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2023-11-29 11:14 | Report Abuse



2023-11-29 11:06 | Report Abuse

BATmobile is my favourite


2023-11-27 07:22 | Report Abuse

In fact, thanks goodness she didn't go. Her ugly appearance will be a turn off for party guys.


2023-11-26 17:02 | Report Abuse

Frankly speaking I can't eat food from local halal stalls and restaurants because they tend to cause food poisoning. Failure to attend to good hygiene standard. And fly contamination.


2023-11-26 16:59 | Report Abuse

Seems like that kind of certification creates real confusion, unnecessary distraction and unhealthy division


2023-11-26 16:55 | Report Abuse

What good is he bringing with that ruling?


2023-11-26 16:07 | Report Abuse

Not more secular. Otherwise, no jakim


2023-11-26 16:05 | Report Abuse

What had caused her to got so stucked inside Plato tempurung?


2023-11-26 15:38 | Report Abuse

China system ok


2023-11-26 15:37 | Report Abuse

This Mak Mandir muka macam katak Kodok saja. Baik tutup sampai mata saja exposed. Shameful


2023-11-26 11:59 | Report Abuse

Quality education unlocks the door of opportunity for the young, opens the older ones' mind and facilitates exploration new possibilities


2023-11-26 10:27 | Report Abuse

Real education advances knowledge, disseminates truth and buries delusions


2023-11-26 10:25 | Report Abuse

Education is the key to open a window of worldview, unlock a door of freedom and free the mind from naivety, gullibility and self-deception


2023-11-26 10:21 | Report Abuse

The whole purpose of education is to turn frog into peacock, deserts into meadows, and mirrors into windows.


2023-11-26 10:10 | Report Abuse

Malaysians' sponsored jpa student Aisyah in UK becomes a world laughing stock overnight for exposing her own total lacking in frontal lobe development despite going through her foundation education. She has yet understood the meaning of education and university as well as what UK stands for


2023-11-26 10:09 | Report Abuse

Malaysians' sponsored jpa student Aisyah in UK becomes a world laughing stock overnight for exposing her own total lacking in frontal lobe development despite going through her foundation education. She has yet understood the meaning of education and university as well as what UK stands for


2023-11-25 19:25 | Report Abuse

The Mercedes automobile was first marketed in 1901 by Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft (DMG). Emil Jellinek-Mercedes, a Jewish-Austrian automobile entrepreneur who worked with DMG, registered the trademark in 1902, naming the 1901 Mercedes 35 hp after his daughter Mercedes Jellinek.(wiki)


2023-11-25 17:46 | Report Abuse

Take turn. Sabah ok. Next Sarawakians to be PM


2023-11-25 17:45 | Report Abuse

More aparthiedic discrimination, paper mills and leaked questions = kangkung experts, professors and leaders


2023-11-25 11:38 | Report Abuse

Economic agenda unite, while religion agenda divide Inside or outside schools, economic agenda such as Rahmah meals, unites (religion agenda divides the pupils and the people) Yet, vernacular schools have been blamed for disunity The reality is national schools have long been hijacked by the strongest divisive element i.e. the Rs


2023-11-25 11:36 | Report Abuse

M40 got punished by subsidy removal to further fuel little napoleans smuggling to sell subsidised commodities overseas. Stop corruption, not M40 subsidies


2023-11-25 11:34 | Report Abuse

Beware of the recurrence of the Phantom Menace and revenge of the sith. Watch out for Order 66 execution next!


2023-11-25 11:34 | Report Abuse

It's high time to remove all the little Napoleons in every division, department and ministry in order to cut down red tape and speed up processes


2023-11-25 11:33 | Report Abuse

Kera di hutan diberi perhatian, sumbangan dan susu, anak di rumah diabaikan. Lots of local socioeconomic issues couldn't be settled bagai menjaga kain tepi orang lain. Sibuk-sibuk stepping on the tail of the world business big brother bagai kerana nyamuk terbakar sebuah kelambu


2023-11-25 11:32 | Report Abuse

It's high time for every country to uphold the spirit of humanity and equality; as well as stop being hypocrisy and do away with discriminatory apartheidism


2023-11-25 11:31 | Report Abuse

Return of the Corrupt living values of Dark Age of Jahiliyyah

The perpetration of injustice system, lop-sided policies, maltreatment of outgroups, cheating in GLC, as well as social corruption i.e. indulged in corrupt practices, drugs, adultery, incest and gambling in bursa.


2023-11-25 11:30 | Report Abuse

Leaders, regardless of their positions, have a fundamental duty to put the interests of the people first. Failing to do so can have a profound impact on the well-being of the citizens they serve. It is essential to assess policies and decisions through the lens of how they benefit the public and address their needs.


2023-11-25 11:28 | Report Abuse

PerMAiDANI gomen has failed to learn from Jack Ma. Listen to what he says: Don't go after the M48 middle class - millionaires or not, they deserve the life that they have rightfully earned. It's the Top 2% billionaires who have sinfully sapu the public $$$$$$ supposedly meant for the B50 And these 2% hold 98% of the poor's money. Solution is simple. No brainer really


2023-11-25 11:28 | Report Abuse

Pmx is desperate and turning to ride on greenwave to explore potential new voters


2023-11-25 11:28 | Report Abuse

Great distraction! When the school children are busy to focus on foreign conflicts afar, they couldn't protest against inflation, depreciation of ringgit and misappropriation of public fund


2023-11-25 11:27 | Report Abuse

2. Loving the so-called religio of peace that has caused disunity between ingroup and outgroup as well as endless wars from the beginning and thousands of nonbelievers to suffer aparthiedism, is to love the devil


2023-11-25 11:26 | Report Abuse

Ensure multiracial school kids are being supplied with age-appropriate textbooks and reading materials that would not further cause disunity among them. Unity is an uphill task - why sabotage!??


2023-11-25 11:25 | Report Abuse

Different perspective leads them to different path - rich, advanced and progressive on one side, and drowning in the sand of time on the other side. Wars help the rich magnates in the business of weaponry, contractors and money printing. And rich countries will only get richer and the poor countries will get poorer as they get entangled in nonproductive time waster activities, counter economic growth donation, etc etc. Unfortunately human are emotional, rather than rational, beings. They embrace divisive ethnocentrism and exclusive theologism, rather than encompasing compassionate universalism. Regional leaders, education system and media propaganda don't help the commoners to understand better.


2023-11-25 11:24 | Report Abuse

Dulu kata itu kota, kini tebuk atap pula

Dulu, harimau mati meninggalkan belang, manusia mati meninggalkan nama; kini harimau belum mati sudah pudar belang, pemimpin belum mati sudah busuk nama


2023-11-25 11:23 | Report Abuse

While struggling M40 rakyat has to pay more taxes, the ppl got free trip to tour all the middle countries. Unbelievable in these zoom app era, ppl have to spend so much for their gomen trip to get voice heard afar.

Hypocrisy to the highest degree - not


2023-11-24 11:00 | Report Abuse

Simeprop is my favourite


2023-11-24 07:56 | Report Abuse

Polygamy = marry 4 times of 18 years old; one at 18, second one at 40; third one at 60; last one at 80


2023-11-23 23:00 | Report Abuse

What life values that children learn in:

1. Fairness vs discrimination

2. Honesty vs crime of soalan bocor (ketidakjujuran)

3. Truthfulness vs manipulation ( tipu-tipu menang pertandingan)

4. Meritocracy & the meaning of you reap what you sow vs kulitocracy & heaven is only for specified delusion

5. Cognitive flexibility vs scripture-based rigidity


2023-11-17 15:10 | Report Abuse

Good support


2023-11-17 14:55 | Report Abuse

0.1% from the school children during the terrorist costume display week. Many of them from poor families & have to go to sleep with empty stomach. 1% from Harapan Fund - collected ayears ago


2023-11-15 21:48 | Report Abuse

137 members of the Bateq Mayah tribe, known as Orang Asli, are aiming to annul their 1slamic status, asserting they were deceived into converting during a mass conversion three decades ago.


2023-11-15 13:59 | Report Abuse

While we are too obsessed with boycotting, humanitarian, crying over spilt milk/melting pot and tepi kain orang lain, Thailand is moving ahead with a $28 billion plan to circumvent the Melaka Strait, as stated by Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin during discussions with investors in San Francisco. The initiative aims to reduce travel time by an average of four days and decrease shipping costs by 15%.


2023-11-14 19:17 | Report Abuse

In the realm of nation-building, the choice between integration and assimilation plays a pivotal role in shaping a country's identity, survivability, and progress. While assimilation may appear tempting, the benefits of integration surpass it, fostering a rich tapestry of cultures, perspectives, and talents that contribute to the robustness and vitality of a nation.

1. **Cultural Enrichment:**
Integration celebrates diversity by allowing various cultural elements to coexist harmoniously. This multicultural mosaic enhances the cultural richness of a nation, fostering a tapestry of traditions, languages, and customs. Unlike assimilation, which seeks to homogenize, integration acknowledges the value of diverse cultural contributions, creating a vibrant and dynamic national identity.

2. **Social Cohesion:**
Integration encourages social cohesion by emphasizing unity in diversity. Communities that maintain their distinctiveness while engaging with the broader society contribute to a more interconnected and harmonious nation. This approach promotes understanding, tolerance, and collaboration, building a foundation for lasting social harmony.

3. **Economic Advancement:**
A diverse and integrated society can be a driving force for economic progress. Embracing a variety of skills, talents, and perspectives leads to innovation and adaptability. Unlike assimilation, which may stifle unique talents in favor of conformity, integration leverages the strengths of each community, fostering a more resilient and competitive economy.

4. **Political Stability:**
Integrative policies promote political stability by acknowledging and accommodating various voices within a nation. A diverse representation in governance ensures that policies consider the needs and aspirations of different communities. In contrast, assimilation may lead to the marginalization of certain groups, potentially causing unrest and hindering overall political stability.

5. **Global Influence:**
Nations that embrace integration are better positioned for global engagement. A diverse and inclusive society is more likely to engage positively with the international community, fostering diplomatic relations and cultural exchange. Assimilation, on the other hand, may create insular societies less receptive to external influences, limiting a nation's global impact.

In conclusion, integration stands as a superior approach to nation-building, enhancing the survivability and progress of a country. By valuing and celebrating diversity, nations can forge a collective identity that draws strength from its various components. In contrast, assimilation risks suppressing unique cultural expressions and stifling the potential for innovation and growth. In an era where global interconnectedness is paramount, the adaptability and resilience fostered by integration pave the way for a more prosperous and harmonious future.


2023-11-14 19:15 | Report Abuse

In the realm of nation-building, the choice between integration and assimilation plays a pivotal role in shaping a country's identity, survivability, and progress. While assimilation may appear tempting, the benefits of integration surpass it, fostering a rich tapestry of cultures, perspectives, and talents that contribute to the robustness and vitality of a nation.

1. **Cultural Enrichment:**
Integration celebrates diversity by allowing various cultural elements to coexist harmoniously. This multicultural mosaic enhances the cultural richness of a nation, fostering a tapestry of traditions, languages, and customs. Unlike assimilation, which seeks to homogenize, integration acknowledges the value of diverse cultural contributions, creating a vibrant and dynamic national identity.

2. **Social Cohesion:**
Integration encourages social cohesion by emphasizing unity in diversity. Communities that maintain their distinctiveness while engaging with the broader society contribute to a more interconnected and harmonious nation. This approach promotes understanding, tolerance, and collaboration, building a foundation for lasting social harmony.

3. **Economic Advancement:**
A diverse and integrated society can be a driving force for economic progress. Embracing a variety of skills, talents, and perspectives leads to innovation and adaptability. Unlike assimilation, which may stifle unique talents in favor of conformity, integration leverages the strengths of each community, fostering a more resilient and competitive economy.

4. **Political Stability:**
Integrative policies promote political stability by acknowledging and accommodating various voices within a nation. A diverse representation in governance ensures that policies consider the needs and aspirations of different communities. In contrast, assimilation may lead to the marginalization of certain groups, potentially causing unrest and hindering overall political stability.

5. **Global Influence:**
Nations that embrace integration are better positioned for global engagement. A diverse and inclusive society is more likely to engage positively with the international community, fostering diplomatic relations and cultural exchange. Assimilation, on the other hand, may create insular societies less receptive to external influences, limiting a nation's global impact.

In conclusion, integration stands as a superior approach to nation-building, enhancing the survivability and progress of a country. By valuing and celebrating diversity, nations can forge a collective identity that draws strength from its various components. In contrast, assimilation risks suppressing unique cultural expressions and stifling the potential for innovation and growth. In an era where global interconnectedness is paramount, the adaptability and resilience fostered by integration pave the way for a more prosperous and harmonious future.

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2023-11-13 15:42 | Report Abuse

Simple. Adopt the right set of mentality i.e. focus more on executing resolutions than feeling remorseful. Spend more time on talking about solution than thinking about problem. Do an NLP on the brain - happiness is more about developing a pleasing personality and cultivating the discipline to enjoy the simplest meal and the most basic lodging, rather than over-indulgence in pleasurable activities.


2023-11-13 15:33 | Report Abuse

The vanishing tribes, their rich culture and stone-age beliefs........

Their land being grabbed by rich corporation......


2023-11-12 17:19 | Report Abuse

Easy money for lims. Now Singapore gomen also want ?