
DreamConqueror | Joined since 2014-07-19

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2014-10-03 12:08 | Report Abuse

Don't mind the humor, TWL. Suma room has always been and will always be a cool, humourful room.


2014-10-03 12:02 | Report Abuse

Belanja dia makan, belanja dia minum, sembang-sembang sama dia, cakap dia punya baju cantik, dia punya seluar cantik, dia punya rambut ada fashion punya, dia punya suara banyak sedap punya, dia punya smile banyak sweet punya, ini macam lor.


2014-10-03 11:56 | Report Abuse

Wear a smile on your face, TWL, then go and kacau-kacau some pretty young girls. Kacau-kacau in a friendly way only la, wanna-be-friends way la, not like want-to-fight way one la. Then life will never be boring for you.


2014-10-03 11:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by twl_9404 > Oct 3, 2014 11:51 AM | Report Abuse

smile :)

Good lad.


2014-10-03 11:51 | Report Abuse

NoWomanLand, now that must be the dreariest, dullest, most desolate place in the whole, wide universe.


2014-10-03 11:49 | Report Abuse

Or at least smile, like our good friend the Strategisst.


2014-10-03 11:49 | Report Abuse

If you too often like to use the word 'boring', then life will indeed be boring for you. Try to find something 'interesting' to say.


2014-10-03 11:44 | Report Abuse

Hey, there's been no Amazonian-type heroine from Hollywood for quite some time. I hv to say I hv a soft spot for that type. Red Sonja with Brigitte Nielsen was the last big one, and it's been like, what, 20 plus years now.

Well, they've made a remake of it, but I think the Nielsen version was better.

They should consider making something based on Penthesilea, the very first original Amazonian queen who went over to Troy in aid of besieged King Priam and Prince Hector, but then she's Iranian, so it might not make good sell in the Western market in current conditions.


2014-10-03 11:35 | Report Abuse

Does GHL hv any warrants? There seems to be no forum for it.


2014-10-03 11:23 | Report Abuse

... and then ... the pest on the Suma farm who liked to call himself GetALife was rewarded with a swift death.


2014-10-03 11:15 | Report Abuse

SJ, either he had too much, or too little.


2014-10-03 11:14 | Report Abuse

No fear, WomanX. NoManLand is a cool dude. He is a friend of ours, not an enemy, for sure.


2014-10-03 11:10 | Report Abuse

NoManLand, ya must be hangin on some heavy duty shisha pipe or somethin. LOL


2014-10-03 11:02 | Report Abuse

A PEST does not normally survive for very long on a well-managed farm. It tends to get TERMINATED pretty quickly.


2014-10-03 10:58 | Report Abuse

Now, you do understand the analogy of the PEST on the farm, right?


2014-10-03 10:56 | Report Abuse

Yes, we do. But you don't.


2014-10-03 10:52 | Report Abuse

Posted by getalife > Oct 3, 2014 10:42 AM | Report Abuse


Now, that just SAYS IT ALL about your naive, experience-challenged novice newbie mindset.

Investing long term does NOT mean plonking all your money into something and then going to sleep. It's more like planting and then tending a fruit or vegetable farm. One still has to to do the constant watering, feeding (i.e fertilising), pruning, taking care of PESTS - or rather taking care of the plants by KILLING the pests - etc. etc. When the fruits are ripe or the vegetables are ready, then the farmer reaps the fruits of all his strive and toil.

Now, do you get it?


2014-10-03 10:38 | Report Abuse

The long term regulars are still always happy, LooiKS. Only the club of Nay Sayers, Doubting Thomases, Axe Grinders, Sour Grapes and Perpetual Whiners-Moaners is constantly trying to spread fear and anxiety around and causing unhappiness to unfamiliar newcomers.


2014-10-03 10:34 | Report Abuse

Heard that CIMB TP for GHL is 1.60


2014-10-03 10:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by little_snake > Oct 3, 2014 10:29 AM | Report Abuse

ok... will top up later on

Good lad.


2014-10-03 10:27 | Report Abuse

Those budget-minded dudes who like to buy cheap goods will get cheap goods. Those more 'up-market' dudes who prefer expensive merchandise will get expensive merchandise. Both categories will get what they want. In that sense, the market can be said to be pretty fair.


2014-10-03 10:21 | Report Abuse

But then, many players don't like cheap goods. They prefer higher priced branded merchandise. Well, with Suma, they will eventually get what they like. Higher priced merchandise.


2014-10-03 10:18 | Report Abuse

41 - 41.5 won't remain available for long.


2014-10-03 10:13 | Report Abuse

Something to chew on.


2014-10-03 10:11 | Report Abuse

Could it be that HL Investment Bank owner QLC is jealous of Suma's immense O&G potential? Well, ya never know.


2014-10-03 10:03 | Report Abuse

If those few frekkin investment banks had not done their stupid margin-pulling act on 19th August, this stock would hv whupped THHeavy and would hv been closing up on the 85 - 90 mark by now.


2014-10-03 09:58 | Report Abuse

Plenty of folks bought at 56, Sam. They don't hv much to worry about. This is definitely NOT a 56-sen counter. It's worth double that in the short term, quadruple that in the medium term, and eight times that in the long term. At least.

One can forget the current senseless, baseless market evaluation.


2014-10-03 09:43 | Report Abuse

Government only needs to promote & support O&G sector policy-wise. Then O&G sector can return the favour back to the government in the form of tens of billions petro-ringgit.


2014-10-03 09:38 | Report Abuse

Government has to promote & support O&G sector, coz it's a productive and vital sector for Malaysia.


2014-10-03 09:36 | Report Abuse

Maybe can go 43 or 44 today, on anticipation of good O&G sector-related news in upcoming Budget speech, perhaps.


2014-10-03 09:31 | Report Abuse

Posted by Ayam_suka2 > Oct 3, 2014 07:25 AM | Report Abuse

Dia olang TIADA untung, cuma penat jd "keyboard warrior" jer wakakakakakaka

Betul ka keyboard warrior tu? Gua ingat more like keyboard WORRIER ja tak.


2014-10-03 09:29 | Report Abuse

Waaahh, sudah naik 1/2 sen ini pagi. Good, good.


2014-10-03 09:25 | Report Abuse

That is what a forum is for, RajaMusang. For ... guess what ... talk, talk, talk.


2014-10-03 09:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by smartinv > Oct 3, 2014 06:26 AM | Report Abuse

Company Background: http://www.handalresources.com.my/index.html

Oil & Gas company with Petronas License targetted by TSHS & the Gang?

Wonder what's happened to that CN Asia - which owns pressure vessels & related process equipment manufacturer Chip Ngai - takeover rumour. Combining their capabilities and that of Handal - which supplies offshore cranes - would make a fairly good fit.


2014-10-03 03:34 | Report Abuse

Oh, I'd better leave. Or I might end up not sleeping at all tonite. Yes, I do get carried away sometimes. Must be my passion for wealth building. But I'm on leave tomorrow, so I don't hv to worry about getting up early.

Later skater, alligator.


2014-10-03 03:29 | Report Abuse

I would not under-rate anyone if I were you, ACADI. Not NoManLand, not anyone else.


2014-10-03 03:28 | Report Abuse

No, I'm far from being the best yet, ACADI. There're are many others much better than me.

But in terms of desire and ambition, at least, I can be equal to any of them. Except Nooraini, of course. She's way, way out of my league. I will never be able to catch up on her, I don't think, no matter how hard or smart I try.


2014-10-03 03:22 | Report Abuse

10M would be cool. Could happen for me in 2018. Becoz I hv the faith. 50M, now that would be even better.


2014-10-03 03:16 | Report Abuse

But it's not really something that easy to do, trying to up one's existing number of lots without pumping in more capital.


2014-10-03 03:14 | Report Abuse

I've already lost like 240 big lots of WB attempting to play short term. I had 1,250 in March, but I'm down to 1,010 now.

But I would consider some swing play when it's risen up substantially again next time.


2014-10-03 03:09 | Report Abuse

Long term play is more exciting for me. And more productive. Short term is well, for me too inefficient and not worth the hassle nor the wild BP fluctuations.

Also I don't yet hv the skills to do it effectively and successfully enough, like some people might do. So, why bother.


2014-10-03 03:04 | Report Abuse

DH is on vacation.


2014-10-03 03:03 | Report Abuse

You still don't know me after all these months. But then you're new in this forum. No, I don't do short term.


2014-10-03 03:02 | Report Abuse

Sedated? Not at all. You must be looking at me from a bad angle. I've still got the power, mate.


2014-10-03 03:00 | Report Abuse


This is old news. But then, even old boiled rice can be reinvented into fresh fried rice. So, lest some forgetful folks forget too easily:

ASSET INJECTION: Firm targeting more than RM1b profit by 2018, say sources

FORMER Renong Bhd executive chairman Tan Sri Halim Saad is scaling up Sumatec Resources Bhd, which is set to make more than RM1 billion in net profit by 2018.

Halim controls 24.9 per cent of Sumatec and has been maintaining his shares since last November as he believes that the company can grow fast.

“He is not selling his shares anytime soon. He plans to build up the company by injecting more assets into it. He is eyeing some oil and gas (O&G) assets in Central Asia,” said a source.

Sumatec expects to produce 30,000 barrels of oil a day in Kazakhstan by 2018. Sources say the company is targeting an average net profit of US$30 (RM95.30) per barrel.

“This means it will make around US$900,000 a day from 30,000 barrels, or more than US$328.5 million a year, compared with less than US$20 million currently from existing operations,” said the source.

For the financial year ending December 31 2014, Sumatec is projecting RM69 million in profits.

The firm is producing oil at the Rakuschechnoye field with Markmore Energy (Labuan) Ltd, which is 99 per cent-owned by Halim.

Sumatec expects to produce 5,000 barrels of oil and gas a day from this field in the next three years.

It is also acquiring Borneo Energy Oil and Gas Ltd, which owns 100 per cent of Buzachi Neft LLP, for US$250 million in cash and shares.

Buzachi has two 25-year contracts to explore and produce oil and gas in the Karaturun Vostochnyi and Karaturun Morskoi fields, also known as Buzachi Fields.



2014-10-03 02:30 | Report Abuse

Was just thinking, just thinking, that if someone lucky enough manages to get some at 8, and then manages to sell at 10, then he would make 25% profit.


2014-10-03 01:45 | Report Abuse

Suka-suka bikin kecoh ah


2014-10-03 01:43 | Report Abuse

Lu apa pasal banyak suka bikin post yg negative ah. Apa lu dapat untung ah.


2014-10-03 01:35 | Report Abuse

Tu la, gua orang baik. Klu ngan awek, lagi tambah baik. Tapi lu bukan awek kan?