
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-11-15 15:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by happytrradingz > Nov 15, 2014 03:54 PM | Report Abuse

And I wonder why people cannot now stop laughing and having a piece of you - as before they felt sorry for you but because of your arrogance and boastfulness now they just enjoy TOYING with you kiddy- Nobody borrows money and dumps everything in an experimental and expiry warrant - that is call Suicide - he he he

You can write here 5000 pages, nothing will change - destiny is NOT IN YOUR HAND! Your immaturity and cockiness has caused you to be clouded with fake dreams. Instead of cutting loss and buyiny back later if you still believe, when it was diving down, you stick on!

Reailty will SOON SINK IN - as soon as the ship sinks!!! Get ready to pay your monthly interest and just as time passes, your dreams will fade away and reality will check in - he he he

If you still hv the audacity, as well as da balls, to come back to me with this exact same post in several months time, when both Suma Mother and its Warrants hv breached RM1, then we will hv something worthwhile to talk about.

Otherwise, we hv nothing of import to discuss.



2014-11-15 15:51 | Report Abuse

Doctor, doctor! My armpit hairs are all bleeding now, doctor!

From all this on line bashing by HappyTrradingz. Ouch, ouch, ouch.


2014-11-15 15:49 | Report Abuse

'Bashings'? Oh yeah, they bleed every single hair in my armpits too.


2014-11-15 15:47 | Report Abuse

Nope, you got it wrong, kiddy dikkhead dude. I am forever cool, and happy, and contented and cheerful.

And I don't need to end every sentence that I write or speak with a 'he he he', 'ke kek ke' or whatver, just to convince someone else that I am.


2014-11-15 15:43 | Report Abuse

You mean I hv so many hopeless admirers whom I do not hv the time or the care to respond positively to, right.

And at least 60 of them are just one kiddy dikkhead dude under 60 different clone names.


2014-11-15 15:41 | Report Abuse

He never misses his trademark 'he he he'. Trade mark of an insecure, unconfident kiddy dikhead dude.


2014-11-15 15:39 | Report Abuse

He was November only a few minutes ago. Now he is HappyTrradingz.


2014-11-15 15:38 | Report Abuse

Wow! Now, our resident flag boy is here.


2014-11-15 15:36 | Report Abuse

Some recent Edge TPs:

5.15 for UMW-OG, 2.15 for MRCB, 4.00 of E&O


2014-11-15 15:12 | Report Abuse

And you don't need to be ending each and every one post of yours with a 'heh heh heh', 'ho ho ho', 'ki ki ki', 'ka ka ka' or whatever, November. It is an indication of kiddiness, immaurity and lack of conviction and confidence in what you are saying.

It only weakens your own credibility, rather than making it stronger.


2014-11-15 15:08 | Report Abuse

I am always cool, November. No probs about that. You can take my temperature anytime. It would be substantially cooler than that of yours, I can guarantee that.

Everybody gets a red flag at some time or another. Sometimes one gets provoked, stuff happens. But you don't need to make a big meal out of of a teaspoonful of soup.

Now, you stay cool.


2014-11-15 15:00 | Report Abuse

Well, November kiddy dikkhead dude.

Welcome to the real world.


2014-11-15 14:58 | Report Abuse

Oh yes. He's lost for words now. That November kiddy dikkhead dude.

Shocked and awed into absolute silence, that someone had the wisdom to suss him out of his kiddy dikkhead masquerade.


2014-11-15 14:54 | Report Abuse

Playin your kiddy dikkhead flaggin game again, are you, kiddy dikkhead dude November @ OptiMouse @ OptiMouth @ MusangFoxKing @ TruthSeeker @ DreamShhitter @ HappyTrradingz @ DreamS(Ass)Conqueror @ DreamConquerorS(Ass) @ Doraemon @ SureLaughDie @ FartLaughCry @ etc. etc. etc.?

Aye? Aye? Aye?


2014-11-15 14:49 | Report Abuse

Now I know. This November. Next time he'll be calling himself September or December.

Hs's just another pathetic new clone of OptiMouse @ OptiMouth @ MusangFoxKing @ TruthSeeker @ DreamShhitter @ HappyTrradingz @ DreamS(Ass)Conqueror @ DreamConquerorS(Ass) @ Doraemon @ SureLaughDie @ FartLaughCry @ etc. etc. etc.

Not a serious investor. Only a come-in-every-now-and-again bikin kacau-kacau bikin shhit kiddy dikkhead dude.


2014-11-15 14:43 | Report Abuse

And YKJohn, he has been a loyalist supporter too. Missed his name out just now. Sorry, YK.

And DerrickInvestor too, he has still hung on, gotta give that to him.


2014-11-15 14:40 | Report Abuse

'Now, it's YOU with your, vast, gaping kiddy dikkhead mouth that should learn from respect.' = 'Now, it's YOU with your, vast, gaping kiddy dikkhead mouth that should learn SOME respect.'



2014-11-15 14:38 | Report Abuse

November, at first I thought you were a cool dude. But now you hv disappointed me. Big time.

When you hv some time to spare from your kiddy dikkhead whinings and lamentations, scroll back a few hundred pages. Then you might just gather some clues about the true long term history of this room over the last one year.

When Suma was was languishing for many months in the 28 - 30 range, even dipping to 26.5 on a few occasions, who were the loyalist supporters who kept visiting here, playing here, chatting here, to keep the room warm and alive? And stop it from wilting and withering to nothing?

Only dudes like SangJero, LooiKS, Investor3833, IMLegend, Nooraini, KopiPeng, Strategisst, someone called DragonSlayer and me. Even AyamTua from Glotec was a regular visitor, while he was not that heavily invested.

That time, your good friend DickyMe MeDicky SundarJie was NOT even a believer in Suma, let alone a regular investor. He just did not hv the wisdom and capacity, besides the clarity of mind, to see the wood for the trees, regarding Suma, that time. And today he's talking his fat arse off like he's been in Suma for decades.

Now, it's YOU with your, vast, gaping kiddy dikkhead mouth that should learn from respect.



2014-11-15 14:22 | Report Abuse

And how much were Sona's last 2 quarterly profits, if anyone could still remember?

Not that much bigger than Suma's, IIRC. If any.


2014-11-15 14:11 | Report Abuse

Yup, Derrick dude. I can you see you, just drooling away hopelessly at her irresistible feminine charms.


2014-11-15 14:07 | Report Abuse

Бисерова Анастасия = Biserova Anastasia i.e. Anastasia Biserova.

See. DreamConqueror can even read Russian. Maybe one day he will marry a Russian babe. A profoundly kharsivaya Ruskaya koshka.


2014-11-15 13:58 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-11-15 00:40 | Report Abuse

YK has suddenly fled. He gets scared real fast at the sight of a beautiful lady. LOL


2014-11-15 00:30 | Report Abuse

dancing = dynamic meditation. Just ask Travolta Keong.


2014-11-15 00:18 | Report Abuse

You do one hour of power dancing tonite, YK. Then next week might up.


2014-11-15 00:00 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-11-12 01:07 | Report Abuse

Well, I guess some investors hv the audacity claim themselves to be serious investors, while they still hv a serious problem with big ambitions.

And another one with simple arithmetic too.


2014-11-12 00:58 | Report Abuse

'power pant' = 'power plant'



2014-11-12 00:56 | Report Abuse

Posted by woman_x > Nov 11, 2014 08:29 PM | Report Abuse

your stupendous call of WAIT strategy for your 10M and 100M is so ridiculous . We are here for serious investments millions at stake not 'childish' egoistic display. That is what I am quitting kapish!

Yo, bimbo arse. 10M is ridiculous? 100M is ridiculous?

Yes, it would be ridiculous. To you. Because you hv convinced yourself that it is ridiculous.

Is 0.1M and 1M ridiculous too? Let's just say that you're NOT such a bimbo and you accept that 1M is not ridiculous.

Now, if 1M is not ridiculous, then it follows that neither is 10M that ridiculous. And it follows again that neither 100M is that ridiculous.

I did not say that one could reach 10M or 100M by waiting and waiting and waiting, did I?

10M and 100M, for a dude presently holding only 1,010 big lots of Suma WB, or even Suma Mother, would necessarily require repeated, robust swing jobs to increase number of lots, from 1,000 big lots to 2,000, to 5,000, to 5,000, to 10,000. And also loads and loads of good luck too.

If one gets to 5,000 big lots, with either WB or Mother, then one only need a price of RM2 to hit 10M. Now then, is that such a profound impossibility? No, it is not.

And if one gets to 10,000 big lots, again with either WB or Mother, then one only need a price of RM10 to hit 100M. Now then, is that such a profound impossibility? No, it is not. Granted, RM10 would be a bit on the high side, but it is NOT impossible. Definitely NOT.

In the late 1990s, not long from the 1997-1998 globocrash, Amin Shah's vehicle, PSC industries, hit RM17, mostly on the strength of its announced 6-OPV (i.e. offshore patrol vessel) contract with the Royal Malaysian Navy (which eventually came to nothing, and was taken over by Boustead Heavy Industries), and its announcement of a project to build a power pant in Kazakhstan (which was eventually cancelled).

So, would RM10 for a newly blossoming O&G company, which could quite realistically happen to Suma several years down down the line from now, be such a distant possibility?

No, it would not. Not at all.


2014-11-12 00:11 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow ... Glo glo glo


2014-11-12 00:10 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow ... Go go go


2014-11-12 00:05 | Report Abuse

'you too' = 'you two'



2014-11-12 00:05 | Report Abuse

Hey, you too, I was just getting awake again ...


2014-11-12 00:04 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-11-12 00:00 | Report Abuse

But then, teh halia with some female salt, wonder what that would taste like ... LOL


2014-11-11 23:57 | Report Abuse

But then, in the heat of passion, anything goes, right? It's like, no holds barred ... And on both sides of the fence too ...


2014-11-11 23:54 | Report Abuse

You'd be surprised, Eric, how good coffee or tea with a bit of salt could taste.

A once-in-a-while favourite of mine is teh halia with some salt in it. Try this some time.


2014-11-11 23:51 | Report Abuse

'once could learn' = 'one could learn'



2014-11-11 23:51 | Report Abuse

In this aspect, Eric, it would be surprising how much once could learn from the animals ...

One just watches the cats and the dogs. Even the chickens, ducks and geese, and the sheep, goats and cattle, if one has the chance.

A male among them is always tolerant and patient toward a female. Because if he is not, she will be scared and afraid of him, and she will prefer another male ...


2014-11-11 23:46 | Report Abuse

You're right, Eric. Yup, one does not rile up a lady unnecessarily. Especially one that one likes very much ... Oh noooooo ...


2014-11-11 23:43 | Report Abuse

Sounds like talking from experience, Eric. Sudah ada kena oredy before la hor ...


2014-11-11 23:38 | Report Abuse

That is practising double standards, Eric. That is really unfair.


2014-11-11 23:35 | Report Abuse

'amoy ataff' = 'amoy staff'



2014-11-11 23:34 | Report Abuse

Posted by Dracular_E > Nov 11, 2014 11:32 PM | Report Abuse

Well. I don't scold female.

I knew it.

You lecherous swine.

Now then, that is SERIOUS gender inequality.


2014-11-11 23:32 | Report Abuse

What if a smoking hot amoy ataff of yours is habitually like 1 - 2 minutes late every day? And she is a hot cook as well.

Are you stil going to tiao her like heck? I mean, not tiao her in your bed, even if she makes you horny like heck, but scold her like there's no tomorrow every time she's late.

I mean, you could still scold her like heck every morning, but then, there goes your chance of seriously courting her, winning her heart and one day making her your lovely, adoring wife. There goes your chance straight out of the window.


2014-11-11 23:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by Dracular_E > Nov 11, 2014 11:17 PM | Report Abuse

Not just bring his ciku size egg and carrot size penis but also discipline.

Hmmm. I don't know. Mine is a bit bigger than that.


2014-11-11 23:18 | Report Abuse

Posted by Dracular_E > Nov 11, 2014 11:04 PM | Report Abuse

For me ar, if my staff late to work. Even few minutes late only,
I will tiao him until his mother also can't recognize him

Posted by DreamConqueror > Nov 11, 2014 11:07 PM | Report Abuse X

And I thought you only like to tiao amoy in B2B until YOUR mother can't recognice you.

Or until HER mother can't recognise her.

Wooooo hooooo hooooo ...


2014-11-11 23:14 | Report Abuse

Few minutes late come to work should be no big deal, Eric. The important thing is a worker turns up for work in the best possible frame of mind. Then only will he be his most productive self for the company and the business.

Productivity, not meaningless on-the-dot punctuality, is what brings the bottom line to the undertaking.


2014-11-11 23:10 | Report Abuse

Waaah, you so bery good boy now ah ...