
BLee | Joined since 2016-07-07

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2024-04-05 14:36 | Report Abuse

“TheContrarian > 5 minutes ago
I always wonder why people didn't sell off Insas at RM1.30+ in January.”

There is no if for shares investing; example why I invest 50% in MFCB around a Ringgit and 50% in Insas around 50sen few year ago? Reason: Insas half the value of MFCB. As price doesn't matter, it is the unknown “if” I have invested more in MFCB or Insas; the fortune could be reversed in a few years time?
Now, my MFCB (still holding with 1 to 1 BI) is getting more than twice the return compared with Insas as per my recent calc…(Sorry, telling the gain only. My ICPS investment another story; making 100% one day paper gain, losing back the next day without opportunity to sell)


2024-04-05 13:45 | Report Abuse

"TheContrarian > 4 minutes ago |
Only 260 shareholders escaped."

And ready to be "re-trapped" if price falls below 1 Ringgit?? Next escape opportunity could be after 3rd RI RPS?? Caution, past trend not necessary future movements pattern... Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2024-04-05 12:51 | Report Abuse

“TheContrarian > 1 hour ago
Imagine 26,000 shareholders trying to get out of Insas trap, no wonder Insas cannot break out.”

To be exact, the 26,000 shareholders could have escape “the trap” a few times since the year 2016. I have had “escape the trap” during the 2nd RI RPS and still holding 20% with average cost below 60sen. In retrospect, I did not reinvest the Dividend earned; and got trapped elsewhere…

News & Blogs

2024-04-03 22:59 | Report Abuse

Article updated to include MFCB as a comparison with the title "Insas vs MFCB: Both having a good Meteoric Rise this 1Q2024" after MFCB showing a 'breakout' recently...

News & Blogs

2024-04-03 13:01 | Report Abuse

Hi, Mr KW Lim, I find your article very thorough, except not touching so much on past performance (CAGR over 10 year period and almost twice dividend payout per year). Also not forgetting, the power generation from the 260MW Don Sahong Hydropower (DSH) is by Run-of-river hydroelectricity (ROR) technology is very much different from having a dam which is more capital intensive, less reliable due to single point vs multipoint for ROR, not so efficient in energy distribution as ROR in this case going to be at 5 different locations and a single dam needs a larger storage area.

MFCB is having a good meteoric rise this year. Few days ago, I did a calc for Insas' CAGR, also checked on MFCB over a 10 year period. The results are much better than Insas. Will find time to post the results, maybe over the coming weekend. Meanwhile, maybe you can also do a calc based on your assumption, different from my assumption of dividend reinvestment.
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.


2024-04-03 11:40 | Report Abuse

Next resistance 5.40 ...???
19 minutes ago”

Yes, MFCB is having a good meteoric rise this year. Few days ago, I did a calc for Insas' CAGR, also checked on MFCB over a 10 year period. The results are much better than Insas. Will find time to post the results, maybe over the coming weekend.
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.


2024-04-01 13:46 | Report Abuse

@erickonsim, good observation, gearing ratio of 0.64 divided by 0.585 equals around 1.09, roughly convert will get 10% profit. Conversion will take roughly 10 days, and can take profit if mother price remains 0.64 then. Those who waited for the 3 year moratorium to be able to convert, this is the rewards..For info, I do not own this RCPS, only interested in any form of PS comparing with company warrants, and would like to comment on any mismatch of prices during any conversion. Tq

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2024-03-29 09:17 | Report Abuse

“speakup >
you guys still in Insas? OMG! 😱”

Why not, considering the CAGR of more than 10% and 2 to 4 fold of capital increase over a 10 years period. Only caution, past performance NOT necessary future trend.
The update yesterday just to analyze am I right to hold my investment for so many years against another investor of getting 4 fold capital gain.
Another point, my initial investment of around RM0.50 will be roughly equivalent to a 5% dividend of declared 2.5% per share, i.e. low price will get more shares as dividends are based on quantity of shares. Sorry for the long-winded as I would like to give a clearer picture. Tq

News & Blogs

2024-03-29 06:36 | Report Abuse

Good Morning, ytd updated my article with the following topic during the day off:
“Update today date: 28 March 2024, on below topic:
"Insas: Comparison of Dividend vs NAPS 30/6/2014 RM 1.728 to 30/6/2023 RM3.375 a CAGR of 7.72%.
Question: What is the return for Insas Principal plus Dividend for the last 10 years vs NAPS 30/6/2014 RM 1.728 to 30/6/2023 RM3.375 a CAGR of 7.72%?”

The results of my calc are:
Scenario 1: At initial cost of RM6k over 50sen price, the CAGR calculated to be 12.2992%.

Scenario 2: At initial cost of RM6k over 60sen price, the CAGR calculated to be 10.1342%.

The capital increase for both scenarios are quite satisfactory, at least more than 2 fold increase based on this year's max price of above RM1.30.
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.

News & Blogs

2024-03-24 10:06 | Report Abuse

“Income >
In 2023, the annual sales value.. approximately 224.7 billion..

Uncle is saying Msia sells all the petroleum products and we don’t use any of them??? Fake news la.”

It is annual sales, not annual export. So it is up to the individual to digest the info.
Also, there are pros and cons of solar power generation; up to individuals to do their own read up..
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk for the coming week.

News & Blogs

2024-03-10 19:24 | Report Abuse

I think more to this statement in the same article: "Such heavy control tends to leave little freedom for investors to have any say in the goings-on of a chaebol, thus making them unpalatable investments." and recently, "could start with a corporate exercise to jolt their shares from slumber, attract some interest and allow some of the tired, trapped investors to exit after what seems like a lifetime." Interesting, is it??

Can't they set it at 60 sen? Yes, can. Then the NTA will come down drastically with RPS and Insas-WC fully converted using RPS face value of MYR1 together with 1 WC; balance of 40 sen will be returned. What is the point of this RPS exercise?

The conversion details extracted below:
"The difference between the exercise price of the Warrants (or the adjusted exercise price of the Warrants in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Deed Poll, as the case may be) and the issue price of the Rights RPS shall be repaid by the Company within 1 month from the date the Warrant holder exercising his Warrant".

News & Blogs

2024-03-10 12:13 | Report Abuse

One paragraph at the Star article:
“While it may make some sense to buy such stocks, a “cheap” stock can also mean a value trap, meaning it is merely masquerading as a compelling buy.”

Is Insas “masquerading”?? Can it become another topic? Insas can be cash rich, so is all the bank, as all the cash is tied to depositors and ‘paper money’ in the form of bank guarantee??

Although I am a long term Insas investor, I always keep an open mind and look the other ways..Happy Trading

News & Blogs

2024-03-10 11:53 | Report Abuse

“So 2 times RI raise funding ard RM 260 million .. no wonder so Rich .. Another RI fund raising exercise by 2026 ke …

No worries still can issue RI many times looking at the present NOSH …”

There is some misconception of RPS vs Insas Company WC vs Call Warrant (CW).
Abbreviation R in RPS stands for Redeemable which means upon maturity, Insas needs to pay the holders the face value. Instead of taking $ from the coffer, new RPS issued to pay for the redemption; no addition of capital.
For Company Insas-WC, there is no Redeemable but Convertible whereas Call Warrant Cx, example Insas-CA,CB,CC cannot be converted as NOT issued by the Company’s. Market maker only for Call Warrant so that CW issuer will reduce the risk for any fluctuation of counter prices..chances the issuer losing money is minimized as they freely ‘play’ the market..
This is my own understanding of this topic, any critique is welcome.

News & Blogs

2024-03-10 10:17 | Report Abuse

Thanks to a contributor at i3 forum, who highlighted a good read as in the link below, able to give me a new insight of ‘value trap’ and partly answering my article questions…

Happy Trading in the coming weeks.


2024-03-09 15:42 | Report Abuse

"Posted by Income >
I urge you to do this. Wake up 5 AM. People dread at waking up early. But this saves you 3 hours before your day starts.."

Good advice as early birds get the worm. Only problem is everybody gets 24 hours a day; 3 hours head start but most likely needs to sleep 3 hours early. Some of us could be better at working late hours? Just go with the flow.. It is always good to go to bed with a tired mind and wake up fresh the next day naturally. When we get older, a good night's sleep is a real bonus, forget about making more $ and bonuses. Tq

News & Blogs

2024-03-06 15:46 | Report Abuse

“Posted by Integrity. Intelligent. Industrious. 3iii (iiinvestsmart)

BLee: Please also ask "if majority holders control 51% of a company, how to break out of the value trap?” Tq
06/03/2024 8:39 AM
>>>...and at the appropriate time, the company was taken private for a song.”

Agreed. I have had invested in Brem before taken private; making a small loss excluding dividend and bonus. It might just be a myth that taking private is good??

Another subject; why Insas doing RPS every five years?
My take: Interest for RPS lower than borrow $ from financial institutions and RPS/Warrants could be an instrument for protecting any take-over at a very low cost?? Any good discussion is welcome.
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk

News & Blogs

2024-03-06 08:39 | Report Abuse

Please also ask "if majority holders control 51% of a company, how to break out of value trap? Tq


2024-03-03 23:30 | Report Abuse

"the turtle that doesn't exercise at all, lives over 200 years."

Another reason? If you keep your head inside the shell, most likely can live longer.. hear nothing, see nothing and speak nothing will keep us from trouble??
The problem; like the turtle, will slowly climb to the top and be left behind. Life is interesting, just do things at our own speed.. have a nice week ahead. Good night.


2024-03-03 13:45 | Report Abuse

Yes, @TheContrarian, noticed on some undervalued stocks, switched 80% Insas holding last RI, bought TNB around 8.3 and sold above 11 recently..waiting to re-invest later.


2024-03-03 13:22 | Report Abuse

@TheContrarian, also my wishful thinking Insas will be value priced to at least near NTA...then can take whole family for a free Europe holiday. Dream on. Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk

News & Blogs

2024-03-01 08:48 | Report Abuse

“Posted by Sslee >
Nothing to argue whether Insas is a value trap…”

Yes, agreed. Very good discussion, and achieved the intention of my write-up; i.e. bringing out a balanced view of Insas investment. I will let the profit (dividend+capital gain if any) run, as if sold, nothing to get my interest in Insas forum..tq

News & Blogs

2024-02-29 23:29 | Report Abuse

Even a person who holds zero cost portion selling 100,000 shares of Insas at 1.10 makes a gain of RM110,000."

Correct ³, in addition getting 2.5sen dividend over the zero cost portion; how can it be "value trap"?
Let's compare latest Quarter report:
Basic earnings/(loss) per share (Subunit)
Q23Dec of 3.61 vs Q22Dec 7.20 and Cumulative QPE23 of 6.59 vs QPE22 9.71; is 2.5% dividend justifiable as value trap?

Therefore, another question in addition of questions raised earlier,

Is the last quarter with decreasing EPS over quarters (Q) and Cumulative Quarters PE (CQPE), yet giving same dividend considered a value trap? or

(Questions raised earlier)
Is the share price below NTA for a long period considered a value trap? or

Is the NTA moving up over the years at a greater rate than the share price considered a value trap? or

Is the share price moving up at a greater rate than NTA, can it be considered no longer a value trap? or
Edited: lately (NTA of increment of 3.57-3.56=0.01 vs price up by over 30sen from this YE Quarter reporting) moved out from 'value trap'??

My Conclusion: At different timing and reporting, there are many factors to consider such as NTA, EPS, ROI, etc to conclude is it a 'value trap' or not; that's make share investing interesting.
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk

News & Blogs

2024-02-26 12:17 | Report Abuse



Hi Uncle calvintaneng, welcome to my blog, but please promote Palm Oil somewhere else, as you are like honey to the bee's, and attracting the mouse to your Palm Oil promotion…no offense intended. Tq
Note: I am very much interested in Southern Johore properties investment; might learn something from you. I almost moved my base to near JB second link, near Tuas, Pekan Nanas, Pasir Gudang or Mount Austin/Ulu Tiram area before the C19 strike..

News & Blogs

2024-02-26 11:36 | Report Abuse

correct lor
do not get TRAP…”

Ya lor, the gist of the article is Sslee and BLee already un-trap (not blowing horn), only the zero cost portion trapped and let the profit run..kambenggg 60.000, Insas cantek. Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk

News & Blogs

2024-02-26 08:36 | Report Abuse

Many thanks for all the healthy comments and stay ‘prosperous and healthy onwards…

I believe Cash is King, Insas main business is Cash generating Cash (Stock broking/investment and leasing), only the turn around is not fast enough. Investment in FD gives around 3% per annum, around 6% with EPF and around 7% with REIT..if Insas to give dividend higher than 2.5%, the Cash return needs to be higher, in my humble opinion.


2024-02-25 14:23 | Report Abuse

correct lor do not get TRAP like ah tong or LENO…or keep 1 share, so that when INSAS reach RM 60 RINGGIT all insas shareholders can laugh at u mar ....”

I have traded during the last RPS RI, selling Offer Rights, 80% of mother shares close to a Ringgit and balance becomes zero cost. (Will find time to dig out the traded record for sharing). Hopefully, will only be trapped until close to NTA; will consider ‘untrap’..
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2024-02-09 22:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by TheContrarian > Feb 9, 2024 5:12 PM | Report Abuse

Why Insas closed red?

Because Insas = Into Saving Account Swiftly.
No hoping and hoping.
See Rm, take Rm first.
That’s why Insas is Red.”

Red before dragon (龙Lóng) year will follow with red red packets from Insas in 2024..Wishes All A Happy Healthy Wealthy 龙 Lóng Year 2024.


2024-02-07 09:27 | Report Abuse

“Musang King
… What if Fintec Shares never go back to above RM3.30 a share at all thus rendering Fintec ICPS all useless. Do you think so like me, BLee?”

@Musang King, not really useless as 0.783B buying bids at 0.005 available if willing to sell. Last few days, close to 0.3B just did the selling. As those invested during ICPS RI, there are many opportunities to sell, then.
Please refer to latest Profile for Securities of PLC, Link: , and after Consolidation if happen, will be revised. At that particular time, paying 8 sen will get 1 ICPS and 5/4 Warrant C. We never know what the current price is, then. The 5/4 Warrant C is the sweetener, and could have been sold with definite gain.
Upon maturity, this 8 sen will be used as calculation for the auto convert. Therefore the question of 8 sen x 30 equal Rm2.40 or RM2.40 x 11/8 equal RM3.30 for auto conversion is irrelevant for whatever present buying price currently..definitely not useless. As I always mentioned, TradeAtYourOwnRisk, is the calculated risk we take at that particular point of time; like buying at 0.005, after Consolidation if it happens, will be 0.15. Price/value will be inversely proportional with the Consolidation value..I am still learning, wonder what will happen to this 8 sen or RM2.40 or RM3.30 upon conversion with cash/auto conversion and/or any other method?? Time will tell.


2024-02-04 09:23 | Report Abuse

Please consolidate 30 : 1 l love it. Hehe"

Each person has they's own choice, like I love to drive a Kancil and you love to drive a Ferrari..haha


2024-02-04 09:16 | Report Abuse

Maybe consolidation is good for those who bought much higher price. People like BL Lee who buy at 0.5 sen can sell at 1 sen to make 100% cannot have such chance after consolidation."

@5354, buying at 0.5 sen is not that easy (jump queue over 1 billion shares) and selling at 1 sen has to queue behind many million shares, so far not successful. I prefer holding 30 time's more shares; therefore I disagree with the Consolidation.

Why disagree? You long term shareholder?"

I am not a long term shareholder, and will sell at every opportunity as shown with the recent spike of AGES-PA, selling some at 1 sen and not a successful queue at 1.5 sen. We never know what the direction of shares and needs to hold for how long, that makes share investing interesting…still learning, remain TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2024-02-03 15:51 | Report Abuse

“Musang King
This ICPS issue is a very tricky and ambigious scenerio for the future . After Consolidation, if ICPS holders are still holding them till expiry date, they need to top up RM0.90 to get a unit of Fintec share after surrendering one unit of ICPS worth RM2.40. (RM0.08 x 30) That's very expensive”

@Musang King, I prefer to use maturity for ICPS rather than expiry, as like FD maturity, you get interest $ (some ICPS entitle for Dividend) plus principle $ upon maturity. Warrants expiry will NOT get anything in return as usually given free (only reversal in accounting shown in the consolidation proposal report). ICPS auto convert and do not need to add any $. Each ICPS pre-payment after Consolidation is already equal to RM2.40. ICPS during Right Issue already “deposited” $, in my case getting 0.005 for a pre-paid of 0.08 and upon Consolidation getting RM2.40 (actual paying 0.005 x 30 equal 0.15). The only question is how much is the worth of 1 Fintec price upon maturity?? I am still learning what is the best method of getting better return from ICPS investment; time will tell.
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2024-02-03 11:41 | Report Abuse

I also disagreed with the Consolidation..Fintec-PA also needs to go through EGM deed poll for ICPS Consolidation approval, much easier for rejecting this Consolidation (not very sure)..


2024-02-03 08:45 | Report Abuse

咸鱼翻身?? (Literally meaning Salted Fish Flip Over - Change of Fortune)
Net Profit arising from the disposal of quoted securities by FINTEC Group
(The disposal of the quoted securities as announced were made within the period from 20 December 2023 to 31 January 2024) - 1,532,687.79
Most penny stocks invested by Fintec show signs of reversal??
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2024-02-02 21:01 | Report Abuse

"Musang King
After Consolidation Announcement, the reaction from Fintec shareholders are 83% against and 17% support based on the Numbers of Shares traded between 0.005 and 0.01 sen today"

@Musang King, if you ignore before 9:37, there is only 3 trades at 0.005 including the last trade. This can be observed as the 'panic selling taper off..let see what will happen when the next QR out by end of the month. The profit most likely better then the previous.. TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2024-02-02 20:20 | Report Abuse

@Musang King, very good observation. I have just posted my Humble Opinion and method to collect "toilet paper" at 0.005; so far quite successful. You needs to open minimum 2 screen to see the bids; cancel the order if the seller cancel the sell order.. so far quite successful. You also must observe how many sellers and the volume. The link:
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2024-01-31 15:28 | Report Abuse

If only Insas pay better dividend then most likely Market will value Insas as Bank FD.
A 10 sen dividend with FD rate of 3% will be value as RM 0.1/0.03 = RM 3.33"

@Sslee, we can't really compare FD rate with Stock Dividend; let say we put 1k for a year at 3% interest as FD, we will get 1.03k after 1 year whereas an investment of 1k (let says ex-Dividend still price unchanged) will get adjusted price of 0.97k plus 0.03k..shareholding fund will be reduced by 3sen per share.

"Below data extracted from Insas AR2023:-
Return on Equity (%) 5.2
Return on Total Assets (%) 4.0"

Can Insas afford to give out more than half of Return on Equity or Return on Total Assets? The bottom line is a Billion $ company must make 0.03 Billion $ to compare with FD rate of 3%, IMHO.

Yahoo Finance gave a very good report on Insas shareholding (free float around 47%, the remainder tightly held by majority shareholders), could be the reason why prices are slow in moving up higher??

Just for sharing, no buy or sell or hold recommendation, TradeAtYourOwnRisk.
For Info, I am last in Stock Pick Competition 2023, my sharing might be useless. Haha


2024-01-29 14:07 | Report Abuse

@MrSslee, must know to get out before the crash. It's like a cycle. Exit at the peak buy back at the bottom."

@TheContrarian, if we know when is the crashing peak and when is rock bottom, we will be filthy rich.
During the 90's crash, I managed to sell more than half of my holdings (enuf to pay 50% of 2 condo) and haven't put in any fresh funds since then..
Insas is one of my holdings that I am not able to liquidate. I have traded Insas (and Insas-OR once almost getting double LU) a few times and believed what I am holding now at zero cost.
I have written an article on Insas back in 2019 and I think it is still valid now. Link:
Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2024-01-28 12:40 | Report Abuse

Always funny how Bumi Armada has a high beta (influenced by oil price fluctuations) when in reality, the business operations and profitability is not impacted by the day to day oil price swings."

@nikicheong, partly agreed not to read so much on the direction of OnG price in the short term; but if OnG price stays high at longer terms above average production cost will have a good impact on all upstream and downstream counters, IMHO (in my humble opinion).
Points to ponder for FPSO operators:
- Most owners of FPSO built the facilities to 'lease' at daily rates 'inclusive' of full functioning of the facilities.
- Not all OnG fields require FPSO, only feasible for deep water and marginal fields.
- High risk for high return compared to a field with a Central Production Complex (CPC or CPP) with its own Satellites Platform (SP). The daily rates have to cater for this risk.
- Chances of reUse in other locations is not very feasible as each field has its own landing pressure and hydrocarbon composition and aging of equipment.
- Operation regulation. Example ESG, COP etc confirmation like Carbon Capture, Heat Recovery, Waste Water Treatment and Zero Flaring, etc
Just a few points to ponder for TradeAtYourOwnRisk..


2024-01-19 08:55 | Report Abuse

"TheContrarian > 15 minutes ago |
Insas is the case study of a value trap."

@TheContrarian, very good observation. Bottom line, value trap or not, there is still $ to be make provided how low to buy back and how high to sell... Selling 50% is a good strategy at this point of time, selling 90% is good if it drop back below a Ringgit. TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2023-12-30 13:28 | Report Abuse

"(if we have more smart contestants this year like Blee or Speakup who wanted to fight to get the last position so as to win OTB's free Rm1K subscription fee )"
My selection based on P/NAPS during year 2023 speculation didn't turn out well..not too smart at all. Please allocate the prize to Speakup as if getting the prize is his intention. TQ

News & Blogs

2023-12-29 16:51 | Report Abuse

Hi Mr.Tan KW,
My Stock Pick Contest for year 2024 (I am last as at Nov 2023 for year 2023) as followings:-

1. Insas 10%
2. MFCB 10%
3. Public Bank 20%
4. Bumi Armada 20%
5. AncomLB 20%
6. Axiata 10%
7. JAG 10%



2023-12-20 19:37 | Report Abuse

@TCH1186, give you a 👍. Spot-on on today up movement at today last hour trading.


2023-12-01 07:36 | Report Abuse


Huge profit for this quarter. Where does it come from?

Quarterly rpt on consolidated results for the financial period ended 30/09/2023 |"

@BLee: The answer can be found at the Extract from Latest QR ending Sept. 2023
"Portfolio investment:
This segment reported a profit before tax of RM36.50 million in current quarter ended 30 September 2023, improved by RM62.45 million as compared to loss before tax of RM25.95 million in previous
year's corresponding quarter ended 30 September 2022, mainly due to mark-to-market profit of RM35.82 million in the Group's strategic investments in current quarter as opposed to mark-to-market loss of RM26.82 million in previous year's corresponding quarter."

Caution: As this make-up of a partly full report, please read the whole report for a better understanding of the group's financial standing.

I am stuck for months at RM0.005 for both mother and ICPS, poised to recover my investment, hopefully as this counter very much depends on market direction… Happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2023-11-12 12:19 | Report Abuse

I am both a flipper (share investment only) if hit my target of 30% within a month or long term investor if drop below my investment cost (my ICPS investment instrument; promotional and not recommendation)..Insas is my long term investment although already recovered my investment cost. In term of dividend, MFCB is better, not the best. Hope against hope. I like Yinson business sense so far, but cannot stomach the OnG risk as written man meat is another man poison. TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2023-11-12 11:23 | Report Abuse

Good Morning and Happy Diwali/Holiday to all, as I am holding Insas, MFCB and got some experience in OnG, would like to give my two sen on this three counters.
- Insas is like running a marathon, will give up if no stamina and endurance. I really don't know when can I collect my medal? I sold off 80% of my holding during last rally after cashing out Offer balance of 20% become free holding.
- MFCB is like putting cash in FD; hoping interest rate will move up. It is giving dividend twice a year without fail so far. It is not as good as investment in property if the property is in a growth area; just like investment in suburban areas..
- Yinson is like my investment in ICPS (promotional; investment like buying Big Small, only will not lose all). FPSO investment is very risky as the return very much depends on many factors such as unknown hydrocarbon data, equipment reliability and human factors..that is the reason each of FPSO consider as an investment entity. Re-use of FPSO in another hydrocarbon field requires a lot of adjustment to fit in the field landing pressure, impurity content, technology advancement, clients requirements and many other factor; as good as scrapping the FPSO due to ageing..
Please feel free to correct me, I am on holiday mood and open for a good discussion.
Happy Trading coming Tuesday and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2023-11-02 07:13 | Report Abuse

One important info reported in AR2022 to digest:

"The Group however, posted a loss before taxation of RM 102.19 million due to the higher operating expenses attributable primarily to the non-cash impairment accounting adjustments on assets such as other receivables and goodwill on acquisition during the financial period under review. These adjustments were reflected based on management’s fair assessment on a subdued economic outlook in the near future on prudent grounds.
Without all these non-cash accounting adjustments, the Group would have reported a profit before taxation of RM90.42 million on the back of robust revenue contribution from the trading of construction materials, these however was mitigated by a higher depreciation as a result of acquisitions of fixed assets during the period ended 2022."

Recovered most of my 'paper loss' as I have been collecting AGES-PA at 0.005 before suspension; happy trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.

News & Blogs

2023-09-30 18:26 | Report Abuse

In real investment scenario, I have been collecting counters at the lowest bid of 0.005 (ICPS) and some blue chips counter (TNB and PBB); hardly losing any money. Keeping my fingers crossed my ICPS investment won't consolidate and trade below the consolidated price..and losing money!!

News & Blogs

2023-09-30 18:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by speakup > 7 hours ago

"top 3 and last 1 get FREE 1 YEAR OTB Subscription
that;'s why I pick the worst stocks to purposely be last"

Not to worry, BLee won't and not interested in accepting any prizes; join just to see how my speculative selection will perform..I will abstain from any offer if still last by year end. Tq


2023-06-03 12:32 | Report Abuse

@investor2021trading>....U mostly worrying about shares consolidation which i find by now it's not going to happen!..

BLee: I am NOT worry on Consolidation as shown in one of post below:


2022-04-20 10:31 | Report Abuse

@Icon 888: U punya turn consolidate .. all PPl die la


16 minutes ago

BLee: Agreed with bro @Icon 888, PP will bring down Focus D..Should be No Problem with Consolidation as NO dilution involved. Fingers crossed, there should be no PP unless a new business proposal for sucking new investment. Focus D is still cash rich and last quarter of operational profit roughly RM20MIL.
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk"

@investor2021trading>Focus-WD is different from Focus-PA as it has a conversion of 10:1 whereas d warrant's r 1:1 at a bottom price at 0.005

BLee: Yes, it is different. Focus-PA at 0.005 x 10 equals 0.05 to convert to 1 mother share and auto convert upon maturity. Hopefully by then worth more than 0.05. To convert Focus-WD, you need 0.90 cash..
Agreed "not wise to convert d PA or WD! not wise basing on current mother price or conversion rate! just buy for any price increase!"
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk


2023-06-03 10:33 | Report Abuse

@investor2021trading> Focus-WD can buy as they r so cheap (bottom price 0.005) n expiry date on Nov. 2025! Im optimistic Focus fundamentals will improve by d time warrants expired! If u hv money to spare, why not! no more price drop n no headache of investment losses in this volatile market! just buy n keep n sleep well!

BLee: Agreed on "so cheap (bottom price 0.005)" and "Focus fundamentals will improve". So is Focus-PA if can get at 0.005 (my apologies for sharing your WD post as I am heavy on Focus-PA; nevertheless both of us on the same page on the mother share!!). Let's see how my "'Rubbish and Toilet Paper" collection "as hv money to spare, why not! no more price drop n no headache of investment losses in this volatile market! just buy n keep n sleep well!"
Happy Trading and TradeAtYourOwnRisk.