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2024-03-31 08:58 | Report Abuse

Unity through integration is superior to unity via assimilation for several reasons.

Firstly, integration acknowledges and respects the diversity of individuals and communities within a nation. It promotes inclusivity by allowing people to maintain their cultural, religious, and linguistic identities while still being part of the larger national fabric. This approach fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance among citizens, reducing feelings of alienation or marginalization that can arise with assimilation.

Secondly, integration encourages mutual understanding and cooperation among different groups. Instead of forcing everyone to conform to a dominant culture, it values the contributions and perspectives of various cultural backgrounds. This diversity of viewpoints can lead to more innovative solutions to societal challenges and promote a richer tapestry of arts, literature, and traditions.

Additionally, integration promotes social harmony and reduces the risk of conflicts that may arise from cultural suppression or forced homogenization. When people feel respected and valued for who they are, they are more likely to participate positively in society and work towards common goals.

Furthermore, integration fosters resilience in the face of external pressures or threats. A nation built on the principles of integration is better equipped to adapt to changing demographics, global trends, and geopolitical shifts without compromising the rights and identities of its diverse population.

In contrast, unity via assimilation can lead to cultural homogeneity, erasing valuable cultural heritage and stifling individual expression. It may also create divisions and resentment among marginalized communities, leading to social unrest and instability.

Therefore, prioritizing unity through integration not only strengthens the social fabric of a nation but also contributes to its long-term sustainability and prosperity.


2024-03-31 08:58 | Report Abuse

Unity through integration is superior to unity via assimilation for several reasons.

Firstly, integration acknowledges and respects the diversity of individuals and communities within a nation. It promotes inclusivity by allowing people to maintain their cultural, religious, and linguistic identities while still being part of the larger national fabric. This approach fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance among citizens, reducing feelings of alienation or marginalization that can arise with assimilation.

Secondly, integration encourages mutual understanding and cooperation among different groups. Instead of forcing everyone to conform to a dominant culture, it values the contributions and perspectives of various cultural backgrounds. This diversity of viewpoints can lead to more innovative solutions to societal challenges and promote a richer tapestry of arts, literature, and traditions.

Additionally, integration promotes social harmony and reduces the risk of conflicts that may arise from cultural suppression or forced homogenization. When people feel respected and valued for who they are, they are more likely to participate positively in society and work towards common goals.

Furthermore, integration fosters resilience in the face of external pressures or threats. A nation built on the principles of integration is better equipped to adapt to changing demographics, global trends, and geopolitical shifts without compromising the rights and identities of its diverse population.

In contrast, unity via assimilation can lead to cultural homogeneity, erasing valuable cultural heritage and stifling individual expression. It may also create divisions and resentment among marginalized communities, leading to social unrest and instability.

Therefore, prioritizing unity through integration not only strengthens the social fabric of a nation but also contributes to its long-term sustainability and prosperity.


2024-03-31 08:56 | Report Abuse

Unity through integration is superior to unity via assimilation for several reasons.

Firstly, integration acknowledges and respects the diversity of individuals and communities within a nation. It promotes inclusivity by allowing people to maintain their cultural, religious, and linguistic identities while still being part of the larger national fabric. This approach fosters a sense of belonging and acceptance among citizens, reducing feelings of alienation or marginalization that can arise with assimilation.

Secondly, integration encourages mutual understanding and cooperation among different groups. Instead of forcing everyone to conform to a dominant culture, it values the contributions and perspectives of various cultural backgrounds. This diversity of viewpoints can lead to more innovative solutions to societal challenges and promote a richer tapestry of arts, literature, and traditions.

Additionally, integration promotes social harmony and reduces the risk of conflicts that may arise from cultural suppression or forced homogenization. When people feel respected and valued for who they are, they are more likely to participate positively in society and work towards common goals.

Furthermore, integration fosters resilience in the face of external pressures or threats. A nation built on the principles of integration is better equipped to adapt to changing demographics, global trends, and geopolitical shifts without compromising the rights and identities of its diverse population.

In contrast, unity via assimilation can lead to cultural homogeneity, erasing valuable cultural heritage and stifling individual expression. It may also create divisions and resentment among marginalized communities, leading to social unrest and instability.

Therefore, prioritizing unity through integration not only strengthens the social fabric of a nation but also contributes to its long-term sustainability and prosperity.


2024-03-31 08:51 | Report Abuse

Mentality of educators: noble verna Vs ignoble natio

Educators' mentality can either embrace universalism, promoting a multiracial, diverse society, or fall into the trap of "katak di bawah tempurung," fostering narrow-mindedness leading to antisemitism, and a monoethnic exclusivity that divides rather than unites.


2024-03-31 08:49 | Report Abuse

Mentality of educators: noble verna Vs ignoble natio

Educators' mentality can either embrace universalism, promoting a multiracial, diverse society, or fall into the trap of "katak di bawah tempurung," fostering narrow-mindedness leading to antisemitism, and a monoethnic exclusivity that divides rather than unites.


2024-03-31 08:09 | Report Abuse

Instigators: On having the balls, courage and jantanness to surrender

The identifiers for instigators causing vigilanteism can include individuals or groups who:

1. Spread false or misleading information to incite anger or fear.
2. Encourage or participate in violent or retaliatory actions outside of legal channels.
3. Demonize certain communities or individuals, leading to a sense of injustice or persecution.
4. Exploit existing tensions or grievances for personal or political gain.
5. Disregard the rule of law and promote a "justice at any cost" mentality.
6. Use inflammatory rhetoric or propaganda to mobilize supporters towards vigilante actions.
7. Target specific individuals or groups as scapegoats for broader societal issues


2024-03-31 08:08 | Report Abuse

Sensibility, accountability and responsibility

There is an emphasis on cultural sensitivity and respect for diversity. Doctors are encouraged to understand and respect the cultural beliefs, values, and preferences of the people. The oath also underscores the importance of accountability. Doctors are accountable for their actions, decisions, and the consequences of their actions. This includes taking responsibility for errors, instigating vigilante, and striving to improve the well-being of the whole community.

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2024-03-28 18:38 | Report Abuse

Doctors are tied to this swearing:

Hippocratic Oath?

1.The oath emphasizes the primary goal of benefiting the people and doing what is best for their well-being. Physicians pledge to use their knowledge and skills for the benefit of the needy, prioritizing their health, emotion, prosperity and healing above all else.

2.A critical aspect of the oath is the commitment to do no harm. Physicians vow to avoid causing direct or indirect harm or injury to anyone, whether through actions or omissions. This principle underscores the importance of ethical conduct and responsible healer.

Do you think he got a fake degree?

News & Blogs

2024-03-28 17:15 | Report Abuse

Why? For violating the Hippocratic Oath?

1.The oath emphasizes the primary goal of benefiting the people and doing what is best for their well-being. Physicians pledge to use their knowledge and skills for the benefit of the needy, prioritizing their health, emotion, prosperity and healing above all else.

2.A critical aspect of the oath is the commitment to do no harm. Physicians vow to avoid causing direct or indirect harm or injury to anyone, whether through actions or omissions. This principle underscores the importance of ethical conduct and responsible healer.

Has he violate these good human principles?


2024-03-28 17:13 | Report Abuse

A critical aspect of the oath is the commitment to do no harm. Physicians vow to avoid causing direct or indirect harm or injury to anyone, whether through actions or omissions. This principle underscores the importance of ethical conduct and responsible healer.


2024-03-28 17:11 | Report Abuse

Would the fire in Bidor and Taiping considered attempt murd*r? Will the igp shamefully resign?

Posted by icecool > 36 minutes ago | Report Abuse

i have said it many times best to put out the fire asap or else it will burn everything eventually.


2024-03-28 15:43 | Report Abuse

Instigators: On having the balls, courage and jantanness to surrender

The identifiers for instigators causing vigilanteism can include individuals or groups who:

1. Spread false or misleading information to incite anger or fear.
2. Encourage or participate in violent or retaliatory actions outside of legal channels.
3. Demonize certain communities or individuals, leading to a sense of injustice or persecution.
4. Exploit existing tensions or grievances for personal or political gain.
5. Disregard the rule of law and promote a "justice at any cost" mentality.
6. Use inflammatory rhetoric or propaganda to mobilize supporters towards vigilante actions.
7. Target specific individuals or groups as scapegoats for broader societal issues.


2024-03-28 11:31 | Report Abuse

Instigators: On having the balls, courage and jantanness to surrender

The identifiers for instigators causing vigilanteism can include individuals or groups who:

1. Spread false or misleading information to incite anger or fear.
2. Encourage or participate in violent or retaliatory actions outside of legal channels.
3. Demonize certain communities or individuals, leading to a sense of injustice or persecution.
4. Exploit existing tensions or grievances for personal or political gain.
5. Disregard the rule of law and promote a "justice at any cost" mentality.
6. Use inflammatory rhetoric or propaganda to mobilize supporters towards vigilante actions.
7. Target specific individuals or groups as scapegoats for broader societal issues.


2024-03-28 09:21 | Report Abuse

Responsible enforcers who have a duty to act prophylactically by addressing perpetual instigators should:

1. **Surveillance and Monitoring:** Employ advanced surveillance techniques to track the activities of potential instigators and their networks.

2. **Intelligence Gathering:** Gather intelligence through various sources to understand the motivations, capabilities, and plans of instigators.

3. **Risk Assessment:** Conduct thorough risk assessments to identify potential hotspots or targets for provoking activities.

4. **Early Intervention:** Take proactive measures to intervene early, such as engaging with culpable individuals, counseling, or providing support services.

5. **Targeted Operations:** Conduct targeted operations to disrupt instigators' activities, seize illegal materials, and dismantle their networks.

6. **Community Engagement:** Foster positive relationships with communities to gather intelligence, build trust, and prevent radicalization or recruitment efforts.

7. **Collaboration:** Work closely with other law enforcement agencies, intelligence services, and international partners to share information and coordinate efforts.

8. **Legal Actions:** Take legal actions, such as issuing warnings, imposing restrictions, or making arrests when necessary to prevent the escalation of vigilante activities.

9. **Public Awareness:** Raise public awareness about the risks of criminal activities, encourage reporting of suspicious behavior, and promote community resilience against extremism and violence.


2024-03-28 09:05 | Report Abuse

Stop that, UlarSawa. Bursa is to make profits. Don't just talk, talk, talk. Tell us something directly relevant. How much you bought - price? Volume? That's enough


2024-03-28 09:02 | Report Abuse

Perpetual instigators often escalate their actions if not stopped early. When enforcers overlook or ignore warning signs and early indications of criminal behavior, they contribute to the escalation of conflicts and incidents, potentially leading to more serious crimes like arson or acts of terrorism.


2024-03-28 08:57 | Report Abuse

Public funded law enforcers play a crucial role in maintaining law and order within society. When they fail to act prophylactically by stopping perpetual instigators, they contribute to the perpetuation of criminal behavior and the escalation of situations that can lead to acts of arson, vigilantism, or terrorism.

1. **Failure to Prevent Future Crimes:** Enforcers are entrusted with the responsibility of preventing crimes and ensuring public safety. When they neglect to intervene proactively with known instigators, they allow these individuals to continue their actions, increasing the likelihood of future criminal acts.

2. **Enabling Criminal Behavior:** By not taking action against perpetual instigators, enforcers inadvertently enable and embolden these individuals to persist in their disruptive or violent behaviors. This lack of intervention can create an environment where criminal activities thrive.

3. **Contributing to Escalation:** Perpetual instigators often escalate their actions if not stopped early. When enforcers overlook or ignore warning signs and early indications of criminal behavior, they contribute to the escalation of conflicts and incidents, potentially leading to more serious crimes like arson or acts of terrorism.

4. **Loss of Trust and Accountability:** Communities rely on law enforcement agencies to uphold justice and protect them from harm. When enforcers fail to act against known instigators, they erode public trust in the justice system and create a sense of impunity among criminals. This lack of accountability can further exacerbate societal problems.

5. **Preventative Measures vs. Reactive Responses:** Prophylactic action by enforcers involves taking preventative measures to address potential threats before they escalate into major incidents. This approach is proactive and emphasizes the importance of early intervention to maintain order and prevent harm to individuals and communities.

In conclusion, responsible enforcers have a duty to act prophylactically by addressing perpetual instigators to prevent the escalation of criminal activities, including acts of arson, vigilantism, and terrorism. Failure to do so not only undermines public safety but also contributes to a breakdown of trust in law enforcement and accountability within society.


2024-03-28 08:53 | Report Abuse

When teaching school children about the root of terrorism, it's important to approach the topic with sensitivity and accuracy. Here are some key points they could learn and understand:

1. **Definition of Terrorism:** Start with a clear definition of terrorism as the use of violence, intimidation, or coercion for political or ideological purposes.

2. **Historical Context:** Provide historical context about various terrorist groups and movements, highlighting their origins, motivations, and actions.

3. **Factors Contributing to Terrorism:**
- Ideological Factors: Teach about extremist ideologies that promote violence, such as religious extremism or political radicalism.
- Socioeconomic Factors: Discuss how poverty, marginalization, and lack of opportunities can contribute to feelings of resentment and alienation, which may be exploited by terrorist groups.
- Political Factors: Explain how political grievances, including issues like oppression, injustice, or perceived foreign interference, can fuel terrorist activities.

4. **Impact of Terrorism:** Help students understand the devastating impact of terrorism on individuals, communities, and societies, including loss of life, fear, economic disruption, and social division.

5. **Counterterrorism Measures:** Educate students about efforts to combat terrorism, including law enforcement, intelligence gathering, international cooperation, and community resilience programs.

6. **Promote Critical Thinking:** Encourage critical thinking skills by discussing propaganda techniques used by terrorist groups to recruit and radicalize individuals, and how to critically evaluate information from various sources.

7. **Empathy and Understanding:** Emphasize the importance of empathy and understanding towards different cultures and beliefs, while also promoting tolerance, respect for human rights, and peaceful conflict resolution.

By providing a comprehensive and balanced education on terrorism, school children can develop a nuanced understanding of this complex issue and contribute to building a more peaceful and resilient society.


2024-03-28 08:52 | Report Abuse

Proto-terror, Proterror Vs Peace Within cultivation

When teaching school children about the root of terrorism, it's important to approach the topic with sensitivity and accuracy. Here are some key points they could learn and understand:

1. **Definition of Terrorism:** Start with a clear definition of terrorism as the use of violence, intimidation, or coercion for political or ideological purposes.

2. **Historical Context:** Provide historical context about various terrorist groups and movements, highlighting their origins, motivations, and actions.

3. **Factors Contributing to Terrorism:**
- Ideological Factors: Teach about extremist ideologies that promote violence, such as religious extremism or political radicalism.
- Socioeconomic Factors: Discuss how poverty, marginalization, and lack of opportunities can contribute to feelings of resentment and alienation, which may be exploited by terrorist groups.
- Political Factors: Explain how political grievances, including issues like oppression, injustice, or perceived foreign interference, can fuel terrorist activities.

4. **Impact of Terrorism:** Help students understand the devastating impact of terrorism on individuals, communities, and societies, including loss of life, fear, economic disruption, and social division.

5. **Counterterrorism Measures:** Educate students about efforts to combat terrorism, including law enforcement, intelligence gathering, international cooperation, and community resilience programs.

6. **Promote Critical Thinking:** Encourage critical thinking skills by discussing propaganda techniques used by terrorist groups to recruit and radicalize individuals, and how to critically evaluate information from various sources.

7. **Empathy and Understanding:** Emphasize the importance of empathy and understanding towards different cultures and beliefs, while also promoting tolerance, respect for human rights, and peaceful conflict resolution.

By providing a comprehensive and balanced education on terrorism, school children can develop a nuanced understanding of this complex issue and contribute to building a more peaceful and resilient society.


2024-03-28 08:46 | Report Abuse

On curbing vigilantism: Arrest today, not tomorrow

In cases of terrorism, all parties involved play a significant role in the perpetration of violence and must be held accountable for their actions:

1. The person with deemed divine knowledge who preaches is guilty because they have the power to influence individuals' beliefs and actions. If their teachings promote or condone violence, they contribute to creating an environment conducive to terrorism.

2. The person with caliber and position who incites is equally culpable as they have authority and influence over a larger audience. Their words can sway public opinion and motivate others to commit acts of terror.

3. The person with little grey matter who commits the arson act is directly responsible for the violent act itself. However, their actions are often influenced by the rhetoric and ideologies spread by those in positions of power and authority.

4. Responsible enforcers who fault to act prophylactically by stopping the perpetual instigators

Therefore, in the context of terrorism, each party plays a role in the chain of events leading to violence, and all must face consequences for their contributions to promoting or inciting such acts.


2024-03-28 08:46 | Report Abuse

...of International Pride like Singapore

On curbing vigilantism: Arrest today, not tomorrow

In cases of terrorism, all parties involved play a significant role in the perpetration of violence and must be held accountable for their actions:

1. The person with deemed divine knowledge who preaches is guilty because they have the power to influence individuals' beliefs and actions. If their teachings promote or condone violence, they contribute to creating an environment conducive to terrorism.

2. The person with caliber and position who incites is equally culpable as they have authority and influence over a larger audience. Their words can sway public opinion and motivate others to commit acts of terror.

3. The person with little grey matter who commits the arson act is directly responsible for the violent act itself. However, their actions are often influenced by the rhetoric and ideologies spread by those in positions of power and authority.

4. Responsible enforcers who fault to act prophylactically by stopping the perpetual instigators

Therefore, in the context of terrorism, each party plays a role in the chain of events leading to violence, and all must face consequences for their contributions to promoting or inciting such acts.


2024-03-28 08:43 | Report Abuse

On curbing vigilantism: Arrest today, not tomorrow

In cases of terrorism, all parties involved play a significant role in the perpetration of violence and must be held accountable for their actions:

1. The person with deemed divine knowledge who preaches is guilty because they have the power to influence individuals' beliefs and actions. If their teachings promote or condone violence, they contribute to creating an environment conducive to terrorism.

2. The person with caliber and position who incites is equally culpable as they have authority and influence over a larger audience. Their words can sway public opinion and motivate others to commit acts of terror.

3. The person with little grey matter who commits the arson act is directly responsible for the violent act itself. However, their actions are often influenced by the rhetoric and ideologies spread by those in positions of power and authority.

4. Negligent enforcers who fault to act prophylactically by stopping the perpetual instigators

Therefore, in the context of terrorism, each party plays a role in the chain of events leading to violence, and all must face consequences for their contributions to promoting or inciting such acts.


2024-03-28 08:33 | Report Abuse

Pihak Yang bertanggungjawab berani buat, berani ke depan mengaku dam tanggung kesalahan: 1. Pihak Yang menghasut kerana kata lebih tajam daripada pedang 2. Pihak Yang terhasut atas kejujuran, kelelakian dan kesdedaran sivik


2024-03-27 21:04 | Report Abuse

Children must learn to navigate the sea of irrational ideas that can spread like viruses among adults, fueled by emotion and simplicity rather than logic. It's crucial for them to question their intuition, develop healthy skepticism, and think critically by verifying information from trusted sources with credible evidence and diverse perspectives. Teaching cognitive hygiene, prioritizing reliable sources, and engaging in fact-based discussions are essential for fostering a rational mindset. Encouraging intellectual humility and openness to revising beliefs based on evidence helps children avoid the seductive appeal of certainty and oversimplified narratives, especially regarding the supernatural. Equipping them to spot emotional manipulation disguised as logic, such as fear and outrage, is crucial for building resilience against harmful ideas. Ultimately, instilling the importance of critical thinking, fact-checking, and vigilance against harmful ideas empowers children to contribute meaningfully to a more informed and rational society in the future.


2024-03-27 21:01 | Report Abuse

Children must learn to be cautious of irrational adults' ideas that spread like viruses, fueled by emotion and simplicity rather than logic.

Children must learn to question their intuition and develop healthy skepticism to think critically.

Children must learn to verify information from trusted sources with credible evidence and diverse perspectives from people of different backgrounds.

Children must learn to practice cognitive hygiene by prioritizing reliable sources and engaging in fact-based discussions.

Children must learn to embrace intellectual humility and be open to revising beliefs based on evidence.

Children must learn to avoid the seductive appeal of certainty and be wary of oversimplified narratives about the supernatural.

Children must learn to spot emotional manipulation, such as fear and outrage, disguised as logic.

Children must learn to the importance of critical thinking, fact-checking, and being vigilant against harmful ideas in order to contribute to the building of a more informed and rational society in the future.


2024-03-27 20:46 | Report Abuse

Can slowly collect- no rush


2024-03-27 20:44 | Report Abuse

I 100% with Icap- my favourite. Averaging up- no fears


2024-03-27 18:21 | Report Abuse

Yup, that's why the nonsense needs vernacular schools as sanctuary from their bad influences - fitnah, api-api, mercilessness, etc etc

Posted by JJPTR > 5 hours ago | Report Abuse

As at today Mar 27th,2024, each factory operator in Malaysia and Singapore earn basic salary of 1500 units in their own currency. But one plate of chicken in Msia is 7.50 and in Singapore 2.5 . This mean Singapore workers has 3 times more money to spend than Malaysian counterpart. The conman knows this . That is why for the past 40 years, he had been "talk bad" about Singapore government to cover up the ringgit plunge from 1:1 to 1:3.5 . And to diivert attention away from the effect of plundering the country wealth.


2024-03-27 17:19 | Report Abuse

RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN...........................The emperor has no clothes!! The emperor has no clothes!!


2024-03-27 13:41 | Report Abuse

Posted by DickyMe > 4 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Real problem to economy is caused by real estate industry - property markets contribute huge problem with their exorbitant land, rental or house prices. It is important for government to curb speculation by imposing minimum 15 years holding and property gain tax of 75%. Stamp duty and legal fees of 50% for properties worth RM300K and above. 30% tax on rental gains.
Poor transportation services to move people around on time and easily. Government should break the monopoly and open it up for competition.
GOVERNMENT must not involve in businesses.
There are tons of to dos but they are not willing to do it.


2024-03-27 13:15 | Report Abuse

To prevent ongoing decay, it is imperative not to incur the wrath of the divine. One decisive action would be to designate stock market operations and affiliated corporations as off-limits to adherents of the scriptures, particularly to avoid entanglements with Serbadinamik and public-fund draining Government-Linked Companies (GLCs).

Transparency and ethical screening, as mandated by sacred teachings, are essential in financial matters. However, the stock market often falls short in implementing robust ethical screening mechanisms. This deficiency can result in investments in assets that are non-compliant or ethically dubious, going against the core principles outlined in the scriptures.


2024-03-27 13:14 | Report Abuse

To prevent ongoing decay, it is imperative not to incur the wrath of the divine. One decisive action would be to designate stock market operations and affiliated corporations as off-limits to adherents of the scriptures, particularly to avoid entanglements with Serbadinamik and public-fund draining Government-Linked Companies (GLCs).

Transparency and ethical screening, as mandated by sacred teachings, are essential in financial matters. However, the stock market often falls short in implementing robust ethical screening mechanisms. This deficiency can result in investments in assets that are non-compliant or ethically dubious, going against the core principles outlined in the scriptures.

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2024-03-27 13:11 | Report Abuse

Justification for the above action:

Case file 1: Serbadinamik

Serbadinamik & public-fund draining GLCs"

Lack of Transparency and Ethical Screening: As demanded by the scripture, its finance requires transparency and ethical screening of investments to ensure compliance with its principles. However, the stock market may lack comprehensive ethical screening mechanisms, leading to investments in non-compliant or questionable assets.

News & Blogs

2024-03-27 13:09 | Report Abuse

In order to stop continuous rot, they must not make the almighty angry. Action One: Declare the business of stock market & related corporations are not handled by the scripture followers


2024-03-27 13:06 | Report Abuse

Yup, I'll slowly buy...bit by bit


2024-03-27 12:52 | Report Abuse

Serbadinamik & public-fund draining GLCs"

Lack of Transparency and Ethical Screening: Its finance requires transparency and ethical screening of investments to ensure compliance with its principles. However, the stock market may lack comprehensive ethical screening mechanisms, leading to investments in non-compliant or questionable assets.


2024-03-27 12:50 | Report Abuse

Is the whole business of stock market s-compliant?

Interest-Based Transactions: Many conventional stock market transactions involve interest-based elements, such as margin trading, short selling, and the use of leverage. These practices are not permissible in the stipulated finance, which prohibits riba (usury) and any form of interest-based transactions.

Uncertainty and Speculation: Its principles emphasize the avoidance of gharar (excessive uncertainty) and maysir (gambling/speculation) in financial transactions. Stock market trading, particularly in speculative or high-risk assets, can involve elements of uncertainty and speculation that are not aligned with the stipulated finance principles.

Lack of Asset Backing: Its finance emphasizes the concept of tangible asset backing and real economic activities. In stock market trading, especially in derivatives and financial instruments with no underlying assets, the lack of tangible asset backing can raise concerns about the legitimacy of the investment.

Debt-Based Securities: Some securities traded in the stock market, such as bonds and debentures, are based on debt instruments that involve interest payments. These debt-based securities are not considered compliant due to their reliance on riba (interest).


2024-03-27 12:47 | Report Abuse

Lack of Transparency and Ethical Screening: Its finance requires transparency and ethical screening of investments to ensure compliance with its principles. However, the stock market may lack comprehensive ethical screening mechanisms, leading to investments in non-compliant or questionable assets.


2024-03-27 12:46 | Report Abuse

Excessive Risk and Speculation: Its finance encourages prudent risk management and discourages excessive speculation and risk-taking. However, stock market trading, particularly in volatile or speculative markets, involving high levels of risk and speculative behavior that are not aligned with its principles.


2024-03-27 12:45 | Report Abuse

Debt-Based Securities: Some securities traded in the stock market, such as bonds and debentures, are based on debt instruments that involve interest payments. These debt-based securities are not considered compliant due to their reliance on riba (interest).


2024-03-27 12:44 | Report Abuse

Lack of Asset Backing: Its finance emphasizes the concept of tangible asset backing and real economic activities. In stock market trading, especially in derivatives and financial instruments with no underlying assets, the lack of tangible asset backing can raise concerns about the legitimacy of the investment.


2024-03-27 12:30 | Report Abuse

Uncertainty and Speculation: Its principles emphasize the avoidance of gharar (excessive uncertainty) and maysir (gambling/speculation) in financial transactions. Stock market trading, particularly in speculative or high-risk assets, can involve elements of uncertainty and speculation that are not aligned with the stipulated finance principles.


2024-03-27 12:29 | Report Abuse

Interest-Based Transactions: Many conventional stock market transactions involve interest-based elements, such as margin trading, short selling, and the use of leverage. These practices are not permissible in the stipulated finance, which prohibits riba (usury) and any form of interest-based transactions.


2024-03-27 12:24 | Report Abuse

More like a scam. RUNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN......................The emperor has no clothes!!.......The emperor has no clothes!!


2024-03-27 12:17 | Report Abuse

The oath emphasizes the primary goal of benefiting the people and doing what is best for their well-being. Physicians pledge to use their knowledge and skills for the benefit of the needy, prioritizing their health, emotion, prosperity and healing above all else.


2024-03-27 12:15 | Report Abuse

By then, another round of dignity congress will be staged (sigh)

Posted by eastern_joy > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

60+ years of policies, resulted in today's situation. Don't think any quick fix coming soon, only more marketing talks, we are still prepared for MYR/SGD exchange rate going above 4 soon.


2024-03-27 12:14 | Report Abuse

Sad-simple steps but not taken seriously.

Posted by DickyMe > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

If you cut civil service employees by 60%, stop foreign workers, ringgit can up immediately.


2024-03-27 12:06 | Report Abuse

Don't talk pusing2 like pmx or snake

Posted by ks55 > 16 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Refueling mah. For long haul, need longer ground preparation.


2024-03-27 12:05 | Report Abuse

Yes, under attacks- the phantom menace by akmalkin skywalker & gang

Posted by ahbah > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

Our precious Ringgit and Bursa got under attack ? Tolong defend them. 😢😢😢 Terima kasih.