
DickyMe | Joined since 2013-12-15

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Don't impose your moral values unto others. Don't go around telling people how to speak, dress up or behave. In short mind your own bloody business.





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2023-08-26 20:57 | Report Abuse

Why disgusting?
They are not China citizen.
If you love China so much, get lost from Malaysia.


2023-08-26 20:50 | Report Abuse

"Posted by FortuneBull777 > 6 hours ago | Report Abuse
Answer : Do local chinese understand majority malays! Because even speaking bahasa is difficult!"

What you mean speaking in Bahasa is difficult?
Don't talk cock and bull like the Malays do.

They want Chinese to speak like the Malay, that means the accent.
This is like asking a oinking swine to grunt like a buffalo.


2023-08-26 11:18 | Report Abuse

"He is the type of guy walking past any car just smashes the windows for fun purposes."
No. Not for fun, but pure green jealousy.


2023-08-26 01:20 | Report Abuse

When they face the heat and objection, They deploy the puppet deputy non muslim Minister to do the damage control. Guess what "It is misunderstanding". Recycled modus operandi.


2023-08-26 01:17 | Report Abuse

The real Ah Kua Felix888, why delete you racist comment in Armada?
No balls? Keyboard warrior?
School kids like to throw assumptions to win argument and there are many grown up kids here. Shameless too. All these are paid per comment national fund management lapdogs.

News & Blogs

2023-08-25 20:10 | Report Abuse

"“The hadith appreciation module is a basis for Muslims, especially the young, for them to master and understand Islam.

“So, please don’t misunderstand (it’s implementation) as we are not forcing it on non-Muslim students,” he said."

Why the initial announcement said it is for everybody?
When that module is taught, what do the non-muslims do?


2023-08-25 20:05 | Report Abuse

The boss maybe Indian by physical appearance but not a true Indian at heart.
The entire machineries are parasitic.
If you are skeptical about Indian company why waste your money in investing in them?

It is like licking your own vomit. Funny creature!

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2023-08-25 14:28 | Report Abuse

No one knows whether hell or heaven exist.
To know the other dimension, you must die, which is a mandatory requirement.


2023-08-25 14:23 | Report Abuse

""Born original, stay original. "
Exactly my thought!
Don't cheat yourself!


2023-08-25 13:49 | Report Abuse

"Posted by gohkimhock > 17 minutes ago | Report Abuse

What's wrong in learning an extra language? Don't be a frog under a coconut shell."

An example of a turd who does not know head or tail of the discussion.
Simply barges in like a starving dog and vomits it's nonsense.

News & Blogs

2023-08-25 09:27 | Report Abuse

As a non Muslim I have no business or need to understand Islam.
Let me and my children practice our religion freely without any restriction or back door brainwashing tactic like in school subjects.


2023-08-25 09:22 | Report Abuse

DAP swine party is quiet as a church mouse on this religious module study in all schools.

News & Blogs

2023-08-24 20:47 | Report Abuse

Reaped, what he sowed!

News & Blogs

2023-08-24 18:11 | Report Abuse

So many plans, nothing implemented successfully.

News & Blogs

2023-08-24 17:47 | Report Abuse

Register for foreign quality education and learn online.
Forget about going to school. They will never change.
Stop wasting your time hoping and destroying your child's future.

News & Blogs

2023-08-24 17:36 | Report Abuse

Yes, like converting people is a priority.

News & Blogs

2023-08-24 17:34 | Report Abuse

There you have it! The traitors in unity government.
Shameless UMNO still meddling in Malaysian politics, even though people have rejected them.


2023-08-24 17:31 | Report Abuse

Education has gone to the drain.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2023-08-24 11:49 | Report Abuse

Because China is an authoritarian country. I say you do, no objection or I kill you.

News & Blogs

2023-08-24 11:46 | Report Abuse

It's not difficult to identify the culprits.
Revoke business & developer licence of those who sabotage and lock them up.

They paint a picture of "difficult to implement" to safeguard their interest. Just like FMM and MEF who screams against anything suggested by government for the benefit of people.

News & Blogs

2023-08-24 11:41 | Report Abuse

Like it or not, it contributes to the exorbitant house price.

News & Blogs

2023-08-24 11:36 | Report Abuse

This government may crack and collapse.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2023-08-24 11:33 | Report Abuse

We also had a former Chinese politician, leader of a political party, doing porn, which is highly "moral" act.

News & Blogs

2023-08-24 10:46 | Report Abuse

LOL. how many were there?
Most were puppets taking immoral orders if any from their leaders.
Chinese politicians are the most immoral one for tolerating corruption and defending for the sake of position. The Malay politicians are pirates in nature so immoral values are embedded and you cannot get any moral values from them.

News & Blogs

2023-08-23 17:21 | Report Abuse

A greedy pig points at others as opportunists when it refuses to let go of it's own poop as food.

News & Blogs

2023-08-23 15:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by SALAM > 2017-11-22 17:33 | Report Abuse

When the fresh team is in charge, they will breath refreshing air into our market...Sabar"

Changing people is not a real solution. It seems this is the only option they know.
They ignore elephant in the room.

News & Blogs

2023-08-23 15:32 | Report Abuse

"Posted by Bao Jie > 2017-11-22 13:07 | Report Abuse

Go for fixed deposits. Then u dont need to worry"


Bad advice! Banks do not guarantee. Maximum compensation is around 250K

News & Blogs

2023-08-22 21:00 | Report Abuse

Showing off body, it may not happen publicly but in private gathering.
Swapping too..wonderful

News & Blogs

2023-08-22 20:38 | Report Abuse

You can enjoy life with minimum work in a PAS government.
Eat, produce, excrete and sleep.


2023-08-22 19:23 | Report Abuse

Even with consolidation this will be a cash burning company with their mammoth staff and leaky benefits ranging from new baby, kenduri kendara, liwatan sambul belanja, sedekah, kuih-muih & teh for every meeting of each department which overlaps in their duty..and..and..the list goes on..jenuh!!

News & Blogs

2023-08-22 17:24 | Report Abuse

"Posted by KClow > 6 hours ago | Report Abuse

U sow wat u reap"

Correct or not?
Which school? Sekolah kebangsaan or Chinese school?

News & Blogs

2023-08-22 17:20 | Report Abuse


DAP created the green wave.

1 hour ago"
Even without DAP, the green wave existed back in 1940s.

The need a bogeyman.

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2023-08-21 21:54 | Report Abuse

HIAPTEK? Siapa cakap pasal HIAPTEK..Burrrp!
Oh! Ular kah.
Sui sui loh!

News & Blogs

2023-08-21 19:21 | Report Abuse

Tengku Rithaudeen was right to mention that the Putera division of UMNO is the may reason of UMNO's failing back in 2008.

News & Blogs

2023-08-21 19:19 | Report Abuse

Actual problem is not with Zahid but with some members of UMNO.
The younger members are the one who wants Zahid out, because they want political power and despise DAP.

News & Blogs

2023-08-21 11:18 | Report Abuse

Political atmosphere remain volatile.
Leaders do not provide clear direction and all signs indicate we are regressing.

News & Blogs

2023-08-21 11:09 | Report Abuse

PH and Anwar had lied to the voters.
DAP has become a lapdog just like MCA.
All leaders are liars who cannot deliver.

News & Blogs

2023-08-21 11:06 | Report Abuse

Foreign buyers are just placing bets for small gains.
Nothing impressive with Malaysian market.
It has lost it's direction and floating aimlessly,
blown away by air and thrashed by waves.

News & Blogs

2023-08-20 22:29 | Report Abuse

It's fair!
Soon it will cost RM1500 plus essentials cost for child care.
More than national minimum salary which was never implemented.
Add car, home monthly rental/repayment, utilities bills, Grabfood/Pizza/KFC etc, groceries, sudden expenses.
What a wonderful modern life.


2023-08-20 22:19 | Report Abuse

"Take cover"