
Mabel | Joined since 2019-02-11

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile High

Disclaimers :- All Mabel comments in i3 forum are based on my investment experience across the Globe by applying the Pareto principle. No buy or sell call on any stocks in i3 forum on all my comments. You are advised to consult license banker or Remisier for any investment.





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2023-04-10 20:14 | Report Abuse

TalkNumberOne Just have fun enough. His statement first and second will contradict him self.
10/04/2023 6:22 PM



2023-04-10 20:11 | Report Abuse

OKU_2020 meow + talk koq no 1 in closet >> shiveringg....
10/04/2023 3:28 PM

Ye ke Uncle..

Today Mabel been very busy....Goyang Kaki..

So Sad, no wang want to sell to Mabel at 3 sen..Huhuhu...


2023-04-10 20:09 | Report Abuse

Wow didn't know he is a Taylor jambu...

No wonder can sing 24x7 ..hihihi..


2023-04-09 10:31 | Report Abuse

Haha told you oledi AA and Armada never fails to give Mabel countless orgasms

Easy money counters..



2023-04-09 08:45 | Report Abuse

Enjoy your holidays as much as I do..

It's nice to have a very calm Sunday in one of Mabel's Plantation after sleeping like a baby last night..

Cheri Meow


2023-04-09 08:43 | Report Abuse

Haha all Mabel know is Mr Understand is the clever and the wise one!

He know the playfields and pretty smart in making assessment where to invest and where to avoid.

Here is the best part.. he is practical and took ownership for his decision...truly a gentleman..



2023-04-08 17:35 | Report Abuse

#BobAxelrod33 Believe it or not, it doesn't matter. Pointless to rile emotions or instigate's meaningless.

I can assure you, one more time, we are not the same person. Mr Huang is clever, soft spoken and I 'm just your friendly neighborhood Rogue....our temperament are entirely different.
08/04/2023 3:52 PM

Haha you sure or not?

Now you are making Mabel laughing and rolling all over the floor...

Poor Oldmen...


Dec 29, 2022 1:44 PM | Report Abuse

TanDavid88 BobAxelrod, come out if you are a man with 2 balls.
Let us fight it out here.
13/12/2022 8:16 PM

TanDavid88 BobAxelrod can bankrupt 100 times, we still are multi millionaires.
Talk cock you are very good, invest in share market, no record to show except telling lies after lies in I3.
Shameless liar BobAxelrod, come out if you have balls.
13/12/2022 8:18 PM

TanDavid88 So shameful.
What do you expect from a low class pariah like BobAxelrod ?
BobAxelrod will not feel shameful one, his face is thicker than the wall of the toilet.
A disgrace for his family.
13/12/2022 8:41 PM

TanDavid88 So shameful.
What do you expect from a low class pariah like BobAxelrod ?
BobAxelrod will not feel shameful one, his face is thicker than the wall of the toilet.
A disgrace for his family.

I never see a person with such low class character.
BobAxelrod is worse than any animal.
Let people curse him all the times, how to make profit from shares ?

Of course he is very good in telling lies after lies.
He has no dignity at all.
You throw shit at him, he also does not feel shameful.
13/12/2022 8:59 PM

OTB BobAxelrod,
A ruthless person like you is very dangerous here.
I will run far far away from you.
I will not be interested to be associated, say what you like.

For sure, BobAxelrod can bankrupt 100 times, I am still a multi millionaire.
If I am not, I go out to the road, the car will knock me down and I will die on the spot.

I lost in Hengyuan, I do not lose my honesty in this forum.
13/12/2022 6:56 PM

TanDavid88 Who is this person BobAxelrod ?
BobAxelrod is a shameless liar in this forum.
No record or zero record to show his good performance except many records of telling lies after lies in this forum.
BobAxelrod is also good to gossip from behind worse than an old woman without facts and figures. Of course he gossips with bullshit and many lies.
BobAxelrod is also very good in personal attack in ungentlemanly way. He is worst than a crook in town.
BobAxelrod will fcuk you anytime during a discussion because his ego is very high. He is right all the time.
BobAxelrod thinks that he is the smartest person on earth, in actual facts, he has no investment skill. No winning records at all to show in I3, but a lot of telling lies records.
BobAxelrod has no friend in I3 because he cannot get along well with anyone. He will condemn you as if he is the only capable man but actually he is the crook beyond repair and he has mental problem.
You can see in all his postings, he quarrels with almost everyone in any forum. He is very rude and fcuk anyone without any good reason.
BobAxelrod is a mad man in this forum, please run far ... far away from this crook and he is a parasite to anyone here.
Whatever he said, 100% are lies and he cannot be trusted.
BobAxelrod has no code of ethics in I3, he is worse than a prostitute.
13/12/2022 8:34 PM

Mikecyc Hahahaha you did not denied your aka id in SD .. Trevor777 , 888 n Dr Michael but is denied here … n the X Cap Ayam Sdn Bhd here …
13/12/2022 10:06 PM


2023-04-08 00:15 | Report Abuse

At least Mabel is graceful enough not calling every one who believes in pmcorpes a scammer..

Good Meow


2023-04-08 00:09 | Report Abuse

Now you know why Mabel stay out from pmcorpes..

It's not for me.


2023-04-08 00:04 | Report Abuse

So just because BIMB has a positive view on Sapura, they are scammer too?

What about PNB and other Institutions investors, scammer too?

Better follow Understand logic.. Very simple.. He understands the playing field..

This Lady Sapura is not everyone..


2023-04-08 00:00 | Report Abuse

Result review
Sapura Energy - Another Round of Impairment

BUY | RM0.08

Sapura Energy 4QFY23 headline loss of RM3.3bn was impacted by non-core items including (i) forex loss of RM396mn, (ii) impairment of goodwill of RM1.46bn and (iii) impairment on PPE of RM1.16bn. Excluding these items, core loss was lower by 76% YoY at RM286mn driven by higher revenue across all business segments (Table 2). On QoQ basis, core loss rose by 91% however. This was due to its share of loss from SapuraOMV of RM333mn which also arises due to asset impairment.

Orderbook fell further to RM5.6bn (3Q23: RM6.8bn) as the company struggled to replenish its orderbook in Engineering and Construction (E&C) segment due to unavailability of bank guarantee. Currently, the company has unrestricted cash balance of RM700mn which will be available for new project tender that is worth RM21.2bn.

Maintain a BUY call on Sapura Energy but with a lower TP of RM0.08 (from RM0.12). We expect a favourable outcome from its proposed restructuring plan, leveraging on the upcycle in O&G offshore projects. Key risk to our call and TP is potential dilution from debt restructuring plan.


2023-04-07 20:03 | Report Abuse

How God Father protect his Investment.

"Grandpa, how are you going to make the bully stop?"
"Don't worry, I'll make him an offer he can't refuse."

What do you mean Grandpa?

Positive promoter vs Negative promoter.

Positive promoters > Negative promoters, price goes up
Negative promoters > Positive promoters, price goes down

Trading 101..


2023-04-07 20:00 | Report Abuse

What is wrong defending a Malaysian Companies?

Sap is one of the 3 turnaround companies that Mabel loves to see a complete turnaround just like Serba and Dnex. Besides, it is an excellent place to test Mabel's trading skills since these counters attract volume with Sharks and Whales..

There are over 100 stock investing and trading strategies, the "best" is always the one fits into one's personality. "Honey" or "Poison" is always a choice depending on personality, similar to many medicines could be a poison if applied to wrong patients.

Most of the well-known investors are known contrarian investors, eg. Warren Buffett, Jim Rogers, Benjamin Graham, John Templeton, etc, demonstrating "Buy Low Sell High" does work. However, for the same strategy to work for you, need to learn the conditions for applications…

Mabel was there to catch " Salmon" in very murky water. Either you are In or Out. You have to burn your Textbooks if you want to Fish here...

Even putting your money in a cemetery is not safe these days. Someone even lose 60% in that cemetery. You wang to be safe better put your money in FD and don't play with Stock Market.



2023-04-07 19:51 | Report Abuse

Negotiation dgn creditors almost done.
Creditors agreed to take haircut and move on.

Court perlukan SAP buktikan at least 75% creditors agree dgn debt restructuring.

Debt 16Bil lps haircut jadi 4-5B
SAP jual asset + Whiteknight 1.8B cash injection utk setel kan debt

Whiteknight private placement at 0.035sen

Announcement expected to be made in Mid April regarding white knight and debt restructuring

Let's hope this materialise


2023-04-07 19:48 | Report Abuse

Yes Huang have a nice weekend..

Take a good rest..

Let's see next week you can bring it down to 3 sen..

Full time traders mah...


2023-04-07 19:36 | Report Abuse

Mummy always said don't listen to strangers


2023-04-07 19:23 | Report Abuse

Huangbk72 Again.. dont assume I bought Serba.. like you assume Bob bought SAP.


We saw a hole in the ground. We diverted traffic away since 80c while ConMabel happily promoted and posted fake information.

Now its 2c. So you know who is correct, who is wrong.

As for SAP, ConMabel is starting to do the same thing.. Check out all his comments and do your own summary.

To say the same thing back to you... Always do your own research and assessment before defending anyone
07/04/2023 5:38 PM

Haha another half bake stories..

You want to know the fill stories go int9o the SD Forum..

Don't ;listen to this Bat Huang who lose 60% even in a dead counter..


2023-04-07 19:19 | Report Abuse

Haha they are all lonely senior citizen, insecure chicken with massive unlimiting believes, totally blocked and lonely, anxiety, angry, losers, defensive, depressed, over thinking, victim, lonely, rejected..Total Losers!

Money already kena control by their home ministers...

How to swing down?


2023-04-07 19:18 | Report Abuse

Sigh...Sap is still 4 sen...

Hello Superheroes...

Where is Mabel's 3 sen?

You know how to swing or not Full time trader?

You suppose to swing down...not up...


2023-04-07 15:27 | Report Abuse

Sigh...Sap is still 4 sen...

Hello Superheroes...

Where is Mabel's 3 sen?

You know how to swing or not?

Swing Down ...Don't lah swing up..

How to be Investors, swing also don't...

Time for Siesta

Hopefully when Mabel wake up Mabel's 3 sen queue will be matched...

Yes... Focus on the swing ya...Not cum and cit chat here like DJ...we are not interested..We don't wang DJ, we wang White Knights...



2023-04-07 15:21 | Report Abuse

Hope Wang day Malaysia can export Salmon with Bat Huang initiatives. This is more productive since both of you does not know how to swing correctly...

Where is Mabel 3 sen?


2023-04-07 15:19 | Report Abuse

Mabel so apy to see Huang has repented..

Better to be a Fisherman than a politician.


2023-04-07 15:19 | Report Abuse

Haha Huang?

You still Sleeping ke?

Heard he cannot sleep last night..over thinking about Salmon..hihihi


2023-04-07 15:18 | Report Abuse

Mabel, the Marine Biologist


2023-04-07 15:18 | Report Abuse

End of Biology Lesson..


2023-04-07 15:18 | Report Abuse

The salmon effectively transform their eyes into night-vision goggles, so they can see further into the murky water where they’ll fight like Mongols, mate like an old man since they don't have any holding power, spawn like young boy on his 1st night and eventually die like a corpse.


2023-04-07 15:18 | Report Abuse

That's why they are so uptight and failed to see the big picture since they focus too much attention to KPGG Shop lot minute details.


2023-04-07 15:17 | Report Abuse

The salmon compensate for this: A simple biochemical switch in their retinas gradually enhances their ability to see infrared light.


2023-04-07 15:17 | Report Abuse

In rivers, flecks of mud and algae shift the underwater light away from the clear blue of the ocean and towards the red end of the spectrum.


2023-04-07 15:17 | Report Abuse

Yes, their eyes become blur. That's why they tend to freeze like a monk when they are supposed to take Price action.


2023-04-07 15:17 | Report Abuse

And one of the most dramatic changes, and perhaps the least obvious one, happens in their eyes for crying too much over the last 18 month murmuring Amaama, Amaama, Amaama.


2023-04-07 15:16 | Report Abuse

The red muscles is aligned with their pink Panties are so useful for long-distance swimming are replaced by fast-acting white muscles that can power sprints and jumps (now you know why Blondi is still jumping like monkey singing Hibibi).


2023-04-07 15:16 | Report Abuse

The males develop hooked jaws (too much shock for over dependent on their Cap Ayam software), and sometimes humps after swinging too much in the wrong direction this year


2023-04-07 15:16 | Report Abuse

Their color darkens and reddens (too much stress after losing so much at Hibi, Armada and pmcorpes).


2023-04-07 15:16 | Report Abuse

During these epic waterfall-leaping, bear-dodging migrations, their bodies change (like Bob turning into Blondi and Huang transforming into corpse).


2023-04-07 15:15 | Report Abuse

As we speak now it's about time the salmon leaving the oceans and returning to the rivers where they were born. In fact their migration has started in November.


2023-04-07 15:15 | Report Abuse

Haha here is a typical example where Huang said Mabel provide wrong information on the shareholders spread of Serba. Mabel's data at that time cum from paid subscription T20 data. Huang data cum pmcorpes gravestars with many flaw in it.

Time for Mabel the Biologist to give Huang the Fisherman some lesson:



Dec 25, 2022 9:44 AM | Report Abuse

#Huangbk72 And dont be idi0t.. Salmon dont survive in murky water.. LOL

Basic knowledge also missing
21/12/2022 12:00 AM


2023-04-07 15:05 | Report Abuse

Haha just because they lose doesn't mean everyone has to lose too..

Haha HuangHuangHuang
Jejaka pmcorp mengintai Mabel mandi di sini
24x7 megutuk Sapnrg setelah kehabisan wang
Mabel dan geng masih menunggu White Knight sambil Goyang Kaki..

Haha Blondi Cai Ayam sudah lama hilang
Yang tinggal cuma Bat Huang Si
Dari pmcorpse bergayut ke Sapura setelah kehabisan wang
Ada hati masih nak mengintai Janda Sapura yang sedang mandi

Hujan Emas 5G Techs sedang berkembang
Hujan Emas Banking sedang berlari lari
Hujan Emas O&G sedang bergelombang
Hujan Emas Sawit berbunga berseri seri

Haha Jawab jangan tak jawab Pantun Mabel

Let's see how good you are with Bahasa, our National Language..

Mabel the Straight 9 A1 Student


2023-04-07 14:54 | Report Abuse

DatoKembara Mr. Huang, would you kindly provide us with specific instances where Mr. Mabel shared incorrect information? As a fellow SAP shareholder, I'm interested in knowing more about any potentially misleading details. Your input will be valuable in helping to validate the information. =)
07/04/2023 12:55 PM

HiHihi BTW Dato,

Mabel is a Gal....Now you know why Bat Huang is chasing Mabel across i3. He rindu oledi since Mabel left him..

Here is a typical example where Huang said Mabel provide wrong information on the shareholders spread of Serba. Mabel's data at that time cum from paid subscription T20 data. Huang data cum pmcorpes gravestars with many flaw in it.



Dec 27, 2022 7:52 PM | Report Abuse

zoizai Those bising here are losers Serbadk dinamik shareholder. Hahahaha
13/12/2022 9:32 AM

They are like the same Portuguese that invade Malacca many many many year ago. They all failed their SPM History lesson.

Haha they are all lonely senior citizen, insecure chicken with massive unlimiting believes, totally blocked and lonely, anxiety, angry, losers, defensive, depressed, over thinking, victim, lonely, rejected..Total Losers!

Money already kena control by their home ministers.

BULL:- Always bullish, makes a lot of money.
BEAR:- Sometimes makes but most time loses.
PIG:- Every time ended up on the table being eaten.
CHICKEN:- Buys 1 lot but makes so much noise..

There are 2000 pages written about how Bad SD is by the 3 Stooges..

We are here to catch " Salmon" in very murky water. Either you are In or Out. You have to burn your Textbooks if you want to Fish here

Many oledi end up in cemetery (Huang and Uncles), hanging on the trees (Blondi and Aunties) and lose panties (Smelly and the remaining)..

There are currently 3 types of Investors in Serba:

1. Bonus Issues Investors
2. Pre July21 Suspension Investors
3. Post July21 Suspension Investors

The one that benefits the most is Category 1 who was awarded Bonus Issues, Dividends and took price action during Dec 2020 rally. 2nd is Category 3 who took massive price action during July 2021 rally and November 2022 Pull Back.

The Biggest loser are in Category 2 who freeze like Monks. They become Salmon and one of the most dramatic changes, and perhaps the least obvious one, happens in their eyes for crying too much over the last 18 month murmuring Amaama, Amaama, Amaama.

Lastly, let's take a look at the list of shareholders below:

Ownership Breakdown

Private Companies 0.8% 30,000,000 shares
State or Government 4.9% 180,500,000 shares
Institutions 12.6% 467,432,508 shares
General Public 31.3% 1,159,587,900 shares
Individual Insiders 50.5% 1,872,103,670 shares

Many State, Government, Institution Investors etc are still holding their shares. Mabel thinks once DK and his Team can comply to Bursa requirement it will be trading again. So in the meantime Mabel will Goyang Kaki and trade other counter lor like what happen last year..

Mabel, The Bonus Issues Investor.


2023-04-07 12:36 | Report Abuse

Understand Huang how much you lost ? Ahya if you lost bcos of Mabel, ask your sifu for help. He maybe use his evaluation technique to help you recover. You just need to click follow. I am sure he will help you.
07/04/2023 9:19 AM

Haha His Sifu is also Cap Ayam. Lost so much and still hanging at Hibi singing Hibibi when people oledi locked profit at RM 1.30..

If he is nice to Mabel, Mabel could lend him some money to play in Stock Market..

Ya lor change in career is always good after losing so much in a dead counter like pmcorples. Sure will lose wang..Instead of taking price action he freeze like Monk. Now cum here wang to be DJ and Batman..

Poor Huang. Go and seek help to see Sifu Michael. We tango many times and we both make money in a number of counter. That's the best way to make money, we tango and learn from each other..

Cumming here to bad mouth Sap, like what you did in Serba will not change anything..Price has been steady with or without BatHuang and SuperBooB!


Time for Mabel to continue Goyang Kaki..

If you still wang to be here, make sure you press the price down. Mabel is waiting at 3 sen...



2023-04-07 08:46 | Report Abuse

Bat Huang cannot sleep ke?

Mabel as usual sleep like a baby...

Shoo Shoo Shoo..

Don't kacau us here..

We are waiting for White Night..

Certainly not Batman..



2023-04-06 22:08 | Report Abuse

Haha Let's talk about fact..

Mabel invests in PN17’s Barakah made 800 %

Bat Huang invests in Non PN17’s pmcorp lose 60 %

Which is better?

Huang Huang Huang no wonder so following Mabel across i3 (with half baked stories) just to sniffs her panties…


2023-04-06 22:07 | Report Abuse

#BobAxelrod33 Gone from promoting to reveal the pain she is enduring from all the losses at TG, KNM, Parkson, Serba, Dnex and SAP. Stop making a fool of yourself! Everyone could see this longkang cat has also lost her mind and now completely deranged!

Mf longkang cat should know very well this is how karma works.........ouch!
06/04/2023 8:12 PM

Haha B40 Bobby Cai..

Another Old Man who got a strong crush on Mabel. If only he is nice to Mabel, Mabel could use a good driver..hahaha

Now cannot live without Mabel always following Mabel across i3 and walk 3 steps behind Mabel...hihihi

All those stocks are for trading mah..All sold except for Serba (2019 Bonus Issues Free Warrant) and Sap.

Mabel, the Nice Gal Next Door


2023-04-06 19:14 | Report Abuse

Michael Kwok Big meow meow it lunch now.please go eat ur superfood.
06/04/2023 1:42 PM

Michael Kwok Got 97 give need fight.
Buy catcha 27 cents
Tp 35 cents above
6/4/23 6.00pm
06/04/2023 5:59 PM

Yes Sifu Michael..

Mabel had a great lunch with my Handsome T20 Boyfriend.

Wah Sifu really smart. Really luv your TP..

If only the two B40 Stooges take a lesson from Sifu Michael they will not be crying here 24x7...

Enjoy your stay Sifu..

Mabel, the Elegant T20 Gal Next Door...


2023-04-06 19:10 | Report Abuse


Still cannot collect at 3 sen...

What can you expect from B40 Superheroes?..

Ask to swing down, they go swing up..

Now Sap is oledi Profit in Mabel P&L...

Life is so beautiful...



2023-04-06 19:08 | Report Abuse


Batman and Superman don't know how to swing...

So Sad...cannot collect at 3 sen...

Batman and Superman swing wrong direction...hihihi


2023-04-06 19:07 | Report Abuse

Not up mah...


2023-04-06 19:07 | Report Abuse

Sigh...Mabel ask you to swing to 3 sen...

Not to Swing to 4 sen...


2023-04-06 19:06 | Report Abuse

Why price up?


2023-04-06 19:06 | Report Abuse

You suppose to swing down ..