
EVO118 | Joined since 2016-12-04

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2022-08-08 10:17 | Report Abuse

There is no point in resumption of trading on this news. Basically all the buyers are being manipulated by FELDA because of their shareholdings. They can play those silly investors who chase this by selling it . They got that much stock to play (dump). Is BURSA BODOH?


2022-08-08 10:05 | Report Abuse

Exactly, should have been suspended based on th public shareholder's spread not on this silly joint venture! This is just a distraction of no value to investors in the market currently.


2022-08-05 22:33 | Report Abuse

When dealing with a big GLC like FELDA there is ONLY one tool BURSA got and that is an indefinate suspension. They will ignore any other suggestion that does not bite.


2022-08-05 22:26 | Report Abuse

This is what should happen.
1) Bursa should tell "FGV" they will be suspended immediately unless the public shareholdings spread are fixed.
2) Instruction should be given by Bursa as well as FGV to FELDA to decrease their % holding or FGV will remain suspended indefinately.
3) If still no solution then FELDA should do another GO.
4) Force sell or pending delisting.


2022-08-05 21:47 | Report Abuse

"The Company has, on 26 July 2022 applied for a further six months’ extension which is pending response from Bursa Securities."

What is that suppose to mean. Surely they are not going to give another 6 months without FELDA even trying to to get the publis shareholding spread in order. If anything they are abusing the generosity of that extension. To put it in perspective, from the date of the first extension till the next one, if you have a baby, he or she will be 2 years old. How time flies. We could easily make some money on some other counters within the 2 years.



2022-08-05 11:50 | Report Abuse

You know most of us investors are online before 9.00am. By 11.00am we are probably heading to the nearest kopitiam for our kopi or teh tarik and by 12.30pm we are having a lunch break. So what are they doing?


2022-08-05 10:55 | Report Abuse

What are they still sleeping? Wake up, it is nearly 11.00 am. Most Malaysians get to work early.


2022-08-05 09:39 | Report Abuse

I am ready to buy if they enforce a force sell on FELDA. Below 1.30 would be just fine for starters.


2022-08-05 07:39 | Report Abuse

Because it is a GLC they think it belong to their grandfather and can do whatever they want and answerable to nobody. Typical Malaysian Bumi GLC mentality.

News & Blogs

2022-08-05 07:34 | Report Abuse

If the world believe Taiwan has got the right with US backing, then SULU should be looking for support from the US. A US naval base would look very lucarative. They are already looking at Cambodia. What about China's sovereignty?


2022-08-05 07:14 | Report Abuse

Just playng Director's musical chair for distraction from the real job and objective of this company. Yeah it is Holland bound if they don't quickly get their act together or kiss some GOM officials' backsides for more lucarative contract.


2022-08-04 22:13 | Report Abuse

So did they have a meeting to try and work it out? By the wording of the latest released statement it sounds like there was a meeting and it needed to continue further at a later date. ("........has been fixed for further case management......."). The previous released statement dated 19th July was worded differently ("............has been rescheduled to.......") which seems to indicate there was no meeting (postpone). It would be good if they can be more specific.


2022-08-04 21:55 | Report Abuse

Relax, they will have to come back to the investors. It's Bursa's duty to keep investors informed, just trying to hatch the story.


2022-08-04 16:56 | Report Abuse

Looks like Haji Abu Hanifah is still collecting. After that in the next month, it will be buy-back if get passed.


2022-08-03 17:11 | Report Abuse

Bursa, has to tell us sooner or later whether they are going to be "CHICKEN" or "TIGER" with FELDA. Can't hide from the fact that they and the rest of the investors here have been taken for a ride.


2022-08-03 12:30 | Report Abuse

Anwar is HISTORY! You need someone like BOSSKU who might be dedicated enough to protect his father's legacy. With an architect of Low Yat fiasco running the country, the stock market is not going anywhere. Malaysia will be looking at bigger problems.


2022-08-03 10:36 | Report Abuse

Taiwan's air space is China's air space. Taiwan belongs to China. Warning already issued by China. Don't be arrogant, just asking to be shot down. What are the US going to do start a world war? Don't think so, can't even do anything about Russia.


2022-08-02 22:24 | Report Abuse

Think there is really only one and true CEO Dr Abu Hasan. All the rest of the reshuffling or musical chairs of Directors is just a camouflage for whatever reason they only know.


2022-08-02 22:09 | Report Abuse

0.93 ? Sorry you are the wrong Datuk.


2022-08-02 14:34 | Report Abuse

DNeX partners Cerulean Winds to deliver offshore floating wind turbine in UK Avalon project.

Are all these extra bullish news going to be showing up on the price?


2022-08-02 11:43 | Report Abuse

This is a PLC. You got it listed with some ridiculous IPO price by getting the funds from us investors and now you want to take it private but not prepared to pay? Just because your intention is to go private doesn't mean we are going to give it to you at that price. We will get more if FGV's Directors are prepared to even consider Syed Mokhtar's offer.


2022-08-02 10:07 | Report Abuse

Is Zafrul bringing sugar to Awantech for some connected UMNO members as a gift for their trust. Something for me, something for you as well.


2022-08-02 10:02 | Report Abuse

After all the bullish reports, the share price still goes backwards. Whose benefit are those bullish reports written for?


2022-08-02 09:52 | Report Abuse

There was never any intention of FELDA rectifying the substantial free shares percentage. If anything it is FELDA's intention to use the extentions to try and increase their holding to a level to enable them to do a compulsory acquisition. WAKE UP BURSA!


2022-08-02 09:41 | Report Abuse

If they can let the deadline stretch out for 18 months then the GO should be valid for 18 months. If FELDA can stretch investors out for 18 months, I think investors would be willing to accept some compensation 18 months later.


2022-08-02 09:35 | Report Abuse

So does the poor investors who accepted the original GO get a refund or compensated for the difference in the current buying price FELDA paying for since the acceptance was based on a takeover?


2022-08-01 11:45 | Report Abuse

1.60 is a NO, NO, maybe after GE15.


2022-08-01 10:29 | Report Abuse

Dagang Nexchange poised for an uptrend reversal, says RHB Retail Research.

Had plenty of bullish news before but not showing it in $$$.


2022-08-01 10:17 | Report Abuse

No reason for this to be building a base at 0.60.


2022-08-01 10:13 | Report Abuse

Is there a compulsory disposal because they exceed the substantial free shares percentage? Bursa can't possibly allow FELDA to slowly creep up to 90% without making a GO and then force a compulsory acquisition on the remaining shareholders. So what is it going to be? Can FELDA do what they want or can Bursa force the issue? Who is BOSS? Guess we will know by tomorrow.


2022-07-30 00:38 | Report Abuse

It was the classic "shepherd leading the sheep to be slaughtered".


2022-07-28 11:38 | Report Abuse

The only thing stopping FELDA from taking over in a GO is because the state institutions who are holding a decent % are not willing to let it go at the price FELDA is offering. With the WAP @ the moment at 1.50, my guess is for it to be successful it has to be at least 2.50-2.80. Anyway it is not going to happen in the near future. After GE15 maybe.


2022-07-28 08:22 | Report Abuse

Nasdaq has biggest one-day jump since 2020 after Fed rate hike.


2022-07-27 17:15 | Report Abuse

Too close to 3rd Aug for a GO. It is not going to happen. It sure doesn't look like FELDA has been reducing their % holding of FGV. Now it is a matter of who call the shots. Bursa or Felda? Another 6 months extension?


2022-07-27 17:02 | Report Abuse

FELDA settlers to bear RM18,000 in debt for replanting of oil palm.

There goes the BN-UMNO votes.


2022-07-27 15:33 | Report Abuse

Further case management of ex-FELDA chairman Isa Samad's RM3m graft appeal on Sept 8.

We need to show a bit of guts in putting at least one of these leeches in jail, no more wayang


2022-07-26 09:55 | Report Abuse

Observation. Looks like some sort of a stealth collecting. Unusual volume activity going on. Maybe some insider is quietly collecting. Is it the Litigation or Cloud deal?


2022-07-25 15:47 | Report Abuse

Poor settlers. They should realised by now that this whole set up is for the Bumis who has got connections to keep draining the pot of GOLD. The low $2500 per month increase for the lowest non executive Directors would have help the settlers if spread out for their benefit instead of a few priviledge Bumis. Pity most of these uneducated settlers who keep believing the LIE.


2022-07-22 10:43 | Report Abuse

0.38-0.40 ? You got to be kidding! Not going to happen until after 4th Aug and only if there is favourable decision in that litigation.


2022-07-21 19:29 | Report Abuse

lionel messi
Excellent analysis. I totally agree with your insight.