
FortuneBlooming | Joined since 2018-09-19

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6 days ago | Report Abuse

"is dropping terribly now .... should boost harder to lure i3 bilis to support 😃"

bilis will return when they are reconvinced about ai/dc theme boom

problem being, bilis are not like us long term holders, they are too easy to lose faith but too hard to recover from that


6 days ago | Report Abuse

"JCY, Dufu and Notion only produce components (or spare parts in other words). These components are to be exported to Western Digital (WD), Seagate or Toshiba. WD, Segate and Toshiba will assemble the components (or spare parts) to become a complete unit of a HDD and SSD. Then, our country data centers will import the whole complete units of HHD and SSD from WD, Seagate or Toshiba."

if what you say is true, then it still might not be such a bad thing for jcy, notion and dufu, them still being at strategic points in the overall supply chain

while I am thinking🤔🧐 also that:
1) maybe jcy, notion and dufu could negotiate some kind of special arrangement with wd, seagate or toshiba to kind of buy complete hdd/ssd in big bulk from them, at a special price, and be like the local wholesaler to local dc firms

2) as a longer term plan maybe jcy, notion and dufu could make efforts to move up in capability to become manufacturer of complete hdd/ssd, thereby becoming competitors to wd, seagate and toshiba, but not sure if that kind of scenario would be achievable and/or viable


6 days ago | Report Abuse

all bursa consolidating la


6 days ago | Report Abuse

or perhaps, that Jonathantyp dude is just here playing games, pretending to buy and sell while still learning the ropes

maybe😼 also waiting for his rich papa or mama to give him some seed capital😹

quite possible I think🤔


6 days ago | Report Abuse

now still got special monday afternoon 80 sen discount offer

tomorrow, don't know yet if still can get or not


6 days ago | Report Abuse

today general bursa market also down lor, small retreat only normal la for any stock

small drop = good chance to buy at low lor


6 days ago | Report Abuse

Learner One:
"Director selling."
"Esos 0.25"

old stale news


6 days ago | Report Abuse

"lol the Jonathan fella macam mental disorder, suddenly can reach 0,90"

what lol, 90 is no big deal already lor, that day day also hit day peak 94 already lor

so, itu Jonathantyp dude sudah bought again 80 la


6 days ago | Report Abuse

"i still stand by my view the current price is overvalued and will drop back to 0.70-0.75 in near term, unsatisfactory QR then trend lower to 0.55, dun ever chase high"

I sill stand by my view that Ravetidus is a chronic naysaying bottom feeding player only constantly spreading fear and anxiety to make others sell so that he himself can buy low

so, guys, y'all just pay zero attention to his obviously bullokrappo dumbo arso advice, and introduce him to Miss Iggy and just leave him be with her😉🤣


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"80 sen director disposed. So those buying 80 sen and above will be new director? Pls teach newbie whether correct or not?"

walao, so easy to become new director geh, like that I also want lor, ki ki ki😹


1 week ago | Report Abuse

so, guys, what's up then

morning opening, red♥️🍒 or green💚🍏?


1 week ago | Report Abuse

I guess you maybe🤔 managed to pick up like couple dozen big lots of jcy at around 77 then, Ravi1969

so, ini minggu boleh makan besar lor


1 week ago | Report Abuse

ChloeTai: "BlackRock melabur dalam hampir 100 syarikat besar di Malaysia"

hopefully does not generate too much turmoil in bursa


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"So many negative naysayers. But if I see another 2 or 3 major shareholders selling or disposing of their shares, I will sell too"

point being, why need to make any judgement and/or decision simply on the dumbo arso "advice" of malicious minded naysayers who are only bent on dragging price down

as for more directors selling, why should that be of any major bother, any big firm would have many directors, not all of them keen enough to be cracking head on serious bursa investing, but might rather make easy non-thinking sell at any level of big enough profit for them


1 week ago | Report Abuse

well, I for one personally would prefer mahb to maybe🤔 remain under at least 75% khazanah ownership

I really do believe🤔 that msians are quite capable of building🏫 up mahb into a credible global player, seeing that mahb-owned and mahb-operated sabiha gokcen airport (#3 international airport in istanbul) has indeed been pretty successful, so much so even attracting stake buyback from major turkish corporations

I frankly do not see any need to sell any major stake in mahb to any big global player, even gip (whether with or without blackrock in the deal)


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"Obviously he had missed the boat and wanted to get it as cheap as possible"

you can say that again

and you have also hit it smack bang bull's eye🎯 right on the head🛖, man


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"King Kong pun sell already. First warning."

dude😎, everybody could read that every time they open jcy forum room gate, so what, big deal?

they want to buy new mercedes, new condo, expenses for children's education, makan angin vacation abroad, all kinds of reasons possible

you just sound like you do not have much confidence in jcy, yet you still come here into jcy room every day without miss, just to make all kinds of adverse negative comments.

so, now that we come to your case, just makes us wonder🤔🧐, for what reason geh

just to drag price down for you to buy cheaper I guess

or else, you should just be moven on, dude😎


1 week ago | Report Abuse

" heart canot take it..up abit and drop so much.
Abang fortune cepat ajar saya untuk calm down"

aah🤔, you got heart problem geh

walao, like this must be very careful careful leh, why you still playing in bursa leh

maybe🤔 put money in fd or unit trust only lor, like that much lower stress level lor


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"@necessity: 36.36M net profit for 3rd quarter [forcasted by kkwong13] [OTB needs to see the proof]. 60.more days. If not achieved, I will.sell all. If achieved, then everyone is happy."

well I personally for one am not gonna base my call on whether upcoming 3q report is great or lousy or in middle ground

I mean, we all have been on our jcy baby bull even on the back of a bad 2q report, so why need to put so much critical weight on 3q report

we are investing in the future, not the past, of jcy

1q report, 2q report, 3q report are only indicators for the future, but in reality they already are a part of the past


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"ya lah ..sayang wei..took safety decision and unloaded at 79 sen...wasted"

so hopefully you have learned something profoundly fundamental today, consider your loss as tuition fees then

next time, do not make your own personal investing judgement on the dumbo arso advice of them miserable bullkrapping bottom feeding cockroaches who always emerge suddenly crawling creeping out of the rotten woodwork when a high flying stock goes into pullback or correction


1 week ago | Report Abuse

kkwong 13 (extracted from notion forum room):
"theme play of AI / DC still intact & continue to be big massive run especially by mid/end 2H'24 as I see now."

now then, THAT is ALL that we layman investors need to know and play on

we, well at least I personally, do not need all that other nitty gritty micro ta + fa stuff, I'll just put my trust in the words of you wise🦉 sifu guys on that part


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"0.855 woohoo
Congrates to those who holding tight. I released it this morning due to tight schedule. I know it was too early to release but also happy for those who won a lot👍👍👍"

so you sold at 75.5 - 76 then? oh dear, poor geezer🐱

you should have not paid any attention at all to them miserable bullkrapping bottom feeding cockroaches who have been infesting this room for last couple days

now see🙈 what happens when you do?


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"till the earning release.. this will be 1 of the dangerous counter currently trade overvalue.
take risk or not.. it up to you..
choose wisely"
"@necessity: 36.36M net profit for 3rd quarter [forcasted by kkwong13] [OTB needs to see the proof]. 60.more days. If not achieved, I will.sell all. If achieved, then everyone is happy."

now then, lemme share something, stock price is only at most 25% about ta and fa, but at least 75% about crowd sentiment + market perception (including future outlook + prospects, like AI/dc boom etc.), so you guys can go figure lor


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"@Jepun: JCY already corrected from 0.93 to 0.755. Now technical rebound. I don't think it is a dead cat bounce."

no need to pay any attention to that natsuko girl la, Chloe, she posts the same krap advice in the forum of every stock undergoing pullback or correction, just like dat rr88 dude la

you can just click on her name, then you can read some samples


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"Better sell now before no more ppl want to catch falling knives"

okay, dude, and we'll be watching you and other guys like you desperately catching rising knives going berserk panic buying some time soon😹❤️‍🩹💜💙


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"thanks to myself for not trusting those who were panicking and saying today will see free waterfall. I think the waterfall is in your bathroom😄"

no need to pay any attention to them panic princess drama queen types lor, just flush their completely useless dumbo arso advice down the frekkin bathroom pipe, but more important to develop your own judgement method (including listening to some wise🦉 advice from some wise🦉 sifus also la)


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"FortuneBlooming; afraid kena trapped, pls give signal before u sell all~~"
"scared big buaya behind...."

that's why la you, mandykho, always so scared scared of imaginary "big buaya" in your mind only one leh


1 week ago | Report Abuse


"You don’t sell, others will sell.
That’s all I can say. And good luck"

hope you and other scaredy catty guys like you bery very bery happy like heck smiling like sally grinning like gary today after having sold all yesterday

ki ki ki😺 ha ha ha😹😻 lol lol lol😂🤣🤠

loads of love💘💕❤️‍🩹 and good luck to y'all


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"Where is "FortuneBlooming"? Hope he has not sell all. Without he/she around, this forum very boring."

hello hello hello👋

me sold all? not to worry, dear, me no fragile heart brittle soul player like some people, me no go anywhere

just needed to lie low a bit, get a break from them great multitudes of new bs spewing mumbo jumbo dumbo arso crying baby panic princess drama queen👑 jcy-hating sore-arse hurt-butt scare spreading fear mongering dimwit numbskulls who seem to have suddenly emerged crawling creeping out en masse from the rotting woodwork these last couple days or so


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"Who buy at 0.93?"

likely quite a few, or else it would not have climbed to day peak 94 that day

my last buy was 80.5, was wanting to buy more at higher but was out of funds

there are buyers and sellers at every level, you can't know who specifically bought yours unless you access the detail transaction records at bursa


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"You don’t sell, others will sell.
That’s all I can say. And good luck"

yah gah, you sound🤔 so darn sure about that, but are you really🤔?

umm🤔, I don't know, maybe not everybody is gonna sell, maybe the faithful resolute believers and supporters are gonna hold out


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"The first 9 data centers in Johor completed, 6 to go. That's mean by next Qtr start to bring up new AI infrastructure, servers, HDDs, SDDs storage memory to data centers. Will see significant business growth sector across all related AI data center industries sector, huge revenue & earnings are coming starting July now. Future is bright for next 6mths down the road, way earlier than expected initial target Oct-Dec plan."


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"People who bought at 0.9x are panicking today 😖"

not all of them, only the short term traders among them might have been panicking, but the longer term investors might not, because they are much more likely keeping a longer view


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"Ai era is just at beginning stage, a lot of A1 power internet of thing will on market soon, such as Next Apple Ai smartphone, Ai power laptop, Ai power EV, Ai power humanoid.

All these Ai power internet of thing require huge cloud data storage which store data in many HDD in Data Center"

current pullback is kind of a big stroke of fortune🔮 for our good friend Sifu Hng33👋, becos I think🤔 he had exited at 80.5 some time last week, after which jcy climbed further up to hit day peak 94 at one point

or else, he quite likely would have needed a much more expensive ticket to get back on board jcy ship😺😹

welcome back to jcy, Sifu Hng33👋🤗


1 week ago | Report Abuse

not directly so directly related to AI/dc, but still kind of reflective of malaysia's growing🪴 strength as a semiconductor hub in the region


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"afraid kena trapped, pls give signal before u sell all~~"

why you want signal leh, you read somebody saying "I just sold all, thank you", then you immediately also want to sell all aah

you play like that geh?


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"oh no, 0.785 now"

even better, for buying

you should have been buying at 57.5, but you did not

you waited and waited and waited, then maybe only started panic buying at 87.5 geh, thinking to make quick quick fast fast hit and run profit lor

ki ki ki😹


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"ESOS only 25 sen? Can I be JCY staff? Instant millionaire selling cheap ESOS share in open market."

staff with esos discount price 25, if selling 81 tomorrow, then getting only 56 sen profit per unit🐱

but investor buying 81 today, then waiting to sell 1.96 some time later on (god willing), he's gonna earn rm1.15 per unit

so, it ain't only about what price you bought, but also about what price you're willing to hold out and wait for😺


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"Better sell now before no more ppl want to catch falling knives"

okay, dude, and we'll be watching you and other guys like you desperately catching rising knives going berserk panic buying some time soon❤️‍🩹


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"Yes I just read an article, later all in again"

good lad👍, mama gonna be proud of you👏😻


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"See you guys"
"On Moon"

ki ki ki😅😂, yah gah, but you said you sold everything already, dude😎

more like you now gotta gather up more funds to maybe🤔 wait for panic buying at 99.5, if you really seriously are thinking of joining up with us again🐱😺 on the moon🌝🌚


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"Now we know, why majority punters never make & become millionaire. Big fund is collecting shares at lower price due to fear or novice retailer investors."

so we small fish🐟 players need to learn to think like big fund guys little bit also lor, buying when drop also lor

not crying bawling wailing shrieking panic selling when drop only lor🐱


1 week ago | Report Abuse

it's the power of rumour lor

with jcy, sns etc., it's all rumour

but with notion, uma enquiry is already fact on the ground, so it's considered already resolved


1 week ago | Report Abuse

well, just hope that pm has not made a big strategic blunder with his big flashy gimmicky brics joining show


1 week ago | Report Abuse

David Coperfield
"You can't control what rhe market does, but you can control your REACTION to the market"

you can say that again

wise🦉 words from a wise🦉 man

good to see🙈 some cool calm steady eddie sober rational sensible heads still around in jcy room😁


1 week ago | Report Abuse

scaredy cats, bottom fishers/feeders (like rr88 + similar types), chronic pathological negativists etc. all crawling and creeping out of the woodwork today🐱

best thing to do? just introduce them all to Miss Iggy and leave them with her😺😹


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"thanks jcy sold at 0.83 justnow"

whoa! great stuff, dude😎

thanks🙏👍 loads for your lack of faith and confidence, amigo, enabling me to buy low today🤠😉

so, hope can still get some under 80 or lower, but you my good scaredy catty friend, you're gonna buy back panic buying at 96 some time soon ha ha ha ha


1 week ago | Report Abuse

David Coperfield
"You can't control what rhe market does, but you can control your REACTION to the market"

you can say that again

wise🦉 words from a wise🦉 man

good to see🙈 some sober rational sensible heads still around in jcy room😁


1 week ago | Report Abuse

"12 days to Quarter Results ... what it gonna be?"

"How do you know the result will be in 12 days? I thought there’s already QR last month"
***** ***** *****
12 days time (30 June 2024) = announcement date

actual date for reporting to shareholders = 21 august 2024