
FortuneBlooming | Joined since 2018-09-19

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1 week ago | Report Abuse

anyway, for those still shell shocked😲😳 from today, maybe could consider taking one day off from jcy lor😔

don't come into this jcy forum room, don't peep🫣 into it, don't even think about jcy😕

go for urut kaki tomorrow afternoon or evening😹, then come back refreshed and rejuvenated on thursday


1 week ago | Report Abuse


so, based on that notion reply to uma enquiry, I think🤔 bursa should immediately back off from notion lor🐱😺


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"Nothing goes up in a straight line … it will correct further before the next ascension"

itu loud noisy constantly♾️ clamouring juvenile spoilt-brat pack lor, ha ha lol😆😂

every hour every day shouting screaming wailing, whining moaning groaning🙀😲😱 non-stop "when rocketing to moon aah?", "weiii why so slow so perlahan terhegeh-hegeh aah?", "why no fast fast up like notion aah?" blah blah blah

then when drop pull back skt saja sudah panic stations crying bawling non-stop big time like no tomorrow, ki ki ki😆😂


1 week ago | Report Abuse

now time for some resting, afternoon napping🥱😴💤 and kaya2 dreaming😇🌄 lor


1 week ago | Report Abuse

mau kaya bkn bnyk senang punya la weyyy, kawan2 semua

nanti lain hari, klu bila dia mau break rm2 itu jam (god willing), dia ini mcm big pull back juga lor, maybe🤔🧐 even back down to 1.60 or 1.50

even worse klu bila nak break rm3 nanti (again, if god willing)

itu jam klu lu orang hati lembik x boleh tahan nanti apa macam leh

itu psl mau kasi training gaw gaw from very early lor


1 week ago | Report Abuse

down time = grab time at special discount price lor😐😔

lagi apa mau cakap, ckp bnyk2 pon still nangis keriau bnyk kuat non-stop juga, then what to do leh

ki ki ki🐱😺😹


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"as i speak 0.83 !! creazy down weiii"

well, how about let's just put it this way, everybody got his choice, whether to let this be your first heart toughening spine building experience with jcy ...

or to cry buckets, pack your bags😉, and call it quits

today is gonna separate the boys from the men

if not up to it, then can just go back balik kampong tanam jagong🌽 lor😁❤️‍🩹😉


1 week ago | Report Abuse

David Coperfield:
"Aiyah !! you all are still bzbody ding dong-ding dong...all give negative comments"

just let them scaredy cats keep hopping jumping around like ... what else but ... a cat🐈🐱 on a hot🥵🔥 tin roof lor😁😆😂


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"i'm adding 0.82 to 0.84"

I would have done that too, if only I had more funds to spare


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"fortune you so sure of JCY meh ? to gamble this way"

dude😎, in this game you need to learn to find answers to some questions from deep inside yourself

I am not like Cassandra of Troy or Nostradamus of Paris able to see🙈 what has not actually happened yet

OTOH, I am no random gambler either, no no no, but a continually studying constantly observing long term investor🐱😺😹


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"Game over for JCY"

"Ya. My feeling also said Game Over."

okay, guys, you two can go crying buckets now ...

and just leave the rest of us blessed with stronger hearts and stouter minds to sail onward in peace❤️💜💙😂🤣


1 week ago | Report Abuse

David Coperfield:
"i just sold my property with 1mil++ cash in hand, half of the fund all into JCY cheer !"

good lord!!! you must be good chummy friends with mr speakup😅😂🤣


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Bet small win small

well, I don't know🐱😺, on second thoughts🤔🧐, maybe having a few guys with some swashbuckling cavalier kind of attitude as yours on board could in fact be of some benefit to our jcy ship❤️‍🩹

but not too many of them at the same time huh, ha ha😬


1 week ago | Report Abuse

Bet small win small

now, my first impulsive response earlier this morning🌅:
sweet cantik siut cun steady lady like jcy not suitable for crude grumpy old geezer like mr speakup lor

better he and guys like him go take a short day trip to genting lor😹💖❤️❤️‍🩹


1 week ago | Report Abuse

thanks a million, Sifu Master KKWong13

keep up the good work🐱😺😹


1 week ago | Report Abuse

ai/dc bull♉ is a global development, not just a local thing

so, if bursa is over-reactive about ai/dc related stocks, then our malaysia might run the risk of getting left far behind


1 week ago | Report Abuse

maybe🤔 bursa should not be so easily triggered?

or else, how is bursa itself going to move up


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"by now we shud have realise 2 things
when JCY up then notion down
when notion up then jcy down"

cool observation, dude😎


1 week ago | Report Abuse

so, maybe we could also consider🤔 "sudden unexpected"😮 83 as special post-hari raya tuesday morning discount offer

afternoon or tomorrow, not sure if same offer still available or not😔😕


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"im selling, couldn't take d ups n downs of these DC link stocks. Will b putting all my money on Tenaga to stay safe!"

okay, lemme share my experience

2018, around march IIRC, early stage O&G bull♉, I had little capital, so studied a bit, picked dialog becos it's supposedly "strong and stable"😺

price around 3 - 3.10, bought five big lots only becos had limited funds, waited three months, still around same price, so what profit?😞

then I switched to a relatively more "unstable" stock (but still fundamentally okay, mind you), and made good solid untung immediately🐱😺😎

to illustrate🤔 with a simple equation, "unstable" (but still fundamentally okay) = better likelihood to earn profit faster than "solid strong stable"


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"This morning's panic seems serious. What is the news that caused it?"

to give it a positive vibe, I would see it as just a normal part of the hustle and bustle of investing life, just something you gotta take in your stride

that's why I prefer something like jcy, becos even when down it still feels strong secure🔐 enough for me to keep holding❤️‍🩹💜💙


1 week ago | Report Abuse

longer term play smarter wiser better lor

less pain🤧, more gain💙

less risk😕, more reap🍏


1 week ago | Report Abuse

sawit baby bull♉ has arrived


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"When you're driftin' on an empty ocean
With no wind to fill your sail
The future, your horizon
It's like searchin' for the Holy Grail

You feel there's no tomorrow
As you look into the water below
It's only your reflection
And you still ain't got no place to go

Time will show
When, I don't know

Sail away tomorrow
Sailin' far away

To find it steal or borrow
I'll be there some day, yeah"

from the song "sail away" by mid 1970s - early 1980s heavy rock merchants "deep purple"💜❤️‍🩹❤️😎, check it out some time

this song perfectly suitable for us all steadfast loyal resolute♥️🍒 supporters and defenders of jcy, because we are sailing away, further and further away every day🙏💕, on our jcy cruise ship🚢


1 week ago | Report Abuse

any brand that any coffee shop or kedai makan uses to make kopi o is normally good enough la, Lightofheaven

I was once using a chinese brand many years back, I thought it was "cheong ah" or something like that, but when I googled🧐 that name, "aik cheong" came up😂, now I remember it, good with honey also


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"Holiday guy chill......"

aah🤔, but we already ARE in chill zone, dude😉😎

I mean, strategising for, dreaming🌄🌅, seeing🙈 and counting our next forthcoming several wallet loads of big payday

while sipping thick hot sweet kampong black coffee and munching on biskut marie + biskut tawar cream crackers

now then, what in this whole wide world🌍🌎 can be more chill than that, man😎❤️‍🩹💜💙


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

but I have heard🙉 the new word "jensanity"

just wondering now then, if it's gonna catch on🙊


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

aye aye, I'll second that

but maybe not "mania" la, I'm happy with just "bull"♉🐂

"mania" sounds kind of a bit scary for me😁


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

so whotcha think🤔🧐, guys, is 90 resistance going to still hold tomorrow ...

or is it going to fall ...


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

or perhaps, maybe just relax and bear with it for a while

if still cannot tahan then sell lor, then afterwards regret if price moves up more after you sold ha ha


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

"of coz we hope the price wont drop sharply despite the top volume"

there is always going to be price drop every now and again, that is just something to be expected and to be ready for🙏💗

main thing being, to keep resolve and to hold poise❤️‍🩹❤️💜💙 and not wilt nor wither, nor succumb to panic and anxiety, when that happens, and to just hold out until the storm has come to pass


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

still in baby bull♉ stage, one would be inclined to consider

so, likely safer to go longer than to play short term, I reckon

although some others might disagree on that part


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

"AI/DC is coming
Money is working
Price is spiking"

just a suggestion, dude😎

was just kind of thinking, might be worthwhile considering putting up some glorious eagle for your profile pic

could be good and befitting for the corporate image of a swashbuckling up and coming young stock investor

especially when comes the time that jcy is soaring🦅 high up there in the clear blue🔵💙 sky


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

Technical analysis points to "strong buy".
Technical analysis points to bullish for ALL the short term, medium term and long term.
***** ***** *****
great👍 stuff, Chloe

well done❤️‍🩹❤️💜


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

"Next week JCY and SNS challenge new high ⬆️✅💥💰"

exciting action❤️‍🩹 ahead


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

"but the more retail invester the more votile share price is.."

volatile = better chance for some guys to make some quick profit😺😁❤️‍🩹 in short term, but only on certain days and/or in certain conditions

while maybe🤔🧐 also still keeping within a greater long term regime, for those who like to play such double tracking game🎯😉

while retailers also play their important equally important role in keeping mr market❣️healthy, alive and dynamic


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

"i liked it, i wanted it and i have bought it!"

yay🙌!!!, welcome to the club😁😺😸, you have made a great👍 judgement and decision, you will not regret it, well done❤️‍🩹✅, bro

you might also like to share the good message❤️‍🩹💕 with other good like-minded friends of yours😉😺


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

good to see🙈🙉 followers and supporters actively discussing even on a celebration🎊🎉 day

it shows good mood😁❤️‍🩹 and interest😺🐱, conveys solidity of common shared belief and confidence❤️💕❤️‍🩹✨ in the stock, plus also gives off good vibes about it, thereby potentially drawing interest from guys presently only observing and studying and yet to come on board

all of which could only be good for our own interest in promoting jcy

keep up the good work, fellas😸😸

selamat hari raya eid ul adha mubarak to everybody


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

walaoweyhhh, itu lembu🐂 sawit sudah mari gah


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

"I am really interested in this HDD story, I will monitor this stock carefully.
I will invest some money on this stock based on TA because the technical chart looks fantastic to me.
I will buy big if the Q3 2024 result is very good even the share price is higher than the present share price."

okay👌👍, Sifu OTB, we shall all be waiting patiently for you to come aboard💖 join up with us on jcy


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

"JCY vs Sunway which one is your choice"

rambutan vs durian, or langsat vs nangka

your money💰❣️, therefore your call

question being, why🤔 ride a big car🚗 if a small one could get you somewhere you wanna go nimbler and faster😉😁❤️‍🩹💘❤️


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

mr chunah tp = rm1.20 - rm1.50 (likely upgrading to rm2.40 - rm3 soon)
mr Greenbull88 tp = rm2.00
mr Sales tp = rm3 - rm5
mr EngineeringProfit tp = rm3.88

very good😊👍💕 to hear🙉 your bold ambitious tp's guys, brilliant positive motivation, I have to say that they're kind of profoundly inspiring and energising

keep up the fierce fearless brave valiant gung ho🦁🐯 mood, friends😺😸


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

"FortuneBlooming: i like this asoo... rainbow
We believed
We'd catch the rainbow
Ride the wind"

yep rainbow often made cool😎 sweet heavy rock

temple of the king, rainbow eyes, ariel are three other ear soothing heart tugging💜❤️ spine tingling romance💒 ballads by them

if you want something faster, could try "night games" by graham bonnet, he was frontman for rainbow around 1982 - 1984 time


2 weeks ago | Report Abuse

KL’s tech startup ecosystem generated over RM220b value in past three years, says Cradle Fund