JCool | Joined since 2013-06-01

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2013-11-28 16:38 | Report Abuse

Jet story is compelling enough for me... tat is why i m here...

Hv bin here long but cant c a thing.. wat for?


2013-11-28 16:10 | Report Abuse

Well... is d story as stated compelling to u??

Tis is not promotion tis is jz infor sharing... n u... jz by coincidence is here...


2013-11-28 15:20 | Report Abuse

Ok thn over to u... U explain it..


2013-11-28 14:03 | Report Abuse

I reckon those substantial shareholders tat came n went... were being paid their commissions.... by shares in MQTECH... for bringing in d HUGE sole n exclusive contract from JetLine


2013-11-28 13:58 | Report Abuse

Yes.... short answer... Malaysia is producing MADE IN MALAYSIA JET PLANE n MQTECH is involved as d sole n exclusive outsourced parts manufacturer...

For details read up d posts from 26/11/2013 onwards...


2013-11-28 12:37 | Report Abuse

LIMIT UP SOON..... BIG LIMIT UP happening in little MQTECH.... 

BIG "MADE IN MALAYSIA" JET PLANE project... BIG corporate name links to PM... BIG jump in price ahead....


Price being pushed down intentionally... at the moment.... for private placement at lower price to JetLine... advice to u... collect NOW


2013-11-28 10:05 | Report Abuse

BIG thing is happening in little MQTECH....

BIG JET project... BIG names.... BIG jump in price ahead....


2013-11-27 17:28 | Report Abuse

No worry... MQTECH has fabulous future.... literally wil fly... wit Made in Malaysia jet plane


2013-11-27 17:15 | Report Abuse

HaHa.... At d same time thr r others who r fighting to buy at 0.155 HaHa.....

I dont care la... I hv bot n is on standby to c MQTECH fly


2013-11-27 17:10 | Report Abuse

HaHa... Ppl really r greedy u know.... A lot wanted to buy but wanted to buy even cheaper at 0.145.. Look at d q at tat price... Missed d boat n u wil regret it


2013-11-27 16:44 | Report Abuse

Ppl r stil scepticle.... but d minute JetLine takes a stake in MQTECH... it wil b 101% certainty..... n total clarity


2013-11-27 16:25 | Report Abuse

At 0.15 d past is reflected.... d future not yet... N it is a very bright future.... if u wld bother to take a closer look...


2013-11-27 14:11 | Report Abuse

If d JetLine's sole n excusive manufacturing contract... were given to BHIC... SIME... YTL... then not much of an impact... but to MQTECH.. d small little ACE co... it is limit up material...


2013-11-26 15:42 | Report Abuse

Top line wil b hit... Tat is never good..


2013-11-26 15:07 | Report Abuse

Now tat USA n IRAN r starting to like each other... N soon d US sactions on IRAN wil b lifed...n IRAN can export its oil again.... oil price wil drop... N sumatec wil b directly hit. .. Remember sumatec is an oil producer... an oil major or... minor to b more exact... Not a provider of services to Petronas like say Barakah... Drop in oil price wil hit it directly... So better watch out d oil price now....


2013-11-26 12:07 | Report Abuse

M more.... as MQTECH is into tis hi tech first in Malaysia pioneer kind of manufacturing operation..... its profit wil b TAX FREE for at least d next 10 years....

Hv told u everything.... n i hv bot n bot... it is up to u if u want to buy or not...


2013-11-26 11:11 | Report Abuse

so better get some MQTECH now.... dont wait...

JetLine is definitely coming into MQTECH... a private placement wil b announced soon.... n wit tat... 101% CERTAINTY... TOTAL CLARITY!

A private placement is a win win... JetLine wil hv certain control ovr MQTECH n MQTECH wil get some money to buy some machinery..

All d jigsaw puzzle pieces wil fall in place... n d MADE IN MALAYSIA jet plane wil take to d sky soon.... n MQTECH wil fly wit it...


2013-11-26 10:52 | Report Abuse


JCool Jetline International (M) Sdn Bhd (JetLine) is a Malaysia govt initiative...... its mission is to advance Malaysia's hi tech aerospace industry ambitions...26/11/2013 09:49

ladzatz that's one more point...govt initiative ..that's it..the best phrase today26/11/2013 09:52X

JCool Govt initiative..... I mean it is jz plain to c.... wat more confirmation do u need??

Firstly.... Special tax incentive has bin set up by our Malaysian govt for tis soft of "acquisition of hi tech foreign company"... don't jz believe me... google it.. 

Then..... u hv JetLine spending RM 1.1 bil to buy over a USA jet maker... SyberJet Aircraft... Cant get more hu tech thn tis.... 

N after tat.. JetLine was issued a license by MITI... not quietly mind u... but wit a lot of fanfare... n d license was handled over by d head of MITI himself... 

N... think.... without Malaysian govt support... how to get d financing d loan to buy a RM 1,100,000,000 foreign co? 

D SJ 30 jet plane soon wil hv a "MADE IN MALAYSIA" stamped on it..... n to b truly MADE IN MALAYSIA... d SJ 30 cannot possibly hv jz 5% ocal content... 

N wit tat u can readily c wat is happening in MQTECH.. d sole n exclusive local contract manufacturer for JetLine... is gonna b huge.... n tat MQTECH wil b transformed!26/11/2013 10:11

JCool Malaysia's honour n pride is at stake... Failure is not n option.... by hook or crook... Jetline wil succeed n fly... MQTECH wil succeed n fly...26/11/2013 10:29X

JCool More Back of envelope calculations... JetLine is projecting an annual turnover of RM 2,000,000,000..... 

Say its gross profit margin is 30% of turnover... So its cost of sales at 70% of turnover is .. = 1,400,000,000 i.e. 2,000,000,000 × 70%

 Say out of tis.. jz mere 10% local content is done by MQTECH...MQTECHs revenue wld incease by.... = 140,000,000 i.e. 1,400,000,000 × 10%

 if 20% local content MQTECHs revenue wld incease by.... = 280,000,000 i.e. 1,400,000,000 × 20% 

To put thing in prespective... MQTECHs revenue now is jz abt 30 mil... n at d moment MQTECH is jz a small little ACE co.... 

Wit turnover at 300,000,000... MQTECH price wil b more thn RM 1...26/11/2013 10:36


2013-11-26 10:36 | Report Abuse

More Back of envelope calculations...

JetLine is projecting an annual turnover of RM 2,000,000,000.....

Say its gross profit margin is 30% of turnover...
So its cost of sales at 70% of turnover is ..

= 1,400,000,000 i.e. 2,000,000,000 × 70%

Say out of tis.. jz mere 10% local content is done by MQTECH...MQTECHs revenue wld incease by....

= 140,000,000 i.e. 1,400,000,000 × 10%

if 20% local content MQTECHs revenue wld incease by....

= 280,000,000 i.e. 1,400,000,000 × 20%

To put thing in prespective... MQTECHs revenue now is jz abt 30 mil... n at d moment MQTECH is jz a small little ACE co....

Wit turnover at 300,000,000... MQTECH price wil b more thn RM 1...


2013-11-26 10:29 | Report Abuse

Malaysia's honour n pride is at stake... Failure is not n option.... by hook or crook... Jetline wil succeed n fly... MQTECH wil succeed n fly...


2013-11-26 10:11 | Report Abuse

Govt initiative..... I mean it is jz plain to c.... wat more confirmation do u need??

Firstly.... Special tax incentive has bin set up by our Malaysian govt for tis soft of "acquisition of hi tech foreign company"... don't jz believe me... google it..

Then..... u hv JetLine spending RM 1.1 bil to buy over a USA jet maker... SyberJet Aircraft... Cant get more hu tech thn tis....

N after tat.. JetLine was issued a license by MITI... not quietly mind u... but wit a lot of fanfare... n d license was handled over by d head of MITI himself...

N... think.... without Malaysian govt support... how to get d financing d loan to buy a RM 1,100,000,000 foreign co?

D SJ 30 jet plane soon wil hv a "MADE IN MALAYSIA" stamped on it..... n to b truly MADE IN MALAYSIA... d SJ 30 cannot possibly hv jz 5% local content...

N wit tat u can readily c wat is happening in MQTECH.. d sole n exclusive local contract manufacturer for JetLine... is gonna b huge.... n tat MQTECH wil b transformed!


2013-11-26 09:49 | Report Abuse

Jetline International (M) Sdn Bhd (JetLine) is a Malaysia govt initiative...... its mission is to advance Malaysia's hi tech aerospace industry ambitions...


2013-11-26 09:39 | Report Abuse

HaHaHa.... So kiasu... those Singaporean....

Well FYI... Malaysia is going to hv her very own MADE IN MALAYSIA JET PLANE... Tat is wat MQTECH is all abt


2013-11-25 16:57 | Report Abuse

O&G.... now tat USA n IRAN hv friended n like each other... Oil price wil drop... Sumatec 1st to die


2013-11-25 14:51 | Report Abuse

Yo... Yo... Chk d 4 wks price range..... sharks sold at 0.205... collected at 0.145... pushing up now to god knows how high... as Jetline is gonna come in soon...


2013-11-25 09:35 | Report Abuse

Short term traders r in now.... due to TA goreng goreng!

Long term investors r in now... due to fantastic future!


2013-11-24 16:13 | Report Abuse

At jz 14.5 SEN... d past is reflected... d future not yet... dont miss d chance to buy now.. MQTECH has very bright future...


2013-11-24 13:14 | Report Abuse

Back of envelope calculation...

Revenue increased from 30 mil to 100 mil.... abt 3x.... price from 0.15 to 0.45... 200% potential... tat is good enough for me....

However d margin for specialized aerospace parts wld b much much better...

Moreover.. MQTECH had actually kitchen-sinked n cleaned its account in 2012.. major parts of plant n machinery all depreciated... minimal cost from here in d future..

N of cos... besides JetLine thr r other clients for tis biz....

n other bizs.. d automobile parts n accessories biz in Thailand d Asean automobile hub is doing well... n d new CMP biz..

MQTECH has very bright future...


2013-11-24 08:56 | Report Abuse

Back of envelope calculation...

JetLine is projecting an annual turnover of RM 2,000,000,000.....

Say its gross profit margin is 30% of sales
So its cost of sales at 70% of sales is

= 1,400,000,000 i.e. 2,000,000,000 × 70%

Say out of tis.. jz mere 5% is given to MQTECH...
MQTECH revenue wld incease by....
= 70,000,000 i.e. 1,400,000,000 × 5%

To put thing in prespective MQTECHs revenue is jz abt 30 mil now... n MQTECH is jz a small little ACE co

only 5% is used.. it may b higher...


2013-11-23 15:55 | Report Abuse

SO SO HUGE... so is it for real?


2013-11-23 15:09 | Report Abuse

Really d sky is d limit.... wit its JET PLAN... d sky is d limit for MQTECH.... 0.30 is jz d very short term target


2013-11-23 14:54 | Report Abuse

VinVin... whr r u? Don't u wander too far now..... MQTECH is gonna fly.... literally wit its JET PLAN... DONT MISS


2013-11-23 14:48 | Report Abuse

At jz 14.5 SEN... d past is reflected... but d futures not yet... dont miss d change to buy now..

ACE co... parts n accessories for jet plane... it has got to b huge


2013-11-23 14:12 | Report Abuse

Mind-bloggingly HUGE.... Wat is in d pipeline for MQTECH is so mind-bloggingly HUGE....

MQTECH an ACE co wit a mkt capitalisation of jz RM 35mil... has bin contracted as d sole n exclusive outsourced manufacturer and fabricator by JetLine... a co whc has spent 1.1 bil to buy over a USA jet maker SyberJet Aircraft

RM 1,100,000,000 vs 35,000,000.... tis kind of hook up has got to b HUGE HUGE JET DREAM for MQTECH...


2013-11-23 14:06 | Report Abuse

Adoi... wat?! once u joined mui.. u cannot leave is it?!? D gang wil hunt n track u down?! U can ran but u cannot hide!!! Once in it is for life?!

But kevin also can't deny MQTECH is explosive... is HUGE!


2013-11-23 09:03 | Report Abuse

Wat is happening in MQTECH is so mind-bloggingly HUGE... tat u hv to ask: IS IT FOR REAL?!


2013-11-23 08:59 | Report Abuse

Tis is expected... as a result of d RI BI..... at 1.55 d past is reflected... d future not yet.. up to tp 2.33 soon whn recent project wins r executed.. n further project wins come in... Sarawak SCORE is hot


2013-11-22 11:01 | Report Abuse

I got some at 1.55...


2013-11-22 10:59 | Report Abuse

Ya... u r right... M quoting an old time recounting his wet dream....

ANCOMLB is having a cash payout... EGM to approve on 28/11/13.....

See note 4 of DETAILED announcement 

Fact 2. Out of tis RM 46,425,000 sale proceed..... RM 37,863,000 wil b paid to shareholders.. TIS IS D 8 sen FOR EVERY 10 sen SHARE part .......... don't b confused by d capital reduction.. it is jz for taking out excess fund... d important thing is U WIL B PAID 8 sen FOR EVERY 10 sen SHARE .... TIS IS GOOD  

RM 6,562,000 wil b retained by ANCOMLB for working capital... to expand its other businesses.... TIS IS GOOD  

RM 2,000,000 bal i suppose to pay d broker as commission.. legal fee etc


2013-11-22 10:52 | Report Abuse

D 4 weeks low at 0.145 looks to b d lowest.... Better start buying...


2013-11-22 10:50 | Report Abuse

Ya... but TP 2.33 remains


2013-11-20 18:03 | Report Abuse

so wat is "low"? how much is low??


2013-11-20 13:01 | Report Abuse

HaHa good tat u checked out SBCCORP... kakijudi shd b one of ur unqualified fan.... he is one of those blur blue ones too

hello FYI.. I was collecting SBCCORP along wit Sia TH d major shareholder of SBCCORP... ur fan hv not a clue.. d joke is on him n now u for posting his post here... haha bye......


2013-11-20 12:44 | Report Abuse

kcchongnz... actually I hv profit on ANCOMLB... n it remains u don't know how to value an ACE co.. whn d EGM comes it wil go up

By d way... how is MFCB?? Looks like ur half past six valuation has no effect at all... really hope it has...

Anyway bye... enjoy ur RM 668.35 worth of tudor chocolate.. but I c lots of ppl attacking u lo... haha


2013-11-20 12:36 | Report Abuse

0.145... 4 weeks low... is d typhoon over yet??? pressed down low enough yet??!! big fish ceased to b again yet??


2013-11-20 12:19 | Report Abuse

kcchongnz... hi how r u??

I say my man... d biggest mistake u hv made is invested in pmcorp...

u made like wat... all of RM 668.35.. but really dragged urself thru d mud... lost ur street cred in d eyes of a lot... man

I m in good mood today cos I m making serious money in SBCCORP...


2013-11-20 11:51 | Report Abuse

.... 1Superman. Let me give you a past example.

We bought OPCOM at 30 cents years back. Company gave CASH PAYOUT of 22.5 Cents ( Because they don't need so much Cash for fiber optic manufacturing.) So they return Surplus Cash To Share Holders.

So 30 cents - 22.5 Cents = 7.5 Cents. So After Receiving 22.5 Cents Our Cost Per Share is reduced to Only 7.5 Cents. Then One Fine Day OPCOM Declared a 10 Cents Tax Free Dividend.

So 7.5 Cents - 10 Cents = -2.5 Cents.

Now We Have OPCOM Free Plus 2.5 Cents Free Money!


Later We Sold Off OPCOM for 78 Cents....... How Nice Is The Feeling To Keep On Receiving Money After Money With ZERO Risk?

old timer c.... recalling a sweet moment.....

n tis is precisely what ANCOMLB is now