
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2018-10-09 12:48 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-10-09 12:14 | Report Abuse

Only now you realise it, ET? A bit late now. But still boardable. But you've lost a bit of upside already, though.


2018-10-09 12:07 | Report Abuse

You must be really naive, Panda. You can dedicate what you want. To whom you want. But that does not mean that it is accepted. Get it?

There is one smart arse around, for sure, and it is definitely not me.


2018-10-09 12:02 | Report Abuse

The textbook is only for basic guidance. It is not a straitjacket that you allow to bind you up in every situation. Once you hv picked up a certain level of experience, you can play your own game, in your own style. Just like Ronaldo.


2018-10-09 11:45 | Report Abuse

I don't follow any textbook rule all the time, Panda. And I hv not done too badly at all. So, save your golden rule for some other sucker.


2018-10-09 11:43 | Report Abuse

So what price you want Reach to reach then, SuperPanda. Just tell us.


2018-10-09 11:34 | Report Abuse

If you want price to hit 60, then how is that going to happen if you keep advising folks not to buy at 50?


2018-10-09 11:32 | Report Abuse

'Caution'? Dude, if one is only thinking 'caution', then one will end up never ever doing any trade at all. One will be keeping all one's cash in FD.

So, what does it really mean, when you say to someone, 'Please trade with caution'. It's a meaningless cliche. Players will just play according to their own affordable level of risk. If they want zero risk, nope, that just doesn't exist in the investing world.


2018-10-09 11:17 | Report Abuse

Nope. I'm not bluffing. Not at all. You mentioned 40, and of course that wud make not a few people see 40 in their head, and belief 40 possible. So they run & sell at low. This is how psychology works. If you want the price to rise, you need to be continually talking it up, not talking it down.


2018-10-09 11:02 | Report Abuse

And what fighting was SuperPanda doing. All the time bending this way & that with the wind. Saying that Reach was going down to 40 la, 35 la, 30 la. No spine at all in him.


2018-10-09 10:58 | Report Abuse

I was just quietly monitoring screen for a few days. Just cudn't be bothered to join in with all that negative shit talking that some guys just seem to enjoy indulging themselves in.

If I say something against their shit crappy negative beliefs, then they just whine & moan even more. So, I just let them be, just let them wallow in their own stinkin bad whine.


2018-10-09 10:53 | Report Abuse

Tu la. Gua panggit lu olang mali mayin tikat Reach Energy, sutah blapa lama gua itu maciam panggit, lg manyiak tagut mau pigi sana.

Lg mau mayin tikat sini sinking ship yuga. Sini timpat talak tagut pinya la hor. Manyiak slonok mayin pinya la hor. Aah. Hor.

Lg hali hali kiliau nangit 'tai lor', 'tai lor' yuga lor.


2018-10-09 10:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by likewise > Oct 9, 2018 09:41 AM | Report Abuse

yesterday chicken fly dog run, today all gather again hahahaha!!

Chickens will always be chickens. Dogs will always be dogs. It is just in their nature to be that way.


2018-10-09 10:20 | Report Abuse

Posted by Jeffrey Ng > Oct 9, 2018 09:02 AM | Report Abuse

reach come back come back!!

This is typical of Jeffrey Ng & other guys of the same ilk like him. When price low they whine & moan & groan all day about this shit & that shit. Then when price up they cry & scream & bawl all day about missing the boat.


2018-10-05 18:41 | Report Abuse

Perhaps Saudi-OPEC was conned by the Americans into that idiotic, high prod low price strategy, that time. Maybe the Yanks told them that their rivals like Russia wud be hit & injured, when in actual fact it was the Americans who gained the most from cheap oil.

Who knows.


2018-10-05 18:35 | Report Abuse

If you think company going to 'bungkus', then why are you still wasting your time here, Mr. Darth. Come to Reach, Carimin & Perdana. You can still come here for casual fun & chit chat. Nobody is going to stop you.


2018-10-05 18:30 | Report Abuse

No, it's not a wet dream, Nicholas. Becos Reach is on a real turnaround, with production steadily growing. Just two months ago, if someone said Reach can hit 52 in October, you'd hv told them it's a so called 'wet dream'. But now, no more. It did that a few days ago.

This year is not like 2013 - 2014. That time oil was already at peak. This time, it's just beginning an upsurge. And there is also no danger of Saudi-OPEC making another stupid-ridiculous-suicidal price dropping strategy. They hv already learnt their painful lesson, big time. The conditions are completely different.

Now guys are talking US$100 oil. Pretty soon, they'll be talking US$110. You don't believe me, you just wait & see.


2018-10-05 18:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by polycarp > Oct 5, 2018 06:15 PM | Report Abuse

Aiyo dream you said u happily married
to young girl lah. Mana boleh char amoi.
I eat crabs with sis

I can hv four wives.

gih gih gih


2018-10-05 18:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by jasontan1177 > Oct 5, 2018 05:29 PM | Report Abuse

aiyo you come KL lor this weekend

Posted by polycarp > Oct 5, 2018 05:36 PM | Report Abuse

Tonight I. Go restaurant. To eat crab.

Walao. Lu lua olang mali paktor tikat KL gah. Mana timpat pinya ah. P Lamili Yalan gah, atau Changkat BB gah.

Okay lor. Gua pi cruising cruising sana, klu gua yumpa lu olang, gua introduce lu lua olang shama gua pinya Uzbekistan gf. Manyiak cun pinya wor tia. Tia pinya mika & boti ata shikit shikit maciam itu ah moy yg tia gambat gua slalu posting pinya.

gih gih gih


2018-10-05 17:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by jasontan1177 > Oct 5, 2018 05:12 PM | Report Abuse

mana Dream ? lia pinya sailing sailing counters sula sailed to longkang wor...
carimin perdana reach....

Gua pnggit lu pigi molah molah pinya yam, lu kaki manyiak belat x boleh yalan. Sikalang tia sikit yam lehat, lu lg ciagap tia longkang, Ini maciam lu manyiak susah mau gaya lor. Lu evything also lu negative tingok yuga lor.


2018-10-05 14:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by Franklim1989 > Oct 5, 2018 02:29 PM | Report Abuse

0.480 or 0.475 be fast to correct now..if not will too late..

LOL, dude. You meant, "Be fast to COLLECT", right?


2018-10-04 00:04 | Report Abuse

Saudi shud not be bowing to the tantrums, whims & fancies of Donald Trump. It is NOT going to get Saudi anywhere meaningful in the end. They shud just stick to cultivating their newly blooming alliance & cooperation with Russia.


2018-10-03 23:58 | Report Abuse


Putin Tells Trump to Blame Guy in the Mirror for High Oil Prices

Russian President Vladimir Putin said his American counterpart’s Iran sanctions are largely to blame for current high oil prices.

“President Trump considers that the price is high; he’s partly right, but let’s be honest,” Putin said at the Russian Energy Week conference in Moscow on Wednesday. “Donald, if you want to find the culprit for the rise in prices, you need to look in the mirror.”

The Russian leader pushed back against escalating criticism of OPEC and its allies, which Trump has blamed for Brent crude’s rise to a four-year high near $85 a barrel. Still, Putin said his country has already boosted output and has the capacity to add another 200,000 to 300,000 barrels to the market.

Current prices are “largely the result of the current U.S. administration -- these expectations of sanctions against Iran, the political problems in Venezuela,” Putin said. “Look at what’s happening in Libya. The state is destroyed. It’s the result of irresponsible policies which have a direct impact on the world economy.”


2018-10-03 17:22 | Report Abuse

You could be right, GrowingRich. US$100 Brent by New Year's Day is indeed beginning to look pretty doable now.


2018-10-03 17:09 | Report Abuse

1 sen up from yesterday. Okay also lor.


2018-10-03 15:11 | Report Abuse

Fly, baby fly. Up up to the sky.

Leave the shy. Fukk the sly.

Let them be in the shade.

Say to them all, Bye Bye.


2018-10-03 14:50 | Report Abuse

Building up for a major Christmas present


2018-10-03 13:09 | Report Abuse

It takes a helluva lot of effort to promote a forum, and to sustain it. It just does not happen by itself. But it takes only a little sustained & uncontrolled crap talking & shit posting to bring it down. With the legions of naive innocent newbies flocking in joining a newly hotting up stock. You might not see them posting anything, but they're certainly out there, just lurking & reading, then making their own quiet judgements & decisions.


2018-10-03 13:02 | Report Abuse

You can go do that in KGB, Dufu, Kobay or whatever. I'm not in them. Or into them.


2018-10-03 12:59 | Report Abuse

You say something negative, I will attack it. If I feel that there is any substantial chance of it being seriously listened to & acted on. I wud not care two hoots about whether you're Calvin Tan Eng, or OTB, or KYY, or even owner of the frekkin Bursa. Becos I want to defend the price, not destroy it.


2018-10-03 12:50 | Report Abuse

If market is really in crisis, then we will all know about it soon enough. No need for anyone to keep parroting it in a forum room. That will only go toward dragging the price down. This is simply how psychology works. It works in mass.

If guys need to find out, they will find it out by themselves.


2018-10-03 11:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreamConqueror > Oct 3, 2018 11:44 AM | Report Abuse X

Well, I'm not Ali-grade confident, SpeakUp, for sure. But I'm not going to take it lying down when someone is saying something shitty just to drag the price down. If he has just sold, then he can just shut up & wait for price to drop again to buy. Instead of simply coming up with some stinkin price-downing crap.

When I'm in Reach. I'll be defending Reach, not attacking it & trying to drag it down.


2018-10-03 11:41 | Report Abuse

Like the one where you mentioned a global meltdown & guys losing their underwear, at a time when Reach was fighting hard to rise.


2018-10-03 11:33 | Report Abuse

Neither, SuperPanda. Just ease up on your price dragging-down postings, and I won't bother you. I'm in investing to make price rise, not drop.


2018-10-03 10:25 | Report Abuse

Posted by SuperPanda > Oct 3, 2018 06:43 AM | Report Abuse

some people dont believe my investment but i always declare my buying price when enter. all justified.

and all record can be seen in forum like vs-wa before 80% rise, dayang at 71c and kgb at 77c. also in armada 53c last wk.

those condemn me wont do the same. i have 200k share here and armada, some say im bullshitting. up to them. no harm to my investment.

come meet me at johor, im conducting stock market training for free to friends and relatives. i have 2 more seat left.

This baby is an absolute diamond, and you're holding only 20 big lots? And you're doing stock market training too? Well, I guess some folks are just meant to look a gift horse in the mouth.


2018-10-03 10:19 | Report Abuse

Sellers shud start manning up & fighting back, and not simply be giving in meekly to the opportunistic buyers. Come on, with oil hovering around 85, Reach is surely worth much much more than 48.5 sen, man.


2018-10-03 00:24 | Report Abuse

Much better than being a superbullshitter like SuperPanda


2018-10-02 22:43 | Report Abuse

Trade deals & trade blocs are just what they are, basically. Trade deals & trade blocs. They do not mean that the members cannot be trading with anybody else. Price is a winning factor, and it is tough for anybody to beat China on that part.


2018-10-02 22:41 | Report Abuse

And what about ASEAN. Why is ASEAN nowhere in Donald's plans. He does not seem to be so ASEAN-friendly.


2018-10-02 22:39 | Report Abuse

But he has only two years left. If he is not impeached before his time is up.


2018-10-02 22:33 | Report Abuse

Mana itu Ah Gon sutah pigi pinya ah. Wey, Ah Gon leih. Ini pitang Reach sutah reverse to 48.5 sen. Lu lg apa tggu. Mau tggu 33.5 gah. x boleh tapat lg lor, itu maciam pinya haliga. Lu sutah manyiak liwat pinya lor.


2018-10-02 22:21 | Report Abuse

Tu la, lu apa bikin kleya. Hulu hilir shama lu kitar caja lor.


2018-10-02 22:19 | Report Abuse

Sutah gaya lor, sutah pigi hijrah tikat itu Reach pinya pasat lor.

Tu la, Ah Mon, lu manyiak slow lespond. Panggit lu pigi tingok yintay shana, tiga bulan pun lu lg x mau tingat.


2018-10-02 21:58 | Report Abuse

I wud be back playing in Suma tomorrow, if there is some serious news about lifting of PN17.


2018-10-02 18:23 | Report Abuse

Another bullshit post from Mr. SuperPanda.


2018-10-02 18:22 | Report Abuse

I was thinking that we wud see a high of 55 - 56 today. But it only maxed briefly at 52. Still, not so far off.


2018-10-02 18:13 | Report Abuse

Only consumer goods & commodities exported to US are directly affected by US currency strength or weakness, I think. But not oil. Becos US is now a net exporter, not a net importer, of oil.


2018-10-02 18:04 | Report Abuse

I bought five or six counters from about a month ago. No TA or charts at all. I find it messy & time consuming, with unreliable results. Just looked up their most recent financial results, their predicted TP & potential upside figures from the 'Overview' page. And I made gains from all of them, except one which I am still holding.

Those do not include Reach, which I just bought based on Brent price recovery & the company's latest qrtr performance. Reach, of course, is looking very very promising for me, becos I somehow managed to get into it relatively early.


2018-10-02 17:52 | Report Abuse

Huh? You what? You lost money?

Well, not much point doing any TA then. LOL