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2023-10-15 09:44 | Report Abuse

Ethanian Universalism for kids

The typical human body has 4 × 1027 hydrogen atoms and 2 × 1027 oxygen atoms in it! If each of us accumulates atoms randomly, that still means that each of us, on average, have hundreds of billions of atoms that were, a year ago, inside each and every other person on Earth. Hundreds of billions of atoms are in your body not only from me and everyone else on Earth, but also from dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago.


2023-10-15 09:43 | Report Abuse

Taoism, an ancient Chinese philosophy and religion, often uses the characteristics of water to convey its fundamental principles. Here are the three main characteristics of water in the context of Taoism:

Adaptability: Water is known for its ability to adapt to its surroundings. It takes the shape of whatever container it's in, and it flows around obstacles. Similarly, Taoism teaches the importance of being flexible and adaptable in life. It encourages individuals to go with the flow, adapt to changing circumstances, and not resist the natural course of events.

Softness and Strength: Water is gentle, yet it can erode even the toughest materials over time. This duality of softness and strength is a core aspect of Taoist philosophy. It suggests that one can achieve great things through a gentle, non-confrontational approach, much like water's patient, persistent action.

Balance: Water seeks its own level, always maintaining a sense of equilibrium. In Taoism, balance and harmony are crucial principles. Just as water finds balance in its flow, individuals are encouraged to seek balance in their lives by harmonizing their inner and outer worlds. With these properties, water can nourish the world.

These characteristics of water in Taoism serve as metaphors for how individuals can lead a positive, adaptable and harmonious life by aligning with the natural order of the Tao (the Way).

News & Blogs

2023-10-15 09:34 | Report Abuse

Quote: "the way of the Dao.

the weak must submit the strong must lead by kindness.

since none of that is present, every thing that happened is very natural"

If kids learn and internalize the philosophy of Ethanian Universalism and Taoish Selflessness, whence come wars, cruelty and discrimination.


2023-10-15 09:33 | Report Abuse

Quote: "the way of the Dao.

the weak must submit the strong must lead by kindness.

since none of that is present, every thing that happened is very natural"

If kids learn and internalize the philosophy of Ethanian Universalism and Taoish Selflessness, whence come wars, cruelty and discrimination.


2023-10-15 09:33 | Report Abuse

Quote: "the way of the Dao.

the weak must submit the strong must lead by kindness.

since none of that is present, every thing that happened is very natural"

If kids learn and internalize the philosophy of Ethanian Universalism and Taoish Selflessness, whence come wars, cruelty and discrimination.


2023-10-15 09:33 | Report Abuse

Quote: "the way of the Dao.

the weak must submit the strong must lead by kindness.

since none of that is present, every thing that happened is very natural"

If kids learn and internalize the philosophy of Ethanian Universalism and Taoish Selflessness, whence come wars, cruelty and discrimination.


2023-10-15 06:33 | Report Abuse

Wars: Long-Term Prevention through 21st Century Education (Ethan Siegalism)

Investing in education that fosters these qualities is a long-term strategy for preventing war and divisions. By instilling these values in the next generation, societies can create a more peaceful and harmonious future. It's a proactive approach that aims to address the root causes of conflict, rather than dealing with its consequences.

In summary, promoting education that prioritizes empathy, critical thinking, and tolerance is a multifaceted strategy for preventing war and reducing divisions. It equips individuals with the skills and mindset needed to navigate an increasingly interconnected and diverse world, fostering understanding and harmony rather than conflict.


2023-10-15 06:29 | Report Abuse

Promoting education that fosters empathy and understanding among the next generation is a crucial step toward preventing war and reducing divisions based on false beliefs and dogma. Encouraging critical thinking and tolerance can help bridge gaps between people and reduce the impact of divisive ideologies.


2023-10-15 05:38 | Report Abuse

Israeli vs palacetinians

Solution would begin only when the next gen are provided with proper education that makes them see any other human as their distant evolutionary cousin.

People will continue to be divided as long as children's mind from young are poisoned by falsehood doctrination, prophetic fiction and bigotry dogma


2023-10-15 05:38 | Report Abuse

Israeli vs palacetinians

Solution would begin only when the next gen are provided with proper education that makes them see any other human as their distant evolutionary cousin.

People will continue to be divided as long as children's mind from young are poisoned by falsehood doctrination, prophetic fiction and bigotry dogma


2023-10-15 05:36 | Report Abuse

Israeli vs palacetinians

Solution would begin only when the next gen are provided with proper education that makes them see any other human as their distant evolutionary cousin.

People will continue to be divided as long as children's mind from young are poisoned by falsehood doctrination, prophetic fiction and bigotry dogma

News & Blogs

2023-10-15 05:34 | Report Abuse

Israeli vs palacetinians

Solution would begin only when the next gen are provided with proper education that makes them see any other human as their distant evolutionary cousin.

People will continue to be divided by falsehood doctrination, prophetic fiction and bigotry dogma


2023-10-15 05:33 | Report Abuse

Israeli vs palacetinians

Solution would begin only when the next gen are provided with proper education that makes them see any other human as their distant evolutionary cousin.

People will continue to be divided by falsehood doctrination, prophetic fiction and bigotry dogma


2023-10-14 20:10 | Report Abuse

Can huat little or big big?


2023-10-14 11:16 | Report Abuse

10. Do not procrastinate superzakatt poverty-eradication initiatives from 2024


2023-10-14 11:15 | Report Abuse

9. Fiscal Discipline

Maintain fiscal discipline and long-term financial planning to ensure sustainability.


2023-10-14 11:14 | Report Abuse

8. International Aid and Grants

Seek international aid or grants for specific projects to reduce the burden on the national budget.

(Just like the poor palacetinians getting unlimited $$$$$$$$$ support from the rich and merciful Arabs.


2023-10-14 11:12 | Report Abuse

7. Resource Revenue

If the government has access to significant natural resources, it can generate revenue by responsibly exploiting and taxing these resources.


2023-10-14 11:10 | Report Abuse

6. Cut Red Tape

Reduce regulatory burdens on businesses, which can stimulate economic growth and increase tax revenue.


2023-10-14 11:08 | Report Abuse

5. Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs):

Collaborate with private sector entities to fund and manage infrastructure projects, which can reduce the burden on the government budget.


2023-10-14 11:08 | Report Abuse

4. User Fees and Privatization

Consider charging user fees for certain government services or exploring opportunities for privatization, which can generate revenue, esp those activities related to sociocultural or religiosity.


2023-10-14 11:07 | Report Abuse

3. Tax Reform

Implement a more efficient tax system that reduces tax evasion. This can include simplifying the tax code and closing loopholes.


2023-10-14 11:06 | Report Abuse

2. Efficiency

Improve government efficiency by reducing wasteful spending, streamlining bureaucracy, and eliminating unnecessary programs or handouts.


2023-10-14 11:05 | Report Abuse

1. Economic Growth

Encourage economic growth, as a growing economy generates more tax revenue. This could involve policies that attract foreign investment, promote entrepreneurship, and create jobs.


2023-10-14 11:00 | Report Abuse

How can a good government reduce taxes while expanding its budget?


2023-10-14 10:47 | Report Abuse

No Green, no huat


2023-10-14 10:41 | Report Abuse

It's high time to remove all the little Napoleons in every division, department and ministry in order to cut down red tape, speed up processes as well as reduce gomen expenditure.

And with AI, who needs such an inflated cabinet?????


2023-10-14 06:32 | Report Abuse

Political reason. They are kept that way i.e. under the coconut shell so that they are good as the vote bank for the green wave.

If they read broadly and understand evolution deeply, they would not be gullible enough to "just believe"


2023-10-13 22:57 | Report Abuse

AI faculty not in Sarawak - but UTM. Can nonbumi get in?


2023-10-13 22:34 | Report Abuse

Lots of allocation for motorised paragliding training in the middle east


2023-10-13 21:54 | Report Abuse

Quote: speakup > 5 days ago | Report Abuse

what happen to PMX election promise that all ministers and senior govt officials must declare their assets to us rakyat????
dah lupa?


2023-10-13 21:53 | Report Abuse

Kera di hutan diberi perhatian, sumbangan dan susu, anak di rumah diabaikan. Lots of local socioeconomic issues couldn't be settled bagai menjaga kain tepi orang lain. Sibuk-sibuk stepping on the tail of the world business big brother bagai kerana nyamuk terbakar sebuah kelambu.


2023-10-13 21:53 | Report Abuse

Kera di hutan diberi perhatian, sumbangan dan susu, anak di rumah diabaikan. Lots of local socioeconomic issues couldn't be settled bagai menjaga kain tepi orang lain. Sibuk-sibuk stepping on the tail of the world business big brother bagai kerana nyamuk terbakar sebuah kelambu.


2023-10-13 21:52 | Report Abuse

Quote : speakup > 1 month ago | Report Abuse

if i was an author, i will write a book called "Malaysia - Race To The Bottom"


2023-10-13 21:52 | Report Abuse

It's high time to remove all the little Napoleons in every division, department and ministry in order to cut down red tape, speed up processes as well as reduce gomen expenditure


2023-10-13 21:48 | Report Abuse

The children must learn that we have more similarities (deep inside) than differences (superficial and cultural):

Prophet Ethan Siegel: the typical human body has 4 × 1027 hydrogen atoms and 2 × 1027 oxygen atoms in it! If each of us accumulates atoms randomly, that still means that each of us, on average, have hundreds of billions of atoms that were, a year ago, inside each and every other person on Earth. Hundreds of billions of atoms are in your body not only from me and everyone else on Earth, but also from dinosaurs that lived millions of years ago.


2023-10-13 21:47 | Report Abuse

Quote: "very grave injustice.
Its like asking the roadside homeless beggar to pay taxes while exempting everyone else."

Yup, stupig Rafunzil. PerMAiDANI gomen has failed to learn from Jack Ma. Listen to what he says: Don't go after the M48 middle class - millionaires or not, they deserve the life that they have rightfully earned. It's the Top 2% billionaires who have sinfully sapu the public $$$$$$ supposedly meant for the B50 And these 2% hold 98% of the poor's money. Solution is simple. No brainer really


2023-10-13 21:38 | Report Abuse

Brent oil price will be trending up or down in the short term?


2023-10-13 19:38 | Report Abuse

Slowly huat lah. No need fast fast like BATmobile


2023-10-13 19:36 | Report Abuse

BATman is my favourite

Huat aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrr

News & Blogs

2023-10-13 17:35 | Report Abuse

Still got time. Will sell all by then. Moving out to overseas market


2023-10-13 11:40 | Report Abuse

NO, China never convert anyone to be communist. Just China doesn't want its people to indulge in theistic fiction or fall for phophetic fallacy


2023-10-13 11:07 | Report Abuse

I have collected enough below 9.30. Sudah kenyang


2023-10-13 10:46 | Report Abuse

BATman RETURNS! HUat arrr


2023-10-13 09:58 | Report Abuse

Like that small huat ok lah. Big huat cannot


2023-10-13 09:28 | Report Abuse

Quote: "stop making....history a compulsory passing subject for SPM"

Correct. It's a fiction. Why favour kids doing rot memorization with fiction? Who needs fiction to live a good life????

Takfit takfit takfit


2023-10-13 09:26 | Report Abuse

NOt 1.00 kah?