
DreamHunter | Joined since 2013-11-25

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2014-12-10 18:32 | Report Abuse

YK, Suma the company is also steady and confident every day. You can go to their office, or to one of the rigs or plants their men are working on, if you don't believe me.

But Suma stock price cannot be green every day. That is not how the stock market works.

Or else, it would not be called a stock market, would it? It would be called a grass market, or a leaves market.


2014-12-10 18:27 | Report Abuse

You know how a child behaves. Sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes sweet, sometimes grumpy, sometimes laughing, sometimes crying, sometimes friendly, sometimes hostile, sometimes gregarious, sometimes lethargic.

Can one tell for sure how a child is going to be like in an hour's time?


2014-12-10 18:24 | Report Abuse

That is just how a penny stock behaves, YK. Sometimes no power, sometimes small power, sometimes moderate power, sometimes vast power. That's just how it works. Deal with it.


2014-12-10 18:08 | Report Abuse

Oil might hv its occasional bouts of colds, sneezes, coughs and fits.

But oil will never go out of fashion.

Until the day when one could stir up a controlled mini nuke reaction in a bowl.


2014-12-10 18:01 | Report Abuse

Just let the prophets of oil doom have their day in the sun, their moment of fame and glory.

It won't last.


2014-12-10 16:59 | Report Abuse

Posted by Bruce_Lee > Dec 10, 2014 04:52 PM | Report Abuse

KLCI up 1.82%.. why is Suma not going up? Im worried for you that Suma will never go up again. Is this possible?

Ummmm. Ohhhhhh. Errrrrrr. Welllllll.

That is not something impossible. So, to save yourself from future great suffering, you might want to consider selling all the penny stocks that you're holding, then go open a FD savings account with Maybank, and plonk all that money you now hv into it.

Yeah. FD is very safe. You can sleep good every nite.

As for me, ummmmm, FD?



2014-12-10 16:54 | Report Abuse

Lagi dia mau juai, dia tunggu juai harga tinggi.

Dia bukan beli harga tinggi, habis lain hari juai harga murah.

Ini macam main tak ada logic punya lor.

Tak payah baca tinggi pun boleh faham in hal lor.


2014-12-10 16:52 | Report Abuse

Dudes, main saham is really not much different from niaga. So, misti mau ikut orang niaga punya otak.

Klu orang niaga, dia mau beli barang, misti la beli masa harga murah. Dia tunggu beli masa itu harga sudah mahal geh.


2014-12-10 16:37 | Report Abuse

Posted by optimuss > Dec 9, 2014 10:36 PM | Report Abuse

no use la whatever good result, going fwd, it will be moving into huge losses.

You're always so full of toxic hate for Suma. Always wishing the vilest for Suma.

Ain't so good for your heart, you know. Suma is not affected by it. Neither is HS, or CMY, or CD. But you are. Your heart is slowly but surely and steadily being ruined by the venomous poison of your own hate.

So, level with us, how much hv you lost with Suma before.


2014-12-10 16:30 | Report Abuse

Name us any PLC which can beat that, off your cuff, if any of you hot=shot dudes can.


2014-12-10 16:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by xxxx > Dec 10, 2014 03:35 PM | Report Abuse

CD does not have a magic wand. Sumatec is down not due to anything but uncertainties of world petroleum prices. Let's say if oil prices were to rise back to 100 dollars next week, Sumatec will recoup its price, but until then, continue to frust. All of you will continue to frust for some time to come.

But DreamHunter is not frustrated. Nor disappointed. Nor dismayed. Why should he be? You see, DreamHunter does not make a judgement of a company's capability and long term prospects simply by by looking at its short-term price trends.

Q3, 2014 earnings report. Now, THERE is one thing worth talking about, composing and singing songs about, and writing reams of poetry about. RM24.5 mil profit from RM42.2 mil revenue, i.e. 58.2% profit margin.


2014-12-10 16:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by YkJohn11 > Dec 10, 2014 07:06 AM | Report Abuse

Anyone dare to buy in ????

Of course.

Mahal pun berani beli, sudah banyak murah lagi takut pulak? Apa cita, ini macam main?


2014-12-09 22:22 | Report Abuse

OptiMouse, RM5, 10,000 big lots, in 2018.

See ya there.



2014-12-09 22:17 | Report Abuse

OptiMouse, I think RM5 is perhaps some monthly charity a few naive dudes are paying you for your diimwiit, wisdom-challenged, kiddy-dikkhead-dude advice, or so called 'sonsultancy', to bolster their own wimpy judgements.


2014-12-09 22:13 | Report Abuse

You see, OptiMouse. I don't even need to reply to your post in so many of my own words.

You hv answered it yourself.


2014-12-09 22:11 | Report Abuse

Posted by optimuss > Dec 9, 2014 10:08 PM | Report Abuse

Posted by DreamHunter > Dec 9, 2014 09:59 PM | Report Abuse

Can you see it hitting RM5 in 2018?

i see that in 2018, after u sell all your sumatec-wb and after deducting the commission. the broking firm issued a rm5 chq to your name.
Posted by optimuss > Dec 9, 2014 09:57 PM | Report Abuse

thats becos u r blind. so u cant see it.


2014-12-09 22:09 | Report Abuse

Multi-billionaire OptiMouse?



2014-12-09 22:05 | Report Abuse

Of course, YK. If I never had any hope in Suma, I would hv just stuck to playing the 'solid' mid-cap stocks like Sunway, MRCB, Prestariang, DRB etc.

Well they gave me 20k profit from 50k capital in May last year, over about the five week period post-GE13. But I had to move on.


2014-12-09 22:00 | Report Abuse

You never ever held any single lot of Suma, OptiMouse.


2014-12-09 21:59 | Report Abuse

Can you see it hitting RM5 in 2018?


2014-12-09 21:57 | Report Abuse

So, OptiMouse, how many big lots of Suma did you ever hold?

Zero, right?


2014-12-09 21:52 | Report Abuse

How frekkin come.


2014-12-09 21:51 | Report Abuse

And one wonders, OptiMouse, considering that you can see so well and so clearly into the future, how come you're NOT yet a multi-millionaire.

Let alone a multi-bllionaire.


2014-12-09 21:42 | Report Abuse

Now, where's that kid YK gone. Hiding in that dark closet in his bedroom now, perhaps.


2014-12-09 21:30 | Report Abuse

Fight, even when you feel your fear is overwhelming.

Do not back away in retreat, no matter how strong the enemy.

When you feel nervous or anxious, stay put and do not walk away, eventually your nervousness or anxiety will subside, and you will feel a sense of personal victory.

Try these simple techniques some time, and feel their awesome effects on you.


2014-12-09 21:24 | Report Abuse

Yes, YK. Get a copy of that book, Thick Face, Black Heart by Chin Ning-Chu.

I learned loads and loads of basic, common-sense, life survival strategies from it.

Yup, you could say that Chin Ning-Chu is one of DreamHunter's survival gurus.


2014-12-09 21:16 | Report Abuse

This is just my personal gut instinct, Lulu. I think OPEC will make a cut at their next meeting. At the very least, a small token cut. Just enough to halt or even reverse the price down-slide.

To me, that they announced 'maintain production at current levels' at recent meeting is already a signal that they intend making a cut in the near future.

Just an opinion.


2014-12-09 21:11 | Report Abuse

YK, Suma made RM24.6 mil profit from RM42.2 mil revenue for Q3, 2014 WITHOUT any help from PETRONAS.

Why always hv to talk about PETRONAS when talking about Suma.

It is even better for Suma if it can regularly keep making profit for the next several years, without any CHARITY from PETRONAS. Becoz then, PETRONAS will respect Suma even more.


2014-12-09 21:06 | Report Abuse

Worry is something natural, YK. The trick it to not let anyone else know that you are worried.

If you do not tell me, I will not know. But you already told me, so now I know. So, you hv now lost your advantage to me.

Learn to NOT be 100% transparent. You MUST keep some things to ONLY yourself and yourself ALONE.

Nobody can read what is really going on in your mind, if you do not tell them. So, just tell them that you're not worried at all. And when you've learned to say that with a straight face, they will believe what you say.


2014-12-09 20:57 | Report Abuse

You must start learning to find 'spirit', and strength, and bravery, and toughness etc. etc. etc. from inside YOURSELF, YK.

Imagine that you're a warrior fighting an enemy on the battlefield, and I, your guru/mentor is not with you to guide you and encourage you.

Then, what are you going to do? Are you simply going to say, 'Hey dude, my guru/mentor is not here right now. Could we postpone our fight to tomorrow?'

Nope. Coz he will just laugh at you, then he will beat the heck out of you.

You hv to fight him on your own, with only your own heart, your own mind, and your own soul. Only your own strength, your own spirit.

Learn to not depend on someone else for mental or moral support, but relying only on yourself. Only this way can you gradually become stronger, and stronger, and stronger.


2014-12-09 20:42 | Report Abuse

Just like Bruce Lee said, 'You fight, you no close eye. You close eye, enemy whack you. You close eye, you die.'


2014-12-09 20:40 | Report Abuse

No, don't pejam mata, Lulu. Buka mata.

If pejam mata, you already miss the thrill, and the suspense, and the action. You want to be seeing everything.


2014-12-09 20:38 | Report Abuse

You're a brave girl, Lulu.

Way to play. Way to go.


2014-12-09 20:35 | Report Abuse

No fear, YK. Suma will not be going bankrupt just becoz oil is selling low for a few months.

Let other dudes be driven by negative sentiment and perception, and fear and anxiety.

While we serious, mature investors just stay cool and make decisions with our heads, not our nerves.


2014-12-09 20:29 | Report Abuse

Extra money would be the best, Lulu. But for me, 'extra money' was too small, so I made it a bit bigger with some bank loan money.

I am paying back on a monthly basis from my monthly expenditure, so it is budgeted for already. It's not a problem.


2014-12-09 20:26 | Report Abuse

What is your cost price, Lulu?


2014-12-09 20:24 | Report Abuse

Posted by musashi69 > Dec 9, 2014 08:21 PM | Report Abuse


And you the big genius of Bursa?


2014-12-09 20:22 | Report Abuse

No, YK. I hv put all my cap into Suma WB. No more cash to play with now.

Of course still confident. Why not. I just base my judgement on long term prospects, as well as current actual business performance, as indicated by the most recent quarterly earnings report, i.e. RM24.6 mil profit from RM48.2 mil revenue, i.e. 58.2% profit margin, instead of short term price trends.

If other dudes wanna crack their heads worrying about oil price falls, ghost stories, conspiracy theories etc. etc. etc., they can be my guest.

But me, I prefer to keep my mind cool and focus on the positives. I am in the investing business to make myself wealthy while being always happy.

But NOT to drive myself crazy with fear, anxiety and worry, while also driving up my blood pressure stress levels every day and making my life shorter as a result.


2014-12-09 20:03 | Report Abuse

Posted by lulucf > Dec 9, 2014 07:58 PM | Report Abuse

Dh/dc i still hold.

You not scared ah, Lulu. Only me and a few crazy dudes still holding now.


2014-12-09 20:01 | Report Abuse

Itu pasal la, YK. Klu beli barang, misti waktu harga murah.

Jangan ikut orang, harga sudah banyak tinggi, sudah melambung-lambung, baru teringin nak beli.


2014-12-09 19:55 | Report Abuse

Gua tak cakap nex week 26. Gua cakap, gua gannot guarantee next week lagi turun. Ada orang boleh guarantee 100% geh. Itu pasal gua lagi hold.

Gua lagi takut juai wor. Gua tak takut hold.

Sudah banyak murah punya jam, gua banyak takut juai wor. Siapa berani, dia boleh juai lor.


2014-12-09 19:52 | Report Abuse

Then you don't say kecewa kecewa kecewa non-stop la, YK. Does doing that do you any good? No, it only makes you unhappy.

Maybe you enjoy making yourself unhappy?


2014-12-09 19:31 | Report Abuse

Low oil price. So what. Big deal. Like the sky is gonna fall on the earth.

No. Low oil price is not going to make the entire global economy collapse. As a matter of fact, low oil price is going to pump-prime several fuel-intensive sectors, like airlines, land freight and shipping, for instance.

In 1997 - 1998, oil even dropped to the 30s. Well, that did not cause Doomsday then, did it?

Nett oil importing countries will hv their economies catalysed by cheap oil. And that will only be good for markets.

Oil is ONLY one of MANY commodities traded in the world economic markets. If it goes bad for 6 months, or even 26 months, the world will adjust and cope. That is all.

It won't be the end of the world.


2014-12-09 18:49 | Report Abuse

So? What does that tell you, YK?

This is what it tells me: It's all about sentiment and perception.

So, one just hangs around until sentiment and perception becomes good again.

For me, to be honest, I don't know for sure that it will fall further next week. That is why I will keep holding tight. Coz I don't want to be selling out at 21 to day, then scrambling to buy back in at 26 next week.

But then, this is just my style. It suits me, but might not suit others. I am not asking you or anyone to follow me. Far from that.


2014-12-09 18:39 | Report Abuse

Come on, YK young man. Stay cool, stay strong, stay brave. Things will come around again. They always do.


2014-12-09 18:36 | Report Abuse

'Q4, 2014' = 'Q3, 2014'



2014-12-09 18:32 | Report Abuse

YK, sometimes you're okay. Especially when Suma is doing well, you can be pretty cool.

But sometimes, you ask too many stupid questions, and you cry too much.

Let's go back to Q4, 2014. RM24.6 mil profit from RM42.2 mil revenue. In other words, 58.2% profit margin.

Now I hv just one simple question for you. Can you find many other big capped PLC with this kind of profit margin?


2014-12-09 18:16 | Report Abuse

I'm in the investing business to buy at low and sell at high, not buy at high and sell at low.


2014-12-09 18:14 | Report Abuse

Well, Joe. If you wanna do a cut loss, be my guest. But I ain't letting go of mine. My precious 1,010 big lots of WB.