
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2018-11-19 17:39 | Report Abuse

Posted by dragonslayer > Nov 19, 2018 05:20 PM | Report Abuse

Aiyo ah dream ah...wa tarak ciakap itu sinking ship lah...itu big ship....wa tarak judi…...wa lepak lepak kat sana after listened to you...itu titanic sinking in deep ocean...not sea lah....wakakaka….kikiki

gih gih gih

Lu x mau timbilang ciagap lg lor, Ah Gon. Gua sutah tau leih, lu gaw gaw hard core yuti kaki pinya leih. Mana timpat ata sinking ship, lu misti ata mayin itu timpat pinya.

Sumatec la, SapNrg la, apa lamjeow la, lu misti ata itu timpat pinya.

gih gih gih


2018-11-19 17:21 | Report Abuse

Thing is, ya all only see me posting sexy vids of pretty belly dancing girls & hawt twerking girls with to-die-for bums & bawds. And also larking around with ya all regular dudes on I3 forums.

But you do not see me spending hours upon hours at my PC, and also reading the business news like StarBiz, Edge & Focus magazines etc. browsing through & analysing all kinds of info, latest developments in the relevant parts of the market etc.


2018-11-19 17:09 | Report Abuse

Posted by polycarp > Nov 19, 2018 04:50 PM | Report Abuse

How come when dream say up shares
also move. But when many ppl buy
A particular share it stays down
Dream must be playing with the
house money. How obvious

The trick is to know which stock to pick, and the time to get in & get out. And to get in again, and get out again. It's no piece of cake, I hv to be honest. Takes a helluva lotta time, energy & effort to learn.

But then, learn you must. That's if, you're really serious about making investing a major vehicle of yours for serious wealth building, rather than mere fun-for-fun's-sake, untung-also-okay-rugi-also-okay game playing.


2018-11-19 16:50 | Report Abuse

Gua talak manyiak sika ini yuti mayin lor. Itu pasat gua sutah lama abandon ini sinking ship lor.

Olang yuti kaki, itu sinking ship pun tia lagi mau yuti mayin loh.


2018-11-19 16:28 | Report Abuse

gih gih gih

Tu la. Balu simalam, gua lg mali panggit lu olang sumua, to come on board Perdana ship. Lu olang sumua lg x mau tingat.

Lg shatu gali miss the boat lor. Apa mau wuat. Olang panggit bikin wang pun, lg x mau tingat.

gih gih gih


2018-11-19 16:24 | Report Abuse

I told ya all, that day, to be erecting one leg in Perdana. You wud not hv been regretting it, if you had done.


2018-11-19 16:18 | Report Abuse

Oh yeah. It's about time.


2018-11-19 02:55 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-11-19 02:36 |

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2018-11-19 01:14 | Report Abuse

Calling, calling. Perdana Petroleum calling.

Calling, calling. Last call before again sailing.

Don't miss the boat again.


2018-11-18 02:46 | Report Abuse

Klu Mr Darth kina tangkap, apa yati sama Sumatec? Klu tia kina tangkap for asking too many silly questions, apa maciam?


2018-11-18 02:45 |

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2018-11-18 02:40 | Report Abuse

Not that surprising, really, becos he is indeed the current de facto ruler. The one actually running the show on behalf of his ageing & physically frail father.


2018-11-18 02:36 | Report Abuse

Not King Salman, Nicholas. But the Crown Prince Muhammad bin Salman, his son & heir-apparent.



2018-11-16 00:09 | Report Abuse

I would love to bang Donald's arse with a big piece of wood. Until he shits & pees in his pants. Just like CoolBull said.

That said, I would also love to bang his woman, exactly the way a woman is supposed to be banged. Just to help him out with his nightly husbandly duties, becos he can no more fulfil those to her full satisfaction.


2018-11-15 01:07 |

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2018-11-15 00:49 |

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2018-11-15 00:45 |

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2018-11-15 00:37 |

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2018-11-15 00:36 | Report Abuse

Lg sikit hali kina buang kleja lor, itu LGE olang satu olang itu. Talam parlimen pun mau titon gah. Tia ingat tia bapak pinya timpat gah. Tia ingat itu maciam la, gua ingat.

Klu Penang Yalan Pinhorn pinya manglo, boleh la tia bikin itu maciam. Lg sutah tapat molah molah below market price pinya haliga yuga leh.


2018-11-15 00:09 | Report Abuse

Mana talak snoring. Sutah snoring maciam itu kerbau sawah punya snoring lor.


2018-11-15 00:05 | Report Abuse

There was once a man
Who was convinced he was a godsend
His name was Donkey Donald
And he was absolutely abysmal
But then, in the very end
He had his arse completely whupped
By a lovely lady called Miss Brent


2018-11-14 23:49 |

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2018-11-14 19:36 | Report Abuse

Ini Donkey Trump, itu OPEC-Russia x boleh simply mau ikut tia pinya cakap lor.

Klu ikut tia pinya cakap, tia mau oil 20 lor. Ini maciam pinya, boleh layan pinya gah.


2018-11-14 19:15 | Report Abuse

Tia lagi bukak tia mulut, taluk itu busut tayik talam tia mulut lor.


2018-11-14 19:11 | Report Abuse

US sanction Russia, itu Russia sutah mati gah. Lg bulum mati gua tengok.

Itu IS sutah kalah tikat itu Syria, siapa bikin. US bikin gah, atau Russia bikin gah. Russia pinya tangan leh.

Lagi tikat itu Ukraine, itu US ata blani masuk tolong pinya gah. Tia masuk, tia ponttot kina timbak leh.


2018-11-14 19:05 | Report Abuse

Lu talak tanyia blapa busat gua minang at Perdana pinya ah. Lu lg bayik yangan tanyia lor. Hor. Nt lu tingat lu nangis lor.

gih gih gih


2018-11-14 19:01 |

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2018-11-14 18:35 | Report Abuse

He is a fukkin bird brain


2018-11-14 18:31 | Report Abuse

OPEC Builds Case For Oil Supply Cut


In a monthly report, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries said world oil demand next year would rise by 1.29 million barrels per day, 70,000 bpd less than predicted last month and the fourth consecutive reduction in its forecast.OPEC built a case on Tuesday for cutting oil output when it meets next month, warning that a supply glut could emerge in 2019 as the world economy slows and rivals increase production more quickly than expected.Worried by a drop in oil prices and rising supplies, OPEC is talking again of reducing production just months after increasing it.


2018-11-14 18:19 | Report Abuse

That's why la lu, Ah Tan. You're only playing with a scaredy-catty short term day player's mentality. You do not yet understand the much grander, much more sophisticated & much more productive long term investor's strategy.

When you're playing any Ms Penny, you gotta be really choosy & selective, becos they are relatively high risk. But once you hv made your analysis, judgement & decision, then you gotta play big in order to ride on the power of volume. This is what you still got a lot to learn about. Big time, man.


2018-11-14 18:01 | Report Abuse

Gua still in Reach la, Nicholas. Gua only sold gua pinya Perdana @28.5 last week. Ai, market itu jam mau kasi kita busat untung lor, x kan la nak tengok aja, kan. Then quickly got back in on the Monday at lower.


2018-11-14 17:57 | Report Abuse

Baru kena gempak sama Donald Trump sikit aja pun sudah nangis kiliau banyak kuat. Apa da lu olang sumua ni. Cakap saja warriors.

gih gih gih


2018-11-12 18:44 | Report Abuse

And what's happened to that DerrickInvestor dude. That Ah Likk dude. He shud be be in Perdana now. To cover for his previous losses at Sumatec.


2018-11-12 18:38 | Report Abuse

Hey, ya all guys. Buying Perdana today is like buying Sumatec on the way up, in 2014. It is just like buying gold at cheap, then selling it back at high.

I just can't believe that ya all are still looking at this gift horse in the mouth. I guess not a few people do not know the difference between gold & soil.


2018-11-12 18:29 |

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2018-11-12 18:25 | Report Abuse

Point is, the tech available to a company today is far more developed & advanced, compared to that of another working thirty years ago. So, if you get a major brownfield concession today, it cud still mean a few hundred millions, or even a few billions, USD worth of extractable oil.


2018-11-12 18:19 |

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2018-11-12 18:16 | Report Abuse

This baby is a gold mine, man. It's really amazing, that not so many folks are aware of this yet.


2018-11-12 18:11 | Report Abuse

I am just guessing, KFLiau. Based on what I know from my brother, who was a SM at Petronas. He is a geologist by training. He told me that the fields owned by Sumatec, also in Kazakhstan, were brownfield. Meaning that they hv already been worked previously, but hv been abandoned due to difficult conditions, low productivity etc.

So, someone else who take over later does not hv to do much exploration work, becos the reserves are already proven. There are many such fields in Kazakhstan, legacy of Soviet era Russian rule.

LOL, dude. IIRC = If I Recall Correctly


2018-11-12 17:33 | Report Abuse

It is also brownfield, rather than greenfield, IIRC.


2018-11-12 17:22 | Report Abuse

Not trying to promote anything, but just sharing, guys. After all, what are friends for, right.

Perhaps you should consider putting some of your cap in Perdana also. It has been recording quite good movement this last week or so, in % terms.


2018-11-12 17:04 | Report Abuse

There was once a man
Who thought he was a godsend
His name was Donald
And he was really abysmal
But whupped he was, in the end
By a lady called Brent


2018-11-12 16:41 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-11-12 16:06 | Report Abuse

Citadel, kid. We veteran investors do not waste our life cracking our head with useless charts, shifting from stock to stock, earning chicken feed or even less.

We only identify a few good counters, after thorough study, and we stay with them long enough. We do recalibrate our positions every now & again. Becos no analysis or judgement can be impeccable. But most of our choices always gv us back handsome profit.

Now. Off on your bike. Kid.


2018-11-12 14:46 | Report Abuse

Uncle Sam, these kinds of complete idiots who are absolutely convinced that they are absolute geniuses just need to be put back down in their proper place, every once in a while.


2018-11-12 14:43 | Report Abuse

Mr Citadel, kid. Jokers, aye? Let me teach you something fundamental.
Becos you really need it.

We long term players play a completely different way from short term contra players. We go in before the crowd gathers, at a reasonable enough price. Even then, we often do not get cheapest price. Becos we live in the real world.

But we wait. Patience is our power.

You know how long I had to hold my Perdana? Nearly a month. Bought at average cost 25.4 sen. Sold on Thursday @28.5 sen. I don't want to tell you how many big lots I was playing, and how much I made. Becos it wud be probably be beyond the realm of YOUR imagination.

But kids like you wud be happy playing 50 small lots, and making a quick exit after a half sen rise. And then the next day, you panic sell at half sen loss. So, your average gain for every week, every month, every year & every decade is ZERO. In fact, quite likely also even NEGATIVE.


2018-11-12 14:05 | Report Abuse

And what does Donald care about emerging economies. Nothing. He does not care about any country or anybody. He is simply bullshitting his way around, left, right & centre, here, there & everywhere, to just protect his own personal interests and those of his close family & friends.


2018-11-12 13:59 | Report Abuse

Just high oil price alone won't kill emerging economies. This is simply Trumpian bullshitting.

Brent was going 100+ in 2014, just before that stupid-idiot Saudi decision to push price down, and no emerging economy anywhere on the planet was struggling at all. They were all thriving, mostly.