
Mabel | Joined since 2019-02-11

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile High

Disclaimers :- All Mabel comments in i3 forum are based on my investment experience across the Globe by applying the Pareto principle. No buy or sell call on any stocks in i3 forum on all my comments. You are advised to consult license banker or Remisier for any investment.





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2023-04-06 19:06 | Report Abuse

today no panties ke?


2023-04-06 19:06 | Report Abuse

Haha What happen to the Superman and Batman?


2023-04-06 13:24 | Report Abuse

TalkNumberOne Meow meow why share so long winded story already? You influenced by old man lo. Hahahha I go collapse no collapse become spam. I don’t know what to call for old men work every second here in the forum
06/04/2023 11:46 AM


T#1..Mabel wrote long winded becoz these two old B40 stooges cannot read wang...they all failed BM..

See told you oledi...Sap is still 4 sen..hihihi

Now Mabel will continue to have nice desert with my Mabel T20 Boy Friends... Mabel loves ice creams. So today Mabel will go for these yummy häagen-dazs ...Hmmm...Double Belgian Chocolate Chip, Mint Chip and Dulce de Leche..

This is how T20 Investors lifestyle. Feel sorry for the B40 Old Men who have to work 24x7 including weekend..

Life is so beautiful..

Talk to you later ya..

Looking forward to see a surprise Gift of 3 sen when Mabel is back...Don't be naughty ya..

Meow Meow Meow


2023-04-06 11:37 | Report Abuse

PETALING JAYA: Buying interest in Malaysian oil and gas stocks will likely pick up further momentum on anticipation of higher crude oil prices over the medium term.

This comes amid the recently announced production cuts by the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and allies (Opec+) taking effect from next month.

According to CGS-CIMB Research, the development will, in particular, benefit services providers for the oil and gas sector.

In its report yesterday, the brokerage reiterated its “overweight” recommendation on the overall oil and gas sector, citing improving outlook.

“Indirect beneficiaries of higher oil prices include the drilling and floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) players that provide services to the upstream players; higher oil prices could extend the bull market in capital expenditure spending and feed through to the demand for services,” the brokerage wrote in its report yesterday.

Life is soooooo beautiful...


2023-04-06 11:36 | Report Abuse

The 1998 World Cup

And Coca-Cola was one of the event's biggest sponsors.

July 1998...

It was summer and France was hosting one of the biggest events in the world.

The World Cup.

Under the summer sun, imagine slurping down a bottle of ice-cold, thirst quenching Coca-Cola..


And Coca-Cola being Coca-Cola, had positioned itself in front of:

- Over 2.75 million live spectators in the stadiums...
- Over 24 BILLION cumulative TV viewers.

It's no surprise that Coca-Cola is the most popular soft drink in the world.


A company backed by the Oracle of Omaha Warren Buffett himself...

A company that has over 112 years of history...

Yes, it's a great company!

So what could go wrong?

Invest in the company... and... HOLD FOR THE LONG TERM.

Fast Forward Today...
22 years later after the 1998 World Cup...

Coca-Cola is trading at $48.42 (as at Aug 2020)

If you had bought the stock then, you would have made an incredible investment return of 16.05%!

16.05% ROI. Yup, this is the TOTAL return...

Sure, you've made a profit...

But at 16.05% for 22 years...

That's 0.68% compounded growth per annum...

It can't even keep pace with the inflation we're facing...

Ok, I get it...

Coca-Cola is a dividend company...

Add in the total dividends ($22.69) collected over the last 22 years

It still adds up to be about 50.3% in TOTAL return...

That's still just 2.34% per year... (Less than even the interest of your CPF)

And inflation is at about 3 - 4% a year...

So What Went Wrong?


GREAT company...

The long-term buy and hold strategy...

Successful Investing is NOT just about buying good companies...

It is also NOT just about buying good companies and holding them for the long term...

It is however...about BUYING STOCKS WELL.

Or more specifically, It's about buying stocks well below its actual value.

In other words, never OVERPAY for a stock.

Now you know why all the B40 Old Men are all here.They are so jeles with all the Young Smart Investors like who are smart to collect this company at dirt cheap value price...

Talk you later ya as Mabel has a lunch date with a handsome T20 Gentlemen.

Looking forward to see a surprise Gift of 3 sen when Mabel is back.

Don't be naughty ya..



2023-04-06 11:24 | Report Abuse

Haha looks like the two super Panties Outside men swing wrong side again...

BatHuang and SuperBooB please lar do your job..

How cum still 4 sen?...

Like that Mabel will continue to Goyang kaki ...



2023-04-05 22:11 | Report Abuse

#Huangbk72 Wow.. the sore loser from Serba.. No Understand is also here.. LOL

Same dumbo cluster..

05/04/2023 8:51 PM

Haha BatHuang still here ke?

Sap is one of the 3 turnaround companies that Mabel loves to see a complete turnaround just like Serba and Dnex. Beside, it is an excellent place to test Mabel's trading skills since it usually attracts the Sharks, the Whales and the B40 Uncles and the Aunties who wang to be Superman and Batman after buying at IPO..hihihi...

Haha Uncle talking about you ke?

If you scroll Serba Forum everything about Serba is bad for Uncle Huang and 99% of his post is badmouthing Serba

If Mabel really lose 99% in Serba as Uncle proclaim, How cum Mabel is still so passionate about Serba?

Haha just because you loose doesn't mean everyone has to lose too ..

Life is so simple, only uneducated B40 like Uncle Huang and Bobby Cai make it so complicated..

Haven't you heard the latest on Serba? They got extension. Looks like Mabel 2019 Bonus Issues Free Warrant will be productive soon. Too bad all your badmouth fail to delist Serba..

Shoo Shoo Shoo..Please go back to Serba as your job is still not complete..

We are waiting here Goyang Kaki waiting for our White Knight..



2023-04-05 20:31 | Report Abuse


Cheers Understand!


2023-04-05 20:26 | Report Abuse


Still cannot collect at 3 sen...

What can you expect from B40 Superheroes?..

Ask to swing down, they go swing up..

Now Sap is oledi Profit in Mabel P&L...

Life is so beautiful...



2023-04-05 20:23 | Report Abuse

Haha T#1..

His team is only one 72 years old man...Huang72..



2023-04-05 15:41 | Report Abuse

TalkNumberOne Meow now you sound like old man already understand? Bo tak chek. Chill la don’t be “emotional damage” say it out in the fun tone like old man.
05/04/2023 3:27 PM



2023-04-05 14:24 | Report Abuse

Haha BatHuang...

You suppose to swing down..Not up...

You understand English ke?

How cum Sap is still 4 sen?

Since you are here with your Outside Panties might as well make yourself useful..

Mabel wang to collect at 3 sen...

Focus on the swing not trying to be DJ here..

If you cannot do that get your SuperBob to help...Focus on the Swing and not the DJ...DJ sure failed body wang to listen to old men...especially if they are wearing panties...



2023-04-05 14:17 | Report Abuse

Understand Ahyo see also know , Booby cai may have been conned/lured by Meow somewhere else and coming here to trigger non stop warning. Bobby ,move on la. If you want to recover, go Pharmaniaga. Keep shouting there and once it is low enough, you can try to get some lots. Otherwise follow me, see I make noise at TNB at it lowest , then buy and keep quit. That is all you need to do. Just follow me , you will recover.Understand or no understand.
05/04/2023 1:15 PM

Based on Mabel's observation..

Understand know the playing field, the other one think he understand but got no money so now you know why he has all the time in the world to be here 24x7...



2023-04-05 14:10 | Report Abuse

Haha T#1 is always SPOT ON!

What can you expect for this B40 Uncles

This Forum is their only entertainment...

Poor Soul...


2023-04-05 13:59 | Report Abuse

Huangbk72 @nicholas99

If what u say is true.. that ConMabel is carrying losses in Sap.. contrary to what he claims.. hahahah
05/04/2023 11:06 AM

Haha Uncle BatHuang..

Just because you lose doesn't mean everyone has to lose too

Haha Uncle BatHuang now cum to rescue SuperBob ke..

Haha Sour Grape Uncles who loves to listen to Gravevine stories..

Haha Let see if these Panties men who wear panties outside can help Mabel to collect at 3 far it has been sooooo disappointing..Hello people ask you to swing and not to be a DJ..

Haha even a simple swing also cannot do, wang to save loosing in Hibi while another one lose 60% even in a dead counter like to save people..

Haha...Total waste of time talking to two old men who cannot even hold...

Like that better for Mabel to continue to Goyang kaki..

Good Meow everywang!


2023-04-04 23:43 | Report Abuse

#TalkNumberOne Hahhhahahaha my chun chun 100% prediction old man is terbalik, he say bad must be good, he say good must be bad. Because old man is the best price picker but buy at peak sell at bottom.
04/04/2023 10:35 PM


There is this Louis Vuitton wallet that costs $500.

And inside this wallet, there is a 90 sen coin.

If I were to sell you the wallet, including everything inside, for 90 sen...

Would you buy it?

It's not a trick question.

And, yes, the 90 sen inside is real.

Again, would you buy that wallet for 90 sen?

Because there is 90 sen in the wallet...

And you paid 90 sen to get both the 90 sen and the wallet...

The LV wallet is actually 'free'..

And yes, it can happen in the world of investing...

It's What We Know As An Asset Play

Now imagine...

If Uncle and Auntie were two of the original investors in Sap when it went public...Yup.... right there at the start.

Would that make them a lot of money?

Now you know why they have to change their career from a Monk into Superheroes...

Time to sleep like a Baby...



2023-04-04 23:28 | Report Abuse

Let see if Man Panties can help Mabel tomorrow to collect at 3 sen...

Mabel as usual will continue to Goyang kaki..

Good Meow everywang!


2023-04-04 23:26 | Report Abuse

Ya lor change is career is always good...

In Serba both of you Freeze like Monk when Price action is needed..

Here wang to be Superheroes...Batman and Superman...hihihi


2023-04-04 23:24 | Report Abuse

Please sell to Mabel at 3 sen ya...

Mabel still waiting...

Cheri Meow


2023-04-04 23:21 | Report Abuse

Huangbk72 SAP inherited a legacy of paying premium for their assets, thin margin, mismanagement.

Add debt 16B.

Selling assets now at loss to repay debts and eliminate future revenue streams.

Pity Conmabel holding SAP since last year.. price chart like waterfall.. can’t even escape.

04/04/2023 11:14 PM

Haha BatHuang is here ke..?

Helping SuperBob ke..?

Man of panties..hahaha...Mabel used to wear panties down under ...however how cum you two wear up and above RED and BLACK some cute...hihihi..

As long as Shahril and his band of yes-man BOD are purged out, there is hope for Sapura to get back on the right track. Loss making legacy projects and mega debts are some of the incredible mess left behind by the previous senior management. The new CEO is certainly well aware of the issues, the monumental tasks ahead and is prepared to do what is necessary.

It is getting clear and final, the New Management has decided to dispose it's upstream arm SapuraOMV, it's most valuable asset. The current scenario where oil price is high compare to 2019, is good strategy to dispose to pare debt. Even Austria OMV has the same thought. Market will be willing to buy over this oil wells. This 50% stake of SapuraOMV should fetch significantly higher price compared to 2019 ( 3.8 B ).

From the Grapewine...

Negotiation with creditors almost done.
Creditors agreed to take haircut and move on.

Court need SAP to proof at least 75% creditors agree with debt restructuring.

Debt 16Bil after haircut jadi 4-5B
SAP sell asset + Handsome White Knight 1.8B cash injection to settle debt

White Knight private placement at 0.035sen

Cheri Meow


2023-04-04 23:17 | Report Abuse

Finding the starting point to identify which company to invest in can be challenging. One method is to determine which sector is currently favoured based on the macroeconomic backdrop. The business cycle tracks the trajectory of an economy, and composes of four key phases: Expansion, peak, contraction, recession. the same foes with the stock cycle: accumulation; markup; distribution; and markdown. The stock cycle is based on perceived cash flows into and out of company by large financial institutions. That's why volume of trades varies between each cycle..

While all economies undergo these four phases, their respective duration and intensity can vary.

Every phase of an business cycle presents unique opportunities. Some sectors provide higher rewards but punish overly aggressive investors during recessions, other sectors are naturally capped in terms of the returns they can generate but have a place during more prudent times. By considering how various sectors react to the economic cycle, investors have a higher chance to maximize their rewards while minimizing risks.

Full year 2023 earnings released: The operating profit has improved 400% VS last year.

Full year 2023 results:
• RM0.20 loss per share (improved from RM0.57 loss in FY 2022).
• Revenue: RM4.55b (up 11% from FY 2022).
• Net loss: RM3.20b (loss narrowed 65% from FY 2022).

Revenue is forecast to stay flat during the next 3 years, in line with the revenue forecast for the Energy Services industry in Malaysia.

Over the last 3 years on average, earnings per share has fallen by 28% per year and the company’s share price has also fallen by 28% per year.

Thank you Uncle and Aunties for selling to Mabel at 28% discounted prices last week. Soooooo apy. Mabel average holding cost is now less than 4 sen and Brent has already touch USD 85

Life is so beautiful..



2023-04-04 23:08 | Report Abuse

Sap is like Serbadk ...can eazy gain more than 100% if you don't freeze like Monk..

With these Regulation Plan, Sap should be ready to take on more lucrative contracts..

Join Saudi Aramco’s Long-Term Agreement (LTA) programme

value of approximately RM1.85 billion

Saudi Aramco nears decision for up to 11 coveted offshore contracts



2023-04-04 23:02 | Report Abuse

Wah so nice ...soon Sap price will go up to 90 sen..

Feel sorry for the B40 Uncles and Aunties...

Sap is getting more expensive to buy...



2023-04-04 23:00 | Report Abuse

Maybank Reiterates USD100/bbl estimate for 2023

We are keeping our oil price forecast unchanged, at USD100/bbl dated Brent) for 2023, with upside bias. Oil price could sustain above USD100/bbl should the OPEC+ alliance take a stand to seeing an elevated oil price policy over higher output. This would further tighten the global supply market, which is already being affected by the prolonged structural under-investment and rising demand outlook (China, aviation).

Brent: 84.271: 4.381: 5.48%
Brent is on uptrend.

Yesterday: 03 April 2023 JET A1 Price in Singapore
Jet fuel a1 price per barrel $112.1...

Life is so beautiful...

Meow Meow Meow


2023-04-04 07:42 | Report Abuse

Energy stocks skyrocket with crude oil on OPEC+ production cut

Once a debt ridden company, yesterday Bumi Armada continue to climb more than 3 %

AA also climb nearly 2%. Haha Mabel re-enter AA recently when it retrace...Now P&L looks so beautiful ...

Now Every Wang Can fly..

Like that Mabel will continue to Goyang Kaki lor...



Mar 27, 2023 11:31 PM | Report Abuse

Sslee Thank you Windy1974, I too have one lucky counter I trade often Armada.
26/03/2023 6:34 PM

Haha last week Mabel re enter Armada after locking fantastic profits in the previous rally.

Today Mabel accumulate another batch at 60 sen. Tomorrow will try to collect at 59.5 and 59 sen. Unfortunately, Armada is currently bullish trading above 50, 100 and 200 MA which is a nice problem to have..

This Battleship has never fail to give Mabel countless orgasms..just like Air Asia..

Meow Meow Meow


Mar 24, 2023 12:10 PM | Report Abuse

Thank you for matching Mabel's Queue to re-enter at 60.5 sen..



2023-04-04 07:31 | Report Abuse

After consolidation, the value remains the same but the price should be higher with a small number of shares... good to reduce speculation especially among the B40 Uncles and Aunties.

What is important is that the Fundamental has improved...

Remember, this is Malaysia, the Land of Opportunities. Beside Madani PMX has secured RM 170 Billion in investment from China.

Here are Mabel's key take away from last week engagement with Mabel Handsome Boyfriends and Gal friends here..

Full year 2023 earnings released: The operating profit has improved 400% VS last year.

Full year 2023 results:
• RM0.20 loss per share (improved from RM0.57 loss in FY 2022).
• Revenue: RM4.55b (up 11% from FY 2022).
• Net loss: RM3.20b (loss narrowed 65% from FY 2022).

Revenue is forecast to stay flat during the next 3 years, in line with the revenue forecast for the Energy Services industry in Malaysia.

Over the last 3 years on average, earnings per share has fallen by 28% per year and the company’s share price has also fallen by 28% per year.

Thank you Uncle and Aunties for selling to Mabel at 28% discounted prices last week. Soooooo apy. Mabel average holding cost is now less than 4 sen and Brent has already touch USD 84 Life is so beautiful..

Summing up from last week..

As long as Shahril and his band of yes-man BOD are purged out, there is hope for Sapura to get back on the right track. Loss making legacy projects and mega debts are some of the incredible mess left behind by the previous senior management. The new CEO is certainly well aware of the issues, the monumental tasks ahead and is prepared to do what is necessary.

It is getting clear and final, the New Management has decided to dispose it's upstream arm SapuraOMV, it's most valuable asset. The current scenario where oil price is high compare to 2019, is good strategy to dispose to pare debt. Even Austria OMV has the same thought. Market will be willing to buy over this oil wells. This 50% stake of SapuraOMV should fetch significantly higher price compared to 2019 ( 3.8 B ).

From the Grapewine...

Negotiation with creditors almost done.
Creditors agreed to take haircut and move on.

Court need SAP to proof at least 75% creditors agree with debt restructuring.

Debt 16Bil after haircut jadi 4-5B
SAP sell asset + Handsome White Knight 1.8B cash injection to settle debt

White Knight private placement at 0.035sen

As stated by 3Q668, when more and more people surface to talk negatively about Sapura Energy, and the price is stagnant over one year, meaning someone is buying big time in the past few days. Only small numbers of traders taking position to trade on the financial result. The big timer is taking opportunity to accumulate this shares. They depress the share price from 4.5 cent to 3.5 cent. Knowing very well the share price already at bottom. The current upcycle of oil and gas business where upstream activity is robust, paving well for Sapura energy who has 11 drilling asset to deploy and are fully chartered. Outlook is bright for the next 2 yrs. The bankers taking haircut, suppliers and contractors will be paid in staggered. Consolidate the paid-up capital, issue new bonds. And shareholders will have new lease of life. It’s actually looking beautiful and bright for our Lady !

Mabel hope our Superman and Batman Uncles and Aunties can help Mabel to collect more at 3 sen. Yes Please...



BTW Mabel used to wear panties down under ...however these Superman and Batman Uncles and Aunties wear theirs up and above RED and BLACK some cute...hihihi..


2023-04-03 23:58 | Report Abuse

It's been a productive day Goyang Kaki..

Tomorrow Mabel will continue to Goyang Kaki again..

Good Meow


2023-04-03 23:57 | Report Abuse

SinGor The Company has also on 23 March 2023 appointed MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Berhad to act as the Principal Adviser for the proposed regularisation plan pursuant to Paragraph 8.04(3) of the Main Market Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad.

As at 3 April 2023, the Company has approximately two (2) months to submit its Regularisation Plan to the relevant authorities for approval

May or April, SAP will submit regularisation Plan to Bursa. PNB maybe using agent to buy back shares bcos
any consolidation will shrink PNB (average cost of 30cents) stake very badly. I really donT know how can
PNB manager solve this headache. If you buy at 3.5 or 4 cents, consolidation will Not affect you at all bcos
market price will adjust back your holdings value
03/04/2023 6:16 PM

That's what happened to Maybank today. Price has readjusted back after giving us fantastic dividend..

Meow Meow Meow


2023-04-03 23:55 | Report Abuse

Cost is 4 sen

PNB holding cost is 30 sen..

Surely PNB wants recovery too..

As long as our cost is below PNB,there's nothing to fear..

Hopefully some nice Uncle and Aunties will sell to Mabel tomorrow at 3 sen..

Meow Meow Meow


2023-04-03 23:43 | Report Abuse

Recently, we discussed about General Mulan Fighters in Hong Kong in one of our our weekly meeting:

"The ROI for your investments is pretty insane! Is there any way I can achieve those kind of returns even as a novice investor?"

My answer: "Yes. It's actually very doable."
But you need to follow two simple rules...
Rule #1 -- Identify a business that have an element of growth
Rule #2 -- Buy them when its undervalued

Think about this.
You Are Investing Into A Business. Obviously, when you invest, it's because you believe the business will grow...
Not stagnant...
But grow...

This means bigger market share, more customers etc...
When the business can grow, it naturally makes more money and become more valuable. When it becomes more valuable, the share price will natural go up.

At the same time, you always want to lower your risk by covering your downside. That's why you buy them at a discount or when they're undervalued.

Following the two rules, It makes high returns very achievable.
This approach to investing is called: Value-growth investing.
It's a strategy used to identify companies that can 2X, 3X or even 10X your returns...



2023-04-03 21:18 | Report Abuse

#Mikecyc Haha Mabel why so Late ? Awoke from SD ??
01/04/2023 10:13 AM

Mikecyc Haha oh Mabel yr partner in TG , Ular is oredi bye bye as posted in HRC ard 3 weeks ago ..
01/04/2023 10:21 AM

Haha Sifu Mickey Mouse...where have you been ...long time no see..

SD is now a waiting game with my 2019 Bonus Issues Free Warrant...

Haha AA re-enter recently when it retrace...Now P&L looks so beautiful ...

Now Every Wang Can fly..

What's wrong with ECRL?

Haha ECRL will passed through Mabel's TDM, Sime Darby Plantation at a speed of 170km/h...

Now Every Wang Can Sleep...No need to drive to go to East Coast..

Meow Meow Meow


2023-04-03 21:12 | Report Abuse

Energy stocks skyrocket with crude oil on OPEC+ production cut

Once a debt ridden company, Bumi Armada continue to climb more than 3 %

AA nearly 2%...

Like that Mabel will continue to Goyang Kaki lor...



2023-04-03 21:08 | Report Abuse

Energy stocks skyrocket with crude oil on OPEC+ production cut

Once a debt ridden company, Bumi Armada continue to climb more than 3 %

Pchem nearly 2%...

So sad, cannot collect 3 sen today...Huhuhu..

Like that Mabel will continue to Goyang Kaki lor...



2023-04-02 19:04 | Report Abuse

DickyMe "“Old man with big ego who can t achieve anything in life”"

Life is not something about achieving and proving to others your worth.
If it is then, their ego is big and they seek others approval for pride.
There is nothing wrong in not achieving anything and returning where you came from.
Most important is to live a peaceful life without harming, cheating or disturbing others (including own family members). In other word, your independence from worldly desires will provide a peaceful life. Of course, the time span from birth to death, one need to do something to fill their journey to death. Whatever done, need not to impress.
02/04/2023 5:22 PM

+ 1

Totally in agreement with DickyMe...

Although we disagree in quite a number of investments, I have always have lot of respect for DickyMe..

Glad we do share few common counters like Air Asia and Icon etc




2023-04-02 18:57 | Report Abuse

You are talking about you ke?


Dec 29, 2022 1:44 PM | Report Abuse

#BobAxelrod Longkang cat Mabel...

22/12/2022 2:28 PM

Haha Blondi is back after hanging at Hibi like monkey singing Hibibi..

Wow Mabel is so impressed many fans love your song..hibibi..

Mabel, the dancer..

TanDavid88 BobAxelrod, come out if you are a man with 2 balls.
Let us fight it out here.
13/12/2022 8:16 PM

TanDavid88 BobAxelrod can bankrupt 100 times, we still are multi millionaires.
Talk cock you are very good, invest in share market, no record to show except telling lies after lies in I3.
Shameless liar BobAxelrod, come out if you have balls.
13/12/2022 8:18 PM

TanDavid88 So shameful.
What do you expect from a low class pariah like BobAxelrod ?
BobAxelrod will not feel shameful one, his face is thicker than the wall of the toilet.
A disgrace for his family.
13/12/2022 8:41 PM

TanDavid88 So shameful.
What do you expect from a low class pariah like BobAxelrod ?
BobAxelrod will not feel shameful one, his face is thicker than the wall of the toilet.
A disgrace for his family.

I never see a person with such low class character.
BobAxelrod is worse than any animal.
Let people curse him all the times, how to make profit from shares ?

Of course he is very good in telling lies after lies.
He has no dignity at all.
You throw shit at him, he also does not feel shameful.
13/12/2022 8:59 PM

OTB BobAxelrod,
A ruthless person like you is very dangerous here.
I will run far far away from you.
I will not be interested to be associated, say what you like.

For sure, BobAxelrod can bankrupt 100 times, I am still a multi millionaire.
If I am not, I go out to the road, the car will knock me down and I will die on the spot.

I lost in Hengyuan, I do not lose my honesty in this forum.
13/12/2022 6:56 PM

TanDavid88 Who is this person BobAxelrod ?
BobAxelrod is a shameless liar in this forum.
No record or zero record to show his good performance except many records of telling lies after lies in this forum.
BobAxelrod is also good to gossip from behind worse than an old woman without facts and figures. Of course he gossips with bullshit and many lies.
BobAxelrod is also very good in personal attack in ungentlemanly way. He is worst than a crook in town.
BobAxelrod will fcuk you anytime during a discussion because his ego is very high. He is right all the time.
BobAxelrod thinks that he is the smartest person on earth, in actual facts, he has no investment skill. No winning records at all to show in I3, but a lot of telling lies records.
BobAxelrod has no friend in I3 because he cannot get along well with anyone. He will condemn you as if he is the only capable man but actually he is the crook beyond repair and he has mental problem.
You can see in all his postings, he quarrels with almost everyone in any forum. He is very rude and fcuk anyone without any good reason.
BobAxelrod is a mad man in this forum, please run far ... far away from this crook and he is a parasite to anyone here.
Whatever he said, 100% are lies and he cannot be trusted.
BobAxelrod has no code of ethics in I3, he is worse than a prostitute.
13/12/2022 8:34 PM

Mikecyc Hahahaha you did not denied your aka id in SD .. Trevor777 , 888 n Dr Michael but is denied here … n the X Cap Ayam Sdn Bhd here …
13/12/2022 10:06 PM


2023-04-02 18:56 | Report Abuse

You are talking about you ke?


Dec 27, 2022 8:24 PM | Report Abuse

JamalHussien Mabel, last I heard that trash BobAxelrod IP address has been suspended so he may be living in a cave from now on
27/12/2022 3:08 PM

Haha Jamal

You spoked too soon. Blondi is back with new skirts@Superich

Told you oledi, this thick skin chicken can never sit still..

He needs to meet his target to sell his Cap Ayam Softwares to the unsuspected Newbies. Many Uncles and Aunties next door oledi kena next door..

Mabel, the Gal Next Door..


Dec 27, 2022 8:19 PM | Report Abuse

Superich Reading Meow Meow old posts confirm he lost a lot of money in this counter but yet he tries twist around. What a joke.
27/12/2022 8:02 PM

Haha only one post ke?

Poor Blondi has been erased and now cum with new skirts.

Haha No wonder Hibi did well today. It climbs 1.83% today. The less Blondi sings Hibibi, the better for the company.

Mabel, The Bonus Issues Investor.


2023-04-02 18:05 | Report Abuse

Regulator will extend. You think PNB will let SAP delisting?.

The biggest Creditor in Sap is Maybank

PNB is the biggest shareholder in Maybank..

Mabel hope tomorrow our Superman and Batman Uncles and Aunties can help Mabel to collect more at 3 sen...

Time for Mabel to continue Goyang Kaki..

Enjoy your weekends



2023-04-02 17:59 | Report Abuse

BIMB Result review

Sapura Energy - Another Round of Impairment

BUY | RM0.08

Sapura Energy 4QFY23 headline loss of RM3.3bn was impacted by non-core items including (i) forex loss of RM396mn, (ii) impairment of goodwill of RM1.46bn and (iii) impairment on PPE of RM1.16bn. Excluding these items, core loss was lower by 76% YoY at RM286mn driven by higher revenue across all business segments (Table 2). On QoQ basis, core loss rose by 91% however. This was due to its share of loss from SapuraOMV of RM333mn which also arises due to asset impairment.

Orderbook fell further to RM5.6bn (3Q23: RM6.8bn) as the company struggled to replenish its orderbook in Engineering and Construction (E&C) segment due to unavailability of bank guarantee. Currently, the company has unrestricted cash balance of RM700mn which will be available for new project tender that is worth RM21.2bn.

Maintain a BUY call on Sapura Energy but with a lower TP of RM0.08 (from RM0.12). We expect a favourable outcome from its proposed restructuring plan, leveraging on the upcycle in O&G offshore projects. Key risk to our call and TP is potential dilution from debt restructuring plan.


2023-04-02 00:13 | Report Abuse

epal22 I very interesting on AAX case, the creditors were so forgiven..
01/04/2023 11:23 PM

Touche epal. That we have seen happening not only in AAX but in AA too..

Remember, this is Malaysia, the Land of Opportunities. Beside Madani PMX has secured RM 170 Billion in investment from China.

From the Grapewine...

Negotiation with creditors almost done.
Creditors agreed to take haircut and move on.

Court need SAP to proof at least 75% creditors agree with debt restructuring.

Debt 16Bil after haircut jadi 4-5B
SAP sell asset + Handsome White Knight 1.8B cash injection to settle debt

White Knight private placement at 0.035sen

Mabel hope next week our Superman and Batman Uncles and Aunties can help Mabel to collect more at 3 sen..

It has been a productive day for Mabel to Goyang kaki at one of Mabel's Beautiful Plantation.

Time to sleep like a baby...



2023-04-01 07:30 | Report Abuse

Here are Mabel's key take away from this week engagement with Mabel Handsome Boyfriends and Gal friends here..

Full year 2023 earnings released: The operating profit has improved 400% VS last year.

Full year 2023 results:
• RM0.20 loss per share (improved from RM0.57 loss in FY 2022).
• Revenue: RM4.55b (up 11% from FY 2022).
• Net loss: RM3.20b (loss narrowed 65% from FY 2022).

Revenue is forecast to stay flat during the next 3 years, in line with the revenue forecast for the Energy Services industry in Malaysia.

Over the last 3 years on average, earnings per share has fallen by 28% per year and the company’s share price has also fallen by 28% per year.

Thank you Uncle and Aunties for selling to Mabel at 28% discounted prices. Soooooo apy. Mabel average holding cost is now less than 4 sen and Brent is moving towards USD 80. Life is so beautiful..

Summing up for this week..

As long as Shahril and his band of yes-man BOD are purged out, there is hope for Sapura to get back on the right track. Loss making legacy projects and mega debts are some of the incredible mess left behind by the previous senior management. The new CEO is certainly well aware of the issues, the monumental tasks ahead and is prepared to do what is necessary.

It is getting clear and final, the New Management has decided to dispose it's upstream arm SapuraOMV, it's most valuable asset. The current scenario where oil price is high compare to 2019, is good strategy to dispose to pare debt. Even Austria OMV has the same thought. Pttep and others will be willing to buy over this oil wells. This 50% stake of SapuraOMV should fetch significantly higher price compared to 2019 ( 3.8 B ).

When more and more people surface to talk negatively about Sapura Energy, and the price is stagnant over one year, meaning someone is buying big time in the past few days. Only small numbers of traders taking position to trade on the financial result. The big timer is taking opportunity to accumulate this shares. They depress the share price from 4.5 cent to 3.5 cent. Knowing very well the share price already at bottom. The current upcycle of oil and gas business where upstream activity is robust, paving well for Sapura energy who has 11 drilling asset to deploy and are fully chartered. Outlook is bright for the next 2 yrs. The bankers taking haircut, suppliers and contractors will be paid in staggered. Consolidate the paid-up capital, issue new bonds. And shareholders will have new lease of life. It’s looking beautiful and bright for our Lady !

Looking forward for an exciting 2024. This is where Mabel think our Lady will be out of the Woods. As reported by many press, already found the "white knight" that will be cumming to save our Lady..

PATIENCE Lady Sapura.. Tak kan lari Gunung di Kejar..

Enjoy your weekend Guys and Gals. Mabel will continue Goyang my Beautiful legs..



2023-03-31 12:25 | Report Abuse

You are talking about you ke?

You are in the Wrong Forum. There are 2000 pages written about how Bad SD is by the 3 Stooges..

Now wang to come here..

We are here to catch " Salmon" in very murky water. Either you are In or Out. You have to burn your Textbooks if you want to Fish here

Many oledi end up in cemetery (Huang and Uncles) and hanging on the trees (Blondi and Aunties)

Shoo Shoo Shoo..Pi Main Jauh Jauh

Don't kacau us here


2023-03-31 12:22 | Report Abuse

Haha Huang Huang Huang

Just because you lose doesn't mean everyone has to lose too..

Now wang to feed his pmcorpse stories into Sap ke?


2023-03-31 12:09 | Report Abuse


They all wang to borrow Mabel's panties...Hihihi..

Ya lor all wang to be Superman lar Batman lar..

All these man use panties...Hihihi


2023-03-31 11:53 | Report Abuse

Huangbk72 LOL Poor Pitiful Deranged ConMabel

Same pattern as in Serba. Keep request price drop to buy.
Ended up buy nothing.. LOL

Talk gibberish only
31/03/2023 11:28 AM

Haha Huang Huang Huang

Rindu ke?

Wait lah..

When Serba is ready to dance, Mabel will cum back..

Mabel still got 2019 Bonus Issues Serba Free Warrant in Serba..

Let see if Karim can be as smart as Sapura New CEO who can turn around his World Class Battleship..


2023-03-31 11:50 | Report Abuse

nicholas99 mabel.. you make serbadk gg. still dare come here.
31/03/2023 11:29 AM


Wow didn't know a sweet innocent gal like Mabel can make Serba GG..

what is wrong defending a Malaysian Companies?

There are over 100 stock investing and trading strategies, the "best" is always the one fits into one's personality. "Honey" or "Poison" is always a choice depending on personality, similar to many medicines could be a poison if applied to wrong patients.

Most of the well-known investors are known contrarian investors, eg. Warren Buffett, Jim Rogers, Benjamin Graham, John Templeton, etc, demonstrating "Buy Low Sell High" does work. However, for the same strategy to work for you, need to learn the conditions for applications…

Mabel was there to catch " Salmon" in very murky water. Either you are In or Out. You have to burn your Textbooks if you want to Fish there...

Even putting your money in a cemetery is not safe these days. Someone even lose 60% in that cemetery. You wang to be safe better put your money in FD and don't play with Stock Market.

Back to Serba, there are actually 3 types of Investors in Serba:

1. Bonus Issues Investors (BULL)
2. Pre July21 Suspension Investors (BEAR)
3. Post July21 Suspension Investors (BULL)

The one that benefits the most is Category 1 who was awarded Bonus Issues, Dividends and took price action during Dec 2020 rally. 2nd is Category 3 who took massive price action during July 2021 rally and November and December 2022 Pull Back.

The Biggest loser are in Category 2 who freeze like Monks refusing take price action...



2023-03-31 11:19 | Report Abuse

Wah nice to see Armada really fly..

Meow Meow Meow


2023-03-31 11:11 | Report Abuse

paktua73 hi..Sslee..Income..BobAxelord33..ahpang..
all is kita kawan kawan..

tut tut
biar kita kawan kawan
walau not same pandangan..
30/03/2023 2:53 PM

Cheers paktua73!

Meow Meow Meow


2023-03-31 11:10 | Report Abuse

Wah nice to see Armada really fly..

Meow Meow Meow


2023-03-31 10:49 | Report Abuse

Wah nice to see AA really fly..

Meow Meow Meow


2023-03-31 10:44 | Report Abuse

Where is Batman Boooby Al Chai Al Chicken?