
Mkt_watcher | Joined since 2020-09-02

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1 month ago | Report Abuse

Crucial level now. Can see the battle between bottom-fishers and shorties :)
If down, they will cont to short. If up from here >.91/92, shorties will scramble to cover..then up up lol


2021-02-22 20:58 | Report Abuse

Bro..IDSS and PDT shorting ban extended to 29 Aug 2021.

Posted by Mikecyc > Feb 22, 2021 8:45 PM | Report Abuse

Haha talk of RSS do Shorting ... IDSS n PDT will start to do Shorting after ban is lifted by 1st March


2021-02-10 21:05 | Report Abuse

Posted by mita29 > Feb 10, 2021 8:58 PM | Report Abuse

3.13% as of 9th.

Thanks @mita29

Hmm..shorties' bullets slowly running out..will be interesting if SBB is done in even a "semi-aggressive" way :)
(Save the aggressive SBB for when QR & dividend is declared) hehe


2021-02-10 20:53 | Report Abuse

Does anyone have the latest figure for % shorted? Last I heard was 2.98% - that was 2 or 3 days ago..?

I know there is a 1 day lag for reporting..but I do recall that on Monday, short sellers were quite active shorting around the 6.30 level.
Was just curious. Thanks.


2021-02-09 11:03 | Report Abuse


As others have said, what you're suggesting is gambling, not investing.
There may come a time when your good luck runs out: Say you all in a stock at rm0.06..then some bad news come out and it drop to rm0.02 or 0.01.
What you have earned 3 or 4 rounds..all gone.

Or worse still: Say you all in a penny stock at rm0.20. Then the counter suspended due to financial problems (PN17, etc). Sometimes they NEVER list back. You would have then lost ALL your capital.
(I have personally seen this happen with my friend before..lost a large portion of his savings)

My advice: Dont be in a rush. Dont be greedy..there is rarely a shortcut to earn money. Spend some time and study the company before you invest.
If you want to try your luck to earn big money quick, maybe better to go to Genting and play roulette (when it reopens lol). Just my point of view. Cheers.


2021-02-06 21:15 | Report Abuse

So..using your logic, if a company is THAT bad (and over-priced, as you claim TG is), the price will come down regardless of people keep saying that it will go up, right?
So why are you here everyday trying to convince people that it will come down?

In my opinion, most of the people here already made up their own mind whether they want to buy, hold or sell (whether it is to add on, cutloss or whatever). Some have long term view, some medium & some are short term traders. We are all adults here with freedom of choice & its' consequences.
As for the price, in the end the market will determine the fair (or equilibrium) price.
Since you don't seem to own any TG shares, perhaps your time would be better spent in other forums where you DO own shares..?
Just a suggestion..

Posted by Honesty > Feb 6, 2021 7:56 PM | Report Abuse

If a company is good enough, people will hold tight on its share regadless of any negative news or feedback.
Only when the company is not that good, that people keep on defending and promoting the company in order to con others to come in.


2021-02-05 15:03 | Report Abuse

Finally..Blue skies are here :)


2021-02-04 15:30 | Report Abuse

Posted by scanner > Feb 4, 2021 3:27 PM | Report Abuse

Those who played contra have already left when it was around 7.05

You think all punters are so smart to sell at the high ah? Lol
Contra players are gamblers..most of the time, they will hold on as long as possible!


2021-02-04 15:19 | Report Abuse's not such a mystery why TG price has been struggling tdy la.

It's T+3 for last friday's trade (very high volume). No matter how much i3 'elders' here advised ppl not to trade contra, there will be some who will try their luck. When rallying, some will be tempted to 'take a ride' on it.
So of course there will be some forced selling today.

The CW issue and RSS also possibly has contributed to the downtrend tdy.

Those who have, I would advise : just hold for now.
Those who want to add, it may be a good opportunity.

Re the CWs..most of the CWs that expires after end-Feb are 'out of the money' (for the punters) next month onwards, there is one less "negative factor" for glove stocks. So try and hold til next month.
(Not to mention QR will be good & excellent dividend will be declared).


2021-02-03 15:28 | Report Abuse

Someone must have forgotten to close the kennel door..All the dogs are out barking today LOL!


2021-01-29 16:41 | Report Abuse

The 'buy-side' pp are playing a very smart game: They push up, clear the large amt sellers..then they 'let' it drop back. This is to DRAW OUT the sellers/ shorts. Let the sellers queue up again..then the buyers come back and clear again. This way, it makes the shorties use up more bullets.

Hopefully, soon they will run out of bullets :)


2021-01-27 16:37 | Report Abuse

Closing above prev high of 4.73 would be excellent :)


2021-01-26 12:56 | Report Abuse

I was thinking the same thing..the dividend is too low (I realise it's for 1 qtr, but still..)
Rm 1b profit for 1 qtr, your expansion already underway (and funds should be already allocated), sitting on rm2b cash..and you pay out a miserly 9 sen as dividend? What a joke.

As a long term investor, most people don't mind holding a stock that's not going up much in price, but when the co. is earning super-normal profits, you should share some of that with the shareholders.
No need to be so stingy.

If the dividend was higher the share price may not have dropped so much, or maybe even might have gone the short sellers would think twice about shorting, because the ex-date is near (and they have to pay the lenders the div amount)
Anyway, just my opinion..


2021-01-08 16:48 | Report Abuse


No worries..but your point is well taken. Unlikely for TG to hit limit up lol.
It's ok..if can go up 5-10% daily, it wud be fantastic alredi!


2021-01-08 16:32 | Report Abuse

Actually just fyi..for index linked stocks: L.Up is 30%; and limit down is 15%

Posted by aphrodite > Jan 8, 2021 4:22 PM

TG can't reach 7 lah. LU is 15%


2021-01-08 16:08 | Report Abuse

Btw..dont get me wrong..i'm very happy with TG performance today.
Excellent returns for a stock with 8.2 bil shares!


2021-01-08 16:06 | Report Abuse

Wow..all flying, apart from TG.
S'max rm1 up, Careplus approaching limit up price. Impressive!


2021-01-08 15:46 | Report Abuse

THIS is what you call a proper 'Short Squeeze"! Lol


2021-01-06 09:44 | Report Abuse

@Ben Tan
Good post.
I think people have to view Glove stocks as an investment now. Trading/contra will be tricky with these RSS guys around.
With a long term view, fundamentals (QR, PAT, EPS, PE ratio) will eventually determine the (fair) price.

TRYLUCK88, you can find a quick analysis on the available data here:


2021-01-04 14:57 | Report Abuse

Nice price action..momentum building.
Could see a nice rebound today :)


2021-01-04 09:45 | Report Abuse


They will buy back..but slowly and 'quietly'..not many will follow, so the buy effect is less pronounced.
This is their skill at 'controlling' the price.


2021-01-04 09:40 | Report Abuse

This has nothing to do with valuation, earnings, fair value, blah blah..

Just the big boys flexing their muscles & taking advantage of the (allowed) loophole. Just scare the small investors & then they make big money.
Sad but true


2021-01-04 09:36 | Report Abuse

This is what happens when you allow RSS.
I've seen this type of things before..had a friend who worked for one of the big funds a few years back (he had to key in the orders)
They made tons on RSS..


2020-12-19 16:27 | Report Abuse

I agree 100%. But whether we like it or not, when they make a mistake (like the CW pricing), and they suppress the share price..their problem becomes our problem, unfortunately.
Whoever said life was fair!

Posted by Morpheus61 > Dec 19, 2020 4:13 PM | Report Abuse

Mkt_watcher, Whether the IB hedged enough or not is their Problem. Not Ours.


2020-12-19 16:23 | Report Abuse

Agreed mate.
The way I look at Analyst's Reports is as follows:
You know in some Olympic sports (like diving, ice skating,etc) where they have 7 or 9 judges? They will 'remove' or disregard the highest and lowest score (sometimes the 2 highest and 2 lowest). This is because humans will make mistakes (or have ill motives) on both the upside and downside. Then you'll get a better 'consensus' score/opinion.

The same way, we can disregard the JP Morgan's ridiculous RM3.50 call..and ALSO the overly optimistic Citibank TP (Rm70 or was it Rm100? lol). Anyway, that's how I look at TPs by different analysts. The true value is somewhere between the extremes.

Posted by ToneeFa > Dec 19, 2020 1:33 PM

Agree with your analysis, in fact I see that IBs are all preparing the base for the 2nd coming glove rally, as their analysts are all changing tune to speak favorably of the coming glove super profits days, now that all the undervalued CWs are out of the way, and also with the vaccine stories out, its clear that vaccines would not immediately solve the problems and with the pandemic now underway on a powerful 2nd wave in many parts of the world including Msia, the forward demand for glove would only become more intense in the coming months, and its not an overestimation to say that global shortage of glove supply will extend till end of 2022 into 2023 and ASP would remain on high side at least until end 2022


2020-12-19 16:11 | Report Abuse

My understanding is that IBs usually hedge their position by holding the mother shares, BUT NOT 100% hedging. Remember CWs are actually just meant for trading..they don't expect investors to exercise (or claim the difference in the case of SCWs). Usually, CWs just expire and their value is zero at the end (IBs win evrytime)

My guess is that they did not hedge enough and didnt expect the rally to keep going like it did. Stocks rarely even go up 100% in 6 months, let alone 500% or 1000%! They got caught out.
In desperation, they have to resort to 'dirty' tricks. And they have enough shares to control its' movements. Most important to them is the bottom line..some people are willing to do anything for money. Sad but true.

Posted by bspiah > Dec 19,2020 2:07 PM

To suppress the mother shares price because of the CW issued the IB would need to hold the mother shares as well. If IB are holding mother shares any increase in price will also contribute to their income. So there is no necessity for IB to suppress the price just because the CW is now ITM. Unless the IB bought the mother shares at high prices and ITM CW gain by investors is much much greater. Just my 2 sen


2020-12-19 09:58 | Report Abuse

BTW I'm not defending or justifying what the IBs are doing..which in my view DOES amount to mkt manipulation (and should be investigated by Bursa & the SC)


2020-12-19 09:55 | Report Abuse


The reason why the IBs have to (allegedly) suppress the price of the mother shares (of the Big Four) now is that they miscalculated the pricing of the EARLIER issued CWs, especially the SCWs (where they have to pay cash settlements).

The IBs never expected gloves share prices to skyrocket like they did. They learnt their lesson and priced their LATER CWs with very high Exercise Prices/ Ratios..resulting in the CWs mostly being out of the money (for the punters). So there is no danger of the IBs losing money either thru CW conversion or cash settlement for SCWs.

So the "effect" of suppressing the mother shares will wane as time goes on imo. I have not looked directly at when (I have no interest in CWs whatsoever lol)..but others with knowledge have stated that the CWs maturing in Feb 2021 onwards are all "out of the money". So we SHOULD see a smoother progression higher for these stocks from Feb 2021 onwards imo. Hold tight & go0d luck :)


2020-11-19 14:42 | Report Abuse

Finally! Someone came out and said what most of us here have known all along: The vaccination procedure will require MORE GLOVES!

Thank you RHB, even though it is stating the obvious.

In this age of misinformation and epidemic of stupidity that exists..sometimes the obvious HAS to be stated for ppl to understand LOL


2020-11-19 14:36 | Report Abuse

Finally! Someone came out and said what most of us here have known all along: Vaccination procedure will require MORE GLOVES!

Thank you RHB, even though it is stating the obvious.

In this age of misinformation and epidemic of stupidity that exists..sometimes the obvious HAS to be stated for ppl to understand LOL


2020-11-19 09:32 | Report Abuse

The 'travel bubble' between HK and Spore should benefit Genting Spore.

Indirect beneficiaries will be Genting Bhd
Hold on tightly to your shares :)


2020-11-12 16:16 | Report Abuse

Don't you think it's 'funny' how JUST BEFORE the 'calculation' period starts for the CW price, the IB that issues the CW will come out with a research report..with lower TP?
They will try to make it look balanced, mentioning future demand, profits, etc..but at the end LOWER their target price!

TopGlove CW (issued by Ambank) expiry is Nov next week will start calculation of average price.
Same thing happened with the Macquarie-issued CW remember? That stupid analyst gave rm5.50 TP or something like that lol.

Don't you think it's SUCH a coincidence?? Hmmm


2020-11-10 11:12 | Report Abuse

Some points to consider before you panic and sell your glove stock (ESPECIALLY for those who bought with cash, not margin or contra):
(Others have alredi made some of this points. Anyway..)

1. This vaccine has not been peer-reviewed yet. Let's say for arguments sake it is successful; it will still take AT LEAST a year or 18 months to vaccinate a large portion of the population. Also, in the US and some parts of Europe (the biggest markets), many people will refuse to take the vaccine. ie. Even though ASPs may normalise a bit, the DEMAND will still be there (esp US, where the country is divided..remember Trump got 70mil votes!).
On top of that, this mRNA vaccine needs to be stored at -70 degrees Celsius. Many US hospitals dont even have this facility. It is going to take a long time to vaccinate ppl in hot weather countries in Asia, Africa & South America.

2. Remember what Harta boss said: Demand will be high for next 3 years. All the big 4 (&others) have big Capex plans. Also, Pet Chem has started building a plant for raw materials. All these ppl wont simply put money into something that they cant benefit from.

3. Even with a vaccine, gloves will be used a lot. When the F&B, hospitality, travel industries reopen, the staff will be required to use gloves.So there will be high demand, even in a post-Covid world.

4.From the above points, i am assuming that Glove stocks' PAT will still be high for next 2-3 years AT LEAST. Even if you're caught at a high price..just hold and take the dividends in the meantime. All the Big 4 have Dividend Payout policies (ranging from 30%-50%), and some like TG has said they will start paying dividends every quarter from 2021.

Even if you have to sell, wait for some recovery to get a better exit price. This is currently a knee-jerk reaction.
Good luck.


2020-11-10 11:06 | Report Abuse

Some points to consider before you panic and sell your glove stock (ESPECIALLY for those who bought with cash, not margin or contra):
(Others have alredi made some of this points. Anyway..)

1. This vaccine has not been peer-reviewed yet. Let's say for arguments sake it is successful; it will still take AT LEAST a year or 18 months to vaccinate a large portion of the population. Also, in the US and some parts of Europe (the biggest markets), many people will refuse to take the vaccine. ie. Even though ASPs may normalise a bit, the DEMAND will still be there (esp US, where the country is divided..remember Trump got 70mil votes!).
On top of that, this mRNA vaccine needs to be stored at -70 degrees Celsius. Many US hospitals dont even have this facility. It is going to take a long time to vaccinate ppl in hot weather countries in Asia, Africa & South America.

2. Remember what Harta boss said: Demand will be high for next 3 years. All the big 4 (&others) have big Capex plans. Also, Pet Chem has started building a plant for raw materials. All these ppl wont simply put money into something that they cant benefit from.

3. Even with a vaccine, gloves will be used a lot. When the F&B, hospitality, travel industries reopen, the staff will be required to use gloves.So there will be high demand, even in a post-Covid world.

4.From the above points, i am assuming that Glove stocks' PAT will still be high for next 2-3 years AT LEAST. Even if you're caught at a high price..just hold and take the dividends in the meantime. All the Big 4 have Dividend Payout policies (ranging from 30%-50%), and some like TG has said they will start paying dividends every quarter from 2021.

Even if you have to sell, wait for some recovery to get a better exit price. This is currently a knee-jerk reaction.
Good luck.


2020-11-10 11:01 | Report Abuse

Some points to consider before you panic and sell your glove stock (ESPECIALLY for those who bought with cash, not margin or contra):
(Others have alredi made some of this points. Anyway..)

1. This vaccine has not been peer-reviewed yet. Let's say for arguments sake it is successful; it will still take AT LEAST a year or 18 months to vaccinate a large portion of the population. Also, in the US and some parts of Europe (the biggest markets), many people will refuse to take the vaccine. ie. Even though ASPs may normalise a bit, the DEMAND will still be there (esp US, where the country is divided..remember Trump got 70mil votes!).
On top of that, this mRNA vaccine needs to be stored at -70 degrees Celsius. Many US hospitals dont even have this facility. It is going to take a long time to vaccinate ppl in hot weather countries in Asia, Africa & South America.

2. Remember what Harta boss said: Demand will be high for next 3 years. All the big 4 (&others) have big Capex plans. Also, Pet Chem has started building a plant for raw materials. All these ppl wont simply put money into something that they cant benefit from.

3. Even with a vaccine, gloves will be used a lot. When the F&B, hospitality, travel industries reopen, the staff will be required to use gloves.So there will be high demand, even in a post-Covid world.

4.From the above points, i am assuming that Glove stocks' PAT will still be high for next 2-3 years AT LEAST. Even if you're caught at a high price..just hold and take the dividends in the meantime. All the Big 4 have Dividend Payout policies (ranging from 30%-50%), and some like TG has said they will start paying dividends every quarter from 2021.

Even if you have to sell, wait for some recovery to get a better exit price. This is currently a knee-jerk reaction.
Good luck.


2020-11-06 10:25 | Report Abuse

Just fyi: I noticed today announcement of Private Placement. But quite low price.. 3.73.

Maybe that's why struggling to move today.
Anyway, just fyi.
Not a call to buy or sell.


2020-11-05 12:19 | Report Abuse

Read the report again.
17 workers tested positive SINCE JANUARY 2020.
Doesn't say how many at the moment (in fairness, they should have clarified)

Could be just 1 0r 2 right now for all we know.
Anyway, it's not a big deal..TG alredi said didn't affect operations.
Looks like just another excuse to sell down. Sigh..


2020-11-04 15:21 | Report Abuse

Not only mail in, but EARLY VOTE ballots too.
Whether can overcome deficit in Michigan, Wisconsin..remains to be seen

Nov 4, 2020 3:04 PM | Report Abuse

A lot of mail in votes are not counted yet though.


2020-11-03 14:45 | Report Abuse

Looking good for a push..
Needs a small nudge by S'max to move, but looking more & more like it can move 'on its own'

Of course, better if all move up together..


2020-11-03 12:08 | Report Abuse

This time around, I heard that the polls took into account the STATE polls (incl each county). So they wont make the same mistake again.
See my earlier post (few pages ago) why i think Trump will lose heavily. Anyway, just my hunch/ opinion.

Btw Biden win will also be good for US markets..the stimulus package is expected to be much bigger with Dems in power. Only downside is that Trump won't leave quietly.
Let's see how it goes


2020-11-03 11:59 | Report Abuse

Actually, the 2016 polls were correct. Hillary got 3 MILLION more votes than trump. It was just the weird 'electoral college' system of tabulation that benefitted Trump. Essentially, it was a fluke.

Posted by laychee > Nov 3,2020 10:40 AM Report Abuse

Why you people believe in polls? The polls predicted Hillary victory back in 2016.


2020-11-03 09:37 | Report Abuse

This 'windfall tax' story has been circulating for months.
Unlikely imo.

But even if it is true, I remember reading in some articles (about a month or so ago), that the big glove-producing companies have already set aside/allocated some funds to handle it if it materialises.
So it's not really that big a deal
(but I still feel it won't it's a good opportunity to accumulate/add imho)


2020-11-03 08:56 | Report Abuse

My opinion; Biden will win & win big. However, we may not be able to CONFIRM the results until thursday or friday. This is because some states do not ALLOW mail-in ballots to START being counted til AFTER the polls closes tomorrow. (Democrats tend to overwhelmingly vote by mail, much more than Repubs)
So the results in some states may show Trump leading first, but once mail-in ballots are counted, Biden will catch up & win.

The question is whether Trump will go quietly when he loses. (If big loss margin, he can't contest/cheat in the courts). But he could make it very difficult & nasty during the transition period (until 20th Jan).

Btw 3 'simple' reasons why I think Trump will lose?
Handling of Covid was/is awful;
As a result, the economy is devastated; and
Racial injustice will motivate many blacks & hispanics to vote him out.

Peace :)


2020-10-22 11:18 | Report Abuse

You're welcome, Mabel.
These 'Fake News' buggers getting very sneaky these days lol

Posted by Mabel Oct 22, 2020 10:57 AM | Report Abuse

@Mkt_watcher Posted by mf Report Abuse

On the potential implementation of the windfall tax, analysts believe it

This is FAKE NEWS.
The full sentence (in today's The Star Online) is: " On the potential implementation of the windfall tax, analysts believe it would still be a no go"

Be careful of these lowlifes, trying to mislead ppl.
mf lives up to his name i guess :)
22/10/2020 9:46 AM

Thank you watcher!


2020-10-22 09:46 | Report Abuse

Posted by mf Report Abuse

On the potential implementation of the windfall tax, analysts believe it

This is FAKE NEWS.
The full sentence (in today's The Star Online) is: " On the potential implementation of the windfall tax, analysts believe it would still be a no go"

Be careful of these lowlifes, trying to mislead ppl.
mf lives up to his name i guess :)


2020-10-22 09:28 | Report Abuse

Posted by mf Report Abuse

On the potential implementation of the windfall tax, analysts believe it

This is FAKE news.
The full sentence (in today's The Star) is: " On the potential implementation of the windfall tax, analysts believe it would still be a no go"

Be careful of these lowlifes, trying to mislead ppl.
mf lives up to his name i guess :)


2020-10-09 14:44 | Report Abuse

Hmmm..I guess not.

Posted by Mkt_watcher > Oct 9, 2020 11:12 AM | Report Abuse X

Has anyone done the research about when the LAST of these "in the money" CWs will expire?
I know that the early ones the IBs issued still in the money (ie. they hv to pay the difference)
They obviously learnt from the initial mistake and all subsequent ones were 'out of the money' (ie. in the IBs favour).

I'm holding TG for long term, but this is ridiculous. Harta, Kossan, S'max all nicely up today..TG struggling to even turn green.

Re the expiry, I hv heard some say end of Oct; and some say til end of the year. Any info?


2020-10-09 11:12 | Report Abuse

Has anyone done the research about when the last of these "in the money" CW will expire?
I know that the early ones the IBs issued still in the money (ie. they hv to pay the difference). They obviously learnt from the initial mistake and all subsequent ones were 'out of the money' (ie. in the IBs favour).

I'm holding TG for long term, but this is ridiculous. Harta, Kossan, S'max all nicely up today..TG struggling to even turn green.

Re the expiry, I hv heard some say end of Oct; and some say til end of the year. Any info?