Bon Jerry Borne

Bonarda | Joined since 2015-09-05

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2016-12-08 09:33 | Report Abuse

good morning all~

another scandal yet for malaysia...


2016-12-07 11:21 | Report Abuse

agreed! thx for the advice!

con, on page 12.

Wave 5 Extended if Wave 3 is less than 1.62 X Wave One
5 = .62 X Length of 0 to 3
5 = 1 X Length of 0 to 3
5 = 1.62 X Length of 0 to 3

it's 0 to 3, not wave 1 alone.


2016-12-07 11:07 | Report Abuse

con, i havent finshed jk's harry porter series. ok, close the harry porter book, switch to the trading series!!


2016-12-07 10:58 | Report Abuse

haha, i like Bo!

thx 2 bits and Connie!!

now i see..hmm, need to spend more time on the wave 2 and wave 4 zigzag, flat and combo. so cunning, not tulus lulus at all!

so i test with fibo...
wave 1 length =2625
wave 2, 21661 - 19669 = 1992 (0.55)
Wave 3, 19669 - 24373 = 4704 (1.30)
Wave 4, 24373 - 22380 = 1993 (0.42)

since wave 3 > 1.62, the wave5 will be either 0.62 / 1 / 1.62 x length (beginning of Wave 1 to top of Wave 3), right?


2016-12-07 10:20 | Report Abuse

hi 2bits and Connie, here you go.

please feel free to point out the defect :)


2016-12-06 17:53 | Report Abuse

thanks connie. some correction on the subwave5 description. i really hope i dont confuse you with my poor labeling.

original: progressing the 5 of (5-3-3-3-3)
Corrected: progressing the 1 of 5or3 of (5or3-3-3-3-3)

Wave1: 08/02 18036 - 21661 18/04 3625 - not leading diagonal
Wave2: 18/04 21661 - 19449 09/05 2212 (0.61) - zigzag
Wave3: 09/05 19449 - progressing..
subwave 1: 09/05 19449 - 21187 08/06 1738
subwave 2: 08/06 21187 - 19669 24/06 1518 (0.87)
subwave 3: 24/06 19669 - 24373 09/09 4704 (2.71)
subwave 4: 09/09 24373 - 22380 05/12 1993 (0.42)
subwave 5: 05/12 22380 - progressing the 1 of 5 of (5or3-3-3-3-3)
minor (15m) 1: 22380 - 22682 302
minor (15m) 2: 22682 - 22566 116 (0.38)
minor (15m) 3: 22566 - 22793 228 (0.75)
minor (15m) 4: 22793 - 22658 135 (0.60)
minor (15m) 5: 22658 - progressing..flat..


2016-12-06 17:04 | Report Abuse

thank you in advance! i did it since last night..but too busy to get online today.


2016-12-06 16:54 | Report Abuse

Connie..i tried the 4H chart...if u have the time, please help to see see and comment.

Wave1: 08/02 18036 - 21661 18/04 3625 - not leading diagonal
Wave2: 18/04 21661 - 19449 09/05 2212 (0.61) - zigzag
Wave3: 09/05 19449 - progressing..
subwave 1: 09/05 19449 - 21187 08/06 1738
subwave 2: 08/06 21187 - 19669 24/06 1518 (0.87)
subwave 3: 24/06 19669 - 24373 09/09 4704 (2.71)
subwave 4: 09/09 24373 - 22380 05/12 1993 (0.42)
subwave 5: 05/12 22380 - progressing the 5 of (5-3-3-3-3)
minor (15m) 1: 22380 - 22682 302
minor (15m) 2: 22682 - 22566 116 (0.38)
minor (15m) 3: 22566 - 22793 228 (0.75)
minor (15m) 4: 22793 - 22658 135 (0.60)
minor (15m) 5: 22658 - progressing..flat..


2016-12-06 11:22 | Report Abuse

ayam, i think u are aiming for Balenciaga bag....

Posted by ayam sky > Dec 6, 2016 11:08 AM | Report Abuse

shermen, crocs skin wo... dont la, we use blue red bag like china ppl enough..

happy holiday ya.. will be back in Jan 2017.


2016-12-05 17:10 | Report Abuse

i meant both of ur skills.

but anyway sometimes i like to be mess up, it gives a better and holistic view. if confuse, then stay's very risky to trade when we r confuse but also not looking at the holistic view.


2016-12-05 16:52 | Report Abuse

guys... try to not buy c60 la..out of stock d...the index might hit your target but by the time it hit the target, your c60 might not be profitable d..due to erosion.


2016-12-05 16:41 | Report Abuse

connie, i am trying hard to catchup urs and 2bits' tail light..haha..


2016-12-05 16:36 | Report Abuse

oopps... i am on 15 min chart.
hr chart is only merely above 20MA..still far from 60MA..


2016-12-05 16:34 | Report Abuse

it's good it went above the 20MA and 60MA. hope it maintains until midnight to build more solid base to go up.'s not solid to me.


2016-12-05 15:52 | Report Abuse

hahahahahaha...i looked at your feedback and i am thinking "OMG!!! plenty to learn still..!"

okay. 2hrs on this tonight.


2016-12-05 15:46 | Report Abuse

congrate shermen. i saw the same signal but didnt enter to any trade. made a wrong decision last week and gonna make sure i learn what's actually went wrong before entering again.


2016-12-05 15:42 | Report Abuse

thanks connie, will look into that.

Posted by connie > Dec 5, 2016 03:40 PM | Report Abuse

bonarda ... try to use channeling techniques from elliott and jeffrey kennedy !! esp the one from JK, they are amazing - base channel / acceleration channel and deceleration channel :)


2016-12-05 15:42 | Report Abuse

connie, on the general EW fb guide, in the ABC, do the fibo follow the same rule like 12345? example,

wave 2 is normally 0.5 / 0.618 of 1 (can we apply this to B?)
wave 3 is normally 1.62 / 2.62 of 1 (can we apply this to C?)
wave 4 is normally 0.382 / o.618 of 3
wave 5 is normally end above end of 3 or at least flat

hope u understand my question. btw, i am asking on general wave length..i know the zigzag, flat, leading diagonal, ending diagonal thingy will have different structure.


2016-12-05 15:29 | Report Abuse

hmm..seems like i missed something from the weekend? but anyhow, most of the ppl here are trying to help up each other with opinions and view exchange. if someone offended you, please just ignore them. no point attacking each other in the cyberspace.


2016-12-05 14:56 | Report Abuse

shermen enter because RSI oversold?


2016-12-05 14:48 | Report Abuse

now i start to get a sense of this CBBC thingy. thanks ayam..will only eat pork today.

Posted by ayam sky > Dec 5, 2016 02:43 PM | Report Abuse

shermen, if the ketam walking around cash 22400 and above then solid, if 22380 pecah then not solid.

flyingkite, not really, lot of contracts below till 21900

oldman, not sure to catch or not, C so heavy now.. if daytrade better not.


2016-12-05 14:44 | Report Abuse

you are right. i enter c last thursday before it started falling for failing to observe the true wave4 pattern and ignore the price action and HFT.

i "forced" a wave count and didnt consider the "what if". you and 2bits are real real good!


2016-12-05 11:58 | Report Abuse

Morning Connie, thx for the advice. you are always so kind and patient!muackss~

after the weekend revision, i think i should avoid trading in wave 1, 2, 4, 5 and the ABC...oopss...i am left with only wave 3!!

despite i am trading on long term trend and buy mainly warrant with >2 months maturity but the extension, zigzag, flat, combo...hmm..they are complex for me now as a beginner in EW, i thought i was not a beginner.. by the time the wave move towards my target, i may not be earning due to erosion and out-of-stock situation.


2016-12-05 09:30 | Report Abuse

good morning all. Connie, the flat, x and zigzag you indicated to me was a good exercise. it trigger me to do a thorough revision and learn my own flaws..and ow, plenty of them!! shy shy..


2016-12-02 16:25 | Report Abuse

Hi Connie, first of all, thank you so much for the reply.

i added MA 20,50,100 and MACD to my chart for reference.

as for the price signal, i entirely put them aside..

as for wave A n B,
A happened on 9th Sep, end on 9th Nov
B progressing now. 24373(@1) or 25044 (@1.272) are the target end based on length of A.

i am on the move now. will try to find the flat when i am settled down. thanks so much for the input.


2016-12-02 15:03 | Report Abuse

yup, i look at weekly chart for major wave, then daily for subwave.

even though i dont contra, but i dun like to hold on to out-of-stock warrant. thus cut h63..but it came back.. XD

can only knock myself for not being discipline and faithful enough. based on my chart i did count a drop to below 22700 but when it broke 23000 which went above the previous HH, i didn't prepare another set of charting for this scenario and straight cut loses thinking upward trend resumes. LESSON LEARNED.

last night i try to make new counts using HSIF so that it's easier for me to counter check with u masters if i am doing it right. Connie and 2bits, pls give your thought,

HSIF based on Weekly chart for major waves, daily chart for subwave

Wave1: 18036-21661 = 3625
Wave2: 21661-19449 = -2212 (0.61)~0.616
Wave3: 19449-24373 = 4924 (1.36)~1.272
Wave4 (current)
A 24373-21904 = -2467
B (current) 21904- 24373(@1) or 25044 (@1.272)
B,i 21904 - 23018 1113
B,ii (current) 23018 - 22333 (@0.616) or 22144 (@0.786)


2016-12-02 14:00 | Report Abuse

agree with 2bits, dont contra. switching too often wont do you good.


2016-12-02 11:14 | Report Abuse

congrat to gem on maria. i am still holding the mother. hope it doesnt turn to malaria after all of you left.


2016-12-02 10:42 | Report Abuse

this weekend gonna read the EW textbook again. my counts are far from 2bits and connie.


by the way, i like salutica..for those who like to invest on FA, can look see look see. when to their investor talk, the customer base, technology, and management team are so convincing.


2016-12-01 17:19 | Report Abuse

yea~ hope the ang mo dont come disturb. later become malaria..


2016-12-01 16:10 | Report Abuse

thx 2bits.

hmm HSI vs HSIF...

the HSI wave i counted do agree that the retraction to go on but not to the extend of 22700 (which u counted based on HSIF) but maybe (based on HSI) 22,839 @616 or 22,794 @786.

however, since HSI and HSIF give different pattern...i should, like what duit and you said, have another set of count for "what-if" it breaches 22,737...


2016-12-01 15:54 | Report Abuse

thx duit...let me try that tonight..


2016-12-01 15:47 | Report Abuse

my HSI count shows this is mild retraction to ~22800 before it resumes uptrend.

but 2bits HSIF count shows otherwise...hmm...


2016-12-01 10:32 | Report Abuse

congratulation to all the c players. cut my H as HSI moves above the line i charted. :(


2016-11-30 16:50 | Report Abuse

seems like i am the only person in H?


2016-11-30 13:14 | Report Abuse

Steve, i am not a techie guy, thus cant help. but normally i will restart my pc. else, i will use other internet browser like Chrome (my favorite), Mozila.

Posted by Steve Chung > Nov 30, 2016 12:22 PM | Report Abuse

anybody can help me. I upgraded my java to latest version now i cant go into investing website : (


2016-11-30 11:39 | Report Abuse

not sure about steel counters but definitely will have to be more careful with those rose so much due to forex gain.


2016-11-30 11:11 | Report Abuse

by the way, good morning everyone!


2016-11-30 11:11 | Report Abuse

look c look c, will only consider c when it goes below 22600.i think, i think only based on previous trend that i see, it may retrace below 22600 but above 22500 to bounce up again.


2016-11-30 10:54 | Report Abuse

Hi all, good morning and good day to all. seems like everyone is doing well here. glad to see rchi check in with maria. i already checked in when she was around 4.5 for the same reason. let's huat together~~


2016-11-25 12:46 | Report Abuse

Hi all, I don't want to wish u luck because it can really kill u sometimes. I wish you to be wiser.

But I still need to wish u guys all the best. Learned from ur mistake, improve then comeback stronger.

Life is not about how hard u hit, but how hard can u get hit and keep walking on


2016-11-24 17:09 | Report Abuse

good bye all and thank you all for the advise and discussion. May you have a wonderful evening with shrimp and fish.

p/s, fish is better choice with lower cholesterol.


2016-11-24 16:14 | Report Abuse

Hi fyh30,

in fact, i dont have any telegram subscribe now.Zero!
and i dont blindly follow stock recommendation. i am slow and steady too..have yet find a good kisser to master KISS..hahaha..

i like ur sharing of thought..if you are the one i remember..they are motivating.

Posted by fyh30 > Nov 24, 2016 03:54 PM | Report Abuse

bonarda... im slow n steady.. :D

anyway... too much telegram making noise & giving lots of stock pick... buying too much will make you lost focus.. stay focus :)


2016-11-24 15:29 | Report Abuse

welcome intergrity trader.

i dont quite get u, can you quote an example?

Posted by Intergritytrader > Nov 24, 2016 03:19 PM | Report Abuse

Guy watch out for single stock call warrant from Macquairie.. they changing the game setting..
The call warrant price will not follow the price matrix at all. Mean. When underlying share went up. The Call warrant bid ask price usually change and Macquairie will take all seller on que ticket and make the seller price become buyer(usual practice from Macquairie). But now they change this method with only take seller ticket with 20lot with slowly and patiently. Beware ya.


2016-11-24 14:17 | Report Abuse

if it doesnt go above 22600 i will continue to sideline. penakut sikit, wait for clearer signal only hit go...go pun sikit sikit go...haha


2016-11-24 14:04 | Report Abuse

checkout 2bits' chart. my decision is based on my own agak'ion. not based on 2bits'. i always counter check when it's available.

we are playing with money, thus be extra careful..earn less better than losing ;)


2016-11-24 14:02 | Report Abuse

thanks 2bits for the chart. will counter check.


2016-11-24 13:58 | Report Abuse

i always masuk sikit demi sikit..not satu kali masuk semua. wrong pun tak sakit banyak. walaupun untung is lesser but asalkan tak kalah, i am ok d.