
DreamHunter | Joined since 2013-11-25

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2014-11-30 00:56 | Report Abuse

Just stopped by in cybercafe. After gym work and supper. Pushed 300 kg at leg extension. Woi, LooiKS, where are you. Left straggling even further behind now, you are.


2014-11-29 19:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by makemoneynow > Nov 29, 2014 07:43 PM | Report Abuse

Thanks anyway!

You're most welcome.


2014-11-29 19:44 | Report Abuse

And then pray your darndest hardest that it can double your investment worth in twelve months time.


2014-11-29 19:41 | Report Abuse

Okay, dude. Then you secure your money, sell off all your Suma, and shift all of your cap to the best, safest, securest debt free company.


2014-11-29 19:38 | Report Abuse

'rime' = 'time'



2014-11-29 19:37 | Report Abuse

Which brings us to the next question. Does anyone exist, in this whole wide world, who knows, for frekkin sure, what is going to happen next week.

Coz if he does, then he'd be a sure candidate for multi-billionaire in 3 months rime.


2014-11-29 19:33 | Report Abuse

Still harping and casting anxiety on Suma's guarantor's liability, Mr. MoneyMakingNow?

Anyway, we are clear about Suma being free of debts now, aren't we?


2014-11-29 19:30 | Report Abuse

I don't know her name yet. Well, it will come in good time, when I get to the stage of chatting her up and sitting with her, and drinking with her. So, in the meantime, I'm calling her Alonna/Feyruza/Fawzia until I do.


2014-11-29 19:26 | Report Abuse

And tomorrow I'll be performing another strong action. Visiting that cool lounge-dance club to watch that irresistibly hot-gorgeous belly dancer in action. Hope she's come back from Iran, Uzbekistan, Ukraine or wherever it is that she came from. I had yet to get to first base with her, when she went back home.


2014-11-29 19:11 | Report Abuse

Like not yielding so easily to pressure, stress, temptation, fear and anxiety, and making too frequent loss making 'cut-loss' transactions.


2014-11-29 19:07 | Report Abuse

Posted by andychucky28 > Nov 29, 2014 06:31 PM | Report Abuse

Dreamer at the gym now. already earn 300k wat.

On d way. To da gym and to 1M.

And I'll also be pushing 300 kg. On the leg machine.

Yup. Just like da man said, 'In order to become strong, one must perform strong actions'.

So, in order to become a strong investor, one must also perform strong investing actions.


2014-11-29 14:06 | Report Abuse

Now, where's that AiYoYo forum-heckling, diimwiit, kiddy dikkhead dude disappeared to. Vanished into thin air. Completely and totally.


2014-11-29 13:37 | Report Abuse

So, you looked at UMW-OG, MRCB & E&O yet?


2014-11-29 13:35 | Report Abuse

Hi Conn. My deputy-cum-protege, the Conqueror of Dreams, conveyed your regards for me. Thank you.


2014-11-29 13:30 | Report Abuse

I know that well enough, CTE. But what we're arguing here is whether I am in debt, or not in debt, i f what I am doing is only standing as guarantor.

And someone is accusing me of blind-siding, when he is actually the one doing the blind-siding.


2014-11-29 13:24 | Report Abuse

This round, pump and dump.

Next round, dump and pump.


2014-11-29 13:23 | Report Abuse

So, MakeMoneyNow, you reckon you've lost all faith and confidence in Suma now then, I guess.


2014-11-29 13:19 | Report Abuse

No. You're getting it wrong here. I am not picking a fight. Not at all. Just disagreeing with something.


2014-11-29 13:18 | Report Abuse

I do not need to be a full-time businessman to make 1M. I already hit the Half-M mark in mid August this year. Starting with a capital of only 200k in October last year.

I cannot hit 1M some time?


2014-11-29 13:15 | Report Abuse

If I guarantee a loan taken by my son worth 100k, does it mean that I hv a debt of 100k?

No, it does not. The responsibility for paying back the 100k still lies on my son, not me.

Now, I rest my case.


2014-11-29 13:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by makemoneynow > Nov 29, 2014 01:11 PM | Report Abuse

Thank you!

My pleasure. Dude.


2014-11-29 13:05 | Report Abuse

Coz you hv now become as panicky and as stressful an investor as he is. LOL


2014-11-29 13:04 | Report Abuse

Apparently you hv not, YK.


2014-11-29 13:01 | Report Abuse

YK, read my response to MakeMoneyNow's post.


2014-11-29 12:59 | Report Abuse


Well, Amin Shah's PSC Industries went all the way up to RM17 in late 1996 - early 1997.

Just on the strength of a contract (which was unfulfilled) to build 6 offshore patrol vessels for the Navy, plus the award (which was eventually cancelled) of a job to build a power station somewhere abroad.


2014-11-29 12:54 | Report Abuse

Entertainment or not, this is what I'm going for:

Stage 1: 1M, with 1,010 big lots at RM1

Stage 2: 10M, with 4,000 big lots at RM2.50

Stage 3: 100M, with 10,000 big lots at RM10

Now, anybody wanna come along with me?


2014-11-29 12:48 | Report Abuse

'Blinding, aye?' = 'Blind-siding, aye?'



2014-11-29 12:47 | Report Abuse

Posted by makemoneynow > Nov 29, 2014 12:34 PM | Report Abuse

We Are ALL shareholders TigerSumantara - so please let's just get the real truth and if we can find out exactly what is going on we can then decide what to do next. Whether to re-load and average down and what would be a good entry, whether to abandon ship if the ship so going to sink further and come back in later at cheaper price, whether to just wait if the bottom is now?

Dude. These are your own decisions to make. You cannot be throwing answers to and demanding answers from every Tan, Din and Hari to soothe and salve all your investing fears and anxieties.

Gotta learn to take them all in your stride, dude.

Nobody has all the exact answers in a nutshell. We all can only make our own best guesstimates.


2014-11-29 12:42 | Report Abuse

Posted by makemoneynow > Nov 29, 2014 12:29 PM | Report Abuse

Dreamhunter - please can you stop just blindsiding others

The audit account just released on 27 Nov 2014 also stated the liabilities which has been utilized up to RM265 million. When will this profits be enough to Pay for this loan?

A12 Contingent liabilities
The Company has given corporate guarantees amounting to RM471 million to suppliers, licensed banks and financial institution for banking facility granted to the associate companies. Consequently, the Company is liable for the amount of banking facilities utilized by the associate companies totaling RM265 million.

Blinding, aye? Wow. Big word.

Okay, in this regard, Suma is acting as the guarantor for loans taken by associate companies, totaling RM265 mil.

It does not mean that Suma itself has debts amounting to RM265 mil.

It's like I stand as guarantor for a friend's bank loan. It does not mean that I myself am in debt. The dude in debt is my friend. Only I am acting as his guarantor, in good faith that he is quite capable of paying his loan on his own.

Suma's own debts hv been all paid up. That is precisely the reason that Suma has the confidence to stand as guarantor for loans by associates totalling RM265 mil.

Now, who's doing this so called 'blindsiding' then?


2014-11-29 12:33 | Report Abuse

You sound so sceptical of Suma, MakeMoneyNow. But it was your own decision to buy into it in the first place, wasn't it? Nobody forced you to do that, did they?

You hv to learn to take the responsibility for your own actions, dude. Gotta learn to be a man now.


2014-11-29 12:23 | Report Abuse

You're hurting becoz the price is dropping, MakeMoneyNow?

Well, prices do rise and fall, dude. They do not rise and rise, or even rise and plateau, all the time.


2014-11-29 12:21 | Report Abuse

Posted by 86868 > Nov 29, 2014 12:13 PM | Report Abuse

Absolutely agreed....Ask them what is their action plan.....If this continues, Sumatec will never ever BUY in Institutional Investors....

Ohhh, I think I hv much better things to do with my precious time. Like surfing the net, rambling on I3, working on my draft warrior-adventure trilogy wannabe, visiting my favourite lounge-dance club to watch the hot young foreign babes, or working out in the gym.

I'll leave it to dudes like 86868 and MakeMoneyNow to go shout, scream, hustle, heckle, and generally get their knickers in a twist at a Suma EGM.



2014-11-29 12:12 | Report Abuse

Posted by makemoneynow > Nov 29, 2014 11:56 AM | Report Abuse

If anyone have very good points to boost the share price, can they go and share with the management and Sumatec and boost the share price instead of posting here only? Here we can only read and do nothing.

Reality is we see price dropping every week. So if anyone do have a great plan to save the company, please go and share with the owners or call for a EGM. Thank you.

If one does not trust the company, then there is no logic for one to hold on to this stock. Just sell it and switch to something else.

A company main concern is to conduct business, not to manage or control its share price movements. That is the role of the market.

If Suma is not managing its business well enough, then it would not hv making profit regularly. Just check their previous 3 quarterly earnings reports.

14.5 mil profit from 24.8 mil revenue for Q3, 2014. That's a profit margin of 58.5%

Pretty cool eh? Especially for a penny stock company.

And not many big cap firms can beat that.

One has to learn to separate stock price performance, which is heavily influenced by PERCEPTION, from real business performance, which is based on REALITY.

This is a discussion forum. We post and discuss whatever we like. Some like to post in the negative. Some others prefer to post in the negative. It is for our own discourse, or just simple lepak or chill.

We do do not need to advise the company on how their business should be run. They already hv capable enough people to do that job.


2014-11-29 12:01 | Report Abuse

Posted by TigerSumantara > Nov 29, 2014 11:51 AM | Report Abuse

Sumatec will survive even without sales of crude oil for at least 2 years as Sumatec is charging JV parties for development works done. Sumatec should first relinquish the corporate guarantee that extern to previous subsidiaries by complete the disposal ASAP as it carry the risk of default by acquirers.

Suma will survive not only for 2 years, but at least 25 more years, becoz its profits are already guaranteed from agreements with Markmore Energy and Caspi Oil & Gas, as a contract operator for them.

Suma does not need to be involved in oil buying and selling to ensure profit, with those agreements already in place. Not at all.

Any further expansion into oil selling and buying, like envisioned with its acquisition of Borneo Energy, is only for expanding Suma's future profit from current levels.


2014-11-29 11:55 | Report Abuse

All Suma's previous debts hv been completely paid up. Using proceeds obtained from last year's RI offer.


2014-11-29 11:53 | Report Abuse

But Suma is already debt free. Check their records.


2014-11-29 11:51 | Report Abuse

The fact that Suma can fall just means one thing: it can rise.

Coz if it did not hy the capability to rise in the first place, then we would not be seeing so many dudes whining, moaning and griping non-stop about its falling right now.

Which just means one more thing: it can rise again.


2014-11-29 11:44 | Report Abuse

If water can't move up in the first place, then one would never see rain.

And after the rain falls to fill the rivers, the lakes and the seas, water evaporates up the sky again, to form the clouds.

And the cycle goes on and on and on and on.


2014-11-29 11:40 | Report Abuse

Posted by 86868 > Nov 29, 2014 11:38 AM | Report Abuse

This is good...BUY now ...Wait for it to spike again...Maybe this time it will spike to 2.30..Who knows?

Dump and pump.


2014-11-29 11:37 | Report Abuse

It's a matter of choosing, or rather guessing, the best time for one to act. Whether to buy, or to sell.

And one does not always get the timing to perfection. Nobody has a fail-proof crystal ball, right? Although some dudes seem to hv the propensity to claim that they do.

As long as one gains in the end, that is the important thing.


2014-11-29 11:33 | Report Abuse

The market is like a constantly bouncing ball. It goes up, it goes down. Goes up again, goes down again. And again. And again.

So, if there is a 'pump and dump', then there would also be a 'dump and pump', right?


2014-11-29 11:25 | Report Abuse

As for Vladimir scrambling for the gold, it does make some great sense.

Gold is cheap now. Russia has the vast cash reserves from previous oil & gas sales.

So, buy gold now at cheap. When it appreciates substantially, sell it. Just like buying stocks. Putin is buying a commodity. GOLD.

So, buy now at low, sell later at high. Just good business.

And it would also help recompense to some extent the current losses in revenue to Russia from low oil prices.


2014-11-29 11:20 | Report Abuse

Posted by region > Nov 29, 2014 11:16 AM | Report Abuse

One thing is keep bugging me is Saudi Arab, why they insist to maintain for this level of production knowing it will hammer the oil market. he also is not in a very good advantage as well instead they cont this level. Mean while Putin - Russia keep buying gold at this cheap level. i believe something big gonna happen to the market. I feel is not negative for market while is positive for market. something fishy.



2014-11-29 11:18 | Report Abuse

Nope, if one is hoping that HS is going to make a big but empty statement soon, then one is going to be disappointed.

No, it won't serve any purpose. No big empty statement is going to be strong enough to counter the impact of the oil price down-slide.


2014-11-29 11:13 | Report Abuse

Then you can sell all the Suma that you have now, Region. If you do have some. If that is what you want. Nobody is forcing you to hold. Nobody is forcing me either.


2014-11-29 11:11 | Report Abuse

If one is investing for the long term, then one is not concerned about some adverse happenings in the short term.

Just some numbers drifting by on a screen.

But when the numbers are fantastic, now, that would be the time to make the big decision. Whether to sell or to hold for longer.


2014-11-29 11:06 | Report Abuse

No need to be sad, 86868. Just be cool.

If they don't want Suma, it's their loss, not yours.


2014-11-29 11:04 | Report Abuse

Suma is making profit regularly. Just check their previous 3 quarterly earnings reports.

14.5 mil profit from 24.8 mil revenue for Q3, 2014. That's a profit margin of 58.5%

Pretty cool eh? Especially for a penny stock company.

And not many big cap firms can beat that.

Survive? Of course.


2014-11-29 10:58 | Report Abuse

'asking questions from others' = 'asking questions to others'



2014-11-29 10:56 | Report Abuse

That's right, 86868. The wise man is always constantly striving to find answers on his own and by himself.

Instead of asking questions from others and demanding answers from others. And then going into a big sulk, or a vast tantrum, when an answer offered to him is not to his liking, his wish or his desire.

That is why he became wise in the first place.