
BursaVulture | Joined since 2022-05-09

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2023-02-24 17:45 | Report Abuse

3 quarters drop, yet share price steady. amazing.


2023-02-24 17:44 | Report Abuse

Calvin, how's the QR result? Good? or you bring everyone to holland already?


2023-02-23 18:24 | Report Abuse

200PE and this kind of profit? seriously, what is going on?


2023-02-21 17:20 | Report Abuse

they dont even want to talk about glove. who so smart, go enter glove business when it is downtrending. the board should fire themselves, all of them.


2023-02-20 13:52 | Report Abuse


Rm4 to 6? If 6, that will be RM20B market cap.
what are you smoking?
DNex got nothing unique. they make outdated chips for washing machines and auto gates.... china can easily mass produce them.


2023-02-17 12:03 | Report Abuse

they say next year myeg gonna make lots of money minting some kind of coin out of thin air. amazing. why even work? gov should tell every company in malaysia to mint their own coin, we'll be the richest country in this galaxy.


2023-02-17 09:38 | Report Abuse

of all the glove companies, including those from China, TopGlove will probably be one of the first big glove company to close shop. Instead of paying down their debt and conserve cash, TG gave away most of their cash as dividends and sharebuybacks. Now that there is a price war going on, how can TG survive?

Soon, they will have to sell their TG tower. Those that kept on averaging down, I tried to warn you guys and got kicked out of TG Telegram group. Sorry, RIP.


2023-02-16 20:43 | Report Abuse

topglove boss went kuku with the sudden windfall. crazy dividends and share buybacks... he still thinks TG will be profitable in a few quarters... i think this is a long long battle as most glove companies are cash rich, can fight till last man standing. TG... TG naked now.


2023-02-16 19:06 | Report Abuse


Not 108K, it is 108,000K. It is millions, not thousand.


2023-02-15 18:31 | Report Abuse

lava flowing down like tears


2023-02-11 22:35 | Report Abuse

"In case you didn’t know, the police have started using automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) systems to catch errant drivers since 2016. The ANPR cameras can detect the licence plate number and run them through JPJ and the police crime database. During its first deployment in Johor Bahu, the system caught an offender driving a scrapped vehicle with a fake licence plate. "


Soon, all police car will have this camera and they will scan all the vehicles on the road while patrolling. Thus, no need physical road tax.


2023-02-10 23:30 | Report Abuse

"Even if you don’t have the MyJPJ app installed or fail to show the digital road tax, law enforcement officers are able to check your road tax and driver’s licence status through their own devices."



2023-02-10 23:26 | Report Abuse


Physical or digital, what's the difference? u think physical cannot be forged? Yes, it is called forged, how do you think people are able to forge duplicate ATM to steal money? forge land title to sell other people's land. forge birth certificate to sell babies....


2023-02-10 22:42 | Report Abuse


Automatic number-plate recognition


These stuff exist since 1980s, now with cheap smartphone, all PDRM needs to do is write an app and mount it on their police car, can scan all cars number while patrolling.

welcome to the future old man.


2023-02-10 21:48 | Report Abuse

people can complain all the want... anyone remember when banks stop issuing books for new accounts? who still own a bank book? soon, banks wont even issue a physical bank card. ATM also can do withdraw without card.


2023-02-10 21:28 | Report Abuse


Agree with all your points. Before this, they already clone the road tax.


So, whatever policy also same.... enforcement is weak.


2023-02-10 21:25 | Report Abuse


Overseas, they have vans with cameras that drives around scanning license plate and car model/colour, not to mention all the cameras in their toll too. The system will notify the police if it is a wanted car, stolen car, owned by a wanted person, or never renew license or involved in a hit and run. Police will wait beside the car for the owner to come back and arrest him on the spot if he is a criminal, or impound the car if it never renew the license.

AI camera system, welcome to the future old man.


2023-02-10 19:41 | Report Abuse

The losses will only continue until we see all these smaller companies and newbie quit the industry, the best time to buy is when GKent, MahSing and etc announce they are selling their glove business or closing it down. Until then, these smaller glove co are throwing prices, they can since glove is not their core business. Question is for how long?


2023-02-10 14:19 | Report Abuse


I think they are gunning for their wind energy side, not so much on the turret.


2023-02-02 11:38 | Report Abuse


Scomi, Sapura... got no fake accounting no fake projects, not the same. Even AirAsia dont have fake accounting. Name me 1 company in Bursa with fake accounting that is still trading?


2023-02-02 11:37 | Report Abuse

@Blue Tulip

What is drop so much?
For RM1 and above, max is 30% up or down
For RM1 and below, max is 30 cents up or down

Consider drop very little.


2023-02-01 21:40 | Report Abuse

Fake accounting fake projects like Serba?


2023-01-26 21:18 | Report Abuse

Currently traded companies qualifying solely under the Market Value Standard must meet the $75 million market value of listed securities and the $4 bid price requirement for 90 consecutive trading days before applying.


If ARBB can list in Nasdaq, many of our other 'tech' company can enter nasdaq100.


2023-01-26 19:46 | Report Abuse

UncleFollower, where you get the info it can be 16B USD? Sounds absurd. 16B USD is RM64B, almost as big as CIMB or PBB, which is crazy. Unless for some reason Yinson can win 1 big FPSO every year for the next 10 years, and eventually have a profit of RM1B per quarter and positive cash flow. Until then, kind of hard to image Yinson is a RM64B market cap company.


2023-01-25 14:58 | Report Abuse

i wonder what happened to peral white, i remember he wrote so many articles on why serba is not a fraud and how kpmg and ey has hidden hands to collapse serba... all those conspiracy stories, i need to read them before bed time...


2023-01-20 14:26 | Report Abuse

impossible for glove co to go up. All those new factories build by those that ventured into glove have yet to close down. Until they close down 1 by 1, we're going to see a depressed in price. Simply put it this way, MahSing and GKent can continue to lose money in glove as their other business are profitable, they can pump the money into glove, whereas TopGlove only got glove, and not to mention their susuk and debt maturing, and they need more loans for the coming years. harta and others not to bad, as they did not give out their money and do SBB. TG is in a tough position.... very tough.


2023-01-19 19:20 | Report Abuse

Another Serba in the making?


2023-01-18 09:52 | Report Abuse


Just curious, I have no idea. If it is margin called by banks and sold by the banks, does the bank need to inform Bursa too?


2023-01-14 23:05 | Report Abuse

Phoenix.... more like chicken.


2023-01-14 16:09 | Report Abuse

fake accounting... what more hope is there? already know it is fake, yet so many refuses to leave, some go average down...


2023-01-12 23:22 | Report Abuse

Those that kept saying EPF is still in Serba, have they looked at the latest annual report? LIST OF TOP 30 INVESTORS...

EPF PNB KWAP all left when KPMG flag serba for fraud. That is how these big boys roll, run first think later. All of them left long ago but some in here is in denial, kept using outdated info to say they are still in.


2023-01-12 21:01 | Report Abuse

Can you share UOB report? Thanks


2023-01-11 13:50 | Report Abuse

FPSO Anna Nery (Marlim, Campos Basin) is expected to achieve first oil by 1Q2023 CY, 25-year charter to Petrobras.


2023-01-11 09:37 | Report Abuse

everybody thought VT buying some bank, PBB.... in the end, just an insurance co and still nego.... but he sold so many shares already to meet the bnm requirement, if deal did not go thru, habis....


2023-01-10 20:10 | Report Abuse

investorking, i thought u cut loss long time ago, dont tell me you go buy more? liquidation is worse than delist. liqudation means you as a shareholder dont even get to keep the toilet paper used by karim to wipe his butt. shareholders now have 0 value in serba... last time long ago you have a shareholder certificate paper to frame it on the wall, now with digital you got nothing....

News & Blogs

2022-12-30 23:48 | Report Abuse

My pick for 2023




2022-12-26 17:11 | Report Abuse

recession coming, sell. rm1.5 soon


2022-12-23 17:33 | Report Abuse


They make good profit and revenue before FamilyMart came to malaysia. Problem with myNews is they always follow people. Last time says will beat 711 in their own game by setting up shops nearby 711. When FM came to Malaysia, they tried to copy by setting up their FPC, nobody goes to mynews and buy ice cream and bread, so they lose lots of money in FPC.

Now FM moving to dine in cafe style, go check out FamiCafe. CU now outdated already. Always a follower.


2022-12-23 12:47 | Report Abuse

I always thought hollywood ghost movie so fake, but now i realize it is real. if you see a ghost, do you run? stand still? or walk towards the ghost?

Already know serba got audit problem, yet some people go average down, why? too much money?


2022-12-22 22:43 | Report Abuse

I remember in Serba Telegram group there is this Malay lady that believe in Karim and went double down on SCIB and Serba. I feel pity for her. Her reason is Karim is honest, hardworking and will not lie. Also, she said karim said Serba did nothing wrong.

Karim is a conman, cook the books.


2022-12-22 19:45 | Report Abuse

FPSO Anna Nery (Marlim, Campos Basin) is expected to achieve first oil by 1Q2023 CY, 25-year charter to Petrobras.


2022-12-22 19:16 | Report Abuse

Karim the cook
Karim the conman


2022-12-21 22:03 | Report Abuse


Tesla USD1300 is before the 2 stock split. Dont create fake news.


2022-12-21 18:40 | Report Abuse


Best yield is United Plantation, not KLK or IOI.

I agree with you on avoiding 'undervalue' companies, unless we know what is going on inside, more often than not, the smart money knows why they are avoiding it.


2022-12-21 14:20 | Report Abuse

Pity those that believed in Karim the conman and average down. So many says KPMG is KPGG, says they dont know how to audit, karim says got hidden hands....

In the end, even EY and Nexus also came to the same conclusion.

When an audit company such as KPMG wants to flag a company as big as Serba, they have many protocol and checks to go thru before they report to authorities. Means many directors and big boss in KPMG will discuss and investigate and all came to the same conclusion, something fishy is going on in Serba.

Dont blame KPMG, blame Karim the cook.


2022-12-21 11:26 | Report Abuse

They knew they need money for the viet power plant, why did they not save money? but go do other stuff like solar? i wonder why? construction business very easy to siphon money out. this one i know, i work in this industry. company can lose millions, but big boss can make millions indirectly.


2022-12-21 11:24 | Report Abuse

Then next year Rights Issue