
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2018-10-02 17:43 | Report Abuse

Say, Mr KC Teh, what is your accumulated ROI over the two months since you started, if one may know. I mean, based on your initial capital investment. Just as a matter of academic curiosity.


2018-10-02 17:35 | Report Abuse

Becos Mr TaePoonDaek always coming up with so much stinkin negative shit lor


2018-10-02 17:32 | Report Abuse

Cannot be every day not good also lor.


2018-10-02 17:31 | Report Abuse

Cannot be everyday good lor. How can lai dat one.


2018-10-02 16:19 | Report Abuse

Jeffrey Ng will never buy something at 50 or 50.5 sen. He will wait until price reaches 55 or 55.5 sen. Then he waits until he gets it at 54.5 or 55, and he's blissfully happy & contented.

Apparently, he thinks that, that is the most efficient game play strategy. But it's not. On the complete contrary, it's the most inefficient. Lots & lots of effort & energy expended, with minimalist returns.


2018-10-02 16:05 | Report Abuse

He does not hv the skill & talent to pick the right stock at the right time. That is why he is always playing the way he does. Lots and lots of running around, here, there & everywhere, but zero scoring.


2018-10-02 15:29 | Report Abuse

6257 is always crying


2018-10-02 14:57 | Report Abuse

Now, where's that whiner cryer JasonTan gone. I was just going to reply to his latest posts, and suddenly they hv all disappeared.

gih gih gih


2018-10-02 14:53 | Report Abuse

Fly, baby fly. Up up to the sky.

Leave the shy. Fukk the sly.

Let them be in the shade.

Say to them all, Bye Bye.


2018-10-02 13:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by Elitetrader > Oct 2, 2018 12:17 PM | Report Abuse

Is Kazakhstan real for both Reach and Sumatec or only for Reach and not the latter? Was the Apollo 11 lunar landing for real or just a hollywood setting? Haha.. Its all your beliefs. One thing for sure is dividends if the company gave out what it made.

Kazakhstan is real. For both Suma & Reach. Difference being, Suma's turnaround happened when oil was at previous peak, and not so long before Saudi/OPEC made their stupid-ridiculous price dropping strategy. Whereas, Reach's turnaround happened only recently, just when oil was on recovery uptrend & hitting high 70s & low 80s.

Kazakhstan is certainly no banana republic, as some might seem to believe. Its per capita GDP is higher than Malaysia's, thanks to O&G.


2018-10-02 12:09 | Report Abuse

Posted by Elitetrader > Oct 2, 2018 11:42 AM | Report Abuse

Logical thinking....but everyone has different opinion and future is not a certainty.

Of course not. But there are things like factors, influencers, indicators, conditions, environments, market mood, market perception etc., that you use in combo to arrive to your own best possible judgement & conclusion.

As an investor, you do not let your own ego & personal pride stand in the way. When someone else poses an interesting looking new view, you do not dismiss it outright. But you keep an open mind, you ponder it & walk your head through it. Doing that wud not harm your own interests in the least.


2018-10-02 11:58 | Report Abuse

Gua sharing good honest info, gvg good honest advice, sama lama gawan, lg ciagap gua lanxi gah. Haiiyyaahhhh, susah lor in maciam. Mau tolong pun susah lor.


2018-10-02 11:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by wkkht > Oct 2, 2018 11:24 AM | Report Abuse

Be careful of the drop in oil prices.


Guys, just ignore that lump of bullshit info, posted by someone who is obviously another DESPERATE Johnny-come-lately trying in vain to drag the price down. This one below is the one you need to know.



2018-10-02 11:32 | Report Abuse

I do not enjoy wasting my time, effort & energy doing something which is no more productive for me.

Come to Reach, guys. You just won't be able to imagine the amount of profit I hv made over there, in relation to the capital that I hv invested.

Don't waste your life & hard earned cash on a sinking ship. Suma might yet hv its time in the Sun, another day. But not right now.


2018-10-02 11:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by Kc Teh > Oct 2, 2018 11:06 AM | Report Abuse

Barakah, Petronm, Velesto, Hibiscs, Reach, Perdana, DNEX, Sapnrg, Carimin,

which best O&G to pick?

Sit on the floor. Cross legged or lotus position, whichever is your wont. You can close your eyes, or you can just keep them wide open. Release all control. Just let your mind drift & float freely. As freely as an eagle far up in the sky. No limits of time.

You will get your answer. Completely by yourself.


2018-10-02 11:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by txfs > Oct 2, 2018 10:57 AM | Report Abuse

One thing you guys did not notice is Reach has huge gas reserve as well. They are not extracting any previously because of low price and to preserve the value. This is something of HUGE potential to earning which is still underappreciated by the market.

Posted by txfs > Oct 2, 2018 10:58 AM | Report Abuse

And of course, the oil reserve is bigger than HIBISCUS. If hibiscus can achieve good production volume on the reserve, so will REACH.

Yes. Apparently, this is something important that many O&G investors still do not realise yet.


2018-10-02 10:56 | Report Abuse

Fly, baby fly. Up up to the sky.

Leave the shy. Fukk the sly.

Let them be in the shade.

Say to them all, Bye Bye.


2018-10-02 10:40 | Report Abuse

Brent price now 84.94. Very likely breaking 85 today.


2018-10-02 10:27 | Report Abuse

Posted by moneypedia > Oct 1, 2018 10:50 PM | Report Abuse

aiya ah dleam ah eah eaah, aku pinya kebun myeg la...goreng skit terbaru barakah laaa lai lai lai...reach dh lambat maleh aku mau kijar....

Tu la, Ah Mon. You always on slow response. Too sentimental, with your guitar & rock music & all. Investor pinya mind must always be on fast response.


2018-10-02 10:26 | Report Abuse

Fly, baby fly. Up up to the sky.

Leave the shy. Fukk the sly.

Leave them in the shade.

Say to them all, Bye Bye.


2018-10-02 10:22 | Report Abuse

Posted by Jeffrey Ng > Oct 2, 2018 09:28 AM | Report Abuse

just bout another 10k @ .505

Posted by Jeffrey Ng > Oct 2, 2018 09:39 AM | Report Abuse

@B4b4, if u said by year end can reach 75, then next year 1... when reach 3Q 2019... what will be the price then? hahha..

Jeffrey Ng, so, you are still selling at 3% ROI every day, aye. Ha ha.

I guess you forgot to calculate the potential extra profits by letting what you bought run, (or, actually, the LOSSES that you hv actually made, by NOT letting what you bought run), instead of selling at every small piece of profit, and then buying again at a price substantially higher than when you last sold.

For example, buying in @41, then selling @43, and then buying back again @50.5, like you just did, when you see everybody still buying.

I guess simple arithmetic is not really one of your strong points, huh.


2018-10-02 10:10 | Report Abuse

You do not sell becos someone tells you 'it's time to sell', somebody tells you 'it's overbought', another person tells you 'the price is now gone up so much', blah blah blah, blah blah blah, blah blah blah.

You sell when YOU yourself hv weighed up every thing, every factor & influence in your stock's environment etc. etc. etc., and YOU yourself decide that it is the absolute BEST time to sell.

This is what every serious investor needs to learn to do, i.e. think by himself & decide for himself.


2018-10-01 22:55 | Report Abuse

Posted by Nicholasming91 > Oct 1, 2018 10:28 PM | Report Abuse

Im really proud that this counter has no negative comments. No arguments, just rich reach people lol

If someone comes up with some negative crap, becos he's a Johnny-come-lately & he wants to drag the price down, we'll just fukk him & shit on him, all right.


2018-10-01 22:44 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-10-01 22:35 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-10-01 22:26 | Report Abuse

Fly, baby fly. Up up to the sky.

Leave the shy. Fukk the sly. Say to them all, Bye Bye.


2018-10-01 22:25 | Report Abuse

I thought I was going to hit the sack early tonite. But at this rate, I might be staying up until 9 in the morning.


2018-10-01 21:37 | Report Abuse

Back from dinner. Now, just before I hit the sack early tonite ...

OPEC 'powerless' to prevent oil prices spiking up to $100 a barrel THIS year



2018-10-01 21:32 | Report Abuse

Posted by ozzie75 > Oct 1, 2018 09:19 PM | Report Abuse


LOL. Ozzie, dude. I love the way the term 'powerless' is used in that site. Real deft use of language. Point is, who is the really powerless one now, OPEC powerless, or US powerless.


2018-10-01 21:18 | Report Abuse

Gua klu sutah study shatu stok butut butut pinya, gua sutah konfiten butut butut pinya, plus got all the positive conditions around pinya, gua talak mayin shikit shikit pinya. Gua hantam hapit hapit pinya.


2018-10-01 21:15 | Report Abuse

Tu la, Ah Mon. Bikin bijnet, kina manyiak manyiak plomot lor. Talak plomot, apa maciam tia mau yalan pinya leih.

Tu la. Lu pu satu hat yuga, x mau ikut gua awai awai masuk itu Reach pinya kapal. Wey, lu tau gua sutah blapa manyiak bikin untung tikat sana gah.

Gua x mau ciagap lor. Pasat ah, klu gua butut butut ciagap pinya ah, gua tagut lu swoon & fall, tulut talak mangun pinya.

Ha. Tu la.


2018-10-01 21:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by Dato Nik > Oct 1, 2018 05:31 PM | Report Abuse

Yes but Suma is not real and run by bunch of crook see what happened to Suma. Reach will shoot up just like Suma before but dangerous game. Just invest in the real profitable company under legitimate UK/MY law.

You are only acting clever now, parroting again what many others hv been parroting before you, but actually knowing very little of serious substance.

You are only able to say these things now, using cliche terms like 'bunch of crooks', 'see what happened', simply from the wisdom of HINDSIGHT, rather than foresight.

Suma WAS real. TSHS is NOT a crook, and neither is any of his staff, including O&G veteran Chris Dalton. They just happened to be in the wrong place in the wrong time. The wrong place, NOT meaning Kazakhstan, but meaning O&G sector, just before Saudi-led OPEC made their ridiculous-idiotic price dropping strategy. Something which they hv wised up about now.

Reach is a proper company registered under Malaysian law. As proper as Hibiscus. Only Hibby is bigger. That is all.

Reach's current production rates are real. And its projected increases in production from the new Kazakh fields are also going to be real. So are its reported latest quarter profits. So is today's 12.5% rise for Reach, versus 4.76% for Hibby. Nothing about Reach is imaginary, nothing at all, apart from the negatives now drifting around in your own enclosed, isolated, uninformed mind.


2018-10-01 20:29 | Report Abuse

No problemo. Mr Reach = DreamHunter, our tried & trusted, time honoured, battle seasoned Chief Commander.


2018-10-01 19:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by Elitetrader > Oct 1, 2018 06:35 PM | Report Abuse

Haha ...Reach too has the Kazakhstan factor. But Dreamers like Reach and not Sumatec. Some painful memories.

Actually, actually, I hv lovely memories about Lady Suma, and also her young Daughter.

But now, the time is for building another even lovelier chapter in my life, with my new love, Lady Reach.


2018-10-01 19:33 | Report Abuse

Time for dinna. See ya all again tomorrow, frenz.

O genki de. O kio tsukete. Onegai shimasu. O yasumi nasai.

Nite nite. Sleep tite. Sweet Dreams. Reach Dreams. Rich Dreams.


2018-10-01 19:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by bizzybone > Oct 1, 2018 06:59 PM | Report Abuse

Damn, still don't get me. I guess sarcasm doesn't work for the dim-witted.

Wrong again. I can smell sarcasm from a mile away. Which I did. Only, I just don't let it shift even one hair on my arm.

But some folks can't see humour even when it whacks them in the face. It just flies over them, I guess. Or maybe through them.


2018-10-01 18:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by bizzybone > Oct 1, 2018 06:42 PM | Report Abuse

Haha you're right. That's why Im called Bizzybone and not DreamBizzybone.

And you hv got me wrong. Big time too.

I am not the Conqueror in a Dream. But the Conqueror of Dreams.


2018-10-01 18:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by asd88 > Oct 1, 2018 06:32 PM | Report Abuse

did i say i want to let go? i was just sharing info. its up to anyone to either take caution or just to ignore

Then allow me to share this opinion with you. I think much better for you to ignore your own info.


2018-10-01 18:35 | Report Abuse

Mr. BizzyBone, we live & play in the REAL world. Not in some fantasy, rhetorical world.

The former is where I live & play. The latter is where folks like Jeffer Ng does. He is the type who can make 3% every frekkin day, week in week out, month in month out, year in year out, decade in decade out.


2018-10-01 18:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by bizzybone > Oct 1, 2018 06:03 PM | Report Abuse

If someone can make 3% consistently every day, then over time he'll make a lot. Consistent being the operative word.

Uh huh. Great example. From a textbook. And now, you're going to tell me that you know someone in REAL life, who is still doing that, every frekkin day, until today. I am waiting.

I am going to treat him to the most sumptuous meal of his life, ever. And make sure that he becomes my good friend. Becos, you know, in 15 years time, he is going to be even richer than Warren Buffet.


2018-10-01 18:24 | Report Abuse

Okay, Mr. ASD88. You sell off all your Reach tomorrow, at 50 or 49. Then you come back in one or two months time, watch what price I will be selling at. Could be ASD88 that time. Whoops, I mean RM0.88. Byeeeeeee.


2018-10-01 17:57 | Report Abuse

Sniper86, LOL.

Sumatec was good. If you got in around November 2013 & got out at peak in mid August 2014.

Now, Reach Energy is in the same position Sumatec was in late 2013.

So, what are you waiting for now, dude. Gambarute. Khallas naam.


2018-10-01 17:51 | Report Abuse

This is roughly Jeffrey Ng's typical weekly game play pattern.

Monday, win 3% at closing. Tuesday, lose 3% at closing. Wednesday, win 3% at closing, Thursday, lose 3% at closing. Friday, lose 3% at closing, becos dare not take position over the weekend.

Overall performance for week: Lose 3%

Overall performance for 4 weeks: Lose 12%

And it's REAL loss too, not just paper loss.

See what I mean?


2018-10-01 17:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by bowman > Oct 1, 2018 05:41 PM | Report Abuse


Mr. BowMan, dude. You are quoting from an article dated March 31, 2016?

So, when was the last time you took up a bow to hone back your old archery skills? It has really gone a bit rusty now. Or perhaps you are actually a time traveller from another world.


2018-10-01 17:39 | Report Abuse

This is roughly Jeffrey Ng's typical weekly game play pattern.

Monday, win 3% at closing. Tuesday, lose 3% at closing. Wednesday, win 3% at closing, Thursday, lose 3% at closing. Friday, lose 3% at closing, becos dare not take position over the weekend.

Overall performance for week: Lose 3%

Overall performance for 4 weeks: Lose 12%

See what I mean?


2018-10-01 17:23 | Report Abuse


32.5 was about my average entry price. Two weeks ago, approximately. At 50, I wud be getting 53.8% ROI. Now, with oil going strong, and Reach hvg shown good profit for its latest qrtr, there is not really much danger of any catastrophe in next week or so.

If I can sell @60 nx wk, I'd be getting 91.7% ROI. Now, this is what I call serious OPTIMAL & EFFICIENT game play.

Okay it's still paper prof for now. But 60 next week, or the week after that, for Reach, is now no more 'fantasy', for sure.

But you still want & love your 'real' 3% profit. Okay, you stay happy with that, friend.


2018-10-01 17:13 | Report Abuse

Posted by Jeffrey Ng > Oct 1, 2018 05:01 PM | Report Abuse

3%ROI is cash... 23% is paper profit.

You reckon? Really? Okay, tell me how many fantastic rounds of 3% ROI cash profit hv you made since Reach was @32.5 just two weeks ago.


2018-10-01 17:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by Dato Nik > Oct 1, 2018 03:24 PM | Report Abuse

Reach ohh you mean the KZ asset like Sumatec games?

Okay tell me now, Mr Dato Nik, that you wud not hv liked to be in possession of 10 thousand big lots of Sumatec WB when it was peaking @55.5 sen.


2018-10-01 17:02 | Report Abuse

Calling, calling. Reach Energy calling.

Calling, calling. Last call before next sailing.