
Cerubic | Joined since 2021-10-06

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2022-11-02 12:43 | Report Abuse

Sell buy hold the name of the betting game of share market, malaysia or any other country . Old school or new school of thoughts, in the end it is all bout how much wealth accumulated by each individual in stock investment. We all talk bout non sentimental value, short term long term my way my gain via shares owned in the listed companies and looking at the latest red across the board, one aspect can be seen here is the fundamental alone ain't just count into our investment evaluation for most if not all. Global downturn everywhere and Malaysia is not escaping from it either...bursa red, the only no up now is the cost of living while our currency is rolling and continue rolling down....definitely wealth is dwindling no matter how wealthy is the individual. We all are in the same ship kicking and alive in the land of Malaysia. I am wondering, is the ship slowly sinking now that an emergency effort need to be taken by every citizens esp the government in charge. Saddening period for everything under the sun not just Malaysia, global affairs as well...sigh.


2022-10-31 15:11 | Report Abuse

Sometimes there are plenty of birdies prancing above my head, dizzy reading the conversation between you guys, income and khatu...lol...tak tahu apa you orang cakap...lol...guess the understanding is just between you two bros...lol

But when it comes to the day to day news of the global happening, I think I can understand...thanks for the updates income.


2022-10-31 12:20 | Report Abuse

Income giving us update news on everything under the sun besides the bro talk with khatu lol, great ...and we have the number climbing up....kura2 slowly better than zooming down, lol....goreng2 or genuine investors showing interest in harta shares long term...well we just wait n see...


2022-10-28 23:02 | Report Abuse

Like Mr/Ms Natsuko said, harta deemed to be doomed like Karex...and now Karex is venturing into gloves sector...??? Sama sama rolling down to the world of doom?


2022-10-27 14:26 | Report Abuse

Quirkyways...great quote, good deeds good karma in return...to me it is a win win for all Company. Good return to shareholders, contribution to the gov/country revenue plus charities to the communities. Too bad due to the situation now, the expansion in Kedah I assumed should be on hold, otherwise it will provide more job opportunities to the locals there with charities spread to the surrounding communities . My only hope is the Company will be able to overcome the obstacles ahead during this downturn period, survival of the fittest. Will just wait and see what next with the number going up for the past couple of days.


2022-10-26 15:07 | Report Abuse

Quirkyways, share the same sentiment as yours, cash is definitely king now with the overall global downturn. Nevertheless, my trust is still on harta, just a matter of portfolio diversification along the way. It is a dilemma now for those invest in stocks and keeping cash in hand looking at our currency dwindling. Heard a to and fro flight ticket to Japan alone cost RM9k, crazy.....compared the ticket price before the pandemic, travel London/Europe, it is much more costly now. Everything just naik while our currency is dropping, sigh. Now, we just keep our finger crossed when it comes to balance our investment and cash in hand with the ongoing. Survival of the fittest, both harta and all the shareholders out there.

What I understand between Khatu and Income...it seems that they both having a jolly good time conversation like a good old friends, lol


2022-10-26 14:05 | Report Abuse

With or without the pandemic, gloves still an essential indispensable healthcare product. Every investors are with their very own evaluation on the worth of the shares in any company based on their analysis and facts finding. We agree to disagree, take away the bad and learn the good based on common sense...all in all it is up to each investor to decide on how to invest their hard earned cash. Bangmiskin, the comments are getting better now compared to last time, lol.. at least lately we have quite reasonable sensible comments from both the pro harta and naysayers without the "mocking" harsh words...just a matter of how each investor "digest" the info and carry out their own due diligence in putting their "bet", lol... within their tabung melabur. PS : Among all the comments, I still don't understand the comments between Khatu and Income, lol


2022-10-26 12:57 | Report Abuse

Naysayers or pro harta, all are intelligent investors...in the end of the day who knows more better how to manage our own portfolio than we ourselves...we learn as we grow...older, lol....as long as there is no "mocking" bird telling people they are suffering, plant potato (please excuse my inappropriate word) , masuk Tg Rambutan but little birdie who has some unknown big tips on the ongoing that will affect the price in a big way, then it is all good...lol


2022-10-20 14:48 | Report Abuse

Informative, great to know commentators now are providing more useful information for all to share


2022-10-18 14:29 | Report Abuse


It is definitely a scary time for all the investors in Bursa Malaysia....in addition we have Halloween on its way soon, definitely guarantee heart attack with the yummy trick or treat sweets/chocs, lol


2022-10-18 13:40 | Report Abuse

Ms/Mr Natsuko...China master of the conqueror...noted your advice but we just never know what lies ahead us..we yet to see the survival of the fittest, it is a global economy doom and gloom for now everywhere from China to the US...the usual, much are to be seen in the coming days, just how bad or worst it will be.


2022-10-18 13:31 | Report Abuse

Harta should be only one of the many shares in the portfolio of every intelligent investors out there. In view of the market and global economy downturn, up and down in number ain't any surprise news anymore nor it is goin to make an investor goin bankcrupt or masuk Tg Rambutan, lol as the investors should be ready with the goin down number since the off peak pandemic..... Good time good return reinvest diversify ...bad time with the company still kicking and alive, well life still goes on....just wish to get more information here not just up and down buy and sell people making big bucks "my way" (happy for them making money from the 20 sen 50 sen or dunno berapa ringgit turun naik)...would like to see if there is anything new, company going down under PN17, management cooking the books, management masuk lokap, insider dealing, gloves goin to be a obsolete healthcare product, china pat shoulders with all the big powers in the west, all these info with facts and figures.....that is the big story here for the info of all the investors


2022-10-17 16:08 | Report Abuse

Sensible comments/advice from Quirkyways and Bangmiskin


2022-10-17 15:32 | Report Abuse

Agreed, good advice from bangmiskin.


2022-10-17 11:52 | Report Abuse

We just never know what ahead us in the coming days...interesting time indeed to see the wolves and runners next course of action


2022-10-13 18:27 | Report Abuse

Donated million gloves foc during pandemic peak when rakyat gusar, healthcare need more assistance tolong adik abang akak mak bapak yang sakit, not much of a noise...bila harga turun, epf dump, commentators said karma time for gloves manufacturer...sedih, pilu.... sigh


2022-10-11 09:39 | Report Abuse

You are most welcome, Quirkyways. Just a couple articles on the latest progress of harta to share here..for all the harta investors and also the naysayers, lol....agree to disagree


2022-10-07 17:30 | Report Abuse

But for the non shareholders commentators.....saya tak tahu why...probably they have been awarded the Chief Scout Gold Award providing foc advice to the shareholders here...lol


2022-10-07 17:18 | Report Abuse

All are intelligent investors making big bucks from their hard earned cash with investment on harta as one of it...otherwise one will not comments here agree to disagree with their very own way of getting the best return from their investment. In the end of the day, it is all bout the wealth accumulated in their tabung melabur no matter how one manoeuvre around their very own fund in the share market, short term or long term


2022-10-07 12:40 | Report Abuse

Don't think anybody is gambling down to their last underwear, lol....just within tabung melabur, money afford to lose which may otherwise can win as well...who doesn't know that we are all participants of the Bursa Malaysia gambling den, turunnaik2 jualbeli2..lol


2022-10-07 10:22 | Report Abuse

Yaloh..the name of the game ...jualbeli2 with our finger crossed...lol


2022-10-07 10:08 | Report Abuse

...the main point here is how strong is the board of the game here....with all the cutting and dicing along the way ...much are to be seen in the coming days


2022-10-07 10:01 | Report Abuse

...Snake and ladder board game...turun naik turun naik...lol


2022-10-06 21:35 | Report Abuse

We have the forbes list owner, billionaire among the shareholders, balance sheet healthy kicking and alive...never mind with the cut and dice vege at this moment, still surrounded by shark fin, abalone and bird nest, lol...don't worry be happy, life is a blessing for those who have extra funds to invest..afterall every intelligent investors out there have their very own portfolio within their tabung melabur...like Quirkyways says Cool as a Cucumber...lol


2022-10-06 18:45 | Report Abuse

Siapa ah????? Clueless here


2022-10-06 12:39 | Report Abuse

Yippee!!!...my most respected darling shares goin up...though not in big no, lol


2022-09-26 14:34 | Report Abuse

Support Made in Malaysia Tortoise, saya anak Malaysia...lol


2022-09-26 14:19 | Report Abuse

Long live the tortoise...lol


2022-09-26 14:17 | Report Abuse

Mighty big China dump or no dump, harta still remain in dumb dumb small potato tabung melabur portfolio here...lol


2022-09-21 13:36 | Report Abuse


Under such circumstances climate change, can operate a gloves factory?


2022-09-21 11:58 | Report Abuse

Truly, it is dropping......due to market sentiments, supply demand, asp, emergence of the mighty big China players. The fact is glove is an essential product and the balance sheet of the company is all good with plenty of cash in hand. And we have yet to witness the survival of the fittest in the coming days. We all look at possibilities, uncertainties ahead us based on the ongoing real facts and figures . We maybe right or wrong but who can really give an accurate prediction on what is ahead us in the coming day


2022-09-21 11:19 | Report Abuse

Sensible investors all agree to disagree, small potato here respect all the comments here even down to all the mockery, tried to respond it appropriately. Learn and still learning. But please lah...comment sampai masuk tgrambutan, jual murah pindah kilang sampai afrika...apa ini...insulting and just doesn't make sense at all


2022-09-21 10:37 | Report Abuse

Alamak...pindah ke Africa ah...cukup air or not, kering kontang kat sana ....gloves production need plenty of water lah....use saliva to wash gloves ah....lol


2022-09-21 10:34 | Report Abuse

US is the biggest market for the gloves manufacturer with harta has long established the market there since day one. When it comes to China, no denying they are the best of the best in coming up with the mass production of goods in lower price. However, the demand of any products comes hand in hand as well with the country policy and political stand especially when it concerns the awareness of China global domination in term of economy and trade. Even we as a investors diversified our portfolio, not putting all the eggs in one basket. There is no such thing as relying on one source just because of the price alone. What do you think of big power like US, sensibly with the involvement in the China Taiwan issue and already existing trade war between the two big powers, can China conquers the gloves market in the US and the rest of the main big powers countries in healthcare products. When it comes to protecting the interest of their very own country, there isn't a need to comparing apple, orange or durian...lol......it boils down to country policy/political stand as well.


2022-09-20 14:43 | Report Abuse

Quirkyway...thanks, as usual always sensible great advice from you


2022-09-20 14:41 | Report Abuse

Probably the amount is just kacang putih to the gov...lol


2022-09-20 14:25 | Report Abuse

We look at the sensible comments, we look at the facts on the ongoing, we look at the numbers, the latest being presented by Quirkways and we carry out our own evaluation, agree to disagree...why want to be a tomdickharry waste time mocking others on their investment portfolio, short term or long term


2022-09-20 14:14 | Report Abuse

Demand supply must take into account the political interference, country policy as well...like India prohibits the selling of cheap price smartphone of China in the country..we have the sanction on the Russia Ukraine war...now the China Taiwan territorial claim that is getting more tense as time passes by, US selling weapons to Taiwan with Biden confirming US full support to Taiwan..where does malaysia gloves manufacturers stand along all these ongoing facts in the coming days, covering the biggest market in the US and probably Japan and the EU market as well


2022-09-20 13:58 | Report Abuse

More time should be spent on reading the sensible comments with facts and figures here rather than the nujum pak belalang, info pick out from the sky ....like my favourite makcik nasilemak seller said...dah berbuih mulut cakap hal yang sama... bincang on the China mighty competitor, the tension between China and Taiwan alliance with the US, the biggest market shares of gloves manufacturer, more sanctions from US on China if there is a head on war coming soon....what do you think will happen to the assumed worldwide mighty conqueror of China in the long run, will supply and demand remain the same in the coming days......I am not encouraging buy or sell with the number rolling down...just aspects to point out on the possibility and opportunity of the sector in the coming days


2022-09-20 13:45 | Report Abuse

I just don't understand the 90%, when did I mentioned I am holding free shares and when did I said no selling at perks in the past... should be based on the assumption that harta shareholders are all deadlogs especially the day one shareholders...lol


2022-09-20 13:30 | Report Abuse

Same old same...the mocking of the 90%


2022-09-19 14:02 | Report Abuse

Yup...covid finally over...can travel now, yen is dropping and Japan is opening fully to all ...one more backpacking destination, yippee...lol