
DickyMe | Joined since 2013-12-15

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Don't impose your moral values unto others. Don't go around telling people how to speak, dress up or behave. In short mind your own bloody business.





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2021-08-11 21:17 | Report Abuse

Foreign buying??

Bangla buyers?


2021-08-11 21:13 | Report Abuse

Let's see, I am not vaccinated and never will get one, none of my family members bothered about vaccination.

If you don't see me commenting anymore in two years, you can safely assume thaI I am DEAD!.

Hahaha.. you talk like medical expert.

How you know if stay home will not get infected?

You mean to say the virus only infect in public space and not private homes? ROFLMAO!!

Everything about Covid prevention is hypothetical.

Don't get dumb down by fools who themselves have no clue but impose blanket precaution.
Don't know how to overcome the pandemic, just say so, don't act smart.


2021-08-11 14:08 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-08-11 12:35 | Report Abuse

How many we had?

From my count it is only one and it's rotten to core.

News & Blogs

2021-08-11 12:34 | Report Abuse

Replace that Kerbau and all problems solved.


2021-08-11 12:30 | Report Abuse

We never really had PH government.

It was hijacked by the old man and the Malays within the alliance. Therefore, since independence, it was them in control.

You can bark, shout, throw tantrum, write stories to smear PH.

I believe they were sabotaged from really ruling.


2021-08-11 12:11 | Report Abuse


To perform worse than PN means they will do perform better in everything, right?


2021-08-11 12:09 |

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2021-08-11 12:00 | Report Abuse

LOL, I don't go around preaching about anti vax and it is not my job.
I don't spam to mobile phones about how good vaccine is like what MKN does daily..LOL.

It is not my wish for many people to die but your assumption that vaccine and SOP save life is BS at best, that's my opinion. In fact damage of lockdown is more than the pandemic itself.

Small kids do not understand this because they are always being spoon fed and ordered to obey orders like a pack of buffaloes.


2021-08-11 11:53 | Report Abuse

No one misses you in the game of prediction, if any.


2021-08-11 11:48 | Report Abuse

Don't give school boy argument, talk intelligently.
If I get infected it is not because of others but due to my body weakness. Don't blame like kampung fools.


2021-08-11 11:12 | Report Abuse

Get sshitt more than profit


2021-08-11 11:09 | Report Abuse

People listened to your nonsense everyday, learn to accept others opinion. No need to curse or feel jealous.


2021-08-11 11:05 | Report Abuse

You getting infected can be accepted but saying because of an infected person others get infected is bull--shit. It is an accusation.
You must prove it and not blame. If I am billionaire I will sue for blatant accusation.

If I am infected an dDIE I will accept it as my FATE and will not hide under the bed or any lobang like ular does..kikikiki


2021-08-11 10:58 | Report Abuse

"Posted by UlarSawa > Aug 11, 2021 10:48 AM | Report Abuse

Hope you still alive in 2 years. Better stay at home ok. Dont go out lah. later kena covid you pun tak tau. Ular also cannot help you bcos Ular dunno where you live leh. Want to help also unable to help hor. Helpless lah. Correct?"


Hahaha.. you talk like medical expert.

How you know if stay home will not get infected?

You mean to say the virus only infect in public space and not private homes? ROFLMAO!!

Everything about Covid prevention is hypothetical.

Don't get dumb down by fools who themselves have no clue but impose blanket precaution.
Don't know how to overcome, say so, don't act smart.

News & Blogs

2021-08-11 10:51 | Report Abuse

Here, they will look for glamourous air time and be proud of their mischief.
They might even be promoted.


2021-08-11 10:45 | Report Abuse

Don't jump the gun, wait two years.
We will see who is the buffalo.


2021-08-11 10:40 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa you so clever why not get yourself infected with covid. See you masuk cat 3 4 5 or masuk cat 1 or 2. Cakap panlai only. Takda vaccinated you probablybwill masuk cat 3 4 5 lah. Correct?"

Cakap macam budak sekolah, otak belum matang kah?

Why should I invite problem myself?

Let's see, I am not vaccinated and never will get one, none of my family members bothered about vaccination.

If you don't see me commenting anymore in two years, you can safely assume thaI I am DEAD!.


2021-08-11 10:34 | Report Abuse

onhands Dickyme no need vaccine

Yes, that is why I never bother getting vaccinated.

It is in your lifestyle and the junk you eat.


2021-08-11 10:30 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-08-11 10:25 | Report Abuse

Don't give excuses!

Vaccination failed to deter Covid, that is a fact.


2021-08-10 13:46 |

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News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2021-08-10 13:43 | Report Abuse

Amnesty is abused in this country since 1980s.

Send back all foreign workers, employ Malaysians only.

If any company cannot get workers, close down your business and shift elsewhere.

Don't be prickly.


2021-08-10 13:40 |

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2021-08-10 13:40 |

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2021-08-09 22:18 |

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2021-08-09 20:43 |

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2021-08-09 19:11 |

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2021-08-09 18:51 |

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2021-08-09 18:41 | Report Abuse

None of them are registered for vaccination and never attempted to get one.


2021-08-09 18:01 |

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2021-08-09 17:56 | Report Abuse

City dwellers outnumber orangasli in number of cases.
There is no concrete proof to say vaccine prevents. in fact, some healthy people have passed after vaccination, Nurse from Penang and many more deaths after vaccination. Any vaccine which cause death must be stopped instead of continuing it.

SOP are for fools. What has it done after being in implementation since last year, More cases and deaths are the end result along with damaged economy.


2021-08-09 17:16 |

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2021-08-09 17:12 | Report Abuse

" Godofgambler We need at least 5 times vaccine then only will be safe I guess..."

Are you sure there will be no more death after vaccination? Everyone become immortal?


2021-08-09 17:11 | Report Abuse

But 100% will die even after vaccination or not!


2021-08-09 17:09 | Report Abuse

If you want to be a buffalo in a herd community, obviously you cannot change.

Where there is will, there is a way.


2021-08-09 16:14 |

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2021-08-09 16:04 | Report Abuse

UlarSawa Ada vaksin pun mati kah. Virus mutate become more strong. Takda vaksin pun mati juga lah. Many cannot tahan the virus attack masuk ICU and mati. So what is the better solution. Save lives or leave the ppl die without vaksin kah. Cannot also right. Then what to do. Pray to God also cannot get better also right. Wait die also cannot right. So take the vaksin to prolong your life in case kena covid is still better than dont take vaksin one right. At leaat in cat 1 or 2 only .Not so much go to cat 3 4 or 5 right. At least still better to stay alive lah. Correct?"

Vaccination is a failure. Prior to vaccination, death rate was far below than after vaccination. Those who receive experimental vaccines are guinea pigs and lab rats.

Life is not permanent, don't forget that.
Death comes before birth, during birth, after birth and long time after birth.
Death comes in many packages, Covid form is one of them.

So accept nature and be peace with it.

Mau hidup lama, change lifestyle, no vaccination needed.


2021-08-09 15:46 |

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2021-08-09 15:45 |

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2021-08-09 15:45 |

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2021-08-09 15:44 |

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2021-08-09 15:40 |

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2021-08-09 15:39 |

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2021-08-09 15:36 |

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2021-08-09 15:34 |

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2021-08-09 12:40 |

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