JCool | Joined since 2013-06-01

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2013-12-16 17:23 | Report Abuse

andygan... my man.. alright!!! happy tat u r stil here..... tot u goner..

say crappy yet u cant let go of MQTECH??

u.. luv.. hate... luv.. hate.... luv.. hate relationship....wit MQTECH... cant decide...

but from wat i c.. I tell u.. it is all luv la u n MQTECH.. ; )


2013-12-16 14:41 | Report Abuse

JCool HaHa looks like d insiders.. d sharks r watching MQTECH more closely thn u n me....

Looks like they r doing something to MQTECH price... but so far hv bin rather clumsy... d pushed d price up to 13,5 sen at d very end by jz buying 1 lot.... d trying to push d price down to 12.5 by dumping a big block next... not successful ... as everyone wanna buy at 12.5... it is a very strong support...

Well i wld say no matter... they can try watever... we wil rhythm wit them... if they want to push it down to buy.. we buy too....

MQTECH wil go up later.... cos u can never keep a good co down for too long! Especially wit d big JetLine contract in hand...

14/12/2013 12:45


2013-12-16 14:39 | Report Abuse

hepitrade If u said they hv the contract, why don't the.price up? Weird

14/12/2013 13:26


JCool Yes yes yes... u hv nailed it.. tat is wat my postings in MQTECH is all abt...

Precisely... weird!

n weird = buying opportunity

14/12/2013 14:31


JCool N... Weird..?? How come?? How is tat possible??..... is an anomaly tat cannot lasts.. n it won't.... MQTECH is going to fly... cos it cannot b weird for too long..

B d first few to catch it while it is stil weird... u wil b very happy whn it became normal... whn its price reflects d value of d contract...

14/12/2013 14:46


2013-12-16 14:26 | Report Abuse

MQTECH wil fly soon.... all necessaries done!

10 years SOLE provider contract signed... bright future assured...

Innocent lamp scarified.....


2013-12-16 13:59 | Report Abuse

N whn zus scenario plays out... u wld want to invest in a co whc hv signed a 10 contract...like MQTECH... for clarify n certainty...


2013-12-16 13:54 | Report Abuse

Hard economics.. not loose monies.. wil support d sales of jet planes soon...

N more billionaires n mega millionaires in d making


2013-12-16 13:48 | Report Abuse

saw tis in CNBC tis morning ...

Tapering now would tell us that the Federal Reserve believes the U.S expansion is durable and that the global economy, at a minimum, is less fragile," said David Kelly, chief global market strategist at JPMorgan Funds.YEAR'S LAST RUSH OF ECONOMIC DATARelatively less drama surrounds a decision later this week by the Bank of Japan, expected to keep in place its aggressive policy easing, and a European Union meeting where a long-awaited deal on a banking union could be struck.In the world's third-biggest economy, the Japanese tankan survey is expected on Monday to show business confidence improved on the back of robust fiscal and household spending. The BOJ, whose monetary stimulus eclipses even that of the Fed, meets Dec. 19-20.

N see tis.....

..... The BOJ, whose monetary stimulus eclipses even that of the Fed,.....


2013-12-15 21:50 | Report Abuse

If u chk.. u wil c i hv bin asking for d -tives on MQTECH for some time now...

now andy has helped me c... thr is indeed a dark side to MQTECH... n big insider who hv bot high akso started selling....... : (


2013-12-15 21:39 | Report Abuse

N whn d QE tapering started... it is expected tat d number of billionaires... multi millionaires wil drop by 63.578%... thus reducing JetLine customers base drastically... by tat time.. MQTECH price is likely to b 5 sen or lower....

So cut loss now.... andy


2013-12-15 21:06 | Report Abuse

Think 4th Q result wil b equally bad if not worst....

Think u better cut loss at 12.5 sen tomoro... B quick.. must cut loss tomoro..


2013-12-15 19:47 | Report Abuse

d fact tat andygan bot at 17 sen is good sign....

>>andygan MQ now 13 cents already terrible loses. MQ please push up to 17 cents for me escape .15/12/2013 19:12


2013-12-14 14:46 | Report Abuse

N... Weird..?? How come?? How is tat possible??..... is an anomaly tat cannot lasts.. n it won't.... MQTECH is going to fly... cos it cannot b weird for too long..

B d first few to catch it while it is stil weird... u wil b very happy whn it became normal... whn its price reflects d value of d contract...


2013-12-14 14:31 | Report Abuse

Yes yes yes... u hv nailed it.. tat is wat my postings in MQTECH is all abt...

Precisely... weird!

n weird = buying opportunity


2013-12-14 12:45 | Report Abuse

HaHa looks like d insiders.. d sharks r watching MQTECH more closely thn u n me....

Looks like they r doing something to MQTECH price... but so far hv bin rather clumsy... d pushed d price up to 13,5 sen at d very end by jz buying 1 lot.... d trying to push d price down to 12.5 by dumping a big block next... not successful ... as everyone wanna buy at 12.5... it is a very strong support...

Well i wld say no matter... they can try watever... we wil rhythm wit them... if they want to push it down to buy.. we buy too....

MQTECH wil go up later.... cos u can never keep a good co down for too long! Especially wit d big JetLine contract in hand...


2013-12-13 18:12 | Report Abuse

ladzatz... ur good fren.... CHENG YU KIAM... made a few moves.... pushed down from 13.5 to 12.5 ... dia punya kerja ke?????

He is pushing down to buy back cheaper... collecting.. collecting...


2013-12-13 15:14 | Report Abuse

Buy buy buy at 13 sen... strong support..

MQTECHs spring is being wound up... so tight... so tight...so tight..... tension is building... building...building.... whn climax....... ahhhhhhhh.. yes yes yes..... to 22 sen for d 1st time... 50 sen for d nxt.... yes...


2013-12-13 11:16 | Report Abuse

Bone... i say i say... cant c it again..

I wanna... u wanna buy... insiders n sharks... n their mothers in law n dogs too... semua wanna buy at 12.5 sen... tat is whr d millions in d buy q r from la..

N ya.. zu is right... d co too hv a hand in tis big q


2013-12-13 11:11 | Report Abuse

JetLine international owns d one n only license to manufacture LUXURY BUSINESS JET PLANE in MALAYSIA n d nos is

N JetLine International has spent 1,000,000,000 to buy over d USA jet maker to achieve its ambition... n has contracted MQTECH as its SOLE N ONLY SERVICES PARTS N COMPONENTS PROVIDER IN MALAYSIA.... u know for d local contents... to make d jet eligible as MALAYSIAN

MQTECH is a small little ACE company... tis kind of figure w nine... 000,000,000... zeros is gonna blow it away... to sky high.. long term TP 1.10..


2013-12-13 10:58 | Report Abuse

I wanna... u wanna buy... insiders n sharks... n their mothers in law n dogs too... semua wanna buy at 12.5 sen...

Strong support lo... tis 12.5 sen..


2013-12-13 01:55 | Report Abuse

N so..... MQTECHs plot thicken..... is a hostile tussle for control of MQTECH in d card??!!!

N if it is a good margin of safety tat u r looking for... thr u hv it.... based on d above tis insider appears to hv bot at at least 16.5 sen....


2013-12-12 21:50 | Report Abuse

Zu.... thanks for d drill..... but c.. nobody panicked... all of us here has total fate on MQTECH.... cos whn thr is clarify... thr is 101% certainty... nothing can change our luv for MQTECH.. ; )


2013-12-12 18:47 | Report Abuse

Yes thy got enough.... Buat announcement.... BOOM! 20 for d 1st round... yes yes


2013-12-12 18:39 | Report Abuse

Everyone here is saying they r buying... n i m sure they r ... even d company has buybacks.... n those here who r not buying.. at least also not selling as they bot high....

so it is obvious d insiders r selling to push down d price...... to collect back... n collect back...


2013-12-12 18:37 | Report Abuse

Like d quiet......... 

Looks like everybody has grasped d fundamental..... c d good in MQTECH... has taken position...... is involved..... n on standby... good sign ; )


2013-12-12 14:47 | Report Abuse

HaHa.... Diam diam ubi.... Tengah beli.. HaHa


2013-12-11 20:29 | Report Abuse

Like d quiet.........

Looks like everybody has grasped d fundamental..... c d good in MQTECH... has taken position...... is involved..... n on standby... good sign ; )


2013-12-11 15:51 | Report Abuse

At current price.. d past is reflected... d future not yet... MQTECH has bright future...


2013-12-11 15:38 | Report Abuse

MQTECH is on... wit d backing of 3 veterans... wit Sing $$$$$... sure fly..


2013-12-11 15:31 | Report Abuse

D fellow tat really counts for SCABLE ... is CMS la... n he going to make sure SCABLE get d projects b4 he says bye bye... so no worry... d flight to 2.33 is on... buckle up!


2013-12-11 15:24 | Report Abuse

MQTECH wil definitely fly soon ; ) ... Votes of confidence by 3 veterans....


2013-12-11 14:18 | Report Abuse

HaHaHa... but since we enjoyed a few rounds of SCABLE flying together... let him b... man

Thr is midterm... in ur name... so if u hv not sold n stil hold on SCABLE.. it tallies wit ur name n plan la...


2013-12-11 13:40 | Report Abuse

My goodness... y u want him dead... d opposite of luv is not hate... u know.. b cool..


2013-12-11 13:18 | Report Abuse


crawler more show to come .... buckle up


2013-12-11 13:16 | Report Abuse

His spirit speaks again....

crawler it will keep going up dude.

crawler better q before is gone the 1.6x


2013-12-11 13:13 | Report Abuse

Spirit of....

crawler it will not stay in this price range for too long

crawler beside, there are more contract award in the pipeline...keep close watch!


2013-12-11 13:08 | Report Abuse

U know MQTECH is jz like suppliers to proton.. to perodua... but it is supplying jet plane parts n accessories instead... n it is d sole supplier..


2013-12-11 12:59 | Report Abuse

Zu..... Pursuant to the Agreement, JET shall disclose to MPT the technology as is necessary to enable MPT to manufacture the Products in accordance with the specification. JET shall from time totime during the period of the Agreement consult with MPT pertaining to the process of manufacturing of the Products and the use of JET’s Technology. MPT will only need to modify their existing machineries to meet up with the specification of the JET’s requirements. 

See tis.....

MPT will only need to modify their existing machineries to meet up with the specification of the JET’s requirements.....

N d fabrication of ths parts n accesiories is not like building an oil rig... it is not a long term construction job whr u hv to build to a certain stage b4 u can bill... MQTECH is jz doing parts n accessories... produce a few batches.. deliver.. bill..

So no nid lot of cash....


2013-12-11 11:31 | Report Abuse

Good jobs by all fellow lovers of MQTECH. ....


2013-12-11 11:25 | Report Abuse

(槟城29日讯)消息刚传出微领科技(MQTECH,0070,创业板)将引进JetLine国际(马)有限公司(简称大马Jet Line国际)作倒置收购,双方今天签备忘录,合作生产小型私人飞机。 有关合作着重在私人飞机零件上的技术转移,其中,大马Jet Line国际将把国外技术带进,并通过与微领科技的合作,在本地打造生产线。 大马Jet Line国际董事拿督阿末古斯哈里在签署合作备忘录后说,全球市场对私人小型飞机需求直线上升。 “因此,希望打铁趁热,通过与微领科技的合作,在大马也设立产生线。” 双方冀望未来10年,可助我国在航空业上更上一层楼! 据了解,大马Jet Line国际已有250名国内外买家。 询及此次合作的交易额,微领科技高级总裁梁漍锅则表示,目前难以统计。 微领科技执行董事陈朝汶、董事秦智庆及大马JetLine国际主席东姑拿督阿兹曼也出席今日的仪式。 《商业时报》引述消息报道说,微领科技和大马JetLine国际之后会宣布企业改造活动。 据悉,大马Jet Line国际部分股权由阿拉伯联合酋长国的Jet Line International有限公司家族所持有,大马分行在去年以11亿令吉购买一家美国制造商。 根据《商业时报》报导,大马Jet Line国际计划在梳邦制造喷气式飞机(Jet Planes)。 报导形容,大马Jet Line国际和微领科技的合作,就犹如新加坡航空制造公司有限公司(Singapore Aerospace Manufacturing)以及骆金朝工业(LKT)的交易,骆金朝工业在随后被重新塑造成SAM工程(SAM,9822,主板工业产品股)。 http://www.nanyang.com/node/560278 anbz 3622 posts Posted by anbz > Nov 13, 2013 09:29 PM | Report Abuse Jetline欲收購? 微領未接獲獻購書 財經股市31 Oct 2013 17:14 (吉隆坡31日訊)微領科技(MQTECH,0070,創業板科技股)與大馬Jetline國際合作生產小飛機零件,對后者欲收購公司股權傳言略有所聞,但表明至今未接獲正式獻購書。 詢及市場傳聞,該公司執行董事陳朝汶、秦智慶及梁漍鎘回應《中國報》指出,與Jetline合作生產小飛機零件,Jetline出資、公司出力及生產設備,預計可在未來10年內為250架小飛機生產所需零件。 梁漍鎘指出,公司亦有聽聞不少市場傳言,指Jetline將倒置收購微領科技,或入股成為大股東,不過以他所知,雙方洽商沒有提及傳聞相關事項。 會考慮獻議 “不可能是倒置收購,但不排除入股可能性,不過決定權在Jetline不在我們,倘若他們真的提出獻購,我們會再做考慮。” 不過他強調,微領科技至今未接獲來自任何一方的獻購計劃書,若接獲將向馬證交所報備。 至于市場傳Jetline與前首相敦阿都拉巴達威親屬相關,梁漍鎘則表示,不清楚是否有幕后大老板,但該公司主席東姑阿茲曼莎為皇室成員,與前者有來往亦非新鮮事。 他強調,Jetline認為儀器設備符合條件才選擇將生產合約交由公司,配合這項新業務,微領科技亦申請相關認證,冀未來數月內可獲得更多航空業合約。 梁漍鎘早前接受電訪時指出,公司擁有現成生產設備,接獲Jetline為期10年的生產合約后,亦陸續接獲其他航空業業者競標邀約,冀儘快獲得相關合約,未來可順利在此行業發展。 冀新業務帶領轉虧為盈 除了航空零件生產,微領科技亦納入化學機械研磨(CMP)新業務,冀2014財年轉虧為盈,消息刺激該股連數日交投活躍。 週四(31日)開市時,微領科技掛平盤18仙,早盤股價波動不大,以揚居多且交投活躍,休市時保持18仙水平;閉市時,該股順大盤走勢下滑,跌0.5仙至17.5仙,成交量1018萬8300股。 梁漍融日前指出,硬碟業務出現瓶頸,故公司引進新核心業務,除了與Jetline合作的小飛機零件生產,公司明年初亦將以新品牌Microlead進軍化學機械研磨(chemical mechanical polishing)業。 由于新業務前景不俗,公司已與投銀洽商展開企業活動籌資,除了進一步提升廠房設備,亦希望擴充廠房面積,預計2項新核心業務可為公司帶來新氣象,並助公司在2014財年轉虧為盈。[中国报财经]


2013-12-11 11:17 | Report Abuse

http://www.thestar.com.my/Business/Business-News/2013/03/27/Jetline-seen-generating-RM13bil-turnover.aspx Jetline seen generating RM13bil turnover GEORGE TOWN: Jetline International (M) Sdn Bhd, a local jet manufacturer, will generate RM13bil in turnover for five years starting from 2016 following its acquisition of a RM1.1bil US-based jet manufacturing company. Jetline inked the acquisition deal last year and will invest over RM1bil, with plans to start initial production in Subang. There are plans to move the production to the Kuala Lumpur International Airport at a later date. Malaysian Investment Development Authority (Mida) chief executive officer Datuk Noharuddin Nordin said the acquisition was a landmark deal by itself, in line with the country's pursuit of a high income economy that would bring more than just inexpensive assembly labour'and catapult the country to become a developed nation by 2020. ”With the acquisition, Jetline will bring to Malaysia the high technology of aircraft design, manufacturing, and assembly,” he said after the handing over of an aircraft manufacturing licence from Mida to Jetline at the Langkawi International Maritme and Aerospace exhibition 2013. Noharuddin said the new incentive packages for the aerospace industry that were endorsed by the Government has already seen positive results. ”Last year, a total of 11 projects were approved with investments totalling RM2.3bil of which RM1.4bil was from domestic investors. He said RM1.1bil was for the investment made by Jetline for the designing and manufacturing of jet aircraft and aircraft components. avucin 98 posts Posted by avucin > Nov 13, 2013 08:07 PM | Report Abuse http://www.btimes.com.my/Current_News/BTIMES/articles/mqmq/Article/ MQ Tech close to seal takeover deal with Jet Line KUALA LUMPUR: Penang-based MQ Technologies Bhd is close to inking a deal with Jet Line International (M) Sdn Bhd, which will result in a reverse takeover of the listed company, said people with knowledge of the deal. Business Times was told that RHB Investment Bank Bhd is working on the financial structure of the deal, which may result in MQ Tech issuing irredeemable convertible unsecured loan stocks (ICULS) to vendors of Jet Line. ICULS are securities that can be used to buy underlying common shares. It is similar to a warrant except that it is subject to the conversion ratio, which means ICULS provide the benefits of a bond until it is converted into equity. "The amount of ICULS that will be issued and the pricing of the ICULS will be determined by a due diligence. RHB is sending a team to look at MQ Tech's books and operations in Penang next week," said a source. The MQ Tech board is expected to meet today. The company has scheduled a signing ceremony with Jet Line in Penang today. It is understood that the agreement has more to do with the technical and operations side of the business and comprehensive plan on the corporate makeover will only be announced at a latter stage. The privately-held Jet Line is part of the United Arab Emirates-based Jet Line International Ltd family. The Malaysian branch last year bought over a US jet maker for RM1.1 billion, the media reported in March. Business Times was told that the jet maker concerned is SyberJet Aircraft, a company which was once 80 per cent-owned by Emirates Investment and Development Corp. SyberJet manufactures the world's fastest and longest range light business jets - The SJ30. Jet Line plans to fabricate and manufacture jet planes from its proposed base in Subang. The private company's interest in MQ Tech is based on the Penang firm's moulding and fabrication expertise. As such, the tie-up between MQ Tech and Jet Line can be structured along the lines of the Singapore Aerospace Manufacturing Pte Ltd and LKT International Bhd deal. LKT has been remodeled to SAM Engineering and Equipment Bhd. Jet Line in a letter to MQ Tech states it is the only company in Malaysia with licence from Miti to manufacture, fabricate and assemble aircraft . Read more: 'MQ Tech close to seal takeover deal with Jet Line' http://www.btimes.com.my/Current_News/BTIMES/articles/mqmq/Article/#ixzz2kWiKGgjQ 



2013-12-11 10:46 | Report Abuse

So zu1967 hv u bot MQTECH??

Ayamtua hv u bot too??


2013-12-11 08:49 | Report Abuse

O.... It is a train ah..... I always tot it is a jet plane.... I can do jet better thn a train... indeed someone has called me Jet Cool o...

Well never mind think bullet train is very fast too.... Ppl ppl buckle up... Scable wil speed ahead to 2.33 now...


2013-12-11 08:24 | Report Abuse

Good morning all.... MQTECH wil fly soon... period

Zu1967... yes... u r sharp.. i indeed hv a lot in MQTECH... i hv put in a rather big part of my profit from BursaM into MQTECH... cos i m playing it safe now... i want to safeguard my profit... As u know everyone has made big profit in tis liquidity driven bull.. my profit thus far has bin making me grin from ear to ear... but i m playing it safe now... i want to safeguard my profit..

MQTECH is d best candidate.. at current price it wil not fall much.. if it ever does.... but d upside is HUGE... for me d odd is all for me wit MQTECH...


2013-12-10 20:09 | Report Abuse

Jenab.. want me to b replacement captain?! Well.... only if u can take it cos i m d rogue type.... n since i m already in d SCABLE flight to 2.33 anyway... u jump up for d ride man

But b4 tat... bro FYI ppl who hv tis fetish... who needed to b told to buckle up to get it going.. r more common thn u think... u r not alone... dont change HAHAHA



2013-12-10 18:35 | Report Abuse

If d JetLine sole services n parts provider contract is given to BHIC... SIME... YTL... SPK... then no impact.... but given to MQTECH d small little MQTECH.... MQTECH revenue wil explode..


2013-12-10 17:11 | Report Abuse

Sole services n parts provider some more.... n MQTECH is jz a small little ACE co..


2013-12-10 17:09 | Report Abuse

I say..... cos producing jz.. CAR parts n accessories... also can make lots of profits n get listed.... MQTECH is producing JET PLANE parts n accessories... u tell me is it gonna fly or not?


2013-12-10 16:41 | Report Abuse

RM 1.00 in d mid term... 100x lagger... or leggar... or lagger.. get some quick