
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-10-02 21:29 | Report Abuse

Aiyyy, AyamTua, Glotec warrior.


2014-10-02 21:21 | Report Abuse

Yup, 120k real losses. But I still came back, didn't I? And becoz I did, I recovered all those losses. Whereas, if I had not, I would not hv done.


2014-10-02 21:18 | Report Abuse

Play strong, play brave. Don't play scared.


2014-10-02 21:15 | Report Abuse

Eric, I made total losses of 120k in all my investing life, before I made my final comeback last GE13. I hv made good on all those losses since playing Suma. You will on yours too, eventually. Just keep learning and improving.

I know my first 1 mil will come from Suma. I just know it will. Maybe my first 10 mil too. You just wait around and see.

I've already tasted my first half mil on paper in mid August, and OMG it was sweet, so sweet. It will come again, I know.


2014-10-02 21:09 | Report Abuse

It will come back. Just do not ask when, becoz that would be an impossible question to answer. Even for Warren Buffet.


2014-10-02 21:08 | Report Abuse

But then, Eric, looking on the bright side, you could consider your 5.5k loss as tuition, albeit expensive tuition. If you could make a good analysis and learn your lesson well enough, that 5.5k will come back to you next time, no sweat. Believe me.


2014-10-02 21:05 | Report Abuse

That's why la, Eric. You always get too excited too easily.


2014-10-02 21:02 | Report Abuse

And that would necessarily mean making some losses at first, in order to gain the skills and confidence required to make bigger wins in the future.


2014-10-02 20:59 | Report Abuse

Gotta gradually build up one's own experiences, and then learn to trust in them and rely mainly on them, rather than on someone else's experiences.


2014-10-02 20:38 | Report Abuse

Posted by calvintaneng > Oct 2, 2014 06:51 PM | Report Abuse

Don't Worry,

AyamTua The King of Ayam Will Be Released soon to Fight For Glotech.

Oh, I see. So, AyamTua dah terperangkap dalam gua ka. No prob. He can just recite the time-tested, time-honoured, P. Ramlee-verified Javanese 'open sesame' magic words, 'Semar ingson mata kaji semar nyinsing', and that frekkin cave door will surely open again for him.

Hix hix hix hix. Haka haka haka haka.


2014-10-02 19:10 | Report Abuse

Can one force a pretty, fragrant flower to bud quickly, grow quickly, and bloom as quickly as one wants it to?

Can one force an attractive, beautiful woman to respond to one's friendly overtures as fast as one wants her to?

Nope. One has to allow the flower to develop at its own natural speed. And one has to allow the woman to come to one WHEN she herself wishes, and only IF she herself wishes.

So, there is NO other choice but to WAIT, and wait PATIENTLY. And INFINITELY patiently.


2014-10-02 18:59 | Report Abuse

If one has not learned the art of waiting, then waiting can be a big pain.

But when one has, waiting can be a pleasure. The pleasure of happy anticipation.


2014-10-02 18:50 | Report Abuse

Just like waiting for a beautiful woman to come to you.


2014-10-02 18:49 | Report Abuse

If one just enjoys the waiting, then the waiting becomes enjoyable.


2014-10-02 18:02 | Report Abuse

AyamTua dah gi mana.


2014-10-02 18:01 | Report Abuse

Aik, ada AyamMuda pulak kat sini.


2014-10-02 17:58 | Report Abuse

Ultimately, there is only one contingency plan. Just hang on and tough it out.


2014-10-02 17:29 | Report Abuse

Masa steady kaw kaw punya steady, itu jam patut jual. Masa semput terhegeh-hegeh, itu jam patut beli. Cam tu aja main yg paling senang.


2014-10-02 17:25 | Report Abuse

Semput tu biasa la. Tak kan nak steady aja manjang.


2014-10-02 17:23 | Report Abuse

M Touche, is anyone playing, one wonders ...


2014-09-30 19:54 | Report Abuse

Musashi57, Ring, HCLee. I'll leave ya three to thrill and enjoy yourselves, or pain and torture yourselves - depending on which feelings excite you all more - with some simple maths. Working out the profoundly excellent ROI of 350k profit in 10 months from 200k capital.

While I excuse myself for some good, excellently filling nasi goreng, french fries and roast lamb.

Later skater, alligator.


2014-09-30 19:48 | Report Abuse

Yup. 350k profit in 10 months, from just 200k capital, is definitely fantastic, fabulous, rapturous, enthralling entertainment.


2014-09-30 19:45 | Report Abuse

It is. 350k in 10 months IS great, grand, glorious entertainment.


2014-09-30 19:35 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-09-30 19:23 |

Post removed.Why?


2014-09-30 19:20 | Report Abuse

If you're not a believer, then you're just wasting your own precious time in here. Dude.


2014-09-30 19:18 | Report Abuse

'fall far shor' = 'fall far short'



2014-09-30 19:16 | Report Abuse

Posted by Musashi57 > Sep 30, 2014 07:09 PM | Report Abuse

13m profit for 6 months versus 69m projected profit for 2014 or 2018??

Profit is still profit. Whether or not projection was met. And that 13 mil was achieved with zero gearing.

Plenty of big index-linked companies fall far shor of their projections. So? Big deal?

Do you know how much profit ginormous comglomerate DRB made in Q1 2013? Only a paltry 10.8 mil. So, for little Suma to hv made 6.7 mil in Q2 2014, that cannot hv been such a big shame, can it?

But then you're a Nay Sayer. So you have your own problems. I can't help you with them.


2014-09-30 19:04 | Report Abuse

Posted by Musashi57 > Sep 30, 2014 06:49 PM | Report Abuse

5000 bpd from Raku oilfield??
@usd30 profit per barrel ??
Lets say just half of 5000bpd ie 2500bpd
How come for first 6 months Raku yielded RM 13 m profit??
Entertainment or investment....
When I first started playing Suma last year, I had 200k. After October 2013 RI, I gained 75k. By mid August 2014, I was holding 1,010 big lots of Suma WB which hit peak at 56, making my investments worth RM565,600.

Entertainment or investment.... Just do your maths ...

Even at 33, today's peak price for WB, it's still worth RM333,300. But I ain't just about to let go just yet. Coz my valuation for Suma Mother and WB is much higher. Of which you should know already by now.

I know you're jealous, coz you've missed da boat.


2014-09-30 18:53 | Report Abuse

The key word is ... 2018


2014-09-30 18:52 | Report Abuse

For a Nay Sayer, nothing will ever sound good enough. They can continue to live in their own miserable world.


2014-09-30 18:21 | Report Abuse

Nope. They will not simply listen to what you say. But they will just change and evolve at a rate and in a manner that suits them the most.


2014-09-30 18:05 | Report Abuse

China has risen to #2 economic power without needing to practise full-fledged democracy, Ring. Maybe China is not yet ready for that. Let China evolve at its own rate.


2014-09-30 18:02 | Report Abuse

No fear. Suma will rise again. It's still early in the game. Just don't listen to the Nay Sayers, the Doubting Thomases, the Axe Grinders and the Sour Grapes, nor the perpetual Whiner-Moaners.


2014-09-30 17:47 | Report Abuse

Dodo, tight but maybe not too tight. Like, it would hv been better for me if I had sold my WB at 55 around mid August, then I would hv been able to buy it back at 27.5 some time last week, doubling my number of lots that way.

Well, that's real life for ya. One does not always make the most optimum judgements or decisions. Unless one has a perfectly functioning crystal ball at one's disposal.


2014-09-30 17:42 | Report Abuse

S123445, I'm only around in the wee hours on a Monday morning, or the morning after a public holiday, becoz I would hv racked up a vast sleep surplus in the daytime, and can then go without much sleep in the following night.

Seems to hv become a new habit of mine. It's cool for beating the Monday or post-holiday morning traffic jams and other related chaos. I just head for office around 6 or 6:30 at the latest.


2014-09-30 17:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by dodo2368 > Sep 30, 2014 05:29 PM | Report Abuse

dream conqueror.. u serious..

I am. If Suma can get Borneo Energy really, really going again, it will add another 25,000 bpd of oil production to the 5,000 bpd that it's gonna get from Raku Shechnoye.

If oil could recover to US$120 per barrel, profit will be US$30 per barrrel, i.e. US$900,000 per day. That makes US$328.5 mil (i.e. RM1 bil) per year.

And that is only the oil part. Still gotta add on the gas part to that.


2014-09-30 17:29 | Report Abuse

Go on, no crashed-aircraft jokes please. It's not the right season.


2014-09-30 17:26 | Report Abuse

Dodo, what is 47 sen for something that is going to hit RM7.50 in 2018.


2014-09-30 17:20 | Report Abuse

No prob, Pzul. I shall convey it to him.


2014-09-30 17:19 | Report Abuse

From my experience, HS has a good record of rewarding loyal, trusting shareholders.

But there are just some dudes who think HS owes them something in life, they wanna ride him for free during the good times, then they badmouth him silly during the not so good.


2014-09-30 17:13 | Report Abuse

Pzul, I mean YOUR gratitude to him.


2014-09-30 17:12 | Report Abuse

Really, Pzul. That's good. You want me to convey my gratitude to him then?


2014-09-30 17:09 | Report Abuse

Playing erection? Okay, erecting a building or tower, perhaps. K ...


2014-09-30 17:04 | Report Abuse

Probably on vacation, Pzul.


2014-09-30 16:58 | Report Abuse

You must learn to make your heart ice cool instead, SLM. As far as investing is concerned. Like the heart of a robot.


2014-09-30 16:53 | Report Abuse

SLM, you're too obsessed with short term reds and greens. Every month, there would be easily 10 red days. In one year, easily 120 red days. You're playing with emo. That ain't good for your heart, you know. Honestly.


2014-09-30 16:50 | Report Abuse

I do wish that I had sold at 55 that time, and then bought back at 27.5 that day last week, so that I'd be holding 2,000 big lots of WB now, or 2,020, instead of only 1,010. I'd be lying if I say i don't.


2014-09-30 16:45 | Report Abuse

If only one has a crystal ball, then investing life would be a stroll in the park.