
Mabel | Joined since 2019-02-11

Investing Experience Advanced
Risk Profile High

Disclaimers :- All Mabel comments in i3 forum are based on my investment experience across the Globe by applying the Pareto principle. No buy or sell call on any stocks in i3 forum on all my comments. You are advised to consult license banker or Remisier for any investment.





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2023-04-18 22:11 | Report Abuse sad ConHuang, the Fool Time Trader really don't know how to swing..he only knows how to freeze in front of his Computer screen

Only 3.5 sen filled. 3 sen empty...Sigh..

People ask to swing he busy body continue thinking about Mabel's age. Mabel is still young mah..Sweet 33...not 72 years old like Uncle ConHuang...

Now you know why Mabel is so relax and Goyang Kaki only..

81% Smart Traders believe the restructuring will be successful and Sapura will be out of PN17’s before June

19% Fool Time Traders thinks Sap will be delisted..

As for Mabel, I'm forward to dance with the handsome White Knight. White knight is mentioned in the corporate exercise proposal.

See the link below:

From the link above. Please see attachment @ Appendix - Proposed Scheme of arrangement.

Scroll to No. 6: PROPOSED corporate exercise m/letter 27. There is a plan for a white knight...

Perhaps instead guessing about Mabel's age why not make a guess where the handsome white prince cumming from...

Will he cums from:

Saudi Arabia ke?
Qatar ke?
UAE ke?
Petronas ke?
China ke?

Negotiation with creditors almost done.
Creditors agreed to take haircut and move on.

Court need SAP to proof at least 75% creditors agree with debt restructuring.

Debt 16Bil after haircut jadi 4-5B
SAP sell asset + Handsome White Knight 1.8B cash injection to settle debt

White Knight private placement at 0.035sen

So Handsome...



2023-04-18 12:46 | Report Abuse

Haha Still trading above 50, 100 and 200 MA..very safe..

This counter oledi positive P&L..

If drop 60 sen, Mabel will collect..


2023-04-18 10:53 | Report Abuse cum Sap is still 4 sen?

You suppose to swing down mah...

Please get back to work..don't come here and kacau Mabel's handsome boyfriends..Shoo Shoo Shoo...pi main jauh jauh...

Now Mabel has to be in town for a meeting. If you are nice to Mabel, Mabel could use you as a driver...can chit chat a bit

Mabel will cum back later to check if my 3 sen is matched..

Keep swinging ya and don't disturb all the Smart Traders here..

This are all the Big Boys and Big Gals Playing field..certainly not for Fool Time Traders



2023-04-18 10:48 | Report Abuse

Haha Good Morning ConHuang...cannot sleep ke? Sooooooo early become a parrot..hihihi

Mabel just woke up after sleeping like a baby..

Now drinking orange juices and milk while waiting for my maid preparing my favourite omelette nice and refreshing...

Yum Yum..


2023-04-17 20:03 | Report Abuse

Haha Let's see if our Fool Time Trader ConHuang can bring it down to 3 sen..

Enough said


2023-04-17 19:20 | Report Abuse

The stock market is constantly influenced by news and events, which can lead to rapid changes in stock prices and market trends. Different types of news will bring different degree of impact to the companies affected.

Traders seek to take advantage of short-term opportunities presented by news and events, using strategies such as trading, hedging, or adjusting their portfolios in response.

As an investor, it's important to understand how to react to these developments in order to make informed decisions about your portfolio.

Problem with Fool Time Traders is that instead of taking all the above actions, he just freeze like a Monk in front of the screen.

Feeling helpless this Fool Time Traders now wang to be Rela lah, wang to be accountant lah, wang to be batman lah, wang to be fisherman lah...

Fool Time Trader.. Hahaha..

Even dead pmcorpes counter lose money..

ConHuang ConHuang ConHuang you are a disgrace to the trader community...


2023-04-17 19:08 | Report Abuse

Raja138 My remisier always reminding me, 'buy at my own risk', there is no certainty in share market Sir!!!
17/04/2023 5:49 PM

Yes Lah. This is Lesson No 1 in any Investor Education.

Warren Buffett once said, “The first rule of an investment is don't lose money. And the second rule of an investment is don't forget the first rule. And that's all the rules there are

This Fool Time Traders seems to break the above rule. 1st Lost in Pmcorpse and he never learn, he lose again in Serba.

Now he wang to cum here to lose for the 3rd time. Later he will cry in cry cry non stop for 18 months ...exactly like what happened in pmcorpse and Serba..

He's not only stubborn, he's also a Dirty Old Men..

You can't keep your hand to yourself...

Feel sorry for his parents...



2023-04-17 17:31 | Report Abuse

DatoKembara The critical question is why someone who is not a shareholder is participating in a SAP forum. If the individual dislikes the company and believes it will be delisted, then why spend their time constantly monitoring the stock price?

There are two plausible explanations for this behavior:

The person is a forum addict with no job, income, or social life - a complete loser.
The person sold their shares at the bottom, feels resentful and wants SAP to fail.
If the person claims to be participating to help novice investors avoid getting scammed in this stock, then they are dishonest and misleading.
17/04/2023 5:25 PM

Cheers Dato!

Dato knows and understand the Playing Fields..

Syabas Dato!


2023-04-17 17:29 | Report Abuse

If this counter is so bad why bother cum here..

Did you see me sibuk at Pmcorpes?

Mabel is certainly not like you...Fool Time Trader ConHuang


2023-04-17 17:28 | Report Abuse

Please lah get a life..ConHuang

If you don't know how to play with stock market don't cum here..This place is not for you..

Hate to see you lose money here again and cry non stop blaming everyone..

This place is not for you. Go back to pmcorpes

Mabel, the Compassionate Gal next door..


2023-04-17 17:26 | Report Abuse

Mummy always said..

If you got the right mindset, nothing can stop you.
If you got the wrong mindset, nothing can save you.

This Con Fool Time Trader is not destined to be in Stock Market.. Buy one lot makes alot of noises.. Complain Complain complain like babies..

One day wang to be Bad Man.. Next day wang to Rela.. Next day wang yo be Fool Time Trader..

Pity his wife.. Must be tough to live with a Con artist who don't know what he wants our of life...

Ask to swing to 3 sen also cannot... Fool Time Con Trader...


2023-04-17 17:25 | Report Abuse

Huangbk72 Poor Pitiful Deranged ConMabel

Just finished work?

I can prove so many lies posted by you.

Can you prove 1 lie I posted?

LOL... Still posting gibberish..
17/04/2023 4:56 PM

Haha there's plenty..just scroll all his posting in SD (If he has not deleted)..he devoted 100% of his time 24x7 to kill SD.

Poor Oldies..Even a dead counter like pmcorpes also he lose. What do you expect with a volatile counter like Serba. People took price action. He freeze like Monk...

17/04/2023 5:24 PM


2023-04-17 17:16 | Report Abuse

Haha No point taking to this Fool Time he will never understand..

He read only FOC Gravestar news paper...

No wonder always love to follow Mabel across i3 and walk 3 steps behind Mabel to learn her skills..

Haha here is another fact..This Old Men has a crush on Mabel... If only he is humble and polite, Mabel could use a good driver for her collection of Mercedes Benz..

Enough said, please practise swinging as Mabel looks forward to collect 3 sen tomorrow ya..

Sigh...Mabel's Blonde Hair turned white oledi waiting for BatHuang's 3 sen promised..



2023-04-17 17:10 | Report Abuse

Huangbk72 Still rubbish..

MAS was delisted.

17/04/2023 4:58 PM

Haha just because you lose doesn't mean everyone has to lose..

What was rubbish?

When MAS was delisted, Mabel made lot's of money. Mabel sapu alot when it was traded below 25 sen despite many Aunties like ConHuang Crying like babies. Sold to Khazannah at offer prices with HOME RUN Profits..

That's why Mabel said, Stock Market is not for you.

Shoo Shoo Shoo...Pi main Jauh Jauh...



2023-04-17 17:04 | Report Abuse

Haha Fool Time Trader don't know ke?

I thought you are suppose to be an expert here...

As long as Shahril and his band of yes-man BOD are purged out, there is hope for Sapura to get back on the right track. Loss making legacy projects and mega debts are some of the incredible mess left behind by the previous senior management. The new CEO is certainly well aware of the issues, the monumental tasks ahead and is prepared to do what is necessary.

It is getting clear and final, the New Management has decided to dispose it's upstream arm SapuraOMV, it's most valuable asset. The current scenario where oil price is high compare to 2019, is good strategy to dispose to pare debt. Even Austria OMV has the same thought. Pttep and others will be willing to buy over this oil wells. This 50% stake of SapuraOMV should fetch significantly higher price compared to 2019 ( 3.8 B ).

When more and more people surface to talk negatively about Sapura Energy, and the price is stagnant over one year, meaning someone is buying big time in the past few days. Only small numbers of traders taking position to trade on the financial result. The big timer is taking opportunity to accumulate this shares. They depress the share price from 4.5 cent to 3.5 cent. Knowing very well the share price already at bottom. The current upcycle of oil and gas business where upstream activity is robust, paving well for Sapura energy who has 11 drilling asset to deploy and are fully chartered. Outlook is bright for the next 2 yrs. The bankers taking haircut, suppliers and contractors will be paid in staggered. Consolidate the paid-up capital, issue new bonds. And shareholders will have new lease of life. It’s looking beautiful and bright for our Lady !

Looking forward for an exciting 2024. This is where Mabel think our Lady will be out of the Woods. As reported by many press, already found the "white knight" that will be cumming to save our Lady..

PATIENCE Lady Sapura.. Tak kan lari Gunung di Kejar..

Lady Mabel Al Meow


2023-04-17 16:59 | Report Abuse

Sapnrg Full year 2023 earnings released: The operating profit has improved 400% VS last year.

Full year 2023 results:
• RM0.20 loss per share (improved from RM0.57 loss in FY 2022).
• Revenue: RM4.55b (up 11% from FY 2022).
• Net loss: RM3.20b (loss narrowed 65% from FY 2022).

Revenue is forecast to stay flat during the next 3 years, in line with the revenue forecast for the Energy Services industry in Malaysia.

Over the last 3 years on average, earnings per share has fallen by 28% per year and the company’s share price has also fallen by 28% per year.

Thank you Uncle and Aunties for selling to Mabel at 28% discounted prices. Soooooo apy. Mabel average holding cost is now less than 4 sen and Brent is moving towards USD 80. Life is so beautiful..



2023-04-17 16:57 | Report Abuse

Negotiation with creditors almost done.
Creditors agreed to take haircut and move on.

Court need SAP to proof at least 75% creditors agree with debt restructuring.

Debt 16Bil after haircut jadi 4-5B
SAP sell asset + Handsome White Knight 1.8B cash injection to settle debt

White Knight private placement at 0.035sen



2023-04-17 16:56 | Report Abuse

You think PNB will let SAP delisting?.

The biggest Creditor in Sap is Maybank and PNB is the biggest shareholder in Maybank..

Mabel hope tomorrow our Superman and Batman Uncles and Aunties can help Mabel to collect more at 3 sen...



2023-04-17 16:55 | Report Abuse

Here's more fact..

Mabel Cost is now below 4 sen

PNB holding cost is 30 sen..Surely PNB wants recovery too..

As long as our cost is below PNB, there's nothing to fear..

Hopefully some nice Uncle and Aunties will sell to Mabel tomorrow at 3 sen..

Meow Meow Meow


2023-04-17 16:44 | Report Abuse

ConHuang want to be a hero ke?

Did we use your money to buy Sap ke?

Why are you do busy body ConHuang?

81% Smart Traders believe the restructuring will be successful and Sapura will be out of PN17’s before June

19% Fool Time Traders thinks Sap will be delisted..

As for Mabel, I'm looking forward to dance with the handsome White Knight..

Meow Meow Meow


2023-04-17 16:42 | Report Abuse

Huangbk72 Poor No Understand

Still not getting the big picture..

I am not preventing ConMabel.. Im here to fact check that conman.

Why you cannot process this info and link it to Media and IB.. Hahahhaha... Go ask your lawyer.

What does this have to do with me being conned by him? hahahhaa.. your comprehension skill is atrocious
17/04/2023 11:38 AM

Haha ConHuang is here ke?

Please stay away from this counter. It is not good for your health to cum and gamble here..

This place is only for those who are well verse with playing fields. It's not for crying babies and certainly not for crying Old Men

If you have lost money previously even in a dead counter like pmcorpes better stay out. You simply cannot handle this stress..

Better put your money in Fixed Deposit.

Shoo Shoo Shoo..

Better listen to PMX's advise ya...

Having Panties is more important these day. Since your resources are limited, better starts wearing your panties down under and not up and above....Sigh still 4 sen..

Mabel, the Silky Gal Next Door


2023-04-17 13:07 | Report Abuse

Still steady.. If drop 60 sen will collect


2023-04-17 00:19 | Report Abuse

Ya lor..

There is pole made in the telegram group

81% Smart Traders believe the restructuring will be successful and Sapura will be out of PN17’s before June

19% Fool Time Traders thinks Sap will be delisted..

As for Mabel, I'm forward to dance with the handsome White Knight..

Meow Meow Meow


2023-04-16 13:37 | Report Abuse

Haha at RM 42 per month can only buy On-line panties..

Even normal Triumph cannot buy...

You can forget high end panties like Gucci silk and crystal corset..

Better listen to PMX's advise ya...

Having Panties is more important these day. Last advise, since your resources are limited, better starts wearing your panties down under and not up and above. You just cannot afford to be a crying superheroes.

Mabel, the Silky Gal Next Door


2023-04-16 11:54 | Report Abuse

Dear Uncles,Aunties and Old Men..

Please stay away from this counter. It is not good for your health to cum and gamble here..

This place is only for those who are well verse with playing fields. It's not for crying babies, crying Uncles and Aunties and certainly not for crying Old Men

If you have lost money previously even in a dead counter like pmcorpes better stay out. You simply cannot handle the stress..

Better put your money in Fixed Deposit.

Shoo Shoo Shoo..

Listen to PMX advise below


Anwar: Majority of EPF contributors do not have enough funds for retirement

Thursday, 23 Feb 20234:34 PM MYT

KUALA LUMPUR: Two-thirds or 71% of Employees Provident Fund (EPF) active contributors who are aged 55 and below do not have enough funds to raise them above the poverty level, warns Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

"As of Dec 31 last year, a total of 6.7 million contributors or 51% of those aged under 55, had savings of less than RM10,000 following the withdrawals.

"With this amount, members only have on average RM42 a month in retirement funds over a period of 20 years," explained Anwar.

He said the insufficient EPF savings requires attention as the nation was moving towards an ageing nation status, adding that it could have a large impact on the country and its people, especially in terms of productivity, social wellbeing, quality of life and health.


2023-04-14 21:56 | Report Abuse

"I don't look to jump over seven-foot bars; I look around for one-foot bars that I can step over."
- Warren Buffett

Problem with this ConHuang is that he try to jump over seven-foot bars without understanding the playing fields..thinking he is a Fool Time Trader..

That's why he's complaining all the time..



2023-04-14 21:13 | Report Abuse

Understand How much you have lost ? I remember you mentioned you lost at Serba and managed to divert in time. After that you trying to save the rest of the share holder
14/04/2023 6:33 PM

You believe what ConHuang said?

Even a dead counter like pmcorpes also he lose. What do you expect with a volatile counter like Serba. People took price action. He goes and freeze like Monk.

Mummy always said..

If you got the right mindset, nothing can stop you.
If you got the wrong mindset, nothing can save you.

This Con Fool Time Trader is not destined to be in Stock Market.. Buy one lot makes alot of noises.. Complain Complain complain like babies..

One day wang to be Bad Man.. Next day wang to Rela.. Next day wang yo be Fool Time Trader..

Pity his wife.. Must be tough to live with a Con artist who don't know what he wants our of life...

Ask to swing to 3 sen also cannot... Fool Time Con Trader...


2023-04-14 17:22 | Report Abuse

Please lah get a life..ConHuang

If you don't know how to play with stock market don't cum here..

This place is not for you..



2023-04-14 17:20 | Report Abuse

Haha ConHuang

Where is Mabel 3 sen?

Simple thing like this also cannot do..

I thought you are Fool Time Trader?


2023-04-14 16:44 | Report Abuse

Did we borrow your money to buy Sap ke?


2023-04-14 16:43 | Report Abuse

Why are you do busy body ConHuang?


2023-04-14 16:43 | Report Abuse

Did we use your money to buy Sap ke?


2023-04-14 16:43 | Report Abuse

ConHuang want to be a hero ke?


2023-04-14 16:42 | Report Abuse

Hate to see you lose money here again and cry non stop blaming everyone
This place is not for you
Go back to pmcorpes


2023-04-14 16:40 | Report Abuse

Better for you to get lost than making a fool of yourself


2023-04-14 16:39 | Report Abuse

We don't need cry babies in this forum


2023-04-14 16:39 | Report Abuse

If Sap is so bad why are you still here


2023-04-14 16:39 | Report Abuse

ConHuang why are you here


2023-04-14 16:38 | Report Abuse

This place is not mend for loser like you..


2023-04-14 16:37 | Report Abuse

Shoo Shoo Shoo pi main jauh jauh ConHuang


2023-04-14 16:36 | Report Abuse

ConHuang fail to deliver 3 sen wang to talk big


2023-04-14 16:35 | Report Abuse

Who are you actually?


2023-04-14 16:35 | Report Abuse

This week ConHuang is a Fool time trader..


2023-04-14 16:34 | Report Abuse

Last week ConHuang want to be bad man


2023-04-14 16:34 | Report Abuse

ConHuang want to be Rela


2023-04-14 16:34 | Report Abuse

Huang Huang Huang..

Shoo Shoo Shoo..

Go back to your pmcorpes

If this counter is so bad why bother cum here..

Did you see me sibuk at Pmcorpes?

Not like you

Fool Time Trader ConHuang