
FortuneBlooming | Joined since 2018-09-19

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2 days ago | Report Abuse

"Why Calvin never said JCY directors sold at 80 sen? He sold higher?"

directors are filthy rich guys, not the joe average type like you and me

if they just park their 10m (for example) in 3.5% - 4% interest fd, they get 350k - 400k per year goyang kaki only

even better, if buy hold rhbbank, can get total 7.5% dividend = 750k per year

so, for guys like them, no need to crack head playing jcy, notion or dufu like us lor

if get esos 25 sen, can sell 80 sen easy easy senang senang hati also lor🥳


2 days ago | Report Abuse

"tipu punya...lose many money liao"

wei, kawan, that's why not good to use margin money lor, itu company nanti boleh sembelih you leh, ki ki ki😹

mana pergi lari sembunyi, x da nmpk bnyk hari, cari itu kopi hitam "aik cheong" bnyk lama x dak jumpa gah ha ha ha


2 days ago | Report Abuse

"jcy coming back in july... today last day to buy"

walao, dude😎, sounds kind of a bit poetic ...

splendid, now then, allow me to do some building up🐈

jcy coming back in july
today last day to buy
pray hope that soon it'll fly🕊️
then we can wish doubters "goodbye"👋


2 days ago | Report Abuse

Michael Kwok:
"Jcy sell call 80-81 cents
Look overbought
13/6/24 10.43am"
"Sell call Jcy 70.5 cents notion 2.07
The market no power because ... ...
28/6/24 7.36am"

sorry, Sifu MK, can't take your latest 70.5 sell call of today, after your bad 80.5 sell call of 13 June 2024, couple days after which jcy climbed further up to hit day peak 94


2 days ago | Report Abuse

"Don't miss the best part of the bull by wandering away or get lured away by lesser promising stocks

This once a generation DC & Ai Superbull still young

So hold tight"

precisely, absolutely, Sifu, can't agree with you more

your solid unstinting advocacy for long term investing over short term play remains a bright🌞 guiding light and a bull sturdy🐂 pillar of resolve for many of us

thanks loads, Sifu Calvin, for continuing to give strength and faith to us long term jcy believers and supporters🙏💖🙏

keep up the good👍 work, man


3 days ago | Report Abuse

"Kikikikikjkikkkki those who still hold to it. Good luck. Nvidia gone case"
"All gone from tomorrow"

okay lor, Jtyp dude😎, whatever you say lor, but I just hope that you will not have to eat your hat soon🐈


3 days ago | Report Abuse

that's right, Vicky, but we'll just let our short term thinking friends play their favourite way for the time being lor


3 days ago | Report Abuse

"Cut jcy at 70.5sen, swap all to notion due to message from Notion..."

sorry, sifu hng33, but you seem to lately have transformed into a constantly vacillating regularly mind shifting counsel, for reasons likely much better known to yourself, rather than a firm steadfast resolute judge of matters and situations

sorry dude, no no no, no go for me, I'm much more aligned with the much robuster much longer term views of sifus calvintaneng and kkwong13 on jcy

maybe some others might want to think🤔 kind of somewhat differently, that is of course their own personal choice


3 days ago | Report Abuse

great stuff😎, mr smartinvest123

keep up the good work with those kinds of useful relevant updates of yours🐱🙏


3 days ago | Report Abuse

Well, I am no sifu at all, but reading through everything I would be inclined to consider🤔 kkwong13's assessment as the most balanced, the most rightly nuanced and the most complete, thanks buckets, sifu🙏🙏🙏

so I won't be switching to notion just yet, while some others might choose to think🧐 differently


3 days ago | Report Abuse

Well, I am no sifu at all, but reading through everything I would be inclined to consider🤔 kkwong13's assessment as the most balanced, the most rightly nuanced and the most complete

so I won't be switching to notion just yet, while some others might choose to think🧐 differently


3 days ago | Report Abuse

"Slowly slowly dump back to 10 sens!"

yah gah

umm🤔, maybe, yep

in your sexiest wildest dream


3 days ago | Report Abuse

notion up 8 sen, jcy guys maybe still anxious nervous about potential impact of today's esos listing


4 days ago | Report Abuse

"fortuneBloming san, ohaiyo gozaimasu. it will my pleasure to accomodate ur request ( S.daddy related matter ) , unfortunately, it is my principle , not to entertain request by esteemed i3 traders/investors."

walao, how unfortunate

ki ki ki😹


4 days ago | Report Abuse

"Hehehhehehe just brought some at 0.4"
"Hahahha ikkikikijiiiiikkkkkkk buy at 0.3"

yah gah

interesting🤔 looking herb🌿, that one you're smoking

just wondering now then, if you would share some with us


4 days ago | Report Abuse

"The price of JCY will move sideway even if the 3rd quarter result is good because the market have priced in."

otoh, on this part I'm kind of thinking🤔 in a somewhat different way

like, like I kind of sense that many guys might still be a bit hesitant becos they believe that a not so good 3q report might trigger a big pullback

but then, quite on the contrary, I think that once they realise or believe that Q3 report has already been factored in, they might just decide to whack hantam much more

anyway, even Sifu OTB has also already affirmed that the jcy chart looks "fantastic", which for me is already more than good enough, while a good 3q report would for me only be like the icing on the cake🍰


4 days ago | Report Abuse

"I’m sexy and I know it"

okay lor, dude😎, whatever you say lor

now then, how about let's just say, you invite Natsuko-san out to dinner some time🐱


4 days ago | Report Abuse

"hate to say this ..but your continuos comments don't control anything and niether is all the other "sifus" here..."

you sound kind of a bit frustrated, or angry, or both, why

while "everything is syndicated" is just your personal opinion, it does not become gospel truth just because you personally believe it

tbch, I believe many of us are in fact quite aware of our limitations as individuals

nobody is trying to exert "control", "authority" or "influence", I don't think

but only, some of us might find some pleasure or comfort in some good friendly social banter or small talk🦜, while also exchanging some potentially relevant and useful investing stuff

if that is not your cuppa tea then you do not really need to feel obliged to join in, dude

same time, you also do not need to direct any anger or aggro toward those who enjoy it

to each his own, I say🙏🙏🙏


4 days ago | Report Abuse

"Still not run , underwear also lose !"

Natsuko-san, ohayō gozaimasu, anata wa asagohan ga tabemashita ka?


4 days ago | Report Abuse

"Wuakakkakakkaka I’m working in JCY"

okay lor, dude😎, we know already lor by now, what a fantastic superboy investor you are

when price surged up, you are already fully loaded all in, when price dropped big you are already fully sold all out

and now you are even a jcy employee who just got your esos

what to do, some guys have all the luck🐱


4 days ago | Report Abuse

"I am afraid the above statement is true. I have disposed all at 2.30 pm."

aah, but why Chloe, why why why

you angry so very angry💢😡 triggered by yesterday geh

yah lor, I think🤔

but my forecast, my layman very layman forecast, is that, absent another big downslide in nasdaq composite index or in nvidia stock price, jcy existing investors + new potential buyers just gonna gradually shrug off a not so good or even a bad 3q report


4 days ago | Report Abuse

"Momentum is building up in Notion, expected JCY will follow & hit 0.77 by end of today, then hit to >0.80 tmr then"

looking good toward hitting your forecast, sifu


4 days ago | Report Abuse

"Fear and greed at play all the time

since I bought Notion at 52.5 sen short term volatility does not bother me at all

HDD/SSD bull still young
just hold"

aah, sifu calvin, if only you had come in with those little bits of motivational confidence building wisdom yesterday morning through to afternoon, you might have helped quite substantially toward averting that little bit of bloodbath in AI/dc theme stocks


4 days ago | Report Abuse

"Jcy sure got alot of $ to throw."

what "a lot of $ to throw", dude😎

every staff member paying to get esos all out of their own pocket

when they sell, money paid to them by mr market, not jcy company

jcy only paying cost of printing esos forms


4 days ago | Report Abuse

hour by hour, day by day, I believe 3q report already being gradually factored in and discounted


4 days ago | Report Abuse

no such great need for such fantastic 3q report for jcy baby bull♉ to continue in boisterous gregarious mood la, I think❤️‍🩹

all this while also running quite well already on not so good 2q report only leh

as firm steadfast resolute genuine believers in AI/dc boom, we are investing in the future🐱, not the past, of jcy


4 days ago | Report Abuse

"Fear and greed at play all the time

since I bought Notion at 52.5 sen short term volatility does not bother me at all

HDD/SSD bull still young
just hold"

aah, sifu calvin, if only you had come in with those little bits of motivational confidence building wisdom yesterday morning through to afternoon, you might have helped quite substantially toward averting that little bit of bloodbath in AI/dc theme stocks


4 days ago | Report Abuse

"Time will prove !"

yep, of course, time will prove YOU wrong


5 days ago | Report Abuse

"ya lor..some jokers always stay make panic and make fun !!"

bro😎, you know what I think🤔, how about maybe we invite our friend miss natsuko around to some club some time, we buy her a few drinks, chit chat banter banter with her a bit, maybe she might change her attitude a bit huh😼


5 days ago | Report Abuse

"all SIN KA LANs ...🤣🤣🤣"

yah lor, we all sin ka lan lor

all yim kai sin ka lan lor, including you also lor😹😂🤣


5 days ago | Report Abuse

"Yesterday sold everything today you up up, I cry kikikikikiki"

you very funny guy leh, cry also ki ki ki😹🤣

next time, in very panic condition but also very dynamic condition like this, if you sold then you try to buy back lower if market looks like improving❤️‍🩹 lor

like that then = you "make profit when buying" lor

otherwise, if have to buy back higher then = "make loss when buying" lor


5 days ago | Report Abuse

"Dont follow people la"

ha ha ha, relax la bro, cannot be too rigid in this game la

same like playing football also leh, cannot play on just one strategy or one tactic only leh

must be always flexible, always humble, always willing to adapt to conditions and situations, always willing to learn from anybody and everybody etc etc etc🐱


5 days ago | Report Abuse

"Thanks Oothein64. At least someone is appreciate my efforts. FYI, I'm also ikan bilis, share price up or down is control by big fund mgr, corporate bankers with huge capital. If these big shark start to play different tune of game, then we can only follow but need to react fast upon sentiment, pattern trend show something not right based on experienced."

okay sifu, I try to understand things from your pov now

I have for quite a while seen you as a great believer and exponent of AI/dc theme boom, I think many others seen you that way too

so it was just kind of a bit frustrating for me (maybe not a few others also, I'm guessing) to see you had suddenly made a sell call

I'm not in notion, but jcy, still many in jcy I think look at notion for general guidance, direction, cues, pointers etc.


5 days ago | Report Abuse

"Kikikkkikkkkiiki those who buy at 0.8 kikikikiiiiikkii must be happy"

jtyp, you must be the most fantastic punter in this whole wide universe, when price surged up, you say you bought all in

then when price corrected you say you sold all out

ki ki ki ha ha lol😹😂🤣


5 days ago | Report Abuse

"Today lowest price is 67.5 sen. Eagle77 said will go down to between 60 sen - 65 sen. OK. I will queue at that range of price."

walaao, this Eagle77 dude😎 so good aah, maybe have to follow listen to him little bit also la

maybe🤔 he got some special talents like cassandra of troy or nostradamus of paris, well you never know😼🧐


5 days ago | Report Abuse

"@FortuneBlooming: OTB buy call is for YTLPOWER and KGB-WB."

oh okay, lucky I was not attracted by ytlpowr, too high price range for me anyway


5 days ago | Report Abuse

"just bought a few units only. Tonight going out with S.daddy #2 ."

walaao, I'm feeling so envious, of sgr daddy #2

now I'm beginning to have dreams of becoming sgr daddy #3, or #4, or #5 ..., still got any vacancies or not geh

ki ki ki😺😹


5 days ago | Report Abuse

"YTLPOWER drops 22 sen to only 4.66. KGB drops 23 sen to 3.27. OTB made a buy call."

oh dear


5 days ago | Report Abuse

"YTLPOWER drops 22 sen to only 4.66. KGB drops 23 sen to 3.27. OTB made a buy call."

Sifu OTB buy call for ytlpwr, or kgb, or both?


6 days ago | Report Abuse

"added last 73.5sen, average down holding cost"

well done, sifu hng33, good to see someone like you helping toward at least some confidence building


6 days ago | Report Abuse

"Just a caution, US Nasdaq related AI stock drop yesterday night. Potential give a bad sentiment to seller. For those who profit it, can consider take some profit first, wait for US AI stocks to stabilize first. Today Notion seller queue list is big vs normal.

Just be careful. No right or wrong. I'm might be wrong"

sorry, sifu, but personally, in this one particular case, I do not think that you should have made this kind of, well, not confidence building but rather anxiety aggravating call

your words carry a lot of weight, maybe you should have just held back and be a quiet bank of solidity, reserve and restraint

I have to say that, as a big follower of yours, I'm kind of a bit disappointed and sad that you did

while why not look at dfx for motivation, which has in fact risen by a half sen (2.7%)


6 days ago | Report Abuse

"kkwong13 sell call (in the Notion forum) is just like OTB sell call (Hevea-WA long-long time ago). It will be a vertical line down."

in this one particular case, sorry but I would tend to disagree with kkwong13, well even a sifu could still make a bad call, a sifu is not infallible

kkwong13 should not have made that call, I'm very sad that he did that


6 days ago | Report Abuse

overall bursa looks like beginning to recover, only ai/dc theme stocks look like still over correcting

that is how I would tend to see it

even then, dfx (some slight connection with ai/dc theme) look like holding


6 days ago | Report Abuse

"Tomorrow definitely down to 0.60 or below ⬇️⬇️🩸🩸"

definitely gah, betul2 confirm habis absolutely "definitely" gah

okay lor, Eagle77, then you should also stay away from jcy room lor, to protect yourself from danger lor

then you come back when it is confirmed well and safe for you lor, then you can chase panic buying at 97.5 lor

ki ki ki ha ha lol😹


6 days ago | Report Abuse

"I have sold all my JCY shares bought at 77.5 sen last Friday. Today manage to sell at 83.5 sen at"

that is indeed some excellent play, actually

you are playing some short term game within a broader long term regime, I guess, which is not such a bad thing at all, really

while I myself was really wanting to hantam some around 77 that morning, but my new funds came in too late, only after trading hours


6 days ago | Report Abuse

"no, i won't !!

let the experts with good rhetoric do this"

umm🤔, why not, you could tell them that you bought at 66.5 and sold 89.5 within two weeks

but obviously it would be more convincing if it was genuine, unless you're someone with the gift of the gab, in other words a profoundly proficient smooth talker ki ki ki😹

btw, IIRC, 66.5 going to 89.5 did indeed happen around the time from thursday 23 may to friday 7 june


6 days ago | Report Abuse

"even best is, to lure those haven;t bought come in to support !!"

say, you could also indeed play your part by sharing with like minded investment oriented friends, over breakfast or coffee break or lunch, about ai/dc theme boom