
- Page 36, As at 24 March 2021, a total of 701,452,600 SIS options had been exercised, lapsed (257,094,500)
- Page 36, As at 30 September 2021, a total of 1,430,000,000 options were offered to eligible employees under the ESOS. Exercised 500,000,000 and lapsed 500,000,000; balance unknown?
- Details on SIS/ESOS exercise prices on pages 47 onwards.

Happy trading, do your own due diligence and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-02-16 22:37 | Report Abuse

@mach10: BLee ,you obviously do not know how the syndicate works. you are a green horn

16/02/2022 5:06 PM

BLee: Hi @mach10, you can call BLee whatever colour horn you like, BLee has seen the up and down of the market since the '80s..perseverance in trading paid handsomely throughout the years. This time, I am banking on cash rich due to unjust fundraising, beat down and hardly any borrowing stocks. All these investments profit from others' shares I flipped; buy low, sell high and buy low again, repeating many times..nothing to lose. Even my barber knows this trick, telling me not to worry as the market will bounce back later rather than sooner due to the pandemic. If it doesn't go up, how did the syndicate/foreign fund make money?

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-02-16 10:12 | Report Abuse

@Icon 888: Consolidation soon.. run for ur life
16/02/2022 1:59 AM

BLee: Hi @Icon 888, I don't think consolidation will be any time soon for the following reasons:
1.A controlling shareholder keeps increasing stakes.. Acquired above 5% on 18.01.2021. Changes in Director's Interest (Section 219 of CA 2016) - MR ROY HO YEW KEE
Recent increased stake on 10.01.2022. Changes in Sub. S-hldr's Int (Section 138 of CA 2016) - MR ROY HO YEW KEE

2.Completed PP (could be the reason price depressed?) on 23.12.2021. Too soon for consolidation after the PP?
On behalf of the Board, UOBKH wishes to announce that 510,861,906 Placement Shares issued pursuant to the Private Placement were listed and quoted on the ACE Market of Bursa Securities with effect from 9.00 a.m. on Thursday, 23 December 2021, which marks the completion of the Private Placement.

3. Exchange of shares and cash for stake of 30% EQUITY INTEREST IN TREE MED VIA A COMBINATION OF RM4,000,000 IN CASH AND RM10,000,000 VIA THE ISSUANCE OF 200,000,000 NEW KAG SHARES AT AN ISSUE PRICE OF RM0.05 PER KAG SHARE
On behalf of the Board of Directors of KAG ("Board"), UOBKH wishes to announce that all conditions precedent pursuant to the SSA have been fulfilled and 200,000,000 Consideration Shares issued pursuant to the Proposed Acquisition were listed and quoted on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad with effect from 9.00 a.m. on 2 September 2021, marking the completion of the Proposed Acquisition.

As seen above, which parties will be at the losing end? As seen in item 3, what will be the support if the exchange is done at 5sen vs present price of 1.5sen?

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.


2022-02-15 15:23 | Report Abuse

Hi @mach10, no intend to lure anybody to invest, just defending my own investment highlighting my own view neutralizing some negative view..
Happy trading and my 'warning' always TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-02-14 20:56 | Report Abuse

@mach10: be smart .dump back the share at RM0.15. this stock is hopeless.
14/02/2022 4:27 PM

BLee: Hi @mach10, smart or not, hopeless or not, will be known in the next two quarters as per below announcement:


-The Contract period is 4 years, commencing from 10 January 2022 to 9 January 2026.

-As the Contract was secured by Tree Med, a 30% owned associate company of KAG, the Group is not expected to have material effect on the earnings, net assets and gearing of KAG Group for the current financial year ending 31 March 2022. Nonetheless, KAG Group expects positive contribution on its earnings in the future arising from the share of profit for associate.

-Pursuant to the Contract, Tree Med will supply reagents instrument placement for centralised chemical pathology test to 9 hospitals in Malaysia.

Press release:
“We will be bidding in tenders to supply to other government and private laboratories as well in the future if the opportunity arises. It is important that the labs are receiving good quality products to ensure that the best results achieved,”

COVID-19 RT PCR Kits announcement:
-Key Alliance Sdn Bhd, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Key Alliance Group Berhad, appointed as representative for registration, marketing and distribution of COVID-19 RT PCR Kits, produced by Wells Bio In

And it also depends on KOMARK face mask businesses..

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-02-14 15:35 | Report Abuse

@whistlebower99: FOR NEWBIES

Get to know the stock before trading

BLee: Good advice. I have reviewed, and my opinion is in two of my articles.

This article highlights the purpose of fundraising for new ventures in the medical field and cloud storage. Any issues?

The second article touched on the details of ventures and the related companies..

Total issued shares = 3,065,171,440

WC = 982,103,848
Maturity 2023-11-10
Strike value 0.0500

BLee: WC (warrants will expire, NOT mature, if NOT converted by 2023-11-10) needs 5sen cash to become mother share, doable?

Many years of losses in the last 15 years

BLee: Good point. Will new ventures overturn these losses?


BLee: All this acquisition already highlighted in my two articles above..

quarterly reports
frequency of fund raising activities by directors vi shares issuance to ESOS, PP
utilisation of company funds by directors especially on penny stocks investment


TAYOR. Set realistic target to take your profit
Be prepared for 1 day show
14/02/2022 10:21 AM

BLee: Good advice. What are the chances of PP and ESOS? There are not many 'fats' left, only 'bones' at present price?? The argument of consolidation to gain more 'fats' cannot be discounted; but unlikely??
Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-02-12 10:08 | Report Abuse

@pineapple123: Go and read what is going on in BCMall folks.

11/02/2022 11:46 PM

BLee: Hi bro @pineapple123, interesting read, thanks. Since most of this penny stocks price are equal or lower than PP/ESOS price, what is the problem to invest at such low price? At present, market improving (mostly blue chips/bank stocks), will penny stocks to be next?

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-02-12 09:57 | Report Abuse

@whistlebower99: FOR NEWBIES

FINTEC total issued shares (NOSH) = 5,862,797,474 keep increasing toward 6 BILLION SHARES.

PA = 254,3081,35
BLee: auto convert 11:8 ratio upon maturity and $ from PS account to authorized cap? No issue?

WA = 170,092,838
Maturity 2024-04-19
Strike value 0.1900
BLee: warrants will expire, needs to be paid 19sen to convert; doable?

WB = 116,443,428
Maturity 2022-12-04
Strike value 0.1000
BLee: warrants will expire, needs to be paid 10sen to convert; doable?

WC = 1,146,126,828
Maturity 2023-12-20
Strike value 0.0800
BLee: warrants will expire, needs to be paid 8sen to convert; doable?

@whistlebower99: Trade cautiously on low price penny stocks to avoid huge losses if directors decided to go for shares consolidation to trim the fats.

11/02/2022 3:18 PM

BLee: Hi bro @whistlebower99, for any shares consolidation, conversion/strike price will be adjusted accordingly, should be no issue..

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-02-09 13:31 | Report Abuse

@Ding HL Allan: Pineapple123, I fully support what you said above. BLee too. Happy CNY.

09/02/2022 11:31 AM

BLee: Hi bro @Ding HL Allan, thanks for supporting. Happy CNY "天公誕" (Tiāngōng dàn - 9th day of CNY) to you and all who celebrate.
Happy trading.


2022-02-04 12:52 | Report Abuse

@gghaha: lot ppl wasting time analysis a useless con stk......years n years waiting ....:)

04/02/2022 10:11 AM

BLee: Hi bro @gghaha, 'hair already wet' at 2sen and averaged down lower, so only defend the investment and hope for the best. At such a low price vs NTA ratio of 1.5:8, no issue of 'kon' and waiting..tq
Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-02-04 09:36 | Report Abuse

@JJPTR: "FxxxTEC" cash now very low.
look out for possible Right issue ?
before that 20:1 to make it 20c, than right issue @15c?

03/02/2022 3:58 PM

BLee: Hi bro @JJPTR, not mistaken, "FxxxTEC" just sold off "yy system" of 50,000,000 ordinary shares in open market and subsequent to the cessation date, "DEF - FxxxTEC" had disposed an additional 150,551,800 ordinary shares in open market within the period from 28 December 2021 to 12 January 2022. No buying recently but selling, how can it be cash low? Also raising so much "kon cash" with PP and ESOS, should be cash rich..
Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk

News & Blogs

2022-02-01 00:18 | Report Abuse

@sg999, thanks for comment. A happy and prosperous cny2022 Tiger year to you and all i3investor reader. Opening bids for KGroup at LU price of around 30sen by investor(s) noticed for the last few weeks, so much confidence? Any condolidate will result in increase NTA proportionally, so no issue..Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-01-26 14:55 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro @Musang King, I mean stop on this particular topic only as if continued will seems like a long argument..I am quite interested how to gain by subscribing excess shares, just like what Fintec done. Only I don't have the right connection to get so much excess.. TQ


2022-01-26 14:01 | Report Abuse

@alan123: I will school you here based on the thing you posted here.
1) What you mean liquidate AT-WC with huge profit and no announcement in Bursa. Please check properly in Bursa website. the selling price is only 0.0350 and I don't even know how the hell you can come out with the selling price 0.170. Please check below announcement in Bursa.

BLee: This statement was answered earlier, thanks again for the schooling part.
Doubt No.1: Is disposing of free warrants for RM17,499,022.05 considered a huge profit?

@alan123: (c) On 11 June 2020, 12 June 2020, 15 June 2020, 18 June 2020, 19 June 2020, 23 June 2020, 24 June 2020 and 25 June 2020 disposed in aggregate 321,600,000 Warrants C of AT Systematization Berhad (“ATS”) for an aggregate sum of RM17,499,022.05 (“Disposal Proceeds”) in cash to the open market (hereinafter referred to as the “Disposal”).
(Collectively referred to as the “Transactions”).

BLee: Thanks for the timeline for Asiabio disposing of the "Subscription of rights shares and excess rights shares- 421,600,000" free warrants AT-WC. Assume the "RI of 421,600,000" paid for at 421,600,000×0.035= RM14,756,000; the disposal of RM17,499,022-RM14,756,000 will get a net gain of cash RM2,743,022.
Doubt No.2: How is this "excess RI" being offered compared to 69,888,833 shares before RI? So much under subscribe or gentle agreement? Dilution for minority shareholders?

@alan123: 2) Your calculation on no. of free AT-WC warrant allocate to FINTEC from RI of AT is totally wrong for every 4 RI subscribe free 3 warrants. I don't even know how you can come out this number 210,799,999 AT-WC.
The actual warrant allocate to FINTEC is 421,600,000 / 4 * 3 = 321,600,000

BLee: As explained earlier on the correction for "Subscription of rights shares and excess rights shares- 421,600,000", the formula is for every 2 shares held will allocate "4 RI subscribe free 3 warrants" without realizing the huge excess Rights; reverse calculation. Please note the wording "Subscription of rights shares" meaning total shareholding after RI assume to be 421,600,000+69,888,833= 491,488,833.
Doubt No.3:The original 69,888,833 was sold after RI on 19.05.2020 at what price?; with losses or gain?

@alan123: 3) Initial FINTEC investment in AT is 69,888,833 which is before the AT RI. Go and dig how much FINTEC have invested in those shares. Does FINTEC still making profit now?

BLee: As in Doubt No.3, "Does FINTEC still making profit now?", your guess as good as mine?(Doubt No.4?)

I apologized to those not interested to read my long posting/clarification/defending..I will stop here.
Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-01-25 12:34 | Report Abuse

@alan123: @BLee, I don't know what are you talking about. Profit realized from warrant you take into consideration but you close the eyes on the paper loss it is sitting with the mother share. I really don't know what investment method you using. This is as good as making accounting fraud to bluff ppl telling ppl company making profit without considering the paper loss it is sitting.

BLee: Hi @alan123, there are a lot of posts trying to depress Fintec share price so that 'newbies will cut-loss'. A lot of this posting 'ignore' the free warrants are part of the share exercises. I am NOT supporting free warrants, Private Placement, ESOS and/or SIS. I have written few articles to defence my investment, no other motive except

1.Balancing views that is "报喜不报忧 or 报忧不报喜 meaning report the good news ignoring the bad news or vice versa..since a lot being highlighted on the cons ('kons'), I would like to balance the discussion highlighting more on the pros." written in link:

2. Sharing the risk involved as in one of my articles "@Forumer1: Fintec main business is issuing RI ESOS PP then Consolidation many many time.

BLee: Yes, issued a lot of ESOS and PP, depressing market price (I repeat, due to around 10% discount and not involving shareholders, it is a certain no no for me). Consolidation doesn't know yet, financially no impact for shareholders…"
Written in link:

3. Sharing of info as in one of my articles.
"Please see link for table on paper loss for few q-o-q..
Table No.1: Summary of stocks trading from March to December 2021
-The trends vs market conditions?
-Cost is almost the same as book value and market value after Focus D price fall, paper gain/loss back to holding cost. NOT 50-60sen as speculated.
-This tabulation can roughly predict next QR profit/loss?"

I disagree 'This is as good as making accounting fraud to bluff ppl telling ppl company making profit without considering the paper loss it is sitting' from the paper gain/loss data tabulated.

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-01-25 10:02 | Report Abuse

@alan123: Helo @Blee, before you even post I think you should get your data right. Even your calculation of AT-WC warrant is wrong.
From what I can see. you using assumption to blind the fact and keep telling a beautiful story of FINTEC.
If you cannot get the facts right, it is best you don't post anything misleading.

I will school you here based on the thing you posted here.
1) What you mean liquidate AT-WC with huge profit and no announcement in Bursa. Please check properly in Bursa website. the selling price is only 0.0350 and I don't even know how the hell you can come out with the selling price 0.170. Please check below announcement in Bursa.
(c) On 11 June 2020, 12 June 2020, 15 June 2020, 18 June 2020, 19 June 2020, 23 June 2020, 24 June 2020 and 25 June 2020 disposed in aggregate 321,600,000 Warrants C of AT Systematization Berhad (“ATS”) for an aggregate sum of RM17,499,022.05 (“Disposal Proceeds”) in cash to the open market (hereinafter referred to as the “Disposal”).
(Collectively referred to as the “Transactions”)

BLee: Hi @alan123, thanks for being a 'teacher' for a second. I did not post 'no' as I post 'disposal of warrants usually not reported' as you have ignored the word 'usually' and I also post 'personal info'.

I think you missed my correction on my latest post. There is a "sea of data"' in all those announcements. I definitely have missed some announcements as I only started to invest in Fintec at the price of 2sen and also Fintec-PA during the revision of conversion from 16sen to 11sen. Assumption is for the 'reader' to ponder and to correct; again thanks for the sharing of data; not on purpose to mislead.

The 0.17sen is the 52 weeks high price as at that time I do not have info on selling timeline and used 50%; my 'guesstimate' of RM18 mil vs the actual of RM17.499 mil is quite right. The average selling price of 17,499,022.05÷321,600,000= 0.054, and not 0.035.

I will answer some of your postings on the announcement if I am not too busy as it also contains some doubts. The link surfed from google:

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-01-23 12:05 | Report Abuse

Hi @Musang King and @alan123, more info and correction in my earlier post for ATS RI around May 2020 issuance as shown in Link below:

3) Subscription of rights shares and excess rights shares- 421,600,000
4) Disposal of shares in open market - 69,888,833

Assumption: Asiabio only owns 69,888,833 ATS shares and not as per my assumption earlier. The cost of 421,600,000 likely as per RI price of RM0.035 PER RIGHTS SHARE.

As item 4), the 421,600,000 excluding holdings of ATS shares before RI. It seems this is the modus operandi of Fintec group i.e. subscribe shares with free warrants, sell off everything after the issuance..

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-01-22 15:13 | Report Abuse

Hi Bro @Musang King and @alan123, disposal of warrants usually not reported. I have assume the followings:

Asiabio Capital Sdn. Bhd. hold 421,600,000 ATS shares as reported in ATS AR2021


As at date of ATS AR2021, Asiabio Capital NOT listed in the top 30 major shareholders of AT-WC indicating already liquidated with huge profit..?

The math:
Before RI, Asiabio Capital own 421,600,000÷6×2= 140,533,333 ATS shares which entitle to free warrants of 140,533,333÷2×3= 210,799,999 AT-WC
Assume this free warrants sold of at 52w high equivalent of 210,799,999x0.17= RM35,835,999.83

If assume sold at 50%, could easily gain RM18mil..

Did Fintec make a loss investment? It is just a "guesstimate", quite true that Asiabio Capital had sold of RI free warrants of many counters. One example:
"Article B11 - Status of corporate proposals
a) On 2 December 2020, Asiabio Capital Sdn. Bhd. (“ABC”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Fintec, has subscribed in aggregate 25.05% or 512,099,792 ICPS with 768,149,688 free detachable Warrants D of Focus Dynamics Group Berhad("the free detachable Warrants") for an aggregate sum of RM28.16 million in cash via the Rights Issue of ICPS with Warrants of Focus at an issue price of RM0.055 per ICPS. On 21 December 2020, ABC had disposed the free detachable Warrants for an aggregate sum of RM26.74 million in cash through open market.

Just sharing personal info; "NOT a buy, hold or sell" recommendation.

Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-01-20 12:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by swimwithsharkss > Dec 6, 2021 9:31 AM | Report Abuse

Thanks @BLee and @sting79 for the rational comments. I always find it funny that these people had nothing to do but come at AGES daily like its their job. Anyhow AGES is rebounding although market is terrible, good sign, if you ask me.

OOI, where are you, come out promote please
20/01/2022 9:27 AM

BLee: Hi @Citadel123, as my earlier posting of "During ICULS proposal, I have already made comments in one of my articles:
"Caution 2: Due to the AGES ICPS/ICULS close gap and issuing size, the risk of investing could be quite high. Please seek expert advice."
Link:", let me highlight two more points of known facts..
1.The loan taken by previous management needs to be repaid by raising cash by ALL shareholders, major or minority inclusive.
Link: . Whoever buys after this announcement or earlier should not buy blindly.

2. Reduction of NOSH by consolidation will not dilute the worth of the shares, unlike capital reduction. Let me repost my respond to this issue I have posted in "[FOCUS]: FOCUS DYNAMICS GROUP BHD

Jan 17, 2022 10:56 AM | Report Abuse

@Forumer: Consolidation keeps the company from getting delisted. Consolidation will result in attractive price that may attract institutional investors. Consolidation makes their book-keeping easier.
Consolidation is operationally cost saving.
The drawback of consolidation sends a signal to investors that the company is struggling..hence, they start panic selling causing the price to drop.
17/01/2022 7:42 AM

BLee: @Forumer, very good observation. Maybe some 'newbie' got mixed up with capital reduction vs consolidation, both likely will see reduction in NOSH. The only differences are capital reduction will see NTA reduced proportionally and consolidation is the opposite.

Two half truth posting:
1.Be careful trading penny stocks that has huge NOSH (multi BILLION shares) Trade wisely, set realistic target. 13/01/2022 9:50 AM
2.Trade wisely, set realistic target, avoid being caught at high prices. 13/01/2022 10:55 AM

Question for pondering?

On item 1., what to be careful of and what realistic target when prices have fallen from around 70sen to 4sen? You can see most growth stocks and blue chip stocks having similar billion NOSH, not an issue.

On item 2., is 4sen at a high price? Prices already stay at this level for a very long time and are potentially moving up...

Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk"
I apologised for this long posting and acting as "broken record".


2022-01-19 21:35 | Report Abuse

 "BLee: Hi @Citadel123, I have not disappear, now busy averaging down my investment at KGroup, Focus D and Fintec as the prices are lower than AGES as of today. I will cost averaging again (twice already) AGES stocks when the price is right."


19/01/2022 4:25 PM

BLee: Hi @WE IN, "钱财身外物" (Money is not an inherent part of the human being), cannot be "DANGEROUS ACT !!!".
I have seen market at worst then now and recovered..and of course some counters never recover. It is just the risk we take, just hoping we get the right one.
Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2022-01-19 14:46 | Report Abuse

 Posted by swimwithsharkss > Dec 6, 2021 9:31 AM | Report Abuse

Thanks @BLee and @sting79 for the rational comments. I always find it funny that these people had nothing to do but come at AGES daily like its their job. Anyhow AGES is rebounding although market is terrible, good sign, if you ask me.

LAST TIME 0.06 also same story haha, now all these people disappear.

BLee: Hi @Citadel123, I have not disappear, now busy averaging down my investment at KGroup, Focus D and Fintec as the prices are lower than AGES as of today. I will cost averaging again (twice already) AGES stocks when the price is right.

During ICULS proposal, I have already made comments in one of my articles:
"Caution 2: Due to the AGES ICPS/ICULS close gap and issuing size, the risk of investing could be quite high. Please seek expert advise."

After cancellation of ICULS and replaced with PP (around 10% discount), now the price is below the 10% discounted price. It is always 'good' to buy below the PP/ESOS/RI prices??

Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.