
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-10-09 23:35 | Report Abuse

Who cares what Shhitter shhits. It's all just shhit anyway.


2014-10-09 23:32 | Report Abuse

And your name suits you, Shhitter.


2014-10-09 23:28 | Report Abuse

So, how much profit hv ya made with your 500 small lots then, DickyMe MeDicky SundarJie. Share with us.


2014-10-09 23:26 | Report Abuse

A chameleon would be a likelier schizophrenic.


2014-10-09 23:18 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-10-09 23:14 | Report Abuse

NoManLand, ha ha. Sounds like heavy work just for nett zero gain.


2014-10-09 23:10 | Report Abuse

O yasumi nasai, Ozzie.


2014-10-09 23:07 | Report Abuse

If it is that easy to day trade and make gains each and every time.


2014-10-09 23:04 | Report Abuse

Case closed? Closed for what, Shhitter? Closed to your shallow, limited mind, of course.


2014-10-09 23:02 | Report Abuse

Musashi, listen to Shhitter and you'll be filthy rich one day. Oh, pay him 5k a month, no prob. Coz he'll definitely lead you to 500k a month. Oh yeahhhhh.

But then, when Suma is flying, he's usually flown well away to another world.


2014-10-09 23:00 | Report Abuse

Wonder why he was not saying that when WB was 56 and Suma Mother was 62. No balls, that's why. Just clever after the event.


2014-10-09 22:58 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshittter > Oct 9, 2014 10:56 PM | Report Abuse

You watch what will happen to warrants as they are already way overpriced by more than 40% premium of the mother share. This bubble will burst and equibilium will be reached when the new warrants take effect - now they are artificially supported to make the whole idea of new rights attractive as people will subscribe knowing they will be offered free warrants.

Kid. Tell us something new.


2014-10-09 22:57 | Report Abuse

Posted by optimusx8888 > Oct 9, 2014 10:43 PM | Report Abuse

i suspected it, they think it is hopeless to cure. maybe he also have ebola.

Resorting to name calling and personal insults now. Running out of ideas to continue engaging properly and professionally.


2014-10-09 22:53 | Report Abuse

Posted by dreamshittter > Oct 9, 2014 10:48 PM | Report Abuse

we are both brothers on arms - we are dreamers

Oh ho ho. Now you're flattering yourself, putting yourself in the same league as I.


2014-10-09 22:51 | Report Abuse

Why are you so sure that I'm the one flagging you. You must be a very insecure, paranoid kid with siege mentality or something.

You are being flagged all the time. Even when I'm not around. That means that I can't be the one doing the flagging.


2014-10-09 22:48 | Report Abuse

Shhitter, I conquer dreams. You shhit around constantly, even in your dreams.


2014-10-09 22:46 | Report Abuse

OptimusX & DreamShhitter. Their talking styles somehow seem so similar. Now, one just wonders why.


2014-10-09 22:41 | Report Abuse

A Shhitter will always be a Shhitter. A Crrapper will always be a Crrapper. Those kind of perasan-pandai kids are just beyond rehab.


2014-10-09 22:35 | Report Abuse

Mid term 1.50 pun sudah okay. After that 2.50, then 4.

Itu kichit budak action lanxi puny semua, dia orang semua takda caya sama Suma, dia orang tak merasa Suma punya hasil la.


2014-10-09 22:29 | Report Abuse

Sudah betul chow ah, itu Shhitter punya budak itu ah. Dia lagi tak da chow, gua bikin chow koay sama dia.


2014-10-09 22:20 | Report Abuse

No big deal, Trav. All in a day's work. Getting good-for-nothing, know-nothing, talk-big-but-all-hot-air kids off on their bikes.


2014-10-09 22:17 | Report Abuse

Aik, sudah 2 kali cakap chow, lagi belum chow lagi. Lama-lama jadi chow koay juga. Cakap tak serupa bikin punya.


2014-10-09 22:16 | Report Abuse

Not fighting, CassYee. Just putting some perasan-pandai-tapi-tak-berapa-pandai kid back in his proper place.


2014-10-09 22:13 | Report Abuse

So what're you doing here. Kacau-kacau only lor. Money sudah lost kat lain stock lor.

Tak pandai main lor. Lagi mau action lanxi tunjuk pandai lor.


2014-10-09 22:10 | Report Abuse

Now he's fled. Chickened out under sustained pressure. As usual for this kind of naive, full-of-hot-air-only, experienced-challenged novice newbie kid.


2014-10-09 22:08 | Report Abuse

Once a Shhitter, always a Shhitter.


2014-10-09 22:06 | Report Abuse

IC. So, he's a Berjaya Corp reject-failure then, is he? Only now we know.


2014-10-09 22:05 | Report Abuse

Why empty room and loneliness? I still hv 100k paper profit on me. I can just slip out and shift gear, and cruise along to some nice cool club in the city for some good chill.

Unlike you. Forever miserable, forever unhappy, forever jealous, forever envious you.


2014-10-09 22:02 | Report Abuse

You? Knock sense into me?

Whoa! Get real, dude.


2014-10-09 22:01 | Report Abuse

I am happy, Shhitter, and you are crying over someone else's thrilling adventures. Becoz you don't hv the money to be engaging in some of your own. Just come into forum and kacau-kacau only lor.

Beoz I am a positive minded dude, and you are a negative minded one.

I know that I'm going to get more, much more than 350k profit next time. So getting reduced profit on paper now is no big deal for me.


2014-10-09 21:56 | Report Abuse

It is not greed, Shhitter. It is BIG AMBITION. But then negative-minded, small minded dudes like you will never understand the difference.


2014-10-09 21:54 | Report Abuse

You're just so negative minded. That is why you will never understand, Shhitter.


2014-10-09 21:51 | Report Abuse

DreamShhitter, you always talk shhit, just like your name indicates. I hv not sold, so I hv NOT lost anything. Get it?


2014-10-09 21:49 | Report Abuse

And one won't be making steady progress if one keeps succumbing to fear and anxiety, keeps listening to stupid advice from experienced-challenged novice newbie kids, and keeps cutting losses, during a downtrend.


2014-10-09 21:46 | Report Abuse

I am still holding 1,010 big lots. That's what is important. Not selling at 55 was no big deal. Like I always say, one does not always get perfect timing, or make perfect judgements.

The main thing is to keep making steady progress.

But then you don't hv much real-world investing experience yourself. Only come into forum and kacau-kacau ja kerja. Mana la orang cam lu nak faham.


2014-10-09 21:42 | Report Abuse

Klu orang yg tak da ambition, dia pandai condemn orang manjang ja, nak ajar diri sendiri berenang pun susah. Cam na pulak nak mengajar lembu tu.


2014-10-09 21:37 | Report Abuse

You are too small minded to ever become a seriously wealthy dude, DickyMe. If I had told you last year, when I was only holding 200k worth of Suma, that I would be Mr. Half-M in mid August this year, you would hv laughed at me and told me that I'm crazy too.

You're just that type of small-minded, shallow-thinking dude. So, I shall just leave you content and satisfied with your small-minded, shallow-thinking small-time investor's nature then. Cheers.


2014-10-09 21:30 | Report Abuse

Why is 10M illogical, DickyMe? Why is even 100M illogical? I hv already explained how it could materialise for me.

Okay, it might be illogical for you. I can understand it. So, you go on, just be content with your own small 50k dream.

I won't waste my time trying to convince you that you can be much wealthier than that. I do not hv any moral duty to do that for you.


2014-10-09 21:22 | Report Abuse

And what about your handle, Mr. DickyMe. Maybe that means you're some who loves being dickied, huh.

At least I love to be conquering dreams, achieving great ambitions, which is a rather mjuch more commendable, empowering attribute to have.


2014-10-09 21:19 | Report Abuse

But I'm not Mat Jenin, DickyMe. I hv already hit Half-M in mid August. So reaching 10M some day will not be so far fetched for me.

Unlike you who were shhittin around the forum badmouthing Suma for many months, until you finally acknowledged your own stupidity when Suma rose.

Then you joined the Suma crowd and even became a new unlikely Suma cheerleader for while. Now ehen Suma is down again, you're back to yur old shhitting ways, badmouthin Suma again. You frekkin chameleon.


2014-10-09 21:14 | Report Abuse

Waah, Eric, sudah tauke busat ah lu. Nanti WB hits RM1, lu boleh bukak tiga empat B2B spa all over Malaysia. Kolang-kolang.


2014-10-09 21:05 | Report Abuse

Optimum, what do you know. Nothing. WA was only recently renewed 2 months ago to expire in 2021. Before that it was dues to expire in 2017.

Same thing with WB. Next year it will be renewed to expire in 2022.


2014-10-09 21:02 | Report Abuse

I was already Mr. Half-M in mid August. So Achieving Mr. M some time one of these days would be no big deal for me.

Mr. 10M? Just a little bit more challenging, but pretty achievable.

And Mr. 100M? A bit tougher than Mr. 10M, but definitely NOT impossible.

I'm made of different material than you experienced-challenged novice newbie kids. So it might be tough for you all to get into my way of thinking. Let alone feel it and believe it. That's why for you all it will always remain UN-achievable. Even before you started.

Do you know that in 1976, when Arnold Schrazenegger told dudes - in all earnestness - that he was one day gonna be #1 Hollywood movie star, they all laughed at him? Well, who ended up being the BIG WINNER and the BIG LAUGHER?

Now, I rest my case.


2014-10-09 20:53 | Report Abuse

A lot of dudes were holding WA through the last RI. It was slow at first, just after RI completion. But it eventually picked up speed and ran head to head with WB in mid August.

Same thing when WC comes. WA & WB will be slow at first. But they will pick up and race with WC eventually.

But what do experienced-challenged novice newbie kids know. Nothing much above nothing.


2014-10-09 20:49 | Report Abuse

Yes, DreamShitter, you are right. The Conqueror of Dreams will eventually get what is properly due to him.

RM1+ mil when his 1,010 big lots of WB one day eventually hits RM1, which would be a piece of cake for HS-CD-CMY to achieve during a good run; or maybe

RM10+ mil when his 4,000 big lots of WB - multiplied from 1,010 by SKILFUL swing play, one day eventually hits RM2.50, which is not really so tough for HS-CD-CMY to achieve during a bull market; or possibly

RM100+ mil when his 10,000 big lots of WB - multiplied from 4,000 by INSPIRED swing play, one day eventually hits RM10, which is not really so impossible for HS-CD-CMY to achieve, especially come 2018, during a market superbull.

But you hv a problem with someone dreaming big and hitting big. And it will remain just YOUR problem. Forever.


2014-10-09 20:35 | Report Abuse

DreamShitter, do you hv a big problem? Well, I don't. So, that's just it.

Like I've said earlier, CUTTING LOSS is a big bloody load of bull. Especially for a long term investor.

The time-tested, time-honoured way is to just TOUGH IT OUT, to WEATHER THE STORM, and to WAIT FOR THE SUNSHINE TO COME AROUND AGAIN.


2014-10-09 20:30 | Report Abuse

Eric, grow up. It was your hands making the buy action. It was not YK's.

Start learning to take responsibility for your own actions. And start acting like an adult, instead of looking for a scapegoat and blaming someone else when your chips are down.

Character, dude. If you don't yet have it in you, then now is the right time to start building it. Unless you to remain a character-less dude to the end of your days.


2014-10-09 20:25 | Report Abuse

A bunch of know-nothing kids with little serious money to invest properly with, having their big fun day every time Suma drops. And they've actually managed to convince Nancy Tang to CUT LOSS and MAKE REAL LOSSES from what was originally merely PAPER losses.

And they don't even give her moral support for her decision. They're now just gloating over their 'win' in pushing her into a selling-at-loss action and laughing at her. Just says it all about their vile, heartless character.


2014-10-09 20:18 | Report Abuse

It is selling at loss, then being unable to regain the what was originally merely PAPER losses, but instead now realised into real losses because one has ACTUALLY sold at loss, which is the BIG mistake that many inexperienced investors make.

The doctrine of CUTTING LOSSES is often a big bloody load of bull hawked and mongered by dudes who hv not really racked up enough real-world investing experience, but who like to sound clever from parroting something that has been parroted around many thousand times by similarly inexperienced dudes like them.

The fact is, the SIMPLE fact is, if you've cut losses several times in succession, you've MADE losses. SUBSTANTIAL losses. Which is just the complete opposite of what you really set out to do initially, i.e. to build wealth and to grow rich.

Just think about it.


2014-10-09 20:05 | Report Abuse


If you did not sell at 60, and now it is frequently dipping under 40, it does NOT mean that you made a big mistake or you are a bad investor. That is just they way stocks behave. They go up, they also go down.

Since you've already sold at loss, your paper losses hv now become real losses. But if you hv not sold, and still held tight to what you had, they would only hv remained PAPER losses.

It takes a brave warrior to see through the fog of war. But he will see only victory. And becoz of that unshakeable faith, he always eventually wins in the end. Time and time again. Believe me.

Investing is not about buying at the perfect time for buying and selling at the perfect time for selling. Most of the time one buys at much less than perfect time and sells at much less than perfect time also. That's just the way it works.

The important thing is, once decided and action performed, to stick to one's guns, brave one's way through all the fear and anxiety that comes with a down-trending stock, and weather the big storm until it passes, until sunshine eventually comes round again.

But you hv made your decision. I hope you will not regret it. Becoz simple regret will not bring it back.