Bon Jerry Borne

Bonarda | Joined since 2015-09-05

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2016-12-22 13:10 | Report Abuse

pop, let's not confuse the audience here with c call if u dun mean so...some who are not that good in humorous sense might tat it for real.. ;)


2016-12-22 11:22 | Report Abuse

haha..because it is too fake with too many fakeouts d.
admire your patient and discipline. did your teacher hold his rotan when he/she is training u? or that is just connie~~


2016-12-22 11:07 | Report Abuse

i hate and i like this HSIF...


2016-12-22 10:59 | Report Abuse

bye ayam kor kok


2016-12-22 10:46 | Report Abuse

ayam, that is purely based on EW rule. wave 4 nvr move into range or wave 1.

wave 1 ended at 21660..thus if HSIF breaks solidly below 21660, then the earlier impulsive wave assumption could be all wrong and it can actually be corrective waves.

there is one case study on gent, charted by my teacher connie the most lovely person in i3!


2016-12-22 10:34 | Report Abuse

green candles kept on engulf by red candles..not good at all


2016-12-22 10:07 | Report Abuse

21660 is the critical point. if it can be deep deep correction coming


2016-12-21 16:34 | Report Abuse

not a sifu ya. i am still learning very hard from the real sifus in other thread.

i need it to return to 21860 is because that is the bottom of my support line for it to continue the up trend. 21800 to me is very dangerous to play uptrend d.


2016-12-21 16:21 | Report Abuse

it has to climb back to 21860 to continue the trend.


2016-12-21 15:42 | Report Abuse

thx connie, will add into my to read list...very long list!!


2016-12-21 15:14 | Report Abuse

connie, do you have material, pdf or word or webpage for KCT?


2016-12-21 15:11 | Report Abuse

connie..i cant reply since noon.

i am not familiar with CFD, but according to HKex, non-listed CBBC is equivalent to CFD.

"In some overseas markets, listed products equivalent to CBBC are generally known as “knock out” or “stop loss” certificates and non-listed equivalents are generally known as Contracts For Difference (CFD)."


2016-12-20 16:13 | Report Abuse

ya..great example connie. thx.

21660 is the point. anything below will cut all C.

on point 2, let me try to explain.
given the closing is 22000.

bear 60:40 bull = of total warrant sold, 60% of warrant sold were priced >22000, 40% priced <22000

bear 70:30 bull = of total warrant sold, 70% of warrant sold were priced >22000, 30% priced <22000


2016-12-20 16:01 | Report Abuse


1. looking at 1hr AO, it seems that it's very close to turn bull as the bars are shorter and shorter. - likely Bull..soon

2. the other thread also talking about CBBC Bear:Bull ratio. as of yesterday the bear:bull ratio is 56:44, from 7x:2x. - likely Bull..soon

3. the EW...wave4 cannot goes into wave1...and HSIF already touched 22660 - likely rebound

4. needs to break 22330 (on 1D chart) to start an acceleration channel. (no clear change of direction for now).

so my conclusion, if this bull tak jadi in near term, then...bear is very much confirmed

just for discussion purpose.


2016-12-20 15:29 | Report Abuse

ya connie, i was observing the same rule. thanks!
btw, it looks like it's breaking out of the channel. let's see if it can hold.this HSIF is very tricky. i gain small in day trade using KCT with RSI.. but losing on the C i accumulated based on the wrong wave count. learned a lot from the other thread too.


2016-12-20 14:51 | Report Abuse

good day all.

Connie, 2 bits and hawk, what if HSIF drops below 21661( the end of W1), can i say this is the start of new trend?


2016-12-15 17:43 | Report Abuse

unlearned and learn again like what duit said. dont chase and hope it will favor u or ppl here will be 100% right...u will lose all eventually.

Pick up a skillset that you are comfortable with and test it out. start with small capital. Only trade bigger/take higher risk after u r able to win 90% of your last 10 trade, else continue practicing.

why 90%? because 1 loss can kill all your earning.


2016-12-15 17:15 | Report Abuse

havent had the time to read more about KCT. been very occupied with all the year end activity.


2016-12-15 17:12 | Report Abuse

i am not against any trading as long as i earn..haha..but now i am at the phase of sharpening the skills.

found myself half way here nor there and not really can make sound decision yet.

i play small now, just for learning incentive and motivation.


2016-12-15 16:44 | Report Abuse

connie, thanks for the chart.

i plotted the same and managed to earn a bit but mine seems to be pure luck if i see how u couple with AO.AO signal a short term bull with 2 lower peak at around 3 & 4 pm.

phew, i was lucky!


2016-12-15 14:20 | Report Abuse

my check is 21900. if drop below then next is 21600 d. but if can hold , then still got hope for C. you need to have worst case scenario planning ya..if playing with warrant.


2016-12-15 11:06 | Report Abuse

Hi all, good morning!

how's everyone here? been busy with year end administrative stuffs...

just drop by to see see look look the response after FOMC.


2016-12-13 10:43 | Report Abuse

not really trade..actually i have some c..i sold all at the high price and bought back just now.


2016-12-13 10:32 | Report Abuse

thx fairplayer for the info


2016-12-13 10:32 | Report Abuse

shorted the C this morning...hahahaha...funny, can short a warrant


2016-12-09 17:09 | Report Abuse

lets' rest until Monday night 8pm only look at the index again for next week plan!!

rest well all and enjoy your weekend!!


2016-12-09 17:08 | Report Abuse

happy long weekend all!!

Connie, many thanks to you for the guidance.

hope everyone will have a superb weekend!!!


2016-12-09 16:10 | Report Abuse


last night when i tried channeling, i checked mine against the available charts in the blog by 2bits...get confused most of the time!!



2016-12-09 16:08 | Report Abuse

haha...u dont look like one.


2016-12-09 16:02 | Report Abuse

i am not worry about the master and ppl like u, ngwt and etc..but those who follow without knowing the plan.

HSI warrant risk is too high compare to ordinary stock. one without plan will not be able to act timely and get hurt bad. we seen many of these already..


2016-12-09 16:00 | Report Abuse

that's y i said i must have missed something...i dun remember hearing D from him! my mind must had slipped to somewhere last night.

anyhow, i try channeling with my understanding and manage to make some small profit just now. play very small, just to motivate myself. haha..


2016-12-09 15:57 | Report Abuse

pls limit ur bet if you dun really have good skill.

5k mayb?

trading this warrant is very very risky..


2016-12-09 13:53 | Report Abuse

Connie, cant comment yet now. i think i will watch the video again and read more to see what i missed.

but i notice 2 things,
1. for acceleration channel, channel drew by using end of A to connect to end of C give more accuracy.
2. as for deceleration, use end of A to connect to end of c.

i'll draw few and share later when i can.


2016-12-09 11:10 | Report Abuse

stingray is right, no point trading for the sake of trading. pick the right timing to trade for EARNING!


2016-12-09 10:22 | Report Abuse

congratulation to u guys!


2016-12-09 01:40 | Report Abuse

Evel, let's practice together so it's more efficient for learning and teaching :)

Miss Connie, question!

1. KTC says, to draw the channel,
i) draw the line from Origin of A to Extreme of B
ii) then copy the line with the same slope and put on end of A to form the channel
Question: but you dont connect to end of A!! why? was it because correction tend to have fibo of 0.5 or 0.618? or...instead of connecting origin of A to End of B, u connect end of A to End of C....hmm..then i get the same drawing..

perhaps we should draw both to have better confirmation?

2. second question, do we have ratio guide for abc?


2016-12-08 16:39 | Report Abuse

oh! sorry, didnt see that. a pretty girl greet me just now!


2016-12-08 16:29 | Report Abuse

connie, sorry, just out from kitchen. will definitely try it tonight!

btw, how do u get 1.618f?

i used the length of iii, 22730 - 23145 = 415
0.38 = 22985.852
0.61 = 22888.148
0.78 = 22818.596 (heading to here...)


2016-12-08 13:10 | Report Abuse

done watching the video i know y u asked me to watch again..

try it out this weekend!


2016-12-08 12:55 | Report Abuse

connie, which function did u use to plot such nice yellow rectangle? i changed the chili to rotated rectangle for this purpose, but i think i am using the wrong one.


2016-12-08 12:53 | Report Abuse

dun be sad, you are not losing too :)
chances are always there, dun rush and make mistake.

Posted by Oldman > Dec 8, 2016 12:45 PM | Report Abuse

Bro jinshi, so sad i no earned yet.


2016-12-08 12:50 | Report Abuse

wow!! Rchi, nice songs. feeling like dancing in the kitchen half naked, chopping vege with right hand, left hand waving in the air, butt swinging left to right, right to left~~

hahahaha...had too much coffee this morning..haha


2016-12-08 12:00 | Report Abuse

thanks Gem!

i think la har...based on count..the retrace is not down, i have no hurry to buy back yet. warrant decay...and i really cant tell how fast it can reach 237XX. so...i rather wait to see clear sign only buy.

however, i do hold warrant with longer expiry date with lower volatility. decay slower ma and when it's hot, the price go up faster. Then when the index kaboom~~..leave some room for your imagination. :))

Posted by gemini15 > Dec 8, 2016 11:30 AM | Report Abuse

Duit meaning retrace buy...till index is 23750 as per your hypothesis..

Posted by 静思# 跳出框框 是修行更是修养--- > Dec 8, 2016 10:23 AM | Report Abuse


no worry. stick to wat U feel comfortable and confident at. Your outcome is to make consistent outcome as per hyphotesized


2016-12-08 11:47 | Report Abuse

The RED, YNWA ;)

seriously?!! KCT...argh...but i like wave counting, it's fun. let me finish the ZFC since halfway d...i hope.. then i will straight swift to KCT.

Con, one question. what fibo is considered sharp? anything beyond 0.5 or 0.612?


2016-12-08 11:25 | Report Abuse

haha,,,Zigzag, flat and combo! any good material to share?

by the way, i am a LFC fan ;)


2016-12-08 11:03 | Report Abuse

ok, con. i jot down first.

need to finish ZFC only can continue on this one. i am very slow in digesting all this technical stuff!


2016-12-08 10:51 | Report Abuse

i mean not all the EW says the wave count is it shouldnt be always ABC..

haha, u see.. i only managed to quickly view through the reading material, not really understanding/practicing it yet. so..dont take me too serious and done smack me..haha


2016-12-08 10:24 | Report Abuse

connie, from my bare eyes on 4H chart, HTF may not be applicable all the time. but it's quite reliable when it's in correction..

just from my bare eyes..yet put on my spec to read the entire textbook yet.


2016-12-08 10:20 | Report Abuse

duit...i am not good in fast in fast out. my leg very slow...oh, sorry, hand.

the real reason is...i hold 2 c warrant, after i done queue for the 1st one, HSI start dropping, so the 2nd one didnt get to sell at my target price.haha..


2016-12-08 09:38 | Report Abuse

good morning all!! seems like everyone is having a good mood ya~

sold half my c, lock some profit 1st.

trade with plan ya all buddy