
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-10-11 15:20 | Report Abuse

He's still resorting to his flag playing game now, that poor now-out-of-ideas, now-out-argued, kiddy Shhitter of Dreams.


2014-10-11 15:14 | Report Abuse

Just says it all about his lack of clarity of mind, that kiddy Shhiter of Dreams.


2014-10-11 15:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshitter > Oct 11, 2014 03:09 PM | Report Abuse

Ok - final note - I made this ID up because of Dream Conquerer - I will change it . Thanks for advise - cheers!!!

Change it? Why? It fits your character perfectly. The Shhitter of Dreams.

Hu hu hu hu, ho ho ho ho, he he he he, ha ha ha ha.


2014-10-11 15:10 | Report Abuse

Posted by happytradinggz > Oct 11, 2014 03:06 PM | Report Abuse

Maybe you need to change your ID name - he he he he

That was some sensible advice to a good friend of yours. A cyber friend, BTW.

Hey, that advice would be relevant to you too. And to some other similarly styled, similarly charactered good cyber friends of yours.

Nudge, nudge. Wink, wink. Say no more, say no more.


2014-10-11 15:06 | Report Abuse

Posted by Dreamer11 > Oct 11, 2014 03:02 PM | Report Abuse

Noraini: agree with that, many counter chart break the line MA100

Look like something wrong

So u still hold n wait???

Can buy in again???

Now he's fawning at Simu Nooraini. Swooning at her feet. Begging for some fantastic time-honoured wisdom. Coz he wants to recover the money that he had lost so much from his last simplistic, un-inspired foray into the market. Ha ha.


2014-10-11 15:02 | Report Abuse

The Conqueror of Dreams never runs away from battle, Shhitter. That is why he will eventually conquer his own grand, glorious, golden dream.

Unlike the Shhitter of Dreams. Who is always too full of shhitt to contemplate, let alone strategise for and achieve any serious big dream of his own.


2014-10-11 14:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshitter > Oct 11, 2014 02:53 PM | Report Abuse

Dreamer aka dream conqueror - I like to hear your concrete and specific answers to ALL THE points raised by Thruthseeker especially point 5,6, 7 and 8

No, I don't waste my precious time responding to worthless, meaningless points by anyone. There're other much better ways to enjoy my time. I only respond to the ones worth responding to.


2014-10-11 14:54 | Report Abuse

Hiding in your shady kedondong groves, I bet, DragonSlayer.

Well, I can't call you DS now, coz there's another DS, i.e. the Shhitter of Dreams.


2014-10-11 14:51 | Report Abuse

Be a gentleman loser la.


2014-10-11 14:51 | Report Abuse

Woi, itu budak. Jangan duk main flag la, itu budak. Sudah kalah tu, terima saja la, diam saja la.


2014-10-11 14:49 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshitter > Oct 11, 2014 02:46 PM | Report Abuse

Very interesting show developing - the best I have seen in years!!! And we have one or two great characters here to make it even more enjoyable and lively to partake and watch events unfold

He's resorting to lame, flat jokes now, coz he's run of serious ideas on how to counter-argue. Poor kid.


2014-10-11 14:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by dragonslayer > Oct 11, 2014 02:43 PM | Report Abuse

Aiyo...will suma cancel the oil field acquisition.....hard to say mah.....RI cancellation.

Woi, DragonSlayer, lama hilang, mana lu sembunyi.

Now, BE acquisition can still be executed another way, without RI. I hv described that in outline in an earlier post, about 1 or pages back.


2014-10-11 14:44 | Report Abuse

Ha ha. Some naive, desperate, out-of-ideas, out-argued kid is resorting to flag playing now.


2014-10-11 14:36 | Report Abuse

Posted by Noraini Ismail > Oct 11, 2014 02:24 PM | Report Abuse

Dreamer11.......if you believe its a trap then its a trap lor.....
more 3/4 of the counters in Bursa suffered heavily last week not only Suma.....
don't tell me all these counters kena trap........
Trade what you see & not what you think.......

What can he see. He has no such capability. And he has no capital either. Other than a load of hot stinking air.


2014-10-11 14:33 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshitter > Oct 11, 2014 02:23 PM | Report Abuse

TRUTHSEEKER - welcome on board for the best live entertainment site - you real unbelievable postings. You can't even phantom half of them - nonetheless enjoy the show - it's such fun!!!

Try coming up with an original, intellectual argument of your own some time, instead of mindlessly copy-pasting someone else's recycled, re-parroted crap, and try relying a bit less on purely personal insults, and someone might pay you some serious attention.


2014-10-11 14:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshitter > Oct 11, 2014 02:15 PM | Report Abuse

And for the rest ponder what TRUTHSEEKER Has posted over the weekend and ponder real hard ok - your hard earn money depends on it!!

Really. And we'll all suddenly turn into big bankrupts next week for not pondering TruthSeeker's simplistic advice. Oh yeaaahhhhh.


2014-10-11 14:15 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshitter > Oct 11, 2014 02:13 PM | Report Abuse

Avoiding the legitimate questions and truth does not bury them - You can post 2,000 plus post today and flood this forum - it would not change anything.

The fact you failed to response to Thuthseeker 5 to 8 points proof your knowledge and worth.

It is not the volumous you write that counts - it is the content that matter and point is you have none! It is indeed a very sad conclusion.

Dude. I need to give one answer to that one.

Ha ha ha.


2014-10-11 14:14 | Report Abuse

If it is proven that US-Saudi is using oil to break Russia, then one can rest assured, that Russia will respond. And respond strongly too.

As to how exactly, try making one's own inspired guesses. Russia is not Iran, who is not yet strong enough, who can still be bullied around into near-submission. Russia is Russia.


2014-10-11 14:08 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshitter > Oct 11, 2014 01:57 PM | Report Abuse

Noraini - what you believe - gambling or the truth?

YOUR truth? A Shhitter's truth? Uh uh. I think I'll pass.


2014-10-11 14:03 | Report Abuse

osted by dreamshitter > Oct 11, 2014 01:56 PM | Report Abuse

Truth seeker - we'll done mate!!! You hit the nail right and spot on the coffin and sealed it with a kiss.

Another simplistic thinking copy-paster. Is it worth while replying to this kind of keyboard-boarded absurdity. Naaahhh. One reply to his kind, on just one most pertinent of his points, is enough.


2014-10-11 14:00 | Report Abuse

This is not the 1990s, kids, That time USSR was collapsing and the Western camp was booming.

This time, it's the the other way around. Russia-China is flowering, while their Western counterparts, their former cold-war foes, including their leader the great superpower US, are sinking deeper and deeper into debt.


2014-10-11 13:50 | Report Abuse

Posted by happytradinggz > Oct 11, 2014 01:17 PM | Report Abuse

He he he Truthseeker - wow! You so good - but this guy will not listen - many people have tired to give him advise - he he he he.

Very true on why people list companies - they want our money - he he he

I have so much insight to write - I better stop here.

You really, really, really had 'so much' to write there?

Dude. All you did was copy-paste your much admired friend TruthSeeker's post, while you yourself struggled so hard to barely EKE out a serious, credible paragraph of your own.

And it is NOT even credible. And then you still hv the audacity and shamelessness to declare pompously 'I have so much insight to write here - I hv to stop here'.

Now, I rest my case.


2014-10-11 13:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by truthseeker > Oct 11, 2014 01:12 PM | Report Abuse

Another HALL OF SHAME statement. I really got to hand it to you Dream Conqueror.

1. when people have money - They DONT list their companies - They don't need to share their wealth with anyone.

Again, how WRONG you are. So, so WRONG. Now you're making a constant, regular habit of it.

Nope. Not at all. And just quit trying hard to sound smart, okay. You're only succeeding in coming across as an extremely, profoundly un-smart smart-arse. Now you're exposing your naivety again. And the number of giggling girls among the crowd - giggling at your exposed naivety - is increasing.

Listing and delisting are about pure business economics. Neither equates directly to someone having enough money or not enough money. Even Bill Gates, Carlos Slim own and many other big global multi-billionaires run listed companies, in case you're still not aware.

Now, does that mean that they're all so stupid so as to want to voluntarily share their immense hard-earned wealth with others for absolutely nothing?

Dude. Kid. Listing does not equate to giving one's wealth away to other people for nothing. It is about drawing on the vast reserves of capital available from among the general public, then using that capital to grow and expand one's existing business operations, and then sharing with them the EXPANDED profits of those EXPANDED business operations.

Simply said, a Win-Win strategy of business expansion. When it is properly planned, implemented and executed.

Get it? Now, I'm not sure if I should keep asking this one last question, becoz you hv been frequently displaying a vast difficulty for 'getting it'.


2014-10-11 13:14 | Report Abuse

Any forummer who resorts to rudeness, arrogance, or otherwise personally insulting forumming behaviour is not gaining any benefit for himself, do not forget that.

While the watching crowd will quickly call their bluff, one can also rest assured that the Mods will also be swiftly out with the Mods' own bit of disciplinary action.


2014-10-11 12:58 | Report Abuse

Same goes to your other similarly-charactered 'frenz'.


2014-10-11 12:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by musang_foxking > Oct 11, 2014 12:39 PM | Report Abuse

Russia to attack saudi using arms? Really? Dreamhunter u are sick man.... please visit phycologist. ... PLEASE TALK AGAIN WHEN U WAKE UP

Dude. Instead of resorting to meaningless, worthless, personal insults - which the wiser ones among the crowd will be quick to observe - everythime you're challenged, try arguing your way out with an intelligently thought out counter-argument.

Then you might just begin to sound a bit more credible.

But alas, if that is simply beyond your capability, then there is not much that one can do, I guess.


2014-10-11 12:44 | Report Abuse

Posted by truthseeker > Oct 11, 2014 12:08 PM | Report Abuse

Walao walao - I don't believe this!!!!! Such a novice - famous quote by Dream Conqueror.

Guaranteed a place in HALL OF SHAME!!

Dream Conqueror wish list 1 - cancel RI --- If they cancel the RI - no more money to purchase new field - so no new business - counter collapse as cannot survive on production of mere depleting 2,000 barrels - immediate collapse of share price - whammy No 1

Dream Conqueror wish 2 - postpone RI - share price still collapse as what is the motivation of rose in the first place, the announcement of purchase - so back to 1 - if no new business - cannot survive - whammy No 2

Dream Conqueror obviously needs to see beyond the haze to understand the predicaments that surround the current situation - and it ain't pretty - I am astounded that he can assume so easily to mislead others...

Dude. You hv just inadvertently exposed your profound naivety and severe experience deficit. And you hv done so extremely embarrassingly.

If cancel RI, counter will collapse? Nope. You are simply equating cancellation of RI to cancellation of BE acquisition. How wrong you are. And how naive and simplistic your thinking process is.

Cancellation of RI does not mean cancellation of BE acquisition. If RI is cancelled, and this cancellation is heavily publicised, preferably at a time when oil price is somewhat better, it would drive Suma's price back upward. Easily to 75 or 80.

Instead of HS using Suma as vehicle for buying BE, HS can use his privately owned Markmore Energy directly to acquire BE, using Markmore's internal funds. It's only about US$250 mil, so Markmore can easily afford it.

Suma can then be 'used' to buy the BE - then already owned by Markmore - by 100% payment to either BE or Markmore with the then much higher priced (say 75 sen, for instance) Suma shares, thereby making either BE or Markmore a new majority stakeholder of Suma.

Either way, HS will still remain majority owner of Suma.

Do you get it now?

So, try thinking with much sharper clarity of mind next time. You hv a habit of jumping blindly to simplistic conclusions, perhaps just to make an impression of being clever. Definitely not a desirable trait for a prudent investor.


2014-10-11 12:22 | Report Abuse

1. Saudi Arabia can only play this game for so long before their finances are affected. Meanwhile the USSA fracking stock prices are taking on the chin.

Russia will suffer in the short term, but they will endure. The alternative, of western control over their economy, with a repeat of the disastrous 1990's, is deeply engrained in modern Russian memory.

2. If Saudi Arabia is stupid enough to believe that they are powerful enough to use oil to break Vlad the Bone Crusher and his powerfully re-emerging Mother Russia, they'd better think again. Many, many times.

All the Russians have to do is sink one or two tankers with their stealth subs. Or declare Saudi Arabia a nation that supports terrorists, and then trike their refineries in revenge for Beslan Massacre. Ten, voila, oil at US$250 per barrel, and there is nothing the USA can do because they themselves have created the precedent (of declaring some other country a terrorist state or terrorist-supporting state, and invading that country).


2014-10-11 11:56 | Report Abuse

Gua pun boleh buat kerja copy-paste juga. Apa pulak susahnya.

Could the U.S. unleash a flood of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve that would drive down prices in order to punish Russia?

While the idea has been kicked around over the last few weeks – most recently by George Soros – it has also been dismissed as not a serious option. Some say the impact of an oil sale, if it actually succeeded in lower prices, would be temporary. Saudi Arabia could cut back on production to keep oil prices at their current levels. Others decried the idea as contrary to the objective of the SPR, which has been setup to be used only in cases of emergency.


2014-10-11 11:47 | Report Abuse

Raja Musang sudah jadi Raja Copy-Paste pulak. Dia ingat dia banyak pandai la tu. Apa pandainya, bukanny ada buat his own intelligent analysis apa-apa, tapi simply surf around, then copy & paste saja.


2014-10-11 11:42 | Report Abuse

What a big, bad, stinking, bloody load of pessimistic crap.


2014-10-11 03:30 | Report Abuse

Mau kasi tindakan tatatertib sikit sama dia.


2014-10-11 03:30 | Report Abuse

Misti mau kasi ajar sama dia, ini macam rude style punya budak.


2014-10-11 02:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by musang_foxking > Oct 11, 2014 01:22 AM | Report Abuse

Is that the response u get? Wth? Cant even rationalize.... hmmm... when the stink gets stinkier... the swine feels more comfortable ...hmmm...

This is the kind of rude, arrogant, unprovoked but unnecessarily insulting response that should get a red flag at first observation.


2014-10-10 23:20 | Report Abuse

Or maybe you're not even in college yet?


2014-10-10 23:18 | Report Abuse

Projection is not always identical to achievement, dude. That is why it is called PROJECTION. Get it?

So, how long hv you got to go before you finish college and get your diploma. That's if you do hv the focus, clarity of mind, commitment and stamina to see things through. Which, based on what I see from your postings, I am not confident enough to make a positive prediction.


2014-10-10 23:10 | Report Abuse

Market is simply undergoing a normal correction. But some dudes are just hopelessly addicted to cheap thrills and trashy sensationalism. Even to the point of predicting recession la, depression la.

The lows which some people are willing to stoop down to, it's simply amazing sometimes.


2014-10-10 23:00 | Report Abuse

Posted by DreamConqueror > Oct 10, 2014 10:59 PM | Report Abuse X

So, where were you when Suma was doing 62. Maybe not born yet, eh?

This was directed at Musashi, not LuluCF.


2014-10-10 22:59 | Report Abuse

So, where were you when Suma was doing 62. Maybe not born yet, eh?


2014-10-10 22:57 | Report Abuse

Nothing abnormal.


2014-10-10 22:56 | Report Abuse

Can recover la, some time, hor.


2014-10-10 22:55 | Report Abuse

Can go some more ah, this one.


2014-10-10 22:54 | Report Abuse

Tak da project in the pipeline ka


2014-10-10 22:52 | Report Abuse

Constantly spreading undue, unreasonable, unnecessary levels of fear and anxiety.


2014-10-10 22:50 | Report Abuse

These kids are engaging in a reign of terror. Their own particular brand of terror. By constantly spreading fear and anxiety among new unfamiliar investors.


2014-10-10 22:47 | Report Abuse

Really. The rule is dead simple. No sell, no loss. Don't keep on confusing unfamiliar, new investors.


2014-10-10 22:44 | Report Abuse

They don't hv that much money to play around with. So they get their thrills from constantly making folks fearful and anxious, sometimes leading them into making hasty, unwise financial decisions.


2014-10-10 22:40 | Report Abuse

Don't worry too much, folks. Just the usual gang of experience-challenged, always-trying-to-sound-clever kiddy fear mongers and anxiety mongers at work.


2014-10-10 22:36 | Report Abuse

'a certain reasonable of risk' = 'a certain reasonable level of risk'



2014-10-10 22:34 | Report Abuse

That is why it's called investment, dude. One has to face and accept a certain reasonable of risk in getting involved.

Otherwise it would not be called an investment. It would be called FD. Maybe that category is more suitable for someone like you.