
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-11-22 16:42 | Report Abuse


Try calling this number some time.

+603 2283 1368

Ask to speak to Roshidah Abdullah, or any deputy or assistant of hers.


2014-11-22 16:36 | Report Abuse

Very good, 6969. I don't hv to do anything now. You're handling all the publicity work for me.

For zero pay too.

What a good dude you are.


2014-11-22 16:32 | Report Abuse

6969, good lad.

You're helping to spread my macho, manly reputation around, so far and so wide.

I'm going to be in profoundly hot demand among the most beautiful babes in town very soon.

Keep it up.


2014-11-22 16:28 | Report Abuse

Yes, 6969.

And you're so convincing too.

Keep up da good work.


2014-11-22 16:23 | Report Abuse


Try harder.

Much harder than that.


2014-11-22 16:21 | Report Abuse

6969, that was a great, grand, glorious compliment.

It's really, really brilliant for my manly reputation.


2014-11-22 16:18 | Report Abuse

I am still holding my 1,010 big lots of Suma WB. That is what is really important.

Prices come and go. But one's total number of lots, once lost, might not be so easy to recover.


2014-11-22 16:17 | Report Abuse

I am still holding tite, Derrick. Still on my 1,010 big lots. You know me, no frekkin cut-loss stuff for me.

But you don't hv to follow me if you think my strategy is bad.


2014-11-22 16:11 | Report Abuse

6969, you hv some serious issues. I don't. So, you deal with them.


2014-11-22 16:09 | Report Abuse

Dudes, tell you something.

Suma is NOT suitable for impatient, short-term minded, struggling-for-daily-pocket-money, novice-newbie, hantu-dikkhead-dude cry babies.

Leave Suma for patient, mature, long-term-minded serious investors like us.


2014-11-22 16:04 | Report Abuse

DreamConquerorS(Ass), kiddy hantu dikkhead dude.

Seems like you've been havin a real big funfest.

Masquerading as some one else (me), even to the point of stealing my avatar pic, relentlessly trying to confuse and scare so many other innocent investing dudes into selling out at substantial losses.

So called cut-loss losses.


2014-11-22 15:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreamConquerors > Nov 19, 2014 09:15 PM | Report Abuse

6969 = DreamConqueror -no need to play games - you just stink from miles away

Posted by DreamConquerors > Nov 19, 2014 09:28 PM | Report Abuse

Haiya - 6969 aka DREAMCONQUEROR = dreamhunter aka want2win and many others - you can try whatever - you won't succeed - kapeesh!

Posted by DreamConquerors > Nov 19, 2014 09:29 PM | Report Abuse

Saadhalim - good name - having fun yet?

Posted by DreamConquerors > Nov 19, 2014 09:30 PM | Report Abuse

Those have warned and warned and those who have lied and lied...........

Posted by DreamConquerors > Nov 20, 2014 12:00 AM | Report Abuse

Stop talking coke - counter is bleeding - wake up to reality please - it have nose dived from 62 cents top right down to 29.5 cents WITHOUT mercy.

86868 - who you try to kid? Yourself? You are a big joke to yourself. I am amazed at some of the so call intellectual writings here. WAKE UP MAN!!! It has been bleeding RED! Since August. So stop kidding yourself and now goodnight and before you go to sleep 86868, go and brush your teeth.

Posted by DreamConquerors > Nov 20, 2014 12:02 AM | Report Abuse

Learn how to say thank you konon - don't even know how to read simple patterns of sell down ciakap Besar.... Hahahahaha

Posted by DreamConquerors > Nov 20, 2014 12:03 AM | Report Abuse

Having fun yet? Good night you all. Nighty nite. Sleep tight.

Posted by DreamConquerors > Nov 20, 2014 12:04 AM | Report Abuse

Oh ring ring today SILENT MODE.

Posted by DreamConquerors > Nov 20, 2014 12:09 AM | Report Abuse

No lah -having fun with bunch of "you know what" mode.


2014-11-22 15:41 | Report Abuse

The dude who eventually wins big is ... the one ... who sees hope when everyone else throws up their hands in despair ...


2014-11-22 15:38 | Report Abuse

Lots and lots of past-contra-loser cry babies now having their daily cryfest fun fest. Well, let hv them indulge themselves.

They don't hv much time left for their pathetic indulgence now. Oil is nearing bottom. O&G stocks nearing bottom. Suma nearing bottom.

After which the only way for things to move ... is ... UP.


2014-11-17 03:37 | Report Abuse

Gua sudah tido banyak, tadi petang. Biasa la gua, ini macam, klu hari Ahad atau public holiday. Malam tak payah tido lagi, pagi terus gi ofis.


2014-11-17 03:33 | Report Abuse

What tangible results hv IFCA-MSC shown? And just look how high IFCA-MSC WA is flying.


2014-11-17 03:22 | Report Abuse

He was newbie-naive before he became convinced that Suma was something worth investing in, and eventually bought into it, after much argument and debate with more established investors in Suma room. And after seeing Suma start moving.

And now he is still suffering from newbie naivety.


2014-11-17 03:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > Nov 16, 2014 11:07 PM | Report Abuse

Sumatec running back above 45 sen is unlikely. They must show tangible result and not TALKS (announcement) or sketch plans.

You never stop exposing your naivety, DickyMe MeDicky SundarJie. Perceptions can be as powerful as facts, especially for penny stocks like Suma. Often more powerful, in fact. Now, THAT is the reality.


2014-11-17 03:10 | Report Abuse

Now, this is one thing you should observe next time, Nancy. When Suma rises by a few sen, they all suddenly disappear into no frekkin where. Just like mice disappearing into the stinking sewers upon hearing the meowings of a hungry tomcat.


2014-11-17 02:59 | Report Abuse

'They're invested in anything at all.' = 'They're NOT invested in anything at all.'



2014-11-17 02:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by Nancy Tang > Nov 16, 2014 10:10 PM | Report Abuse

How is Suma's price going to improve if we still have people targeting the price to be 25 - 28 !!! Really depressing to see such negative postings ... might as well let it drop straight to 20 to make all those people happy ! However at that price it's possible that these same people might revise their new TP to maybe 15 - 20 ha! ha! ... this is a doom counter with such characters around !!!

Nancy, I don't believe it. You have such a high opinion of them?

Naaah, you're really, really over-rating their strength and influence now.

I wonder why you even talk about making them happy. These kiddy dikkhead dudes are unhappy all the time. They're invested in anything at all. They don't hv any capital for that. Just a bunch of kiddy college dudes still struggling hard to get their diploma. Just keep coming into forum coz they got nothing better to do while too lazy or too distracted to focus on their class assignments.

Or maybe even that is still over-rating them. Maybe they're still in form 6.

You do NOT need to be depressed by them at all. You really, really think that so many serious investors are paying that much attention to their kiddy dikkhead postings, do you? Fat chance.

Nope. These dudes are NOT going to decide the fate of Suma, if that is really what you are thinking. NOT at all. No matter how hard they try, theirs will be an exercise in absolute, utter futility.


2014-11-16 02:58 | Report Abuse

You only googled it after I had asked.

See what I mean. You hv to specify, otherwise someone who read Brent price, then saw you quote WTI price, might start thinking that world oil had fallen by US10$ in one day.


2014-11-16 02:17 | Report Abuse

Which benchmark oil is now 75.82? There are several world standard oils. You should start learning to be more specific.


2014-11-16 02:15 | Report Abuse

Is the world population now begun diminishing, or still expanding?


2014-11-16 01:59 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-11-16 01:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by happytrradingz > Nov 15, 2014 03:54 PM | Report Abuse

Nobody borrows money and dumps everything in an experimental and expiry warrant

Just shows your complete lack of experience about the real world, while talking your arse off all the time, as if you know so much about everything. You're just like the kaki bangku trying to teach Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi how to dribble a ball.

Tell you what, naive kiddy dikkhead dude. Not every driver can drive like Schumacher, Alonso or Hamilton.

Enough said.


2014-11-16 01:31 | Report Abuse

Gym day again, today. Pushed 280 kg on leg machine. Woi, KSLooi, habis la lu, tak boleh lawan sama gua lagi. Confirmed.


2014-11-16 00:46 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-11-16 00:39 | Report Abuse

Gosh, this thing is lookin incredible.


2014-11-16 00:38 | Report Abuse

What are the main factors behind the strong run-up, one wonders.


2014-11-16 00:30 | Report Abuse

Okay la, Eric. Sekarang gua cakap sama lu, within 15 months, oil will rise back up again to 100 or nearly. Lu percaya tak?

Nanti lagi 15 months lu tengok balik, apa yg gua cakap ini hari.

Tak payah gaduh-gaduh sama siap-siapa pun. Klu itu orang itu macam banyak pandai, klu dia bukan main-main agak-agak saja, dia patut dah jadi multi-billionaire la sekarang, kan?

Tak pi tak da pun dia punya nama dalam senarai multi-billionaire kat Malaysia ni. Masih duk terhegeh-hegeh masuk forum, bikin shhit bikin kacau, cari gaduh sama orang juga.


2014-11-16 00:23 | Report Abuse

Posted by Dracular_E > Nov 15, 2014 06:41 PM | Report Abuse

Gua ingat dua tiga bulan lepas itu macam.
Sumatec pinya forum.
After sumatec down from 62 cents.
Itu olang gaduh kuat sama dream hunter.
Dia ciakap lepas dua bulan halga minyak satut dunia akan jiatuh .
Minyak pinya halga sikalang betul betul downtrend wor.
Dream c . Lu ingat tak siapa itu olang.
Wa ingat dia mangiak hebat.
Dia 10x lagi hebat dari ayam khong kham

Tu la, Eric. These days banyak sangat orang yg macam tu. Baru belajar main entah berapa hari, dia ingat dia sudah banyak pandai, serupa orang yg sudah main 25 tahun.

Tu pun belum tentu lagi pun. Jangan-jangan dia satu unit pun tak ada pegang, dia mari masuk mana-mana forum, Suma ka Glotec ka apa ka, dia bikin shhit bikin kacau-kacau sama orang juga. Dia ingat dia bikin itu macam, dia boleh belajar sampai jadi pandai. Konon-kononnya.


2014-11-16 00:14 | Report Abuse

Well, he, or someone, has already made Suma rise from 28 to 62, in a period of not much longer than 2 months, has he not?

Which just means that something like that could just happen again, does it not?


2014-11-15 17:47 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-11-15 17:26 | Report Abuse

Itu kiddy dikkhead flag boy satu orang itu ah, mana-mana bilik gua pegi pun dia ikut gua.

Dia misti peminat tegar gua la, klu dia ini macam.


2014-11-15 17:23 | Report Abuse

Nothing stagnates forever. The time to be positioning oneself with regard to something is when it is at low.

So that one is already well and securely on the horse's back by the time it starts going into a trot, then a canter, then the final gallop.


2014-11-15 17:14 | Report Abuse

Our pathetic kiddy dikkhead flag boy is still at his kiddy dikkhead game, it seems.


2014-11-15 17:09 | Report Abuse

Oil will come back. Suma will come back. No fear.

It's all just a matter of waiting. And having the required, calmness, serenity, poise, resilience and self-control to undergo the waiting.


2014-11-15 16:59 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-11-15 16:40 | Report Abuse

AyamTua tak da keluar jaga kebun Glotec dia ini hari.


2014-11-15 16:34 | Report Abuse

Well, maybe a bit but not so much. Because their genes are structured differently.

The man's genes for getting him excited and triggering him into a chase and a hunt.

The woman's ones for exciting those of the man, to spike his hormones and set off his trigger.


2014-11-15 16:25 | Report Abuse

The shale story is just a big load of hype, SuperBear. The shale bubble is going to burst pretty soon.


2014-11-15 16:19 | Report Abuse

With a willing partner? No prizes for guessing. Like they say, it takes two to tango.

But in the main, the men watch, while the woman moves. For his pleasure. As well as hers.

Becoz a woman just loves to be admired. And desired.


2014-11-15 16:06 |

Post removed.Why?